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Collapse KAR57 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1957KAR57 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1957
Expand 1 - Deed relating to property in Grantchester1 - Deed relating to property in Grantchester
Expand 3 - Petition of the Conservators of the Bedford Level3 - Petition of the Conservators of the Bedford Level
Expand 4 - Deeds relating to Rectory of Rampton4 - Deeds relating to Rectory of Rampton
Expand 5 - Records of Histon Parish Council5 - Records of Histon Parish Council
Expand 6 - Documents relating to Royston Union, &c.6 - Documents relating to Royston Union, &c.
Expand 7 - Deed relating to property in Boxworth7 - Deed relating to property in Boxworth
Collapse 8 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston: supplement8 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston: supplement
1 - Document entitled: 'The Beldam Family of Royston, Herts. A Letter of the children of Francis W.E. Beldam, 1856-1942, Eldest Son of Edward Beldam, Banyers, Royston'. By Ralph B. Cox.
2a - Manors of Haslerton, Chatteris and Lancaster in Barrington: Admission of Felix Clay of London, on surrender of Peter Calvert of Hunsdon, Herts., to messuage and 1½ acres close of pasture late Parker's.
2b - Manors of Haslerton, Chatteris and Lancaster in Barrington: Admission of William Clay of Mile End, Middlesex, on death of Felix his brother, to messuage and close as in R57/8/2(a). Admission of Felix Smith of Stoke Newington, on surrender of William Clay, to messuage and close as before.
2c - Memo of Beldam estates in Barrington, Bassingbourn and Fowlmere.
3a - Particulars of sale of messuages and lands in Royston and Bassingbourn.
3b - Joseph Sell of Bassingbourn to Thomas Marshall of same cordwainer. Indenture of apprenticeship.
3c - Terrier of lands held by Royston men in Bassingbourn Field.
4 - Manor of Caxton: Admission of Francis William Edward Beldam, on death of Edward Beldam his father, to Sabs Close of 2 acres pasture in Caxton.
5 - Manor of Fowlmere: Lord to Valentine Beldam of Royston. Deed of Enfranchisement of messuage 1.acre close of pasture, and allotments of 25a18p and 1a2r27p in Fowlmere.
6 - Rental of Freeholders and Copyholders of the Manor of Bury with Wimbish in Foxton.
7a - Plan of estates in Toft and Hardwick to be sold by auction.
7b - Plan of estates in Kingston to be sold by auction.
7c - Particulars of Sale of Manor of Toft and of estates in Toft, Hardwick and Kingston.
8 - Joseph Beldam of Royston to William Fairclorth. Memo of Agreement to let 17a2r2p land in Melbourn Field for 9 years at £16 2s ½d p.a.
9 - Letter to Joseph Beldam of Royston, mortgagee, to inspect title deeds of house and malting in Stretham lately purchased by King Gould of Whitehall from Mr Powers.
10a - Ebenezer Mayes of Royston, Herts., to Valentine Ward and others his creditors. Sale of farm stock, crops, &c for benefit of creditors.
10b - Particulars of Sale of lands in open fields near Royston.
10c - Particulars of sale of messuages and lands in Royston and Bassingbourn.
10d - William Thody of Royston, Herts., to George Rivers Higgins of same, plumber, painter and glazier. Indenture of apprenticeship.
11 - Field Book of farm in Barkway-probably copyhold of Manor of Rectory of Barkway-with particulars of tithes, rents, &c.
12a - Manor of Kelshall: Admission of Edward Lincolne, on surrender of Thomas Whittingstall, of lands.
12b - Descriptive particulars of Manor of Kelshall to be sold by private contract.
13a - Letter relating to disputed ownership of house at Buckland, Parish of Therfield.
13b - George Wrangle of Buckland to Robert James of Ware. Sale of all household goods, brewing utensils, &c in a house occupied by George Wrangle and hired from Robert James.
13c - Inventory of household goods, brewing utensils, &c., property of George Rangle decased, at Red Lion, Buckland.
13d - Particulars of Sale of lands at Therfield.
13e - Particulars of Sale of lands at Therfield.
13f - Terrier of land bought by Joseph Beldam of John Beldam in Therfield Field.
13g - Owners of lands on Larmans Hill, Therfield.
14a - Particulars of Sale of estates in Royston, Bassingbourn, Melbourn, Therfield, lately property of Peter Beldam, bankrupt.
14b - Particulars of Sale of estate in Royston, Therfield, Bassingbourn and Melbourn, formerly property of Joseph Beldam of Royston, deceased.
14c - Memo of estates: Ward's estate. Estate late Talbot. Fishill Estate and land in Melbourn, Therfield and Kneesworth. Ban or Old Brewhouse.
14d - Sketches of lands in Therfield and Kneesworth Field.
14f - Rents of public houses in Kingston House, Puckeridge, Reed, Guilden Morden, Barkway, Bassingbourn, Litlington, Barley, Melbourn, Thriplow, W. Hart, Buntingford, Queen's Head, White Bear, White Lion, White Horse, Jolly Butchers, Plough.
15a - John Rankin of Epping, Essex, to Richard Rayner of Ware. Indenture of Apprenticeship.
15b - Notes relating to Manors of: Newsells, Chullens, Hehamberlyn, Rookes and Water Andrews, Herts.
16a - Vouchers and receipts, mainly of the James family of Ware.
16b - Vouchers and receipts for Excise Duty paid by William Beldam brewer of Royston.
17a - 5 account books of Joseph Beldam in London during his early years at the Bar.
17b - Household accounts of Edward Beldam of Banyers, Royston.
17c - Household accounts of Banyers, Royston.
