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Expand 46 - Court papers for cases arising in Huntingdon.46 - Court papers for cases arising in Huntingdon.
Expand 47 - Court papers for cases arising in Keyston.47 - Court papers for cases arising in Keyston.
Collapse 48 - Court papers for cases arising in Kimbolton.48 - Court papers for cases arising in Kimbolton.
1 - Citation paper against William Day of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in a cause of substraction of tithes due to William Beadles of Great Catworth, Huntingdonshire, gentleman, Impropiator of the Rectory of Kimbolton for the years 1594-1598.
2 - Articles of libel against William Day in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
3 - Articles of libel against Jane Bates widow of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
4 - Interrogatory questions for Jane Bates in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
5 - Articles of libel against Geoffrey Hawkins of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
6 - Interrogatory questions for Geoffrey Hawkins in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
7 - Articles of libel against John Hulland of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
8 - Interrogatory questions for John Hulland in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
9 - Personal responses of John Hulland in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
10 - Articles of libel against John Mayes of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
11 - Interrogatory questions for William Nichols of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
12 - Articles of libel against William Shepherd of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in the cause in AH4/251/48/1.
13 - Articles of libel against Henry Bull of Stonely in the Parish of Kimbolton in a cause of substraction of tithes due to Edward Robinson, Vicar, of the Vicarage of Kimbolton.
14 - Articles of libel against Oliver Posteloe of Stonely in the Parish of Kimbolton a cause of substraction of tithes due to Edward Robinson, Vicar, of the Vicarage of Kimbolton.
15 - Allegations of William Beadles, Impropiator of the Rectory of Kimbolton against John Mayes of Tilbrook, Bedfordshire, in a cause of substraction of tithes as mentioned above.
16 - Depositions of Thomas Bull of Kimbolton, yeoman; Anthony Stanney of Kimbolton, yeoman; and John Palmer, husbandman, of Kimbolton in a cause of perturbation of a seat in Kimbolton Church used by Edward Shatbolt but lately by William Parker. Case heard before Thomas Morrison, Vicar-General and Official Principal of the Diocese of Lincoln.
17 - Articles of libel against Nicholas Hanscombe of Kimbolton in a cause of not bringing his new-born child to be baptized according to the Canons of the Church. Suit brought by Thomas Peete and Richard Abbot, Churchwardens, on presentment dated 13 October 1676.
18 - Interrogatory questions to be ask of John Merrill and William Browne concerning the character of Henry Chapman.
19 - Personal responses of John Merrill concerning Henry Chapman.
20 - Personal response of Nicholas Hanscombe to articles against him denying that he has any children or child not baptized.
21 - Articles of libel against John Crispt of Kimbolton, woollen draper, in a cause of not bringing his new-born child to be baptized according to the Canons of the Church.
22 - Citation paper against Charles Muzzard and Mary Farthing his wife, and John Atherst and Catherine Warren his wife in a cause of clandestine marriage. Cited personally at their houses by William Close, Apparitor, 1 March 1681/1682.
23 - Citation paper against Thomas Burge of Kimbolton, farmer, tenant of the Impropiator of tithes to answer John Hammond STP, Archdeacon of Huntingdon in a cause of substraction of a pension due to the Bishop of Lincoln. Cited personally by William Collin, Apparitor, 18 September 1685.
24 - Citation paper against Thomas Burge of Kimbolton, farmer, tenant of the Impropriator of tithes in a cause mentioned above. Also cited, Samuel Leonard, Curate of Easton for celebrating a clandestine marriage (see Easton AH4/251/21/1). Citation issued in the name of William, Archbishop of Canterbury, Metropolitical visitation of the Diocese of Lincoln. Leonard cited personally 6 July, Burge 9 July by William Collin, Apparitor.
25 - Citation paper against Thomas Burge of Kimbolton, farmer, tenant of the Impropiator of tithes in a cause of substraction of pensions due to Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln. Cited personally 4 February 1686/1687 by William Collin, Apparitor.
26 - Personal responses of Thomas Burge to the articles of libel against him made in court before Samuel Whitworth, Vicar of Buckden, Surrogate, in presence of Duling Salmon, notary public.
27 - A copy of the Appropriation of the Church of Kimbolton by Bishop Buckingham of Lincoln 1378 from the original in the Bishop registry office at Lincoln with the seal of William Foster, Chancellor of Lincoln. Copied by John Walker, notary public. At Lincoln.
28 - Additional articles of libel against Thomas Burge in the above mentioned case.
29 - Copy of pension and procuration payable from the Priory of Stonely to the Bishop of Lincoln, the Vicar of Kimbolton, the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln and the Archdeacon of Huntingdon.
30 - Further copy of the Appropriation of the Church of Kimbolton.
31 - Personal responses of Thomas Burge to the articles of libel against him made in court before John Badcock, Vicar of Godmanchester, Surrogate.
32 - Deposition of John Goodhall, notary public, of Bedford in the above mentioned cause made in court before Samuel Whitworth, Vicar of Buckden, Surrogate in presence of Duling Salmon, notary public. At Buckden.
33 - Deposition of Thomas Gilbert, notary public, of Buckden, Secretary of Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln in the above mentioned cause made in court before George Barnardiston, Commissary and Official in the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon in the presence of Duling Salmon, notary public. At Buckden.
34 - Deposition of William Lond of Kimbolton, Steward to Charles Earl of Manchester, in the above mentioned cause given in the court before Samuel Whitworth, Vicar of Buckden, Surrogate, on the reverse the --- responses of Thomas Burge to the articles of libel against him made in court before Samuel Whitworth, Vicar of Buckden, Surrogate.
35 - Re-statement of the case of Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln in his suit against Thomas Burge.
36 - Sentence against Thomas Burge given in Buckden Church by George Barnardiston, Commissary and Official in the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon. At Buckden.
37 - [item deemed illegible]
38 - [item deemed illegible]
39 - Citation paper against Katherine Walden in a cause of adultery with Francis Browne of St Neots. Citation served personally 12 September 1696 by John Hewet, Apparitor.
40 - Articles of libel against William Hackney in a cause of adultery, fornication and incontinency with Anne Sayer alias Sawyer, and begetting a bastard child by her.
41 - Deposition of George Martin of Huntingdon, yeoman, in the above mentioned case.
42 - Articles of libel against William Hackney in a cause of adultery, fornication and incontinency with Anne Sayer alias Sawyer, and begetting a bastard child by her. 6 (?) October 1698.
43 - Citation paper against William Hackney in a cause of not paying the fees and taxes in the late suit against him.
44 - Citation paper against William Hackney in a cause of not paying £6 charges (as mentioned above) or else to see himself excommunicated. Citation served personally 16 December 1698 by John Hewet, Apparitor.
45 - Citation paper against Robert Browne junior and Elizabeth Negus in a cause of --- . Citation served personally 17 March 1698/9 by John Hewet, Apparitor. At Huntingdon.
46 - Citation paper against Joseph Dolphin and Susanna Dolphin alias Flossey for an illegal marriage his first wife being alive.
47 - Citation paper against Thomas Burder and Mary his wife in a cause of fornication before marriage. Citation served personally 15 October 1699 by John Hewet, Apparitor. At Huntingdon.
48 - Citation paper against John Burge and Katherine his wife in a cause of reformation and correction. Citation served personally Burge's wife 18 November by John Hewet, Apparitor. At Huntingdon.
49 - Citation paper against Simon Arnold and Elizabeth Arnold alias Holland in a cause of reformation and correction (fornication before marriage). Citation served personally 18 November 1699 by John Hewet, Apparitor.
50 - Articles of libel against Simon Arnold and Elizabeth his wife in the cause in AH4/251/48/49.
51 - Articles of libel against Jonathan Watts of Great Catworth in a cause of adultery with Lettice Marse wife of Robert Marse of Stonely in the Parish of Kimbolton.
52 - Deposition of Charles Peete of Kimbolton, gentleman, in the above mentioned cause. Made before Hugh Mapletoft, Surrogate of the court.
53 - Deposition of John Ingram of Great Catworth in the above mentioned cause. Made before Hugh Mapletoft, Surrogate of the court.
54 - Citation paper against Daniel Selby of Kimbolton, pharmacist, in a cause of defamation against Elizabeth Hill of Kimbolton. Citation served personally 11 September 1702 by John Hewet, Apparitor.
55 - Articles of libel against Daniel Selby in the above mentioned cause.
56 - Citation paper against Thomas Colston of Kimbolton in a cause of correction brought by John Antram, Vicar of the Parish of Kimbolton. Citation served personally, --- February 1705/6 by John Hewet, Apparitor.
57 - Articles of libel against Thomas Colston in the cause in AH4/251/48/56.
58 - Articles of libel against Thomas Colston in a cause of adultery, fornication and incontinency with Mary Vialls.
59 - Citation paper against John Ibbs of Stonely in the Parish of Kimbolton in a cause of reformation and correction. Citation served personally 6 August 1708. At Huntingdon.
60 - Citation paper against John Gray in a cause of adultery committed with Elizabeth Fowler. Citation fixed upon the house door of John Gray, 21 September 1723 by Robert Burder, Apparitor.
61 - Articles of libel against Catherine Plowman in a cause of incest or fornication with William Waller.
62 - Articles of libel against William Waller in a cause of incest or fornication with Catherine Plowman.
63 - Certificate signed by the Minister, Churchwardens and other inhabitants of Kimbolton that they know of no other crimes or improper behaviour by John Palmer of Kimbolton, miller, except that of which he stands presented in court of Commissary and Official of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon for fornication and begetting a bastard child upon the body of Sarah Morris of Kimbolton.
64 - Letter from Richard Reynolds, Bishop of Lincoln, to Benjamin Woodward, Registrar in the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon, the cause of substraction of pension in AH4/251/48/66. At Buckden.
65 - Citation paper against Savil Cust, esquire, and Thomas Day, esquire, executors of the last will and testament of William, Duke of Manchester, late of Kimbolton in a cause of substraction of pension due to Richard Lord, Bishop of Lincoln.
66 - The Bishop's case of the pension due from the inipropriation of the Rectory of Kimbolton. See 1687 case, etc.
67 - An Inventory of vessels, vestment &c belonging to the parish church of Kimbolton 14th May 1771'. Signed by B. Hutchinson, Vicar, John Harding, Churchwarden. Presented at a parochial visitation 14 May 1777 by Nicholas Cholwell, Archdeacon of Huntingdon.
68 - Memorandum to the Archdeacon of Huntingdon (Thomas Parkinson) on the condition of the parish church of Kimbolton. Signed by D. Lewis, Vicar, John Hull, Churchwarden. At Kimbolton.
69 - Letter from William Hodson to James Anderton, esquire, attorney at law, of Kimbolton with a bill of charges in the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Lincoln, Sarah Yorke of Kimbolton against Joseph Yorke of Kimbolton, baker, in a certain cause of restitution of conjugal rights. At Lincoln.
70 - Letter from Benjamin Welstead to Messrs William Margetts & Sons of Huntingdon concerning the pension claimed by the Bishops of Lincoln from the Inipropriator of Kimbolton with Margetts reply of 10 May 1833. At Kimbolton. 9 May 1833. On reverse a return letter from Richard Smith, Commissary of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon to William Margetts concerning the pension due from the Inipropriator of Kimbolton. At Buckden. 13 May 1833.
71 - Letter from Benjamin Welstead to William Margetts concerning the pension claimed by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln from the Inipropiator of Kimbolton. With Margetts' other letters. At Kimbolton.
72 - Copy in English of the '1378 Kimbolton Ordinatio found in the Buckden Registry R. Smith'. (Richard Smith, Commissary of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon. See 1687 and 1743 cases mentioned above.
73 - Presentment of the Churchwardens of Kimbolton at the visitation of the Right Reverend Francis Thomas McDougall, Bishop Archdeacon of Huntingdon, held in the Parish Church of All Saints Huntingdon.
Expand 49 - Court papers for cases arising in Leighton Bromswold.49 - Court papers for cases arising in Leighton Bromswold.
Expand 50 - Court papers for cases arising in Molesworth.50 - Court papers for cases arising in Molesworth.
Expand 51 - Court papers for cases arising in Morborne.51 - Court papers for cases arising in Morborne.
Expand 52 - Court papers for cases arising in Water Newton.52 - Court papers for cases arising in Water Newton.
Expand 53 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord Cluny.53 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord Cluny.
Expand 54 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord d'Arcy.54 - Court papers for cases arising in Offord d'Arcy.
Expand 55 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Longueville.55 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Longueville.
Expand 56 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Waterville.56 - Court papers for cases arising in Orton Waterville.
Expand 57 - Court papers for cases arising in Papworth Agnes.57 - Court papers for cases arising in Papworth Agnes.
Expand 58 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Paxton.58 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Paxton.
Expand 59 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Paxton.59 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Paxton.
Expand 60 - Court papers for cases arising in Ramsey.60 - Court papers for cases arising in Ramsey.
Expand 61 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Raveley.61 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Raveley.
Expand 62 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbots Ripton.62 - Court papers for cases arising in Abbots Ripton.
Expand 63 - Court papers for cases arising in Kings Ripton.63 - Court papers for cases arising in Kings Ripton.
Expand 64 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Ives.64 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Ives.
Expand 65 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Neots.65 - Court papers for cases arising in St. Neots.
Expand 66 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry All Saints.66 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry All Saints.
Expand 67 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry St. Andrew.67 - Court papers for cases arising in Sawtry St. Andrew.
Expand 68 - Court papers for cases arising in Sibson cum Stibbington.68 - Court papers for cases arising in Sibson cum Stibbington.
Expand 69 - Court papers for cases arising in Somersham. Includes cause papers for Pidley cum Fenton.69 - Court papers for cases arising in Somersham. Includes cause papers for Pidley cum Fenton.
Expand 70 - Court papers for cases arising in Spaldwick.70 - Court papers for cases arising in Spaldwick.
Expand 71 - Court papers for cases arising in Stanground.71 - Court papers for cases arising in Stanground.
Expand 72 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Staughton.72 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Staughton.
Expand 73 - Court papers for cases arising in Stilton.73 - Court papers for cases arising in Stilton.
Expand 74 - Court papers for cases arising in Stow Longa.74 - Court papers for cases arising in Stow Longa.
Expand 75 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Stukeley.75 - Court papers for cases arising in Great Stukeley.
Expand 76 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Stukeley.76 - Court papers for cases arising in Little Stukeley.
Expand 77 - Court papers for cases arising in Swineshead.77 - Court papers for cases arising in Swineshead.
Expand 78 - Court papers for cases arising in Thurning.78 - Court papers for cases arising in Thurning.
Expand 79 - Court papers for cases arising in Toseland.79 - Court papers for cases arising in Toseland.
Expand 80 - Court papers for cases arising in Upton with Coppingford.80 - Court papers for cases arising in Upton with Coppingford.
Expand 81 - Court papers for cases arising in Upwood with Great Raveley.81 - Court papers for cases arising in Upwood with Great Raveley.
Expand 82 - Court papers for cases arising in Warboys.82 - Court papers for cases arising in Warboys.
Expand 83 - Court papers for cases arising in Waresley.83 - Court papers for cases arising in Waresley.
Expand 84 - Court papers for cases arising in Hail Weston and Southoe.84 - Court papers for cases arising in Hail Weston and Southoe.
Expand 85 - Court papers for cases arising in Old Weston.85 - Court papers for cases arising in Old Weston.
Expand 86 - Court papers for cases arising in Winwick.86 - Court papers for cases arising in Winwick.
Expand 87 - Court papers for cases arising in Wistow.87 - Court papers for cases arising in Wistow.
Expand 88 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodston.88 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodston.
Expand 89 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodwalton.89 - Court papers for cases arising in Woodwalton.
Expand 90 - Court papers for cases arising in Woolley.90 - Court papers for cases arising in Woolley.
Expand 91 - Court papers for cases arising in Yaxley.91 - Court papers for cases arising in Yaxley.
Expand 92 - Court papers for cases arising in Yelling.92 - Court papers for cases arising in Yelling.
Expand 5 - Acts of Court5 - Acts of Court
Expand 6 - Papers mostly relating to disputed cases6 - Papers mostly relating to disputed cases
Expand 7 - General Citations7 - General Citations
Expand 8 - Citation Papers8 - Citation Papers
Expand 9 - Faculty books9 - Faculty books
Expand 10 - Intimations for Faculties10 - Intimations for Faculties
Expand 11 - Penances11 - Penances
Expand 12 - Letters Denunciatory of Excommunication12 - Letters Denunciatory of Excommunication
Expand 13 - Schedules of Excommunication13 - Schedules of Excommunication
Expand 14 - Volumes of Legal Formulae14 - Volumes of Legal Formulae
Expand 15 - Volumes of Wills and Administrations15 - Volumes of Wills and Administrations
Expand 16 - Wills16 - Wills
Expand 17 - Administration Bonds17 - Administration Bonds
Expand 18 - Probate Inventories18 - Probate Inventories
Expand 19 - Probate Accounts19 - Probate Accounts
Expand 20 - Monitions and Transfers of Wills20 - Monitions and Transfers of Wills
Expand 21 - Guardianship Papers21 - Guardianship Papers
Expand 22 - Visitation Processes22 - Visitation Processes
Expand 23 - Visitation Books23 - Visitation Books
Expand 24 - Procuration Rolls24 - Procuration Rolls
Expand 25 - Procuration Volumes25 - Procuration Volumes
Expand 26 - Mandates for Induction26 - Mandates for Induction
Expand 27 - Licences and Certificates27 - Licences and Certificates
Expand 28 - Bishop's Transcripts28 - Bishop's Transcripts
Expand 29 - Marriage Bonds and Allegations29 - Marriage Bonds and Allegations
Expand 30 - Terriers30 - Terriers
Expand 31 - Meeting House Petitions31 - Meeting House Petitions
Expand 32 - Register Office Ledgers32 - Register Office Ledgers
Expand 33 - Private Volumes33 - Private Volumes
Expand 34 - Surrogates Bonds34 - Surrogates Bonds
Expand 35 - Sequestration Bonds35 - Sequestration Bonds
Expand 36 - Cash accounts36 - Cash accounts
Expand 37 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Legislation37 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Legislation
Expand 38 - Official Papers and Correspondence38 - Official Papers and Correspondence
Expand 39 - Prebendary of Brampton39 - Prebendary of Brampton
Expand 40 - Prebendary of Buckden40 - Prebendary of Buckden
Expand 41 - Prebendary of Leighton Bromswold41 - Prebendary of Leighton Bromswold
Expand 42 - Prebendary of Stow Longa42 - Prebendary of Stow Longa
Expand 43 - Photographs and Drawings43 - Photographs and Drawings
Expand 44 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created prior to 196044 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created prior to 1960
Expand 45 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created after 196045 - Supplementary records of the Archdeaconry created after 1960