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Expand 45 - Court papers for cases arising in Houghton.45 - Court papers for cases arising in Houghton.
Collapse 46 - Court papers for cases arising in Huntingdon.46 - Court papers for cases arising in Huntingdon.
1 - Articles of Libel against James Colton of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon, in a cause of Defamation against Jane Melton wife of Thomas Melton. Articles issued by Thomas Monison, Vicar-General of the Diocese of Lincoln on behalf of William, Archbishop of Canterbury due to the imprisonment and suspension of John, Bishop of Lincoln.
2 - Citation paper against Phillip Soaper and Thomas Ashton, Churchwardens of All Saints Church, Huntingdon in 1663 'for not giving up their churchwardens account' and to William Phillips and Robert Yorke, Churchwardens for the year 1664 for the like offence.
3 - Memorandum probably from the Bishop of Lincoln that he is informed by the Corporation of Huntingdon that despite the unions of the Parish of St Johns to that of All Saints and St Benedict to that of St Mary (by the provisions of the Act of 17 Charles II c. 3) they are still insufficient 'to maintayne an able and Learned Divine to perform Sacred Offices'.
4 - Articles of Libel against Thomas Thomason of the parish of St John the Baptist Huntingdon, in a cause of substraction of tithes on hay, cows and sheep due to Edmund Rouse, Rector of St John the Baptist Huntingdon for the years 1660-1670.
5 - Statement that on 28 September 1670 Duling Salmon, one of the Proctors of the Archdeaconry Court of Huntingdon appeared for Joanna Manning widow of Jeremiah Maning and alleged for and on behalf of the said Joanna that he hath heard that her husband did in conjunction with Silvester Beadells demolished the Parish Church of St John the Baptist Huntingdon, by order of the Council of State but whether her husband had any money made of materials at the time of his death she knows not.
6 - Articles of Libel against John Beard of the Parish of St Mary and St Benedict in a cause of substraction of Church rate brought by Thomas Dayles and William Judson, Churchwardens. Note: concerns rate for the repairs of the Church bells).
7 - Citation paper against Charles Lambe of the Parish of St Mary and St Benedict in a cause of substraction of Church rate brought by William Judson and Thomas Dayles, Churchwardens. At Buckden. Note: concerns rate for the repairs of the Church bells).
8 - Citation paper against Charles Lambe (above mentioned) in a cause of substraction of Church rate brought by William Judson and Thomas Dayles, Churchwardens. Cited personally by John Argent, Apparitor, 13 November 1672. At Buckden. Note: concerns rate for the repairs of the Church bells).
9 - Citation paper against William Powell of the Parish of St Mary and St Benedict in a cause of substraction of Church rate brought by William Judson and Thomas Dayles, Churchwardens. At Buckden. Note: concerns rate for the repairs of the Church bells.
10 - Second copy of the above mentioned citation (AH4/251/46/9). At Buckden. Note: concerns rate for the repairs of the Church bells).
11 - Articles against Edward Johnson, poulberer, in a cause of substraction of tithes of pigeons on a parcel of land part of the Priory of Huntingdon but by Grant of Henry VIII exempt from payment of tithe pigeons. Cause brought by Edmund Rouse, Rector of All Saints and St Johns Huntingdon.
12 - Responses of Edward Johnson to the Articles of Libel against him in a cause of substraction of tithes of pigeons in the years 1674 and 1675. Responses given before John Manton, Rector of Southoe, Surrogate of the Archdeaconry Court.
13 - Articles of Libel against Thomas Nun of the Parish of St John the Baptist in a cause of substraction of tithes of wheat, barley, rye, oats, peas, beans and hay due to Edward Rouse, Rector of St Johns for the years 1670-1675.
14 - Articles of Libel against James Powell of the Parish of St Mary and St Benedict in a cause of substraction of Church rate to repair the bells and steeple of St Mary's brought by William Judson and Thomas Dayles, Churchwardens.
15 - Citation paper against John Herriman of Huntingdon, gentleman, in a cause of building a seat in Church without a licence. Citation served personally by John Durant, Apparitor, Saturday 2 October 1680.
16 - Citation paper against Thomas Sawyer, gentleman, John Mantell, yeoman, Henry Melton, blacksmith, and Job Bradshaw, blacksmith, all of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon in a cause of substraction of rate towards the repair of the Church of St Mary's Huntingdon.
17 - Citation paper against Charles Lambe in a cause of adultery with Mary Robinson widdower and begetting two bastard children by her.
18 - Depositions of Jane Lenton wife of Thomas Lenton of Huntingdon, Jane Kilburne, wife of Isaac Kilburne of Huntingdon; Henry Melton of Huntingdon, blacksmith; Job Bradshaw of Huntingdon, blacksmith, in the above mentioned case against Charles Lambe. Cause heard before Peter Emerson, Vicar of Buckden, Surrogate of the Archdeaconry Court. At Buckden.
19 - Citation paper against James Hutchinson, baker, of the Parish of St John the Baptist Huntingdon, in a cause of substraction of tithes due to Richard Carr, Rector of the Parish of St John the Baptist Huntingdon.
20 - Citation paper against Robert Archer of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon, in a cause of substraction of tithes due to Richard Carr, Rector of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon.
21 - Citation paper against Thomas Collett of the Parish of St John the Baptist Huntingdon, gentleman, in a cause of substraction of tithes due to Richard Carr, Rector of the Parish of St John the Baptist Huntingdon.
22 - Allegations against James Torkington, gentleman, of the Parish of All Saints Huntingdon, in a cause of seats in the Parish Church of St Mary Huntingdon, brought by Joseph Darloe and Henry Fowke, Churchwardens of St Mary and St Benedict Huntingdon.
23 - Responses of James Torkington to the Articles laid against him. Heard before Francis Gibson, Vicar of Buckden, Surrogate of the Archdeaconry Court.
24 - Interrogatory questions for Henry Fowke in the cause against Torkington.
25 - Articles of Libel against Thomas Griffen alias Johnson of the Parish of St Benedict Huntingdon, in a cause of adultery, fornication and the begetting of a bastard child by Mary Woodland.
26 - Citation paper against Mary Woodland in a cause of reformation (see AH4/251/46/25). Cited personally by John Whittlesey, Apparitor, 29 October 1694.
27 - Articles of libel against Mary Woodland of the parish of St Benedict Huntingdon, in a cause of reformation and correction.
28 - Articles of libel against Lionel Bludwick of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon, in a cause for not paying money remaining upon and to the succeeding Churchwardens Hugh Poole and Joshua Hinchcliffe.
29 - Articles of libel against Lionel Bludwick of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon, in a cause of substraction of Church rate.
30 - Citation paper against Thomas Gaile of Sapley, yeoman in a cause of reformation of his soul's health.
31 - Citation paper against John Clarke of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon, and Mary Clarke his wife alias Godbey in a cause of reformation, fornication before marriage. Citation served personally by John Whittlesey, Apparitor, 24 June 1699.
32 - Articles of libel against Samuel Thickpenny of the Parish of All Saints Huntingdon of the Parish of All Saints Huntingdon in a cause of adultery, fornication and incontinence with Mary Chapman of the same parish and begetting a bastard child by her.
33 - Citation paper against Thomas Dennis of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon and his wife Elizabeth Colton alias Dennis in a cause of fornication before marriage. Elizabeth Dennis cited 16 March, Thomas Dennis 18 March personally by John Whittlesey, Apparitor.
34 - Articles of libel against Thomas Dennis and Elizabeth Colton alias Dennis in the above mentioned cause.
35 - Articles of libel against William Cater and Mary Cater alias Lenton of Huntingdon in a cause of clandestine marriage.
36 - Articles of libel against John Hales of Huntingdon and Margaret William in a cause of adultery, fornication and incontinency and the begetting of a bastard child by her.
37 - Memorandum signed by several parishioners of the parish of St Benedict Huntingdon choosing Daniel Goods to be Churchwarden for the remaining part of the year for the Parish of St Benedict.
38 - Articles of libel against Andrew Harby of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon in a cause of adultery, fornication, incontinency with Elizabeth Ibott and begetting a bastard child by her.
39 - Citation paper against Joseph Fransum of Over, Cambridgeshire and Diocese of Ely, farmer, in a cause of substraction of tithes due to Daniel Goods alias Gouds of Huntingdon. At Cambridge.
40 - Citation paper against Adam Moffat of the Parish of All Saints Huntingdon --- and Mary Moffat alias Walker in a cause of clandestine marriage.
