Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KAcc148 - Thornhill CollectionKAcc148 - Thornhill Collection
Expand 1 - Wills  1 - Wills
Collapse 2 - Deeds2 - Deeds
Expand A - DiddingtonA - Diddington
Collapse B - Boughton and  SouthoeB - Boughton and Southoe
110 - Feoffment
111 - Copy Fine
112 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
113 - Deed to declare uses to a recovery
114 - Royal Licence of Alienation
115 - Deed to lead uses on a recovery
116 - Exemplification of Common Recovery
117 - Fine
118 - Marriage Settlement
119 - Deed to levy uses to a fine
120 - Articles of Agreement
121 - Deed to declare uses to a fine
122 - Mortgage by Lease and Release
123 - Copy of Declaration of Trust
124 - Mortgage
125 - Confirmation of Mortgage
126 - Additional Mortgage
127 - Mortgage
128 - Lease for 1 year
129 - Lease for 1 year
130 - Discharge of Mortgage by Lease and Release
131 - Quitclaim and 3 receipts
132 - Articles of Agreement
133 - Bond to keep Covenants of even date
134 - Exemplification of Common Recovery
135 - Marriage Settlement and Schedule
136 - Marriage Settlement
137 - Articles of Agreement
138 - Bond to pay 1
139 - Lease and Release
140 - Marriage Settlement
141 - Election
142 - Exemplification of Common Recovery
143 - Deed to create Tenants to the Precipe
144 - Release
145 - Marriage Settlement
146 - Fine
147 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
148 - Mortgage
149 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
150 - Additional Mortgage
151 - Lease and Release and Bond
152 - Fine
153 - Fine
154 - Feoffment
155 - Mortgage by Lease and Release
156 - Lease and Release to declare uses
157 - Assignment of Mortgage by Lease and Release
158 - Lease and Release
159 - Assignment of Mortgage in trust for 4
160 - Lease and Release
161 - Bond to keep Covenants of even date
162 - Lease and Release
163 - Bond to keep Covenants of even date
164 - Bond to keep Covenants of even date
165 - Mortgage by Lease and Release
166 - Fine
167 - Lease and Release
168 - Mortgage
169 - Mortgage and Bond
170 - Assignment of Mortgage and Lease for 1 year
171 - Receipt
172 - Mortgage of the Equity of Redemption
173 - Mortgage and Covenant to levy a fine
174 - Copy of Deed of Defeasance on Mortgage Bond and Judgment entered into by Richard Banner and Sir Thomas Cave, for £1,200 owed by Richard Banner
175 - Bargain and Sale
176 - Lease, Release and Covenant to levy Fine
177 - Fine
178 - Lease, Release and Covenant to levy fine
179 - Mortgage
180 - Assignment and Surrender of Mortgage
181 - Mortgage
182 - Abstract of Title
183B - Attested Copy Release
184 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
185 - Exemplification of Common Recovery
186 - Fine
187 - Additional Mortgage
188 - Lease and Release
189 - Marriage Settlement
Expand C - Hemingford Grey and  BuckdenC - Hemingford Grey and Buckden
Expand D - OffordD - Offord
Expand E - BedfordshireE - Bedfordshire
Expand F - CambridgeshireF - Cambridgeshire
Expand G - LincolnshireG - Lincolnshire
Expand H - LondonH - London
Expand J - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etcJ - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etc
Expand K - YorkshireK - Yorkshire
Expand 3 - Manorial records3 - Manorial records
Expand 4 - Estate administration4 - Estate administration
Expand 5 - Family papers5 - Family papers
Expand MAPS - Thornhill Estate MapsMAPS - Thornhill Estate Maps
Expand UNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued recordsUNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued records