Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KBLC - The Bedford Level CorporationKBLC - The Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Foundation Documents1 - Foundation Documents
Collapse 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers
Expand 2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication
Expand 3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers
Expand 6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books
Expand 7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Collapse 9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1
Expand 2 - Memorials and Petitions No. 22 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2
Expand 3 - Memorials and Petitions No. 33 - Memorials and Petitions No. 3
Expand 4 - Memorials and Petitions No. 44 - Memorials and Petitions No. 4
Expand 5 - Memorials and Petitions No. 55 - Memorials and Petitions No. 5
Expand 6 - Memorials and Petitions No. 66 - Memorials and Petitions No. 6
Expand 7 - Memorials and Petitions No. 77 - Memorials and Petitions No. 7
Expand 8 - Memorials and Petitions No. 88 - Memorials and Petitions No. 8
Expand 9 - Memorials and Petitions No. 99 - Memorials and Petitions No. 9
Collapse 10 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1010 - Memorials and Petitions No. 10
1 - Petition of Robert Thompson, of Southery
2 - Petition of Abraham Staffurth, of Ramsey
3 - Letter from William Barnes, of Welches Dam
4 - Petition of Thomas Hinson, of Purl's Bridge
5 - Petition of John Washington, of Welney
6 - Petition of Joseph Read, of Sutton Gault
7 - Petition of William Hartley, of Purls Bridge
8 - Petition of Thomas Young, of Welches Dam
9 - Petition of Thomas Lowe, of Hilgay
10 - Petition of John Foreman, of Downham
11 - Petition of Rowling Crabb, of Littleport
12 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District
13 - Resolution of a Committee for the Middle Level
14 - Petition of Certain Members of a Committee Appointed by the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
15 - Petition of Several of the Owners of Lands in Upwood Fen, Ramsey
16 - Petition of Several of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the South Level
17 - Petition of Certain Owners of Fen Lands on the North Side of the Old Bedford River
18 - Petition of William Hopkin, of Denver
19 - Petition of William Feast, of Littleport
20 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District
21 - Petition of John Lusher, of Wisbech St Peter
22 - Petition of John Ogden, of Wisbech St Peter
23 - Petition of Certain Members of a Committee Appointed by the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
24 - Petition of Certain Inhabitants of Whittlesey, on behalf of Others Interested in the Drainage and Navigation of the River Nene between Salter's Lode Sluice and Stanground Sluice
25 - List of Petitions
26 - Petition of Several Members of a Committee Appointed by the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
27 - Petition of Certain Members of a Committee Appointed by the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
28 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District
29 - Petition of William Clark, of Wisbech St Peter
30 - Petition of William Lensey, of Hilgay
31 - Petition of Several Owners of Common Arable Fields in Whittlesey
32 - Petition of John Slack, of Soham
33 - Letter from John Slack, of Soham
34 - Letter from John Slack, of Soham
35 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Middle Level
36 - Letter from William Wandby, of March
37 - Petition of Emmanuel Hodson, of Upwell
38 - Petition of the Commissioners for the South Level
39 - Petition [of the Corporation Bankers]
40 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Middle Level
41 - Remarks on the memorial of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Middle Level submitted by the promoters of the plan for building a bridge over Morton's Leam at Guyhirn
42 - Letter from [John] Wing, of Thorney Abbey
43 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the Middle Level
44 - Petition of Certain Members of a Committee Appointed by the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
45 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District: a petition
46 - Memorial of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen 1st District giving details of their situation
47 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in St Edmund's Commons, in Long Sutton, Lincolnshire
48 - Map of St Edmund's Common
49 - Memorial of Several of the Owners of Lands in the Middle Level
50 - Memorial of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Lands on the North Side of the Welney Wash
51 - Petition of Joseph Warth, of Chatteris
52 - Petition of John Owen, of Mepal
53 - Memorial Owners of Adventurers' Lands: a petition
54 - Memorial of Several of the Owners of Adventurers' Lands in the Bedford Level
55 - Memorial of Certain Owners of Adventurers' Land in the Bedford Level
56 - Resolution Made by the Owners of Adventurers' Lands
57 - Petition of Certain Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Land in Soham Middle Level
58 - List of the Occupiers of Lands in [Soham] Middle Fen
59 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in Isleham
60 - Petition of Robert Knight, Lord of the Manors of Isleham
61 - Letter from John Shearing
62 - Letter from William Saffery
63 - Letter from William Saffery
64 - Letter from William Saffery, Registrar of the Bedford Level Corporation
65 - Petition of John Scott, on behalf of William and Anne Scott
66 - Letter from Hugh Jackson
67 - Application of Mr Hibbert, of Milton
68 - Petition of John Robinson, of Eriswell, Suffolk
69 - Petition of John Bryerton, of Southery
70 - Petition of Michael Sharping, of Southery
Expand 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1111 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11
Expand 12 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1212 - Memorials and Petitions No. 12
Expand 13 - Memorials and Petitions No 1313 - Memorials and Petitions No 13
Expand 14 - Memorials and Petitions No 1414 - Memorials and Petitions No 14
Expand 15 - Memorials and Petitions No.1515 - Memorials and Petitions No.15
Expand 16 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1616 - Memorials and Petitions No. 16
Expand 17 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1717 - Memorials and Petitions No. 17
Expand 18 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1818 - Memorials and Petitions No. 18
Expand 19 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1919 - Memorials and Petitions No. 19
Expand 20 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2020 - Memorials and Petitions No. 20
Expand 21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"
Expand 23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"
Expand 24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"
Expand 25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"
Expand 26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"
Expand 27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"
Expand 28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 10 - Diaries10 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Seal Books11 - Seal Books
Expand 12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers
Expand 13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations
Expand 14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes
Expand 16 - Bundles16 - Bundles
Expand 17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - Property4 - Property
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Engineering6 - Engineering
Expand 7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans