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Collapse KAR56 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1956KAR56 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1956
Expand 2 - Cambridge Holy Trinity Parish: documents received via County Welfare Department2 - Cambridge Holy Trinity Parish: documents received via County Welfare Department
Expand 3 - Document relating to raising money to build a British School at Cottenham3 - Document relating to raising money to build a British School at Cottenham
Collapse 5 - Manorial documents formerly in St Edward's Passage5 - Manorial documents formerly in St Edward's Passage
1 - Robert Colman, son of William Colman of Ashley, to Alic' Gunderle of 'Upheme' (i.e. Upend in Kirtling) and William Waryn of Kirtling. Grant of all his lands and tenements with rents, services, rights and liberties in Ashley and Silverley for ever. Witnesses: Geoffrey Robyn, Stephen Stotevyle, Robert Geppesone, John Mayner, Richard ffarewell, Edmond Kyrkeby, William Coyston and others.
2 - Joanna, widow of John Maryot of Ashley, and William her son to John Arundell, clerk, and Thomas 'Asshele' of Ashley. Grant of messuage in Ashley for ever. Witnesses: William Stotevyle, John ffenmale (?) Robert Horn', Walter Pykcheses, Henry Kyrkeby and many others.
3 - John Norwyche of Ashley to Right Honourable Roger, Lord North. Bond to convey croft or pasture of 3 acres in Ashley and Silverley as in conveyance of even date.
4 - Right Honourable Roger, Lord North, to John Norrydge, parson of Ashley Church. 21-year Lease of Rectory of Silverley and 51½ acres glebe land in Silverley and Ashley.
5 - Thomas Collett and William Tyler v. John Collett. Fine relating to 2 messuages, dovehouse, 40 acres land, 1 acre meadow, 1 acre pasture in Asley and Silverley. Consideration, £60.
6 - Right Honourable Roger North, knight, of Mildenhall to John Parker of Hunden, Suffolk. 7-year Lease of messuages, known as Hunnymans of Goddards, in Ashley and Silverley and 2 closes of pasture in Ashley.
7 - William Norwich of Brettenham, Norfolk, to Richard Norwich of Ashley. Mortgage of messuage with premises and 6 acres pasture called Crowchfield.
8 - Right Honourable William, Lord North and Grey, to Dame Anne North of Holborn. Mortgage of Manors of Ashley, Silverley and Cannons, Rectory of Silverley, advowson of Ashley, and farm called Cannons in Ashley and Silverley, with Covenant to suffer a Recovery.
9 - Right Honourable Dame Anne North, William Lord North and Grey concurring, to Honourable Montague North and Honourable Roger North. Assignment of Mortgage R56/5/8.
10 - Right Honourable William, Lord North and Grey, to John Reeve of Southwell Park, Suffolk. 6-year lease of capital messuage called Ashley Hall with appurtenances and manorial rights.
11 - Mary Alpha, widow of James Alpha, and others to Thomas Bold of Lincoln's Inn. (Lease and) Release of parcel of land, 48ft by 30ft in Colepitt Furlong, Sturbridge Field, Barnwell, with lately built Mitre Tavern and premises.
12 - Michael Chamber of Royston, Herts., to John Clarke of Alberrye, Herts., and Urias Barker of Heydon, Essex, trustees. Grant of capital messuage and adjoining close in Royston, and 40 acres arable in Melbourn and Bassingbourn, and in Tharfield and Eastreed, Herts.
13 - Bryan Kitchingman, alderman of Cambridge, John Knight of Waterbeach, and others to Alexander Green of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Covenant to produce title deeds to 48 acres land, 5 acres meadow and 1 acre pasture in Bottisham.
14 - John Knight to Alexander Green. Acknowledgement of receipt of £375, purchase price of lands as in R56/5/13.
15 - William Parker v. Elizabeth and Thomas Parker. Exemplification of a Fine, levied in Trinity Term, 1655, relating to 165 acres land, 6 acres meadow, and 1 acre pasture in Bottisham, with certificate of 4 proclamations. Consideration, £120.
16 - Samuel Pewton and Thomas Dickinson v Anne Jury and Henry Nicholls. Fine relating to 4 messuages and 4 gardens in Parishes of St Benedict and All Saints, Cambridge. Consideration, £200.
17 - Manor of Castle Camps: Admission of William Osborne, on death of Christina Osborne and under Will of Robert Osborne who had pre-deceased her, to messuage with premises and 10 acres land in pasture pertaining thereto.
18 - Manor of Castle Camps: Admission of William Osborne, on surrender of Thomas Cowle, to 1 rood land in Gidding Field, Castle Camps.
19 - Manor of Hinton Uphall with Great Wilbraham: Admission of Rachel Witt, under Will of her son Robert Witt deceased, to messuage, orchard and premises, and 9 acres arable in Hinton for her life.
20 - Manor of Hinton Rectory: Admission of Richard Foot and Mary his wife, on surrender of Thomas Hart of Hinton, to messuage and premises of 3 acres.
21 - Thomas Healey of Cambridge to Jeremiah Deere senior of same. Grant, as jointure on intended marriage of Thomas Healey and Ann Deere sister of Jeremiah Deere, of 1 rood land with windmill in Chesterton, as trustee for uses stated.
22 - Sir John Cotton, knight, of Landwade. Revocation of Indenture Tripartite, dated 10 January 1596, relating to: Manor of Cheveley with rights, &c in Cheveley, Ashley, Silverley, Kirtling, 'Uppinge' (i.e. Upend), Newmarket, Ditton Valence, Ditton Camois, Saxton and Wood Ditton; Advowson and patronage of Cheveley Church; All Sir John's properties in Cheveley; Manor of Bansteddes alias Bensteddes in Cheveley; All Sir John's properties in places named in above, purchased of Thomas Stutville.
23 - Oliver Pamplyn and Robert Baron v. Robert ffoulkes. Exemplification of a Recovery of Manor of Bansteds alias Bensteds alias Cheveley, 4 messuages, 4 gardens, 300 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 80 acres pasture, 200 acres heath, and liberty of 2 foldages with appurtenances in Cheveley, Chippenham, Isleham, Saxton, Ditton Valence, Ditton Camois, Ashley, Silverley, Kirtling and Upyng.
24 - Humphrey Weld of Lulworth Castle, Dorset, to Samuel and Robert Mellish of London. Lease to put into possession of messuage called Giffords Great Farm, 320 acres arable, 72a1r pasture and meadow, parcel of Manor of Dry Drayton.
25 - Edward Martyn (called West End Martin) of Fenstanton to Robert Martyn of Fen Drayton, trustee of Marriage Settlement of Hellen Martyn, daughter of Edward Martyn, and Edmond Alpresse of Fenstanton. Grant of messuage, 20a½r arable, meadow and fen, 3 acres arable and 1½ roods meadow in Fen Drayton.
26 - Martin Southous v. Giles Killingworth. Exemplification of a Recovery of a messuage in Fulbourn and the Rectory of All Saints, Fulbourn, saving certain tithes.
27 - Thomas Apthorpe of Gamlingay to John Tomlyn. Foeffment of 5a3r arable in Gamlingay. Terrier of lands endorsed thereon.
28 - Francis Bishopp of Sandy, Beds., Francis Bass of Gamlingay concurring, to Nicholas Phipp of Potton, Beds. Assignment of Mortgage of messuage, adjacent pightle, and 10 acres land dispersed in fields of Gamlingay.
29 - Francis Bishop to Nicholas Phipp. Bond to perform covenants.
30 - Manor of Avenolls in Gamlingay: Admission of Jonas Cobb, under Will of Joseph Cobb his brother, to messuage, close of pasture and 5 acres arable.
31 - John Bass of Gamlingay to Elizabeth Bangley of Little Gransden. Mortgage of 44½ acres arable in Gamlingay.
32-33 - John Webb of St Neots and Thomas Thurgood of Royston, Cambs., to John Bass of Gamlingay. Lease and Release of 6 acres land in Gamlingay.
34 - John Bass to John Winn of Biggleswade, Beds. Mortgage of 6 acres land dispersed in fields of Gamlingay.
35 - Manor of Avenolls in Gamlingay: Licence to Jonas Cobb to lease messuage, &c (as in R56/5/30) for term not exceeding 21 years
36 - John Geary of Artleborough, Northants., executor of Joan Phipp of Potton deceased, to Thomas Halfhyde of Potton. Assignment of Mortgage R56/5/28.
37 - John Winn to Reverend Edmund Halfhyde of Cambridge. Assignment of Mortgage as in endorsement to R56/5/34.
38 - Declaration by 4 trustees of Viscount Newport and Dame Rebecca Lytton that Mortgage of Manor of Woodberry alias Wetthorpe (by William Manistone of Woodberry Hall) with appurtenances in Cambs. and Hunts. for £6000 is held by them as trustees only, and that interest in said mortgage is divided between: Viscount Newport-£4000; Rebecca Lytton-£2000.
39 - Dame Rebecca Lytton, trustees as in R56/5/38 concurring, to Sir William Jones of Gray's Inn, trustee. Transfer of £2000 mortgage Cf. R56/5/38.
40 - Trustees to Sir Thomas Millington of Parish of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex. Transfer of Mortgage for £6000. Cf. R56/5/38.
41 - William Power of Buckden, Hunts., and Cadwallider Powell of same to Clement Sell of Gamlingay. Deed of Enfranchisement of lands holden of Manor of Little Gransden at a rent of 8s 10d p.a.
42 - John St George of Hatley St George and Richard Grey of London to Thomas Newman of London. Bond to perform covenants to indentures of even date.
43 - Richard St George of Hatley St George, Thomas his brother and others to Arthur Tirrey of London. Letter of attorney to put William Romeny into possession of Manor and manor house of 'Hungrie Hatley' with messuages, 1300 acres pasture, and 100 acres arable in Hatley St George and Gamlingay.
44 - William Romeny of London to Richard St George of Hatley St George. Lease of residue of term of 99 years of messuage in and Manor of Hatley St George at £230 p.a.
45 - Richard St George and others, Dorothy and Anthony St George concurring, to Sir Thomas Cotton of Conington, Hunts., his trustees and others. Grant of Manor of Hatley St George with messuages and lands in Hatley St George and Gamlingay; with Covenant to levy a Fine and suffer a Recovery.
46 - Margaret Romney of Edmonton to William Romney of London her son. Grant of her interest in a messuage in Hatley St George and rent charge of £230 p.a. out of Manor of Hatley St George. Cf. R56/5/44.
47 - Robert Cotton of Middle Temple, Sir John Cotton of Connington, Hunts., concurring, to Sir William Morice. Settlement on proposed marriage of Robert Cotton with Gertrude Morice, of Manor of Hatley St George and lands and tenements in Hatley St George, Tadlow and Gamlingay
48 - Sir Robert Bernard and Nicholas Pedley both of Lincoln's Inn, Sir John Cotton concurring, to Sir Robert Cotton. Release of rent charge of £230 p.a. out of Manor of Hatley St George to extinguish same. Cf. R56/5/44
49 - Sir Robert and Sir John Cotton, Sir William Morice and Gertrude his daughter concurring, to trustees of Marriage Settlement. Grant of Manor of Hatley St George, on proposed marriage of Sir Robert with Gertrude, for uses stated. Cf. R56/5/47
50 - Sir Robert Cotton of Hatley St George. Revocation of uses stated in R56/5/49.
51-52 - Sir Robert Cotton to Ellen Proby late of Raynes, Bucks. Mortgage, by way of Lease and Release, of Manor of Hatley St George and messuages and lands in Hatley St George, East Hatley, Tadlow and Gamlingay.
53-54 - Ellen Proby to Smith Fleetwood of Stoke Newington. Assignment, by way of Lease and Release, of Mortgage R56/5/52, on proposed marriage of parties as above.
55-56 - Smith Fleetwood to Charles Proby of Jesus College, Cambridge, and John Proby of Middle Temple. Assignment, by way of Lease and Release, of Mortgage of both moieties of Manor of Hatley St George and messuages and lands in Hatley St George, East Hatley, Tadlow and Gamlingay
57 - Robert Bancks of Histon to Robert Peck of same. (Lease and) Release of 6 acres land in Histon and Impington, and ½ acre land in Impington.
58 - Peter Then Hove alias Tunhaven of Haverhill, Suffolk, Mary his wife, and Joan Flanner to William Burgess of Horseheath. Release of claims of said Mary and Joan to messuage and divers parcels of land in Horseheath.
59 - Honourable Henry Bromley of Horseheath to John Butcher of same. Lease (and Release) of messuage in Horseheath.
60 - John Claydon of Balsham and Joshua Claydon of Horseheath to Daniel Allen of Linton, trustee of Charles, brother of John and Joshua. (Lease and) Release of messuage, Swains Close of meadow, and another messuage in Horseheath.
61 - Manor of Priory in Ickleton. Admission of Richard Wood, the Court concurring, to a tenement built on 4 perches of land on the waste in Ickleton.
62 - William Priest, Martha his wife, Edward Priest and Richard Howsden all of Ickleton to John Swan. Mortgage, by way of (Lease and) Release, of freehold messuages, croft of 7 roods arable, and 1½ acres arable in fields of Ickleton, with covenant to levy Fine and declaration of uses thereof.
63 - Matthew Priest of Covent Garden to Charles Shepheard of Ickleton. Lease to put into possession of messuage and 15 roods in Ickleton.
64 - Lease to put into possession of 6½ acres arable in fields of Ickleton. Robert Salmon of Linton to Barnaby Carder of Duxford.
65 - Manors of the Priory, Caldrees, Hovells and Durhams: Admission of George Carder, on death of Ann Carder widow, to: (a) 1½ acres and 2a1r holden of Priory Manor; (b) 3a1r holden of Caldrees Manor. Surrender by same of lands as above and Admission of Barnaby Carder of same.
66 - John Tofts of Ickleton and his sureties to Joseph Ellis of Ickleton and other his creditors. Grant of his household furniture, farming stock, and crops in Ickleton and Hinxton to discharge his debts.
67 - Manor of Great Isleham with Barnards: (a) Admission of Joseph Sharpe, on surrender of Thomas Baylie and Elizabeth his wife, to moiety of 5a3r arable; and surrender by same of ½ acre and ½ rood arable. (b) Admission of Joseph Sharpe, on surrender as above, to 2 acres and ½ acre and ½ rood arable (sic).
68 - John Folkes of Cheveley to Oliver Pamplyn of Haddenham and Robert Baron of Great Shelford. Lease to put into possession of Manor of Burtons alias Burtens in Freckenham, Suffolk, with tenements, lands and rights in Freckenham and Worlington, Suffolk, and Chippenham and Isleham, and a windmill and cottage in Freckenham.
69 - Thomas Wiggin of Isleham to Robert Knight of same. Lease to out into possession of Batchelors Close of 5 acres pasture in Isleham.
70 - Thomas Turnour senior of Kirtling to Thomas Smith of same. Feoffment of arable, tenements, meadow, pasture, rights of pasture, and all hedges and ditches, &c in Kirtling. Witnesses: John Derysley, Richard Pykchese, William Edmunds and others.
71 - Thomas Yates alias Parker to Roger, Lord North, both of Kirtling. Grant of messuage, grove, pightle of 3 acres, Upper Dashelake pasture of 10 acres Nether Dashelake pasture of 6 acres, Long Meadow of 10 acres, pasture of 10 acres pasture in Brownfield of 2 acres, and all rights and writings.
72 - Roger, Lord North, to William Greene of Stetchworth. 99-year Lease of Myll Hill of ½ rood at 8s p.a.
73 - Roger, Lord North, to William Richardson his servant. 21-year lease of farm house, 22 acres arable, 5 roods meadow and 8 acres pasture, at £3 p.a. during his life and £4 10s after his decease.
74 - Dudley, Lord North, to Symon Rewse his servant. Deed of Enfranchisement of lands holden of Manor of Kirtling in occupation of: (a) Symon Rewse; (b) Thomas Webber and Katherine his wife, at rent of 35s 8d, one capon and one hen p.a.
75 - Dudley, Lord North, Frances his wife and Richard Creke of Bury St Edmunds to Thomas Creke of Kirtling. Deed to declare uses of a Recovery and a Fine relating to 2 messuages, 1 garden, 21 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 50 acres pasture, and 2 acres wood in Kirtling, Upend, Ashley and Cheveley.
76 - Sir Dudley North, K.B., and Ann his wife v. Sir Anthony Wingfield, Bart., and Ann his wife. Fine relating to Manor of Saxton, 2 messuages, 100 acres arable, 30 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture, 12 acres wood in Wood Ditton, Cheveley, Stetchworth, Kirtling, Newmarket and Ashley.
77 - Indenture Quadripartite: 1st Part. Frances, dowager Lady North. 2nd Part. Dudley, Lord North (4th Baron). 3rd Part. William, Lord Grey, Sir Charles North and Katherine his wife and Honourable Thomas Grey. 4th part. Sir John Read and Richard Winwood. declaration of uses thereof. Cf. R56/5/78.
78 - Robert Flacke and Edward Ellis v. Robert Lucas and Robert North. Exemplification of a Recovery relating to: Manors of Kirtling, Bansteds in Kirtling, Ashley, Silverley, and Cannons in Ashley; 15 messuages, 15 gardens, 600 acres arable, 100 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 400 acres wood and 100 acres of Heath in Kirtling, Ashley, Silverley, Stetchworth, Cheveley and Wood Ditton; Rectory of Silverley, and advowsons of Ashley and Kirtling vicarages
79 - William, Lord North and Grey, and his trustees to Sir Edward North and his trustees. Lease to put into possession of: (a) Manors of Kirtling, Bansteds in Kirtling, Bansteds in Ditton Valence, Brinkley, Ashley, Silverley and Cannons in Ashley; (b) Divers lands in Kirtling, &c; (c) Rectory of Silverley; (d) Advowsons of Ashley and Kirtling.
80 - William, Lord North and Grey, to John Davies of Fullmere, Berks. 9-year Lease of moat around Kirtling Hall and 4 fish ponds with all the fish therein, at £5 p.a.
81 - Institution by James, Bishop of Ely, of Reverend Thomas Cooke Burroughes to Rectory of Landbeach on resignation of Reverend Robert Masters. Patrons: Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
82a - Manor of Great Linton with Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaellotts: Admission of John Hockley, on surrender of John Milton, to 12 acres.
82b - Manor of Great Linton with Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaellotts: Admission of John Hockley junior, on death of John his father, to 8 acres arable, shop in the Market, shop in the Butchers Row and 10 acres arable.
82c - Manor of Great Linton with Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaellotts: Admission of John Hockley and Joanna his wife, on surrender of said John, to 11a3r arable and one shop, and 1 acre arable and another shop.
82d - Manor of Great Linton with Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaellotts: Admission of John Skinner, on surrender of John Pitches, to 2 lots of land each of 4 pieces, containing 2½ acres and 3 acres arable.
82e - Manor of Great Linton with Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaellotts: Admission of John Hockley senior (in trust for John Hockley junior a minor) on death of John Skinner, to a messuage and 2 acres and 3 acres land (sic).
83 - Manor of Ovesdales in Litlington: Admission of Edward Buckmaster of Bassingbourn, on surrender of John Cole, to 7a3r land. Admission of John Ward, on surrender of Edward Buckmaster, to above-mentioned land.
84 - Thomas Burgoyne of London to Edward Orwell of same. Grant of a messuage and lands (as described in detail in deed) dispersed in fields of Longstanton.
85 - Timothy Gryffyn of Longstanton to John Murden of same. Feoffment of 3 ½r pasture and 20a land in Longstanton.
86 - Henry Bond of Longstanton and William Wallman of Ely to Henry Ashbye of Over. Feoffment of close of pasture in Over.
87 - Manor of Over: Surrender having been made by Ashley Cooper of Chatteris and Susanna his wife, to use of Berry Wayman of Over, of 1a3r of meadow in Over…Admission of William Wayman, as heir of Berry Wayman to 1a 2½r of meadow in Over.
88-89 - John Tuder of London to John Whitehead of same. Mortgage, by way of Lease and Release, of messuage and croft, 21 acres arable, meadow and pasture, messuage and close of 1½a, 9a3r arable and 10r marsh, all in Rampton.
90 - Hale Wortham of Royston to John Purchas of Cambridge. Release of messuage called the Green Man, 2 acres land and 1 acre meadow in Shepreth, from the payment of a heriot.
91 - Richard Pechey of Soham to William Hills of same. Lease to put into possession of messuage in Hall Street and 2½ acres copyhold land in Soham.
92 - William Croply of Soham to William Hills of same. 900-year Lease of 1½ roods of pasture in Soham.
93 - Thomas Dersley of Soham to Thomas Wallis of London. Assignment of Mortgage of 21a3r new improved fen land and 2 acres arable in Soham, to attend the inheritance.
94 - Drue Cressener, D.D., of Soham to Robert Norfolk of same. Grant of messuage in Pratt, alias Hall Street in Soham, with power of attorney to Isaac Brook to take possession.
95 - Sir John Ward v. Francis Weller. Exemplification of a Recovery relating to messuage, 20 acres land, 60 acres pasture in Soham.
96 - William Cade v. Henry Wilmot. Exemplification of a Recovery relating to 36 acres land and 42 acres fen in Soham.
97 - Indenture Tripartite: 1st Part. Dudley, Lord North. 2nd Part. Sir Henry North of Mildenhall, Suffolk. 3rd Part. George Sterne and Simon Ruse of Kirtling, Henry Vernon of Fordham, and Lawrence Whitacre of London, trustees. Deed to lead uses of a Recovery relating to Manors of Palmers and Malfreys alias Madfreys with appurtenances in Stetchworth, Dullingham, and Wood Ditton, and messuages and lands in Stetchworth, Dullingham and Wood Ditton.
98 - Sir William Russell of Chippenham to Dudley, Lord North, of Kirtling. Mortgage of Manors of Palmers and Malfreys alias Madfreys, Rectory of Stetchworth and advowson of church, and messuage and lands in Stetchworth and Dullingham.
99 - Commissioners for Draining Great Level of the Fens to Nicholas Greene. Certificate of Grant of 1a2r37p of fen land in lieu of right of common pertaining to his messuage in Swaffham Bulbeck.
100 - Andrew Keate of Little Wilbraham and Anne his wife, and John Rose of Cambridge and Eleanor his wife to William Croyden of Cambridge. Grant of messuage, 26 acres land dispersed in fields of Little Wilbraham, and closes of meadow and pasture, with covenant to levy a Fine.
101 - William Croyden v. Andrew Keate and Anne his wife, and John Rose and Eleanor his wife. Fine relating to messuage, 29 acres land, 3 acres meadow and 6 acres pasture in Little Wilbraham.
102 - Richard Reve junior to Thomas Parker alias Yates. Feoffment of 8 acres land dispersed in fields of Wood Ditton.
Expand 6 - Manorial documents: manor of Burwell Tiptofts6 - Manorial documents: manor of Burwell Tiptofts
Expand 7 - Two manorial documents: Willingham7 - Two manorial documents: Willingham
Expand 8 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Bourn and Gamlingay8 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Bourn and Gamlingay
Expand 9 - Manorial documents of Soham, Guyhirn &c.9 - Manorial documents of Soham, Guyhirn &c.
Expand 10 - Manor of Biggen in Fordham: admission10 - Manor of Biggen in Fordham: admission
Expand 11 - Dickinson Collection: supplement11 - Dickinson Collection: supplement
Expand 12 - Post Office and Rates records12 - Post Office and Rates records
Expand 13 - Covenants for payment of annuities13 - Covenants for payment of annuities
Expand 14 - Parcel of documents from a house formerly occupied by C.H. Cooper14 - Parcel of documents from a house formerly occupied by C.H. Cooper
Expand 15 - Documents relating to Holben family15 - Documents relating to Holben family
Expand 16 - Hildersham papers collected by Canon Phillips16 - Hildersham papers collected by Canon Phillips
Expand 17 - Willingham County School Centenary Celebrations17 - Willingham County School Centenary Celebrations
Expand 19 - Guides to Cambridgeshire, etc.19 - Guides to Cambridgeshire, etc.
Expand 20 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston20 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston
Expand 22 - Waterbeach Poor Rates22 - Waterbeach Poor Rates
Expand 23 - Printed copy of Braun's map of Cambridge23 - Printed copy of Braun's map of Cambridge