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Collapse 046 - Fen and other Estate Papers of the Sandys Family046 - Fen and other Estate Papers of the Sandys Family
1 - Letter of Simon Hill, Welney, to Sir Miles Sandys about orders to Mr Nutt for taking down little sluice, diking channel in Bedford River, view of Mag Load and Welney River, etc., and proposing meeting
2 - Letter of Simon Hill, Welney, to Sir Miles Sandys, about plan of sluice, finance, Mr Burrell's contract for making bricks
3 - Booklet entitled 'A particular of every adventurer concerned in the twentie lotts and theire severall proporcons where they lye', listing about 180 adventurers alphabetically and describing parcels of each lot
4 - Note: Jo: Latham to Mr Owen, requiring various vouchers and books of accounts for works on Bedford River, etc., in order to complete his accounts
5 - A list of 'grosse mistakes' in the drainage by former directors and shortcomings of proposals of February 1663/4 with 'A small map of the great levell of the fenns', referring also to proposals in Coll. Dodson's Designe [1665]
6 - An account for letter-carrying by Clement ?Brice
7 - A note [?by Richard Owen, whose name is on the back] of sums spent for Bedford River works, with reference to voucher numbers
8 - A list by Ro: Pinchback of bricks received from Mr Ayres of Ely at Salter's Load, addressed to Richard Owen at Wilburton
9 - Account of expenditure of £349 in works by Francis Nutt at Salter's Load on sluice, etc. (booklet)
10 - Account by Francis Nutt of expenditure of money brought from London (£250) indyke on north side of Bedford River between 'Wellbeach More Lake' and Welney (booklet)
11 - Account by Francis Nutt for work on the Bedford River (booklet)
12 - Account for expenditure on Bedford River 'beginninge with the bottominge of the North Indyke nearer Salters Loade'
13 - Accounts for payments on the Bedford River 'since the last paie daie the 26th of Julye'
14 - An account by Andrewes Burrell for work around an unspecified sluice
15 - An account by Bartho: Wormell for deals and coals for Miles Sandys
16 - An account by John Woodbridge of Brandon for oak timber and planks
17 - Bill by Tho: Camps for rowing commissioners, etc.
18 - Account for Sir Miles Sandys' subsistence expenses including at Peterborough 'for a judgement uppon the drayning'
19 - Francis Nutt's bill for ?timber for use of Sir Miles Sandys with receipt by Bartho: Wornell 12 June n.y.
20 - Certified copy of 'law of sewers' enacted at session of sewers [i.e. order of commission of sewers] at Wisbech 30 May 16 James I [1618] for improving Ely River [Great Ouse], with supplementary order of commission at Peterborough 20 August 1618 for scouring Padnal Lake and confirmatory order of commission at Stilton 20 January 1618/19
21 - List of commissioners of sewers for the Great Level of 9 December 16 Charles I [1640]
22 - List of commissioners of sewers for the Great Level of 11 June 11 Charles I [1635]
23 - Minute of court [of sewers] at the Fen Office Inner Temple of 18 June 1664, listing only bailiffs, conservators and commonalty present
24 - Petition to John, Bishop of Lincoln, Chancellor, for renewing commissions of sewers for Lincolnshire, etc., and Great Level, that are now expired and were ineffectual due to very small number of Lincolnshire gentry appointed and nominating various persons in their place
25 - Minutes of 'Committee for the Fenns' of resolution to petition House of Commons for commission to view the state of the Great Level with list of persons to be included in the commission
26 - Petition to the Committee for the Great Level for abolishing the recent laws, 'viz Lynne, Huntington, Peterborough et.' of commissions of sewers and new law reinstating drainage according to ancient laws of sewers, the adventurers having failed as by depositions at Huntingdon session of sewers 18 July 14 Charles [1638]
27 - Draft [or at least a somewhat altered] petition (text only, no names) to the king by Commoners of Deeping Fen for Earl of Bedford to give over his undertaking 'of the generall work' 'to the commissioners and the county', referring also to [Sir Thomas] Lovell
28 - Petition to Commissioners of Sewers by tenants of king's manors of Holywell, Needingworth, Bluntisham, Colne, Earith, Somersham, Pidley and Fenton against demands for lands in fens by West Water by undertakers of the drainage, whereas lands by labour and expense of inhabitants are already as perfect good river meadow grounds as undertakers intend, thanks to engine mill in Somersham Fore Fen
29 - Draft of a petition (text only) by William Earl of Bedford and his fellow adventurers to the Committee of the Fens to be put into possession of the lands that were allotted to him by decree made at St Ives 12 Oct 1637 in accordance with the Lynn Law of Commission of Sewers of 13 Jan 1631
30 - Copy of a petition to Parliament that no further allocation of lands be made to the adventurers than from the 95,000a already allocated (source of petition not stated in the text itself but on the back described as 'of the North side of Bedf[ord] River
31 - Anno XII. Car. Regis II. An Act for the Necessary Maintenance of the Work of Dreining of the Great Levell of the Fenns.
32 - An Act for the Draining of the Great Level of the Fens...
33 - An Ordinance for the Preservation of the Works of the Great Level of the Fens
34 - Petition to Privy Council by Commission of Sewers ['Shewers'!] to be excused attending on 17 May as they have a general session of sewers at Wisbech appointed for 20 May to fix rates towards charge of opening of the Nene outfall 'whiche worke in good parte is already begunne by the countrye'
35 - Letter of Sir Cornelius Vermuyden to Mr [?William according to endorsement] Kingscott concerning bank that should run from high ground of Stanground to sluice and thence to the earl of Portland's close at Northey Gravel and dimensions of the forelands
36 - Objections addressed to the Corporation by William Dodson to the design now proposed for better drainage of the level and inviting criticisms of his own Designe (apparently in his own hand)
37 - Map of the fens corresponding to the same (see item 36) [i.e. by William Dodson]
38 - Proxy vote of Miles Sandys for his son Sir Miles Sandys, or in his absence Edward Lord Gorges, at forthcoming meeting of Adventurers at London as unable due to 'infirmities of my age' to undergo the journey
39 - Power of attorney by Richard Crane to Francis Nutt of Wilburton to farm his lands and fens in the Great Level until next Purification BVM
40 - Letter of Christian Direcsonn or Dixeson, about to leave for Holland but promising to perform the conditions of contract for Adventurers on return, and asking for £10 or 12 to bring his men over
41 - Sir Miles Sandys accounts as 'undertresuror for workes about Bedford River' with Richard Owen, expenditor for Bedford River (booklet formed of 12 loose sheets, paginated 1-22 and without number)
42 - Account by Michael Fludd of payments [for cutting] Gruntefen Cutt
43 - Account of timber purchased by Mr Thomas Constable of chief carpenter at Salters Load, 1633-1634/5
44 - Estimate of the cost of 'the great sluice that is now laide downe' at the Bedford River outfall
45 - Clement Allum's accounts, certified by Andrewes Burrell, of expenses of opening the silted-up sluice doors at the Shire Drain, with a note, 19 Jan 1640/41 by William Kingscow that the account is outstanding
46 - An account by Michael Fludd for mending breaches in Grunty Fen Drain
47 - Account by Richard Owen for Bedford River (north indike near Salter's Loade, for nails, for dams, for carpenter's work, at Westmore south indike, Byall Fen south and north indices, Oxwillow Load, etc.)
48 - Receipt by John Roberts from Sir Miles Sandys for balance payment of £17 10s 0d due on 10,000a being two and a half shares at £10 a share
49 - Account by Michael Fludd for casting out the water from Ely River 'when the tide did break in upon our work'
50 - A 'bill for digging the cannall' measured by Mr Plunkett [?at Chippenham]
51 - Sketc.h plan and description of dimensions, etc., of an unidentified sluice, with an account on the back
52 - Chancery writ of execution to assign to Francis Dingley as trustee for creditors of Samuel Sandys the lands appointed in accordance with Master's report
53 - Booklet containing copy of order in Chancery proceedings between Robert Harrington et al., creditors of Samuel Sandys and Samuel Sandys and Mary his wife et al. over profits from sale of manors of Ombersley Stoulton and Wadborow and Wickhamford (Worcester), other lands in Swinsted [Swineshead] (Huntingdonshire) and manor of Edward Hall and divers lands in Essex and house in Newgate Market, London, to Mary Barker (mother of Samuel's now wife) and their application to payment of debts
54 - A list of reasons for summarily discharging [i.e. dismissing] Hill, who had originally agreed to drain all lands within the undertaking but for whose 'desertion' Sir Miles Sandys, Dr Sames and Mr Burwell he consented to meddle only in the Wisbeach River where he has wasted money in pursuing ridiculous ideas of his own and unauthorised works, with notes of agenda for meetings, matters to be decided, etc.
