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Collapse KAR52 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1952KAR52 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1952
1 - Babraham Hall Visitors' Book
Expand 2 - Map of the County of Cambridge by Greenwood2 - Map of the County of Cambridge by Greenwood
Expand 3 - Records of Pepys family of Cottenham3 - Records of Pepys family of Cottenham
4 - Royal Arms of King George III
Expand 5 - Records of Stetchworth and Wood Ditton Manors5 - Records of Stetchworth and Wood Ditton Manors
Expand 6 - Deeds and other documents relating to Martin family of Quy Hall6 - Deeds and other documents relating to Martin family of Quy Hall
Expand 9 - Title deeds recovered from a lampshade-maker9 - Title deeds recovered from a lampshade-maker
Expand 11 - Records of Simpson family of Downham Park 11 - Records of Simpson family of Downham Park
Collapse 12 - Wimpole Hall Collection12 - Wimpole Hall Collection
Expand 1 - Manor of Kingston with Kingston St. George1 - Manor of Kingston with Kingston St. George
Expand 2 - Manor of Steeple Morden and Odsey2 - Manor of Steeple Morden and Odsey
Expand 3 - Kingston, &c3 - Kingston, &c
Expand 4 - Cambridgeshire, London, County Durham4 - Cambridgeshire, London, County Durham
Expand 5 - Kingston5 - Kingston
Expand 6 - Private Acts6 - Private Acts
Expand 7 - Arrington7 - Arrington
Expand 8 - Haddenham, Harlton, Wimpole8 - Haddenham, Harlton, Wimpole
Expand 9 - Arrington, Wimpole9 - Arrington, Wimpole
Expand 10 - Barrington, Orwell, &c10 - Barrington, Orwell, &c
Expand 11 - Haddenham, Wimpole, &c11 - Haddenham, Wimpole, &c
Expand 12 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Wimpole12 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Wimpole
Collapse 13 - Steeple Morden, &c13 - Steeple Morden, &c
1 - Thomas Hongate v. Joyce Norton. Vouchees: Thomas, Earl of Suffolk; Theophilus Lord Howard de Walden, and Edward Howse. Exemplification of a Recovery relating to Manor of Steeple Morden and Cambs. Lands as in R52/12/12/5. Enrolled, Michaelmas Term 1621
2 - Joyce Norton of London to Thomas Hungate her brother of same. Settlement of her lands and messuages in Manor of Brewys in trust for herself for life and then to her sons Adam Washington, Thomas Duckett and Thomas Wighte or her daughter Ann Beale (née Duckett)
3-4 - Joyce Norton of Steeple Morden, Thomas Duckitt concurring, to Sir Humphrey Mildmay of Danbury and others. Settlement (revoking R52/12/13/2) on proposed marriage of Thomas Duckitt to Mary, sister of Sir Humphrey Mildmay, of Manors of Steeple Morden and Browys, capital messuage, 365 acres land, 80 acres meadow and pasture in Steeple Morden; Anglesey Farm of 140 acres, Bush Andrewes house, and lands, &c in Guilden Morden, in trust for uses stated
5 - 1st Part: Thomas Duckett of Guilden Morden. 2nd Part: Ellis Lloyd of Lincoln's Inn. 3rd Part: James Willymott junior of Staple Inn. Grant to put into possession to suffer a Recovery of Manors of Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden, Browys and Odsey, Narbrooks and Howes Farms, and lands in Litlington, Melbourn, Wimpole, Arrington, Ashwell, Therfield and Kelshall
6 - Thomas Duckett to Rt. Hon. Philip Jones and others. Settlement, on proposed marriage of Thomas Duckett junior to Anne Mansell daughter of Sir Anthony Mansall deceased of Manors of Steeple Morden and Browys, Narbrooke and Howes Farm, and lands in Ashwell, Bygrave, Clothall, Baldock, Wallington, Golshall, Eyworth and Therfield, in trust for uses stated
7 - Arthur Mansell v. Thomas Duckett senior and Anne his wife. Fine relating to Manors of Steeple Morden and Browys, 6 messuages, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 1000 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture in Steeple Morden
8 - Francis Finch v. Arthur Mansall. Exemplification of a Recovery of Manors of Steeple Morden and Browys, 12 messuages, 6 gardens, 1000 acres land, 100 ares meadow and 100 acres pasture
9 - Thomas Duckett of Lincoln's Inn, Anne his wife and Arthur Mansell her brother to Francis Finch of Inner Temple. Deed declaring uses of R52/12/13/7 and 8
10 - Thomas Duckett of Lincoln's Inn, Anne his wife and Arthur Mansell her brother to Francis Finch of Inner Temple. Deed declaring uses of R52/12/13/7 and 8
11 - Francis Finch, Thomas Duckett and Anne his wife concurring, to Henry Poulton of Lincoln's Inn. After reciting 9 above, Mortgage of farm in Steeple Morden to Edward Fordham
12 - Henry Poulton to Thomas Duckett. Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/13/11
13-14 - Francis Finch to Thomas Duckett. Lease and Release of manor, messuage and lands in Steeple Morden in trust for uses stated
15 - Thomas Duckett junior of Steeple Morden to Alexander Brittayne of Abotsley, Hunts. Mortgage of Boyis Farm in Gatwell End, Steeple Morden
16 - Thomas Duckett to Robert Sherwine of Cambridge University. Mortgage of 2 closes called Great Reabarnes in Steeple Morden
17 - Thomas Duckett to Robert Stephens of Middle Temple. Mortgage of farm (John Nightingale tenant) in Steeple Morden
18A - Thomas Duckett to Henry Asgill of London. Covenant to levy Fine concerning farm as in R52/12/13/17
18B - Henry Asgill v. Thomas Duckett. Fine relating to messuage, 300 acres land, 50 acres meadow, 50 acres pasture and 100 acres heath in Steeple Morden
19 - Alexander Brittaine, Thomas Duckett concurring, to Roger Hill of Inner Temple, Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/13/15
20 - Herbert Sherwine, Thomas Duckett concurring, to Roger Hill and Richard Saltonstall. Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/13/16
21 - Robert Stephens, Thomas Duckett concurring, to Roger Hill and Richard Saltonstall. Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/13/17
22-23 - Henry Asgill and Thomas Duckett to James Gurdon of Inner Temple and Richard Royle of London. Lease and Release of farm as in R52/12/13/17
24-25 - Sir Roger Hill of Denham, Buckinghamshire, and others to John Hatcher of Corby, Lincolnshire, and Reverend John Sackett of Braunston, Lincolnshire. Lease and Release of farm as in R52/12/13/23
26 - Sir Roger Hill, Thomas Duckett concurring, to Sir Thomas Meres of Lincoln. Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/13/17
27 - Sir Roger Hill, Thomas Duckett concurring, to Sir Thomas Meres of Lincoln. Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/13/16
28 - Sir Roger Hill, Thomas Duckett concurring, to Sir Thomas Meres of Lincoln. Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/13/15
29 - 1st Part: Edward Partheriche of Littleport. 2nd Part: Silvester Petyt of Bernard's Inn. 3rd Part: Arthur Middleton of London. Grant to create tenant to suffer 2 Recoveries concerning Manors of Littleport and Aldermarston, County Worcester, and lands in County Worcester.
30 - Arthur Middleton v. Silvester Petyt. Vouchee: Edward Partheriche. Exemplification of a Recovery concerning Manor of Littleport, 40 messuages, 10 tofts, windmill, dovehouse, 50 gardens, 400 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 400 acres pasture, 20 acres wood, 2500 acres marsh, rents, liberty of fishing, and View of Frankpledge in Littleport.
31A - Henry Yates, administrator of Elizabeth his wife, deceased, to Edward Parterich of Stratford-on-Avon and John Middleton of Mentham, Sussex
31B - Edward Partheriche to Henry Yates. Recognizance for £1800
31C - Thomas Yates at Warnham to Mr. Keech at Lincoln's Inn. Letter enclosing R52/12/13/31B
Expand 14 - Wimpole, &c14 - Wimpole, &c
Expand 15 - Haddenham (1)15 - Haddenham (1)
Expand 16 - Haddenham (2)16 - Haddenham (2)
Expand 17 - Haddenham (3)17 - Haddenham (3)
Expand 18 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Whaddon: Hardwicke family18 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Whaddon: Hardwicke family
Expand 19 - Haddenham (4)19 - Haddenham (4)
Expand 20 - Haddenham (5)20 - Haddenham (5)
Expand 21 - Haddenham (6)21 - Haddenham (6)
Expand 22 - Haddenham (7)22 - Haddenham (7)
Expand 23 - Steeple Morden (1)23 - Steeple Morden (1)
Expand 24 - Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden24 - Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden
Expand 25 - Steeple Morden (2)25 - Steeple Morden (2)
Expand 26 - Steeple Morden, &c26 - Steeple Morden, &c
Expand 27 - Steeple Morden (3)27 - Steeple Morden (3)
Expand 28 - Steeple Morden (4)28 - Steeple Morden (4)
Expand 29 - Arrington29 - Arrington
Expand 30 - Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Gloucester30 - Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Gloucester
Expand 31 - Manor of Bourn (Christ's College)31 - Manor of Bourn (Christ's College)
Expand 32 - Bourn32 - Bourn
Expand 33 - Harlton33 - Harlton
Expand 34 - Hardwicke, &c34 - Hardwicke, &c
Expand 35 - Littleport35 - Littleport
Expand 36 - Wimpole and Arrington36 - Wimpole and Arrington
Expand 37 - Wimpole (1)37 - Wimpole (1)
Expand 38 - Wimpole (2)38 - Wimpole (2)
Expand 39 - Wimpole, &c (1)39 - Wimpole, &c (1)
Expand 40 - Wimpole, &c (2)40 - Wimpole, &c (2)
Expand 41 - Wimpole & Orwell41 - Wimpole & Orwell
Expand 42 - Haddenham, &c42 - Haddenham, &c
Expand 43 - Cambridgeshire, &c43 - Cambridgeshire, &c
Expand 44 - Cambridge and Haddenham44 - Cambridge and Haddenham
Expand 45 - Yorke family papers45 - Yorke family papers
Expand 46 - Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.46 - Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.
Expand 47 - Middlesex and Surrey47 - Middlesex and Surrey
Expand 48 - Shingay48 - Shingay
Expand 49 - Whaddon49 - Whaddon
Expand 13 - Deeds collected by A.H. Packe, Esq.13 - Deeds collected by A.H. Packe, Esq.
Expand 15 - Fulbourn Computus roll15 - Fulbourn Computus roll
Expand 16 - Grant of rents in Little Eversden16 - Grant of rents in Little Eversden
Expand 17 - Drawing of King's College Chapel17 - Drawing of King's College Chapel
Expand 19 - Records of Sawston Village College19 - Records of Sawston Village College
Expand 20 - Cambridge Prison Records20 - Cambridge Prison Records
Expand 21 - Map of Papworth Everard21 - Map of Papworth Everard
Expand 23 - Title deeds transferred from West Suffolk County Record Office23 - Title deeds transferred from West Suffolk County Record Office
Expand 24 - Townley Collection24 - Townley Collection