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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Collapse CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
1 - Emergency Committee draft minute book
Collapse 2 - Circulars and manual of basic training2 - Circulars and manual of basic training
Expand 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars
Expand 2 - Home office ARP circulars2 - Home office ARP circulars
Collapse 3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 1 - File 1 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner1 - File 1 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Collapse 2 - File 2 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner2 - File 2 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
1 - Disposal of unexploded bombs.
2 - Publication of Bulletins of results of Air Raids
3 - Removal of A.R.P. Direction and/or location signs
4 - Deterrents against Enemy Aircraft Landings
5 - Use of Hyposulphite of Soda solution on muslin for gas protection of babies
6 - Loss of wages by part-time volunteers in consequence of Civil Defence Duties
7 - Lights on Civil Defence Vehicles during purple warning
8 - Demolition by explosives
9 - Control of gases
10 - Publication of Bulletins of results of Air Raids
11 - Disposal of unexploded bombs.
12 - Disposal of unexploded bombs.
13 - Repairs to buildings damaged by Air Raids
14 - Control of gases
15 - Crashed Aircraft
16 - Priority Telephone Calls
17 - Annual Leave
18 - Guarding of Unexploded Bombs and flares
19 - Sleeping and messing accomodation for Civil Defence personnel
20 - Heating of Wardens Posts and Air Raid Shelters
21 - Effect of broken glass on tyres
22 - Co-operation with Military Authorities
23 - Damage to roads and bridges caused by enemy action and roads impassable to traffic
24 - Co-operation with Military Authorities
25 - Illuminated Location and Direction Signs
26 - Approval of Miscellaneous Expenditure
27 - Mobile canteens. Provision of refreshments as Civil personnel
28 - Air Raid Warnings-Raiders passed to be sounded for one minute only
29 - Training of Jim Crows
30 - Suspicious signals, lights and flares
31 - Unexploded parachute mines
32 - Disposal of unexploded bombs.
33 - Raiders Passed signal
34 - Awards for Gallantry
35 - Disposal of unexploded parachute mines. Operational and Training Memo No.18
36 - Reports of Casualties in Air Raid Shelters
37 - Use of School shelters by the general public out of school hours
38 - Instructions for detecting unexploded bombs
39 - Unexploded Canon shells. Unexploded bombs-unexploded A. A. Shells, operational and training Memo. No.17
40 - Disposal of unexploded parachute bombs
41 - How to detect unexploded bombs
42 - Disposal of unexploded bombs, shells, and parachute mines
43 - Unexploded parachute mines
44 - Precautions against electric shock, operation and training Memo. No. 19
45 - Unexploded parachute mines
46 - Co-operation with Military Authorities
47 - Supply and issue of blankets
48 - Co-operation with Home Guard
49 - Care of Civil Defence Vehicles
50 - Remote control of sirens
51 - Annual Leave for Civil Defence Volunteers
52 - Parachute Mines
53 - Salvage of bricks and building materials
54 - Unexploded Bombs. Removal of Restrictions. Operational and Training Memorandum No.20
55 - Unexploded Bombs. Removal of Restrictions. Operational and Training Memorandum, No.21
56 - Disposal of unexploded parachute mines.
57 - Notification and recording of Air Raid Casualties
58 - Auxiliary Petrol Tanks Jettisoned from German Aircraft
59 - Persons using Public Shelters not taking gas masks
60 - Persons rendered homeless as a result of Air Raids
61 - Provision of Air Raid Shelter
62 - Circular re New Types of incendiary bomb with explosive-see R.F.B.I's File
63 - Isolated Items of Civil Defence or other expenditure incurred by Local Authorities and reimbursed in full by the Exchequer
64 - Rescue parties
65 - German Metal Cones or Floats
66 - Fire Watchers Order 1940
67 - Classification of Unexploded Bombs
68 - H.S. Circular 262/1940. shelters
69 - New Miniature Bomb
70 - New Miniature Bomb
71 - Alarms with the alert
72 - Salvage of scrap metal from bombs, mines etc and disposal of parts of aircraft
73 - Police Reports
74 - Military Assistance to A.R.P. Services
75 - Unignited Incendiary Bombs with Explosive charge
76 - Operational and Training Memorandum No.22
77 - New Anti personnel bombs
78 - Reporting of blocked roads-responsibility of Police
79 - Roof stretcher Carriers
80 - Demolition by explosives
81 - Small anti-personnel bombs. Operational and Training Memo. No. 24
82 - Emergency Labels
83 - Inflammable spirit on highways or in sewers
84 - Operation and Training Memorandum No.25
85 - Information to M.P's of damage and casualties in his constituency
86 - Unexploded Anti-Aircraft shells
87 - Reports of Air Raid damage
88 - Tail Caps of Parachute Mines
89 - Air Raid Damage to R.A.F.Station
90 - Recording of Unexploded Bombs and unexploded parachute mines
91 - Publications of details about Bomb and Mine Disposals
92 - Disposal of unexploded bombs, shells, and parachute mines
93 - Co-operation with Bomb Disposal Companies
94 - Unexploded parachute mines
95 - Repairs to Civilian Respirators Members of the Home Guard
96 - Disposal of unexploded bombs
97 - Submission of Reports by Controllers
98 - Cement Control
99 - Military Assistance to A.R.P. Services
100 - Unexploded parachute mines
101 - Canvas and Bamboo Stretchers for Rescue Parties
102 - Co-operation with the Military Authorities
103 - Operation and Training Memo. No.1 of 11/4/40
104 - Disposal of unexploded bombs.
105 - Protection against fire caused by Incendiary Bombs
106 - Identification of unexploded bombs
107 - Incendiary Bombs containing explosive charge
108 - Identification of unexploded bombs
109 - Identification of unexploded bombs
110 - Message from Regional Control. Objects found in certain areas
111 - Co-operation with the Military Authorities
112 - Small yellow unexploded bombs and other objects
113 - Catchment Boards. Bomb Damage to Banks and Sea Walls
114 - Protection of A.R.P. Vehicles against damage by frost
115 - Reports of Crashed aircraft
116 - Use of Special Forms printed locally
117 - Unexploded parachute mines
118 - Small yellow unexploded bombs and other objects
119 - Christmas Greeting from the Regional Commissioner
120 - Control of Incendiary Bombs
121 - Damaged water mains
122 - Garage accommodation for Civil Defence vehicles and protection against frost
123 - Control of Incendiary Bombs
124 - Issue of L.A.Circulars
125 - Weather protection for A.R.P. Services
126 - Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme
127 - Damage to personal property of A.R.P. Volunteers
128 - Regional Staff
129 - Rotas of Duty for Civil Defence volunteers
130 - Display of light outside black-out hours
131 - Air Raid Shelter in Non-Residential Clubs for Boys and Girls
132 - Standard Material for Basement strengthening
133 - Gas Identification Service
134 - Notification of Fall of Incendiary Bombs
135 - Fire Prevention (Business Premises) Order 1941 Area
136 - Control of Incendiary Bombs
137 - Disposal of Unignited Incendiary Bombs
138 - Rescue Party Training School
139 - Disposal of unexploded bombs.
140 - Notes on measures to be taken to combat intensive bombing
141 - Spare parts for Civil Defence vehicles
142 - Anti-Gas Precautions
143 - Part-time use of lorries free of charge for Civil Defence purposes
144 - Leave for Civil Defence volunteers
145 - Communal Surface Shelters
146 - Regarding H.S.C. 49/1941-training of rescue parties in first aid etc
147 - Further Lessons of raiding and the working of A.R.P. Services
148 - Procedure at Investitures
149 - Public and Communal Surface Shelters
150 - Heavy Incendiary Bomb Attacks
151 - Equipment of Rescue Parties (return of existing gear)
152 - Emergency labels for mobile canteens
153 - Detection of Unexploded bombs
154 - Regional Staff
155 - Anti-gas training-members of public testing gas masks
156 - Protected Accommodation at C.D.Posts and Depots
157 - Regional Headquarters-Making of steel helmets
158 - Control of Incendiary Bombs (Filling of sandbags)
159 - Gas Exercises
160 - Detection of Unexploded bombs
161 - Distinguishing marks on Steel Helmets
162 - Anti-Gas exercises
163 - Re. H.S.C. 49/1941-R.T.O. training of Rescue Parties and First Aid Parties
164 - Assistance to R.A.F. Stations
165 - Storage of protective clothing
166 - Local Civil Defence Training Facilities for Military Personnel
167 - Decontamination Squads-Reservation etc
168 - Anti-Gas exercises
169 - Use of A.R.P. Ambulance and Home Guard casualties
170 - Supply of Tear Gas for Exercises
171 - Reports relating to fires caused by enemy action
172 - Amendments re assistance to R.A.F. Stations
173 - A.R.P.s Schools-Programme of courses
174 - Reports of Trapped Persons
175 - Amendment to Regional Scheme for mutual assistance and reinforcement
176 - Compensation of Civil Defence Volunteers in respect of damaged clothing etc
177 - Purchase of re-conditioned Army Motor Vehicles
178 - Spare parts for Civil Defence vehicles
179 - Cleansing Stations
180 - Indisposition of Lt. Col. Hyde-Cates
181 - Awards for Gallantry
182 - Articles of Value found at Incidents
183 - Blankets for A.R.P. Depots and Reinforcements
184 - Purchase of re-conditioned Army Motor Vehicles
185 - Civil Defence vehicles
186 - Assistance to R.A.F. Stations (Amendment No.3)
187 - Inv. And its effects on the operations of the Civil Defence services
188 - Location and Direction Signs for Public Gas Cleansing Centres
189 - The Distribution of Food in an emergency
190 - Local Government Staffs (War Services) Act 1939. Supplementation of Service Pay-Grant
191 - Premises for Emergency Hospital
192 - Order of the Day-Prime Minister
193 - Review of First Aid Points
194 - Location and Direction Signs for Public Gas Cleansing Centres
195 - Detection of Unexploded bombs
196 - Location and Direction Signs for Public Gas Cleansing Centres
197 - Medical Attendance in Public Air Raid Shelters. Form of Record to be completed by Shelter Doctors
198 - Damage to buildings of architectural or historic value
199 - Lectures by Army Officers on Invasion Problems
200 - Assistance in the Event of Heavy Raiding
Expand 3 - File 3 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner3 - File 3 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 4 - File 4 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner4 - File 4 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 5 - File 5 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner5 - File 5 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 6 - File 6 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner6 - File 6 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 7 - File 7 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner7 - File 7 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 8 - File 1 of circulars from Eastern Civil Defence Region office of the Regional Commissioner8 - File 1 of circulars from Eastern Civil Defence Region office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 4 - Ministry of Health circulars4 - Ministry of Health circulars
Expand 5 - Engineering circulars 5 - Engineering circulars
6 - Intensive bombing and invasion circulars
7 - Civil defence: Manual of basic training
Expand 3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files
Expand 4 - Civil defence accounts4 - Civil defence accounts
5 - Register of air raid incidents
Expand 6 - Logistics6 - Logistics
Expand 7 - Fire Guard sector files7 - Fire Guard sector files
Expand 8 - Personnel records8 - Personnel records
Expand 9 - ARP plans9 - ARP plans
Expand CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner