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Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
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Page 1 - Lease between the Corporation, Samuel Bull, schoolmaster of Mortimer Road, and William Curwen, of 21 Batavia Buildings, Liverpool, for a house and premises in Queen Anne Terrace
Page 6 - License to Mr William Curwen to demise by way of mortgage 9 and 10 Queen Anne Terrace to William Pethick and Henry Pethick of Bristol
Page 8 - Lease between the Corporation and Frederick Bailey, brewer, the Star public house, Castle Street and three messuages with gardens in Castle Row
Page 12 - Lease between the Corporation and Frederick Bailey of the "Cow and Calf" Public House and premises in Shelly Row
Page 16 - Agreement between Arthur Divett Hayter, Baronet, and John Holms Esq. (being commissioners of the Treasury) and Cambridge Corporation relating to an annuity as defined by the Consolidated Fund (Permanent Charges Redemption) Act 1873
Page 17 - Lease between the Corporation and the Executors of the late William Shin of the Swan public house and two cottages in Castle Street
Page 21 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr Edward Ind Headley as to right of light and eaves driftes on premises in Corn Exchange Street
Page 23 - License to Mr William Farren to assign by way of mortgage lease of premises in Market Street to Emma Kempe
Page 25 - License to Mrs Alice Edwards to assign by way of mortgage lease of premises in Corn Exchange Street to Mr Philip Samuel Hudson
Page 27 - License to James Catling to assign by way of mortgage lease of piece of ground in Corn Exchange Street to Ephraim Hayman
Page 29 - License to Mr John Frederick Eaden to assign lease of the Nags Head and cottages in Albion Row to Mr George Bullock
Page 31 - License to William Farren and Emma Kemp to assign lease of premises in Market Street to William Thomas Palmer
Page 33 - License to Mrs Alice Edwards to assign lease of premises in Corn Exchange Street to the University of Cambridge
Page 39 - Agreement with Mr Frederick Richard Leach for decorating the Guildhall
Page 44 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr Joseph Bell and Mr Walter Bell relating to premises together with yard, sheds and outhouses on Castle Street
Page 49 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr Joseph Bell of Saffron Walden, builder and Mr Walter Bell of Cambridge, builder relating to all that piece of land being the site of a dwellinghouse and cottages formerly known as Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Waymans Lane, and No. 13 Shelly Row
Page 53 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr Thomas William Sexton, of Chesterton, a Gate Keeper of Cambridge Prison for pension due to him in consequence of injuries received whilst on duty
Page 54 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr Banham and Mr Benton relating to 1 Sidney Street
Page 56 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr Banham and Mr Benton relating to 2 Sidney Street
Page 58 - The Cambridge Police Superannuation Fund, Declaration of Trust
Page 60 - Lease between the Corporation and William Curwen to grant an underlease of 10 Queen Avenue Terrace to Charles Smith
Page 63 - Lease between the Corporation and Mrs Mary Medlicott relating to 22 Petty Cury
Page 67 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr George Etches Mills for the alteration and enlargement of the Guild Hall
Page 73 - Bond for the performance of contract from George Etches Mills, Alexander Macintosh of Market Street, Ironmonger and John Bradford of Garden Walk Chesterton, College Cook
Page 74 - Appointment of Mr George McDonnell of 2 Arundel Square, Barnsbury as Architect for the alteration and enlargement of the Guildhall
Page 75 - Agreement with Messrs F. Austin and George Whitmore for reduction of interest on loan secured against the Borough Fund
Page 77 - Agreement by Messrs Grain and Long for payment of Tolls in respect of their saleyard
Page 79 - Agreement with Mr Henry Chalk and Mr Thomas Chalk for payment of five pounds in lieu of tolls in respect of their sale yard
Page 81 - Agreement with Mrs Emma Tomson of Cambridge, stonemason, for altering Guildhall main staircase
Page 88 - Agreement between the Corporation and Benjamin Attack of Cambridge, builders, to widen St Andrews Street
Page 90 - Agreement between the Corporation and Jesus College for the sale and purchase of land called Barnwell
Page 93 - Agreement between the Corporation and Cambridge University and Town Gas Light Company for allowing wharfs on and under the Halingway
Page 95 - Agreement between the Corporation and Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Company for allowing ladders to be placed in brooks in Coldhams Common
Page 97 - Agreement between the Corporation and Edward Bell Esquire, Corn Merchant for the reduction of premises size of premises rented in Peas Hill and Wheeler Street
Page 98 - Agreement between the Corporation and Alexander Macintosh relating to right of light to premises in Market Street
Page 100 - Land tax certificate for tax due by the Corporation on piece of ground commonly called Barnwell
Page 102 - Conveyance of messuage or tenement used as and for a workhouse for the parish of St Mary the Great, a tenement, gardens and a barn from the Corporation to Charles Cecil Cotes, Herbert John Gladstone, Arthur Gray of Jesus College, Dennis Hall of Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Orders, and William Milner Fawcett of Cambridge, Architect
Page 105 - License to the Reverend Charles Barnard Drake to assign lease of premises in Queen Anne Terrace to the Reverend William Ayerst
Page 107 - License to Mrs Emily Huskisson Crole and Henry Stone White to assign lease of premises in Queen Anne Terrace to Thomas Ivatt Hall
Page 110 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr William Henry Apthorpe for the surrender of a stable and shop on Peas Hill Cambridge
Page 112 - Conveyance of eleven acres of land in Barnwell from [Jesus College] to [the Corporation]
Page 115 - License to Mr Walter Bell to assign lease of premises in Waymans Lane and Shelly Row to Mr William Swannell
Page 117 - License to Mr William Swannell to assign lease of premises in Waymans Lane and Shelly Row to Mr Herbert Arnold Thompson
Page 119 - License to Mr William Curwen to demise to the Reverend William Ayerst 7 and 8 Queen Anne Terrace
Page 121 - License to Mr William Curwen to demise to the Reverend William Ayerst 3 Queen Anne Terrace
Page 123 - License to Mr William Curwen to demise to the Reverend William Ayerst 5 Queen Anne Terrace
Page 125 - License to Mr William Curwen to demise to the Reverend William Ayerst 9 Queen Anne Terrace
Page 127 - License to Mr William Curwen to assign ground rents and premises in Queen Annes Terrace to the Misses Eleanor Augusta Boning and Louisa Maria Boning
Page 130 - License to the Reverend William Ayerst to demise by way of mortgage to Messers William and Henry Pethick the premises comprised in an underlease on Queen Annes Terrace
Page 132 - License to the Reverend William Ayerst to demise by way of mortgage to Mr John Whitchurch of Harlton, Gentleman and Frederick Almer Grange of Faversham in the County of Kent, Surgeon, premises on Queen Annes Terrace
Page 134 - License to the Reverend William Ayerst to demise to Miss Eliza Mary Ayerst, of the Vicarage, Hungarton, Spinster by way of mortgage premises on Queen Annes Terrace
Page 136 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr James Miller a cellar under the Town Clerk's Office in the Guildhall
Page 138 - Agreement between the Corporation and the University of Cambridge for the sale of premises in Corn Exchange Street
Page 141 - Conveyance of a piece of land adjoining Stourbridge Common from Frederick Parker to the Corporation of Cambridge
Page 143 - License to Mr Edward Beales to assign lease of ground at Newnham to George Howard Darwin for the residue of the term of 21 years
Page 145 - Agreement between the Corporation and William Saint for the erection of a New Cattle Market at Cambridge
Page 149 - Conveyance of 20, 22 and 23 Market Street [from Alexander Macintosh to the Corporation]
Page 153 - License for the Reverend William Ayerst to use 3,5,7,8,9 and 12 Queen Anne Terrace as a private Hostel
Page 156 - Deed of Exchange between Cambridge University and the Corporation relating to a piece of land in Corn Exchange Street Cambridge
Page 160 - License to the executors of the late Robert Sayle to assign lease of premises in St Andrews Hill known as the Cambridge Arcade to Frederick Cole
Page 162 - License to the South of England Telephone Company to affix wires within Cambridge
Page 163 - Lease between the Corporation and Professor George Howard Darwin relating to ground, being an island situate in the river running from the Newnham Mills to the small bridge
Page 167 - License to Professor George Howard Darwin to add bridges on the Islands at Newnham
Page 170 - License to Mr James Alexander to assign unto the Trustees of the Cambridgeshire Permanent Benefit Building Society 61 Parke Street
Page 172 - License to Mr Edmund Wilder of 28 Cambridge Square in the County of Middlesex, to assign to Mr James Alexander part of premises situate in Park Street Cambridge
Page 174 - Lease to Messers Grain and Chalk of the Cattle Market and Tolls Cambridge, for three years from 28 September 1885
Page 180 - Bond by Mr Edward Walter Long and Thomas Chalk for securing payment of rent of Cattle Market
Page 182 - Warrant for the removal of the Cattle Market
Page 183 - License to Mrs Emily Huskisson Crole and Mr Thomas Ivatt Hall to assign lease of 9-11 Queen Anne Terrace to Mr E.W.Gibson
Page 186 - Lease between the Corporation and John Styche Palmer and Mr George Palmer relating to 36 Market Place Cambridge
Page 188 - Approval of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to the proposed borrowing of £10,000 by Cambridge Corporation for the erection of a new Cattle Market
Page 189 - Agreement with St Peters College of Cambridge University for relating to arbitration as to the right of footway next to Brunswick Walk
Page 192 - License to Mr William Thomas Palmer to underlet a portion of the premises in Market Street for the period of fourteen years
Page 194 - Contract for the purchase of Christ's Pieces between Jesus College, Cambridge and the Corporation for the express purpose of creating forever a public garden or recreation ground
Page 198 - License to the South of England Telephone Company to erect two poles on Sheeps Green
Page 199 - License to the South of England Telephone Company to fix a short wood arm onto the Corn Exchange for the purpose of extending their wires to other premises in the neighbourhood
Page 200 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr Frederick Smith for the hire of a piece of ground in Shelly Row
Page 201 - Agreement between the Committee for the Justices of the Peace, the Corporation, Cambridgeshire County Council, and the Isle of Ely for altering quotas of expense of maintaining Fulbourn Lunatic Asylum
Page 204 - Agreement between the Corporation and Messrs' Royall Brothers for the completion of work at the New Cattle Market Cambridge
Page 206 - Agreement with Arthur Tress Grain and Henry Phillip Chalk, Auctioneers of Cambridge for the hire of a portion of the New Cattle Market
Page 208 - Surrender of lease from Arthur Tress Grain and Henry Phillip Chalk, Auctioneers of Cambridge for the hire of a portion of the New Cattle Market
Page 209 - Agreement between the Corporation and the Vicar and Churchwardens of Holy Trinity Parish for an exchange of ground in Market Street Cambridge
Page 211 - Conveyance between the Corporation and Jesus College Cambridge University of Christ's Pieces
Page 214 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr Edward Sanderson for hire of Lairs next to the Cattle Market Cambridge
Page 215 - Bond for the due performance of Clerk of the Cattle Market by Mr Joseph Winship
Page 216 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr William Bond, grocer for the hire of a messuage and premises in Guildhall Street
Page 218 - Agreement between the Corporation and the Trustees of the Martyr Memorial Fund for the purchase of a piece of ground in Market Street
Page 221 - Award to Mr William Cockerell in reference to the Arbitration as to right of footway next Brunswick Walk
Page 223 - Conveyance between the Corporation and Mr Joseph Sturton relating to a piece of ground in Walnut Tree Lane, Newmarket Road for a pound and reelhouse
Page 225 - License to assign lease between the Corporation and Mr Green Kempton, Auctioneer's Clerk (now deceased) relating to marsh ground called Hell Meadow to the Governors of the Leys School
Page 227 - Conveyance between the Corporation and Mr Joseph Sturton of a piece of land in the Parish of St Andrew the Less, and Grant of right of way
Page 229 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr Matthew Yarrow for the erection of a pound and reelhouse on Walnut Tree Lane
Page 232 - Memorandum of Agreement between the Corporation and William Worboys of Everton Villa Dounten Road Balham in the County of Surrey, Gentleman and Robert Turtle Pigot of Manor Park Lea in the County of Kent. D.C.L. (The Executors of the will of Joseph Worboys late of Comberton deceased) to continue with investment of one thousand pounds at the rate of three pounds ten shillings per centum per annum
Page 233 - Contract between the Corporation and Alfred John Royal and Thomas John Royal, of Cambridge, Builders and Plasterers to pave the space in the Cattle Market adjoining the horse shed according the plan and specifications of Mr Frank Waters
Page 235 - Contract between the Corporation and John Willmott of Bassingbourn, Edward Willmott of Cambridge, and William John Willnott of Hitchin in the County of Hertford, Builders to erect and completely finish a building to be used as a refreshment room in the Cattle Market according to the plan and specification of Frank Waters
Page 237 - Arbitration award between the Corporation and Henry Eaden of Cambridge, wine and spirit merchant relating to certain messuages and premises in and near Market Street
Page 241 - Award to Mr W. M. Fawcett in reference to the arbitration as to right of light on premises in Market Street
Page 244 - Agreement between the Corporation and John Willmott of Bassingbourn, Edward Willmott of Cambridge, William John Willmott of Hitchin in the County of Hertford, Builders relating to reflooring of the Corn Exchange according to the specifications supplied by Mr Frank Waters
Page 246 - License to Mr John Thurlbourn to assign lease of 4 Queen Anne Terrace to the Reverend William Ayerst
Page 248 - Loan secured against the Borough Fund for purposes of the Cambridge Corporation Act 1850 between the Corporation and Frederick Parney of 1 Arlelow Square Ramsgate, and Edward Hooper Kiltoe of Boldmere Parsonage, New Oscott
Page 249 - Agreement between the Corporation and Reverend Frederick William Whitehead for the reduction of interest on £3000 loan
Page 251 - Mortgage secured against the Borough Fund between the Corporation and William Glover Cooley for £5000
Page 252 - Agreement with Mrs Elizabeth Herrington for the reduction of interest on loans endorsed on two mortgages
Page 253 - Agreement with Miss Frances Goodwin for the reduction of Interest on loan
Page 254 - Agreement with Miss Alice Bradwell for the reduction of interest on loans endorsed on two mortgages
Page 255 - Bond for the due performance of the office of Assistant Librarian by Harry Hawkes
Page 257 - Agreement between the Corporation with George Bailey for the repair of Hobsons Conduit in Market Place
Page 263 - Conveyance by the Reverend James William Geldart and others of a strip of land adjoining the Halingway
Page 268 - Conveyance from the Trustees of the Martyn Memorial Fund of a piece of ground in Market Street to the Corporation
Page 272 - Agreement between the Corporation and the South of England Telephone Company for the hire of exchange wires and five subsidiary wires
Page 274 - Grant of the Office of Town Clerk of Cambridge Corporation to Mr. John Edleston Ledsam Whitehead
Page 275 - Bond by Mr John Edleston Ledsam Whitehead and sureties for the due execution of the Office of Town Clerk
Page 277 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr George Willers for the ornamentation of Christ Pieces
Page 279 - Agreement with Arthur Tress Grain and Henry Philip Chalk for hire of sale yard in Cattle Market
Page 282 - Agreement with Mr Arthur Robert Moyes for the hire of the Refreshment Room in the Cattle Market
Page 285 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr George Etches Mills of Chesterton, builder relating to a piece of ground near Honey Hill formerly part of the old Cattle Market
Page 290 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr Alexander Marriott for removal of soil on Midsummer Common
Page 292 - Lease between the Corporation and Freeman Hardy and Willis limited relating to a piece of ground on Market Street
Page 299 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr William Eaden Lilley relating to a piece of ground in Market Street
Page 306 - License to the Reverend William Ayerst to assign to Robert Townley Caldwell Esquire, house and premises 12, Queen Anne Terrace
Page 308 - Discharge to Messrs Buxton and Johnston of a Mortgage for £5,000
Page 310 - Mortgage (no 21) to Mr Joseph Chaplin for £500 and interest on the security of the Borough Fund
Page 311 - Mortgage (no 22) to Mr Joseph Chaplin for £500 and interest on the security of the Borough Fund
Page 312 - Mortgage (no 23) to Mr Frank Pussum for £100 and interest on the security of the Borough Fund
Page 313 - Mortgage (no 24) to Mr Frank Pussum for £100 and interest on the security of the Borough Fund
Page 314 - Mortgage (no 25) to Mr Frank Pussum for £100 and interest on the security of the Borough Fund
Page 315 - Mortgage (no 26) to Messrs. Peales Benton and Izzard for £450 and interest on the security of the Borough Fund
Page 316 - Lease between the Corporation and John Reed for hire of house and premises known as "The Rose and Crown" situate in Northampton Street
Page 318 - License to the Executors of the late William Ekin Esquire to assign lease of premises or Public House called "The Swan" with the cart shed and premises adjoining to Mr P.L. Hudson
Page 320 - License to Mr George Etches Mills to demise (by way of mortgage) lease of ground in the Parish of St Giles and St Peter to George Clark, butcher
Page 322 - License to Mr Philip L Hudson to demise (by way of mortgage) lease of premises known as "The Swan" fronting Castle Street, to Augustus Goodman Ekin
Page 324 - License to Mary Medlicott and others to underlet 22 Petty Cury to Mr John Yeomans
Page 326 - License to the Reverend William Ayerst to demise lease of 4 Queen Anne Terrace to Ann Elizabeth Baker of Cambridge, widow
Page 328 - License to the Reverend William Ayerst to demise underlease of 5 Queen Anne Terrace to Mrs Ann Elizabeth Baker
Page 330 - Agreement between the Corporation and Charles Keith for the erection of a Circus on Butt Green Midsummer Common
Page 332 - License to Richard Reynolds Rowe Esquire to assign lease of premises in Emmanuel Street to Emmanuel College
Page 334 - License to Messrs Freeman Hardy and Willis limited to underlease premises in Market Street to the Leicester Temperance and General Permanent Building Society
Page 336 - License to John Rayner Hovell Esquire to reassign lease of premises in Regent Street to Mr William Henry Farthing Johnson
Page 338 - Transfer by Mr Joseph Chaplin to Miss Ann Kidman Chaplin of Mortgage for £500 on the security of the Borough Fund
Page 340 - Lease between the Corporation and Professor George Howard Darwin of ground at Newnham used as a Wharf containing in front next the road leading from Silver Street to Newnham, one hundred and thirty six feet, and at the back next the river
Page 343 - License to Mr George Etches Mills to assign the equity of redemption in lease of premises on the Old Cattle Market to Mr George Clark
Page 345 - Licence to Mr Frederick Bailey to assign lease of premises known as "The Cow and Calf" situate in Shelly Row to Mr Charles Armstrong
Page 347 - Licence to Mr Frederick Bailey to assign lease of premises known as "The Star" situate on Castle Street, to Mr Charles Armstrong
Page 349 - Licence to Mr Charles Armstrong to demise (by way of mortgage) lease of premises known as "The Star" in Castle Street to Frederick Bailey
Page 351 - Licence to Mr Charles Armstrong to demise (by way of mortgage) lease of premises known as "The Cow and Calf" to Mr Frederick Bailey
Page 353 - Licence to the Reverend Frederick Shaw and others (Trustees under the will of the late Charles Sippet) to assign lease of premises known as 48 Park Street Cambridge to Mr Christmas Fulcher
Page 355 - Lease between the Corporation and Messers Banham and Benton of 1 and 2 Sidney Street
Page 359 - License to Professor George Howard Darwin to erect a gangway overhanging the River at Newnham adjoining his premises there
Page 361 - Agreement with Mr George Duke for the use of a piece of land adjoining the New Cattle Market
Page 363 - License to Miss A L Royston to make a gateway in boundary wall of her premises adjoining Midsummer Common
Page 364 - License to William Hay Caldwell Esquire to continue use of plank across Vicars Brook on to Coe Fen
Page 366 - Agreement with William Stearn for the alterations of and additions to 8 Downing Place
Page 369 - Agreement with the Trustees of the late Richard Miller relating to building works agreed affecting premises in Market Street
Page 372 - License to the Reverend A. H. Cooke to erect a plank across Vicars Brook on to Coe Fen
Page 374 - Contract between Mr John MacKay and the Joint Committee appointed under River Cam Bridges Act 1889 for the erection of a bridge over the River Cam and roadway across Midsummer Common
Page 380 - Bond by Mr John MacKay and others with the Joint Committee appointed under the provision of the River Cam Bridges Act 1889 for the due performance of contract
Page 382 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr Elijah Farrant for the hire of the "Bushel and Shrike" Public House Sussex Street
Page 385 - Provisional agreement between the Corporation and Mr Edward Collier Young of Occupation Road for the sale of 20 New Street and part of Ragged School Hill
Page 390 - Mortgage to the Reverend Frederick William Whitehead of the Borough Fund to secure £1,500 and interest
Page 391 - Mortgage to the Reverend Frederick William Whitehead of the Borough Fund to secure £500 and interest
Page 392 - License to Richard Blades to assign lease of premises called "The Swans Nest" with a messuage to Richard James Blade
Page 394 - Agreement between the Corporation and John Alsop for the erection of an Iron fence around Christ's Pieces
Page 397 - Consent by the Board of Agriculture for the exchange by St John's College for certain pieces of ground adjoining Midsummer Common
Page 398 - Conveyance by way of Exchange with St John's College of lands part of and adjoining Midsummer Common Cambridge
Page 401 - Consent by the Board of Agriculture for the exchange by Jesus College for certain pieces of ground adjoining Midsummer Common
Page 402 - Conveyance by means of Exchange with Jesus College of the University of Cambridge of lands part of and adjoining Midsummer Common
Page 405 - Lease from the Corporation to William Thomas Palmer for 19-21 Market Street
Page 411 - License to Mr William Eaden Lilley to assign lease of premises in Market Street Messers Eaden Lilley and Co
Page 413 - Lease between the Corporation and H Eaden Lilley and Company Limited of a piece of ground in Market Street
Page 419 - Mortgage to the Reverend Frederick William Whitehead of the Borough Fund to secure £500
Page 420 - Conveyance by Messers P Meyer and A. H. Meyer of a freehold messuage known as "The Town Arms" situate near the Guildhall
Page 423 - Contract between the Corporation and Messers Henry John Swann, Alfred William Swann and Frederick Swann for supplying haulage
Page 425 - Contract between the Corporation and Mr Alexander Marriot for removal of house refuse from Romsey Town
Page 427 - Contract between the Corporation and Messers Coulson and Lofts for making alterations of and additions to the Guild Hall
Page 431 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr Arthur Robert Moyes for the hire of the refreshment room in the Cattle Market
Page 434 - Lease between the Corporation and Mr William James Wallis for the "Town Arms" Public House situate near the Town Hall
Page 437 - Mortgage to the Reverend Frederick William Whitehead for Five hundred pounds and interest at the rate of three and one half per cent secured against the Borough Fund
Page 438 - Surrender by Messrs. W Eaden Lilley and Company Limited of a piece of land in Market Street Cambridge
Page 440 - Contract between the Corporation and with Mr Alfred Jones relating to a drain in Newmarket Road
Page 442 - Provisional agreement between the Corporation and Mr Joseph Sturton for the sale of a plot of land on the Abbey Estate, Newmarket Road
Page 446 - Mortgage to The Reverend Frederick William Whitehead to secure £500 and interest at the rate of Three pounds ten shillings per centum per annum
Page 447 - License to Mr George Champion Bedwell to assign the lease of premises Queen Anne Terrace, to Reverend William Ayerst
Page 449 - License to the South of England Telephone Company to erect a pole on Christ's Pieces
Page 450 - License to the South of England Telephone Company to erect a pole on Hell Meadow Coe Fen
Page 451 - License to The Reverend William Ayerst to demise (by way of mortgage) 6 Queen Anne Terrace to the Cambridgeshire and Permanent Benefit Building
Page 453 - License to the South of England Telephone Company to pass a wire from the pole on Christ's Pieces
Page 454 - Mortgage to The Reverend Frederick William Whitehead to secure £500 and interest at the rate of Three pounds ten shillings per centum per annum
Page 455 - Mortgage to Messers Wallis, Green and Palmer to secure £350 and interest
Page 456 - Mortgage to Messers Shearman, Pinner and Jones to secure £200 and interest
Page 457 - Mortgage to Messers Scales, Benton and Izzard to secure £500 with interest
Page 458 - Conveyance by Joseph Sturton of a plot of land forming part of The Abbey Estate on the Newmarket Road to the Corporation
Page 462 - Lease from the Corporation to the Governors of the Leys School relating to a part of Hell Meadow
Page 466 - Mortgage to Messers Bowers Risley and Bailey of £400
Page 467 - Mortgage to Messers Atkin, Hunt and Jagg for the sum of £100
Page 468 - Mortgage to Mr Daniel Atkin for £100
Page 469 - Mortgage to The Prudential Assurance Company Limited for the sum of £1,450
Page 471 - Conveyance by Joseph Sturton and Frederick Quinney of a piece of land situate in Rifle Butts Road
Page 473 - Contract between the Corporation and Mr Harry Winter for supplying implements, horses and carts with drivers for haulage purposes
Page 474 - Agreement with Messers Headly and Edwards for the erection of an iron fence around Donkey's Common and Petersfield
Page 477 - Conveyance by Mr Thomas Hesson of a piece of land in front of "The Old English Gentleman", Fitzroy Street
Page 480 - Lease from the Corporation to the Cambridge Industrial Dwellings Company Limited of a piece of ground in Shelly Row
Page 485 - Transfer by The Cambridge University and Town Fire Insurance Company Limited of Ten £100 Cambridge Corporation Debentures
Page 486 - Mortgage to Messers Atkin, Hunt and Jagg for the sum of £50
Page 487 - Contract between the Corporation and Messers H and A Swann Brothers for supplying implements, horses and carts with drivers for haulage purposes
Page 491 - Conveyance to the Guardians of the Poor of the Cambridge Union of a piece of land near or adjoining Mill Road Cambridge
Page 494 - Contract with Alexander Marriott for the removal of house refuse from Romsey Town
Page 496 - Contract with Alexander Marriott for supplying Implements, horses and carts with drivers for the purposes of haulage
Page 500 - Lease from the Corporation to the Trustees of Richard Miller deceased of Cellarage under the property in Cranes Yard, Market Street Cambridge
Page 505 - Contract between the Corporation and Mr Daniel Gentle for supplying implements, carts and horses with drivers for haulage purposes
Page 508 - Contract between the Corporation and Mr Harry Winter for supplying implements, horses, carts and drivers for haulage purposes
Page 511 - Contract between the Corporation and Messers T.G and W Bolton for supplying implements, horses, carts and drivers for haulage
Page 514 - Contract between the Corporation and Mr Edward Bolton to supply haulage implements, carts, horses and drivers
Page 517 - Conveyance from Ebenezer Bird Foster Esquire to the Corporation of a strip of land in Silver Street Cambridge
Page 521 - Lease from the Corporation to Miss Mary Medlicott and others of 22 Petty Cury
Page 525 - License to the Cambridge University Golf Club for a plank across the brook next Coldhams Common
Page 527 - Contract between the Corporation and Alexander Marriott to carry out alterations at the Sanatorium, Mill Road
Page 530 - Agreement between the Corporation and Mr Charles Henry Keith for the erection of a Circus on Midsummer Common
Page 532 - Lease from the Corporation to Mr Philip Llewelyn Hudson of "The Swan" Public House situate in Castle Street
Page 537 - Agreement with the Trustees of the late William Henry Apthorpe deceased for the hire of a landing place at Chesterton Ferry and Road on Sturbridge Common
Page 540 - License to Miss Eleanor Charlotte Bullock to assign lease of premises in Albion Row known as "The Nags Head" to Mr Charles Armstrong
Page 542 - Contract between the Corporation and Messers. Willmott and Sons for the erection of stone staircase to the Victoria Bridge Cambridge
Page 543 - Contract between the Corporation and Messers Coulson and Lofts for alterations and additions under the Orchestra at the Guildhall Cambridge
Page 545 - Surrender by St John's College of lease of premises in Park Street and Portugal Place
Page 546 - Deed of mutual Conveyance between the Corporation and the College of St John the Evangelist by way of exchange of land in Park Street and Portugal Place
Page 548 - Conveyance between Edward Collier Young, Grocer and the Corporation relating to all that piece of land situate in the Parish of Saint Andrew the Less bounded on the East by Abbey Walk, and on the south on the South by a roadway leading from Sturton Street to York Street
Page 551 - Lease from the Corporation to Messrs Banham and Benton of 1 and 2 Sidney Street
Page 555 - Conveyance from Edward Collier Young to the Corporation for a piece of land abutting on Abbey Walk
Page 557 - Agreement between the Corporation and St Peters College of Cambridge University for making and maintaining pathway and fence on Midsummer Common
Page 559 - Conveyance from Thomas Rivers Matthews to the Corporation of a piece of land and premises known as Bullen Grove situate near Stourbridge Common
Page 561 - License to Frederick Cole to assign lease of premises on St Andrews Hill known as the "Cambridge Arcade" to Charles Armstrong
Expand 14 - Lease book N14 - Lease book N
Expand 15 - Lease book O15 - Lease book O
Expand 16 - Lease book P16 - Lease book P
Expand 17 - Lease book Q17 - Lease book Q
Expand 18 - Lease book R18 - Lease book R
Expand 19 - Lease book S19 - Lease book S
Expand 20 - Lease book T20 - Lease book T
21 - Handwritten copy of Corporation rental book 1842
22 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1848
23 - Draft manuscript copy of corporation rental book 1857
24 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1856
25 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1860
26 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1861
27 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1870
28 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1878
29 - Corporation rental book 1890
30 - Corporation rental book 1906
31 - Counterpart lease of the Nags Head and cottages near Albion Row from the Corporation to Jonah Read
32 - Surrender of lease of stalls before the Black Swan from the Executors of Richard Foster to the Corporation
Expand 33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street
34 - Agreement for hire of a room in Butter Row for an office for the Town Surveyor between the Corporation and the Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
35 - Counterpart lease of three messuages or tenements at Castle End for term of 40 years from Michaelmas 1841, from the Corporation to Mrs Sarah Nicholls
36 - License to assign premises in Castle Lane to Mr Albine Carter from the Corporation to the executors of John Fortin deceased
37 - Counterpart lease of four messuages and gardens in Castle Row from the Corporation to Albine Carter
Expand 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street
39 - Agreement for the tenancy of the former Corn Market building at the Cattle Market, Cherry Hinton Road
Expand 40 - Lease for land in Chesterton40 - Lease for land in Chesterton
41 - Counterpart licence to use a portion of Coldham's Common for a rifle range
42 - Fire insurance policy for a skating rink on Corn Exchange Hill leased by William Henry Poole from the Corporation
Expand 43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street
Expand 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street
45 - Fire insurance policy for town gaol premises by the Corporation
46 - Counterpart lease of premises on Garlic Fair Lane in Holy Sepulchre from the Corporation to William Crowe
Expand 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall
48 - Lease of Hell Meadow, near Coe Fen and Penniless Lane, from the Corporation to Mr David Hancock
49 - Lease and agreement of land adjoining the line of the Eastern Counties Railway and 4 acres from the Corporation to Michael Foster
Expand 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road
51 - Lease of the Friends Meeting House in Jesus Lane for the purposes of a Free Public Library from William Peckover to the Corporation
Expand 52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill
Expand 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street
Expand 54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill
Expand 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren
Expand 56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen
Expand 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road
Expand 58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill
59 - Counterpart lease of premises in Northampton St from the Corporation to William Jardine Purchas
Expand 60 - Leases relating to Park Street 60 - Leases relating to Park Street
61 - Counterpart lease of a piece of waste ground near the Physic Garden in Pembroke Street from the Corporation to Cauis College
Expand 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill
Expand 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury
Expand 64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill
65 - Counterpart lease of a piece of ground situate on the Quay Side from the Corporation to Richard Headley
Expand 66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace
Expand 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street
Expand 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road
69 - Agreement between the Master, Fellows and scholars of St John's College Cambridge and the Corporation regarding St John's Lane
70 - Counterpart lease of messuage in Saint Mary's passage from Rev'd J Curteis to the Corporation
Expand 71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard
Expand 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row
Expand 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall
74 - Lease of premises and land at 2 Sidney Street
Expand 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street
Expand 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane
77 - Counterpart lease of the Bushel and Strike Public House in Sussex Street from the Corporation to Messrs Nash and Co
Expand 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest
Expand 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street
Expand 80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road
81 - Counterpart lease of premises in Waymans Lane from the Corporation to Messrs J and W Bell
82 - Counterpart lease of premises in the parish of St Edward from the Corporation to John Johnson
83 - Counterpart lease of a piece of land opposite the Beehive Public House from the Corporation to the managing Committee of the Castle End Boys School
84 - Counterpart lease of premises known as the Swan's nest with a messuage near Sheep's Green from the Corporation to Richard Blades
Expand 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls
Expand 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme
Expand 18 - Clerks property papers18 - Clerks property papers
Expand 19 - Elections19 - Elections
Expand 21 - Town clerks correspondence 21 - Town clerks correspondence
Expand 22 - Memorials and petitions22 - Memorials and petitions
Expand 23 - Public notices and memoranda book23 - Public notices and memoranda book
Expand 24 - Events and Commemorations24 - Events and Commemorations
Expand 25 - Public appeals25 - Public appeals
Expand 26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings
28 - Copies of Council resolution and copies of certificates relating to service as special constables during the Great War
29 - The Great War roll of honour card index
Expand 30 - Political squibs30 - Political squibs
Expand 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors
Expand 32 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 186132 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 1861
Expand 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences
Expand 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein
Expand 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner