Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KAcc148 - Thornhill CollectionKAcc148 - Thornhill Collection
Expand 1 - Wills  1 - Wills
Collapse 2 - Deeds2 - Deeds
Expand A - DiddingtonA - Diddington
Expand B - Boughton and  SouthoeB - Boughton and Southoe
Expand C - Hemingford Grey and  BuckdenC - Hemingford Grey and Buckden
Expand D - OffordD - Offord
Expand E - BedfordshireE - Bedfordshire
Expand F - CambridgeshireF - Cambridgeshire
Expand G - LincolnshireG - Lincolnshire
Expand H - LondonH - London
Expand J - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etcJ - Suffolk, Northamptonshire, etc
Collapse K - YorkshireK - Yorkshire
900 - Frankalmoign
901 - Feoffment
902 - Feoffment
903 - Bond for quiet possession of land in Rocliffe, Yorks
904 - Draft Marriage Settlement
905 - Copy of Deed of Purchase
906 - Lease for 12 years
907 - Confirmation of Right
908 - Exemplification of Common Recovery
909 - Lease for 1,000 years
910 - Exchange (of dower lands for annuity)
911 - Articles of Agreement and Schedules
912 - Articles of Agreement and Schedule of Debts
913 - Draft Marriage Settlement
914 - Exemplification of Fine
915 - Quitclaim
916 - Will: Thomas Grantham of Maux Diocese, Yorks, Esq
917 - Assignment of Lease
918 - Quitclaim
919 - Release
920 - Articles of Agreement
921 - Release
922 - Lease for a year
923 - Mortgage
924 - Mortgage
925 - Quitclaim
926 - Release
927 - Lease and Release
928 - Lease for 1 year (Draft)
929 - Deed to lead uses to a Recovery (Copy)
930 - Deed to lead uses to a Recovery
931 - Attested Copy of Exemplification of Common Recovery
932 - Notes on the division of an estate between Mr Trigott and Mr Thornhill for Sir John Jackson, Knight Lands in Kirkby, Yorks and Fixby
933 - Bond for quiet possession
934 - Bond for quiet possession
935 - Feoffment
936 - Letter of Attorney
937 - Bond and Receipt
938 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
939 - Feoffment and Bond
940 - Fine
941 - Feoffment
942 - Bargain and Sale + Bond
943 - Receipt
944 - Royal Grant
945 - Feoffment
946 - Assignment of Lease
947 - Fine
948 - Lease for 21 years
949 - Lease for 21 years
950 - Lease for 21 years
951 - Lease for 21 years
952 - Lease for 21 years
953 - Lease for 21 years
954 - Lease for 21 years
955 - Lease for 7 years
956 - Lease for 21 years
957 - Articles of Agreement
958 - Trust for use of Thomas Thornhill Esq
959 - Feoffment (discharge of marriage settlement)
960 - Envelope
961 - Lease for 12 years
962 - Lease for 12 years
963 - Lease for 12 years
964 - Lease for 12 years
965 - Lease for 12 years
966 - Lease for 12 years
967 - Lease for 12 years
968 - Division of lands and woods and messuages belonging to Thomas Thornhill and Elizabeth Mosely in Howell, parish of Darfield and Thrunscoe, Yorks into 2 (includes lands, woods and lordship of Howell by 4 arbitrations)
969 - Memorandum
970 - Confirmation of fine of Hilary 1653
971 - Feoffment + Bond and Receipt
972 - Feoffment
973 - Bond to keep covenants of even date
974 - Articles of Agreement
975 - Articles of Agreement
976 - Copy Release
977 - Discharge of Land tax
978 - Discharge of Land tax
979 - Articles of Agreement
980 - Bond to perform the office of Steward properly
981 - Demise for life of two properties
982 - Feoffment
983 - Feoffment
984 - Feoffment
985 - Lease for 21 years
986 - Lease for 21 years
987 - Articles of Agreement
988 - Lease for 21 years
989 - Lease for 21 years
990 - Lease for 21 years
991 - Exemplification of Common Recovery
992 - Exchange by lease and release
993 - Release
994 - Exchange
995 - Articles of Agreement
996 - Assignment of extent
997 - Inspeximus of Inquisition Post Mortem
998 - Assignment of Lease
999 - Feoffment
1000 - Feoffment
1001 - Lease for 21 years
1002 - Lease for 21 years
1003 - Assignment of Lease
1004 - Lease for 21 years
1005 - Bond
1006 - Mortgage
1007 - Mortgage for £40 on 30 year lease
1008 - Lease for 40 years
1009 - Assignment of Lease
1010 - Lease for 21 years
1011 - Mortgage
1012 - Manor of Otley Copy of Court Roll
1013 - Quitclaim
1014 - Summary of Chancery Proceedings following default on recognizance in the nature of Statute Staple
1015 - Draft Petition to the Lord Chancellor
1016 - Articles of Agreement
1017 - Bond to pay £120 on 21 Nov 1597
1018 - Assignment of Lease in trust for Michael Wentworth
1019 - Lease for 10 years
1020 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
1021 - Bond for quiet possession of Lordship of Kriskell
1022 - Letter of Attorney
1023 - Assignment of Bond
1024 - Court Roll
1025 - Bill of Complaint
1026 - Witnesses depositions
1027 - Interrogatories on behalf of Richard Goldesbroughe in case of Richard Goldesbroughe; v Edmund Keighley and Annie his wife
1028 - Case Summary + Verdict against 1 and damages for 2
1029 - Articles of Agreement
1030 - Lease for lives of 2
1031 - Lease for lives of 2
1032 - Feoffment
1033 - Deed to lead uses to a fine
1034 - Demise (for natural life of 1)
1035 - Mortgage
1036 - Will: George Wentworth of Woolley, Yorks Knight
1037 - Feoffment
1038 - Release and discharge of Trust
1039 - Lease and Discharge of Trust
1040 - Confirmation
1041 - Draft Release
1042 - Lease for 21 years
1043 - Covenant to lead uses to a recovery
1044 - Lease for 20 years - copy
1045 - Feoffment (Counterpart)
1046 - Discharge of Land Tax
1047 - Articles of Agreement + Receipt for 7 June 1805
Expand 3 - Manorial records3 - Manorial records
Expand 4 - Estate administration4 - Estate administration
Expand 5 - Family papers5 - Family papers
Expand MAPS - Thornhill Estate MapsMAPS - Thornhill Estate Maps
Expand UNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued recordsUNCAT - Thornhill Collection: uncatalogued records