55 - Reasons addressed to 'your Lordships' [i.e. the Privy Council] in favour of executing laws for opening the drains about the River Ouse and refuting the suggestion by Sir Simeon Styward that this will endanger the university's Cambridge navigation, stating merits of the new river below Ely [Sandys Cut] and suggesting a sluice at Harrimere
56 - Copy of the same ( item 55), with reasons numbered and marginal references to additional evidence to be adduced
57 - Paper addressed to the Privy Council, complaining of duplicate commission granted 29 January last by colour of which Sir Simeon Styward and others have proclaimed a session of sewers at Cambridge 7 April, empanelled juries of Cambs and Isle charging them to view defects in Ouse between Earith and Priest Houses, all of which previously viewed in 1617 and 1618...
58 - Objections to taking away water of Clowes Cross and other draining, leading to silting up of Wisbech River and hindering passage of boats to Wisbech Market from abroad, as well as to Spalding, Deeping, Peterborough, Yaxley, Ramsey, etc.
59 - Certified copy of order of court of Star Chamber of 25 November 1618 ordering, at suit of Commission of Sewers for Cambs and Isle, Hunts, Northants and Norfolk, a duplicate commission of sewers to be made but for county of Norfolk only
60 - Notes [by Sir Miles Sandys] querying whether the undertakers or Sutton and Mepal are responsible for cost of bridges now that they are severed from their grounds by Bedford River and other matters apparently for decision by the commissioners of sewers
61 - A list of [?adventurers'] grounds graded by quality, whether subject to flood, etc., and whether charged with maintenance
62 - A note about the poor state of Burwell and Wicken Lodes and the damaging effect of its grown-up state upon the commerce of those towns and the fen grounds on either side and local opinion that removal of Harrimere Gravel would provide a remedy, eliminating backflow when there is a flood.
63 - Proposals by Earl of Bedford for additions to bill for draining the Great Level
64 - Document entitled 'Generall instructions for matters of shewers...' [?written by Sandys] concerning the duplicate commission and the enforced attendance of 100 countrymen at Tibs [Theobalds, Hertfordshire] 'a matter in itself worthy of severe punishment'
65 - Petition by inhabitants who are king's tenants of Holywell and Needingworth for removal of a bank lately erected by inhabitants of Willingham
66 - Arguments about the late drainage by Earl of Bedford
67 - Notes of adventurers' claims against the Earl of Bedford endorsed 'Complaynt to the King and counsel...'
68 - Copy of a proviso to a deed that all sales by Sir Miles Sandys to be regarded as good and effectual notwithstanding any for non-payment of taxes due under pretended act of 1649
69 - Copy of a proviso to a deed that Col Samuel Sandys is taken by virtue of the Act to be in possession of the lots of Sir Miles Sandys according to his interest in the deed of 14 parts
70 - Ordinance of Parliament awarding 40,000 acres of original 95,000a to William earl of Bedford and fellow adventurers, establishing a committee of six (whereof one Lord and two commoners at least) for perfecting drainage
71 - Case and answers concerning power to sell lots claimed by participants by virtue of the indenture of 14 parts who have not paid taxes imposed by the majority of such participants, and the particular case of Col Sandys
72 - Petition by commissioners of sewers ('shewers') to Marquess of Buckingham against two of the commissioners who have stirred up common people with false and seditious statements that undertakers intended to take away their commons and navigations, to write to Lord Chief Justice to empower commissions to severely punish this, and to procure the king's letters to the commissioners to persuade the towns around West Water to cleanse voluntarily
73 - A draft paper on the benefits of severing commons [i.e. converting to severalty], whereby 'peace and love shalbe continued and encreased..., sturdy and idle thevish fellows shall eyther be reformed and compelled to labour or to avoyd the country, etc., with objections to this and answers to the objections
74 - A series of 'objections' to the drainage and answers, beginning with that of Willingham, Over and Cottenham, that their own drainage will not be improved, and of answers, that they have benefited by the earl of Bedford's, not suffering floods until the se
75 - Text of a petition to king against the undertakers asking restoration of commons as before drainage or to be able to proceed for rights at common law
76 - A duplicate of item 57, somewhat stained and damaged
77 - Memoranda of what needed saying to the committee appointed by parliament, on benefits of the earl of Bedford's drainage before the sluices decayed these last 3 or 4 years, the speciousness of the country's arguments and its tendency to delay and how the feasibility and profitability of the drainage was demonstrable
78 - A rough table of (34) objections, each in a few words, to the drainage organised by type
79 - A series of fourteen proposals, including earl of Bedford to be undertaker for 83,000 acres, for resolving the drainage
80 - Draft petition of Francis earl of Bedford and other adventurers to King [Charles I] for renewal of terms of commission of James I giving them power to divide the intercommons in the level so that the undertakers' reward might be set out with more conveniency to every town
81 - Copy petition to House of Commons by inhabitants of the Great Level that whereas the late earl of Bedford made improvements, that have been set back by inundations of the last two years that relief cannot be afforded other than by speedy resumption and completion of the works, that the ordiance before it may be expedited
82 - Petition to the Commissioners of Sewers by towns of Brandon, Wilton, Hockwold, Feltwell, Dereham, Roxham, Methwold, Wretton, Sothery and Hilgay against contracting with Sir Anthony Thomas or Sir Cornelius Vermuyden 'or with any other stranger or forraigner whatsoever' and for settling same upon the earl of Bedford 'who is a greate owner'
83 - Copy of petition (text only) of inhabitants of south part of the Isle of Ely to Parliament for completing the drainage begun by late earl of Bedford that has been lately drowned by lack of repair of sluices and in particular for erection of sluice at Salters Lode to stop sea tides flowing up River Great Ouse and for removal of impediments to fresh water passing away; and that there be no further allowance of land to the earl and his partners
84 - A draft of the same petition (see item 83)
85 - Copy of order of Bedford Level Corporation setting a tax of 12d an acre upon the 95,000 acres mentioned in act of 15 Chas. II to be paid to the receiver by 1 July next, certified by Thomas Bland, registrar
86 - A list of petitioners of the south part of the Isle of Ely to commissioners of sewers who subscribed in 1630 in favour of the earl of Bedford to be undertaker against Sir Cornelius Vermuyden [see item 87] who have lately subscribed a petition to the contrary and of petitioners of the same area who subscribed a petition a year since on earl's behalf who have now subscribed a petition tending to the contrary
87 - Petition of inhabitants of south part of the Isle of Ely to Commissioners of Sewers at King's Lynn against appointment of Sir Cornelius Vermuyden on grounds that he demands a high proportion of best grounds and small proportion of worst, that it will lead to foreign nation being planted amongst them, and that he is disabled in his estate by loss sustained in his northern works, and for appointment of earl of Bedford, of whose sufficiency to undergo so great a work there can be no doubt
88 - A note that John and Benedict Cranwell of Co[l]ne have paid part of the money they bargained for and 'would have maide an end with' Sir Miles Sandys had they not been partners with Robert and John Rauline of Somersham
89 - Note of recommendation of committee at Wisbech of 18 October 1630 that they recommended to Commissioners meeting at Lynn after Christmas a division according to four sorts, to produce 90,000a from 340,000a
90 - Draft of a petition to commissioners of sewers on behalf of towns on south side of the River Ouse opining that undertakers who made some attempts with good success in some parts are fittest to carry work forward
91 - Memoranda on arguments to be put before parliamentary committee, to concentrate on the feasibility and profitability of the work and the country's tendency towards delays and when this is demonstrated by persons of quality to move proceedings upon the ordinance
92 - A note of proposals by the earl of Bedford at Wisbech that the king should receive profit proportionate to the 12,000 acres he has, that adventurers not of the corporation should similarly receive proportionate profit and that adventurers who purchase in excess of 1,000 acres may be admitted to the corporation
93 - A list of prominent landowners, including Sir Miles Sandys Bart and Sir Miles Sandys [the younger], headed 'The names of commissioners', with a note that the lords of Fen Ditton cum Horningsea and Quy desire to have their intercommons divided from other towns, as the lords of Littleport and Willingham do
94 - A sheet with a list of various documents 1629-37 (including the verdicts to commissions of sewers 138-41) and other rough notes on the outside, perhaps used as a wrapper for copies of these
95 - A list of petitioners of the south part of the Isle of Ely similar to item 86 with an additional note about opposition of Mr John Cowper
96 - Draft (labelled a 'copy' but many alterations imply this is a draft) of petition to Commons of Humberston March Esq on behalf of himself and others, asking for repeal of laws of sewers made at Huntingdon and Peterborough and for the earl of Bedford to be injoined to finish the undertaking and that meantime no further works be done in pursuance of design of last undertaking [by the king]
97 - Extract from register of privy council for council at Greenwich, 9 July 1637, recording petitions from Bishop and Dean and Chapter of Ely, justices of peace of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, and inhabitants of Over, Willingham and Cottenham, all of which were debated...
98 - Copy of an order making a recited order absolute in case in Chancery between John Charlton and Anne his wife, executors of Sir Richard Chiverton, plaintiffs, and Samuel Sandys the elder and others
99 - Certified copy of inquisition post mortem at Deptford, Kent, into property of Lambert Cooke Esq made 25 October 9 Charles I [1633] listing messuages, lands, etc., in North Cray (capital messuage: Mascalls Mount and 47a, etc.), Plumstead, Erith
100 - Copy of a petition to Commons in parliament by Henry Howard of Norfolk, Sir John Hewett Bart, Sir William Terrington KB, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir Charles Harberd and Sir William [blank] kts, Samuel Sandys, Robert Philips, Arthur Onslow, Anthony St Johns, Robert Scowen, John [blank], Frances Houblin esqs., assigns of original participants of earl of Bedford, for themselves and others...
101 - Copy of a writ Elegit for Sir Miles Sandys against Lambert Cooke esquire of North Cray, Kent, with inquiry by sherriff made at St Mary Cray, 22 February 1 Chas. I [1625/6] appended (fos. 7-22).
102 - Part (fos. 6-16 only) of a copy of the contract with Vermuyden [of September 1630; cf Dugdale, 'Imbanking', pp. 408-9], awarding 120 of the 360 thousand acres to be drained to him and specifying the process by which this shall be done
103 - A small dossier of papers labelled 'Reasons for the dreyning' in similar hand to that of item 74, comprising two numbered lists of benefits of draining a numbered list of 'memorandums', apparently matters to pursue
104 - Copy of a petition (text only) of 'the north side' (identified on label on back only) to parliament, whereas there has been considerable improvement to the associated counties and it is conducive to fortifying of the country as well as to draining, praying that parliament accept the 95,000 acres for recompence of the former adventurers
105 - List of commissioners of sewers at meeting of commission of sewers of 30 July 1662.
106 - Report of committee to which the earl of Bedford's proposals of 5 February 1663/4 for better draining the Great Level were committed
107 - Document entitled 'Obiections against the restoring or altering possessions' [i.e. reinstating the adventurers to the lands they claimed]
108 - Reasons for reinstating the possession of the original adventurers
109 - Valuation of Lady Barrington's estate in Mildenhall (Suffolk), and in Chippenham, Wood Ditton and Kirtling, endorsed with the label 'Severall rentals off Chippenham and Spinney with the first valuation purchased att with severall parsells bought in the towne since and agrements for purchasing'
110 - A rough valuation (including also statute measure) of Lady Barrington's farm in Chippenham
111 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of estate of Lady Carteret [on reverse 'Lady Carteret Percivall'] in Burwell by her receiver of rents
112 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of farms at Dullingham held on lease from Clare Hall, Cambridge, and in tenure of Henry Fyson, with list of outgoings, etc.
113 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, statute measure, annual rental) of Mr Edgar's estate in Dullingham
114 - A valuation of 'other rents of the estate' (previous page or pages of this valuation apparently wanting) labelled on the back 'Duxford'
115 - A valuation of Mr Anderson's copyhold and freehold estate [?in Chippenham, cf label on back]
116 - Abstract of valuation of Spinney [estate in Wicken] including tithe arable 'in the use of Mr Cromwell'
117 - A valuation of Spinney [estate in Wicken] land and tithes (in the same hand as item 116)
118 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of estate of William Nelson in Chippenham by himself, offering to 'his Lordship' to move to the shepherd's house and to put it in repair at his own expense, 'being very desirous to end my dayes in Chipp: where I have lived above 56 yeares under the wings of the Russells whose family has always bine very kind to mee' and to refer the matter to Mr Frampton if it seem over-valued
119 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of estate of William Nelson in Chippenham. A better written, presumably professional, valuation than item 118 - perhaps therefore by Mr Frampton - finding Nelson's own valuation over-valued
120 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of William Nelson in Chippenham [16]93/4 with a lower valuation (even lower than that in 119) added in the left-hand margin
121 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of estate of William Nelson in Chippenham (cf item 118) showing Nelson's and 'the just' valuation (i.e. the lower margin shown in item 120 and calculations of purchase price at either 13, 14 or 20 years annual value
122 - Terrier of lands in Freckenham tithable to Isleham. Lists 77a 1r belonging to Lady Bullar, Mr Warren, Mrs Bug, Simon Avy junior and Mr Goldwell in March Furlong or Ev'ry yeer land, Homeward or [blank] Shift and Two Furlong Shift
123 - Terrier of Mr Harwell's estate (houses and land) in Chippenham as delivered into court in No[vember 16]98 or [16]97
124 - A list of 'purchases my Lord Orford hath made upon turning the way and inclosing the park'. Lists farms and houses bought and other costs of exchanges and removals in order to create Chippenham Park
125 - Contract for sale of messuage and malthouse, 4a arable, etc., in Chippenham between John Cheesewright of Chippenham and the Earl of Orford
126 - An account by W[illiam] Anderson of payments made and money due to him for sale of his estate at Chippenham to the earl of Orford
127 - Agreement by William Anderson to provide labour for erecting fence to divide the croft in which he dwells from the messuage called The Black Boy and 3r arable that he has sold to Admiral Russell
128 - Bond by William Brasier to resign the vicarage of Chippenham on a month's notice to him by Edward Russell in order that the Bishop of Norwich may institute some person that Edward Russell will name and present to be vicar
129 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of estate of Mr Percivall in Chippenham, annual rental being shown in the left margin and purchase price compute on 20-years' rental in the right. Much described in derogatory terms, the house 'very weak' and the malthouse 'much decayed'
130 - Particulars of agreements made with the copyholders at Chippenham in June and July 1698 for sale of property, demolition of houses, removal, etc.
131 - Valuation of farms in tenure of Richard Brightall and Nicholas Malibin in Westley Waterless
132 - Valuation of manors of Soham [and] Fordham and Netherhall Wigorn [in Soham] formerly of Sir Thomas Chicheley (1614-1699) deceased
133 - Summary of valuation figures for manors of Soham, etc. (as item 132) with adjustments for adventurers' lands, etc., entitled and labelled on back '2d Paper'
134 - Summary of outgoings of the Soham estate entitled and labelled on back '3d Paper'
135 - Summary particulars (tenants, property, annual rental) of Richard Allen's estate in the half-hundred of Lotheringland and Mutford (Norfolk) 'which remains unsold', comprising farms, tenements, etc., in Somerliton, Ashby, Lound, Flixton, Carleton and Mutford
136 - Delegation by Miles Sandys the younger of his voting rights and power to act that he has by virtue of two shares and moiety of share in name of Samuel Spalding to Lord Maltravers towards agreement with the king [Charles I, undertaker of the drainage]
137 - Bond by John Phipps of Mepal, yeoman, with Francis earl of Bedford and rest of the adventurers that he will restore to the earl within 5 months 15 pieces of new fir timber that they have been lent for building him and townsmen of Mepal a sufficient and good cartway over the Bedford River. Cf item 60
138 - Presentments of the jury of sewers for the Isle of Ely given at Cambridgeshire County Council - Tydd St Giles, Newton, Wisbech
139 - Presentment of jury for Huntingdonshire at court of sewers held at Cambridge 30 September 1629
140 - Presentment for the county of Suffolk appointed by commission of sewers and agreed 20 September 1629
142 - Presentments for the county of Cambridge outside Isle of Ely 30 September 1629
143 - Presentment at session of sewers at Wisbech by 78 jurors of places within the limits of the commission 16 September 1617
144 - Account of Admiral [Edward] Russell [later Earl of Orford] or purchase [?of the Chippenham Estate]
145 - A letter addressed to 'My Lord', probably Edward Russell Lord Orford [cf item 144] by Thomas Luck about possible purchase by Russell of the Soham estate of £800 p.a. 'and in no good condition'. Advises him of Mr Morley's negotiations with the vendors' agents, hopes his indisposition is removed
146 - Valuation by John Morley of estate late Sir Thomas Chicheley's in Soham. Presumably made for Lord Orford [cf item 145]
147 - A fair copy of item 132 labelled on the back '1 Paper'
148 - A paper 'Mr Chicheley's Particulars Examined' apparently querying the values placed on different aspects of the Soham estate of Mr [John] Chicheley [cf VCH Cambs, x, 500] and deducing medians for income of the estate from Chicheley's values and recent estate accounts, with outgoings (defalcations) including besides quit rents, rates, taxes, etc., repairs of mills and tenements, scouring river and salaries for managing the estate and working the engine mill
149 - Abstract of income of [late] Sir Thomas Chicheley's estate 'in Cambridgeshire' (mainly Soham and Fordham [cf 145-8]), but including also fen property in Whelpmore [March] and Coveney, Brandon (Norfolk) and Lakenheath (Suffolk)) giving a table of totals from his rentals for the years 1695-1715
150 - The State of the Adventurers Case, in Answer to a PETITION exhibited against them by the Inhabitants of the Soake of PETERBURGH (printed)
152 - A declaration of the true state of all the proceedings of the Right Honorable, the Earl of Bedford, and others of the Adventurers with him, in the Draining of the Great Level of the Fenns, in the Counties of Lincoln, Northampton, Huntington, Cambridge, Suffolk, Norfolk and in the Isle of Ely (printed)
153 - Broadsheet containing in parallel 'The new Adventurers Account given in by them according to an Order of the 24. of Octob. 1662. at the council Table and The Answer of the parties Dispossest' (printed)
154 - Broadsheet containing in parallel 'A Narrative of the Dreyning of the Great Level of the Fenns, Extending into the Counties of Northampton, Norfolk, Suffolk, Lincone, Cambridge and Huntington, and the Isle of Ely, containing above Three hundred thousand Acres'. And 'The Answer of the Petitioners Against the pretended Act of 1649 To a printed Paper intituled, A Narrative of the Dreyning of the Great Levell of the FENNS' (printed)
155 - The Generall Case of the Great Levell of the FENNS called Bedford Level Stated so far as it concerns Sir William Platers Knight and Baronet, Sir John Hewett Baronet, Col Samuel Sandys, Col William Terringham, Col Robert Philips, Col William Dodson and all others claiming under the original Adventurers, now Petitioners to the Honorable House of COMMONS (printed)
156 - To the Honorable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses ASSEMBLED in PARLIAMEMT [sic]. The humble Petition of Sir William Playters Knight and Baronet, Sir John Hewett Baronet, Col Samuel Sandys, Col William Terringham, Col Robert Phillipps, Col William Dodson, and others claiming under the Original Adventurers of the Great Levell, called Bedford Levell (printed)
157 - A RELATION of the business now in hand concerning BEDFORD LEVELL, Written in a LETTER TO A Worthy Member of this Parliament, by a person uninterested, more than in his publick desires to preserve a Work so beneficial for the Kingdom, and satisfaction of all just Interest relating to it (printed, published London 1661)
158 - The ANTIPROJECTOR: OR The History of the Fen Project (printed; folded uncut sheet)
159 - AN ANSWER (to a Printed Paper dispersed by Sir John Maynard entitled The humble Petition of the Owners and Commoners of the Towne of Iselham in the County of Cambridge, and to the Exceptions thereto annexed against the Act for the dreyning of the great Level of the Fennes;) whereby the Honour and Justice of the later Parliament is vindicated, and the scandals and untruths in the said printed paper discovered, some vaine Objections answered, and the truth of the proceedings in that work of Dreyning (so much conducing to the honour and profit of this Common-wealth) held forth to all sober and uninterested persons (printed; 16 pp sewn; published for Richard Baddeley within Middle-Temple-gate 1653)
160 - A Short Answer To a Paper, Intituled, The Several Interests controverted concerning the Great Level of the Fenns (printed)
161 - Fragment ?re Samuel Sandys' affairs
Expand 064 - Diaries of Evelyn Diver064 - Diaries of Evelyn Diver