Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Collapse CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
1 - Emergency Committee draft minute book
Collapse 2 - Circulars and manual of basic training2 - Circulars and manual of basic training
Expand 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars 1 - Civil Defence and Air Raid precaution circulars
Expand 2 - Home office ARP circulars2 - Home office ARP circulars
Expand 3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner3 - Files of circulars from Civil Defence office of the Regional Commissioner
Expand 4 - Ministry of Health circulars4 - Ministry of Health circulars
Collapse 5 - Engineering circulars 5 - Engineering circulars
1 - Trenches in wet ground
2 - Earth covering over Trenches
3 - Manhole covers for Emergency Exits
4 - Strutting of basements
5 - Means of Access to Trench Shelters
6 - Sizes of Emergency Exits
7 - Cover on Emergency Exits (Manhole Type)
8 - Steel Shelters and three storey flats
9 - Trench Linings-Grade B
10 - Position of shelters with regard to roadside petrol storage tanks
11 - Floor space in trench shelters
12 - Dimensions of 50 person trench shelter unit
13 - Trenches below roads and car parks
14 - Entrances to public shelters
15 - Dimensions of 50-person trench shelter units (Using Cross seating)
16 - Sub-division of large shelter into compartments, accommodating more than 50 persons
17 - Closet space in shelters
18 - Use of lime in mortars in brickwork on concrete block masonry in the erection of air raid shelters
19 - Bricks for air raid shelters
20 - Ventilation and filtration plants in shelters
21 - Tools in shelters
22 - Shelter lighting-safeguarding
23 - Special steel strutting for basements
24 - Use of lime.
25 - Domestic Surface Shelter
26 - Linked basements and pavement vaults as air raid shelters
27 - Shelter Lighting
28 - Interior Surface of shelters painting etc
29 - Entrances to 50 person surface shelters
30 - Issue of Chief Engineer's Circulars
31 - Chemical Closets
32 - Emergency Exits-Domestic surface Shelters
33 - Communal Domestic Shelters
34 - New Design Methods for strutting of basements
35 - Closets for use in Air Raid Shelters
36 - Chemical Closets
37 - Carrying capacity of special tubular steel struts
38 - Precast Concrete Trench linings of unsound manufacture
39 - Working Stresses in Steel for A.R.P. Structures
40 - Use of Portland-Blast Furnace Cement
41 - Domestic Surface Shelter
42 - Strutting
43 - Camouflage of shelters etc
44 - Domestic Surface Shelter
45 - Protection of Glass
46 - The propping of reinforced concrete beams
47 - Hours of work
48 - Davey Arch Construction
49 - Use of Freshly Burnt Quicklime
50 - Emergency Exits in Shelters
51 - Perforated Bricks
52 - Cement Lime Mortars
53 - Standard Timber bunks-Public shelter type
54 - Closets in Public Shelters
55 - Interior Surface of shelters, treatments for bug infestation
56 - Mortar for Air Raid Shelters
57 - Technical Notes on Shelter Improvement
58 - Surface shelters in brick and concrete
59 - Strengthening of brick and concrete surface shelters
60 - Further notes on strengthening brick and concrete surface shelters
61 - Use of salvaged bricks for Civil Defence Works
62 - Use of standard tubular strutting in basement shelters
63 - Lights on shelters or on other obstructions in carriageways
6 - Intensive bombing and invasion circulars
7 - Civil defence: Manual of basic training
Expand 3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files3 - Air Raid Precaution and Civil Defence [correspondence] files
Expand 4 - Civil defence accounts4 - Civil defence accounts
5 - Register of air raid incidents
Expand 6 - Logistics6 - Logistics
Expand 7 - Fire Guard sector files7 - Fire Guard sector files
Expand 8 - Personnel records8 - Personnel records
Expand 9 - ARP plans9 - ARP plans
Expand CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner