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Collapse KAR57 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1957KAR57 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1957
Expand 1 - Deed relating to property in Grantchester1 - Deed relating to property in Grantchester
Expand 3 - Petition of the Conservators of the Bedford Level3 - Petition of the Conservators of the Bedford Level
Expand 4 - Deeds relating to Rectory of Rampton4 - Deeds relating to Rectory of Rampton
Expand 5 - Records of Histon Parish Council5 - Records of Histon Parish Council
Expand 6 - Documents relating to Royston Union, &c.6 - Documents relating to Royston Union, &c.
Expand 7 - Deed relating to property in Boxworth7 - Deed relating to property in Boxworth
Expand 8 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston: supplement8 - Records of Beldam family of Toft and Royston: supplement
Collapse 9 - Records of Gape family of Caxton: supplement9 - Records of Gape family of Caxton: supplement
8240 - Richard Overall of Sawston and others to Thomas Pryme senior of Thriplow and others. Grant of tenement with adjacent croft, another croft, a toft, 2a1r land in Thriplow.
8241 - Fine, made in the Court of Simon de Montacute Bishop of Ely. Thomas de Grey and Isabella his wife v. William de Hertherst and Robert Giffard.
8508 - In Chancery: Francis, Lord Russell v. Robert, Earl of Sussex and others. Breviate of Bill, with answers of defendants.
8872 - Andrew Harte of Caxton and Agnes his wife, Thomas Basse of Croxton and Alice his wife, Henry Taylor of Norrill, Beds., Henry Peyton of London and Henry Nicholson of Hatley St George to Edward Martyn of Caxton. Grant of Messuage in Caxton called Mearers.
8873 - Edward Martyn v. Andrew Harte and others as in R/57/9/8872. Fine relating to messuage as in R57/9/8872.
8875 - Mortgage of messuage and 2 closes of pasture containing 20 acres and 40 acres in Caxton.
8876 - Abraham Taylor of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, son and heir of William Taylor of Caxton deceased, to William Abell of London and Gervase Partrich of same. Affidavit that property as in R57/9/8875 is free from all encumbrances except service due to Lord and Mortgage R57/9/8875
8877 - Abraham Taylor of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, son and heir of William Taylor of Caxton deceased, to William Abell of London and Gervase Partrich of same. Release of all provisoes in Mortgage R/57/9/8875.
8878 - Abraham Taylor to William Frithe and Thomas Collyns. Grant of property as in R57/9/8875.
8879 - Abraham Taylor to William Frithe and Thomas Collyns. Grant of Property as in R57/9/8875.
8880 - Abraham Taylor to William Frithe and Thomas Collyns. Confirmation of Grant R57/9/8879 with covenant to Levy Fine
8881 - Thomas Collyns of London to William Frithe of same. Grant of all his title to property as in R57/9/8875.
8882 - Alphonsus Frithe of Hornchurch, Essex, to William Frithe of Middle Temple. Grant of moiety of property as in R57/9/8875.
8883 - Alphonsus Frithe of Hornchurch, Essex, to William Frithe of Middle Temple. Shorter version of R57/9/8882.
8884 - Valentine Phipps of Caxton to William Frith. Release of all rights in 'Ramme' tenement in Caxton on forfeiture of Mortgage as in R57/9/8887.
8885 - William Frith senior of London to William Frith junior of Hornchurch, Essex, his nephew. Copy of Grant of all his lands, &c in London, Cambs., Norfolk, Shropshire, Essex, Bucks., and Kent, to use of grantor for life and then to grantee.
8886 - Manor of Caxton: Admission of William Frith, on death of John Frith his father, to messuage and 1 acre land in Caxton.
8887 - Manor of Caxton: Admission of William Frith, on Conditional Surrender of Valentine Phipps, to messuage and 1 acre land in Caxton.
8888 - Manor of Caxton: Admission of John Fryth of London, on death of William his brother, to Ramme messuage in Caxton.
8889 - Manor of Caxton: Surrender by William Frith, to Thomas Roberts, of messuage as in R57/9/8888.
8890 - William Livit of Caxton to Henry Thombs of same. Grant of 3 half-acres arable in Caxton.
8891 - Rose Levitt, widow of William Levitt deceased of Caxton, to Henry Toms of same. Grant of 2 acres arable in Caxton.
8892 - Francis Bickley senior and Sir Thomas Vinor of London, Sir Anthony Cage of Long Stowe concurring, to Ralph Bovey of Hillfield Hall, Warwickshire. Assignment of remainders of terms of Mortgages for 90 years.
8893 - Unidentified.
8894 - Francis Drake of Walton-on-Thames and William Weston of London, trustees, to Sir Ralph Bovey of Hillfield Hall, Warwickshire. Grant of grange in Wardon, Beds., with messuages and lands. Manors of Caxton and Long Stow, and messuages and lands in Croydon.
8895 - John Martin and Sir Ralph Bovey. Articles of Agreement for surrender of copyholds in Caxton to the Lord of the Manor.
8896 - John Martin's account of money due to Sir Ralph Bovey for land in Caxton.
8897 - John Martin and Sir Ralph Bovey. Receipt for £100, first instalment of purchase money.
8898 - Manor of Caxton: Conditional Surrender by John Martin to Roberta Pepper of 88 acres land in Caxton.
8899 - John Martin to Sir Ralph Bovey. Grant of messuage called Weavers in Caxton with lands.
8900 - John Martyn to Sir Ralph Bovey. Bond to perform covenants in Indenture of even date.
8901 - Sir Ralph Bovey to Simon Mason junior of Great Gransden. Power of attorney to take possession of messuage as in R57/9/8902.
8902 - John Martin of Caxton to Sir Ralph Bovey of Lincolns Inn. Lease and Release of messuage in Caxton called Weavers.
8903 - John Martin of Caxton to Sir Ralph Bovey of Lincolns Inn. Grant of 3½ acres arable in Caxton.
8904 - Henry Thorne and Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Chicheley. Bond to assure possession of 3a3r land in Caxton.
8905 - Sir Ralph Bovey to Sir George Downing of Westminster. Mortgage of all his lands, &c in Caxton, Bourn, Gransden, and Croydon as specified in R57/9/8923.
8906 - Manor of Caxton: Surrender by John Whistler to William Greene of 2 messuages and 50 acres land meadow and pasture.
8907 - Sir George Downing of Westminster, by appointment of Sir Ralph Bovey, to Philip, Viscount Lisle, and others. Assignment of Mortgages on 6 messuages, 500 acres land, 450 acres pasture, 50 acres meadow in Caxton, Bourn, Gransden and Croydon (once in possession of Sir Anthony Cage) and upon Manor of Caxton and other messuages and lands there, on failure to pay £7420. Cf R57/9/8905.
8908 - Sir Ralph Bovey to Thomas Maddock of Holborn. Power of Attorney to repay to Philip, Viscount Lisle, and others £8000 by instalments out of his estates in the manor, messuages and lands in Caxton, Bourn, Gransden and Croydon.
8909 - Thomas Maddock to Philip, Viscount Lisle, and others. Bond to perform covenants in R57/9/8908.
8910 - Counterpart of R57/9/8907.
8911 - Sir Ralph Bovey to William Monson and Richard Spense of Grays Inn. Mortgage of Manor of Caxton and messuages and lands in Caxton, Bourn and Gransden.
8912 - Counterpart of R57/9/8911.
8913 - Philip, Viscount Lisle, and others to Sir Ralph Bovey. Agreement to assign judgement of ejectment, awarded in Court of King's Bench in Trinity Term, concerning Manor of Caxton and lands and messuages in Caxton, Bourn, Gransden and Croydon on repayment by Sir Ralph Bovey of £8480 at specified times.
8914 - Sir Ralph Bovey to Philip, Viscount Lisle, and others. Bond to repay £8480 at specified times. Cf. R57/9/8913.
8915 - Counterpart of R57/9/8913.
8916 - Elizabeth Simmons, executrix of Sir Ralph Bovey, many others concurring, to Abraham Cowley of St. Albans. Power of Attorney to pay interest on mortgage loan of £8640, out of revenues of Manor of Caxton, to John Gape to whom Mortgage is now assigned. Cf R57/9/8920.
8917 - Counterpart of R57/9/8916.
8918 - Philip, Earl of Leicester, Sir John Monson, Henry Spelman and John Wartan to Elizabeth Simmons, Bennett Lord Sherard of Stapleford County Leicester, Colonel John Russell, Sir Robert Cotton of Hatley, Philip Cotton of Connington, Hunts., and John Hager of Bourn. Agreement to assign judgement of Ejection on payment of £9158 8s to John Gape now mortgagee. Cf. R57/9/8913.
8919 - Counterpart of R57/9/8918.
8920 - William Monson and another (for Philip, now Earl of Leicester, and others) - Bernett Lord Sherard, Colonel John Russell, Sir Robert Cotton, Philip Cotton, John Hager and Elizabeth Simmons concurring - to John Gape of St Albans and William Marston of same. Assignment of Mortgage on Manor of Caxton and lands in Caxton, Bourn and Gransden.
8921 - Counterpart of R57/9/8920.
8922 - Elizabeth Siymonds (sic) and others (as in R57/9/8920), Philip, Earl of Leicester and others concurring, to John Gape junior. Confirmation of R57/9/8920.
8923 - William, Earl of Bedford, Sir Ralph Bovey concurring, to George Downing. Assignment of Mortgage of Manor of Caxton and lands in Caxton, Bourn, Gransden and Croydon. Schedule of Covenant attached.
8924 - Elizabeth Simmons and others to John Gape junior and his trustees. Lease and Release of Manor of Caxton and messuages and lands in Croydon and Old Warden, Beds.
8926 - Elizabeth Simmons and others to John Gape junior and his trustees. Grant of property as in R57/9/8924.
8927 - Same to same. Further assurance of property as in R57/9/8924.
8928 - Mary, widow of William Howell deceased, and her trustees, by appointment of Elizabeth Simmons, to John Gape. Release of all claim, on payment of mortgage loan of £1062, on messuage and lands in Long Stow mortgaged by Sir Ralph Bovey on 1 December 1674.
8929 - Sir Ralph Bovey of Long Stowe, bart., to William Howell of St Clement Danes. Copy of Bond for £1200.
8930 - John Gape junior of St Albans and his trustees to John Gape senior of same and his trustees. Lease to put into possession of messuage and 120 acres arable in Caxton and messuage and 450 acres land in Croydon.
8931 - John Gape junior of St Albans and his trustees to John Gape senior of same and his trustees. Lease and Release of 40 acres arable in Caxton and Great Gransden and 2 closes of 20 acres pasture in Caxton.
8932 - William Frith of Hornchurch, Essex and John Gape junior if St Albans. Articles of Agreement for conveyance of 40 acres arable in Caxton and Great Gransden and 20 acres of pasture in Caxton.
8933 - William Frith of Hornchurch, Essex and John Gape junior if St Albans. Bond to perform covenants as in R57/9/8932.
8934 - William Frith of Hornchurch, Essex and John Gape junior if St Albans. Bond to perform covenants as in R57/9/8931.
8935 - William Frith of Hornchurch, Essex and John Gape junior if St Albans. Receipt for £300
8936 - Unidentified.
8937 - Thomas Ward of Caxton and Mary his wife to John Atkins of same. Grant of 3½ acres arable in Caxton.
8938 - Thomas Ward to John Atkins. Bond to perform covenants in Indenture R57/9/8937.
8939 - Robert Millward of Caxton to John Gape junior. Receipt for £12, consideration mentioned in R57/9/8940.
8940 - Robert Millward of Caxton to John Gape junior. Grant of 6 leys of pasture (2 acres) in Caxton.
8941 - Thomas Richards of London, by appointment of John Gape, to Edward Woodcock and William Rowlandson of London. Lease and Release of property as in R57/9/8924 to hold for uses stated.
8943 - Thomas Richards, trustee, to John Gape. Lease and Release of property as in R57/9/8924.
8945 - John Gape of St Albans and William his son, Hester Putland of Westminster concurring, to Sisson Portland and others. Settlement, on the proposed marriage of William Gape and Hester Putland, of Manor of Caxton with 4 messuages and lands in Caxton, messuage and lands in Croydon, Manor of Sisbey in Lincs., and lands in Sisbey, Reavesby, Mareham and Kirkby, Lincs., for uses stated
8946 - John Gape to John Skynner and others. Bond for payment of £5000 by executors of John Gape within 6 months of his death as specified in R57/9/8945.
8947 - Elizabeth Symons (sic) and others v. John Gape. Suit concerning debts on Caxton estate which are specified in detail.
8948 - Schedule of Indenture entered into by Sir Anthony Cage and then by Sir Ralph Bovey touching his estate in Caxton and Croyden.
8949 - Sir Ralph Bovey to John Waren. Release of all errors in judgement of ejectment obtained in Court of King's Bench against Sir R. Bovey concerning the Manor of Caxton and lands in Cambs.
8950 - Bill of Complaint of John Gape in suit concerning copyholds in Caxton.
8951 - Answers of Nathan Pearse to above Bill of Complaint.
8952 - Answers to William Phipps to above Bill of Complaint.
8953 - Copy of R57/9/8920.
8954 - Copy of R57/9/8918.
8955 - Sir Ralph Bovey to Sir Thomas Crew and others. Copy of Settlement on proposed marriage of Sir Ralph Bovey to Mary Maynard granting Manors of Caxton, Long Stow and Bornes Court. Advowson of church of Long Stow; and all his messuages and lands in Caxton, Bourn, Gransden, Long Stow and Wardon, Beds., to uses stated.
8956 - Copy of R57/9/8922, without receipt.
8957 - Fragments of copy of R57/9/8916.
9074 - Thomas Halstead of Long Melford and Mary his wife, Robert Young of Wachford (?Witchford), Isle of Ely, and Jane his wife, and Elizabeth Hart of Clare heiress of Joseph Hart of Caxton to John Atkin of Caxton. Lease and Release of messuage called Parsons with croft, cottage called Brownes, close of 2½ acres pasture, and Swansome Close of 2½ acres all in Caxton, with Covenant to levy Fine.
9075 - John Atkin v. Thomas Halsted and others as in R57/9/9075. Copy of Fine relating to property as in 9075.
9076 - Mortgage on property as in R57/9/9074 and an additional 3½ acres in Caxton. John Atkin of Caxton to John Samms of Clapton.
9077 - John Atkin of Caxton to John Samms of Clapton. Bond to perform covenants as in R57/9/9076.
9078 - John Samms of Clapton and John Atkin of Caxton to Robert and Mary Cotton of Childerley and Robert Challis of Hardwick. Assignment of Mortgage R57/9/9076.
9079 - John Atkin to Mary Cotton. Bond to repay £102-10s on 4 November following.
9080 - John Atkin of Caxton to Mary Cotton of Childerley. Release of writs of error relating to judgement in plea of debt for £300.
9081 - John Atkin to Mary Cotton. Bond to perform covenants as in R57/9/9083.
9082 - Lease and Release of property as in R57/9/9074. John Atkin to Mary and Robert Cotton and Robert Challis.
9083 - John Atkin v. Mary Cotton. Judgement for debt of £300.
9084 - Mary Cotton to John Atkin. Articles of Agreement relating to 41 year Lease of messuage, 1 acre pasture, 2-acre close of pasture and 11 acres land and a cottage, lately conveyed by John Atkin to Mary Cotton.
9085 - Mary Atkin, widow of John Atkin of Caxton, to Mary Cotton of Lolworth. Release of all right of dower of messuage, 1 acre pasture, Swansome Close of 2 acres and 8½ acres land in Caxton in return for £4 p.a.
9086 - Mary Cotton of Caxton, Robert Cotton of Childerley and Robert Challis of Hardwick to Hale Wortham of Royston, Herts. Mortgage by way of Lease and Release of property as in R57/9/9076.
9088 - Mary Cotton to Hale Wortham. Bond to perform covenants as in R57/9/9087.
9089 - Thomas Robinson of St Neots and Elizabeth his wife and Thomas Masters of Guilden Morden and Ann his wife to Thomas Gape of Grays Inn. Lease and release of messuage called Swanscomes (sic) and 8½ acres land in Caxton, with covenant to levy Fine.
9091 - Thomas Gape of Grays Inn to Margaret Tooke of Waltham Abbey, Essex. Assurance of property as in R57/9/9089 for 99 years as security for payment of £60 p.a.
9092 - Terrier of Croydon
Expand 10 - Cambridgeshire Local History Council files10 - Cambridgeshire Local History Council files
Expand 11 - Travel diaries of Reverend Townley Clarkson11 - Travel diaries of Reverend Townley Clarkson
Expand 12 - Deeds, &c relating to property in Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely (BRA984)12 - Deeds, &c relating to property in Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely (BRA984)
Expand 13 - Gamlingay: indenture of apprenticeship13 - Gamlingay: indenture of apprenticeship
Expand 14 - Deeds relating to property in Ely and Haddenham14 - Deeds relating to property in Ely and Haddenham
Expand 15 - Ennions of Newmarket: supplementary inclosure papers15 - Ennions of Newmarket: supplementary inclosure papers
Expand 17 - Deed relating to property in Balsham17 - Deed relating to property in Balsham
Expand 18 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge18 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge
Expand 19 - Records of manors in Chatteris, Coveney and Manea19 - Records of manors in Chatteris, Coveney and Manea
Expand 20 - Deeds of land in Harlton20 - Deeds of land in Harlton
Expand 21 - Deeds, &c. relating to the Half Moon Inn, Little St Mary's Passage, Cambridge. 21 - Deeds, &c. relating to the Half Moon Inn, Little St Mary's Passage, Cambridge.
Expand 22 - Deed relating to property in Gamlingay22 - Deed relating to property in Gamlingay
Expand 23 - Particulars of sale of the Half Moon, Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge23 - Particulars of sale of the Half Moon, Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge
Expand 24 - Records of the De Freville family of Hinxton24 - Records of the De Freville family of Hinxton
Expand 25 - History of Babraham Hall25 - History of Babraham Hall