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Collapse KBLC - The Bedford Level CorporationKBLC - The Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Foundation Documents1 - Foundation Documents
Collapse 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers
Expand 2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication
Expand 3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers
Expand 6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books
Expand 7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Expand 9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 10 - Diaries10 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Seal Books11 - Seal Books
Expand 12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers
Expand 13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations
Expand 14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes
Collapse 16 - Bundles16 - Bundles
1 - Old Indexes and Drafts of New Indexes
2 - Schedules and Indexes
3 - Index Volumes
4 - "North Level Miscellaneous Papers Scheduled"
5 - "Nene Valley Drainage and Navigation"
6 - "Draft North Level Leases, 1811-1812"
7 - "Bower and Thatcher's Arbitration, 1827"
8 - "Papers relating to the Steam Boat hired by the Corporation"
9 - Administration of the Estate of John Nicholas
10 - Miscellaneous Papers
11 - "Miscellaneous Papers without Date"
12 - Bedford Level Corporation Land in Isleham Common
13 - "Old Papers relating to North Level Tax"
14 - "Letters and Protests against the Eau Brink Bill, 1821"
Expand 15 - "Papers Relating to the Making Out the Lot Book in 1820"15 - "Papers Relating to the Making Out the Lot Book in 1820"
16 - "Ely and Downham Turnpike Road"
17 - Schedule of Documents Relating Exclusively to the Middle Level
18 - "Middle Level Drainage: Notices of Application to Parliament"
19 - "MSS of the Printed Lot Book, 1820"
20 - "Papers as to Confirmation for Floorings Taken from Old Bedford Banks, 1830"
21 - Extract from the Lettings Book
22 - "Admeasurement of Banks and Forelands"
23 - "Lettings, 1808"
24 - "Corporation Cottages"
25 - "Miscellaneous Papers"
Expand 26 - "Bundle of Old Miscellaneous Papers"26 - "Bundle of Old Miscellaneous Papers"
27 - "Forms, Precedents, Directions"
28 - "Modern Precepts for Delivering Possession"
29 - "Papers relating to Brandon Clunch Pit"
30 - Miscellaneous Correspondence
31 - "Draft Regulations etc.'
32 - "Letters relating to the Registration"
33 - Miscellaneous Papers
34 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
35 - Memoranda of Agreement
36 - Miscellaneous Papers
37 - Bundle of Reports
38 - "Premises Heretofore in Lease to Mrs Beck Jenyns"
39 - Diary, 1838
40 - Robert Denn v Trustees and Executors of Major John Richards
41 - Documents Printed by Messrs Mills and Son in 1845-1846
42 - "Report and Proceedings as to Mr Golborne"
43 - "Old Precepts for Delivering Possession of Land Sold for Arrear of Taxes"
44 - Miscellaneous Papers
45 - "Premises Heretofore in Lease to Mrs Beck Jenyns"
46 - "Premises Heretofore in Lease to Mrs Beck Jenyns"
47 - Sketch Plans of Rivers, Drains and Cuts in the Bedford Level
48 - Miscellaneous Papers
49 - Papers concerning St Ives Staunch
50 - Miscellaneous Papers
51 - Four Insurance Policies
52 - Adam Chapman's Bill and Claims for Tithe Rent Charges
53 - Compensation Claims for Loss of Profit from Lands in Grunty Fen
54 - Papers concerning the Lease of Public Houses, Tolls, Banks and Fisheries belonging to the Bedford Level Corporation
55 - Bundle of Miscellaneous Papers
56 - Case concerning St Ives Staunch
57 - Miscellaneous Papers
58 - Particulars of Banks, Tolls and Fisheries to be Let
59 - "Miscellaneous Papers before 1800"
60 - Letters of Authorisation
61 - "MSS Orders and Regulations, 1821"
62 - "List of Papers Sealed With the Corporation Seal"
63 - Miscellaneous Papers
64 - Miscellaneous Draft Papers
65 - Indentures of Lease and Other Papers concerning the Lease of Bedford Level Corporation Premises
66 - Miscellaneous Draft Papers
Expand 67 - "Old Pedigrees"67 - "Old Pedigrees"
68 - Miscellaneous Papers
69 - Miscellaneous Papers
70 - Extracts from Tithe Apportionments
71 - Papers concerning the Middle Level Commissioners' Proposals to Improve the Forty Foot River and Sixteen Foot Rivers
72 - Miscellaneous Papers
73 - "Papers Relating to the Navigation between Wisbech and Peterborough"
74 - "Copies of Saving Clauses and Memorandum"
75 - Miscellaneous Papers
76 - Case concerning Reach Sluice
77 - Case concerning Admiral Wooley
78 - "Case for the Opinion of Mr Busk"
79 - Cases concerning Turf Digging
80 - Miscellaneous Cases for Opinion
81 - Cases concerning the North Level
82 - Cases concerning the Election of Officers
83 - Cases concerning the Commissioners of Sewers
84 - Miscellaneous Cases for Opinion
85 - Case concerning the Conveyance of Land to Railway Companies
86 - Case concerning Middle Fen Bridge
87 - Report of the Committee Appointed to Consider the Expenditure of the Middle and South Levels
88 - Miscellaneous Cases for Opinion
89 - Two Notebooks
90 - Miscellaneous Papers
91 - Maps, Plans and Sketches
92 - Minutes, Reports and Observations
93 - Bundle of Miscellaneous Papers
94 - "Bundle of Assignments and Leases for Various Houses, Lands, and Cottages from Bedford Level Corporation, 1849-1914"
95 - Miscellaneous Papers
96 - "Re-arrangement of Locker G"
97 - "New Cut, Ouze Outfall"
98 - "Petition against the Importation of Oats and Working Papers"
99 - "Resolutions of Commissioners and Other Meetings"
100 - "Notices from the Registrar on Various Subjects"
101 - "Papers Relating to a Proposed Improvement in the Drainage of the Middle Level: Papers Relating to Messrs Human and Little's Plan"
102 - Papers concerning the Eau Brink Drainage Commissioners
103 - "Papers Relating to the Public Houses, 1835"
104 - "Repairs Ouze Bank: Skipwith's Farm, Admiral Wooleys"
105 - Papers concerning Sampson, Lord Eardley's Claim
106 - "Middle Level Drainage and Improvement: Papers Relating to Mr Walker's Second Plan"
107 - Miscellaneous Papers
108 - Miscellaneous Papers
109 - "Papers Relative to Lands Purchased Off the Arrear Roll"
110 - "Lists of Voters"
111 - "Papers relating to Saint John's Eau, 1831"
112 - "Mr Rennie's Report as to St John's Eau, Since Printed"
113 - Miscellaneous Papers
114 - Papers concerning Whittlesey Inclosure
115 - Correspondence Received by Thomas Archer
116 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers concerning the manor of Yaxley
117 - Papers concerning Invested Lands in the Norfolk Estuary
118 - Miscellaneous Papers
119 - Miscellaneous Papers
120 - Miscellaneous Papers
121 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
122 - Miscellaneous Papers
123 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
124 - Miscellaneous Draft Papers
125 - Miscellaneous Papers
126 - Miscellaneous Papers
127 - Miscellaneous Papers
128 - Bundle of leases, assignments; abstracts of title, contracts, and bonds
129 - Miscellaneous Papers
130 - "Papers Relating to the Memorial of Thomas Page as to Taxes"
131 - "Old Schedules of Invested Lands"
132 - "North Level Papers, Probably of No Use"
133 - "1827 & 1828, Miscellaneous Papers"
134 - "Lists of the Board and Officers at Various Periods"
135 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1812 - 1813"
136 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1834"
137 - "Extracts from the Registry for Making the New Lot Book"
138 - "Decrees: Chatteris, Downham, and Stow Fens"
139 - "Railways Papers, Session 1845"
140 - "Schedules and Papers Relating to Cut Lands"
141 - "Reports, 1805 - 1824"
142 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1833 - 1835"
143 - Summons to Meetings
144 - Miscellaneous Papers
145 - "Wisbech Canal Papers"
146 - Miscellaneous Papers
147 - "North Level Tunnels"
148 - "The Nene Outfall Resolutions"
149 - "Railway Notices"
151 - Miscellaneous Papers
152 - "Old Precepts"
153 - "Papers - Mr Rennie's Survey, 1810"
154 - "Sale of Public Houses, 1858"
155 - Miscellaneous Papers
156 - "St John's Eau - Application to Scour Out Same"
157 - "Old Copies of Corporation Orders and Extracts"
158 - "West Water River and Hermitage Sluice"
159 - Letters of Authorisation
160 - Papers concerning Ozier Holts
161 - "Reports and Papers Relating to Denver Sluice"
162 - "Papers, Schedules and Accounts Relating to Sales of Land Under the Turf Act"
163 - Papers concerning Tong's Drain
164 - "Reach Sluice Documents"
165 - "Papers Relating to Encroachments [on] Corporation Property"
Expand 166 - Papers concerning the North Level166 - Papers concerning the North Level
167 - "Denver Sluice"
168 - Detached Labels
169 - Papers concerning Feltwell First District
170 - "Papers relating to Denver Sluice"
Expand 171 - Papers concerning the North Level171 - Papers concerning the North Level
172 - Miscellaneous Papers
173 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
174 - Papers concerning the North Level
175 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
176 - Correspondence Received by Thomas Archer
177 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
178 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
179 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
180 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
181 - Papers concerning the Eastern Counties Railway
182 - Draft Assignment of Two Mortgages for £2,320
183 - "Cambridge and Stortford Canal, 1811"
184 - "Copies of Returns Made by Mr Saffery to Mr Golborne"
185 - "April Meeting 1832: Letters and Papers as to Cholera at Ely"
186 - "Salary and Compensation of Register"
187 - "Papers Relating to North Level"
188 - "Railway Papers: 1844"
189 - "Miscellaneous Papers for 1816-1817"
190 - "Papers Relating to Scouring Out the Hundred Foot River in 1823"
191 - "Certificate of Election Committee"
192 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1816-1817"
193 - "File of Printed Papers Relating to the Railways etc.'
194 - "Fees on Passing Private Bills"
195 - Mr Harding's Particulars and Valuation of the Banks and Works Repaired by the Bedford Level Corporation
196 - Consents for Borrowing Money
197 - "Public House at Welney: Contract etc...'
198 - "Lynn and Ely, and Ely and Huntingdon Railway Papers, 1845-1846"
199 - Papers concerning the 1846 Real Property Deeds Registration Bill and 1853 Registration of Assurances Bill
200 - "Notices of Application for Acts of Parliament"
201 - "Papers relating to Lands sold for Arrears of Taxes"
202 - Miscellaneous Papers
203 - Miscellaneous Papers
204 - Miscellaneous Papers
205 - "Conditions of Letting, 1812"
206 - Miscellaneous Papers
207 - "Expenditure for Works - Repairs of buildings, etc.'
208 - Draft Legal Briefs for the Bedford Level Corporation against the 1862 Middle Level Drainage and Navigation Bill
209 - Certificates of Inheritance
210 - "Eau Brink: Printed Statements of the Accounts"
211 - Advertisements about Haling on the Hundred Foot Bank
212 - '[Inventories] of Books [in the Fen] Office"
213 - "Copies of Orders of Eau Brink Commissioners"
214 - "Drafts of the Schedules of the Books in the Office"
215 - "Lynn & Ely Railway: Papers Relating to Compensation for Land Taken by the Company"
216 - "Tides, Old Returns of Materials etc.'
217 - "Old Ways & Means Lists etc.'
218 - "Plan of Bill for Improving Navigation from Clayhithe to Littleport"
219 - "Rental of Banks, Tolls and Fisheries"
220 - Miscellaneous Papers
221 - "Banks and Fisheries Let"
222 - "Superintendents' Reports and Answers to Queries"
223 - Miscellaneous Papers
224 - Miscellaneous Papers
225 - "Papers relating to Mepal Inclosure"
226 - Copies of Orders and Resolutions
227 - South Level Reports
228 - Petitions and Complaints
229 - Miscellaneous Papers
230 - Miscellaneous Papers
231 - Case as to the Bedford Level Act 1663
232 - Miscellaneous Papers
233 - Miscellaneous Papers
234 - Miscellaneous Papers
235 - Miscellaneous Papers
236 - "Clause as to Expenses incurred in Parliamentary Proceedings on Railway Bills"
237 - Sale of Bedford House
238 - Papers of trustees of late Thomas Jay
239 - Miscellaneous Papers
240 - "Lists of Business, Summons, Advertisements"
Collapse 241 - "Abstracts of Title"241 - "Abstracts of Title"
1 - Abstract of title at conveyance of two pieces of wash land: Downham and Welney. Mr Evans to Harry Spencer Waddington Esq.
2 - Abstract of title at conveyance of wash land in Welney. Robert Rayner, incorrectly called Lavender Rayner.
3 - Abstract of title at conveyance of wash land in Witchford. Thomas Cave, incorrectly called John Cave
4 - Abstract of title at conveyance of wash land in Downham : James Somerset Macer, called John Macer in the valuation
5 - Admission of Michael Macormick, heir to his father (same name) died intestate 1808.
6 - Extract of will of William Wiles of Pidley Lodge, granting his holdings to wife Anne and his 6 children (not named) after her decease.
7 - Extract of Downham Manor court roll surrender by Francis Cole, farmer to John Thomas Waddington of Bury St Edmunds.
8 - Extract from will of Robert Mapletoft, Dean of Ely and Master of Pembroke Hall
9 - Copy surrender by Cropley Camps of London Wall, son of Robert Camps, to Thomas Poole, highest bidder at the auction sale.
10 - Second surrender, as item 9, different piece of land.
11 - Admission, to land in Witchford, of Clement Hatch on surrender of Joseph Johnson
12 - Abstract of admission of Charles Cross on surrender of Thomas Day of Lynn, Elizabeth his wife and John Allen Wilson of Bury St Edmunds with Mary his wife. [see 14]
13 - Admission of Mary Jones, formerly King, on death of her father John King
14 - Copy of will of Charles Cross, granting his estate to son Thomas Cross, admitted 1822. [see 12]
15 - Copy will of Thomas Cropley granting land to son Thomas Andrews Cropley [see 9]
16 - Abstract of will of Edward Cropley granting son William Hatch Cropley property, and appointing his brothers Thomas Andrews Cropley, George Cropley and James Cropley guardians during his minority
17 - Admission of Joseph Macer on surrender of Joseph Johnson of Witchford, then Ely.
18 - Abstract of title of William Martins to land in Downham on death of his father, also William.
19 - Admission of Thomas Nix on surrender of John Bedford of Huntingdon
20 - Admission of Mary Martin, widow of Charles Martin died 1827
21 - Admission of William Tingey of Downham on sale by Thomas Moxon of Witchford
22 - Indenture between Richard Gill, farmer of Downham, son of William Gill, the latter brother of William Langman Gill, of land formerly of William Langman senior then of his widow Margaret and his son William (junior), whose will granted the land to Richard Gill [was Richard Gill’s wife, not named, was a daughter of William Langman senior?]
23 - Indenture John Waxham of Downham: mentions John Hills his trustee, and William, James, Elizabeth and Thomas Waxham, who may be his children
24 - Transfer, Cradge Bank, James Waxham to Jonathan Page
25 - Particulars of Cradge Bank claim of Joseph and John Vipan
26 - Sale from Robert Grumditch of Chatteris to John Leaford and William Harrison; and extract from will of William Harrison, proved 1819, bequeathing to wife Mary
27 - Conveyance of 100 acres from Robert Grimditch of Chatteris to Jonathan Brown: extract of will dated 1815 of Jonathan Brown bequeathing same to son, also Jonathan Brown
28 - William Hopkinson of Stamford: record of purchase of Adventurers Land
29 - Note of land holdings, and draft will, of Richard Brown of Mepal: bequests to wife Sarah, sons Richard Thomas and William and daughter Elizabeth Brown later wife of Thomas Owen
30 - Conveyance of land from William Opee, sometime of Cambridge and Bishops Stortford, to Richard Clay of Witcham. Other named parties William Asplen, Richard Wallis, George Chapman and John Ingle, all of Cambridge
31 - Abstract of conveyance of 58 acres to Thomas Spooner, owned by William Gotobed and bequeathed in his will, written 1807 proved 1815, to William Cutlack, William Crabb, both predeceased him; sole surviving legatee was William Shrewsbury who sold it to Thomas Spooner
32 - Isaac Wright of Haverhill: 8 acres of adventurers’ land at Downham
33 - Abstract of conveyance of 28 acres by Tawney and William Cutlack and to John Cutlack. Also a conveyance dated 1829 mentioning Jane Waddington, widow of Bury St Edmunds, and John Hills
34 - Abstract of conveyance of 40 acres from Robert Grimditch to Waddelow Nix who granted it, in will dated 1795, to nephews William and Waddelow Chambers: then by the last named to his son Thomas
35 - Abstract of conveyance of 40 acres at Downham, in the occupation of William Barnes, from Robert Grimditch to Byddall Chambers: also mentions Joseph Butcher and Elijah Chambers.
36 - Attested copy of will of Rev. Joseph Layton of Witcham. Bequest to Joseph William Layton son of his brother Robert. He also holds land in Yorkshire
37 - Attested copy of will of Rev. Andrew Layton of Ipswich. Bequests to wife Elizabeth and son William at Trinity College, Cambridge [see 38]
38 - Attested copy of will of Rev. William Layton, written 1818 proved 1831. It names sisters Marianne Layton (executrix) and Elizabeth Lowthian
39 - Extract from will of John Bringhurst leaving property in several villages to wife Ann, and after her decease to son-in-law William Lawrence
40 - Two abstracts of conveyances of land near Downham purchased from Robert Beart and Francis Goodson by Rev Jonathan Townley
41 - Abstract of feoffment deed relating to Welney Charity Estates. Names William Cox, Robert Beart of Welney and son Robert, John Emblin of Wisbech, Richard Greaves Townley of Fulbourne, William Gale Townley rector of Upwell, Joseph Chimenson and son William, with others.
42 - Abstract of conveyance to Lavender Rayner from Luke Dench in accordance with the will of William Moxon
43 - Abstract of title of John Crisp to an estate at Downham. A complex document which mentions Thomas Hodson, of Knapton, Yorkshire, his wife Ann daughter and heiress of Thomas Alderson executor of William Rodwell, and Isabella Alderson his widow: Samuel Lane and Joseph Alderson executors of Thomas Alderson: John Houcher and Isaac Clark assignees of Thomas Holman, bankrupt: and others
44 - Apportionment and release of 14 acres at Welney: from Tawney Cutlack of Littleport to William Cutlack. Note on outside records William Cutlack died intestate: his heir his only child Mary now 5 years of age
45 - Abstract of land belonging to John Vipan, jun.
46 - Letter noting transfer of 12 acres from Rev James Salt to William Oates, since (before 1830) sold to Michael Macormick
47 - John Chambers and wife to Christopher Legge jun. Includes copy will dated 1825 of John Poole of Wardyhill bequeaths all his property to daughter Elizabeth, now wife of John Chambers
48 - Abstract of conveyance of land at Witcham from Thomas Cockayne of Ickleford, Herts., and Francis Bagge of Ely to Robert Martin, land bequeathed to Thomas in the will of William Mayer
49 - Assignment of lease from Rev James Bentham jun. to Robert Poole, sen.
50 - Rough note of holdings of John Upsher of Earith (corrected from Oxlode)
51 - Copy inndetures, transfers of land to John Hilbert from John Hedgley (1815), deceased, and from Matthias Thompson with others (1809)
52 - Statement of Hugh Jackson’s title to lands at Welney Wash, reciting history form 1782
53 - Will of Benjamin Bird of Downham Market bequeathing all his property to Ann Brighton
54 - Abstract of Mrs Ward’s title, of property descended from Thomas Wood and Elizabeth his wife
55 - Probate copy of will of Charles Clay, bequeaths property to wife Elizabeth, son Thomas Margetts Clay, and to his grandson John Gowing at age 21
56 - Abstract of title of William Denston to estates at Upwell and Welney: document of 13 sheets, including his descent from John Denston and Jane Wilkinson married 1741 (see p.10)
242 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
243 - Miscellaneous Papers
244 - Letting of Public Houses and Tolls, 1854
245 - Diary, 1844
246 - "Superintendent General: Applications"
247 - "Watermen Obstructing the Sluices"
248 - Bundle of miscellaneous papers relating to the estate of Richards Farey, BLC minutes, lease of Marsh Farm and plans for work needed
249 - "Papers to be Reported upon at April Meeting 1818"
250 - "Bedford Level Orders"
251 - Papers related to estate of John Richards in Brampton with additional [unrelated] correspondence.
252 - Printed Reports concerning the Norfolk Estuary Scheme
253 - "Railway Papers"
254 - "Eau Brink Proceedings etc., 1818"
255 - Letting of Public Houses, Tolls, Banks and Fisheries, 1864
256 - Miscellaneous Papers
257 - Miscellaneous Papers
258 - "Rennie's Reports, Mylne's Report [and] Wisbech Resolutions"
259 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
260 - Letter from William Saffery
261 - Papers concerning the West of England Insurance Co
262 - "Modern Miscellaneous Papers Since 1800"
263 - "Railway Papers - Lynn Wisbech Birmingham, 1845"
264 - "North Level Letters"
265 - Miscellaneous Papers
266 - "Blank Precepts to Deliver Possession of Land Sold for Non-payment of Taxes"
267 - Printed Indentures of Lease
268 - "Litigation Papers, Accounts"
269 - "Duplicate Notices"
270 - Miscellaneous Papers
271 - Papers Concerning the Westminster Loans and Investment Joint Stock Company
272 - Printed Reports
273 - Miscellaneous Papers
274 - Renewal of Lease Notices
275 - Release and Quitclaim
276 - "Graduall Acre Tax of Five Sorts"
277 - "An Old Folio Written in Latin"
278 - Octavo volume of rents, fines and notes, marked on cover 'B'
279 - Extracts from Last Wills and Testaments
280 - Articles of Agreement and Other Documents concerning Division of Lands
281 - Counterpart Deeds for the Release of Taxes under the Bedford Level Act 1754
282 - Covenant
283 - Miscellaneous Papers
284 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
285 - Miscellaneous Papers
286 - Willingham and Sutton Toll Returns
287 - Miscellaneous Papers
288 - Bonds of Indemnity
289 - Inventories of Materials
290 - Petitions to the Earl of Bedford
291 - Bundle of accounts, inventories and proclamations
292 - Papers concerning Adventurers' Lands on the Arrears Roll
293 - Articles of Agreement for the Lease of Banks, Tolls and Fisheries
294 - "Old Lettings of Banks and Fisheries"
295 - Cases for Opinion and related papers
296 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
297 - Bills and receipts, with an almanac
298 - Printed Notices
299 - Papers concerning Welney Suspension Bridge
300 - Miscellaneous Papers
301 - Papers mostly concerning Miles Sandys
302 - Correspondence concerning Tax Arrears
303 - "One Hundred [Foot] River Wash Bank and New Sluice at Welmore Lake"
305 - Newspapers and Newspaper Cuttings
306 - Papers concerning the River Nene
307 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
308 - Miscellaneous Papers
309 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
310 - Proposed Improvements to the Lynn Road and Mildenhall Road near Littleport
311 - Elm Leam Encroachments
312 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
313 - Correspondence
314 - Papers relating to corporation accounts, title to Yaxley rectory etc.
315 - Miscellaneous Papers
316 - Letters, 1816
317 - "Lease and Papers as to the Fen Office Chambers"
318 - Correspondence
318A - Correspondence
319 - Miscellaneous Papers
320 - Diary, 1843
Expand 321 - "Drafts of Leases, Conveyances etc"321 - "Drafts of Leases, Conveyances etc"
Expand 322 - "Bundle No. 12: Miscellaneous Damaged Papers: Railway, Bardney Drainage"322 - "Bundle No. 12: Miscellaneous Damaged Papers: Railway, Bardney Drainage"
Expand 323 - "Bundle No. 1: Samuel Wells' Miscellaneous Papers: Farley, Pheney, Marten etc"323 - "Bundle No. 1: Samuel Wells' Miscellaneous Papers: Farley, Pheney, Marten etc"
324 - Detached Labels
Expand 325 - "Parcel from Safe No. 5"325 - "Parcel from Safe No. 5"
326 - "Drafts, 1823 - 1825"
327 - "Drafts, 1830 - 1831"
Expand 328 - "Drafts, 1830 - 1839"328 - "Drafts, 1830 - 1839"
Expand 329 - "Drafts, 1840 - 1843"329 - "Drafts, 1840 - 1843"
330 - "Drafts, to 1814"
331 - "Drafts, 1811 - 1812"
332 - "Drafts, 1811 - 1820"
333 - Copies of reports, minutes and proceedings and acounts for works carried out on the Bedford Level
335 - General Business Papers, 1836 - 1838
336 - General Business Papers, 1838 - 1840
337 - General Business Papers, 1841
338 - General Business Papers, 1842
339 - General Business Papers, 1843
340 - General Business Papers, 1844
341 - General Business Papers, 1845 - 1847
342 - General Business Papers, 1848 - 1850
343 - General Business Papers, 1857 - 1860
344 - General Business Papers, 1860 - 1867
Expand 17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - Property4 - Property
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Engineering6 - Engineering
Expand 7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans