Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Collapse CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
1 - Emergency Committee draft minute book
Collapse 2 - Circulars and manual of basic training2 - Circulars and manual of basic training
Expand 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars
Expand 2 - Home office ARP circulars2 - Home office ARP circulars
Collapse 3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 1 - File 1 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner1 - File 1 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 2 - File 2 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner2 - File 2 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 3 - File 3 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner3 - File 3 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 4 - File 4 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner4 - File 4 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 5 - File 5 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner5 - File 5 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 6 - File 6 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner6 - File 6 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 7 - File 7 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner7 - File 7 of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Collapse 8 - File 1 of circulars from Eastern Civil Defence Region office of the Regional Commissioner8 - File 1 of circulars from Eastern Civil Defence Region office of the Regional Commissioner
1 - Disposal of unexploded bomb
2 - Military assistance in connection with Air Raids
3 - Clearance of Debris and repair of service of Public Utility Undertakings
4 - Report and Control Centre Records
5 - Consolidated instructions concerning unexploded bombs shells and parachute bombs
6 - Immobilisation of hand pumps in emergency
7 - Military assistance in connection with Air Raids
8 - Civil Defence Service change of shift
9 - Small yellow unexploded bomb and other objects
10 - Military assistance in connection with Air Raids
11 - Reports relating to incendiary bombs
12 - Air Raid damage to buildings
13 - Fire prevention (Business premises) Order 1941
14 - Fire Prevention
15 - Circulation of L.A.Circulars and to Local Authorities
16 - Damage to Gas Undertakings
17 - Circular board with light
18 - Reports of bombing
19 - Flares used by German Air Force
20 - Disposal of unexploded bomb
21 - Consolidated instructions concerning unexploded bombs shells and parachute bombs
22 - Reports of Air Raid Damage (Warehouse etc)
23 - Clearance of Debris and repair of service of Public Utility Undertakings
24 - Electric Cables-thin wire across
25 - Fire Prevention-Amendment to L.A. 29
26 - Casualty
27 - Demolition by Explosives
28 - Unexploded bombs for vehicles
29 - Emergency Labels for vehicles
30 - Objects dropped from the air
31 - Use of Gas Identification Officers by the R.A.F. and Military
32 - Disposal of unexploded bomb
33 - [Untitled circular]
34 - Unexploded Parachute Mines in Tidal Waters
35 - G Type Mines
36 - Civil Defence Casualties
37 - Flares burning in Air
38 - Auxiliary Bomb Disposal Units
39 - Supplement to the consolidated instructions on the disposal of unexploded bombs, shells and parachute mines
40 - Amendments to L.A.5 consolidated instructions concerning unexploded bombs, shells and parachute mines
41 - Unexploded bombs for vehicles
42 - Consolidated Reports on the affects of Heavy Air Attacks
43 - Disposal of unexploded bomb
44 - Disposal of explosives
45 - Safety precautions for unexploded bombs
46 - Military assistance in connection with Air Raids
47 - Reports on Air Raid Damage
48 - Military assistance in connection with Air Raids
49 - Supplement to the consolidated instructions on the disposal of unexploded bombs, shells and parachute mines
50 - Incendiary Discs
51 - Invasion Instructions for Civil Defence Controllers
52 - Small Unexploded Anti-personnel bombs
53 - Restoration of Road Communications during active Military Operations
54 - Incendiary Discs
55 - Camouflets
56 - Restoration of Road Communications during active Military Operations
57 - Restoration of Road Communications during active Military Operations
58 - Revision of purple warning list
59 - Reporting of parachute flares
60 - Unexploded A.A. and U.P. Shells
61 - Experimental Balloons
62 - Unexploded Parachute Mines.
63 - Reports on Air Raid Damage
64 - Availability if Bleaching powder
65 - Consolidated Instructions on U.X.B. Disposal
66 - Military Protection of Civil Defence Convoys
67 - Model Combined Military and Civil Defence Scheme
68 - Smoke II April 18-19 1942
69 - Anti-gas Precautions
70 - Objects dropped from the air
71 - Camouflets. Additional to LA59/42 dated 9 Dec 1941
72 - Balloon Devices. UXB consolidated regulations part III LAC5/42
73 - Inspection of respirators
74 - Bomb Census
75 - Unigited Incendiary Bombs
76 - Small yellow bombs (Consolidated Instructions Part III) (Device A)
77 - Assistance to (No Suggestions)
78 - Mobile Wireless Sets
79 - Uninterrupted Calls
80 - Military and Civil Liaison
81 - Military and Civil Liaison
82 - New German Incendiary Weapons
83 - Recreative Training
84 - Unsuspected U.X.B.
85 - amendment. New German Incendiary Weapon
86 - Amendment to LAC5/42. Consolidated Instructions on the disposal of unexploded bombs, shells and mines
87 - Co-operation with units of the U.S. Army
88 - Reports of Air Raid Incidents to Regional Headquarters
89 - Civil Defence and the Home Guard
90 - Assistance by the Home Guard to the Civil Defence Services
91 - Detection and reporting of unexploded bombs-lessons of Southwark Explosion. 6 June 1942
92 - Balloon Devices. UXB consolidated regulations part III LAC5/42
93 - Practice Firing from selected A.A. Gun Sites
94 - Alleged risk to life by fire in Morrison Table Shelters
95 - Anti-Personnel Bombs
96 - Investigation of Incendiary Bomb Attack
97 - Reports of Air Raid Incidents to Regional Headquarters
98 - New type of 70kg H.E. Bomb
99 - Exercise Allium appendix C
100 - Salvage of objects dropped from the air. Supplement to the consolidated regulations for the disposal of unexploded bombs etc, LAC 5/11, March 1942. Addendum Page 6
101 - Civil Defence and the Home Guard
102 - Practice Firing from selected A.A. Gun Sites
103 - Civil Defence and the Home Guard
104 - Military Exercise Spartan
105 - Consolidated Instruction on the Disposal of Unexploded Bombs, shells and parachute mines. LAC5 of 11 March 1942 and amendments. Further amendments and additions
106 - Exercise Allium February 11/13th
107 - Bomb Census
108 - Verification if messages
109 - Enemy Weapons
110 - Incidents to Regional Headquarters
Expand 4 - Ministry of Health circulars4 - Ministry of Health circulars
Expand 5 - Engineering circulars 5 - Engineering circulars
6 - Intensive bombing and invasion circulars
7 - Civil defence: Manual of basic training
Expand 3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files
Expand 4 - Civil defence accounts4 - Civil defence accounts
5 - Register of air raid incidents
Expand 6 - Logistics6 - Logistics
Expand 7 - Fire Guard sector files7 - Fire Guard sector files
Expand 8 - Personnel records8 - Personnel records
Expand 9 - ARP plans9 - ARP plans
Expand CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner