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Collapse KAR59 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1959KAR59 - County Record Office Cambridge Accessions 1959
Expand 2 - Pedigree of the Shepperson family2 - Pedigree of the Shepperson family
Expand 4 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge4 - Records of Messrs Maule & Winter, solicitors of Cambridge
Collapse 5 - Records of Ruck Keene family of Linton5 - Records of Ruck Keene family of Linton
Expand 1 - Manorial minute books, etc.1 - Manorial minute books, etc.
Expand 2 - Rentals2 - Rentals
Expand 3 - Estate memo and account books3 - Estate memo and account books
Expand 4 - Chancery suit (Riste v. Sclater-King).4 - Chancery suit (Riste v. Sclater-King).
Expand 5 - Wills, &c.5 - Wills, &c.
Expand 6 - Terriers, Valuations, &c.6 - Terriers, Valuations, &c.
Expand 7 - Poor Rates, Land Tax and Audits.7 - Poor Rates, Land Tax and Audits.
Expand 8A - Linton Inclosure.8A - Linton Inclosure.
Expand 8B - Linton Schools.8B - Linton Schools.
Expand 8C - Tithes.8C - Tithes.
Expand 8D - Timber.8D - Timber.
Expand 8E - Letters, &c.8E - Letters, &c.
Collapse 9 - Deeds, &c.9 - Deeds, &c.
1 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Robert Glascock, on surrender of John Goodman, to 1 acre land called Webbs Close in Linton.
2 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Robert Huppup, on surrender of George Bowtell, to 8 parcels of land containing 4 acres in Linton.
3 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Abstract of Title of Edward Leverett to a moiety of 2a 7r, 2a 3r in Linton.
4 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Copy of Surrender by Edward Leverett, to Benjamin Keene, of 2a 3r in Linton.
5 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Edward Leverett to Benjamin Keene. Bond to perform surrender.
6 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Conditional Surrender by James Kidman of Linton, to John Willson of Cambridge, of 3 acres land in Linton.
7 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: James Kidman to John Willson. Bond to secure loan of £200.
8 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of William Clayden, on death of Henry Clayden, to 5 roods, 2 parcels of 7 roods, and 2 acres land in Linton.
9 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Sarah Claydon, on death of her brother Henry Twinn, to cottage in Horn Lane and 2 closes of 4 acres called Little Nuns Pens Closes in Linton.
10 - Copy of Will of Sarah Claydon of Linton.
11 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Henry Claydon, on death of Sarah Claydon, to property in Linton as in R59/5/9/9.
12 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Thomas Claydon, on death of Henry Claydon, to property in Linton as in R59/5/9/9 and note of fine.
13 - Copy of Will of Thomas Claydon of Linton.
14 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Thomas Hammond Claydon, under Will of Thomas Claydon deceased, to property in Linton as in R59/5/9/9.
15 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Hammond Battyll of Linton and Mary Ann his wife to Thomas Hammond Claydon of same. Release of legacy under Will of Thomas Claydon deceased.
16 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrender by Thomas Hammond Claydon, to Benjamin Keene, of property in Linton as in R59/5/9/9, except for cottage.
17 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Thomas Hammond Claydon to Benjamin Keene. Bond for quiet enjoyment of property.
18 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Abstract of Title to 2 copyhold closes called Little Nunns Pens in Linton (11 December 1758-5 December 1821).
19 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Henry Claydon, on surrender of Reverend Bewick Bridge, to 5 roods and 7 roods in Linton.
20 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Henry Claydon to John Good. Copy of Mortgage, by way of conditional Surrender, of lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/19.
21 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: John Good, to William Claydon. Acknowledgement of Satisfaction on Conditional Surrender as in R59/5/9/20.
22 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrender by William Claydon, to Benjamin Keene, of lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/19.
23 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrender by Thomas Thackeray, to John S. Blackman, of 1r 15p, 1a 3p, 1r 7p, 3r 38p, 2r 9p, 3a, 2a, 1r 6p in Linton
24 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrender by William Claydon, to John Disbrow Eve, of 2 acres land in Linton.
25 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of John Disbrow Eve on surrender R59/5/9/24.
26 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of John S. Blackman on surrender R59/5/9/23.
27 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of John Blackman, on death of John S. Blackman, to 2 messuages and lands in Horne Lane and lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/23.
28 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Frederic Barlow to James Kidman. Acknowledgement of Satisfaction on a conditional surrender.
29 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Surrender by John Blackman, to Reverend Charles Edmund Keene, of lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/23.
30 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of John Hockley, on surrender of Charles Fullwell, to closes of 4acres and 1½ acres in Linton.
31 - Manor of Bergham: Admission, after a Recovery, of John Hockley butcher of Linton to 5½ acres arable in Linton.
32 - Manor of Bergham: Surrender by John Hockley senior to Thomas Huppupp of 6-acre close in Linton.
33 - Manor of Bergham: John Hockley senior to Thomas Huppupp. Bond to perform surrender.
34 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Thomas Huppup, on surrender of John Hockley senior of Linton and John his son, to lands in Linton.
