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Collapse KAR52 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1952KAR52 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1952
1 - Babraham Hall Visitors' Book
Expand 2 - Map of the County of Cambridge by Greenwood2 - Map of the County of Cambridge by Greenwood
Expand 3 - Records of Pepys family of Cottenham3 - Records of Pepys family of Cottenham
4 - Royal Arms of King George III
Expand 5 - Records of Stetchworth and Wood Ditton Manors5 - Records of Stetchworth and Wood Ditton Manors
Expand 6 - Deeds and other documents relating to Martin family of Quy Hall6 - Deeds and other documents relating to Martin family of Quy Hall
Expand 9 - Title deeds recovered from a lampshade-maker9 - Title deeds recovered from a lampshade-maker
Expand 11 - Records of Simpson family of Downham Park 11 - Records of Simpson family of Downham Park
Collapse 12 - Wimpole Hall Collection12 - Wimpole Hall Collection
Expand 1 - Manor of Kingston with Kingston St. George1 - Manor of Kingston with Kingston St. George
Expand 2 - Manor of Steeple Morden and Odsey2 - Manor of Steeple Morden and Odsey
Expand 3 - Kingston, &c3 - Kingston, &c
Expand 4 - Cambridgeshire, London, County Durham4 - Cambridgeshire, London, County Durham
Expand 5 - Kingston5 - Kingston
Expand 6 - Private Acts6 - Private Acts
Expand 7 - Arrington7 - Arrington
Expand 8 - Haddenham, Harlton, Wimpole8 - Haddenham, Harlton, Wimpole
Expand 9 - Arrington, Wimpole9 - Arrington, Wimpole
Expand 10 - Barrington, Orwell, &c10 - Barrington, Orwell, &c
Expand 11 - Haddenham, Wimpole, &c11 - Haddenham, Wimpole, &c
Collapse 12 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Wimpole12 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Wimpole
1 - Richard Tyrrell of London to Robert Marche of Ely. Bargain and Sale of messuages and 72 acres land, meadow and pasture in Haddenham
2 - Exemplification of Inquisition Post Mortem of Henry Chicheley taken 29 July 1526, who died seised of Manors of Wendey, Gamboundys, Fitzraiffys, Brumptons, Wympole Bassingbornes, Cobbes, Avenelles in Wympole, Goldinghams, Overhall, Netherhall, Armyngton and Wimpole
3 - Christopher Marche of Ely to William Marche of Icklingham. Bargain and Sale of 4 messuages in Haddenham
4 - Thomas, Earl of Suffolk and Katherine his wife, Theophilus Lord Howard Baron Walden and Elizabeth his wife, Sir Arnold Herbert and William Hayward to Joyce Norton of London widow. Bargain and Sale io Manors of Steeple Morden, Browys, Odsey, alias Odsey Grange, and lands in Guilden Morden, Litlington, Melbourn, Wimpole, Abington (Cambridgeshire), Eyworth, Ashwell, Bygrave, Clotall, Baldock, Wallington and Gosshall (Hertfordshire), Kyworth (Bedfordshire) Therfield and Kelsey (Hertfordshire)
5 - Jocosa Norton v. Thomas Earl of Suffolk and others. Exemplification of a Fine relating to Manor of Steeple Morden alias Browys, 5 messuages, 5 tofts, 2 watermills, dovecote, and rents in Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden, Litlington, Melbourn, Wimpole and Abington. Also messuage, toft, garden, 100 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, 6 acres wood and 50 acres heath in Ashwell, Bygrave, Clottall, Baldock, Wallington, Gosshall, Therfield and Kelsey.
6A-B - Thomas Baron v. Thomas March and Elizabeth his wife. Fine relating to property as in R52/12/8/1
7 - Bartholomew Tibbalds of Buntingford, Hertfordshire, to Henry Tibbalds of Steeple Morden. Grant of 3 half-acres of arable called Tatloes in Steeple Morden
8 - James, Earl of Suffolk to Thomas Day and Robert Flacke of Cambridge. Bargain and Sale of 14 acre close in Ewell Fen, 20 acre close, 3 roods and 23 acres close and a bank, all in Haddenham
9 - James, Earl of Suffolk, to Martin Foalkes of Haddenham. Grant of 3 closes containing 3 acres, 3 acres and 4 acres land in Ewell Fen, Haddenham
10 - James, Earl of Suffolk, to John Frohock of Cambridge. Conveyance of 17 acres next to River Ouse and way bank and 7 acres in Ewell Fen, all in Haddenham.
11 - James, Earl of Suffolk, to Thomas Baron of Saffron Walden. Grant of 2 closes (19 acres and 8 acres) and way bank in Ewell Fen, Haddenham
12 - Thomas, Earl of Berkshire, to James, Earl of Suffolk. Grant of moiety of the Manors of Haddenham and Bursteed in Haddenham with all appurtenances
13 - Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole, Sara his wife, Sir William Russell of London her father and Edward Fenne of London to William Russell senior of Spinney Abbey and Reverend Joseph Loveland of Wimpole trustees. Copy of Deed of Covenant to land uses of a Fine relating to Manors of Wimpole alias Bassingbornes, Avenells. Cobbs, Bawnes, St George and Claydons alias Wimpole, 260 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 80 acres pasture, 5 acres wood, and 44 acres land, close of pasture and wood in Wendy, and other lands, &c in Wimpole, Orwell, Whaddon, Great and Little Eversden, Kingston, Stow, Croyden, Arrington, Wendy, Bassingbourn, Shingay, to hold in trust for 99 years for uses stated.
14 - Thomas Daie of Cambridge to Anthony Stoman of same. Grant of 20a3r land in Ewell Fen, Haddenham.
15A - Henry Tibbalds of Guilden Morden to John Tibbalds of same. Feoffment of 3 acres arable in Steeple Morden
15B - Katherine Shepfield to Richard Rowell and John Jeve all of Steeple Morden. Feoffment of 1½ acres land or pasture in Steeple Morden
15C - Attested copy of Will of John Tibbals of Steeple Morden.
15D - Attested clause from Will of William Tibballs concerning conditional bequest of copyhold land in Steeple Morden.
16 - Rt. Hon. John Russell to Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole. Lease and Release of 2 messuages with 2 acres land, orchards, meadows and pasture all in Arrington
17 - Copy of Will of Anthony Stowman of Cambridge relating to property in Chesterton, Barnwell, Haddenham, &c.
18 - Hannah Gattward of Westminster to Samuel Gattward of Steeple Morden. Lease and Release of messuage called Reeds and 5 roods arable in Steeple Morden.
19 - Samuel Woods of London and Frances his wife (née Stoman) to William Worts of Cambridge. Lease to put into possession of 20a3r land in Ewell Fen, Haddenham
20 - Lease and Release of messuage called Reeds, 5 roods land, and common of pasture all in Steeple Morden.
21 - Dorothy Stoman of Cambridge, widow of Anthony Stoman deceased, Anthony Stoman of London her son, and Martha Raven of Chesterton to William Woorts of Cambridge. Release of all rights in 20a3r land in Ewell Fen, Haddenham
22 - Sir Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole to John Howland of Stretham, Surrey, and Peter Clayton and Thomas Pierce both of London. Conveyance of Manors of Wimpole alias Bassingbornes, Avenells, Cobbs, Bawnes, St George and Claydons, alias Wimpole, Orwell, and Arrington, patronage of Wimpole Church, messuages, lands &c.
23-24 - Sir Thomas Chicheley to Sir John Cutler of Westminster and his trustee. Lease and Release of Manors (as in R52/12/12/22) and Goldingham, Netherhall, and Overhall, messuage and 17 acres land in Wimpole, with messuage, lands, &c in said Manors. Enrolled in Court of Chancery, 15 February 1687
25 - John Howland of Stretham, Surrey, his trustees, and Reverend Joseph Loveland of Wimpole to Sir Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole. Lease to put into possession of property as in R52/12/12/24. Enrolled in Court of Chancery, 6 May 1687
26 - Sir Thomas Chicheley of Soham to Sir John Cutler if Westminster and his trustees. Conveyance of property as in R52/12/12/24. Enrolled in Court of Chancery, 30 December 1690.
Expand 13 - Steeple Morden, &c13 - Steeple Morden, &c
Expand 14 - Wimpole, &c14 - Wimpole, &c
Expand 15 - Haddenham (1)15 - Haddenham (1)
Expand 16 - Haddenham (2)16 - Haddenham (2)
Expand 17 - Haddenham (3)17 - Haddenham (3)
Expand 18 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Whaddon: Hardwicke family18 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Whaddon: Hardwicke family
Expand 19 - Haddenham (4)19 - Haddenham (4)
Expand 20 - Haddenham (5)20 - Haddenham (5)
Expand 21 - Haddenham (6)21 - Haddenham (6)
Expand 22 - Haddenham (7)22 - Haddenham (7)
Expand 23 - Steeple Morden (1)23 - Steeple Morden (1)
Expand 24 - Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden24 - Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden
Expand 25 - Steeple Morden (2)25 - Steeple Morden (2)
Expand 26 - Steeple Morden, &c26 - Steeple Morden, &c
Expand 27 - Steeple Morden (3)27 - Steeple Morden (3)
Expand 28 - Steeple Morden (4)28 - Steeple Morden (4)
Expand 29 - Arrington29 - Arrington
Expand 30 - Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Gloucester30 - Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Gloucester
Expand 31 - Manor of Bourn (Christ's College)31 - Manor of Bourn (Christ's College)
Expand 32 - Bourn32 - Bourn
Expand 33 - Harlton33 - Harlton
Expand 34 - Hardwicke, &c34 - Hardwicke, &c
Expand 35 - Littleport35 - Littleport
Expand 36 - Wimpole and Arrington36 - Wimpole and Arrington
Expand 37 - Wimpole (1)37 - Wimpole (1)
Expand 38 - Wimpole (2)38 - Wimpole (2)
Expand 39 - Wimpole, &c (1)39 - Wimpole, &c (1)
Expand 40 - Wimpole, &c (2)40 - Wimpole, &c (2)
Expand 41 - Wimpole & Orwell41 - Wimpole & Orwell
Expand 42 - Haddenham, &c42 - Haddenham, &c
Expand 43 - Cambridgeshire, &c43 - Cambridgeshire, &c
Expand 44 - Cambridge and Haddenham44 - Cambridge and Haddenham
Expand 45 - Yorke family papers45 - Yorke family papers
Expand 46 - Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.46 - Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.
Expand 47 - Middlesex and Surrey47 - Middlesex and Surrey
Expand 48 - Shingay48 - Shingay
Expand 49 - Whaddon49 - Whaddon
Expand 13 - Deeds collected by A.H. Packe, Esq.13 - Deeds collected by A.H. Packe, Esq.
Expand 15 - Fulbourn Computus roll15 - Fulbourn Computus roll
Expand 16 - Grant of rents in Little Eversden16 - Grant of rents in Little Eversden
Expand 17 - Drawing of King's College Chapel17 - Drawing of King's College Chapel
Expand 19 - Records of Sawston Village College19 - Records of Sawston Village College
Expand 20 - Cambridge Prison Records20 - Cambridge Prison Records
Expand 21 - Map of Papworth Everard21 - Map of Papworth Everard
Expand 23 - Title deeds transferred from West Suffolk County Record Office23 - Title deeds transferred from West Suffolk County Record Office
Expand 24 - Townley Collection24 - Townley Collection