41 - Articles of libel against Adam Moffatt and Mary Moffatt alias Walker in the cause in AH4/251/46/40. (Marriage took place 28 July 1711).
42 - Decree of Edmund Gibson, Bishop of Lincoln, granting to the Curate, Churchwardens and Parishioners to alter the fence of the churchyard of St Mary's Huntingdon. See intimations for faculties AH10/269/56 - dated 20 January 1717/18.
43 - Citation paper against William Bidwell of the parish of St Benedict Huntingdon --- and William Cater of the same parish in a cause of substraction of Church rate brought by Edward Martin, Churchwarden of the Parish of St Benedict. Cited also William Cater to appear at the same time to answer to Charles Darloe and Stephen Flindell, Churchwardens of St Mary's Church in a cause of substraction of Church rate, 15 July 1720, both cited personally by John James, Apparitor.
44 - Citation paper against George Wheatley of Huntingdon - in a cause of substraction of tithes due to Hugh Mapletoft, Curate of St Mary's Huntingdon. Cited personally 25 June 1730 by Edward Jackson.
45 - Citation paper against Benjamin Julians of the parish of St Benedict, innholder, in a cause of substraction of Church rate for the repair of the parish church of St Mary Huntingdon. Cited personally by Henry Dawes, Apparitor, 6 January 1732/3 'leaving and English Note of the Contents thereof at his house.'
46 - Articles of libel against Benjamin Julians in the cause in AH4/251/46/45.
47 - Citation paper against Richard Benton of the parish of St Mary's Huntingdon in a cause of 'his Souls health & the reformation of his manners'. Cited personally 6 December 1736 by Thomas Jeyes, Apparitor.
48 - Plan of pews in St Maries Chh Hunt'. Not dated but St Mary's Church is often spelt 'St Marries' in the early 18th century.
49 - Citation paper against John Clay, Churchwarden of St John's Parish in Huntingdon in a cause of substraction of Church rate levied on the inhabitants of the Parish of St John's for repairs to the Parish Church of All Saints.
50 - An account of the Utensils belonging to All Saints' Church in Huntingdon'. Signed by John Pennington, Rector, and Thomas Pattison, Churchwarden.
51 - An account of the Utensils belonging to St Mary's Church in Huntingdon'. Signed by John Pennington, Minister, and Richard Adams, Churchwarden.
52 - Citation paper against Elizabeth the wife of William Spencer to show cause why she should not be excommunicated for not performing a schedule of penance for the crime of adultery with Robert Tape.
53 - Articles of libel against Robert Tape of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon, dancing master, in a cause of adultery with Elizabeth wife of Robert Spencer, late of the Parish of St Mary Huntingdon. See general citations AH7/247/64.
54 - Citation paper against Thomas Collins of the Parish of St John Huntingdon, baker, in a cause of defamation against Rose Fisher wife of William Fisher of the same parish, grocer.
55 - Sworn statement of Edward Ross, Officer of the court, that the citation in AH4/25/46/54 was served personally Thomas Collins on Friday 15 June 1764. Sworn before Charles Jenner, Official of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon.
56 - An Acct of the Plate Vestments &c Belonging to All Saints Church Huntingdon'. Inventory presented at the parochial visitation of Nicholas Cholwell LLB, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, 29 April 1771.
57 - An Inventory of the Books, Vessels and Vestments belonging to the Parish Church of St Mary in the Town of Huntingdon as the same was produced to the Reverend Nicholas Cholwell LLB, Archdeacon of Huntingdon on his Parochial Visitation of the said Church 29th April 1771'.
58 - Citation paper against Elizabeth the wife of Bowdolph Bull of the Parish of St John Huntingdon, blacksmith, in a cause of defamation against Jane the wife of George Fenton of the same parish.
59 - Citation paper against Thomas Clarke of the parish of St Mary's Huntingdon, publican, in a cause of substraction of Church rate for the repairs of St Mary's Church. Cited personally 1 December 1812 by Thomas Burder.
60 - Citation paper against Ann Sinkfield of the town of Huntingdon, singlewoman, in a cause of defamation against Elizabeth the wife John Bedford Thong of the same town, veterinary surgeon. Cited personally 8 June 1825 by Thomas Broughton.
61 - Citation paper against Mary Edgeley wife of George Edgeley of the Town of Huntingdon, waterman in a cause of 'uttering scandalous and defamatory words of and against Sarah Gilbert the wife of William Gilbert of the Town of Huntingdon, Publican. Cited personally 'on Mrs Edgeley at her House up Hall's yard' 13 October 1827 by William Howson.
62 - Acts done and passed at the Register Office in the Town of Huntingdon on Friday 19 October 1827, before the Reverend John Fell, Clerk, MA, Surrogate. Court held again on 25 October 1827 and then adjourned until 8 November 1827.
63 - Written recantation of Mary Edgeley. Condemned in costs £3 0s 0d.
64 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwarden of the Parish of St Benedict Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Honourable and Venerable Henry Reginald Yorke MA, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Parish Church of All Saints Huntingdon. Tuesday 9 May 1865.
65 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of the Parish of St Mary's Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Honourable and Venerable Henry Reginald Yorke MA, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Parish Church of All Saints Huntingdon. Tuesday 11 May 1869.
66 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of the Parish of All Saints Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Honourable and Venerable Henry Reginald Yorke MA, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Parish Church of All Saints Huntingdon.
67 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of the Parish of St Mary's Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Honourable and Venerable Henry Reginald Yorke MA, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Parish Church of All Saints Huntingdon.
68 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of the Parish of St Benedict Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Honourable and Venerable Henry Reginald Yorke MA, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Parish Church of All Saints Huntingdon.
69 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of All Saints Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Rt Reverend Francis Thomas McDougall, Bishop, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Princes Street School Room in Huntingdon.
70 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of St John's Parish Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Rt Reverend Francis Thomas McDougall, Bishop, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Princes Street School Room in Huntingdon.
71 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of St Mary's Parish Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Rt Reverend Francis Thomas McDougall, Bishop, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Princes Street School Room in Huntingdon.
72 - A Bill of Presentment of the Churchwardens of St Benedict's Parish Huntingdon at the Visitation of the Rt Reverend Francis Thomas McDougall, Bishop, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Princes Street School Room in Huntingdon.
73 - Huntingdon Borough settlement examination of Thomas Elliott late of Huntingdon St Mary's parish and now an enlisted soldier in General Abercorombie's Regiment of Foot
Expand 47 - Court papers for cases arising in Keyston.47 - Court papers for cases arising in Keyston.
Expand 48 - Court papers for cases arising in Kimbolton.48 - Court papers for cases arising in Kimbolton.
Expand 49 - Court papers for cases arising in Leighton Bromswold.49 - Court papers for cases arising in Leighton Bromswold.
Expand 50 - Court papers for cases arising in Molesworth.50 - Court papers for cases arising in Molesworth.
Expand 51 - Court papers for cases arising in Morborne.51 - Court papers for cases arising in Morborne.
Expand 52 - Court papers for cases arising in Water Newton.52 - Court papers for cases arising in Water Newton.
Expand 53 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord Cluny.53 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord Cluny.
Expand 54 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord d'Arcy.54 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord d'Arcy.
Expand 55 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Longueville.55 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Longueville.
Expand 56 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Waterville.56 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Waterville.
Expand 57 - Court papers for cases arising in Papworth Agnes.57 - Court papers for cases arising in Papworth Agnes.
Expand 58 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Paxton.58 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Paxton.
Expand 59 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Paxton.59 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Paxton.
Expand 60 - Court papers for cases arising in Ramsey.60 - Court papers for cases arising in Ramsey.
Expand 61 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Raveley.61 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Raveley.
Expand 62 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbots Ripton.62 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbots Ripton.
Expand 63 - Court papers for cases arising in Kings Ripton.63 - Court papers for cases arising in Kings Ripton.
Expand 64 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Ives.64 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Ives.
Expand 65 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Neots.65 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Neots.
Expand 66 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry All Saints.66 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry All Saints.
Expand 67 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry St. Andrew.67 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry St. Andrew.
Expand 68 - Court papers for cases arising in Sibson cum Stibbington.68 - Court papers for cases arising in Sibson cum Stibbington.
Expand 69 - Court papers for cases arising in Somersham. Includes cause papers for Pidley cum Fenton.69 - Court papers for cases arising in Somersham. Includes cause papers for Pidley cum Fenton.
Expand 70 - Court papers for cases arising in Spaldwick.70 - Court papers for cases arising in Spaldwick.
Expand 71 - Court papers for cases arising in Stanground.71 - Court papers for cases arising in Stanground.
Expand 72 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Staughton.72 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Staughton.
Expand 73 - Court papers for cases arising in Stilton.73 - Court papers for cases arising in Stilton.
Expand 74 - Court papers for cases arising in Stow Longa.74 - Court papers for cases arising in Stow Longa.
Expand 75 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Stukeley.75 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Stukeley.
Expand 76 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Stukeley.76 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Stukeley.
Expand 77 - Court papers for cases arising in Swineshead.77 - Court papers for cases arising in Swineshead.
Expand 78 - Court papers for cases arising in Thurning.78 - Court papers for cases arising in Thurning.
Expand 79 - Court papers for cases arising in Toseland.79 - Court papers for cases arising in Toseland.
Expand 80 - Court papers for cases arising in Upton with Coppingford.80 - Court papers for cases arising in Upton with Coppingford.
Expand 81 - Court papers for cases arising in Upwood with Great Raveley.81 - Court papers for cases arising in Upwood with Great Raveley.
Expand 82 - Court papers for cases arising in Warboys.82 - Court papers for cases arising in Warboys.
Expand 83 - Court papers for cases arising in Waresley.83 - Court papers for cases arising in Waresley.
Expand 84 - Court papers for cases arising in Hail Weston and Southoe.84 - Court papers for cases arising in Hail Weston and Southoe.
Expand 85 - Court papers for cases arising in Old Weston.85 - Court papers for cases arising in Old Weston.
Expand 86 - Court papers for cases arising in Winwick.86 - Court papers for cases arising in Winwick.
Expand 87 - Court papers for cases arising in Wistow.87 - Court papers for cases arising in Wistow.
Expand 88 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodston.88 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodston.
Expand 89 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodwalton.89 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodwalton.
Expand 90 - Court papers for cases arising in Woolley.90 - Court papers for cases arising in Woolley.
Expand 91 - Court papers for cases arising in Yaxley.91 - Court papers for cases arising in Yaxley.
Expand 92 - Court papers for cases arising in Yelling.92 - Court papers for cases arising in Yelling.
Expand 5 - Acts of Court5 - Acts of Court
Expand 6 - Papers mostly relating to disputed cases6 - Papers mostly relating to disputed cases
Expand 7 - General Citations7 - General Citations
Expand 8 - Citation Papers8 - Citation Papers
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Expand 10 - Intimations for Faculties10 - Intimations for Faculties
Expand 11 - Penances11 - Penances
Expand 12 - Letters Denunciatory of Excommunication12 - Letters Denunciatory of Excommunication
Expand 13 - Schedules of Excommunication13 - Schedules of Excommunication
Expand 14 - Volumes of Legal Formulae14 - Volumes of Legal Formulae
Expand 15 - Volumes of Wills and Administrations15 - Volumes of Wills and Administrations
Expand 16 - Wills16 - Wills
Expand 17 - Administration Bonds17 - Administration Bonds
Expand 18 - Probate Inventories18 - Probate Inventories
Expand 19 - Probate Accounts19 - Probate Accounts
Expand 20 - Monitions and Transfers of Wills20 - Monitions and Transfers of Wills
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Expand 23 - Visitation Books23 - Visitation Books
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Expand 29 - Marriage Bonds and Allegations29 - Marriage Bonds and Allegations
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Expand 36 - Cash accounts36 - Cash accounts
Expand 37 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Legislation37 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Legislation
Expand 38 - Official Papers and Correspondence38 - Official Papers and Correspondence
Expand 39 - Prebendary of Brampton39 - Prebendary of Brampton
Expand 40 - Prebendary of Buckden40 - Prebendary of Buckden
Expand 41 - Prebendary of Leighton Bromswold41 - Prebendary of Leighton Bromswold
Expand 42 - Prebendary of Stow Longa42 - Prebendary of Stow Longa
Expand 43 - Photographs and Drawings43 - Photographs and Drawings
Expand 44 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created prior to 196044 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created prior to 1960
Expand 45 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created after 196045 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created after 1960