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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Collapse CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
1 - Emergency Committee draft minute book
Collapse 2 - Circulars and manual of basic training2 - Circulars and manual of basic training
Expand 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars
Expand 2 - Home office ARP circulars2 - Home office ARP circulars
Collapse 3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Collapse 1 - File 1 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner1 - File 1 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
1 - Request to address correspondence to Regional Office and not individual officers
2 - Reports to Regional War Room
3 - Appointment of Sir Will Spens as Regional Commissioner
4 - Appointment of Mr G.H.G. Anderson as Principal Officer on Regional Commissioner Staff
5 - Official Recognition of Motor Vehicles used by members of Regional Staffs
6 - Supervision and organisation of First Aid Parties and training of personnel (Copy)
7 - A.R.P. Services during Air Raids
8 - Readiness to perform Civil Defence duties
9 - Situation Reports
10 - Synchronisation of Clocks at Report and Control Centres
11 - A.R.P. Resources-Cars
12 - Air Raid Warnings-Communication of yellow message to public
13 - Training and activities of A.R.P. Personnel
14 - Decontamination of Clothing Warden's Posts
15 - Heating of Wardens' Posts
16 - Anti-gas Helmets for babies
17 - Improvised Air Raid Shelters
18 - Garage accommodation for vehicles engaged in Civil Defence
19 - Purchase of sandbag filling machines
20 - Information regarding Air Raids
21 - Heating on Wardens posts
22 - Anti-gas Helmets for babies
23 - Decontamination of clothing and protective equipment
24 - Official Pass to Report and Control Centres
25 - Position of Local Authority in relations to British Red Cross Society
26 - Compensation for premises requisitioned in connection with Civil Defence
27 - Distinctive Brassards for A.R.P. Officials
28 - Information regarding Air Raids
29 - Eligibility of A.R.P. Personnel for benefit under the personal injuries (Civilian) Scheme, 1939
30 - Information regarding Air Raids
31 - Aids to Movement-Provision of Hurricane Lamps for Obstructions
32 - Information regarding Air Raids
33 - Appropriate rate of pay for officers in charge of report and control centres
34 - Position of Volunteers under Personal Injuries (Civilian) Scheme 1939
35 - Information relating to road conditions
36 - Issue of L.A. Circulars
37 - Camouflaging of Glasshouses
38 - Shelter Policy, meaning of word abutting
39 - Unexploded Bombs
40 - Location and Direction Signs
41 - Travelling expenses of unpaid part-time volunteers
42 - Immediate communication with fire brigades of all incidents involving fire
43 - Payment of Licence in respect of wireless Receiving Sets in Control Centres
44 - Information regarding Air Raids
45 - Wearing of Medal Ribbons by Civil Defence Volunteers
46 - Shelters in Schools
47 - Submission of Reports to Regional Headquarters
48 - Replacement of Civilian Respirators
49 - Public Shelter Direction Signs on Railway property
50 - Delay in supply of equipment etc
51 - Parents removing children from school on air raid warning
52 - Babies' Anti-Gas Helmets and Children's Respirators
53 - Wardens' Reports on Infringement of Lighting Restrictions
54 - Information as to exact places and approximate times at which enemy air craft brought down
55 - Schedule of Reserved Occupations
56 - Summoning of Gas Identification Officers
57 - Mutual Assistance
58 - Use of School Shelters by the Public
59 - Use of the Geneva Emblem on Civil Defence Vehicles (2)
60 - Cleansing of Respirator Haversacks
61 - Return or Retention of A.R.P. Badges
62 - Annual Leave for whole-time Civil Defence Personnel
63 - Discontinuance of the use of Factory Sirens
64 - Information relating to road conditions
65 - Clearance of Debris
66 - Appointment of Lord Cranbrook as Personal Assistance to Regional Commissioner during absence of Lord Eltisley
67 - Messages from Minister of Home Security (Sir John Anderson) and Regional Commissioner (Sir Will Spens)
68 - Resignation of Dr R.J.Rankin as Medical Advisor of Eastern Region
69 - Change of Regional War Room Telephone Number from Cambridge 54292 to Cambridge 56411
70 - Purchase of Detector Discs
71 - Regional Training Scheme
72 - Heating etc., of Wardens' Posts
73 - Schedule of Reserved Occupations
74 - Situation Reports
75 - Accidental sounding of air raid warning sirens
76 - Courses for Training Officers
77 - Review of A.R.P. Personnel
78 - Gas Identification Officers-Telephones
79 - Communications to be addressed to senior regional officer
80 - Illuminated Lettering for A.R.P. Vehicles
81 - Replacement of Civil Defence Volunteers absent on sick leave
82 - Films for Training Purposes
83 - Insurance of Motor Vehicles used for Civil Defence purposes
84 - A.R.P. Badges
85 - Public Warnings in Country Districts
86 - National Civil Defence, safe driving award
87 - Use of the Geneva Emblem
88 - Remote Control of Air Raid Warning Signals
89 - Telephone Numbers
90 - Survey of Air Raid Shelter Accommodation
91 - Geneva Emblem
92 - Aids of Movement of Traffic to be installed in roads and streets in the absence of street lighting-Treatment of Pillar boxes and other Post Office property
93 - Situation, Major Damage Reports etc
94 - Underwear for use with Heavy Protective Clothing
95 - Uniform Clothing of Air Raid Precautions Volunteers
96 - Impassable roads-Diversion of Traffic
97 - Situation Major Damage Reports etc
98 - Increased price of A.R.P. Incendiary Bombs
99 - Information required regarding mobilisation of volunteers on a red warning
100 - Taking of premises for Civil Defence purposes
101 - Care and maintenance of Public Shelters
102 - Position of unemployed volunteers in relation to A.R.P. Department Circular 317/1939
103 - Interruption of Post Office Communication System
104 - Training of Rescue Party Leaders
105 - Training payment of expenses
106 - Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence. Volunteers for Report Centres, etc
107 - Information as to Reports relating to Food Supplies
108 - Assessment of Air Raid Damage
109 - Regarding Publication of Local Maps showing A.R.P. dispositions
110 - Casualty Services
111 - Co-operation between Controllers and O.C's of Army A.R.P. and Naval units in the vicinity
112 - Advice to Public during Air Raid
113 - Illuminated and Direction signs
114 - Recording and Notification of casualties
115 - Co-operation with the Royal Air Force
116 - Re Volunteer Defence Corps
117 - Installation of telephone and alterations to existing telephone installations
118 - Regional Scheme for Mutual Assistance and Reinforcement
119 - Staffing of Control and Report Centres
120 - Home Security Circular No. 88/1940. Disposal of Unexploded Bombs
121 - V.D.C.
122 - Use of the Geneva Emblem
123 - Cancellation of L.A.Circulars
124 - Employment of Aliens in the Civil defence Service
125 - Supply of Axes for use with Stirrup handpumps
126 - Communications advisor
127 - Training Manual No.2A
128 - Home Security Circular No.26/1940. Disinfection of Respirators after withdrawal
129 - Recruitment of Women for First Aid Parties
130 - Local Volunteer Defence Force Communications
131 - Trailers for Rescue Parties, etc
132 - Settling of claims for compensation for vehicles taken by requisition or otherwise
133 - Verification of Messages
134 - Recruitment of Women for First Aid Parties
135 - Rations for Mutual Assistance and Reinforcements
136 - Assistance to Military Authorities and Local Volunteer Defence Force
137 - Gas Undertakings-Notification of Interruptions in Supply/Drainage
138 - External Messenger Service
139 - National Appeal for Volunteers
140 - Operation and Training Memorandum No.9 Distinguishing Signs to be used for Air Raid Incidents and Rendezvous
141 - Speech by Sir Hugh Elles
142 - Equipment for purposes of recreation and physical training
143 - Operation and Training Memorandum No. 7 (Electricity Undertakings)
144 - Operation and Training Memorandum No. L (Gas Undertakings)
145 - Removal of A.R.P. Direction and/or Location Signs
146 - National Air Raid Precautions for Animals. Circular LA.131
147 - Respirators for Babies and Young Children
148 - Disposal of Unexploded Bombs
149 - Home Security Circular No.58/140. Refreshments for Volunteer Personnel
150 - Verification of Messages
151 - Mobilization of Volunteers on Red Warnings
152 - Air Raid Damage to Royal Air Force Stations
153 - Cleansing Facilities for Members of the Observer Corps
154 - Leave for whole-time Civil Defence Personnel
155 - Lighting Restrictions
156 - Mobilisation of Volunteers on a Red Warning
157 - Issue of Civilian Respirators to Military Authorities
158 - Local Defence Volunteer Force
159 - Assistance to Military Authorities
160 - Supply and Issue of Blankets
161 - Contex
162 - Eastern Civil Defence Region. Co-operation with Military Authorities
163 - Location Signs for Shelters
164 - Co-operation with Military Authorities-Lighting of road blocks
165 - Unauthorised inspection of stores and accounts
166 - Reporting by Air Raid Wardens
167 - Requisition and Impressment of Road Vehicles
168 - Disposal of Unexploded Bombs
169 - Disposal of Unexploded Bombs
170 - Air Raid Warning System
171 - Air Raid Warning System
172 - Air Raid Warning System
173 - Air Raid Warning System
174 - Urgent Defensive Works
175 - Use of School Shelters by the Public out of school hours
176 - Local Defence Volunteer Force
177 - Air Raid Warning System. Sounding of Sirens
178 - Unauthorised enquiries concerning Air Raid Incidents
179 - Spectacles for wear with General Service and Civilian Duty Respirators
180 - Rescue. Demolition and Repair Services
181 - Provision of Food for Personnel of Civil Defence Services
182 - Distribution of Food in an Emergency
183 - Mobilisation of part-time personnel on an air raid warning
184 - Protection of tyres for A.R.P. Vehicles
185 - Magnetic Mines
186 - Co-operation with Military Authorities-Lighting of road blocks
187 - Re Aerodrome
188 - Re Miscellaneous Expenditure
189 - Deterrents against Enemy Aircraft Landings
190 - Air Raid Warning System
191 - Petroleum Board-District Operators
192 - Disposal of Unexploded Bombs
193 - Telephone Directories-Restriction of Demand
194 - Deterrents against Enemy Aircraft Landings
195 - Reports on Parachute Landings
196 - Return of Surplus Equipment
197 - Parking of A.R.P. Vehicles
198 - Casualty Services
199 - Co-operation with Military Authorities
200 - Road Repairs
201 - Regional Scheme for Mutual Assistance and Reinforcement
202 - Deterrents against Enemy Aircraft Landings
203 - Contex
204 - Distribution of Preliminary Caution
205 - Possibility of Gas attacks
206 - Payment for Driving Licenses for A.R.P. Drivers
207 - Premises taken for Civil Defence purposes. Records of Condition
208 - Operational and Training Memorandum No.12 (Civil Defence Services)
209 - Operational and Training Memorandum No. 13 (Distinguishing marks for Headquarters and Regional Staff, Local Authority officials and senior officers and leaders of service
210 - Notification of Air Raid Casualties H.S. Circular 52/40
211 - Awards for Gallantry
212 - Obstruction of possible aircraft landing grounds-work to be carried out by Army and R.A.F.
213 - Damage to roads and bridges caused by enemy action and roads impassable to traffic
214 - Disposal of Unexploded Bombs
215 - Lessons from recent air raids
216 - Disposal of Unexploded Bombs
217 - Incendiary Bombs
218 - Emergency Medical Services. Operation and training memorandum No.14
219 - Co-operation with Military Authorities
Expand 2 - File 2 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner2 - File 2 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 3 - File 3 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner3 - File 3 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 4 - File 4 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner4 - File 4 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 5 - File 5 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner5 - File 5 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 6 - File 6 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner6 - File 6 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 7 - File 7 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner7 - File 7 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 8 - File 1 of circulars from Eastern Civil Defence Region office of the Regional Commissioner8 - File 1 of circulars from Eastern Civil Defence Region office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 4 - Ministry of Health circulars4 - Ministry of Health circulars
Expand 5 - Engineering circulars 5 - Engineering circulars
6 - Intensive bombing and invasion circulars
7 - Civil defence: Manual of basic training
Expand 3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files
Expand 4 - Civil defence accounts4 - Civil defence accounts
5 - Register of air raid incidents
Expand 6 - Logistics6 - Logistics
Expand 7 - Fire Guard sector files7 - Fire Guard sector files
Expand 8 - Personnel records8 - Personnel records
Expand 9 - ARP plans9 - ARP plans
Expand CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner