Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KAcc148 - Thornhill CollectionKAcc148 - Thornhill Collection
Expand 1 - Wills  1 - Wills
Collapse 2 - Deeds2 - Deeds
Expand A - DiddingtonA - Diddington
Expand B - Boughton and  SouthoeB - Boughton and Southoe
Expand C - Hemingford Grey and  BuckdenC - Hemingford Grey and Buckden
Expand D - OffordD - Offord
Expand E - BedfordshireE - Bedfordshire
Expand F - CambridgeshireF - Cambridgeshire
Expand G - LincolnshireG - Lincolnshire
Collapse H - LondonH - London
754 - Fine
755 - Fine
756 - Quitclaim
757 - Fine
758 - Fine
759 - Fine
760 - Quitclaim
761 - Fine
762 - Lease for 8 years
763 - Lease for 13½ years
764 - Lease for 12 years and schedule
765 - Assignment of lease for 22 yrs
766 - Abstract of deeds relating to Barnefield West Greenwich also Deptford property in a dispute over rights with Abraham Dry, gardener of Greenwich als Deptford and suggested course of action to be taken against Dry
767 - Feoffment
768 - Lease for 21 yrs from 1654
769 - Bond to keep 2 from financial and physical harm
770 - Lease for 21 years
771 - Lease for 26 years
772 - Lease for 34 years and schedule
773 - Bill of Sale
774 - Assignment of a judgment
775 - Declaration of Trust
776 - Mortgage by assignment of 61 yr lease
777 - Articles of Agreement
778 - Nuncupative Will: Edmund Walthew of Isleham, Cambs Clerk deceased
779 - Quitclaim
780 - Bond
781 - Assignment of Debts and letter of Attorney
782 - Feoffment and covenant to suffer a recovery
783 - Cancellation of Indenture of 18 Dec 44 Eliz 1
784 - Use re Manor of Islington Barners
785 - Bond to keep covenants of even date
786 - Fine
787 - Counterpart of Lease for 13 years
788 - Feoffment
789 - Bill of Acquittance
790 - Receipt
791 - Confirmation
792 - Articles of Agreement
793 - Certificate
794 - Release
795 - Lease for 21 years and schedule
796 - Assignment of 7 yr Fire Insurance Policy
797 - Assignment of Lease
798 - Mortgage
799 - Lease for 59 years
800 - Middlesex Registry Certificate
803 - Insurance Policy No 2068
804 - Fire Insurance Policy for 60 days
805 - Assignment of Insurance Policy
806 - Lease for 11 years
807 - Bond to keep covenants of even date
808 - Mortgage and Fine
809 - Defeasance
810 - Copy Release
811 - Admission and surrender to use of his Will: William Barkwell Esq of St James, Westminster, Mddx
812 - Admission William Barkwell Esq under Will: of William Barkwell Esq dec'd
813 - Lease for 21 years
814 - Draft Lease for 14 years
815 - Counterpart lease for 14 yrs
816 - Lease for 14 years
817 - Admission
818 - Admission
819 - Copy Admission
820 - Admission
821 - Memorandum of Islington Estate Deeds
822 - Deed extract for George Thornhill
823 - Articles of Agreement
824 - Counterpart Lease for 99 yrs
825 - Memorandum; Christopher Bartholomew
826 - Deed of Covenant
827 - Copy Conditional Surrender
828 - Copy Agreement
829 - Copy memorial of deed of 16 July, 1795
830 - Schedule
831 - Affidavit
832 - Lease for 14 years
833 - Copy Lease for 4 years
834 - Articles of Agreement
835 - Agreement - draft
836 - Agreement - copy
837 - Lease for 12 years
838 - Assignment of £1119
839 - Articles of Agreement
840 - Copy Agreement
841 - Lease for 1 year
842 - Copy Return
843 - Agreement - copy
844 - Lease for 14 years
845 - Lease for 14 years
846 - Abstract of Agreement
847 - Memorandum of Agreement
848 - Mortgage
849 - Notice of Appointment
850 - Bill of Sale
851 - Bill of Sale
852 - Bill of Sale
853 - Assignment of 1/8 share in ship
854 - Feoffment
855 - Assignment of Tally and Order No 2990
856 - Assignment of Tally and Order No 3032
857 - Assignment of Tally, Order and Annuity No 2990
858 - Assignment of Tally and Order and Annuity
859 - Assignment of Annuity
860 - Assignment of Tally and Order 2990 and £14 annuity
861 - Assignment of Lease (Draft)
862 - Lease for 92½ years
863 - Acknowledgement of Appointment as Trustee
864 - Declaration of Trust
865 - Release
866 - Memorandum of Agreement
Expand J - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etcJ - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etc
Expand K - YorkshireK - Yorkshire
Expand 3 - Manorial records3 - Manorial records
Expand 4 - Estate administration4 - Estate administration
Expand 5 - Family papers5 - Family papers
Expand MAPS - Thornhill Estate MapsMAPS - Thornhill Estate Maps
Expand UNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued recordsUNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued records