Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KAcc148 - Thornhill CollectionKAcc148 - Thornhill Collection
Expand 1 - Wills  1 - Wills
Collapse 2 - Deeds2 - Deeds
Expand A - DiddingtonA - Diddington
Expand B - Boughton and  SouthoeB - Boughton and Southoe
Collapse C - Hemingford Grey and  BuckdenC - Hemingford Grey and Buckden
190 - Bond for quiet possession
191 - Feoffment
192 - Admission
193 - Exchange and Schedule
194 - Bond for quiet possession
195 - Feoffment
196 - Feoffment
197 - Admission
198 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
199 - Covenant to levy a fine
200 - Admission
201 - Exchange
202 - Exchange
203 - Bond for quiet possession
204 - Bond
205 - Feoffment
206 - Exchange
207 - Exchange
208 - Exchange
209 - Feoffment
210 - Exchange
211 - Exchange
212 - Feoffment
213 - Bond for quiet possession
214 - Feoffment
215 - Confirmation of Exchange
216 - Discharge of Legacy
217 - Feoffment
218 - Quitclaim
219 - Quitclaim
220 - Fine
221 - Fine
222 - Exchange
223 - Feoffment
224 - Exchange
225 - Exchange
226 - Mortgage
227 - Exchange
228 - Exchange
229 - Feoffment
230 - Feoffment
231 - Assignment of Mortgage
232 - Bond for quiet possession
233 - Feoffment
234 - Mortgage
235 - Deed to declare a use
236 - Marriage Settlement and Schedule
237 - Deed to declare uses
238 - Release
239 - Bond for quiet possession
240 - Feoffment
241 - Fine
242 - (Copy) Declaration of Marriage Settlement
243 - Fine
244 - Lease for 8 years - counterpart
245 - Lease for 1 year - terms
246 - Manor of Buckden Brittens.Admission of Oliver Bromsall
247 - Manor of Buckden Brittens.Admission of Robert Longland
248 - Manor of Buckden Brittens.Admission of George Thornhill
249 - Oct 1713 to Oct 1766
250 - Admission - Copy of Court Roll
251 - Admission - Copy of Court Roll
252 - Admission Copy of Court Roll
253 - Admission - Copy of Court Roll
254 - Surrender
255 - Admission-Copy of Court Roll
256 - Lease for 21 years
257 - Attested copy - Exchange
258 - Memorandum
259 - Admission - Copy of Court Roll
260 - Admission - Copy of Court Roll
261 - Discharge of Land Tax
262 - List of Measurements
263 - Release
264 - Absolute Surrender (copy)
265 - Surrender to use of his will Copy of Court Roll
266 - Admission
267 - Copy Agreement
268 - Surrender
269 - Surrender - Copy of Court Roll
270 - Admission -Copy of Court Roll
271 - Report
272 - Abstract of Title
273 - Abstract of Title
274 - Articles of Agreement
275 - Admission-Copy of Court Roll
276 - Lease for a year
277 - Bond for quiet enjoyment
278 - Admission -Copy of Court Roll
279 - Release of freehold and covenant to surrender copyhold
280 - Absolute Surrender -attested copy
281 - Lease for 6 years
282 - Articles of Agreement and receipt
283 - Deed of Enfranchisement
284 - Memorandum of Agreement
Expand D - OffordD - Offord
Expand E - BedfordshireE - Bedfordshire
Expand F - CambridgeshireF - Cambridgeshire
Expand G - LincolnshireG - Lincolnshire
Expand H - LondonH - London
Expand J - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etcJ - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etc
Expand K - YorkshireK - Yorkshire
Expand 3 - Manorial records3 - Manorial records
Expand 4 - Estate administration4 - Estate administration
Expand 5 - Family papers5 - Family papers
Expand MAPS - Thornhill Estate MapsMAPS - Thornhill Estate Maps
Expand UNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued recordsUNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued records