Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KAcc148 - Thornhill CollectionKAcc148 - Thornhill Collection
Expand 1 - Wills  1 - Wills
Collapse 2 - Deeds2 - Deeds
Expand A - DiddingtonA - Diddington
Expand B - Boughton and  SouthoeB - Boughton and Southoe
Expand C - Hemingford Grey and  BuckdenC - Hemingford Grey and Buckden
Expand D - OffordD - Offord
Expand E - BedfordshireE - Bedfordshire
Expand F - CambridgeshireF - Cambridgeshire
Collapse G - LincolnshireG - Lincolnshire
617 - Admission -copy of Court Roll
618 - Admission - copy of Court Roll
619 - Feoffment
620 - Feoffment
621 - Inquisition Post Mortem
622 - Feoffment
623 - Inquisition Post Mortem
624 - Feoffment
625 - Lease for 3 years
626 - Bond
627 - Feoffment
628 - Fine
629 - Feoffment
630 - Quitclaim
631 - Inquisition Post Mortem
632 - Bond to accept Arbitration
633 - Plea of Debt of £140
634 - Deed to lead Uses to a fine
635 - Lease for 21 years
636 - Bond to pay £6 pa to 2
637 - Letters Testimonial
638 - Feoffment
639 - Feoffment and Power of Attorney
640 - Deed to lead Uses to a fine
641 - Bond for quiet possession
642 - Bond to keep covenants of even date
643 - Feoffment
644 - Quitclaim
645 - Bond to keep covenants of even date
646 - Release and Power of Attorney
647 - Feoffment
648 - Feoffment
649 - Assignment of Lease
650 - Inventory
651 - Will: Jhon East of Bicker; of Holland, Lincs, yeoman
652 - Copy of Inquisition; Post Mortem
653 - Bond to keep covenants of even date
654 - Will: Joan East of Bicker, Holland, Lincs widow
655 - Quitclaim
656 - Records of Charters etc and legal cases
657 - Lease for 30 years
658 - Assignment of Lease
659 - Assignment of letters patent
660 - Lease for 21 years
661 - Lease for 7 years
662 - Licence of Alienation and Surrender
663 - Quitclaim
664 - Fine
665 - Feoffment
666 - Fine
667 - Bond for Quiet Possession
668 - Fine
669 - Fine
670 - Lease for 6 years
671 - Lease for 6 years of rents and profits to pay debt owed to 2
672 - Receipt
673 - Quitclaim
674 - Discharge of Mortgage
675 - Feoffment
676 - Quitclaim
677 - Bond to keep covenants of even date
678 - Quitclaim
679 - Draft Articles of Agreement
680 - Will: Samuel Jackson of Bicker, Holland, Lincs gent
681 - Marriage Settlement
682 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
683 - Deed of Division and Fine
684 - Lease and Release
685 - Deed to declare use of a Fine
686 - Deed to declare uses to a Fine + Fine
687 - Lease and Release
688 - Articles of Agreement and Schedules
689 - Lease, Release and Fine
690 - Articles of Agreement
691 - Articles of Agreement
692 - Lease for 1 year and Schedule
693 - Trust
694 - Deed to declare uses
695 - Release and Schedule and Fine
696 - Release, Lease and Schedule
697 - Lease and Release and Fine
698 - Deed to declare uses to 2 fines levied
699 - Copy of Will: John Barne of St Austin, London, Merchant
700 - Covenant to levy a fine
701 - Lease and Release
702 - Bond to keep Covenant of even date
703 - Bond to pay £200
704 - Abstract of Title from 1691
705 - Marriage Settlement - draft
706 - Marriage Settlement
707 - Fine
708 - Fine -
709 - Fine
710 - Settlement in Trust
711 - Articles of agreement
712 - Lease and Release
713 - Fine
714 - Lease for 1 year
715 - Release
716 - Fine
717 - Marriage Settlement
718 - Execution of Will: of Miles Barne Esq and release to heir
719 - Bond to indemnify 2 for all expenses of Sarah Shepherd
720 - Lease and 2 Releases
721 - Direction to apply Trust monies
722 - Order
723 - Abstract of Title
724 - Marriage Settlement
725 - Lease for 11 years
726 - Lease for a year
727 - Exchange
728 - Lease and Release
729 - Release
730 - Discharge of Land Tax No 76271
731 - Discharge of Land Tax
732 - Quitclaim
733 - Fine
734 - Admission
735 - Admission
736 - Admission
737 - Admission
738 - Admission
739 - Admission
740 - Admission
741 - Admission
742 - Admission
743 - Admission
744 - Admission
745 - Admission
746 - Admission
747 - Admission
748 - Admission
749 - Admission
750 - Admission
751 - Admission
752 - Admission
753 - Admission
Expand H - LondonH - London
Expand J - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etcJ - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etc
Expand K - YorkshireK - Yorkshire
Expand 3 - Manorial records3 - Manorial records
Expand 4 - Estate administration4 - Estate administration
Expand 5 - Family papers5 - Family papers
Expand MAPS - Thornhill Estate MapsMAPS - Thornhill Estate Maps
Expand UNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued recordsUNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued records