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Collapse KAR57 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1957KAR57 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1957
Expand 1 - Deed relating to property in Grantchester1 - Deed relating to property in Grantchester
Expand 3 - Petition of the Conservators of the Bedford Level3 - Petition of the Conservators of the Bedford Level
Expand 4 - Deeds relating to Rectory of Rampton4 - Deeds relating to Rectory of Rampton
Expand 5 - Records of Histon Parish Council5 - Records of Histon Parish Council
Expand 6 - Documents relating to Royston Union, &c.6 - Documents relating to Royston Union, &c.
Expand 7 - Deed relating to property in Boxworth7 - Deed relating to property in Boxworth
Expand 8 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston: supplement8 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston: supplement
Expand 9 - Records of Gape family of Caxton: supplement9 - Records of Gape family of Caxton: supplement
Expand 10 - Cambridgeshire Local History Council files10 - Cambridgeshire Local History Council files
Expand 11 - Travel diaries of Reverend Townley Clarkson11 - Travel diaries of Reverend Townley Clarkson
Expand 12 - Deeds, &c relating to property in Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely (BRA984)12 - Deeds, &c relating to property in Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely (BRA984)
Expand 13 - Gamlingay: indenture of apprenticeship13 - Gamlingay: indenture of apprenticeship
Expand 14 - Deeds relating to property in Ely and Haddenham14 - Deeds relating to property in Ely and Haddenham
Expand 15 - Ennions of Newmarket: supplementary inclosure papers15 - Ennions of Newmarket: supplementary inclosure papers
Expand 17 - Deed relating to property in Balsham17 - Deed relating to property in Balsham
Expand 18 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge18 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge
Expand 19 - Records of manors in Chatteris, Coveney and Manea19 - Records of manors in Chatteris, Coveney and Manea
Expand 20 - Deeds of land in Harlton20 - Deeds of land in Harlton
Expand 21 - Deeds, &c. relating to the Half Moon Inn, Little St Mary's Passage, Cambridge. 21 - Deeds, &c. relating to the Half Moon Inn, Little St Mary's Passage, Cambridge.
Expand 22 - Deed relating to property in Gamlingay22 - Deed relating to property in Gamlingay
Expand 23 - Particulars of sale of the Half Moon, Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge23 - Particulars of sale of the Half Moon, Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge
Collapse 24 - Records of the De Freville family of Hinxton24 - Records of the De Freville family of Hinxton
Expand 1 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Hinxton.1 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Hinxton.
Expand 2 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Great Chesterford.2 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Great Chesterford.
Collapse 3 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Great and Little Shelford.3 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Great and Little Shelford.
1 - William Rogers of Great Shelford to Richard Foxton of Cambridge. Counterpart of Grant of 2 messuages, 2 closes, 70 acres arable and 8 acres meadow in Great Shelford.
2 - Wiliam Rogers of Great Shelford and John his brother to Richard Foxton of Cambridge, grant of messuages, &c as in R57/24/3/3.
3 - Richard Foxton v. William and John Rogers. Fine relating to 3 messuages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 80 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 6 acres pasture, 14s rents, and common of pasture for all beasts in Great Shelford. Consideration £100.
4 - William Rogers to Richard Foxton. Feoffment of messuages, &c as in R57/24/3/3.
5 - Reverend Nathaniel Cradocke of Glastone, Rutland, Reverend George Fawler and Henry Ashurst both of London. Counterpart of Agreement that 3 messuages, 6 gardens, 80 acres land, 30 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture, and common of pasture for all cattle in Great and Little Shelford (the subject of a Recovery in Easter Term last) be the property of N. Cradocke and his heirs for ever.
6 - Reverend George Fawler and Henry Ashurst v. Thomas Buckner, Katherine his wife and Susannah Craddock. Fine relating to property as in R57/24/3/5.
7 - Exemplification of writs to Sheriff of Cambs. Dated 1649, relating to property as in R57/24/3/5.
8 - John, William, Edward and Thomas West v. George…Henry Ashurst, Reverend Josias Beacham and Susanna his wife, Thomas Buckner and Katherine his wife. Copy of Fine relating to property as in R57/24/3/5. Consideration, £120.
9 - Affidavit of death of Ralph Bucknor at sea on 8 May 1679.
10 - Thomas Buckner of Dublin and his 3 daughters to John Hooke of Gray's Inn. Bargain and Sale of all their property in Great Shelford.
11 - Thomas Bucknor and others to John Hooke. Release and quit claim.
12 - Edward Humphrys Greene de Freville of Hinxton to Henry Grain of Great Shelford. 8-year Lease of farm at Great Shelford at £162 p.a.
13 - Manor of Buristead in Great Shelford: Master, &c of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, to Edward Humphrys Green de Freville of Hinxton Hall. Deed of Enfranchisement of Home Close of 1a3r38p-Number 139 in Inclosure Award.
14-15 - Survey of Shelford and Harston Estates of E.H.G. De Freville of Hinxton Hall.
16 - Report of Rattes and Kett on state of Little Shelford church with estimate for repairs, £2774.
17 - Copy of No. 1 of 'The Sower. Monthly Magazine of Little Shelford with Newton'.
18 - Particulars of Sale of farms, cottages, lands, &c.
19 - Particulars of Sale of estates.
19A - Secretary of Great Eastern Railway Co. to Julia Green de Freville of Hinxton Hall. Notice to purchase 34 poles land in Great Shelford under G.E.R. Act, 1875.
20 - Richard Foxton v. William Rogers and John Rogers. Fine relating to 3 messuages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 80acre land, 10acre meadow, 6acres pasture, 14s rents, and common of pasture for all beasts in Great Shelford. Consideration, £100
21 - Rough notes on farms at Shelford.
22 - Pedigree entitled 'The genealogical History of the Freville Family, with some account of their monuments in Little Shelford Church, Cambridgeshire' By A.W.Franks.
23 - Secretary of Great Eastern Railway Co to Julia de Freville of Hinxton Hall. Notice to purchase 34 poles of land in Great Shelford under G.E.R. Act 1875.
4 - Bundle of 7 documents relating to estate of Charles Amey of Balsham deceased.
Expand 5 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Cambridge.5 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Cambridge.
6 - George Butler v. John Battisford and Elizabeth his wife. Exemplification of a Fine.
7 - Thomas Gasborne of Cambridge and Anne his wife to Anne Chapman her mother and Christofer Green, M.D., of same trustees. Lease and Release of freehold messuage and lands in Fordham, as jointure on her marriage to Thomas Casborne, in trust for uses stated.
8 - Haddenham Tithe Rent-charge of Major E.H.G. De Freville. Acreage: 221a1r35p. Total: £58-14s-9d.
9 - William Freeman of Reach to Robert Freeman his brother. Receipt for £481-1s-6d, charges for maintainance, clothing, education and apprenticeship since the death of their father.
Expand 10 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Weston Colville, Willingham and Carlton.10 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Weston Colville, Willingham and Carlton.
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous.11 - Miscellaneous.
Expand 12a - Documents relating to Chapman family.12a - Documents relating to Chapman family.
Expand 12b - Documents relating to Chapman family.12b - Documents relating to Chapman family.
Expand 12c - Documents relating to Edward Chapman (died 1718).12c - Documents relating to Edward Chapman (died 1718).
Expand 13a - Documents relating to Green family.13a - Documents relating to Green family.
Expand 13b - Documents relating to Edward Green ( born 1770, died 1804).13b - Documents relating to Edward Green ( born 1770, died 1804).
Expand 13c - Documents relating to Henry Green.13c - Documents relating to Henry Green.
Expand 13d - Documents relating to Edward Humphrys Green (born 1799, died 1868, assumed name De Freville in 1850).13d - Documents relating to Edward Humphrys Green (born 1799, died 1868, assumed name De Freville in 1850).
Expand 13e - Documents relating to Charles Green.13e - Documents relating to Charles Green.
Expand 13f - Documents relating to George Arthur Green.13f - Documents relating to George Arthur Green.
Expand 13g - Documents relating to Green family.13g - Documents relating to Green family.
Expand 14a - Wills of the Flacke family.14a - Wills of the Flacke family.
Expand 15a - Wills of the Halfhyde family.15a - Wills of the Halfhyde family.
Expand 15b - Documents relating to the Halfhyde family.15b - Documents relating to the Halfhyde family.
Expand 16a - Wills of the Macro family.16a - Wills of the Macro family.
Expand 17a - Miscellaneous wills.17a - Miscellaneous wills.
Expand 18a - Wills of the Collison family.18a - Wills of the Collison family.
Expand 18b - Documents of the Collison family.18b - Documents of the Collison family.
Expand 19 - Documents relating to Portlock family.19 - Documents relating to Portlock family.
20 - Settlement on intended marriage of William Tod Brown, Bengal Artillery, and Ellen Miles of Hitchin, widow.
Expand 21 - Documents relating to India.21 - Documents relating to India.
Expand 22 - Documents relating to Smyth and Ward families.22 - Documents relating to Smyth and Ward families.
23 - Document entitled: 'This Descent with the arms and Quaterings only of Rivet Empaling Brook is faithfully Extracted out of the Books and Records of the College of Arms and other authentick Testimonies Witnes Our hands this 14th day of April 1688. Thomas George Garter Principall King of Armes. Henry Vr. George Clarenceux King of Armes. Gregry. King Rougedragon Regr. of ye College of Armes.'
Expand 24 - Documents relating to the de Freville family.24 - Documents relating to the de Freville family.
Expand 25 - Documents relating to Frederick Charles Herbert.25 - Documents relating to Frederick Charles Herbert.
26 - Notes of Cambridgeshire Villages. Number 2 Caxton, by W.M. Palmer, M.D., F.S.A.
27 - Edward Humphrys Greene de Freville of Hinxton Hall with John Watson of Harston. Articles of Agreement to dig coprolites on 2 acres in Harston. £160 paid for right.
28 - Print: Horseheath Hall from 'Vitruvius Britannicus'. General front of Horseheath Hall in Cambridgeshire, the seat of Henry Bromley Esquire.
Expand 29 - Deeds relating to property in Swavesey.29 - Deeds relating to property in Swavesey.
30 - Edward Smith of West Wickham to Martin Hayward of Bradby, Suffolk. Bond to perform Covenants.
Expand 31 - Deeds relating to property in an unknown location.31 - Deeds relating to property in an unknown location.
Expand 32 - Miscellaneous.32 - Miscellaneous.
33a - Papers, largely rough notes by Reverend Frederick Philip de Freville, on genealogy of De Freville family and of families related thereto; and some letters (parts a-b)
33c - Papers, largely rough notes by Reverend Frederick Philip de Freville, on genealogy of De Freville family and of families related thereto; and some letters (part c)
Expand 25 - History of Babraham Hall25 - History of Babraham Hall