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Collapse KBLC - The Bedford Level CorporationKBLC - The Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Foundation Documents1 - Foundation Documents
Collapse 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers
Expand 2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication
Expand 3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers
Expand 6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books
Expand 7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Collapse 9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1
Collapse 2 - Memorials and Petitions No. 22 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2
1 - Petition of William and Elizabeth Walbancke
2 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Great Quantities of Fen Lands in March, Doddington, Chatteris, Wimblington and Benwick
3 - Petition of the landowners of Whittlesey
4 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Welney
5 - Petition of John Mann and Matthew Bateman
6 - Petition of John Sizer, of Soham
7 - Petition of Thomas Hopkins
8 - Petition of Thomas Fossett, of Mepal
9 - Petition of the Owners and Tenants of Adventurers' Land in Ramsey, Upwood and Bury
10 - A petition of the Trustees of William Brownslowe and tenants of land belonging to the Duke of York in Farcett, Stanground and Woodston
11 - Petition of Francis and Hugh Underwood, and Mark Le Pla, gentlemen, on behalf of workmen who scoured out Bevills Leam from Whittlesey Dyke to Shaw's Dyke
12 - Petition of Guibon Wrathall, Sluice Keeper [at Stowbrink]
13 - Petition of Robert Waterfall, one of the Undertakers of Works for the North Part of the Middle Level
14 - Petition of Margaret Mays
15 - Petition of [Several of the Landowners in Burnt Fen and Whelpmoor]
16 - Petition of Matthew Batwain
17 - Petitions of William Key, Robert Cawthorne, Lancelot Ridley, William Denstone, Henry Pisford, William Finch, Robert Nicholas, George South, Richard Read, Richard Hopkin, John Aspland and Michael Laughton and the Rest of the Inhabitants of Downham
18 - Petition of the Owners and Farmers of Land in Ramsey, Farcet, Yaxley and Whittlesey
19 - Petition of the Tenants of the Late George Keale
20 - Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of Methwold and Northwold
21 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Colne and Earith
22 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Sutton
23 - Report of a Committee Appointed to View the South Level
24 - Petition of the Owners and Inhabitants of Hockwold, Wilton, Feltwell, Methwold, Northwold, Stoke, Wretton, [Wereham], West Dereham, Roxham, Southery, Hilgay, Fordham, Denver, Downham [Market], Wimbotsham and Stow Bardolph
25 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Methwold
26 - Petition of Matthew Bateman and John Man of Upwell
27 - Petition of George Smyth
28 - List of the Governor, Bailiffs and Conservators of the Bedford Level Corporation for 1685
29 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Burwell
30 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Soham
31 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Sutton
32 - Petition of Sir Francis [Gibbon]
33 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Southery
34 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Lakenheath
35 - Certificate and Memorandum
36 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Swaffham Prior
37 - Petition of Sir Sewster Peyton, Baronet
38 - Petition of the Owners of Land in Upwell, Welney, Manea and Doddington, between the North Side of the [Old] Bedford River and the Sixteen Foot Drain
39 - Petition of William May
40 - Petition of Nathaniel Brown, of Ely
41 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Swaffham Bulbeck
42 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Littleport
43 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Downham
44 - Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of March
45 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Willow Hall and Pryor's Fen, Whittlesey
46 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Wicken
47 - Petition of William Fowler, of Witcham
48 - Petition of Edward Brown
49 - Petition [of Lady Portland]
50 - Petition of Robert Longland, of Little Queen Street, St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex
51 - Claim of Thomas Umfrevile
52 - Petition of Lady Christian Berkeley, together with her Tenants and the Inhabitants of Farcet, Stanground and Yaxley
53 - Petition of Sir John Shaw, together with the Tenants and the Inhabitants of Yaxley and Stilton
54 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Wicken
55 - Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of Ely
56 - Petition of Nathaniel Brown, of Ely
57 - Petition of William Parrish, of Littleport
58 - Petition of Edward Scottin, on behalf of Sir Francis [Gibbon] and the Other Farmers of [Corporation] Land in Whelpmoor Fen
59 - Petition of Daniel Green, sluice keeper at Denver New Sluices
60 - Petition of the Owners and Inhabitants of Cottenham
61 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Littleport
62 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Downham
63 - Petition of Guibon Wrathall, of Stow Brink
64 - Petition of William Scrimshire and Joyce Underwood
65 - Petition of Several of the Landowners in Fordham and Denver
66 - Report of Robert Hampson and Richard Marryott
67 - Petition of the Owners of Land and Estates bordering the River Ouse between Littleport Chair and Denver Sluice
68 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Littleport
69 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Ely and Littleport
70 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Swaffham Bulbeck
71 - Petition of Sir James Chapman Fuller and Other Inhabitants of Upwell
72 - Petition of Edward Russell
73 - Certificate of Samuel Fortrey and John Mingay
74 - Petition of Thomas Hall and Guibon Wrathall
75 - Petition of Nicholas Mallabar
76 - Petition of William Stafford, of Denver
77 - Petition of Sir John Hewet, Sir James Fuller, Sir Lovell Walden, John Mason, Thomas Harrison, John Laney and John Hawes, on behalf of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands Next to the Sixteen Foot Drain
78 - The petition of several owners and tenants of land bordering the River Ouse between Harrimere and Sir Ralph Skipwith's embanked grounds near Denver Sluice
79 - Petition of Several Inhabitants of Chatteris
80 - Petition of the [Owners and Occupiers of Land in] March
81 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Littleport
82 - Petition of Sir Thomas Hare and Others
83 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Mepal and Sutton
84 - Petition of William Cole, of Ely
85 - Petition of Edward Woodward, Michael Dixon, Jeremy Grounds and Several Other Inhabitants of March
86 - Letter from the Inhabitants of Over
87 - Petition of Several Landowners in Stoke, Wretton, Wereham, West Dereham, Roxham, Fordham, Denver and Downham Market
88 - Petition of [the Inhabitants of] Ely and Littleport
89 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land [in Littleport]
90 - Petition of Guibon Wrathall
91 - Petition of the Governors, Bailiffs and Commonality of the Company of the Conservators of Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level
92 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Manea
93 - Petition of Thomas Bullis, John Davis, John Adams, Anthony Brignall, James Smyth, Thomas Bullis (junior), Twiford Woodham and William Ryder, Lay Clerks of Ely Cathedral
94 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Willingham and Over
95 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Swaffham Prior
96 - Petition of Several Owners of Land in Somersham, Colne and Earith
97 - Petition of Daniel Green, sluice keeper at Denver Sluice
98 - Petition of Elizabeth Mawe, of Littleport
99 - Petition of the Feoffees and Trustees of Welney
Expand 3 - Memorials and Petitions No. 33 - Memorials and Petitions No. 3
Expand 4 - Memorials and Petitions No. 44 - Memorials and Petitions No. 4
Expand 5 - Memorials and Petitions No. 55 - Memorials and Petitions No. 5
Expand 6 - Memorials and Petitions No. 66 - Memorials and Petitions No. 6
Expand 7 - Memorials and Petitions No. 77 - Memorials and Petitions No. 7
Expand 8 - Memorials and Petitions No. 88 - Memorials and Petitions No. 8
Expand 9 - Memorials and Petitions No. 99 - Memorials and Petitions No. 9
Expand 10 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1010 - Memorials and Petitions No. 10
Expand 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1111 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11
Expand 12 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1212 - Memorials and Petitions No. 12
Expand 13 - Memorials and Petitions No 1313 - Memorials and Petitions No 13
Expand 14 - Memorials and Petitions No 1414 - Memorials and Petitions No 14
Expand 15 - Memorials and Petitions No.1515 - Memorials and Petitions No.15
Expand 16 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1616 - Memorials and Petitions No. 16
Expand 17 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1717 - Memorials and Petitions No. 17
Expand 18 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1818 - Memorials and Petitions No. 18
Expand 19 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1919 - Memorials and Petitions No. 19
Expand 20 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2020 - Memorials and Petitions No. 20
Expand 21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"
Expand 23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"
Expand 24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"
Expand 25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"
Expand 26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"
Expand 27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"
Expand 28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 10 - Diaries10 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Seal Books11 - Seal Books
Expand 12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers
Expand 13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations
Expand 14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes
Expand 16 - Bundles16 - Bundles
Expand 17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - Property4 - Property
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Engineering6 - Engineering
Expand 7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans