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Collapse KBLC - The Bedford Level CorporationKBLC - The Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Foundation Documents1 - Foundation Documents
Collapse 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers1 - Proceedings of the Society of Adventurers
Expand 2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication2 - Proceedings of the Lords Commissioners of Adjudication
Expand 3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation3 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers5 - Proceedings of the Bedford Level Corporation as Commissioners of Sewers
Expand 6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books6 - Bedford Level Corporation Draft Minute Books
Expand 7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material7 - Further Minute Books and Other Related Material
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Collapse 9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation9 - Memorials and petitions presented to the Bedford Level Corporation
Expand 1 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1
Expand 2 - Memorials and Petitions No. 22 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2
Expand 3 - Memorials and Petitions No. 33 - Memorials and Petitions No. 3
Expand 4 - Memorials and Petitions No. 44 - Memorials and Petitions No. 4
Expand 5 - Memorials and Petitions No. 55 - Memorials and Petitions No. 5
Collapse 6 - Memorials and Petitions No. 66 - Memorials and Petitions No. 6
1 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Ramsey, Bury, Upwood, Wistow, Warboys, Somersham, Whittlesey, Farcet, Yaxley, Benwick and Doddington
2 - Petition of Read Peacock and William Wright, Trustees of William Underwood
3 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land in Sutton, Mepal, Witcham, Chatteris, Doddington, Byall Fen, Somersham and Pidley with Fenton
4 - Letter from William Tokelove
5 - William Tokelove's Estimate
6 - Petition to Corporation concerning the estimate and suggesting deepening of Ouse and other changes to improve drainage
7 - Petition of Several Inhabitants, and Owners and Occupiers of Lands in Ramsey, Benwick, Doddington, March, Chatteris, Upwell, Outwell and Manea
8 - Memorial of Thomas Moore, Agent of the Earl of Lincoln
9 - Petition of owners of land in South and Middle Levels, including Lord Townshend
10 - Petition of David Cowhard, Officer of the Bedford Level Corporation
11 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Bottisham
12 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of 2000 Acres of Fen Land in South Level between Littleport, the Ten Mile Bank, Denver Sluice, the Hundred Foot Bank and Mepal Green
13 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in South Level between the Mildenhall River, Lakenheath Lode, the Brandon River and the River Ouse
14 - Petition of John Partherich, of Littleport
15 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Sutton, Mepal, Witcham, Chatteris, Doddington, Byall Fen, Somersham and Pidley cum Fenton
16 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land in Wicken and Burwell
17 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Manea, Chatteris and Welney
18 - Petition of the Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Level of Upwell, Welney, Denver and Outwell
19 - Copy of an Order Made by the Bedford Level Corporation
20 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Woodwalton, Sawtry and Conington
21 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land next to the Clipsall River in Soham
22 - Petition of the Inhabitants and Landowners in Ramsey, Wood Walton, Yaxley, Stilton, Farcet, Glatton, Conington and Holme
23 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Lands in the [Hundred Foot] Washes between Earith Bridge and Mepal Bridge
24 - Petition of Margaret Marshall, widow of Dr Nathaniel Marshall
25 - Petition on behalf of the Commoners of Borough Great Fen
26 - Petition of John Wyche and Peter Smith, on behalf of the Commoners of Borough Great Fen
27 - Extract from the Court Roll from the Court Leet and Court Baron held at the Manor of Longdike on 07 October 1755
28 - Petition of Several Owners and Occupiers of Land of Burnt Fen
29 - Petition of John Leaford
30 - Petition [of Several Labourers on the Hundred Foot Bank]
31 - Petition of Several Commissioners for Draining [Fen] Land along the Old Bedford River between Welches Dam and Welney
32 - Petition of Love Owen
33 - Petition of the Lords of the Manors, and the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Bluntisham, Earith, Sutton, Mepal, Witcham, Ely, Witchford, Wentworth, Coveney and Downham
34 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Ramsey, Holme, Stilton, Conington, Sawtry, Glatton, Yaxley and Farcet
35 - Petition of John Lowe, of Hilgay
36 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Haddenham, Sutton, Wilburton and Stretham
37 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Middle Level
38 - Petition of the Commissioners of Sutton and Mepal Level
39 - Petition of Bartholomew Ibbott, stepfather of James Smith
40 - Petition [of the Inhabitants of Whittlesey, Doddington, March, Wimblington, Benwick, Ramsey, Chatteris and Upwell]
41 - Petition of George Crow, Robert Tubbs and Henry Porter, on behalf of all the other Owners and Occupiers of Land in Haddenham Level
42 - Petition of Certain Commissioners Appointed for Draining Fen Land between the Hundred Foot River and the River Ouse
43 - Petition of the Commissioners Appointed for Draining Fen Land between the Hundred Foot River and the River Ouse
44 - Petition of James Taylor, Lord of the Manor of Over, Robert Waddilow, Reuben Bichins, John Hemington, Heard Hemington, Thomas Wayman, William Robinson and Reuben Stevens
45 - Petition of Certain Owners of Land near Moore's Drain in March
46 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in the South Level between the Brandon River, the Twelve Foot Drain, Stake Lode, Mott's Dike, Sam's Cut and the River Ouse
47 - Baldwin and Wife v. Blackmore
48 - Petition of the Owners of Fen Land between the Brandon and Mildenhall Rivers
49 - Petition of the Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land between the Hundred Foot River and the River Ouse
50 - Petition of the Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Land in Upwell Level
51 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in Haddenham Level
52 - Petition of Certain Owners of Fen Land between Barway Lode, the River Ouse and the Mildenhall River (Middle Fen District)
53 - Petition of the Commissioners of Waterbeach Level
54 - Petition of the Inhabitants of Littleport
55 - Petition of Ann Brassitt, of Littleport
56 - Petition of Viner Small, Proprietor of Lands on the North Side of the River Wissey
57 - Petition [of the Commissioners of Sutton and Mepal Division]
58 - Petition of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Somersham, Colne and Earith
59 - Petition and Representation of Certain Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Middle Level
60 - Petition of the Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Land in Waterbeach Level
61 - Petition of the Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Fen Land in Mildenhall
62 - Petition of Certain Inhabitants of Bottisham
63 - Petition of Several of the Proprietors of Fen Lands between the River Ouse, Mildenhall River and the Hardlands of Isleham, Fordham, Soham and Wicken
64 - Petition of the Owners of Fen Lands in Bottisham and Horningsea
65 - Petition of the Commissioners, Owners and Occupiers of Land in Upwell, Outwell, Denver and Welney Level
66 - Petition of the Owners and Commissioners of Land in the South Level between Brandon River and Sam's Cut
67 - Petition of Several of the Proprietors and Others Concerned in South Level
68 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Fen Lands in Swaffham Prior and Burwell
69 - Petition of the Owners and Occupiers of Land Next to South Bank of Stoke River and Methwold Lode
70 - Petition of Daniel Dickins, of Ely
71 - Petition of William Read, Officer to the Commissioners of Waterbeach Level
72 - Petition of the Commissioners for Ely, Soham and Isleham
73 - Petition of the Commissioners of the Hundred Foot Level
74 - Petition of the Commissioners for Draining the Fen Lands between the River Cam, River Ouse and the Mildenhall River
75 - Petition of the Commissioners for Draining the Fen Lands between the Hundred Foot River and River Ouse
76 - Petition of Commissioners of Feltwell Level
77 - Petition of the Commissioners of Waterbeach Level
78 - Petition of the Commissioners for Upwell, Outwell, Denver and Welney Level
79 - Petition of Several Proprietors of Fen Land between the Mildenhall and Brandon Rivers, known as Burnt Fen First District
80 - Petition of the Commissioners and Landowners of Mildenhall Second District
Expand 7 - Memorials and Petitions No. 77 - Memorials and Petitions No. 7
Expand 8 - Memorials and Petitions No. 88 - Memorials and Petitions No. 8
Expand 9 - Memorials and Petitions No. 99 - Memorials and Petitions No. 9
Expand 10 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1010 - Memorials and Petitions No. 10
Expand 11 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1111 - Memorials and Petitions No. 11
Expand 12 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1212 - Memorials and Petitions No. 12
Expand 13 - Memorials and Petitions No 1313 - Memorials and Petitions No 13
Expand 14 - Memorials and Petitions No 1414 - Memorials and Petitions No 14
Expand 15 - Memorials and Petitions No.1515 - Memorials and Petitions No.15
Expand 16 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1616 - Memorials and Petitions No. 16
Expand 17 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1717 - Memorials and Petitions No. 17
Expand 18 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1818 - Memorials and Petitions No. 18
Expand 19 - Memorials and Petitions No. 1919 - Memorials and Petitions No. 19
Expand 20 - Memorials and Petitions No. 2020 - Memorials and Petitions No. 20
Expand 21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code21 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"22 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "A"
Expand 23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"23 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "B"
Expand 24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"24 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "C"
Expand 25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"25 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "D"
Expand 26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"26 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "E"
Expand 27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"27 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle "I"
Expand 28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code28 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle without letter code
Expand 29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project29 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/88 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project30 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89a during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project31 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/89b during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project32 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/94 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project33 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/95 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project34 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/102 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project34A - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/103 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project35 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/104 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project36 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/105 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project37 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/107ii during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project38 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/117 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project39 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/118 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project40 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/119 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project41 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle extracted from R59/31/20/122 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project42 - Memorials and Petitions Bundle believed extracted from R59/31/20/108 during course of re-cataloguing project
Expand 10 - Diaries10 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Seal Books11 - Seal Books
Expand 12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers12 - Lists of the Board's 100 Acre Men and Officers
Expand 13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations13 - Directions, Forms of Procedure, Rules and Regulations
Expand 14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office14 - Schedules of the Documents, Papers, Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings in the Fen Office
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes15 - Miscellaneous Administrative Volumes
Expand 16 - Bundles16 - Bundles
Expand 17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices17 - Handbills, Posters and Notices
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Expand 4 - Property4 - Property
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Engineering6 - Engineering
Expand 7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans7 - Reports, Library, Maps and Plans