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Collapse KAR59 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1959KAR59 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1959
Expand 2 - Pedigree of the Shepperson family2 - Pedigree of the Shepperson family
Collapse 4 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge4 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge
Collapse 1 - Deeds, &c. relating to Willingham (with one document relating to Fulbourn).1 - Deeds, &c. relating to Willingham (with one document relating to Fulbourn).
1 - True copy of Orders and Regulations for Willingham School. Appointment of the master vested in Reverend Dr William Smith, parson, and six of most substantial inhabitants.
2 - Extract from Assize Roll recording judgement of Sir John Dudding, Justice of Assize, vesting right to appoint master of Willingham School in the parson of Willingham.
3 - Samuel Gatward and others to John Osborn and others, all of Willingham. Notice of commission of Inquiry to be held at the Black Bear, Cambridge, on 27 September 1735, concerning alleged misappropriation of interest on £144 intended for maintenance of Willingham schoolmaster.
4 - Appointment by Reverend Reynolds, rector, in presence of congregation in the parish church, of Reverend Thomas Ibbot as master of Willingham School on death of Mr Holmes; John Bensted, a recommended candidate, being disqualified as a dissenter. Signed by 2 churchwardens and 7 others.
5 - Thomas Buddle, schoolmaster, to John White and others, all of Willingham. Bond for repayment of £130, raised by the inhabitants of Willingham in 1593 for maintenance of a schoolmaster, T. Buddle to hold money free of interest for life.
6 - Letter from Fulbourn of Robert Fiske concerning mismanagement of March's School, Fulbourn, and need for appointment of new trustees.
7 - Reverend William Smith, D.D., of Willingham to Thomas Marshall of same. 21-year Lease of 7a3r arable and 1 rood meadow in Willingham at £4 p.a.
8 - John Smythe of Alberry, Herts., brother and heir of Reverend William Smythe deceased, to Trustees of Dr Smith's Charity. Deed of Confirmation of grant of 7a3r land and 1rood meadow in Willingham, made by said W. Smythe to Henry Crispe and others in trust for poor widows living in the Almshouse. Cf. Charity Commission Report, pages 261-262.
9 - Thomas Hallywell and William Ingle, churchwardens, and others trustees to Richard Feu, all of Willingham. Counterpart of 21-year Lease of messuage called the Towne House, Willingham.
10 - Manor of Willingham: Admission of John Graves and others, trustees, on surrender of John Graves, to messuage called the Almshouse for poor widows.
11 - John Greaves senior and others, feoffees, and churchwardens of Willingham to William Fue of same. 21-year lease of Town House, Willingham.
12 - John Greave, grandson of John Greave last surviving feoffee of Dr. Smith's Charity, to John White and others, all of Willingham. Feoffment of new trustees with 15 selions arable and one rood meadow, in trust to use income of same for maintenance of poor widows in Almshouse.
13 - John White and John Osborn to John Wallman and others all of Willingham. Lease to put into possession of Town House, Willingham.
14 - Henry Asplen and others, surviving trustees, to Thomas Hickell and others, new trustees. Lease to put into possession of Town House, Willingham.
15 - Robert Osborne of Willingham. Deed poll to confirm yearly payment of 3s 4d rent of messuage in Willingham left time past in trust for the poor.
16 - Robert Osborne to Thomas Greaves and Nicholas Cristmas, churchwardens, all of Willingham. Bond to perform covenants as in R59/4/15.
17 - Miles Sandys, Lord of Manor, v. Freeholders. Award of Martin, Bishop of Ely, Sir John Cotton, Anthony Cage, Mark Steward and Francis Tyndall, arbitrators, in dispute over rights in Willingham fens.
18 - John Smith of Mepal to Thomas Fromant and John Raby of Willingham. Bond to exonerate town of Willingham from expense of maintenance and education of Susan Darby.
19 - Robert Greave of Outwell, Norfolk, to John Greave his uncle of Willingham. Grant of cottage in Willingham which he had under Will of Henry Greave his father.
20 - Bill for legal charges in connection with Willingham charities.
21 - Edward Randall to Messrs. Huckell and Reed. Receipt for £8 8s for drawing up Willingham trust deed.
22 - Mary Smith of Needingworth to William Phypers of Longstanton. Memo of Agreement to sell messuage, &c. in Willingham.
23 - John Warner of St Ives to Thomas F. Newman of Willingham. Memo of Agreement to let cottage and 5 acres land in Middle Fen, Willingham, on a yearly tenancy.
24 - Will of James Hills of Willingham.
25 - Charles Allen and others to Charles Allen and Thomas Frohock, all of Willingham. Release of all claim against estate of Charles Allen deceased.
Expand 2 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Swavesey.2 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Swavesey.
Expand 3 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Over.3 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Over.
Expand 4 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Haddenham.4 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Haddenham.
Expand 5 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Fen Drayton.5 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Fen Drayton.
Expand 6 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Sutton.6 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Sutton.
Expand 7 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Cambridge.7 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Cambridge.
Expand 8 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Elsworth.8 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Elsworth.
Expand 9 - Deed relating to Benwick9 - Deed relating to Benwick
Expand 10 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Mepal.10 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Mepal.
11 - Henry James Oakman to Emily Grant Patterson. Agreement to sell 11 acres in Burnt Fen, Soham.
12 - Henry Markham of Westwick to Richard Everith of Wilburton, tailor. Apprenticeship indenture.
13 - James Currington of Cottenham to Charles Male of same. Agreement for 7 years' Lease of 5 acres arable in Rampton.
Expand 14 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Chatteris.14 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Chatteris.
15 - John George Selby of Swaffham Bulbeck and others to executors and trustees. Release under Will of George Selby of Swaffham Bulbeck deceased.
16 - Samuel and Emma Kirby of Boxworth to John Brown of same. Receipt and discharge.
17 - Isaac E. Saunders of Clayhithe, Horningsea, to John Willmott of Bassingbourn and another. Year by year lease of brickyard at Clayhithe.
18 - Richard R. Wise of Huntingdon, Mary Anne Tulloch of same concurring, to Michael Foster and another, trustees. Marriage Settlement to uses stated.
Expand 19 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Longstanton.19 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Longstanton.
20 - James Radford of Oakington to Jacob Ellwood of Histon, brewer. Agreement to sell the Butcher's Arms, Oakington.
21 - Arthur C. Ellis of Thriplow to George Jonas of Duxford and another. Release under Will of Joseph Ingle Ellis of Thriplow. Deceased.
Expand 22 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Cottenham.22 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Cottenham.
23 - `Richard H. Norman to William Linton. Agreement to sell the White Horse, Stretham.
24 - Elijah Harrison of Witelaw Fen and William Cole. Draft Agreement over payment for lease of 7 acres land in Coveney Fen.
25 - Mrs A.P. Baxter of Little Bardfield, Essex, to F.R. Ward and others. Mortgage of reversionary interest under Will of Ann Cotton of Dry Drayton, deceased.
Expand 26 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Witcham.26 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Witcham.
Expand 5 - Records of Ruck Keene family of Linton5 - Records of Ruck Keene family of Linton
Expand 6 - Map of Cambridgeshire6 - Map of Cambridgeshire
Expand 8 - Photographs of Title Deeds relating to 28 Bridge Street, Cambridge8 - Photographs of Title Deeds relating to 28 Bridge Street, Cambridge
Expand 9 - County of Cambridge Development Plan9 - County of Cambridge Development Plan
Expand 10 - Records of Kingston Parish Meeting10 - Records of Kingston Parish Meeting
Expand 12 - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in March and Elm12 - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in March and Elm
Expand 14 - Francis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Court Records &c14 - Francis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Court Records &c
Expand 15 - Manor of Burrough with Brettons in Burrough Green15 - Manor of Burrough with Brettons in Burrough Green
Expand 17 - 18th century survey of Cambridgeshire.17 - 18th century survey of Cambridgeshire.
Expand 18 - Documents relating to the Hundred of Wisbech18 - Documents relating to the Hundred of Wisbech
Expand 19 - Deed relating to property in Great Abington19 - Deed relating to property in Great Abington
Expand 20 - Records of Stetchworth Parish Council20 - Records of Stetchworth Parish Council
Expand 21 - Over Women's Institute Scrapbook21 - Over Women's Institute Scrapbook
Expand 22 - Records received via British Records Association in August 195922 - Records received via British Records Association in August 1959
Expand 23 - Willingham terrier23 - Willingham terrier
Expand 24 - Gape family of Caxton: supplement24 - Gape family of Caxton: supplement
Expand 25 - Records of The Society of Friends: Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon Quarterly Meeting25 - Records of The Society of Friends: Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon Quarterly Meeting
Expand 26 - Records of The Society of Friends: Cambridge, Huntingdon and Lynne Monthly Meeting26 - Records of The Society of Friends: Cambridge, Huntingdon and Lynne Monthly Meeting
Expand 27 - Records of Haslingfield Charities27 - Records of Haslingfield Charities
Expand 28 - Stetchworth Manorial papers28 - Stetchworth Manorial papers
Expand 29 - Records collected by R.E. Way relating to Barrington and Burrough Green29 - Records collected by R.E. Way relating to Barrington and Burrough Green
31 - Records of the Bedford Level Corporation: see catalogue SB/