Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KBLC - The Bedford Level CorporationKBLC - The Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Foundation Documents1 - Foundation Documents
Collapse 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers
Expand 2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication
Expand 3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers
Expand 6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books
Expand 7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Collapse 9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1
Expand 2 - Memorials and Petitions No. 22 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2
Expand 3 - Memorials and Petitions No. 33 - Memorials and Petitions No. 3
Expand 4 - Memorials and Petitions No. 44 - Memorials and Petitions No. 4
Expand 5 - Memorials and Petitions No. 55 - Memorials and Petitions No. 5
Expand 6 - Memorials and Petitions No. 66 - Memorials and Petitions No. 6
Expand 7 - Memorials and Petitions No. 77 - Memorials and Petitions No. 7
Expand 8 - Memorials and Petitions No. 88 - Memorials and Petitions No. 8
Expand 9 - Memorials and Petitions No. 99 - Memorials and Petitions No. 9
Expand 10 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1010 - Memorials and Petitions No. 10
Expand 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1111 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11
Expand 12 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1212 - Memorials and Petitions No. 12
Expand 13 - Memorials and Petitions No 1313 - Memorials and Petitions No 13
Expand 14 - Memorials and Petitions No 1414 - Memorials and Petitions No 14
Expand 15 - Memorials and Petitions No.1515 - Memorials and Petitions No.15
Expand 16 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1616 - Memorials and Petitions No. 16
Expand 17 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1717 - Memorials and Petitions No. 17
Expand 18 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1818 - Memorials and Petitions No. 18
Expand 19 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1919 - Memorials and Petitions No. 19
Expand 20 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2020 - Memorials and Petitions No. 20
Expand 21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"
Expand 23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"
Expand 24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"
Expand 25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"
Expand 26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"
Expand 27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"
Collapse 28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
1 - Petition of John Wright, Doctor of Physic
2 - Petition of Abraham Byam
3 - Petition of James Lallan, Late Director of the Lower Part of the South Level
4 - Petition of Anthony Brown
5 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Yaxley, Farcet and Whittlesey
6 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of 6,500 Acres of Rich and Valuable Land in Haddenham Level
7 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Lakenheath
8 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Doddington, March, Wimblington and Benwick
9 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land Drained by St John's Eau
10 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land Called the Wash, between the Old Bedford and Hundred Foot Rivers
11 - Petition of the Chief Landowners of Ely
12 - Petition of the Township of Wisbech
13 - Petition of Daniel Phillips, of Stoke [Ferry]
14 - Petition of Peter Standley, John Walker and John Brigham, on behalf of Other Owners and Occupiers of Lands in Waterbeach Level
15 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Stoke Ferry, Wretton, Wereham, West Dereham, Roxham and Fordham
16 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land on Both Sides of the Sixteen Foot Drain in the Middle Level
17 - Petition of the Owners and Farmers of Fen Land in Hilgay
18 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land lying on Both Sides of Delph Dyke in the Middle Level
19 - Petition of the Commissioners of Manea District
20 - Petition of the Principal Owners of Land in Littleport
21 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Haddenham, Wilburton, Sutton and Stretham
22 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Upwell and Outwell
23 - Petition [of the Owners of Land in Lakenheath Fen]
24 - Petition of the Inhabitants of March and Upwell
25 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land on Both Sides of Tong's Drain in Downham Market, Stow Bardolph, Wimbotsham
26 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land lying on the West Side of the River Ouse in Hilgay and Southery
27 - Petition of the Landowners and Tenants of Northwold
28 - Petition of Certain Owners of Land in Littleport
29 - Representation of Several Merchants, Landowners and Traders, on behalf of Others Interested in the Navigation of the River Cam
30 - Petition of the Commissioners and Owners of Land in Burnt Fen First District
31 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Northwold and Methwold
32 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Aldreth, Haddenham and Wilburton
33 - Petition of Thomas Groome
34 - Petition of Robert Holmes, of Thorney
35 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land on both sides of Delph Dike
36 - Petition of the Commissioners for Draining Fen Lands between the River Ouse and Mildenhall River
37 - Petition of Thomas Hatley
38 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Ramsey, Bury, Upwood, Holme, Glatton, Stilton, Yaxley, Farcet, Stanground, Whittlesey, Denton, Caldecote
39 - Petition of Several Inhabitants of Whittlesey
40 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Stilton, Yaxley, Farcet, Stanground, Whittlesey, Ramsey, March, Caldecote, Denton, Glatton, Holme, Sawtry, Wood Walton and Upwood
41 - Petition of George Bigland
42 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in March and Towns Adjacent
Expand 29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 10 - Diaries10 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Seal Books11 - Seal Books
Expand 12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers
Expand 13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations
Expand 14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes
Expand 16 - Bundles16 - Bundles
Expand 17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - Property4 - Property
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Engineering6 - Engineering
Expand 7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans