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Collapse KAR59 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1959KAR59 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1959
Expand 2 - Pedigree of the Shepperson family2 - Pedigree of the Shepperson family
Expand 4 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge4 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge
Expand 5 - Records of Ruck Keene family of Linton5 - Records of Ruck Keene family of Linton
Expand 6 - Map of Cambridgeshire6 - Map of Cambridgeshire
Expand 8 - Photographs of Title Deeds relating to 28 Bridge Street, Cambridge8 - Photographs of Title Deeds relating to 28 Bridge Street, Cambridge
Expand 9 - County of Cambridge Development Plan9 - County of Cambridge Development Plan
Expand 10 - Records of Kingston Parish Meeting10 - Records of Kingston Parish Meeting
Expand 12 - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in March and Elm12 - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in March and Elm
Collapse 14 - Francis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Court Records &c14 - Francis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Court Records &c
Expand 1 - Bassingbourn Manors.1 - Bassingbourn Manors.
Expand 2 - Manor of Anglesey in Bottisham.2 - Manor of Anglesey in Bottisham.
Expand 3 - Swaffham Bulbeck: fen allotments.3 - Swaffham Bulbeck: fen allotments.
Expand 4 - Fysh of Lynn: assignment.4 - Fysh of Lynn: assignment.
Expand 5 - Manor of Willingham.5 - Manor of Willingham.
Expand 6A - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in Graveley.6A - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in Graveley.
Expand 6B - Manor of Graveley: Bundles of quit rentals.6B - Manor of Graveley: Bundles of quit rentals.
Expand 7 - Documents relating to property belonging to Cambridge University.7 - Documents relating to property belonging to Cambridge University.
Expand 8 - Fordham Manors.8 - Fordham Manors.
Expand 9 - Manor of Crowlands in Cottenham.9 - Manor of Crowlands in Cottenham.
Expand 10 - Soham Manors.10 - Soham Manors.
Collapse 11 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts.11 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts.
1 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Admissions.
2 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrenders and other papers.
3 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrenders and other papers.
4 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrenders and other papers.
5 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Enfranchisement papers.
6 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Enfranchisement papers.
7 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court memoranda.
8 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court minutes, memoranda and other papers.
9 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court minutes, memoranda and other papers.
10 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Memoranda and extracts from Wills.
11 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Index to Court Rolls, 26 October 1677-19 October 1716.
12 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Rental. Detailed particulars of freeholders and copyholders.
13 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Rental. Includes copy of part of R59/14/11/3(1).
14 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Rental. James II.
15 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Rentals for 1838, 1852, 1854 (2 copies) and 1879.
16 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Abstract of copyhold estates.
17 - Extract from Linton Inclosure Award of copyholds of Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts, and of Manor of Barham.
18 - Extract from Linton Inclosure Award of copyholds of Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts.
19 - Edmund Ruck Keene and others to Right Honourable Lord Calthorpe and Sir Edward Blackett. Draft disentailing deed to bar estate in tail male of Edmund Ruck Keene in copyhold of Manors of Barham and Hadstock, and the other Linton Manors.
20 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Miscellaneous legal correspondence.
21 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Miscellaneous legal correspondence, and other papers.
22 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
23 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
24 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
25 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
26 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
27 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
28 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
29 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
30 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
31 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
32 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
33 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
34 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
35 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
36 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
37 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
38 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
39 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
40 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Court Roll.
41 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Index to Court Rolls.
42 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Minute Books of courts. (a) 20 November 1754-9 December 1778. (b) 18 November 1805-21 March 1823.
43 - Index of Conditional Surrenders in Mr King's Manors: Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts, 27 October 1703-22 October 1772, Bustlers in Duxford, 4 October 1710-19 July 1742.
44 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of 29 Conditional Surrenders.
45 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Minutes of Courts, Surrenders, &c.
46 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Presentments with Surrenders, &c.
47 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Surrenders, &c.
48 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Surrenders, &c.
49 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Fees and fines.
50 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Surrenders to use of Wills.
51 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Manorial Documents.
52 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of Admissions, &c.
53 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Copy and free rents due at Michaelmas 1681.
54 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Bundle of rentals.
55 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Quit Rental, due at Michaelmas 1725.
56 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Quit Rental, due at Michaelmas 1737.
57 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Quit Rental, due at Michaelmas 1774.
58 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Quit Rental, due at Michaelmas 1793.
58a - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: rents of owners of freehold estates.
58b - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: rough fragment of a rental (heading missing)
59 - Terrier of lands in Linton exchanged between Fardynando Paris and Robard Myllesent (Copied from an indenture).
60 - Memo of an indenture relating to Manors of Great Linton, Little Linton, Hildersham, Duxford St Peter and Pudding Norton, Norfolk, Catley House, &c.; and manor of farm of Michaelotts, as shown in indenture of October 1652.
61 - Extracts from Manuscripts of Sir Thomas Sclater relating to Linton estates. These include: Account of perambulation of Linton bounds, 18 May 1680; Terrier of Little Linton Farm, nd.
62 - Memos relating to Manor of Michaelotts, Linton.
63 - Documents relating to boundary fence between Burton Wood and Catley grounds, Linton.
64 - Mr Keene to Mr Eve, receiver of rents for Mrs Lonsdale. Notification of intention, in defence of his rights, to fish river from Hadstock Mill towards Hildersham and to clean out river when necessary.
65 - Linton: Opinion of Sergeant Le Blanc that book with survey of manor in reign of Queen Elizabeth may be produced in evidence.
66 - Memo off Mr Talbot relating to 3 roods inclosed land at Barham Cross, copyhold of Manor of Great Linton, &c.
67 - Benjamin Keene of Westoe to Commissioners of Swaffham Level. Receipt for £20, 2 years' interest on bond.
68 - Plan, with notes, of lands at Ballydon Hills, Linton.
69 - Plan of piece of land in Linton belonging to Reverend Keene.
70 - View and extent of Michaelotts Manor, Linton, copied from Field Book.
71 - Values of various unspecified freehold, Copyhold and leasehold lands in Linton.
72 - View or extent of Manor of Michaelotts, Linton.
73 - Notes on lands at Linton; from page 26-47 of some book.
74 - Unsigned claim to game preserve in Rivey and to fishing rights in river; said to have been made during life of Mr Lonsdale who had disputed bounds of Manor of Michaelotts, Linton.
75 - Lord of Manor of Great Linton, &c. v. Lord of Manor of Bergham. Case stated (but no opinion of counsel) relating to dispute over bounds of manors, holding of Court Leet, fishing rights, &c.
76 - Extract from Mr Robert Moore's admissions to copyholds of Manor of Great Linton, &c. (9 October 1676-14 December 1683).
77 - Terrier and rental of copyholds in Linton of Sir Thomas Sclater sold by Mr Mason to: (1) Mr Robert Moore. (2) Mr Curtess for Mr Robert Flack.
78 - Terrier of lands in Linton, late Lloyd and Mason of Mr Moore.
79 - Thomas Moore's receipt of £12-12s-6d. Fines to Lord of Manor of Linton.
80 - Abstract of title of Mr Moore to lands in Linton, containing a detailed terrier.
81 - William Prince of Normanton, Lincs., to Leeson, Sarah and Charles, his children. Attested copy of Appointment that messuage, lands in Linton, &c. of his Marriage Settlement, immediately after his decease, to be held by his children as tenants in common and not as joint tenants.
82 - Copy of Will of Robert Denny Pitt of Linton. Probate, 29 October 1812.
83 - Leeson Prince of Tunbridge and others to Sarah Pitt. Release of all rights to messuage with premises and 3-rood close in Linton copyhold of Manor of Great Linton, &c.
84 - Abstract of Title to property in Linton as in R59/14/11/13(a) (15 October 1730-4 August 1827).
85 - Admission of Sarah Pitt widow, under Will of Robert Denny Pitt her husband, to messuages, cottages, lands, &c. in Linton.
86 - Admission of Abraham Whiffin of Linton, on surrender of Banyard Gotobed Wallis of Loughborough, co. Leicester, to messuage with premises and a toft in Linton.
87 - Abstract of Title of Banyard Gotobed Wallis to property in Linton as in R59/14/11/13(f) (2 October 1713-13 December 1784).
88 - Surrender by Abraham Whiffin, to John Whiffin of Linton and Mary his wife, of property in Linton as in R59/14/11/13(f).
89 - Trustees under Will of Richard Mabbutt of Hildersham deceased to William James of Linton. Bargain and Sale of 16½ acres arable and 1 acre pasture, messuage with premises, &c. at Bartons Bridge, Linton, copyhold of Manor of Great Linton, &c.
90 - Trustees under Will of Richard Mabbutt of Hildersham to William Mabbutt of Linton, only son and heir of Richard Mabbutt deceased. Copy of Bargain and Sale of 7½ acres arable in Chilford Field, Linton, copyhold of Manor of Great Linton, &c.
91 - Susannah Middleditch of Linton to John Disbrow Eve of same. Copy of Bargain and Sale of messuage, orchard, part of adjoining close, and messuage all in Market Lane, Linton, and 2-rood inclosure in Hadstock, all copyhold of Manor of Great Linton, &c.
92 - Trustees under Will of John Disbrow Eve of Linton deceased to Richard Reeve of Shudy Camps. Bargain and Sale of 3r 15p inclosed land in Hadstock copyhold of Manor of Great Linton, &c.
93 - Admission of Joseph Granger of Linton, on surrender of Henry Claydon of same, to messuage and premises in Linton.
94 - Benjamin Keene of Westoe, Cambs. Appointment of Richard Rodwell as gamekeeper.
95 - To Commissioners for Inclosure of Cherry Hinton. Claim on behalf of - Pearce, Anne his wife, Reverend William Wade, Margaret his wife and Mary Serocold.
96 - Admission of John Westropp of Ickleton and others, new trustees, on surrender of James Howsden of same, surviving trustee, to 9 acres arable dispersed in fields of Ickleton, in trust for poor of same.
97 - Hannah Rider of Ensham, Oxon., to Richard Tickner of Burghfield, Bucks., and John Lintot alias Linton of Elsing, Surrey. Release of all rights in property at Stapleford: messuage with premises, 1a 1r close, pightle adjoining Lords Grove, blacksmith's shop, &c. copyhold of Manor of Stapleford Bury.
98 - William Collin of Foxen, Cambs., to Laurence Wright of Whittlesford. Feoffment of part of messuage with premises in Whittlesford.
Expand 12 - Manors of Isleham.12 - Manors of Isleham.
Expand 13 - Manor of Flamberds in Meldreth.13 - Manor of Flamberds in Meldreth.
Expand 14 - Manor of Ferme Park in Impington.14 - Manor of Ferme Park in Impington.
Expand 15 - Orwell and Foxton Manors.15 - Orwell and Foxton Manors.
Expand 16 - Great Wilbraham Manors.16 - Great Wilbraham Manors.
Expand 17 - Manor of Knights and Baldwins in Swaffham Prior.17 - Manor of Knights and Baldwins in Swaffham Prior.
Expand 18 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Fulbourn.18 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Fulbourn.
Expand 19 - Manor of Stapleford Bury.19 - Manor of Stapleford Bury.
Expand 20 - Foxton Manors.20 - Foxton Manors.
Expand 21 - Manor of Burwell Rectory.21 - Manor of Burwell Rectory.
Expand 22 - Landbeach Manors.22 - Landbeach Manors.
Expand 23 - Barrington Fencing.23 - Barrington Fencing.
Expand 24 - Balsham Rental.24 - Balsham Rental.
Expand 25 - Various Manors.25 - Various Manors.
Expand 26 - Documents relating to drainage.26 - Documents relating to drainage.
Expand 27 - Manor of Ovington (Norfolk)27 - Manor of Ovington (Norfolk)
Expand 28 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Rampton and Willingham.28 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Rampton and Willingham.
Expand 29 - Deed of Waterbeach.29 - Deed of Waterbeach.
Expand 15 - Manor of Burrough with Brettons in Burrough Green15 - Manor of Burrough with Brettons in Burrough Green
Expand 17 - 18th century survey of Cambridgeshire.17 - 18th century survey of Cambridgeshire.
Expand 18 - Documents relating to the Hundred of Wisbech18 - Documents relating to the Hundred of Wisbech
Expand 19 - Deed relating to property in Great Abington19 - Deed relating to property in Great Abington
Expand 20 - Records of Stetchworth Parish Council20 - Records of Stetchworth Parish Council
Expand 21 - Over Women's Institute Scrapbook21 - Over Women's Institute Scrapbook
Expand 22 - Records received via British Records Association in August 195922 - Records received via British Records Association in August 1959
Expand 23 - Willingham terrier23 - Willingham terrier
Expand 24 - Gape family of Caxton: supplement24 - Gape family of Caxton: supplement
Expand 25 - Records of The Society of Friends: Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon Quarterly Meeting25 - Records of The Society of Friends: Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon Quarterly Meeting
Expand 26 - Records of The Society of Friends: Cambridge, Huntingdon and Lynne Monthly Meeting26 - Records of The Society of Friends: Cambridge, Huntingdon and Lynne Monthly Meeting
Expand 27 - Records of Haslingfield Charities27 - Records of Haslingfield Charities
Expand 28 - Stetchworth Manorial papers28 - Stetchworth Manorial papers
Expand 29 - Records collected by R.E. Way relating to Barrington and Burrough Green29 - Records collected by R.E. Way relating to Barrington and Burrough Green
31 - Records of the Bedford Level Corporation: see catalogue SB/