18a - Bundle of miscellaneous vouchers and receipts.
18b - Receipts for payments of rents, &c, mainly Barrington.
18c - Land tax bundle.
18d - Calculations of Land Tax intended to purchase by Joseph Beldam: Royston and Therfield.
18e - Farm account of Valentine Beldam of Ivycourt, Royston.
19 - Bundle of attorneys' accounts.
20 - Miscellaneous tradesmen's bills.
21 - 4 bundles of bills for mourning apparel.
22a - Note book.
22b - Expenses of journey and 7 hotel bills.
22c - 19 undated hotel bills in Midlands and Lincs.
22d - 4 hotel bills at Leamington Spa.
22e - 12 hotel bills in, or near, the Lake District.
22f - 4 hotel bills at Southampton and Isle of Wight.
22g - Expenses of journey in W. Midlands, Lancs. and Wales.
22h - 5 hotel bills at Norwich, York, Sheffield and Liverpool.
22i - 4 hotel bills in Scotland.
22j - 6 hotel bills in Germany.
22k - Miscellaneous papers relating to continental travel and 3 cards advertising ships to New York.
23a - Inventory of goods of Benjamin Wright distrained for rent of house in Royston by Valentine Beldam.
23b - Inventory of linen, with purchases of same in following years. Summary terrier of farm of 82 acres (locality not specified).
23c - Inventory of linen.
24a - Valuation of properties of William Beldam's estate.
24b - Receipt for 'The Banyard Title Deeds'.
24c - Rental, for audit.
24d - 2 rentals.
24e - 3 letters relating to Banyers.
24f - An Account of Estates belonging to Charles, Valentine and Edward Beldam formerly of their late father, Joseph Beldam having sold his 4th share therein to C. and V.B.
24g - An Account of Estates belonging to Joseph, Charles, Valentine and Edward Beldam.
24h - Description and Valuation of properties in Bassingbourn, Reed, Therfield, Royston, Fowlmere, Newsells, Barrington, Melbourn, Toft, Caxton and Guilden Morden.
24i - Documents relating to the estate of Charles Beldam who died 29 July 1870.
25a - Valuation of various properties.
25b - Notes on Will of Valentine Beldam, 17 March 1865, and Codicils 3 November 1869, 1 July 1872 and 30 September 1874.
25c - 2 lists of tenants of various properties with descriptions of holdings and rents.
25d - Copy of Codicil to Will of Edward Beldam relating to books, &c at Banyers.
25e - Notes relating to devise of lands and legacies.
26a - Rent and Interest due to Edward Beldam.
26b - Debts and Credits.
27 - 4 documents relating to estate of Eliza Annie Josephine Beldam who died 14 August 1889.
28a - Thomas Rudd of St. Albans to Joseph Beldam of Royston. Letter trying to raise £500 for month or 6 weeks to buy estate about 2 miles away.
28b - Court of Common Pleas: Alexander Small v. William Beldam. Order for arrest of defendant for alleged trespass and damage in close of said Alexander Small
28c - Memo of Agreement between Jonathan Willmot and Joseph Beldam, said J. Willmot to serve J. Beldam for one year from Lady Day next on his farm.
28d - In Chancery: Eliza Annie Josephine Beldam and others v. Richard James Vaughan and others. Statement of Claim.
28e - 3 documents relating to estate of Edward Beldam deceased
29a - Horse Bazaar, King Street Barracks, Portman Square. Regulations.
29b - London Soap and Candle Co. Price List.
29c - New York and Liverpool U.S. Mail Steamship 'Baltic'. Dinner Bill of Fare.
29d - City Wellington Dining Rooms, Fleet Street Menu.
29e - City Hosiery Store, 9 Poultry. Price List
29f - Universal Passport (E. Moses and Son), 154-157, Minories. 83-86, Aldgate. Price List of Clothing Establishment.
Expand 9 - Records of Gape family of Caxton: supplement9 - Records of Gape family of Caxton: supplement
Expand 10 - Cambridgeshire Local History Council files10 - Cambridgeshire Local History Council files
Expand 11 - Travel diaries of Reverend Townley Clarkson11 - Travel diaries of Reverend Townley Clarkson
Expand 12 - Deeds, &c relating to property in Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely (BRA984)12 - Deeds, &c relating to property in Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely (BRA984)
Expand 13 - Gamlingay: indenture of apprenticeship13 - Gamlingay: indenture of apprenticeship
Expand 14 - Deeds relating to property in Ely and Haddenham14 - Deeds relating to property in Ely and Haddenham
Expand 15 - Ennions of Newmarket: supplementary inclosure papers15 - Ennions of Newmarket: supplementary inclosure papers
Expand 17 - Deed relating to property in Balsham17 - Deed relating to property in Balsham
Expand 18 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge18 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge
Expand 19 - Records of manors in Chatteris, Coveney and Manea19 - Records of manors in Chatteris, Coveney and Manea
Expand 20 - Deeds of land in Harlton20 - Deeds of land in Harlton
Expand 21 - Deeds, &c. relating to the Half Moon Inn, Little St Mary's Passage, Cambridge. 21 - Deeds, &c. relating to the Half Moon Inn, Little St Mary's Passage, Cambridge.
Expand 22 - Deed relating to property in Gamlingay22 - Deed relating to property in Gamlingay
Expand 23 - Particulars of sale of the Half Moon, Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge23 - Particulars of sale of the Half Moon, Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge
Expand 24 - Records of the De Freville family of Hinxton24 - Records of the De Freville family of Hinxton
Expand 25 - History of Babraham Hall25 - History of Babraham Hall