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Collapse KAR52 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1952KAR52 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1952
1 - Babraham Hall Visitors' Book
Expand 2 - Map of the County of Cambridge by Greenwood2 - Map of the County of Cambridge by Greenwood
Expand 3 - Records of Pepys family of Cottenham3 - Records of Pepys family of Cottenham
4 - Royal Arms of King George III
Expand 5 - Records of Stetchworth and Wood Ditton Manors5 - Records of Stetchworth and Wood Ditton Manors
Expand 6 - Deeds and other documents relating to Martin family of Quy Hall6 - Deeds and other documents relating to Martin family of Quy Hall
Expand 9 - Title deeds recovered from a lampshade-maker9 - Title deeds recovered from a lampshade-maker
Expand 11 - Records of Simpson family of Downham Park 11 - Records of Simpson family of Downham Park
Collapse 12 - Wimpole Hall Collection12 - Wimpole Hall Collection
Expand 1 - Manor of Kingston with Kingston St. George1 - Manor of Kingston with Kingston St. George
Expand 2 - Manor of Steeple Morden and Odsey2 - Manor of Steeple Morden and Odsey
Expand 3 - Kingston, &c3 - Kingston, &c
Expand 4 - Cambridgeshire, London, County Durham4 - Cambridgeshire, London, County Durham
Expand 5 - Kingston5 - Kingston
Expand 6 - Private Acts6 - Private Acts
Expand 7 - Arrington7 - Arrington
Expand 8 - Haddenham, Harlton, Wimpole8 - Haddenham, Harlton, Wimpole
Expand 9 - Arrington, Wimpole9 - Arrington, Wimpole
Expand 10 - Barrington, Orwell, &c10 - Barrington, Orwell, &c
Expand 11 - Haddenham, Wimpole, &c11 - Haddenham, Wimpole, &c
Expand 12 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Wimpole12 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Wimpole
Expand 13 - Steeple Morden, &c13 - Steeple Morden, &c
Expand 14 - Wimpole, &c14 - Wimpole, &c
Expand 15 - Haddenham (1)15 - Haddenham (1)
Expand 16 - Haddenham (2)16 - Haddenham (2)
Expand 17 - Haddenham (3)17 - Haddenham (3)
Expand 18 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Whaddon: Hardwicke family18 - Haddenham, Steeple Morden, Whaddon: Hardwicke family
Expand 19 - Haddenham (4)19 - Haddenham (4)
Expand 20 - Haddenham (5)20 - Haddenham (5)
Expand 21 - Haddenham (6)21 - Haddenham (6)
Expand 22 - Haddenham (7)22 - Haddenham (7)
Expand 23 - Steeple Morden (1)23 - Steeple Morden (1)
Expand 24 - Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden24 - Steeple Morden, Guilden Morden
Expand 25 - Steeple Morden (2)25 - Steeple Morden (2)
Expand 26 - Steeple Morden, &c26 - Steeple Morden, &c
Expand 27 - Steeple Morden (3)27 - Steeple Morden (3)
Expand 28 - Steeple Morden (4)28 - Steeple Morden (4)
Expand 29 - Arrington29 - Arrington
Expand 30 - Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Gloucester30 - Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Gloucester
Expand 31 - Manor of Bourn (Christ's College)31 - Manor of Bourn (Christ's College)
Expand 32 - Bourn32 - Bourn
Expand 33 - Harlton33 - Harlton
Expand 34 - Hardwicke, &c34 - Hardwicke, &c
Expand 35 - Littleport35 - Littleport
Expand 36 - Wimpole and Arrington36 - Wimpole and Arrington
Expand 37 - Wimpole (1)37 - Wimpole (1)
Expand 38 - Wimpole (2)38 - Wimpole (2)
Expand 39 - Wimpole, &c (1)39 - Wimpole, &c (1)
Collapse 40 - Wimpole, &c (2)40 - Wimpole, &c (2)
1-2 - 1st Part. Charles Bodvile, Earl of Radnor. 2nd Part. John Leigh of Adlington, Cheshire. 3rd Part. John Heathcote and John Bernard both of London. 4th Part. Edward Northey of Middle Temple, Richard Powys of Parish of St Anne, Westminter, Sir Philip Meadowes of Parish of St Martin's-in-the-Fields, John Hardesty of Furnivalls Inn, Samuel Travers of Middle Temple and Andrew Card of Grays Inn. Mortgage, by way of Lease and Release, of fourth part of property as in R52/12/39/4
3-4 - 1st Part. Earl of Radnor. 2nd Part. Sir Thomas Powys of Lincolns Inn, Charles Godolphyn of Parish of St Martin's-in-the-Fields, Reverend William Wade, Dean of Exeter, John Heathcote and John Bernard. 3rd Part. John Lord Ashburnham and Henry Hoare of London. 4th Part. Parties as in 4th Part of R52/12/39/1. Mortgage by way of Lease and Release, of whole of property as in R52/12/39/4.
5-6 - Counterparts of R52/12/40/3 and 4
7-8 - Counterparts of R52/12/40/3 and 4
9 - Lord Ashburnham, Sir Thomas Powys of Lincolns Inn and Henry Hoare of London to Earl of Radnor. Agreement relating to Earl of Radnor's liability for Land Tax on his mortgaged lands, with covenant concerning interest
10 - 1st Part. Earl of Radnor. 2nd Part. Honourable George Boothe and Lucy his wife. 3rd Part. John Legh of Adlington, Cheshire, and Samuel Travers. (Lease and) Release of property as in R52/12/39/4 (a) and (b) as security for payment
11-12 - 1st Part. Honourable George Booth and Lucy his wife. 2nd Part. John Legh of Adlington and Samuel Travers. 3rd Part. Earl and Countess of Radnor. Lease and Release of property as in R52/12/40/1 excluding manor of Orwell which had been conveyed away
13-14 - Earl of Radnor and others to Duke of Newcastle and others. Lease and Release of property as in R52/12/39/4 excluding Manor of Orwell.
15 - Earl of Radnor to Duke of Newcastle. Shorter form of Release of property as in R52/12/40/14.
16 - 1st Part. Lord Harley. 2nd Part. Viscount Cheyne of Newhaven and John Morley senior of Halstead. 3rd Part. Reverend Richard Bentley, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Mortgage of 8 messuages, farms and lands in Wimpole and Arrington
17 - 1st Part. Lord Harley and Henrietta his wife. 2nd Part. Viscount Cheyne and John Morley senior. 3rd Part. Joseph Martyn of London, William Felows of Lincolns Inn and Thomas Andrews of London. Mortgage of property as in R52/12/40/16 and other messuages, lands in Arrington, Kingston, Wimpole, Bassingbourn, Avenells, Cobbs, Bawnes, St George, Claydons alias Wimpole, Great and Little Eversden, Whaddon, Wratsworth, Stow, Croydon, Clopton, Shingay, Milton and Barrington
18 - 1st Part. Lord and Lady Harley. 2nd Part. Viscount Cheyne and John Morley. 3rd Part. Reverend Richard Bentley. 4th Part. Joseph Martyn, William Felowes and Thomas Andrews. Assignment of Mortgage R52/12/40/16.
19-20 - 1st Part. Earl and Countess of Oxford. 2nd Part. Viscount Cheyne, John Morley and Peter Walter. 3rd Part. William Thomas and Thomas Worlock both of London. Copy of Lease and release of Duke of Newcastle's estates to uses stated
21 - Earl and Countess of Oxford and Duke of Newcastle to Thomas Lord Trevor, Earl Paulett and Viscount Cheyne. Settlement of Leases and property as in R52/12/40/16 and other lands in Middlesex, &c.
22 - Abstracts of 2 Fines.
23 - Earl and Countess of Oxford to Thomas Easy of Longstowe. Articles of Agreement for 3-year Lease of messuage and 143 acres land in Kingston and 3 fields of 127acres land in Wimpole.
24-25 - Earl and Countess of Oxford, Right Honourable John Verney, Robert Harley of Lincolns Inn and James West of Middle Temple to Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Lease and Release of: (a) Manors of Wimpole, Bassingbourne, Avenells, Cobbs, Bawnes, St George, Wratsworth, Coldingham, Netherhall, Overhall and Claydons alias Wimpole. (b) Capital Messuage and park in Wimpole. (c) Messuages, lands, &c view of frank pledge, and advowson of church all in Wimpole. (d) Manor of Whaddon and capital messuage, 90 acres pasture, 143 acres arable and 12 aces meadow all in Whaddon. (e) Messuage called Lillyes, 6 acres pasture, 60 acres land, 10½ acres meadow, and messuage and 6 acres land all in Whaddon. (f) Messuage and malthouse in Whaddon and 28½ acres arable in Whaddon, Kneesworth, Meldreth. (g) Manors of Kingston Wood and Kingston St George with messuages, lands &c.
26 - Edward, Lord Harley, to Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Release of a Judgement obtained against Earl of Oxford
27 - Earl and Countess of Oxford and their trustees to Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Assignment of rents and arrears of rent on estates in Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.
28 - Earl and Countess of Oxford and their trustees to Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Declaration of trust of leasehold estates of Earl and Countess of Oxford in Cambridgeshire.
29 - Earl and Countess of Oxford and their trustees to Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Declaration of trust of leasehold estates of Earl and Countess of Oxford in Cambridgeshire. Mortgage of Manor of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, by way of collateral security
30 - 1st Part. Samuel Gowland of Parish of St Clement Danes and Ralph Gowland of Durham. 2nd Part. Earl and Countess of Oxford. 3rd Part. Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Assignment of Mortgage of messuage and lands in Wimpole to attend an inheritance.
31 - 1st Part. Bishop of Sailsbury. 2nd Part. Earl and Countess of Oxford. 3rd Part. Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Assignment of term of 61 years of advowson of Wimpole Church to attend the inheritance
32-33 - Honourable Philip Yorke to Philip, Lord Hardwicke. Release of jointure on any future marriage, and Release of powers to make leases of capital messuage and park in Wimpole
Expand 41 - Wimpole & Orwell41 - Wimpole & Orwell
Expand 42 - Haddenham, &c42 - Haddenham, &c
Expand 43 - Cambridgeshire, &c43 - Cambridgeshire, &c
Expand 44 - Cambridge and Haddenham44 - Cambridge and Haddenham
Expand 45 - Yorke family papers45 - Yorke family papers
Expand 46 - Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.46 - Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.
Expand 47 - Middlesex and Surrey47 - Middlesex and Surrey
Expand 48 - Shingay48 - Shingay
Expand 49 - Whaddon49 - Whaddon
Expand 13 - Deeds collected by A.H. Packe, Esq.13 - Deeds collected by A.H. Packe, Esq.
Expand 15 - Fulbourn Computus roll15 - Fulbourn Computus roll
Expand 16 - Grant of rents in Little Eversden16 - Grant of rents in Little Eversden
Expand 17 - Drawing of King's College Chapel17 - Drawing of King's College Chapel
Expand 19 - Records of Sawston Village College19 - Records of Sawston Village College
Expand 20 - Cambridge Prison Records20 - Cambridge Prison Records
Expand 21 - Map of Papworth Everard21 - Map of Papworth Everard
Expand 23 - Title deeds transferred from West Suffolk County Record Office23 - Title deeds transferred from West Suffolk County Record Office
Expand 24 - Townley Collection24 - Townley Collection