35 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Elizabeth Rybright, on death of Thomas Huppup her brother, to 1 acre, ½ acre, 4 acres, 2a 3r and close of 6 acres in Linton.
36 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Thomas Rybright, on death of Elizabeth his mother, to lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/35.
37 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Richard Whish, on surrender of Thomas Ribright to lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/35.
38 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Martin Whish, on death of Richard Whish, to lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/35.
39 - Manor of Bergham: Surrender by Martin Whish, to Thomas Thackeray, of lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/35.
40 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Benjamin Keene, on surrender of Thomas Moore, to 4acres, 1½ acres, 4 acres, 10a 1r, 3 acres, 1½ acres, 1r, 1r, 1 acre and 1 acre in Linton.
41 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Lydia Thackeray, on surrender of Frederick Thackery, to lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/35.
42 - Manor of Bergham: Surrender by Thomas Thackeray, to James Fordham, of 6-acre close in Linton.
43 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of James Fordham on Surrender R59/5/9/42.
44 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Reverend Charles Edmund Keene, on death of Benjamin Keene his father, to 82a 2r 35p land in Linton.
45 - Manor of Bergham: Surrender by James Fordham, to Reverend Charles Edmund Ruck Keene, of close in Linton as in R59/5/9/42.
46 - Manor of Bergham: James Fordham to Reverend Charles Edmund Ruck Keene. Covenant to perform surrender.
47 - Edward Nicholas of London and Anne his wife, Anthony Story of Cambridge and Frances his wife, Thomas Freston of London and Grace his wife, and Elizabeth Richardson of Cambridge to Robert Flacke of Linton and Francis Ferrand of Haverhill. Covenant to levy fine, and Declaration of uses thereof, relating to messuage and 2 closes of meadow of 4 acres and ½ acre in Linton; and reversion of messuage and lands in Hadstock.
48 - Edward Nicholas to Robert Flacke. Bond to perform covenants as in Indenture R59/5/9/47.
49 - Robert Flacke and Francis Ferrand v. Edward and Anne Nicholas, Anthony and Frances Story, Thomas and Grace Freston, Elizabeth Richardson and Edward Mantle and Barbara his wife. (Cf. R59/5/9/47). Fine relating to messuage, cottage, 3 barns, 2 stables, dovecot, garden, 42 acres land, 4 acres meadow, 6 acres pasture in Linton, and 4 acres land and 2 acres meadow in Hadstock.
50 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Robert Flacke, on surrender of Edward Nicholas and others (as in R59/5/9/47), to cottage, ½ acres pasture, Mill Lane Pightle of 1 acre, 18 acres arable, 2 small parcels of land, and waste land in Linton.
51 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of George Flacke on surrender of Stephen Barker and Mary his wife, to 3 acres arable in Linton.
52-53 - Philip Paris of Pudding Norton, Norfolk, and John Carter of London to Robert Flacke of Linton. Lease and Release of several parcels of land containing 3½ acres, 2 closes of 2 acres, 4 acres arable, 1 acre meadow, &c. in Linton.
54 - Philip Paris of Pudding Norton, Norfolk, and John Carter of London to Robert Flacke of Linton. Receipt for £204 as mentioned in R59/5/9/53.
55-56 - Sir Joseph Colston of Pudding Norton, Dame Anne his wife, and Robert London of Aldeby to Robert Flacke of Linton. Lease and Release of 3a 1r land, 1 rood pasture, and closes of 5 acres in Linton. Detailed terriers attached to each deed.
57 - Robert Flacke v. Sir Joseph and Anne Colston and Robert London. Fine relating to 66 acres land, 4 acres meadow and 7 acres pasture in Linton.
58 - Sir Joseph Colston of Pudding Norton, Dame Anne his wife, and Robert London of Aldeby to Robert Flacke of Linton. Receipt for £387 as mentioned in R59/5/9/56.
59 - Richard James formerly of Pudding Norton to Robert Flacke. Release of all claims to lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/56.
60 - Dame Anne Colston, Robert London, John Carter, Matthew Johnson and Gabriel Seymor to Robert Flacke. Bargain and Sale and Release of lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/56.
61 - John Malden of Whittlesford and Jane his wife to Robert Flacke of Linton. Feoffment of messuage and 1 acre land in Linton.
62 - John Malden of Whittlesford and Jane his wife to Robert Flacke of Linton. Bond to perform covenants.
63 - John Malden of Whittlesford and Jane his wife to Robert Flacke of Linton. Receipt for £120.
64 - Robert Flacke and John Mead v. John Lyndsell and Elizabeth his wife, John Malden and Jane his wife, and Barnard Lockwood and Martha his wife. Fine relating to 3 messuages, 4 barns, 4 stables, dovecot, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 49 acres land, 8 acres meadow, 1 acre pasture and 3 acres wood in Horseheath, Bartlow, Shudy Camps, Linton and Carlton cum Willingham.
65 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of George Flacke, on surrender of John Sell, to third part of Palmers Well Close, 1 acre close and 3 acres land in Linton.
66 - Henry Custance of Stretham to George Flacke of Linton. Receipt for £10.
67 - John Baldwin of Linton and Joan his wife, Isaack Webb of Burwell and Margaret his wife to Robert Flacke of Linton, Henry Webb of Horseheath, Francis Westropp of Hildersham and George Flacke of Gray's Inn. Covenant to levy Fine relating to messuage and 2 pightles each of 1 rood in Linton, 2 acres pasture in Horseheath, and 3 acres arable in Bartlow.
68 - Robert Flacke and Henry Webb v. John and Joan Baldwin and Isaack and Martha Webb. Fine relating to messuage, garden, orchard, 4 acres land, and 2 acres meadow in Linton, Horseheath and Bartlow.
69 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Francis Westropp of Cambridge, on surrender of Elizabeth Hoyd of Hemingford Grey and John Mason of St Ives and Mary his wife, to 12a 3r land in Linton
70 - Francis Westropp of Cambridge to Robert Flacke of Linton and John Mede of same. Feoffment of parcels of land containing 16a 1r, 2-acre meadow, 2½ acres meadow, and 16a 3r land in Linton.
71 - Francis Westropp of Hildersham and another, and John Baldwin of Linton and Joan his wife to Robert Flacke. Feoffment of messuage, 1 rood meadow and 1 rood arable in Linton.
72 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of John Flacke, on surrender of George Flacke, to two-thirds of 1½ acre close of pasture called Palmers Well and of 1 acre close of pasture in Linton.
73 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of John Flacke, on surrender of John Baldwin and Joan his wife, to 1 acre called Webbs Close in Linton.
74 - Richard Webb of Saffron Walden and Hannah his wife to Robert Flacke of Linton. Grant of messuage and 2 closes arable containing 4 acres in Linton.
75 - Richard Webb to Robert Flacke. Bond to perform covenants.
76 - Richard Webb to Robert Flacke. Feoffment of property as in R59/5/9/74.
77 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of John Flacke, on surrender of Margaret and William Townsend, to ½ acre pasture in Berry Meads, Linton.
78 - James Pitches of Newport Pond, Essex, to Robert Flacke. Feoffment of 3 acres called Pitches Close in Linton.
79 - James Pitches of Newport Pond, Essex, to Robert Flacke. Bond to perform covenants.
80 - Thomas Levett of Stretham to John Flacke of Gray's Inn. Bond to perform surrender of one-third of 1½-acre close and of 1-acre close in Linton.
81 - Thomas Levett of Stretham to John Flacke of Gray's Inn. Acquittance for £8.
82 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of John Flacke, on surrender of Thomas Lovett, to property in Linton as in R59/5/9/80.
83 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Robert Flacke, on death of John Flacke, to 1½-acre pasture called Palmers Well, 1-acre close and 2 acres land.
84 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Barrington Flacke, on death of John his father, to one-third part of Palmers Well Close and 1-acre close.
85 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Barrington Flacke, on surrender of executor of Robert Flacke deceased, to 13a 1r and 21½ acres land in Linton and surrender by same to use of his Will.
86 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Barrington Flacke, on surrender of executor of Robert Flacke deceased, to lands, &c. in Linton (with detailed terrier). And surrender by same to use of his Will.
87-88 - Barrington Flacke of Linton to Thomas Moore of same. Lease and Release of Claypitt Close of 2 acres in Linton.
89 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Susanna Flacke, on death of Barrington Flacke, to messuage, lands, &c. in Linton (Detailed terrier).
90 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Susanna Flacke, on death of Barrington Flacke, to 21½ acres land and 13a 1r in Linton.
91 - Manor of Bergham: Admission of Sir Fitzwilliam Barrington, on death of Susanna Flacke, to property in Linton as in R59/5/9/90.
92 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Admission of Sir Fitzwilliam Barrington, on death of Susanna Flacke, to property in Linton as in R59/5/9/89.
93 - Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, with Chilfords and Michaelotts: Copy of Court Roll of: 12 July 1780, Admission as in R59/5/9/92; 13 December 1784, Surrender by Sir Fitzwilliam Barrington, to Benjamin Keene, of all his copyholds - except one cottage - holden of said Manor.
94-95 - Sir Fitzwilliam Barrington of Isle of Wight and John his son to Benjamin Keene of Catley. Lease and Release of farm of 40 acres in Linton and Hadstock; Greenhill Farm of 113 acres; Churchyard Barn of 106 acres; 2 acres land, 2 closes, 3 acres arable and messuage in Horn Lane, Linton.
96 - Henry Lawrence of Great Linton and Joanna his wife to Robert Pomell of Horseheath. Grant of 3 a. messuage called Bawdes, Farrars and Smythes in Linton, in trust for Henry Lawrence and his heirs with reversion to Robert Pomell.
97 - Richard Lawrence of Linton to Thomas Burman, Robert Burgaine, Thomas Barker and Henry Lawrence all of same. Feoffment of his house and ½ acre land in Linton.
98 - John Pettit of Linton and Mary his wife, and John Soame of Great Wratting, Suffolk, and Anne his wife, to Adams Lawrence of Clare and Elizabeth his wife. Grant of one third part of 2 messuages, 4 acres meadow, 12 acres pasture and 40 acres land in Linton, late the property of Richard Lawrence deceased.
99 - Philip Paris of Pudding Norton to Matthew Johnson of Middle Temple and Gabriell Seamor of London. Mortgage, by way of Lease (and Release) of: Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, and Michaelotts, and of Hildersham, and messuage called Catley House, in Cambridgeshire; Manor of Pudding Norton, in Norfolk; Messuage and lands called Mitchells and Bowsers in Walden and Ashdon, and pasture called Nottages in Walden, in Essex.
100 - Sir Thomas Sclater v. Sir Joseph Colstone, Ann his wife and Robert London. Fine relating to Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, 10 houses, 2 water-mills, dovecot, 7 gardens, 7 orchards, 580 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 180 acres pasture, 95 acres wood and 100 acres heath in Linton, Castle Camps and Shudy Camps.
101 - Sir Joseph Colston of Pudding Norton, Dame Anne his wife (mother of Philip Paris deceased) and Robert London of Adeby, Norfolk, to Sir Thomas Sclater of Cambridge. Receipt for £7793 consideration money mentioned in indentures of even date.
102 - Sir Joseph Colston of Pudding Norton, Dame Anne his wife (mother of Philip Paris deceased) and Robert London of Adeby, Norfolk, to Sir Thomas Sclater of Cambridge. (Lease and) Release of Manor of Great Linton. Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts and messuages and lands (terrier).
103-104 - Dame Anne Colston, Robert London of Aldeby, John Carter of London, Matthew Johnson of Middle Temple and Gabriel Seymor of London to Sir Thomas Sclater of Cambridge. Lease and Release of Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, Little Linton Farm, Catley House, 3 messuages, 6 shops, 2 messuages and water-mills, 11½ acres arable, Linton Wood of 90 acres and Cowle Grove of 2 acres in Linton.
105 - Bennett Garman of London and Elizabeth Edwards of Fakenham to John and Charles Turner of King's Lynn and Bartholomew Snelling of Stoke Ferry. Lease and Release of Manor of Bustlers in Duxford and lands, &c. in Linton (with Terrier).
106 - John and Charles Turner and Bartholomew Snellings v. Bennet Garman, Isabella his wife and Nicholas Edwards. Fine relating to Manors of Bustlers in Duxford and Michaelotts, 3 messuages, 4 gardens, 300 acres land, 14 acres meadow, 15 acres pasture, 12 acres wood, 120 acres heath, &c. in Linton, Duxford, Hinxton and Whittlesford.
107-108 - George Bowtell of Linton to Sir Thomas Sclater. Lease and Release of 8 acres land and Thakes Grove in Linton.
109-110 - William Turner of North Elmham, Norfolk, John and Charles Turner of King's Lynn, and Bartholomew Snelling of Stoke Ferry to Sir Thomas Sclater of Cambridge. Lease and Release of Manor of Bustlers in Duxford, Michaelotts Farm and lands, &c. in Linton (with Terrier).
111 - George Bowtell, Joane his wife and others to Sir Thomas Sclater. Grant of Thakes Grove of 6 acres in Linton and messuage, and lands in Ickleton and Linton to lead uses of a Fine.
112-113 - Dame Anne Colston, Robert London of Aldeby, John Carter of London, Matthew Johnson of Middle Temple and Gabriell Seamor of London to Sir Thomas Sclater of Cambridge. Lease and Release of all rights in Manor of Bustlers in Duxford, &c. as in R59/5/9/110.
114 - John Carter, Dame Anne Colston and another concurring, to Sir Thomas Sclater and others. Grant of Manor of Bustlers in Duxford, &c.
115 - Sir Edmund Abney, Sir Thomas Exton and others to Sir Thomas Sclater. Declaration of trust in Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, &c.
116 - Sir Thomas Sclater to Nathaniel Coga of Pembroke Hall and Thomas Bainbridge of Trinity College, Cambridge. Lease and Release, in trust for uses stated, of: Manor of Great Linton, &c. and Bustlers in Duxford, Thakes Grove, and 2 messuages in St Botolph's, in Cambridgeshire; Farm, &c. in Titchwell, in Norfolk; lands in Halliwell, in Huntingdonshire. Lease only, for Release see subsequent box.
117 - Sir Thomas Sclater to Nathaniel Coga of Pembroke Hall and Thomas Bainbridge of Trinity College, Cambridge. Lease and Release, in trust for uses stated, of: Manor of Great Linton, &c. and Bustlers in Duxford, Thakes Grove, and 2 messuages in St Botolph's, in Cambridgeshire; Farm, &c. in Titchwell, in Norfolk; lands in Halliwell, in Huntingdonshire. Release only, for Lease see preceding box.
118 - Robert Moore of Linton to William Willmot of Elmden, Essex, and John Rowley of Chrishall. Marriage Settlement (Robert Moore to marry Sarah Willmot), by way of Lease and Release, of messuage and lands in Linton (with terrier).
119 - John Mason of St Ives, Mary his wife and Elizabeth Lloyd of Hemingford Gray to John Curtis of Linton. Memo of Agreement to sell messuages and lands in Linton and Hadstock.
120 - John Mason of St Ives, Mary his wife and Elizabeth Lloyd of Hemingford Gray to Robert Moore of Linton. Memo of Agreement to sell messuage and 152a 2r in Linton.
121 - John Mason of St Ives, Mary his wife and Elizabeth Lloyd of Hemingford Gray to Robert Moore of Linton. Covenant to levy Fine relating to messuage and 153a 3r in Linton.
122-123 - Elizabeth Lloyd, John Mason and Mary his wife to John Curtys of Linton and others. Deed to lead of uses of a Fine relating to messuage and 65a 2r land in Linton and counterpart of same.
124 - John Curtys and Robert Moore v. Elizabeth Lloyd, John Mason and Mary his wife. Fine relating to 2 messuages, gardens, &c., 77acres land, 3 acres and 23 acres pasture in Linton.
125 - Thomas Sclater of Catley to Marmaduke Rickett of Gray's Inn. Lease to put into possession of estate in Linton, &c. as in R59/5/9/117 in trust for uses stated.
126-127 - Thomas Sclater of Catley (nephew of Sir Thomas Sclater deceased) and others to Robert Browne of Staple Inn and John Plaxton of Gray's Inn. Lease and Release of estate in Linton, &c. as in R59/5/9/117 in trust for uses stated.
128 - Thomas Sclater of Catley (nephew of Sir Thomas Sclater deceased) and others to Robert Brown of Staple Inn and John Plaxton of Gray's Inn. Release of estate in Linton, &c. as in R59/5/9/127.
129 - Robert Browne and John Plaxton v. Thomas Sclater, Edward Sclater and others. Fine relating to Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, and Bustlers in Duxford, 20 messuages, 10 cottages, 10 shops, 2 water-mills, 2 wind-mills, 5 dovecotes, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 1000 acres land, 300 acres meadow, 1000 acres pasture, and 250 acres wood and heath in Linton and Duxford, and lands (specified) in Titchwell and Helliwell.
130 - James Pitches of Newport Pond, Essex, Anne his wife, and Hannah his mother of Linton to Robert Flacke of Linton. Grant of 3-acre meadow called Pitches Close in Linton.
131 - Extract from Will of Edward Pitches of Linton bequeathing Pitches close in Linton to his son, James.
132-133 - John Offord of Horseheath and Anne his wife to George Maling of Linton. Lease and Release of Long Crofts Close of 2 acres and 40 acres land in Linton.
134 - John Offord to George Maling. Receipt for £480.
135 - George Maling and Richard Fordham v. John Offord, Anne his wife, Richard Banckes and James Pinck. Fine relating to cottage, 43 acres land, 3 acres meadow, 6 acres pasture and 1 acre wood in Kneesworth, Bassingbourn, Linton and Stapleford.
136 - Samuel Moore of Linton to Thomas Moore. Release of annuity charged on farm in Linton under Will of Robert Moore deceased.
137 - Thomas Moore of Linton to Richard King of Epping. Mortgage of messuage and 87a 3r in Linton.
138 - Richard King v. Thomas Moore. Attested copy of Fine relating to 2 messuages, 4 barns, 3 stables, malthouse, dovehouse, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 80 acres land, 4 acres meadow, 25 acres pasture and 4 acres wood in Linton.
139 - Martha Game widow v. Thomas Moore. Copy of Judgement in plea of debt of £1200
140-141 - Ann Moore of Linton to Thomas Moore her brother of Bishops Stortford. Lease and Release of 2 messuages and land in Linton.
142 - Thomas Moore to Ann Moore. Demise of 2 messuages, &c. in Linton to secure annuity of £20.
143 - Thomas Maling of Cambridge to Thomas Fuller of same. Mortgage of Long Crofts Close of 2 acres land and 40 acres land in Linton.
144 - Thomas Maling of Cambridge to Thomas Fuller of same. Bond to perform covenants.
145 - Thomas Moore of Bishops Stortford and Jane his wife to John Game of Widford, Herts., and Richard King of Epping. Grant of messuage and lands in Linton as in R59/5/9/137 in trust for uses stated.
146 - Executors of Martha Game of Bishops Stortford deceased to Thomas Moore. Acknowledgement of satisfaction on settlement of 2 cottages and lands on Jane, wife of Thomas Moore, for her life.
147 - Thomas Fuller of Cambridge, Thomas Maling concurring to John Sennitt of same. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/143, and further charge.
148 - Thomas Maling to John Sennit (sic). Bond to perform covenants.
149 - John Sennit, Thomas Maling concurring, to John Barnwell D.D. of Trumpington. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/143.
150 - Thomas Maling to John Barnwell. Bond to perform covenants.
151 - John Barnwell of Trumpington, Thomas Maling concurring to George Ridge of Kilmiston, Southampton. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/143.
152 - Robert Wright of Stapleford, Ann his wife, Thomas Maling of Cambridge and Mary his wife to George Ridge and John Fromont of Fulbourn. Deed to lead of uses of a Fine relating to messuage, 40 acres land and 15 acres pasture in Linton and Fulbourn.
153 - James Mundy v. Robert King and Martha his wife. Fine relating to Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, and Bustlers in Duxford, 15 messuages, 5 cottages, 2 water-mills, 5 dovehouses, 15 orchards, 1000 acres land, 300 acres meadow, 1000 acres pasture and 250 acres wood in said Manors.
154 - Gilbert Jodrell v. James Mundy. Exemplification of a Recovery relating to Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, and Bustlers in Duxford, 30 messuages, 2 water-mills, 2 wind-mills, 5 dovehouses, 30 gardens, 1000 acres land, 300 acres meadow, 1000 acres pasture and 250 acres wood in said manors. With seal.
155 - Commissioners in bankruptcy, Thomas Watkinson (consignee of goods of Thomas Maling) and George Ridge concurring, to Thomas Moore of Hockrel, Herts. Grant of Long Crofts Close and other lands in Linton.
156 - George Ridge to Thomas Moore and William Thirlborne of Cambridge. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/143.
157 - Thomas Sclater King of Catley and Anne his wife to Paul Valliant of Parish of St Clement Dane, Middlesex. Mortgage of Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, and Bustlers in Duxford, and messuages and lands (with terrier).
158 - Thomas Sclater King of Linton and Anne his wife to Hugh White, Samuel Taylor and others. Settlement on Marriage of Thomas Sclater King of Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, and of Bustlers in Duxford, messuages and lands in Linton, lands in Hadstock and Stepney, rents in Hunts.; and lands in Halliwell, Needingworth, &c. in trust for uses stated
159 - Thomas Sclater King of Linton to William Adams of Bath. Mortgage of estate as in R59/5/9/158.
160 - Henry Bewick of Hedingham Sible, Essex, to Ann Bewick of Linton. Feoffment of Sanders Garden of 1 acre in Linton.
161 - Thomas Sclater King of Linton to George Riste of Cambridge. Deed poll declaring Mortgage as in R59/5/9/158.
162 - Thomas Sclater King to John Mackay of Holborn and another. Grant of £25 p.a. from Great Linton Farm during life of grantor.
163 - William Adams of Bath, Thomas Sclater King concurring, to Thomas Lord Montfort, Baron Horseheath. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/159.
164 - Thomas Sclater King and Ann his wife to Paul Valliant. Further charge on Mortgage R59/5/9/157.
165 - Thomas Sclater King and Elizabeth his daughter to Henry Busby of Parish of St George's, Hanover Square, and another. Settlement (copy) on intended marriage of said Elizabeth and Henry of messuage in Stepney and rents in trust for uses stated.
166 - Thomas Lord Montfort to Edmund, Bishop of Ely. Memo of Agreement to sell Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts, Catley House, Little Linton Farm, Michaelotts Farm, lands, &c. as specified.
167-168 - Charles Lawrence of Parish of St Clements Dunes, Thomas Lord Montfort and Thomas Sclater King concurring, to Edmund, Bishop of Ely. Lease and Release of Manor of Great Linton, Little Linton, Chilfords and Michaelotts and specified messuages and lands in Linton and Hadstock.
169 - Charles Lawrence of Parish of St Clements Dunes, Thomas Lord Montfort and Thomas Sclater King concurring, to Edmund, Bishop of Ely. Confirmation of same.
170 - Executors of George Riste and Charles Lawrence, Thomas Sclater King concurring, to Edmund, Bishop of Ely. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/161 to attend the inheritance.
171 - Executors of Rumney Diggle, Charles Lawrence and Thomas Lord Montfort, Thomas Sclater King concurring, to Bishop of Ely. Assignment of Mortgage on property as in R59/5/9/166 to attend the inheritance.
172 - Henry Busby of Parish of St George the Martyr, Middlesex, to Bishop of Ely. Covenant to produce deeds of 11/12 December 1760.
173-174 - Thomas Moore of London and Ann his wife to James Geldard of Staple Inn and John M. Grinwood. Lease and Release of property as in R59/5/9/137 and declaration of uses of 2 Recoveries.
175 - John M. Grinwood v. James Geldard. Thomas and Ann Moore vouchees. Exemplification of Recovery relating to 6 messuages, malthouse, dovehouse, 12 gardens, 60 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 60 acres pasture, 30 acres wood, and common of Manor of Great Linton, &c. and Barham. With seal.
176-177 - James Essex of Cambridge, Thomas Moore and James Geldard concurring to James Doo of Linton and another. Assignment of Mortgage, by way of Lease and Release, and conveyance of messuage in Linton. With plan of messuage.
178-179 - Thomas Moore and James Geldard both of London to Benjamin Keene of Catley. Lease and Release of specified parcels of land and messuage in Linton.
180 - Edmund, Bishop of Ely and Benjamin Keene to James Essex. Bond to secure £2000 and interest.
181 - Benjamin Keene to Thomas Moore. Copy of Covenant to produce title deeds. Schedule of Deeds (3/4 October 1727-March 1776).
182 - Thomas Beecroft of London, James Essex of Cambridge concurring, to Benjamin Keene of Catley and his trustee. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/143 to attend the inheritance.
183-184 - Ann Bridge of Linton to Benjamin Keene of Westoe, Castle Camps. Lease and Release of Sanders Garden of 1 acre in Linton.
185-186 - Reverend Bewick Bridge of Linton to Benjamin Keene. Lease and Release of Sanders Garden of 1 acre in Linton.
187 - James Doo of Linton and John Jaggard of Horseheath. Mortgage of messuage in Linton with covenant to surrender copyholds.
188 - James Doo of Linton and John Jaggard of Horseheath. Bond to perform covenants.
189 - James Doo of Linton and John Jaggard of Horseheath. Conditional Surrender of messuage in Linton as in R59/5/9/187.
190 - John Jaggard to Rebecca Lagden of Horseheath. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/187.
191 - John Cole of Farnham and Rebecca (nee Lagden) his wife to William Day of Linton (in trust for Benjamin Keene). Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/187.
192 - Declaration by William Day that Mortgage R59/5/9/187 was held by him in trust for Benjamin Keene who had advanced the money.
193 - Henry Flacke of Linton to William Bridge of same. Assignment of Mortgage.
194-195 - Elizabeth Bridge of Linton to Ambrose Bening Perkins of same. Lease and Release.
196 - Ambrose Bening Perkins to Reverend John Perkins of Arkesden, Essex. Mortgage.
197 - Ambrose Bening Perkins to Daniel Taylor of West Wickham. Further Mortgage.
198 - Ambrose Bening Perkins to Daniel Taylor of West Wickham. Bond to secure £200.
199 - Reverend John Perkins to Daniel Taylor. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/196.
200 - Reverend Bewick Bridge of East India College, Herts., Elizabeth Bridge of Brompton concurring, to Daniel Taylor. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/193.
201 - Reverend John Perkins to Daniel Taylor. Promise to pay interest on Mortgage of £150.
202 - Daniel Taylor to John Stevenson Blackman of Linton. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/193.
203 - Daniel Taylor to John Stevenson Blackman of Linton. R59/5/9/202. Bond to perform covenants.
204 - Certificate of Redemption of 4s Land Tax on land in Linton.
205-206 - Robert and John Adcock of Haverhill and Linton to Benjamin Keene of Westoe Lodge, Castle Camps. Lease and Release of 3 parcels of land in Linton: Toms Piece of 1a 1r, 2a 1r and 1a. With Schedule of lands.
207 - Certificate of Redemption of £1-14s. Land Tax on 4 acres, Little Nunns Close of 4acres, and 6 cottages in Linton. 2 declarations attached.
208-209 - Trustee under Will of Thomas Thackeray deceased and others to James Fordham. Lease and Release of land called '4acres' containing 3a 3r 32p in Linton, with Assignment of Mortgage to attend the inheritance.
210 - Trustee under Will of Thoms Thackeray deceased and others to James Fordham. Bargain and Sale of close of 5a 2r 16p in Linton with Covenant to surrender copyholds of Manor of Bergham.
211-212 - Trustees under Will of Thomas Thackeray deceased and others to John S. Blackman of Linton and others. Lease and Release of 17a 16p in Linton, with Assignment of Mortgage to attend the inheritance and Covenant to produce title deeds.
213 - Trustees under Will of Thomas Thackeray deceased and others to John S. Blackman of Linton and others. Bargain and Sale 1r 15p; 1a 3p; 1r 7p; 3r 38p; 2r 9p; 2a 1r 6p in Linton, with Covenant to surrender copyholds.
214-215 - James Fordham of Linton to Benjamin Keene of Westoe. Lease and Release of land called '4 Acres' in Linton, and Assignment of Mortgage to attend the inheritance.
216-217 - Martha Blackman of Linton to John her son and another. Copy of Lease and Release of house and land in Horn lane, Linton, and lands as in R59/5/9/212, with Covenant to be admitted and surrender copyhold.
218 - Martha Blackman of Clare to John Blackman. Copy of Release of all claim to 3 messuages in Horne Lane and specified parcels of land in Linton.
219-220 - John Blackman of Hildersham to Reverend Charles Edmund Keene of Westoe Lodge, Castle Camps. Lease and Release of land in Linton as in R59/5/9/212 with Assignment of Mortgage to attend the inheritance and Covenant to produce title deeds.
221-222 - Robert Adcock of Haverhill and John Adcock of Linton to Robert Arber of Linton. Lease and Release of Ashes Close in Linton with Covenant to produce title deeds.
223 - Plan of land and house in Linton sold by Robert Arber to Reverend Charles Edmund Keene. [Later the Wheatsheaf beer house on the Horseheath road].
224 - Robert Arber to Edward Lutt of Cambridge. Mortgage of land in Linton and newly constructed house thereon.
225 - Robert Arber to Edward Lutt of Cambridge. Promissory note for £100 and interest.
226 - Edward Lutt to Robert Arber. Assignment of Mortgage R59/5/9/224 to attend the inheritance.
227-228 - Robert Arber to Reverend Charles Edmund Keene of Westoe Lodge. Lease and Release of land and house in Linton as in R59/5/9/224.
229 - Reverend Charles Edmund Keene of Swyncombe, Oxfordshire, to Samuel Claydon of Littlebury, Essex. Counterpart of 12-year Lease of Little Linton Farm and mill and 601acres land in Linton.
230 - Executors of John Disbrow Eve of Linton deceased to Reverend Charles Edmund Ruck Keene of Swyncombe. Grant of meadow of 1a 1r 24p in Linton.
231 - Sophia Elizabeth Keene of London to Reverend Charles Wiglesworth Lamprell of West Wickham. Memo of Agreement to let, on yearly tenancy, house and 2a 3r 26p in Linton.
232 - Deeds off Benjamin Keene to Linton estate purchased by his father, the Bishop of Ely, of Lord Montfort (1652-1777).
233 - Deeds of Sir FitzWilliam Barrington to estates copyhold of Manors of: Great Linton, &c. (1663-1780); Bergham (1720-1749).
234 - Deeds of Benjamin Keene to premises late copyhold of Manors of: Great Linton, &c. (1720-1778); Bergham (1713-1778).
235 - Deeds of Sir FitzWilliam Barrington to Linton estates (1662-1703).
236 - Deeds of Sir FitzWilliam Barrington to Linton estates (1703-1749).
237 - Deeds of Sir FitzWilliam Barrington to Linton estates (1703-1783).
238 - Deeds of Reverend Bewick Bridge to freehold and copyhold lands in Linton sold to Benjamin Keene (1693-1774).
Expand 10 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Little Abington and Hildersham.10 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Little Abington and Hildersham.
Expand 11 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Castle Camps.11 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Castle Camps.
Expand 12 - Deeds, &c. relating to Nevill estates not in Cambridgeshire.12 - Deeds, &c. relating to Nevill estates not in Cambridgeshire.
Expand 13 - Deeds, &c. relating to Barrington estates.13 - Deeds, &c. relating to Barrington estates.
Expand 14 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Hadstock.14 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Hadstock.
Expand 15 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in London.15 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in London.
Expand 16 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Norfolk and Essex.16 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Norfolk and Essex.
Expand 17 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Suffolk.17 - Deeds, &c. relating to property in Suffolk.
Expand 18 - Documents relating to Berkshire and Oxfordshire.18 - Documents relating to Berkshire and Oxfordshire.
Expand 19 - Miscellaneous documents.19 - Miscellaneous documents.
Expand EX - Printed booksEX - Printed books
Expand 6 - Map of Cambridgeshire6 - Map of Cambridgeshire
Expand 8 - Photographs of Title Deeds relating to 28 Bridge Street, Cambridge8 - Photographs of Title Deeds relating to 28 Bridge Street, Cambridge
Expand 9 - County of Cambridge Development Plan9 - County of Cambridge Development Plan
Expand 10 - Records of Kingston Parish Meeting10 - Records of Kingston Parish Meeting
Expand 12 - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in March and Elm12 - Title Deeds, &c. relating to property in March and Elm
Expand 14 - Francis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Court Records &c14 - Francis & Co: Cambridgeshire Manorial Court Records &c
Expand 15 - Manor of Burrough with Brettons in Burrough Green15 - Manor of Burrough with Brettons in Burrough Green
Expand 17 - 18th century survey of Cambridgeshire.17 - 18th century survey of Cambridgeshire.
Expand 18 - Documents relating to the Hundred of Wisbech18 - Documents relating to the Hundred of Wisbech
Expand 19 - Deed relating to property in Great Abington19 - Deed relating to property in Great Abington
Expand 20 - Records of Stetchworth Parish Council20 - Records of Stetchworth Parish Council
Expand 21 - Over Women's Institute Scrapbook21 - Over Women's Institute Scrapbook
Expand 22 - Records received via British Records Association in August 195922 - Records received via British Records Association in August 1959
Expand 23 - Willingham terrier23 - Willingham terrier
Expand 24 - Gape family of Caxton: supplement24 - Gape family of Caxton: supplement
Expand 25 - Records of The Society of Friends: Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon Quarterly Meeting25 - Records of The Society of Friends: Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon Quarterly Meeting
Expand 26 - Records of The Society of Friends: Cambridge, Huntingdon and Lynne Monthly Meeting26 - Records of The Society of Friends: Cambridge, Huntingdon and Lynne Monthly Meeting
Expand 27 - Records of Haslingfield Charities27 - Records of Haslingfield Charities
Expand 28 - Stetchworth Manorial papers28 - Stetchworth Manorial papers
Expand 29 - Records collected by R.E. Way relating to Barrington and Burrough Green29 - Records collected by R.E. Way relating to Barrington and Burrough Green
31 - Records of the Bedford Level Corporation: see catalogue SB/