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Collapse KBLC - The Bedford Level CorporationKBLC - The Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Foundation Documents1 - Foundation Documents
Collapse 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers
Expand 2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication
Expand 3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers
Expand 6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books
Expand 7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Expand 9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 10 - Diaries10 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Seal Books11 - Seal Books
Expand 12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers
Expand 13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations
Expand 14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes
Collapse 16 - Bundles16 - Bundles
1 - Old Indexes and Drafts of New Indexes
2 - Schedules and Indexes
3 - Index Volumes
4 - "North Level Miscellaneous Papers Scheduled"
5 - "Nene Valley Drainage and Navigation"
6 - "Draft North Level Leases, 1811-1812"
7 - "Bower and Thatcher's Arbitration, 1827"
8 - "Papers relating to the Steam Boat hired by the Corporation"
9 - Administration of the Estate of John Nicholas
10 - Miscellaneous Papers
11 - "Miscellaneous Papers without Date"
12 - Bedford Level Corporation Land in Isleham Common
13 - "Old Papers relating to North Level Tax"
14 - "Letters and Protests against the Eau Brink Bill, 1821"
Expand 15 - "Papers Relating to the Making Out the Lot Book in 1820"15 - "Papers Relating to the Making Out the Lot Book in 1820"
16 - "Ely and Downham Turnpike Road"
17 - Schedule of Documents Relating Exclusively to the Middle Level
18 - "Middle Level Drainage: Notices of Application to Parliament"
19 - "MSS of the Printed Lot Book, 1820"
20 - "Papers as to Confirmation for Floorings Taken from Old Bedford Banks, 1830"
21 - Extract from the Lettings Book
22 - "Admeasurement of Banks and Forelands"
23 - "Lettings, 1808"
24 - "Corporation Cottages"
25 - "Miscellaneous Papers"
Expand 26 - "Bundle of Old Miscellaneous Papers"26 - "Bundle of Old Miscellaneous Papers"
27 - "Forms, Precedents, Directions"
28 - "Modern Precepts for Delivering Possession"
29 - "Papers relating to Brandon Clunch Pit"
30 - Miscellaneous Correspondence
31 - "Draft Regulations etc.'
32 - "Letters relating to the Registration"
33 - Miscellaneous Papers
34 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
35 - Memoranda of Agreement
36 - Miscellaneous Papers
37 - Bundle of Reports
38 - "Premises Heretofore in Lease to Mrs Beck Jenyns"
39 - Diary, 1838
40 - Robert Denn v Trustees and Executors of Major John Richards
41 - Documents Printed by Messrs Mills and Son in 1845-1846
42 - "Report and Proceedings as to Mr Golborne"
43 - "Old Precepts for Delivering Possession of Land Sold for Arrear of Taxes"
44 - Miscellaneous Papers
45 - "Premises Heretofore in Lease to Mrs Beck Jenyns"
46 - "Premises Heretofore in Lease to Mrs Beck Jenyns"
47 - Sketch Plans of Rivers, Drains and Cuts in the Bedford Level
48 - Miscellaneous Papers
49 - Papers concerning St Ives Staunch
50 - Miscellaneous Papers
51 - Four Insurance Policies
52 - Adam Chapman's Bill and Claims for Tithe Rent Charges
53 - Compensation Claims for Loss of Profit from Lands in Grunty Fen
54 - Papers concerning the Lease of Public Houses, Tolls, Banks and Fisheries belonging to the Bedford Level Corporation
55 - Bundle of Miscellaneous Papers
56 - Case concerning St Ives Staunch
57 - Miscellaneous Papers
58 - Particulars of Banks, Tolls and Fisheries to be Let
59 - "Miscellaneous Papers before 1800"
60 - Letters of Authorisation
61 - "MSS Orders and Regulations, 1821"
62 - "List of Papers Sealed With the Corporation Seal"
63 - Miscellaneous Papers
64 - Miscellaneous Draft Papers
65 - Indentures of Lease and Other Papers concerning the Lease of Bedford Level Corporation Premises
66 - Miscellaneous Draft Papers
Expand 67 - "Old Pedigrees"67 - "Old Pedigrees"
68 - Miscellaneous Papers
69 - Miscellaneous Papers
70 - Extracts from Tithe Apportionments
71 - Papers concerning the Middle Level Commissioners' Proposals to Improve the Forty Foot River and Sixteen Foot Rivers
72 - Miscellaneous Papers
73 - "Papers Relating to the Navigation between Wisbech and Peterborough"
74 - "Copies of Saving Clauses and Memorandum"
75 - Miscellaneous Papers
76 - Case concerning Reach Sluice
77 - Case concerning Admiral Wooley
78 - "Case for the Opinion of Mr Busk"
79 - Cases concerning Turf Digging
80 - Miscellaneous Cases for Opinion
81 - Cases concerning the North Level
82 - Cases concerning the Election of Officers
83 - Cases concerning the Commissioners of Sewers
84 - Miscellaneous Cases for Opinion
85 - Case concerning the Conveyance of Land to Railway Companies
86 - Case concerning Middle Fen Bridge
87 - Report of the Committee Appointed to Consider the Expenditure of the Middle and South Levels
88 - Miscellaneous Cases for Opinion
89 - Two Notebooks
90 - Miscellaneous Papers
91 - Maps, Plans and Sketches
92 - Minutes, Reports and Observations
93 - Bundle of Miscellaneous Papers
94 - "Bundle of Assignments and Leases for Various Houses, Lands, and Cottages from Bedford Level Corporation, 1849-1914"
95 - Miscellaneous Papers
96 - "Re-arrangement of Locker G"
97 - "New Cut, Ouze Outfall"
98 - "Petition against the Importation of Oats and Working Papers"
99 - "Resolutions of Commissioners and Other Meetings"
100 - "Notices from the Registrar on Various Subjects"
101 - "Papers Relating to a Proposed Improvement in the Drainage of the Middle Level: Papers Relating to Messrs Human and Little's Plan"
102 - Papers concerning the Eau Brink Drainage Commissioners
103 - "Papers Relating to the Public Houses, 1835"
104 - "Repairs Ouze Bank: Skipwith's Farm, Admiral Wooleys"
105 - Papers concerning Sampson, Lord Eardley's Claim
106 - "Middle Level Drainage and Improvement: Papers Relating to Mr Walker's Second Plan"
107 - Miscellaneous Papers
108 - Miscellaneous Papers
109 - "Papers Relative to Lands Purchased Off the Arrear Roll"
110 - "Lists of Voters"
111 - "Papers relating to Saint John's Eau, 1831"
112 - "Mr Rennie's Report as to St John's Eau, Since Printed"
113 - Miscellaneous Papers
114 - Papers concerning Whittlesey Inclosure
115 - Correspondence Received by Thomas Archer
116 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers concerning the manor of Yaxley
117 - Papers concerning Invested Lands in the Norfolk Estuary
118 - Miscellaneous Papers
119 - Miscellaneous Papers
120 - Miscellaneous Papers
121 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
122 - Miscellaneous Papers
123 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
124 - Miscellaneous Draft Papers
125 - Miscellaneous Papers
126 - Miscellaneous Papers
127 - Miscellaneous Papers
128 - Bundle of leases, assignments; abstracts of title, contracts, and bonds
129 - Miscellaneous Papers
130 - "Papers Relating to the Memorial of Thomas Page as to Taxes"
131 - "Old Schedules of Invested Lands"
132 - "North Level Papers, Probably of No Use"
133 - "1827 & 1828, Miscellaneous Papers"
134 - "Lists of the Board and Officers at Various Periods"
135 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1812 - 1813"
136 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1834"
137 - "Extracts from the Registry for Making the New Lot Book"
138 - "Decrees: Chatteris, Downham, and Stow Fens"
139 - "Railways Papers, Session 1845"
140 - "Schedules and Papers Relating to Cut Lands"
141 - "Reports, 1805 - 1824"
142 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1833 - 1835"
143 - Summons to Meetings
144 - Miscellaneous Papers
145 - "Wisbech Canal Papers"
146 - Miscellaneous Papers
147 - "North Level Tunnels"
148 - "The Nene Outfall Resolutions"
149 - "Railway Notices"
151 - Miscellaneous Papers
152 - "Old Precepts"
153 - "Papers - Mr Rennie's Survey, 1810"
154 - "Sale of Public Houses, 1858"
155 - Miscellaneous Papers
156 - "St John's Eau - Application to Scour Out Same"
157 - "Old Copies of Corporation Orders and Extracts"
158 - "West Water River and Hermitage Sluice"
159 - Letters of Authorisation
160 - Papers concerning Ozier Holts
161 - "Reports and Papers Relating to Denver Sluice"
162 - "Papers, Schedules and Accounts Relating to Sales of Land Under the Turf Act"
163 - Papers concerning Tong's Drain
164 - "Reach Sluice Documents"
165 - "Papers Relating to Encroachments [on] Corporation Property"
Expand 166 - Papers concerning the North Level166 - Papers concerning the North Level
167 - "Denver Sluice"
168 - Detached Labels
169 - Papers concerning Feltwell First District
170 - "Papers relating to Denver Sluice"
Expand 171 - Papers concerning the North Level171 - Papers concerning the North Level
172 - Miscellaneous Papers
173 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
174 - Papers concerning the North Level
175 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
176 - Correspondence Received by Thomas Archer
177 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
178 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
179 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
180 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
181 - Papers concerning the Eastern Counties Railway
182 - Draft Assignment of Two Mortgages for £2,320
183 - "Cambridge and Stortford Canal, 1811"
184 - "Copies of Returns Made by Mr Saffery to Mr Golborne"
185 - "April Meeting 1832: Letters and Papers as to Cholera at Ely"
186 - "Salary and Compensation of Register"
187 - "Papers Relating to North Level"
188 - "Railway Papers: 1844"
189 - "Miscellaneous Papers for 1816-1817"
190 - "Papers Relating to Scouring Out the Hundred Foot River in 1823"
191 - "Certificate of Election Committee"
192 - "Miscellaneous Papers, 1816-1817"
193 - "File of Printed Papers Relating to the Railways etc.'
194 - "Fees on Passing Private Bills"
195 - Mr Harding's Particulars and Valuation of the Banks and Works Repaired by the Bedford Level Corporation
196 - Consents for Borrowing Money
197 - "Public House at Welney: Contract etc...'
198 - "Lynn and Ely, and Ely and Huntingdon Railway Papers, 1845-1846"
199 - Papers concerning the 1846 Real Property Deeds Registration Bill and 1853 Registration of Assurances Bill
200 - "Notices of Application for Acts of Parliament"
201 - "Papers relating to Lands sold for Arrears of Taxes"
202 - Miscellaneous Papers
203 - Miscellaneous Papers
204 - Miscellaneous Papers
205 - "Conditions of Letting, 1812"
206 - Miscellaneous Papers
207 - "Expenditure for Works - Repairs of buildings, etc.'
208 - Draft Legal Briefs for the Bedford Level Corporation against the 1862 Middle Level Drainage and Navigation Bill
209 - Certificates of Inheritance
210 - "Eau Brink: Printed Statements of the Accounts"
211 - Advertisements about Haling on the Hundred Foot Bank
212 - '[Inventories] of Books [in the Fen] Office"
213 - "Copies of Orders of Eau Brink Commissioners"
214 - "Drafts of the Schedules of the Books in the Office"
215 - "Lynn & Ely Railway: Papers Relating to Compensation for Land Taken by the Company"
216 - "Tides, Old Returns of Materials etc.'
217 - "Old Ways & Means Lists etc.'
218 - "Plan of Bill for Improving Navigation from Clayhithe to Littleport"
219 - "Rental of Banks, Tolls and Fisheries"
220 - Miscellaneous Papers
221 - "Banks and Fisheries Let"
222 - "Superintendents' Reports and Answers to Queries"
223 - Miscellaneous Papers
224 - Miscellaneous Papers
225 - "Papers relating to Mepal Inclosure"
226 - Copies of Orders and Resolutions
227 - South Level Reports
228 - Petitions and Complaints
229 - Miscellaneous Papers
230 - Miscellaneous Papers
231 - Case as to the Bedford Level Act 1663
232 - Miscellaneous Papers
233 - Miscellaneous Papers
234 - Miscellaneous Papers
235 - Miscellaneous Papers
236 - "Clause as to Expenses incurred in Parliamentary Proceedings on Railway Bills"
237 - Sale of Bedford House
238 - Papers of trustees of late Thomas Jay
239 - Miscellaneous Papers
240 - "Lists of Business, Summons, Advertisements"
Expand 241 - "Abstracts of Title"241 - "Abstracts of Title"
242 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
243 - Miscellaneous Papers
244 - Letting of Public Houses and Tolls, 1854
245 - Diary, 1844
246 - "Superintendent General: Applications"
247 - "Watermen Obstructing the Sluices"
248 - Bundle of miscellaneous papers relating to the estate of Richards Farey, BLC minutes, lease of Marsh Farm and plans for work needed
249 - "Papers to be Reported upon at April Meeting 1818"
250 - "Bedford Level Orders"
251 - Papers related to estate of John Richards in Brampton with additional [unrelated] correspondence.
252 - Printed Reports concerning the Norfolk Estuary Scheme
253 - "Railway Papers"
254 - "Eau Brink Proceedings etc., 1818"
255 - Letting of Public Houses, Tolls, Banks and Fisheries, 1864
256 - Miscellaneous Papers
257 - Miscellaneous Papers
258 - "Rennie's Reports, Mylne's Report [and] Wisbech Resolutions"
259 - Samuel Wells' Personal Papers
260 - Letter from William Saffery
261 - Papers concerning the West of England Insurance Co
262 - "Modern Miscellaneous Papers Since 1800"
263 - "Railway Papers - Lynn Wisbech Birmingham, 1845"
264 - "North Level Letters"
265 - Miscellaneous Papers
266 - "Blank Precepts to Deliver Possession of Land Sold for Non-payment of Taxes"
267 - Printed Indentures of Lease
268 - "Litigation Papers, Accounts"
269 - "Duplicate Notices"
270 - Miscellaneous Papers
271 - Papers Concerning the Westminster Loans and Investment Joint Stock Company
272 - Printed Reports
273 - Miscellaneous Papers
274 - Renewal of Lease Notices
275 - Release and Quitclaim
276 - "Graduall Acre Tax of Five Sorts"
277 - "An Old Folio Written in Latin"
278 - Octavo volume of rents, fines and notes, marked on cover 'B'
279 - Extracts from Last Wills and Testaments
280 - Articles of Agreement and Other Documents concerning Division of Lands
281 - Counterpart Deeds for the Release of Taxes under the Bedford Level Act 1754
282 - Covenant
283 - Miscellaneous Papers
284 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
285 - Miscellaneous Papers
286 - Willingham and Sutton Toll Returns
287 - Miscellaneous Papers
288 - Bonds of Indemnity
289 - Inventories of Materials
290 - Petitions to the Earl of Bedford
291 - Bundle of accounts, inventories and proclamations
292 - Papers concerning Adventurers' Lands on the Arrears Roll
293 - Articles of Agreement for the Lease of Banks, Tolls and Fisheries
294 - "Old Lettings of Banks and Fisheries"
295 - Cases for Opinion and related papers
296 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
297 - Bills and receipts, with an almanac
298 - Printed Notices
299 - Papers concerning Welney Suspension Bridge
300 - Miscellaneous Papers
301 - Papers mostly concerning Miles Sandys
302 - Correspondence concerning Tax Arrears
303 - "One Hundred [Foot] River Wash Bank and New Sluice at Welmore Lake"
305 - Newspapers and Newspaper Cuttings
306 - Papers concerning the River Nene
307 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
308 - Miscellaneous Papers
309 - Papers Concerning Railway Legislation
310 - Proposed Improvements to the Lynn Road and Mildenhall Road near Littleport
311 - Elm Leam Encroachments
312 - Papers concerning Railway Legislation
313 - Correspondence
314 - Papers relating to corporation accounts, title to Yaxley rectory etc.
315 - Miscellaneous Papers
316 - Letters, 1816
317 - "Lease and Papers as to the Fen Office Chambers"
318 - Correspondence
318A - Correspondence
319 - Miscellaneous Papers
320 - Diary, 1843
Expand 321 - "Drafts of Leases, Conveyances etc"321 - "Drafts of Leases, Conveyances etc"
Expand 322 - "Bundle No. 12: Miscellaneous Damaged Papers: Railway, Bardney Drainage"322 - "Bundle No. 12: Miscellaneous Damaged Papers: Railway, Bardney Drainage"
Expand 323 - "Bundle No. 1: Samuel Wells' Miscellaneous Papers: Farley, Pheney, Marten etc"323 - "Bundle No. 1: Samuel Wells' Miscellaneous Papers: Farley, Pheney, Marten etc"
324 - Detached Labels
Expand 325 - "Parcel from Safe No. 5"325 - "Parcel from Safe No. 5"
326 - "Drafts, 1823 - 1825"
327 - "Drafts, 1830 - 1831"
Expand 328 - "Drafts, 1830 - 1839"328 - "Drafts, 1830 - 1839"
Collapse 329 - "Drafts, 1840 - 1843"329 - "Drafts, 1840 - 1843"
330 - "Drafts, to 1814"
331 - "Drafts, 1811 - 1812"
332 - "Drafts, 1811 - 1820"
333 - Copies of reports, minutes and proceedings and acounts for works carried out on the Bedford Level
335 - General Business Papers, 1836 - 1838
336 - General Business Papers, 1838 - 1840
337 - General Business Papers, 1841
338 - General Business Papers, 1842
339 - General Business Papers, 1843
340 - General Business Papers, 1844
341 - General Business Papers, 1845 - 1847
342 - General Business Papers, 1848 - 1850
343 - General Business Papers, 1857 - 1860
344 - General Business Papers, 1860 - 1867
Expand 17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - Property4 - Property
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Engineering6 - Engineering
Expand 7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans