Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KBLC - The Bedford Level CorporationKBLC - The Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Foundation Documents1 - Foundation Documents
Collapse 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers
Expand 2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication
Expand 3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers
Expand 6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books
Expand 7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Collapse 9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1
Expand 2 - Memorials and Petitions No. 22 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2
Expand 3 - Memorials and Petitions No. 33 - Memorials and Petitions No. 3
Expand 4 - Memorials and Petitions No. 44 - Memorials and Petitions No. 4
Expand 5 - Memorials and Petitions No. 55 - Memorials and Petitions No. 5
Expand 6 - Memorials and Petitions No. 66 - Memorials and Petitions No. 6
Expand 7 - Memorials and Petitions No. 77 - Memorials and Petitions No. 7
Expand 8 - Memorials and Petitions No. 88 - Memorials and Petitions No. 8
Expand 9 - Memorials and Petitions No. 99 - Memorials and Petitions No. 9
Expand 10 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1010 - Memorials and Petitions No. 10
Collapse 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1111 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11
1 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Middle Level Interested in the Drainage of Tong's Drain
2 - Petition of Samuel Wells, of Huntingdon
3 - Petition of William Margetts, gentleman of Huntingdon
4 - Resolution of the Bedford Level Corporation
5 - Petition of William Margetts
6 - Further petition of William Margetts
7 - Letter from William Margetts
8 - Letter from Charles Nalson Cole
9 - Resolution of the Commissioners of First District of the North Level
10 - Memorial of Certain Members of the Commonalty of the Bedford Level Corporation
11 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District
12 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District
13 - Petition of the Commissioners of Middle Fen District
14 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District
15 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in the South Level
16 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Estates in the South Level
17 - Representation of Mr Hibbert and Mr Musgrave, Joint Proprietors of Denver Sluice Farm
18 - Petition of the Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Land in Soham Middle Fen
19 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in Feldale, Whittlesey
20 - Petition of Richard Dunthorn
21 - Petition of Henry Markham
22 - Memorial of Isaac Leathes, Commissioner of Feltwell New District
23 - Memorial of the Committee Appointed by the Owners and Occupiers of Estates in the Middle Level
24 - Petition of Thomas Robinson on behalf of the Assignees of William Fisher, a Bankrupt
25 - Note from Mr Niles
26 - Letter from Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in Chatteris
27 - Petition of the Commissioners for Draining Fen Lands in Outwell, Stow Bardolph, Wimbotsham and Downham
28 - Memorial of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land near March
29 - Memorial of the Owners and Occupiers of Land on the North Side of Welney Wash
30 - Petition of Joseph and John Little
31 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in Sutton and Mepal
32 - Memorial of the Committee Appointed to Repair the North Bank of the Old Bedford River below Welches Dam
33 - Petition of the Commissioners of Burnt Fen First District
34 - Petition of Smith Flanders, of Littleport
35 - List of Petitions
36 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land on the North and South Sides of Popham's Eau, in Upwell, Welney, Denver and Outwell
37 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Middle Level
38 - Petition of Certain Owners of Land in the Middle and South Levels
39 - Petition of the Committee Appointed by the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
40 - Petition of Certain Landowners and Poor Persons Interested in Grunty Fen
41 - Petition of Thomas Cheeseright, of Littleport
42 - Petition of the Vicar, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Parish of Littleport, on behalf of Isaac Benton
43 - Petition of Goathard [Goddard] Porter, of Southery
44 - Petition of John Bedford, of Earith
45 - Petition of John Budd, of Southery
46 - Petition of John Carman, of Hilgay
47 - Petition of John Gotobed, of Welney
48 - Petition of the Principal Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in the Middle Level
49 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of land in Cawdle Fen
50 - Memorial of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Littleport and Downham District
51 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land in Sutton, Mepal and the Upper and Lower Embanking Districts
52 - Memorial of Several of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the South West Part of the Bedford Level
53 - Memorial of Several of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the North West Part of the Bedford Level
54 - Memorial of Certain Proprietors Interested in the North Level
55 - Memorial of Thomas Orby Hunter, Lord of the Manor of Crowland and Proprietor of Great Portsand
56 - Petition of the Principal Inhabitants of Whittlesey
57 - Petition of Those Interested in the Lands Adjoining the South Bank of Morton's Leam
58 - Petition of Joseph Bridges, of Whittlesey
59 - Petition of Thomas Bossingham, of Wimblington
60 - Petition of John Sparrow, of Littleport
61 - Petition of Samuel Wells
62 - Petition of Certain Commissioners for the Lower End of the Barrier Bank and Other Owners and Occupiers of Land in Upwell, Welney, Denver, Manea, Doddington, Downham, Witchford, Wentworth, Chatteris and Welches Dam
63 - Memorial of Several of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands on Both Sides of the Forty Foot River
64 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in Chatteris
65 - Petition of Isaac Benton, of Littleport
66 - Petition of Certain Principal Inhabitants of Whittlesey and Thorney Abbey, on behalf of Those Persons Accustomed to Use the Bridge over Smith's Leam near the Dog in a Doublet
67 - Petition of Wright Crane, of Thorney
68 - Petition of John Staples
69 - Petition of James Goodjohn, of Hilgay
70 - Petition of William Carter, of Downham
71 - Petition of John Ambrose, of Hilgay
72 - Petition of John Blows, of Littleport
73 - Petition of Thomas Lucer, of Hilgay
74 - Petition of James Bridgman, of Coveney
75 - Petition of Thomas Hinson
76 - Petition of Ann Veny, of Hilgay
77 - Petition of Benjamin Vipan, of Mepal
78 - Representation of Certain Owners of Adventurers' Land in the Bedford Level
79 - Memorial of Several of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the North West Part of the Bedford Level
80 - Petition of Those Persons Interested in Grunty Fen
81 - Petition of Certain Owners of Land in Haddenham Level
82 - Petition of Richard Roe and William Fulstone
83 - Petition of John Owen, of Mepal
84 - Petition of the Commissioners for Littleport and Downham District
85 - Memorial of the Commissioners for Outwell, Stow Bardolph, Wimbotsham and Downham
86 - Petition of Certain Owners of Wash Lands between the Old Bedford and Hundred Foot Rivers
87 - Petition of Certain Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
88 - Petition of Elizabeth Bodger, of Hilgay
89 - Petition of Several of the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
90 - Petition of Several of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the West and North West Parts of the Middle Level
91 - Petition of Certain Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
92 - Memorial of Several of the Owners of Lands in Welney and Manea
93 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the Second District of the North Level
94 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land on the North Side of the Welney Wash
95 - Petition of Several of the Parishioners of Littleport
96 - Petition of the Parishioners of Littleport
97 - Petition of the Commissioners for Littleport and Downham District
98 - Petition of the Commissioners for Burnt Fen Second District in Mildenhall
99 - Petition of Several of the Commissioners of Littleport and Downham District
100 - Petition of Ashley Cooper, of Hilgay
101 - Petition of Amariah Cox, of Hilgay
102 - Petition of William Cooper, of Hilgay
103 - Petition of Martin Cranwell, of Littleport
104 - Petition of Thomas Pleasance, of Littleport
105 - Petition of Judah Wallis, of Welney
106 - Petition of Henry Stevens, of Littleport
107 - Petition of John Foreman, of Denver
108 - Petition of Joseph Johnson, of Downham
109 - Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of Denver, Fordham, Hilgay and Welney
110 - Petition of Several of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands on the East and West Sides of St John's Eau in Denver
111 - Petition of John Worster, of Ely
112 - Petition of John Hopkin, of Witchford
113 - Petition of Several of the Owners of Lands in the Hundred Feet Washes
115 - Petition of Robert Eagle, on behalf of the Commissioners for Draining Lakenheath and Brandon Fens
116 - Petition of Thomas Farrow
117 - Petition of Charles Warner, of Eye
118 - Letter from William James Smith, of Thorney
119 - Declaration of William Ervin, of Eye
120 - Declaration of Joseph Little, of Eye
121 - Memorial of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in Middle Level Interested in the Drainage of Tong's Sluice
122 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Wash between the Two Banks of Morton's Leam
123 - Letter from Robert Eagle, of Lakenheath
Expand 12 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1212 - Memorials and Petitions No. 12
Expand 13 - Memorials and Petitions No 1313 - Memorials and Petitions No 13
Expand 14 - Memorials and Petitions No 1414 - Memorials and Petitions No 14
Expand 15 - Memorials and Petitions No.1515 - Memorials and Petitions No.15
Expand 16 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1616 - Memorials and Petitions No. 16
Expand 17 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1717 - Memorials and Petitions No. 17
Expand 18 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1818 - Memorials and Petitions No. 18
Expand 19 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1919 - Memorials and Petitions No. 19
Expand 20 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2020 - Memorials and Petitions No. 20
Expand 21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"
Expand 23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"
Expand 24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"
Expand 25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"
Expand 26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"
Expand 27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"
Expand 28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 10 - Diaries10 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Seal Books11 - Seal Books
Expand 12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers
Expand 13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations
Expand 14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes
Expand 16 - Bundles16 - Bundles
Expand 17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - Property4 - Property
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Engineering6 - Engineering
Expand 7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans