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Page 0a - Repeat of a lease of 20 Sept 13 James 1 [1615] on various buildings in St Buttolphes, for 60 years between the Corporation and Barnaby Clayton and Thomas Goldesbrough
Page 0b - Annotation about a lease for 46 years, from George Edmonds, gent, to Thomas Dissington mentioning Clayton and Goldesbrough and a messuage in occupation of Katherine Edmonds: further extension from 1 Apr 1650 to William Rutter[?] waterman of Cambridge
Page 1r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Potter, cord[wa]iner, of a messuage called the Crown, in St Clements parish, where Thomas Coward now lives
Page 2r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Welbore, burgess and draper, of five and a half booths in Stourbridge Fair, and two booths in the Duddery late in the occupation of William Munsey
Page 2v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Welbore, of three booths in Stourbridge Fair given to the town by Christopher Franke and Roger Lane, late aldermen, one between those of John Collinson and Roger Clegg, The Eyvie Bush between those of Francis Ilinde Esq and John Rust, alderman
Page 3v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Potter, cord[wa]iner, of a messuage called the Crown in St Clements parish, wherein Thomas Cowarde now lives, left to the town in the will of Thomas Dampe
Page 4r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Samuel Spalding, alderman, of a piece of waste ground at his house in St Edwards parish, near Pease market hill
Page 4v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Christopher Adams, of a tenement in Butter Row, between tenements late in tenures of John Tidswell and Walter Bell
Page 5r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Boatwright, of the chamber called the Treasury over the almshouses in St Edwards parish, abutting the tenement of John Brasbone, now in occupation of Jefferie Pingnell, called the Cock
Page 6r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Arthur Turner, milliner, of a piece of waste ground in front of his house in St Michaels parish
Page 6v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Williams, stationer, of a piece of waste ground between the Falcon and Red lion Inns
Page 7r - Lease, (in Latin) between the Corporation and John Finch, mentions Thomas Egerton and Baron of St Albans
Page 8v - Appointment by the Mayor and Corporation of Archibald Jackson, Merchant Taylor of St Saviours Southwark, to receive money due from a bequest of 1592 by Thomas White
Page 9r - Receipt for money left in the bequest to the Corporation by Thomas White in 1592
Page 9ra - Declaration by the Corporation that some booth holders in Stourbridge Fair have not met the residency requirements, and will be deprived of their booths. Appointment as attorneys of Joshua Sedgwick, gent, Bryan Kitchingman, gent, William Brumsted, pewterer, and James Blackley, baker, all of Cambridge
Page 10r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Turkey, burgess and pikemonger, of fishings from the outward corner of Magdalen College to St Johns Bridge, on surrender of a lease of 20 Jan 1623 to Jefferie Cawthorne
Page 10v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Sanders brewer and Dorathie Sanders both of Barnwell, widow of George Sanders, alderman deceased, of a piece waste ground in Barnwell
Page 12r - Lease, for 80 years between the Corporation and Richard Pettit of Cambridge, public notary, of a piece of empty ground in St Andrews parish, previously granted to, and built on by, Nathaniel Harding, brewer
Page 13r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Christopher Rose, of the ditch boote at the back of the Falcon Inn and extending to Slaughter House Lane; also lease for 21 years on two cottages
Page 14r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Potto, butcher, of a tenement and garden in Butter Row, already in his occupation, situated between tenements leased by Christopher Adams, cord[wa]iner, and Katherine Wilson, spinster
Page 14v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Potto, butcher, of a house and grounds on the west side of Fair Yard Lane
Page 15r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Cooper, butcher, of a corner stall in the Shambles next the Tolbooth, late in occupation of Thomas Punsabie, near Roger Wilson's stall
Page 16r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Archer, of a timber house on the north of the causeway at the further end of Barnwell
Page 16v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Ranow, baker, and Elizabeth his wife, of chambers and shops at the north end of dettors hall, formerly in the occupation of Edward Jeffery, butcher; also Tanners Hall under John's great Chamber between the woman's jail and the corner shop
Page 17v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Abraham Papworth, labourer, of a piece of empty ground, now built on by Robert Bancks, against the old pound in the Castle
Page 18v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Bridgett Wolfe, of a shop in St Edwards parish, late in the occupation of Richard Gibbon alias Nevill, now John Barrow
Page 19r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Bridget Wolfe, of two pieces of ground now built on, with a well, at the south end of the Butchery, late in tenure of William Hurst, between the common drain and land of Trinity Hall
Page 19v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Mendham, hosier, of a piece of ground in Pump Lane, or Well Lane, in St Marys parish
Page 20r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Pepis, singlewoman, of tenement, and yards etc. belonging, in Butter Row, between tenements in tenure of Christopher Addams and of Robert Rogers
Page 21r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Welbore, draper, of a holt late in occupation of John Durrant, late alderman, between the river coming to the Mills and the watering place, and abutting land in tenure of John Dawson
Page 21v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Bucke, of a close called the taynteryard, now enclosed and demised to Thomasine Kemp, widow, and after to Henry Clegge, gent, between an orchard in occupation of Martin Peirse and the king's highway
Page 22r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Ralph Skitter, baker, and Agatha his wife, of a tenement with garden in Walls Lane, previously demised to Robert Wallis, alderman, lying between the kings ditch and land of Sidney College
Page 23r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Osborne, maulster, of a parcel of ground called the Armitage, enclosed with ditches, late in tenure of Robert Pate and previously of Oliver Greene
Page 23v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Osborne, malster, of a piece of common ground beyond the holt towards Newnham Mill, together with a workhouse built thereon by Thomas Pate, glover
Page 24r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Cobb, burgess and butcher, of a tenement in Fair Yard Lane between tenements in occupation of John Wolfe and Edward Potto, abutting an orchard of John Harper
Page 24v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Philipp Wickham, who holds office of Serjeant at the mace, of Witlesford Bridge, with its tolls
Page 25r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Tifford, alderman, of a piece of ground with a slaughter house built on it on the east of Fair Yard Lane, late in occupation of Nicholas Tison
Page 25v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Atkinson, widow of Thomas, of the scalding house with its garden
Page 26v - Lease, for 55 years between the Corporation and Richard Pettit, public notary, of three tenements and barns in St Andrews parish, together with a piece of land demised to Nathaniel Harding, since to John Intwisell
Page 27r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Spaldyng, alderman, Thomas Burke, John Buck, Osbert Fowler, gent, William Overton, draper, John Botwright, Tobias Spencer, brewer and Edward Farley, vintner of the almshouses in parish of St Edward
Page 28r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Robson, alderman, of a tenement called the Armitage in St Bennets parish
Page 28v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Botwright, of a piece of empty ground, now the fish market, in St Edwards parish, previously granted to Thomas Spicer and late in occupation of Robert Nutting, gent
Page 29r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Gatskill, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of ground on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, once of Richard Graven and now in occupation of John Pettit
Page 29v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Penruddocke, waterman, of a lean-to in the parish of St Clement adjoining stone stairs, now in occupation of Nicholas Coventry
Page 30r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nicholas Coventry, of a pair of stone stairs now in occupation of John Penruddocke, previously demised to John Sperman, gent
Page 31r - Letter of Attorney about Stourbridge Fair, giving Christopher Rose, Robert Robson and James Blackley, Joshua Sedgwick, Thomas Atkinson, gents, Arthur Turner milliner, power to pull down any booths built contrary to the customs of the fair
Page 31v - Lease, for the unexpired part of an 80-year lease granted in 1620 to Nathaniel Harding between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of Emmanuel College, of a piece of empty ground to the east of the college late in occupation of John Intwisell [Entwhistle], brewer
Page 32r - Lease, for 41 years between the Corporation and John Musset, sieve-maker, of empty ground in St Andrews parish, adjacent a messuage in occupation of Richard Pettit
Page 32v - Release, by Richard Twils, mayor, Richard Houghton, Henry Dickinson, and Thomas Robson, bailiffs, of Katherine Showard, widow and executrix of John Showard, from all his debts
Page 33r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bishop, burgess and miller, of the water mill called the Kings Mill
Page 34r - An acknowledgement of money received from Trinity College towards the repair of Garret Hostel Bridge
Page 34v - Bond (in Latin) between the Corporation and Thomas French
Page 34v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Norman, burgess and butcher, of two stalls in the Shambles, adjacent property demised to Thomas Oliver, burgess and chandler and late in occupation of Peter [Sander], deceased
Page 35r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Overton, widow, of a bay under the long house called Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley market, previously demised to John Goldborough, late alderman
Page 35v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Overton, widow, of a messuage in tenure of Mr Purgolds, formerly in the occupation of her husband William Overton, at the east end of Pease Market Hill in St Edwards parish, abutting a yard of William Hurst in the east
Page 36r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Bunstey, yeoman, of a messuage, with barns stables etc., in St Andrews parish, adjacent to the inn called the Wrestlers, and lately in occupation of Thomas Salter
Page 36v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gibson, of a piece of empty ground formerly in the occupation of John Larker, abutting the highway to Huntingdon and the castle gates
Page 37r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Clarke, naylor, of a tenement at Castle End previously demised to John Penruddocke, and lately in occupation of John Musset, together with land previously demised to Edward Beere, carpenter
Page 37v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Clarke, naylor, of land previously demised to Jonas Scott, previously demised to John Penruddocke, laying at Castle End, adjacent land of John Penruddocke and John Musset, recently in occupation of Christopher Catchery [elsewhere Cutchy]
Page 38r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Thomas French, alderman, of land called Jeses Lane End, following a bequest in the will of Elizabeth Knight of Denny Abbey that an almshouse be erected where Thomas French should consider fit.
Page 38ra - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Miller, of a piece of ground in Great St Marys with another late in occupation of Moyses Horne, deceased
Page 38v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Kempe of Thwayt, Norfolk, of ground in Garlic Row, Stourbridge Fair, only during the time of the fair
Page 39r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Walter Frost of London, of a piece of ground in Preachers Street
Page 39v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Daniel Malden, glazier, of a tenement in St Andrews lately divided into three cottages, adjacent land granted to John Bartholomew, adjacent tenement of Henry King
Page 40r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and George Taylor, burgess and brazier, of a booth in Pewterers Row, Stourbridge Fair
Page 40v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bucke, of waste ground in St Peters, on surrender of a former lease (with 8 years remaining) to John Sherman, gent, deceased and now in occupation of Luke Sherman
Page 41r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Christopher Adams, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of a messuage in Butter Row adjacent that of John Tidswell now in occupation of George Taylor, and another in occupation of Henry Archer
Page 41v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Atkinson of Barnwell, yeoman, of a malting house called the Queens Arms in Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to Christopher Holsden, late maulster
Page 42r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Archer, cord[wa]iner, of a messuage in Butter Row abutting the Shambles, between tenements in tenures of Christopher Addams, cord[wa]iner, and Edward Chapman, on surrender of a lease to Richard Potto, butcher
Page 43r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Johnson, burgess and locksmith, of Annseys booths lying diversely in Stourbridge Fair in cheese fair (or row), one between booths of Henry Harrison and John Cotton, knight, another adjacent Christopher Nicolson's
Page 43v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Potter, of a capital messuage in the occupation of Thomas Coward called the Crown, bequeathed in the will of Lambert Dampes, late burgess
Page 44r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mark Hatley, tailor, of a tenement and ground adjoining in Penny Farthing Lane, on surrender of the lease of Tobias Smith, burgess and chandler
Page 44v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Francis Cole, baker, of ground at Castle End in St Giles parish, on surrender of a lease to Robert Rayes, brewer
Page 45r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Penruddocke, burgess and waterman, of waste ground lying by the turf brink at the great bridge in Cambridge, under Thompson's wall
Page 45v - Entry recording the appointment of John Woodward, Samuel Spalding and Bryan Kitchingman, Thomas Watson as attorneys
Page 45va - Entry detailing an act of Parliament concerning the fee farm rent of £70 payable by Cambridge Corporation to the Crown and Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, and appointment of John Lowrey and Thomas French, aldermen, as trustees
Page 46r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bishop, miller, of the watermill called the Kings Mill, and ground called the Swanns nest between Coe fen on the east and the marsh ground planted with willows
Page 47v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Bucke, esquire, of a close called the taynter [tenter?] yard, now enclosed
Page 48r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Allders, of a tenement on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, between a tenement in occupation of Thomas Tifford, alderman, on the north and a tenement already on occupation of James Allders on the south, and adjacent property of Robert Eade
Page 48v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joane Cutchy [elsewhere Catchery], widow of Christopher, late burgess, of a piece of waste ground near the castle late in Christopher's occupation
Page 49r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Margaret Nicholson of London, widow of Christopher, of a booth on the north side of the causey in Barnwell, late in her husband's occupation, and between booths of John Lowrey and Robert Robson, both aldermen
Page 49v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Ranow, widow, of the chambers and shops, already in her occupation, at the north end of debters hall, also Tanners Hall near the prison
Page 50r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Cole of Sutton in the Isle, of five booths in the Duddery on the south of Cheapside in Stourbridge
Page 50v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Cole of Sutton in the Isle, of five booths and booth ground given to the town by Christopher Franke, late alderman; booths variously adjacent those of John Collinson, Roger Slegge, Francis Hine, John Rust late alderman, bequeathed by Robert Lane late alderman
Page 51r - Entry about a bequest of £100 to be distributed to the poor of the parish of St Edwards under the will of Thomas Modhoxas: suit in the high Court of Chancery between Philipp Wickham one of the Churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of St Edwards and of several other parishes in the town, and Thomas Comber
Page 52r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Ralph Skytter, burgess and baker, of a messuage with garden, already in Ralph's occupation, lying in Walls Lane between the common ditch to the east and the former Gray Friars, now Sidney College, on the west
Page 52v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Brace, widow, of a piece of ground D109
Page 53r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bishop, miller, of a piece of waste ground now enclosed and lying triangularwise next the way from Newenham Mill, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Jenkinson, glover
Page 53v - Lease, for 100 years between the Corporation and Ralph Skytter, burgess and baker, whereby he is permitted to make an underground drain to the Kings Ditch in Jesus Lane from his tenement in All Saints
Page 54v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Downham Yeomans, dyer, of a holt between the river and a farm called Coe Fen, on surrender of a lease to William Welbore, draper, and sometime in occupation of John Durrant, alderman, abutting a holt of Charles Dawson to the south and a tenement of Richard Ramsey to the north
Page 55v - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Joshua Sedgwick, gent, of a piece of waste situated in Great St Mary's next the market place, and adjacent St Micheals churchyard and tenements in his occupation and of Elizabeth Welbore, widow
Page 56r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and George Foster, yeoman, of two stalls on the east side of the Shambles next to Petty Cury and abutting Butter Row, on surrender of a lease to George Wastall, butcher
Page 56v - Grant by the Corporation of the office of High Steward of Cambridge to the Right Honourable Captain General Oliver Cromwell
Page 57r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Brace, of a piece of waste ground between the Falcon and the Red Lion, and between Petty Cury and the Kings Ditch, on surrender of a lease by William Williams, stationer
Page 57v - Lease, for 21 years, in fair-time, between the Corporation and John Harper, burgess, of the booths in Stourbridge fair called Hellgayes Booths now in the occupation of Edward Hind, knight
Page 58r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Blackley, alderman, of a booth in Stourbridge Fair
Page 58ra - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Cooper jun., butcher, of a tenement on the west side of Fair Yard Lane formerly in occupation of John Wolfe, butcher, between those of Roger Wilson and Thomas Cobb, adjacent an orchard of Thomas Burke
Page 59r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Inman, butcher, of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles formerly granted to Edward Rooton, butcher
Page 59v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of a piece of ground at the NE corner of the causey in Barnwell on which a house has been built by Thomas Purchas
Page 60r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Elias Woodward, glazier, of a tenement in Petty Cury previously leased to William Barnes, burgess and tyler
Page 60v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Squire, carpenter, of a piece of ground at the NE corner of the causey in Barnwell, next to the house of John Lowery sq., alderman
Page 61v - Lease, for 47 years between the Corporation and John Frohocke, burgess and butcher, of a mansion house called Michell house Grange in St Andrews parish formerly leased to Robert Lukyn, alderman, and eight acres of arable lately occupied by Edward Parker
Page 62v - Lease, for 45 years between the Corporation and John Ellis, clerk of Wadesdon, Bucks, of a piece of waste ground next the Pinfold and the gable end of Mr Potto's stable, on surrender of a lease to William Welbore, burgess and draper
Page 63r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nicholas Thurlow, carpenter, of a messuage build on the old pound or pinfold at Castle End, on cancellation of a lease to Edward Moore, carpenter
Page 64r - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nicholson, burgess and haberdasher, of a piece of waste ground in Walls Lane with the houses now thereon, formerly leased to John Fremont, burgess and yeoman, and adjacent land of Richard Harper
Page 64v - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Mary Stukes, widow, of a piece of empty ground on the backside of the house of John Chase, between its garden and the Kings Ditch, with land of Thomas Ventris to the north, on surrender of a lease to John Chase, burgess and draper
Page 65v - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Thomas Day, apothecary, of a piece of empty ground at the end of the garden of John Swetson in Black Swan Lane in the parish of Great St Mary, on surrender of a lease to John Watson, apothecary
Page 66r - Lease, for 21 years in fair time between the Corporation and John Lowery, esq., alderman, of several booths in Stourbridge, some given to the town by John Bury, others in occupation of Henry Roale[?Keale] in Stockfish Row and Cheapside purchased from Henry Reales and William Pincher
Page 66v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Bainbridge, innholder, Francis Chakes, chandler, John Frohocke, butcher, John Gascon, cord[wa]iner, John Jenkinson, Martyn Harper, yeoman, of a piece of ground in Trinity parish alongside the highway to Barnwell
Page 67r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joane Wilson, widow, of two stalls on the west of the Shambles, abutting a stall on Richard Flak, next Petty Cury, sometime in occupation of Richard Hall
Page 67v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Allders, burgess and chandler, of ground, now built on, on the south side of Great Fair Yard Lane formerly in occupation of James Wassington, on surrender of a lease to Peter Sanders, burgess and butcher
Page 68r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Linsey, burgess and fishmonger, of a standing under the great house called Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley market, on surrender of lease to John Lowrey, alderman
Page 69r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Ridgwell, innholder, of a standing under the long house called Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley market, on surrender of a lease to Joan Robson, widow
Page 69v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Ridgwell, innholder, of a shop in St Edwards parish, sometime in occupation of Richard Gibbon als Nevill and late in occupation of John Barron, on surrender of a lease to Bridget Wolfe, widow
Page 70r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Ridgwell, innholder, of two parcels of common ground, now built on, at the south end of the Butchery between the common drain south and land of Trinity College on the north, land sometime in tenure of William Hurst, on surrender of a lease to Bridget Wolfe, widow
Page 71r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and George Taylor, burgess and brazier, and Elizabeth his wife, nee Pepys, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, between tenements occupied by Christopher Addams on the west and Henry [Brink] on the east
Page 71v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Wells, of the Long Chamber called the Treasurie over the almshouses in St Edwards parish, on surrender of lease to John Botwright, between a tenement of Robert Nutting south and the fish market north, west a tenement called the Cock late of John Brasbone now in occupation of William [Butwel]
Page 72r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Allders, burgess and chandler, of a booth ground lying in the corner leading to honey Hill in Stourbridge fair, adjacent a booth of Cornelius Archer, on surrender of a lease to Edward Almond, burgess and chandler
Page 72v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edith Welch, widow, of a corner stall on the west side of the Shambles and abutting Butter Row, lately in tenure of her husband Henry Welch, deceased
Page 73v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Rix, burgess and brewer, of a garden ground in Great St Andrews parish with the workhouse to the south, St Thomas Loyes to the west, and Henry Rix own freehold to the north
Page 74r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Brace, widow, of a piece of waste on the south side of the Kings Ditch near Fair Yard Lane and abutting land in tenure of Thomas Hobson, adjacent a passage way from the hog market and near the Redd Lyon [Red Lion] and the Falcon, on surrender of a lease dated 7 Jan 1650
Page 75v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Hatley, widow of Mark, of a tenement at the east of Penny Farthing Lane adjacent a tenement of John Haslopp, on surrender of a lease of 8 Jan 1640
Page 76r - Acquittance from the Corporation for receipt of £25 a bequest under the will of Richard Foxton, Esq., late alderman, to Sir Thomas White's charity, made by executors Nicholas Augur, Nathaniel Bradshaw and William Cradocke
Page 76v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Overton, widow, of a tenement in the pease market near the common drain and adjacent the tenement of William Hurst
Page 77v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Day, burgess and tailor, of a messuage in St Giles parish with a messuage in occupation of Thomas Gibbon on the north and one of James Routlatch on the south
Page 78r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bishopp, burgess and miner, and Thomas Bishopp his son, of a windmill and 3 acres of land in 2 sections in westfield in Chesterton near the Clay Pitts, adjacent land sometime of Thomas Cooke [elsewhere Thomas Cock] now Thomas Hobson's
Page 79r - Letter of attorney from the Corporation to Mr Thomas Bucke, appointed to confer with the executors of John Crane, deceased, on the use of his bequest
Page 79ra - Acquittance from the Corporation for receipt of £20 from Nathaniel Bradshaw, clerk of Wivelingham and executor to Richard Foxton
Page 79v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Samuel Moody, burgess and milliner, of a piece of ground in the parish of Gt St Mary, in Cutlers Lane als Sheathers Lane, on cancellation of a lease to John Crane dated 24 Aug 19 James 1 [1622]
Page 80v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Dickinson, burgess and butcher, of a parcel of ground called the Armitage late in occupation of Thomas Pate, on surrender of a lease to John Osborne dated 14 Feb 18 Charles 1 [1642/3]
Page 81v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Bunsley, yeoman, of a piece of ground in Preachers Street between the wall of the Fryers Preachers and the close belonging to the church of Ely, on surrender of a lease to Walter Frost dated 29 Sep 24 Charles 1 [1648]
Page 82v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Troyolus Atkinson, bookseller, of nine stalls adjacent to the messuage in occupation of, and on surrender of a lease to, Robert Rogers, part abutting the common street to the east and north
Page 83r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas French, burgess, alderman, of a lane called Ree Lane, lying between his tenement and the river, on surrender of a lease dated 8 Oct 41 Eliz. I (1599)
Page 84r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Tifford, alderman, of a piece of ground called the slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, sometime in occupation of Nicholas Tison, on surrender of a lease dated 16 Aug 20 Chas. 1 (1644)
Page 84v - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Francis Sheldrake, merchant taylor, of ground in front of John Andrewes' house, now Francis Sheldrake's, in St Clement's parish between a way leading to the tenement and the river, and on its south ground with a chimney on it, on surrender of a lease to John Andrews dated 20 Jan 41 Eliz. I (1598/9)
Page 85v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Gascoyne, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of ground on the east side of Great Fair Yard Lane now with three tenements on it, sometime in occupation of Richard Graveners and late of John Pettit, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 86r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Gascoyne, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of waste ground at the NE end of the causey near Barnwell, with a booth timber house now built, between houses on Robert Robdon and Cornelius Archer, on surrender of a lease to John Badcock
Page 86v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roger Willson, burgess and butcher, of a messuage and yard adjoining on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, sometime in tenure of John Durrant and lately of Roger Willson, on surrender of a lease to John Badcock
Page 87v - Lease, for 21 years during fair time between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of ground called Chappell Ground by the chapel in Stourbridge Fair, lately demised to Mathew Dennis, burgess and fellmonger
Page 88r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Muriell, gent., of four stalls adjoining the Black Swan, on surrender of a lease of 10 Oct 13 James 1 (1615) to Robert Sparrow, public notary
Page 88v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of Magdalen College, of a lane in the parish of St Giles between the ancient bridge and land in tenure of Edward Holmes lying between Copped Hall on the north and a tenement called the Black Boy in occupation of Margaret Rawlings, widow, on surrender of his lease dated 20 Jan 12 James 1 (1613/14)
Page 89v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Bainbridge, free burgess and clerke, of a piece of land previously called Allwynes Lane, at the back of the inn, the Bear, in Shoemaker Rowe, on surrender of a lease of 24 Aug 18 James 1 (1620)
Page 90r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Paske, draper, of waste ground at the back of Paske's dwelling house in St Edwards parish
Page 90v - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Richard Bury, burgess and draper, of land in the common highway at his house near Sidney Sussex College where he has encroached on the common highway by erecting ground-sills and setting up posts there.
Page 91r - Lease, for 80 years between the Corporation and Robert Robson, gent and alderman, of ground at the common pound near the castle, where he intends to erect a shop for a smith's forge
Page 91v - Lease, for 80 years between the Corporation and Thomas French Esq., alderman, of a piece of ground at Walles Lane where the old pound stood, abutting the road to Emmanuel College on the east and the watering place to the west
Page 92r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and John Jenkinson, gent, of a piece of formerly waste ground at the lower end of Garlic Row, on which a victualling booth called the Broad Sword has been built during Stourbridge Fair
Page 92v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nicholas Thurlow, carpenter, of a piece of waste ground, on which a house is now built, at the Pinfold near the castle, abutting land of John Baron, keeper of the castle
Page 93r - Letter of attorney to demand recognizance of a plea: Thomas Jekyll of Cliffords Inn, Philipp Brane of Furnivals Inn and Christopher Lowe of Barnards Inn appointed attorneys
Page 93v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Robson, alderman, of empty ground on the way from Barnwell to paper mills, abutting land of William Nicholson, on surrender of a lease to Joan Robson
Page 94r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Robson, alderman, of two acres of arable in Newnham Croft now in tenure of Andrew Smith
Page 94v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Chaplyn, burgess and chandler, of ground on the side of Great Fair Yard Lane, adjacent land of James Willington, deceased, on surrender of a lease to Edward Potto
Page 95r - Lease, for 72 years between the Corporation and William Sanderson, cord[wa]iner, of a garden ground, now enclosed, in parish of St Bottolph, on surrender of a lease to John Haseloppe
Page 96r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Frohock, burgess and butcher, of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury late of Joane Wilson, widow, and abutting a stall of Richard Hull
Page 96v - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and John Moore, of a tenement and outbuildings called Clement Ostle in Bridge Street, parish of St Clement, on surrender of a lease to Hugh Humphry, with use of a well granted to John Cropley B.D. and Ann Cropley his wife, now widow
Page 97v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Turkey, pikemonger, of fishings from the outward corner of Magdalen College to St Johns Bridge
Page 98r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Edward Chapman, burgess, of three rooms in Buttery Row under the Guildhall, with the pantry, kitchen and buttery belonging, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Wilson and John Wilson his son
Page 99r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Essex and Margaret Sheldrake, wife of Francis Sheldrake merchant taylor, of a tenement and yard in Fair Yard Lane, between tenements leased to John Woolfe to the north, John Hatcher to the west and Edward Potto to the south, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Cobb
Page 99v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Southouse Robson, tobacco pipe maker, of stables with a chamber over at the NE end of Great Fair Yard Lane and between a tenement of John Goldborough and the Shraggery, on surrender of a lease to William Woodward, burgess and grocer
Page 100v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Yorke, hemp dresser, of a piece of ground with a tenement now on it, on surrender of a lease to Christopher, later Joan, Cutchey
Page 101r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Penruddock, waterman, of a house and grounds on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to Richard Potto
Page 101v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas French, alderman, of land called Binbroke Lane, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Cawthorne, pikemonger
Page 102r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of Madgalen College, of a piece of ground in St Giles parish, formerly let to Robert Twelves, yeoman, abutting an ancient bridge and land in tenure of Edward Holmes
Page 102v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Blackley, alderman, D188
Page 103v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Foakes, printer, and Charles Pepys, gent, of permission to erect three stalls adjacent to their tenement in Great St Mary's near the Inn called the Black Swan
Page 103va - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Timbs, alderman, of several pieces of ground at the backsides of his tenements in the parish of St Sepulcher along the Kings Ditch, one called the Ramme, one in the occupation of William Bankes, from land of Talbot Pepys in occupation of John Lowry to land of William Allott in occupation of Thomas Tifford
Page 104r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Ann Archer, spinster, of a messuage with appurtenances in Butter Row abutting the Shambles, between tenements in tenures of Christopher Addams, cord[wa]iner, and Edward Chapman, on surrender of a lease to Henry Archer
Page 105r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Bird, burgess, and Margaret Taylor, of eight stalls in the parish of Great St Mary next to the Inn called the Half Moon, previously in the occupation of Nathaniel Craddock, draper
Page 105v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bird, burgess and Marchant Taylor, of seven stalls next the market place and near the Half Moon, adjoining his freehold tenement in the parish of Great St Mary
Page 106r - Lease, for 46 years between the Corporation and Christopher Adams, clerk of Shingswell Kent, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, on surrender of a lease to Christopher Adams, deceased, adjacent tenement of Gilbert Coote
Page 107r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Gatwood, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of a piece of waste ground whereon a porch and chimney are erected, on surrender of a lease to John Durrant
Page 107v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Buck, esquire, of a close called the tenter yard, now enclosed and formerly demised to Thomazine Kemp, widow, and then to Henry Slegg, south of an orchard late occupied by Martin Perse
Page 108v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Thompson of Denford, Northants, fellmonger, of a tannhouse called the Queens Arms on ground called Cottons in Barnwell, late in occupation of James Haddey, and on surrender of a lease to Henry Atkinson, deceased
Page 109r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Richard Pettit the younger, burgess and public notary, of the forepart of a tenement formerly in the occupation of John Brasebone, between the Dunghill Cock east, and, west, a tenement of William Wolfe
Page 110r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Hampson, burgess and brewer, of ground at the back of Queens College between the highway over the brick bridge and the ditch of the common stream under the back gate near the college brewhouse
Page 110v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Potto, burgess and brewer, of three acres of arable land formerly leased to Edward Potto
Page 111r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Dell master of Gonville and Caius, with the fellows of the college, of a piece of ground at Garret Hostel adjacent to Trinity College
Page 112r - Conveyance of the fee farm to King Charles 2
Page 112v - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Thomas Kidman of Stapleford Inn, yeoman, of a tenement and shop, with adjoining ground, in the parish of St Andrew, on surrender of a lease to William Taylor, burgess and blacksmith
Page 113r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Penruddock, of a lean-to in the parish of St Clement, adjoining a pair of stone stairs in occupation of Nicholas Coventry
Page 114r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Ann York, widow, of a piece of formerly waste ground now with a messuage on it, near the Castle, formerly in occupation of Christopher Cutchey, and late of Joane Citchey
Page 114v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Alice Coventry, widow, of a pair of stone stairs adjacent a lean-to in occupation of John Penruddock, on surrender of a lease to Nicholas Coventry, cole merchant, and formerly demised to John Sherman, gent
Page 115r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Archer of Chesterton, gent, of a booth timber house in Barnwell at the north side of the Causey at the further end of Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to his father Cornelius Archer, deceased,
Page 115v - Letter of Attorney appointing James Blackley and Thomas Nicholson, aldermen, and Joseph Gascoyne, Samuell Moodey, Thomas Glover and Edward Wilson, burgesses and members of common council, authority to regulate Stourbridge Fair
Page 116r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and George Dove, gent., of a tenement in Preachers Street between the south corner of the wall of the late Friars Preachers and land of Jesus College, on surrender of a lease to James Blackley, alderman
Page 117r - Lease, for 21 years during fair time between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of the Walden Booth and booth ground called the Cross Keys near Garlick Row in Stourbridge Fair, next the highway leading to the Timber Fair, and also three bays of goldsmiths ground next the Chapel, with other grounds
Page 117v - Lease, for 84 years between the Corporation and Katherine Sanders of Barnwell, widow, of a messuage, with outbuildings, called the Cross Keys in Barnwell, between two tenements both in the tenure of Sir William Wendy, Kt., on surrender of a lease to George Sanders, brewer
Page 118r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Flower Atkinson, widow, of a tenement in the parish of St Andrew between the churchyard and tenement called the Wrestlers, on surrender of a lease to William Bunchley, yeoman
Page 119r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Webb, labourer, of a piece of formerly waste ground near the Castle, now with a tenement, late in occupation of Margaret Teate
Page 119v - Letter of Attorney appointing Nathaniel Crabbe and Thomas Muriell to collect the town rents
Page 120r - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Thomas Pettit, chandler, of a tenement in St Andrews parish, between a tenement of Emmanuel College late in occupation of Richard Ranew and a tenement in occupation of Richard Foxton, on surrender of a lease to Francis Harby
Page 120v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nicholson, alderman and haberdasher, of land in Walles Lane, between a barn in occupation of Richard Harper and land where the common pound once stood
Page 121v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Ellis of Wadesdone [Waddesdon] Bucks, of a piece of waste ground next the Pinfold and the gable end of Mr Potto's stable, on surrender of a lease of 16 Aug 1653
Page 122r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Downham Yeomans, burgess and dyer, of a holt, abutting land sometime in occupation of Charles Dawson and now of John Bishop, and near the tenement sometime of Richard Ramsey and now of John Jenkinson, between the river to the mills and a farm called Coe Fen, on surrender of a lease of 29 Sep 1651
Page 122v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Atkinson, burgess and gent., of the Scalding House and Lands, on surrender of a lease to Mary Atkinson, widow of Thomas late alderman
Page 123v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Dickenson, burgess and butcher, of a tenement called the Armitage and adjoining close, on surrender of a lease to Robert Robson, deceased
Page 124r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Ibbott, burgess and chandler, of ground on the west of the castle, now built on, in the parish of St Giles, on surrender of a lease to Francis Cole, baker
Page 125r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Jenby and Susan Spackman, of a piece of ground by the castle [not further specified]
Page 125v - Indenture by the Corporation to Parliament
Page 125va - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nathaniel Crabbe, burgess and skinner, of a round piece of ground with a tenement, on the right hand of Hadstock Way near Littlemore, on surrender of a lease to William Ball of Kirtling of 8 Nov 1608
Page 126r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Francis Nicholson, farrier, of part of the scalding yard between land of the Augustine Priors to the east and Great Fair Yard lane to the west, abutting south on land of William Hurst sen., on surrender of a lease to Edward Potto
Page 127r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Francis Nicholson, farrier, of gardens, orchards and land late of John Goldsborough, between Fair Yard Lane and ground partly of John Chapman fishmonger and partly the old Pinfold, and land of late of John Bowsier, abutting a tenement of William Wulfe, late alderman
Page 128r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Chapman, gent, of a piece of ground in the parish of St Edward next the fishmarket previously granted to Thomas Spicer, between the almshouses and ground of William Welbore called the Pinfold, on surrender of a lease to John Botwright
Page 128v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Norman, burgess and butcher, of two corner stalls in the Shambles next to Petty Cury
Page 129r - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 129v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Buck, gent, son of John Buck, of land in the parish of St Peter behind Jesus College's brewhouse and now in the occupation of Thomas Archer, gent., on surrender of a lease to father (John)
Page 130r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Ranew, widow, of the chambers and shops at the north end of debters hall, also Tanners Hall under the great chamber, on surrender of her previous lease
Page 131r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nathaniel Crabbe, skinner, of a piece of ground in Barnwell called Little Bradmore, on surrender of a lease to Dorothy Sanders, widow of Richard
Page 131v - Lease, for 3 years between the Corporation and Ralph Hall, yeoman, of a tenement near the Guildhall
Page 132r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Philip Wickham, vintner, of Witlesford Bridge, with its tolls, on decease of Philip Wickham, father of the said Philip
Page 132v - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and John Pearson DD, Master of Trinity, and the Fellows, of a piece of ground called Garret Hostel adjacent to Trinity College on surrender of a lease to Gonville and Caius
Page 133r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bynge, esq., of Grantchester, of two acres of arable in Newnham Croft on surrender of a lease to Robert Robson, late alderman
Page 134r - Letter of Attorney appointing William Matson and Peter Lightfoot to collect the town rents
Page 134ra - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Blowfeild, burgess and baker, of the water mill, the Kings Mill, with its tenement, and the adjacent marshland the Ozier Holt near sheeps green
Page 135v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Essex, burgess and butcher, of a piece of ground now with a slaughter-house on it, on the east of Great Fair Yard Lane, previously in the tenure of James Millington and on the east of his garden, on surrender of a lease to James Alders [elsewhere Allders], burgess and chandler
Page 136r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and George Taylor, burgess and brazier, and his wife Elizabeth, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, between tenements occupied by Christopher Addams on the west and Henry Wicks on the east
Page 136v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Downham Yeomans, burgess and dyer, of a holt between the river and Coe Fen, sometime in occupation of John Durrant, abutting a holt sometime of Charles Dawson and now of John Bishop, and near the tenement sometime of Richard Ramsey and now of John Jenkinson, between the river to the mills and a farm called Coe Fen, on surrender of a lease of 8 Jan 1660
Page 137r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nathaniel Crabb, burgess and skinner, of a piece of ground, now enclosed with a tenement, on the right of Hadstock Way
Page 137v - Lease, for 41 years between the Corporation and John Lee, cook, of a garden ground with two tenements built on it in the parish of St Buttolph, previously on the occupation of John Harper, chandler, on surrender of a lease to William Sanderson, cord[wa]iner
Page 138v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Gibbons, furrier, and Susan his wife, of a plot behind Butter Row formerly demised to William Hurst, butcher, adjacent land in tenure of Thomas Wilson, on surrender of a lease to John Durant, late alderman
Page 139r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Bucke, esq., of a close called the tenter yard, now enclosed on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas, formerly demised to Thomazine Kemp, widow, and then to Henry Slegg, south of an orchard late occupied by Martin Perse, now by the said Thomas
Page 140r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Ellis of Waddesdon, Bucks, of a piece of waste ground next the Pinfold and the gable end of Mr Potto's stable, on surrender of a lease to the said John
Page 140v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Troylus Atkinson, bookseller, of a messuage with its outbuildings in Butter Row, formerly in tenure of Ann Rogers, widow, and between tenements in occupation of Phebe Tidswell and Walter Metcalfe, on surrender of a lease to Arthur Turner, burgess and milliner
Page 141v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Troylus Atkinson, bookseller, of nine stalls adjoining his tenement on surrender of a previous lease
Page 142v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Camps, burgess and butcher, of a messuage called the Crow in St Clements parish now in occupation of Thomas Coward, on surrender of a lease to Edward Potter, cord[wa]iner given to the town by in the will of Lambert Dampes
Page 143r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and John Pearson D.D. Master of Trinity, of a piece of common ground at Garrett Hostle on surrender of a lease of 14 Aug 14 Chas 1 [1638]
Page 143v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cooper, burgess and butcher, of a tenement on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, between a tenement, north, in occupation of Thomas Tifford, alderman, and a in occupation of James Alders on the south, and adjacent property of Robert Eade, on surrender of a lease to James Alders, burgess and chandler
Page 144v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Waterson, carrier, of a standing under the great house called Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley hill, on surrender of a lease to John Linsey, late burgess and fishmonger
Page 145r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Waterson, carrier, of a standing, the fourth bay under the long house called Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley market, on surrender of a lease to Robert Ridgwell, Inholder
Page 145v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Waterson, carrier, of a tenement at the east end of pease market hill between the common drain and the common highway, and abutting the tenement of William Hurston, on surrender of a lease to Mary Overton, widow deceased; and also a bay under Purgolds next to the bay of John Goldsborough, late alderman
Page 146v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Stephen Hilles the elder, burgess and butcher, of empty ground, now with slaughter houses built, between land of the Augustine Friars to the east and Great Fair Yard lane to the west, abutting south on land of William Hurst sen., on surrender of a lease to Francis Nicholson
Page 147r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elias Woodward, glazier, of a tenement at the east end of Petty Cury, on surrender of a lease to Elias Woodward, his father
Page 147v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Frohock, burgess and butcher, of a mansion house called Michaell house Grange in St Andrews parish and eight acres of arable, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 148v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Cooper, jun., burgess and butcher, of a tenement on the west side of Fair Yard Lane and already in his occupation, between those of Roger Wilson and Thomas Cobb, adjacent an orchard of Thomas Bucke
Page 149r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Peddar, burgess and gent., of three acres of arable by way of exchange with Trinity Hall, on surrender of a lease to Edward Potto
Page 149v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Peddar, burgess and gent., of three acres of arable by way of exchange with Trinity Hall, on surrender of a lease to John Bishop, miller, deceased
Page 150v - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 150va - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Peddar, gent., of three acres of arable on surrender of a lease to Edward Potto
Page 151v - Lease, for 100 years between the Corporation and William Wells, alderman, of land called White Cannons Lands, sometime in tenure of Stephen Rooke, deceased and lately of Thomas Emons, on surrender of a lease to Thomas French
Page 152r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and George Bayly [or Baly], of land in Preachers Street, now built on, on surrender of a lease to George Dove
Page 152v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Waterson, carrier, of a standing in the fourth bay under the long house called Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley market, on surrender of a lease to Robert Ridgewell
Page 153v - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Felstead and John Townsend to collect the town rents
Page 153va - Lease, for 50 years between the Corporation and Phillipp Williams, baker, of the house called the Butchers Shambles with a chamber over in the Market Hill near the common gaol
Page 154v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Phillipp Williams, burgess and baker, of four slaughter houses, part of the former scalding yard between land of the Augustine Fryers to the east and Great Fair Yard lane to the west, abutting south on land of William Hurst sen., including land of Stephen Hilles, on surrender of a lease to Francis Nicholson
Page 154v - Lord Allington elected burgess
Page 155v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Stafford, innholder, and Elizabeth his wife, of a tenement in Butter Row between tenements in the tenure of Christopher Adams and Gilbert Coot, on surrender of a lease to Christopher Adams. Also an adjoining Butcher Stall in Butter Row between tenements in occupation previously of John Tidswell, then George Taylor, east, and west of Henry Archer, previously Walter Bell
Page 156v - Letter of Attorney appointing Samuel Moody, haberdasher, to administer the bequest of £100 given under the will of Thomas White, late alderman and Lord Mayor of London, dated St. Bartholomew the Apostle (24 Aug) 1592
Page 157r - Receipt for money left in the bequest to the Corporation by Thomas White in 1592
Page 157v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Alice Malden, widow, of a tenement in St Andrews lately divided into three cottages, adjacent land granted to John Bartholomew, adjacent tenement of Samuel Rix, on surrender of a lease to Daniel Malden burgess and glazier
Page 158v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Buck, of a house and grounds on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to John Penruddock, waterman, and a said lease to the said Thomas Buck of a close called the tenter yard, now enclosed on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas, formerly demised to Thomazine Kemp, widow, and then to Henry Slegg, gent., between the orchard late in tenure of Martyn Perse, Esq., now the said Thomas
Page 159r - Letter of attorney appointing John Ewin and John Cropley to regulate Stourbridge Fair
Page 159v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Buck, of a house and grounds on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to John Penruddock, and a said lease to the said Thomas Buck of a close called the tenter yard, now enclosed on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas, formerly demised to Thomazine Kemp, widow, and then to Henry Slegg, gent., between the orchard late in tenure of Martyn Perse, Esq., now the said Thomas
Page 161r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Peddar, of ground in front of Francis Sheldrake's house, in St Clement's parish between a way leading to the tenement and the river, and also a parcel of Harleston Lane now enclosed, also a piece of ground with a chimney now in it
Page 162r - "Lease, for 33 years between the Corporation and Abraham Wright, fellmonger, and Elizabeth his wife, and John Brown, baker, and Ann his wife, of Tenements in the parish of St Botolph, surrounded by the road to the small bridge north, Trumpington Street east, Mill Lane south, and the river west, in the several tenures of Katherine Edmonds, widow, and Charles Dawson, now in occupation of Elizabeth Rose; also a piece of nearby ground in the occupation of John Adams, carpenter, and a garden late in the occupation of Edmond Ivory, chandler, adjacent land of William Rutter; on surrender of a lease to Barnaby Clayton and Thomas Goldsborough "
Page 163v - Licence of alienation of Stephen Mace for 89 years of land at Castle Hill in occupation of Mathew Dennys, abutting land in tenures of Thomas Haddilow and Richard Foxcroft
Page 164r - Letter to Parliament seeking permission to erect a pesthouse on Coldhams Common, for victims of the plague
Page 165v - Lease, for 16 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nicholson, blacksmith, of gardens and orchard late part of the scalding yard late in occupation of Francis Nicholson, together with a piece at the west end late John Goldsborough's lying near Fair Yard Lane and the gardens of John Chapman, fishmonger, and of John Bowsier, and abutting a stable late of William Wulfe, alderman
Page 166r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Taylor, of a booth in Pewterers Row, Stourbridge Fair on surrender of a lease to George Taylor
Page 167v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Beedle, clerk, previously rector of St Bennett Sherehog London, of a tenement with its gardens in Butter Row in the parish of the Blessed Virgin next to the market, on surrender of a lease to Walter Metcalfe
Page 168v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Essex, butcher, of a messuage with appurtenances in Butter Row, abutting the Flesh Shambles, between tenements in tenures of Christopher Addams, cordwayner, and Edward Chapman, on surrender of a lease to Ann Archer, spinster
Page 169v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bedle, clerk and formerly rector of St Benet Sherehog London, of six stalls abutting the common street of the town on the east, on surrender of a lease to Walter Medcalfe
Page 170v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Walker, butcher, of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury, previously leased to Edward Beeton, on surrender of a lease to Robert Inman
Page 171r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cooper, butcher, of two butchers stalls on the east side of the Shambles abutting Butchers Row, on surrender of a lease to George Foster
Page 172 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Samuel Rix, brewer, of three tenements and a barn in the parish of St Andrew, together with a piece of ground formerly demised to Nathaniell Harding and John Entwesell [Entwhistle], now a brewhouse, on surrender of a lease to Richard Pettit, public notary
Page 173v - Lease, for 33 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Austyn, of a piece of ground, now with stables built, belonging to the Cardinals Capp in St Buttolph parish, on surrender of a lease to Barnaby Clayton and Thomas Goldsborough, burgesses
Page 174v - Lease, for 33 years between the Corporation and John Adams, carpenter, of two tenements abutting Trumpington Street in St Bottolf parish, formerly Mr Roses, together with other pieces of land, on surrender of a lease to Barnaby Clayton and Thomas Goldsborough, burgesses
Page 175v - Lease, for 33 years between the Corporation and Isabell wife of Abraham Wright, fishmonger, and Anne wife of John Browne, baker, of two tenements in the parish of St Buttolph in the occupation of widow Dissington abutting land of John Adams, and two other tenements belonging to [blank] Spencer, gent, on surrender of a lease to Barnaby Clayton and Thomas Goldsborough, burgesses
Page 177r - Letter of Attorney about Stourbridge Fair, giving Edward Chapman, Nathaniel Crabb, Samuel Moody, Richard Pettit, aldermen, and Phillip Williams, Edward Wilson, John Bird and James Alders, burgesses and common counsellors, power to regulate the fair
Page 177v - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Samuel Newton, public notary, of a piece of ground in the parish of St Edwards behind two tenements he already holds of the Master and Fellows of Bennet College, late in the occupation of Barbara Sanders and Robert Shipp, tobacco seller, now Thomas Shipp, taylor
Page 178r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Stebbynges, of a tenement called the Queens Arms in Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to William Thompson
Page 179r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nathaniell Crabb, alderman, of a piece of waste on the south side of the Kings Ditch near Fair Yard Lane and abutting land in tenure of Thomas Hobson, deceased, adjacent a passage way from the hog market and near the Red Lyon [Lion] and the Falcon, and extending long the common ditch to the slaughterhouse, on surrender of a lease to Mary Brace, widow
Page 180r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Adams, carpenter, of two parcels of common ground, now built on, on the east side of the tenement of William Hurst, at the end of the Butchery and between the common drain south and land of Trinity College on the north, on surrender of a lease to Robert Ridgwell
Page 181r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Waterson, carrier, of a shop in St Edwards parish under the house called Purgolds, sometime in occupation of Richard Gibson als Neville and late of John Barron, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 182r - Lease, for 36 years between the Corporation and John Adams, carpenter, of a bay of standing under the house called Purgolds and now a stable in the occupation of Robert Ridgewell, Inholder, on surrender of a lease to William Waterson
Page 183r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas May, shoemaker of Haddenham, Isle of Ely, of a tenement at Castle End previously demised to John Penruddocke, and lately in occupation of John Musset, with another parcel of land previously demised to Edward Peece sometime in occupation of John Penruddock
Page 184v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas May, shoemaker of Haddenham, Isle of Ely, of land at Castle End lately demised to Jonas Scott and now in the occupation of John Pendruddock, and adjacent properties in occupation of John Pendruddock, John Musset and Christopher Crutchey, on surrender of a lease to Henry Clarke
Page 185v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anne Clarke, widow, of a piece of ground at the Castle End abutting the highway to Huntingdon, previously in the occupation of John Parker on surrender of a lease to Thomas Gibson, deceased
Page 186r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Tifford, alderman, of a piece of ground called the slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Tifford
Page 187v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Phillip Williams, burgess and baker, D310f 8 Jan 1653
Page 188r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Hignell, burgess and woolcomber, of booths known as Munceys Booths in the Cheese Row at Stourbridge Fair, adjacent to booths of Henry Harrison, John Cotton, Knt. Richard Nuttinge and one late of Christopher Nicholson, on surrender of a lease to John Johnson
Page 189v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Croyn, of four stalls abutting the street and adjoining the house of Robert Muriel, on surrender of a lease to the said Robert
Page 190r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Archer of Chesterton, yeoman, of a booth in the water-fair at Stourbridge, on surrender of a lease to James Blackley
Page 191v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Drake, gent., of two acres of arable in Newnham Crofte in the tenure of Robert Robson, on surrender of a lease to John Bynge
Page 192r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Fuller, chandler of Ely, of ground at the north east of the causey in Barnewell, now with a house on it, formerly granted to Thomas Purchas, alderman, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Glover
Page 193v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Bucke, gent., son of John, of waste ground in parish of St Peter behind the messuage of Jesus College brewhouse, late in the occupation of Thomas Archer, and the lane from the street between the tenement and the college
Page 194r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuell Rix, brewer, of a garden ground in St Andrews parish, abutting the workhouse on the south and land of the Henry Rix to the east, on surrender of a lease to Henry Rix; together with the porch before the tenement called The Castle
Page 195r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Turner, vintner, and Jane his wife, of the long chamber called the Treasury with the Almshouses on he parish of St Edwards, between the tenement of Robert Nutting and the fish-market, abutting a lane leading to the tenements of John Botwright and another of John Brasbone in the occupation of William Battle, on surrender of a lease to William Wells
Page 196r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Fuller, chandler of Ely, of the chapel ground in Stourbridge Fair, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Glover, burgess and cord[wa]iner
Page 197v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anthony Sloman, gent., of the landing place at Chesterton Ferry or Stourbridge Fair Green
Page 198r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Stoite, Doctor of Physic, and Samuel Spalding, Richard Pettit, and Samuel Newton, aldermen, Thomas Burke Esq., Beadle of the University, William Pinton, vintner, Thomas Peters upholster of almshouses being four rooms in St Edwards parish between a tenement of Robert Nutting and several tenements of William Everton, abutting a lane leading to the tenement of Edward Chapman, gent., deceased
Page 199r - Letter of Attorney appointing Edward Boyden and Robert Saunders to collect the town rents
Page 200v - Lease, for 452 years between the Corporation and the Master and Scholars of Pembroke Hall, of on surrender of a lease to Jerome Beale, B.D. the master, Mathew Wrenn B.D., Alexander Bold B.D., Daniell Marrett M.A., Samuel Balcanquell [Baucanquell] M.A., and Eliazor Duncon B.A. all fellows of the college, of a piece of ground between the college and its orchard, adjacent land called Swinescrofte or St Thomas Leyes, on surrender of a lease of 19 May 53 James 1 [1620]
Page 201r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Gibbons als Neville, farrier, of a chamber with a stable over in the occupation of Southouse Robson at the north end of Great Fair Yard Lane, between ground in the tenure of John Goldsborough jun., and the Shraggery, on surrender of a lease to Southouse Robson
Page 202r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nathaniel Tench, fellmonger, D311, on surrender of a lease to Elizabeth Ranew, widow
Page 203v - Lease, for 77 years in fair time only, between the Corporation and Samuel Richardson, haberdasher, of the booths in Stourbridge fair called Helgayes Booths formerly in the occupation of Sir Edward Hind, and lately of John Harper, deceased
Page 204v - Lease, for 80 years between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of St John's College, of land in Barnwell between the lane to Coldham and Linton east, land of Bennett College west, and land late of the monastery on the north
Page 205r - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Peter Dent, apothecary, of a piece of ground between the Kings Ditch and the end of his garden in the parish of Holy Sepulchre, and abutting land of Thomas Stewkes, clarke
Page 206v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Phillip Williams, alderman and John Townsend, baker, of the water mill, the Kings Mill, with its tenement, and the adjacent marshland the Ozier Holt called the Swans Nest, on surrender of a lease to John Blowfeild
Page 208v - Acknowledgement of receipt from Jane Chapman of £100 bestowed by the will of Edward Chapman to the Corporation, the profits to be used for the poor
Page 209r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Fisher, waterman, of a lean-to in the parish of St Clement, adjoining stone stairs in the occupation of Nicolas Coventry, on surrender of a lease to John Penruddock dated 8 May 12 Chas 1 [1636]
Page 209v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Norman, sen., burgess and butcher, of a messuage and yard adjoining on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, sometime in the tenure of John Durrant, on surrender of a lease to Roger Wilson
Page 210r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nicholas Tabor, gent., Robert Atkinson, gent., Roger Thompson, gent., John Bullen, Peter Lighfoot, and John Gilbert all inhabitants of St Clements parish, of the tenement called St Clements Ostle, now with seven almshouses on it, previously granted to John Cropley and his wife Anne
Page 211r - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 212v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Jane Chapman, widow, of empty ground lying on the ditch on the left of the way from Barnwell to paper mills, abutting land of William Nicholson, with permission to built a house, on surrender of a lease to Robert Robson.
Page 213r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Sanders, blacksmith, of a piece of ground near the castle and adjacent to the White Lyon, now built on, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Jenby, brickmaker
Page 214r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Walgrave Kempe of Chelmsford, Essex, of ground at the roundabout of Garlick Row in Stourbridge
Page 215v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Bridget Gray, widow of Samuel of Dullingham, and Elizabeth her daughter, of a messuage with garden in Walls Lane between the common ditch and Sydney College, on surrender of a lease to Ralph Skyter, deceased, burgess and baker
Page 216v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Cole of Sutton in the Isle, son of John, deceased, and in trust for Mary daughter of John, of three booths and booth grounds in Stourbridge Fair given to the town by Christopher Franke, two on the north of Cheapside adjacent booths of John Collinson and Roger Slegge
Page 217r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Hinton, of four slaughter-houses in Fair Yard Lane, with the yards behind them, on surrender of a lease to Philip Williams
Page 218v - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Augustine Reynolds, labourer, of a piece of ground next the highway by the castle, sometime in the occupation of Alderman Wells deceased
Page 219v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Philip Williams, mayor of Cambridge, of chambers shops and stalls at the north end of the debtors hall, also Tanners Hall under the great chamber, lying between the women's gaol and the corner shop, on surrender of a lease to Nathaniel Tench
Page 220r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Cole of Sutton in the Isle, of various booths including five booths on the south side of Cheapside in Stourbridge, also booths in the Duddery sometime in occupation of William Munsey, and booths called the Burry Booths, on surrender of a lease to his father, also Samuel
Page 221r - Lease, for 21 years during the fair between the Corporation and Jane Chapman, widow, of two booths in Stourbridge called the Calves Skynnes on the east side of Garlic Row between booths of Richard Burgess and John Rust
Page 222v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Nicholson of London, of a booth timber house at the north end of the causey in Barnwell between booths of John Lowrey, late alderman and Robert Robson, late alderman, late in occupation of Margaret Nicholson, widow, deceased
Page 223r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cooper butcher, of two stalls on the east side of the Shambles next to Petty Cury, on surrender of a lease to the said Joseph
Page 224r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Charles Day, cordwainer, of empty ground, now built on, in St. Giles parish on the west side of the Castle, on surrender of a lease to Robert Ibbott
Page 224v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Archer of Chesterton, gent, of a booth timber house in Barnwell at the north side of the Causey at the further end of Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to the said Cornelius
Page 225v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Kideman of Stapleford, yeoman, of a tenement in the parish of St Andrew late in occupation of Frances Nicholson, blacksmith, on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas
Page 226v - Letter of Attorney appointing William Walker and John Spillman to collect the town rents
Page 227r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Thurloe, widow of Nicholas, of a messuage in Castle End where the old pound or Pinfold stood, on surrender of a lease to her husband
Page 228r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nicholson, blacksmith, of a garden ground late part of the scalding yard together with a piece at the north end late John Goldsborough's, between Fair Yard Lane, a garden late John Chapman's and a garden of John Bowsier, and abutting the yard of William Woolfe, on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas
Page 229v - Grant by the Corporation of the office of High Steward of Cambridge to the Right Honourable Thomas Chichelys, knight
Page 230r - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Clement Reynolds, of a piece of waste ground in St Buttolphs
Page 231v - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 232r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Chaplyn [Chaplin], burgess and chandler, of ground now with houses built, late in the occupation of Edward Potter, on the side of Great Fair Yard Lane, part of land of James Willington, on surrender of a lease to the said John
Page 233r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Basset, burgess and carpenter, of a messuage on the north of Walls Lane adjacent Johns and Corpus Christi
Page 234v - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Wiseman and John Sanders to collect the town rents
Page 235r - Licence to Robert Camps to alienate land granted in the lease of 13 Jan 1663/4
Page 236r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Potter, chandler, of a tenement with stables and outbuildings in the parish of St Andrew between the churchyard and tenement called the Wrestlers, on surrender of a lease to Flower Akinson [Atkinson], widow
Page 237v - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Addams, alderman, of two tenements, now three, abutting Trumpington Street in St Buttolph parish, together with land now having a barn on it, adjacent to the Cardinalls Capp, now in occupation of said John
Page 238v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Squier, carpenter, of a piece of ground at the north side and further end of the causey in Barnwell, whereon a booth timber house, late the house of John Lowery esq. in now built
Page 239r - Lease, for 41 years between the Corporation and William Algate, labourer, of ground, now built on, adjoining a brewhouse in the occupation of James Robson, gent., in St Andrews parish, on surrender of a lease to John Musset, deceased
Page 241 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Awstin [Austin], of a piece of ground, now with stables built, belonging to the Cardinals Capp in St Buttolph parish, abutting land of John Adams on the east, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 242 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Dickenson, burgess and butcher, of a parcel of ground called the Armitage, now enclosed with ditches, and land near Newnham Mills, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 243 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Dickenson, burgess and butcher, of a tenement called the Armitage in the parish of St Bennet, now three tenements and a close, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 245 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Debora Ewin, of land with two posts and a cellar door, adjoining the Crown in the parish of St Sepulchre
Page 246 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 246a - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roger Thompson, brewer, of a piece of ground, now built on, in Harleston Lane in St Clements parish, with the porches and pales in front of the same, on surrender of a lease to Roger Thompson, brewer, deceased
Page 248 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roer Thompson, brewer, of a piece of ground behind Roger's brewhouse, next to the river in St Clements parish by the inn called The Ship, on surrender of a previous lease
Page 249 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Miller, taylor, of a mansion house called Michaell house Grange in St Andrews parish with its barns etc., on surrender of a lease to John Frohock, deceased, and also a messuage called new England in Barnwell late in occupation of Andrew Hart and John Clark, with eight acres of arable
Page 250 - Letter of Attorney appointing John Fowkes and Benjamin Sperite[?] to collect the town rents
Page 251 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of Emmanuel College, of a piece of empty ground on the east of the college now in the occupation of Edward Miller of Grantchester, brewer, on surrender of a lease to Nathaniel Harding
Page 252 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edmund Jeffery, woollen-draper, Samuell Urlin, goldsmith, Robert Tifford butcher, Francis Challis chandler, John Fowkes, baker, and William Brand cord[wa]iner, of a piece of ground with houses now on it, near Jesus Green on the south side of the highway to Barnwell
Page 254 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Welsh, of a corner stall on the west side of the Shambles and abutting Butter Row, lately in tenure of William Russell, on surrender of a lease to Edith Welsh
Page 255 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Nathaniell Crabbe, alderman, of a piece of waste with houses now on it on the south side of the Kings Ditch abutting Fair Yard Lane and land in tenure of Thomas Hobson, deceased, adjacent a passage way from the hog market and near the Red Lyon [Lion] and the Falcon, and extending along the common ditch to the slaughterhouse, on surrender of a lease to the said Nathaniel
Page 257 - Lease, for 50 years between the Corporation and George Furnace, weaver, of a piece of waste near the watering pond at Emmanuel Lane
Page 258 - Lease, for 80 years between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of Emmanuel College, of a piece of ground on the back side towards Christ's College
Page 259 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 260 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Buck of Westwick, of waste ground in the parish of St Peter behind the brewhouse of Jesus College on surrender of his previous lease
Page 261 - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Owen Mayfeild, of the forepart of a tenement in the parish of St Edward, formerly in the occupation of Richard Pettit, between the Dunghill Cock east, and, west, the tenement called the Talbot in the occupation of John Adams, on surrender of a lease to Richard Pettit
Page 263 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cooper, of the slaughterhouse on the east of Fair Yard Lane between the tenement in the occupation of Richard Pettit, north, and one in occupation of John Pounsaby south, and abutting west on land of Robert Eade, Doctor of Physic
Page 264 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Pettit, of a tenement or workhouse, late in occupation of John Craske, on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, between tenements one in occupation of Thomas Tifford, alderman, the other Joseph Cooper, and abutting east on the tenement of Thomas Day, apothecary
Page 265 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Phillip Hawkins, burgess and distiller, of a piece of ground on the north side of the causey at the further end of Barnwell with a booth timber house on it, on surrender of a lease to John Lowry, merchant, deceased
Page 267 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Nathaniel Crabbe, alderman, of a tenement in St Andrews parish, between a tenement of Emmanuel College in the occupation of John Brand, formerly granted to Francis Harby, burgess and carpenter, and a stable in occupation of Samuel King, gent., on surrender of a lease to Thomas Pettit, chandler of Kings Lynn,
Page 268 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and William Sell, carter, and Ann his wife, of a piece of ground at Castle End in St Giles parish, on surrender of a lease to Augustine Reynolds
Page 270 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Jonathan Fuller, fellmonger, of a piece of ground in Walles Lane with barnes and stables now built, and land where the common pound once stood, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Nicholson, alderman
Page 271 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Edward Lawe, alderman, of a piece of ground in Walles Lane in Trinity parish behind the stables of the said Edward's dwelling house
Page 272 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Essex, butcher and Margaret Sheldrake, widow, of a tenement and yard in Fair Yard Lane, between tenements in occupation of John Cooper to the north, John Blackley to the south, with west the orchard late of John Hatcher, deceased, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Cobb
Page 273 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Thomas Symons, miller, of a piece of ground, with houses now on it, behind Bishop's Mill, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Carter
Page 274 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 275 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Alders, burgess and chandler, of a booth ground lying in the corner leading to honey Hill in Stourbridge fair, adjacent a booth of Cornelius Archer, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 276 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and William Ginn, baker, of a piece of waste ground by a pond near Bell Lane abutting west on the watering pond and with the tenement of Mary Thurlow, widow
Page 277 - Letter of Attorney appointing Timothy Marsh and Edward Fenn to collect the town rents
Page 277a - Letters patent relating to William Baron; also mentions William Lawe
Page 278 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Adams, carpenter, of two tenements, now three, abutting Trumpington Street in St Buttolph parish, together with a garden now having a barn on it adjacent to the Cardinalls Capp
Page 279 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Gascoyne MA of Trinity College, of ground on the east side of Great Fair Yard Lane previously of Richard Gravener and then of John Pettit, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 280 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Atkinson, burgess, of the Scalding House and Lands on surrender of his previous lease
Page 282 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Gascoyne MA of Trinity College, of waste ground at the NE end of the causey near Barnwell, with a booth timber house now built, between houses on Robert Robson and Cornelius Archer, on surrender of a previous lease
Page 283 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 284 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Henry Rich, labourer, of a piece of waste ground lying next to John Bendall's in St Andrews parish
Page 285 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Townsend, tobacconist, and Christian his wife, of a piece of waste ground, on which Nicholas Thurlow has built a house, on surrender of a lease to the Nicholas Thurlow, late carpenter
Page 286 - Letter of Attorney appointing Richard Norman jun. and James Mayfeild to collect the town rents
Page 287 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Norman, burgess and butcher, of two corner stalls in the Shambles next to Petty Cury, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 288 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Thurlow, widow, of a piece of ground near the Pinfold in St Giles parish, on the north of a garden in St Peters parish
Page 288a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Fox, gent. and burgess, of two booths and booth-grounds in Stourbridge Fair, known as the Blewbell [Bluebell] and the White Lion
Page 289 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Stafford, innholder, of Rea Lane from the corner of Mr French's dining room to Bimbrooke ditch in the parish of St Peter
Page 291 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and James Sanders, labourer, of a piece of waste ground hear the castle next the tenement of Thomas Gayler east, and a tenement of John Miller west, near a tenement of Anne Clarke, widow, south
Page 292 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Norman, butcher, of a stall in the Shambles next Petty Cury, now in the occupation of the said John, between stalls of Richard Norman and William Dickinson
Page 293 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gerrard, cordwainer, of a messuage near the castle in St Giles parish formerly demised to Thomas Day
Page 294 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Abraham Jurden, of a piece of waste at Castle End, now with a tenement on it sometime in the occupation of Margaret Teate, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Webbe
Page 295 - Lease, for 7 years between the Corporation and Philipp Hawkins, burgess and distiller, of those booths and booth-grounds in Stourbridge Fair given to the town by John Bury, two booths the gift of Henry Neale, one a stockfish booth in Cheapside purchased of William Picher, a booth in Soaper Lane next to Robert Chapman's
Page 296 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 297 - Letter of Attorney appointing Robert Crabb and William Smith to collect the town rents
Page 298 - Lease, for 80 years (during the fair) between the Corporation and George Skynner, burgess and carpenter, of a piece of waste on Stourbridge Fair, next to the booth called the Cross Keys already in his occupation
Page 299 - Lease, for 1000 years, at the rent of one peppercorn, between the Corporation and George Skynner, burgess and carpenter, of land called Joyners Furlong in Stourbridge lately purchased of Ambrose Buttler
Page 301 - Lease, for 80 years, at the rent of one peppercorn, between the Corporation and George Skynner, burgess and carpenter, of land called Joyners Furlong in Stourbridge lately purchased of Ambrose Buttler
Page 304 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Essex, of a messuage with appurtenances in Butter Row in the occupation of Ann Archer, between tenements in tenures of Christopher Addams, cordwayner, and Edward Chapman, on surrender of a lease to the said John
Page 305 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Dickinson, burgess and butcher of St Andrews parish, of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury late of Joane Wilson, and abutting a stall of Richard Hull, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Frohock
Page 307 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Sanders of Barnwell, gent, of an acre of land called Gildern in Middlefield on the south of Cambridge between land of William Collis north and William Stukes, south, and adjacent ground called sheephouse of the priory of Barnwell
Page 308 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 309 - Lease, for 21 years (during the fair) between the Corporation and Edward Jennings, burgess and chandler, of three booths in Cooks Row in Stourbridge Fair lately let to Francis Harby
Page 310 - Letter of Attorney appointing James Sanders and John Blackley to collect the town rents
Page 311 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anne Yorke, widow, of two pieces of formerly waste ground at Castle End, one now with a messuage on it, in occupation of the said Anne
Page 313 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Harrison, of piece of land late part of the scalding yard on the north of John Goldsborough's orchard, between Fair Yard Lane and the garden of John Chapman, fishmonger, and abutting lands of John Bowsier and William Woolfe, late alderman, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Nicholson, blacksmith
Page 315 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Dickinson, burgess and alderman, of a tenement called the Armitage, now three tenements in the parish of St Bennet, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 318 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Dickinson, burgess and alderman, of a parcel of ground called the Armitage, now enclosed with ditches, lying near the small bridges in Cambridge, and a piece of ground beyond the holt towards Newenham Mill, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 321 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Tall of Fenditton, yeoman, of five stalls for butchers next to his house near the Butchers Market
Page 322 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Ellis, clerk of Waddesdon, Bucks, of a piece of waste ground from the Pinfold to the gable end of Mr Potto's stable, together with houses now built on the said land in the occupation of Robert Warne, clothmaker and William Keene, poulterer, on surrender of a lease to the said John Ellis
Page 324 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 325 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Nathaniel Crabb, burgess and alderman, of a piece of ground, now enclosed with a tenement, on the right of Hadstock Way near Littlemore, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 328 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Miller, of a piece of empty ground beyond the castle between land called the Salepeece and the Huntingdon road
Page 330 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Susanna Heckle, spinster of Sampford Brett, Somerset, of a tenement called the Queens Arms in Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to John Stebbing of Stoke, Suffolk
Page 333 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Turkey, pikemonger, of fishings from the outward corner of Magdalen College to St Johns Bridge and from the Kings Mill to Souches Mill, on surrender of a lease to John Turkey his father
Page 335 - Letter of Attorney appointing Francis Harby and Robert Warne to collect the town rents
Page 336 - Letters patent appointing Lord Allington recorder
Page 337 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, alderman, of four stalls in front of the Black Swan in the parish of Great St Mary
Page 338 - Indenture [in Latin] relating to petition to parliament
Page 338a - Indenture [in Latin] relating to petition to parliament
Page 339 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Thomas Daye, apothecary, of a piece of empty ground at the south end of his garden in Black Swan Lane in the parish of Great St Mary
Page 340 - Release of Thomas Flanders from a bond for £40 dated 20 Aug 1674
Page 340a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 341 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Francis Jermin, gent., of a messuage called the Crow with its easements in St Clements parish late in occupation of Thomas Coward, given to the town by in the will of Lambert Dampes, on surrender of a lease to Robert Camps
Page 343 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bird, burgess and merchant taylor, of eight stalls adjoining the Half Moon in parish of Great St Mary, already in his occupation, previously occupied by Nathaniel Craddock
Page 344 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bird, of seven stalls adjoining his messuage called the Half Moon near the market place in the parish of Great St Mary
Page 345 - Letter of Attorney appointing John Else and John Hignell to collect the town rents
Page 346 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Essex, burgess and butcher, of a piece of ground now with a slaughter-house on it, on the east of Great Fair Yard Lane, previously in the tenure of James Millington and on the east of his garden, on surrender of a lease to the said John
Page 348 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Potter, chandler, of a tenement with stables and outbuildings in the parish of St Andrew between the churchyard and tenement called the Wrestlers, on surrender of a lease to the said James
Page 351 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Stephen Smith, cord[wa]iner, of a piece of waste adjoining the house of John Durrant, on surrender of a lease to William Gatwood
Page 352 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 353 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cordwainer, of ground at the north east of the causey in Barnewell, now with a house on it, on surrender of a lease to Cornelius Fuller
Page 353a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cord[wa]iner, of a booth called the Cross Keys near Garlic Row and three bays of Goldsmiths ground near the chapel, waste ground in the Duddery near the paper mills
Page 354 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, cord[wa]iner, of land behind the chapel in Stourbridge Fair, on surrender of a lease to Cornelius Fuller
Page 355 - Lease, for 50 years between the Corporation and the master and fellows of Katherine Hall, of empty ground on the west side of the college
Page 356 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, gent., of four slaughterhouses in Fair Yard Lane, with the yards behind them, adjacent the slaughterhouse of Stephen Hills, on surrender of a lease to William Hinton
Page 357 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Clarke, of ground with slaughterhouses, yard and barn now built west of Great Fair Yard, abutting slaughterhouse of Francis Nicholson, on surrender of a lease to Stephen Hills
Page 358 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edmund Ower and Anne his wife, of a piece of ground called Bimbroke Lane, sometime in tenure of Thomas French, on surrender of a lease to Stephen Hills sen.
Page 358a - Letter of Attorney appointing George Fowler and Christopher Oldfeild to collect the town rents
Page 359 - Licence of alienation by the Corporation to Francis Jermin in respect of a message in the parish of St Clement called the Crow
Page 360 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Gibbons als Nevile and Susan his wife, of a stable with chamber above, at a corner of the north end of Great Fair Yard Lane between land of John Goldsborough jun. and the Shraggery, sometime in tenure of Southhouse Robson
Page 360a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Henry Gibbons als Nevile and Susan his wife, of ground behind Butter Row, formerly in occupation of William Hurst, butcher, and adjacent land of Thomas Wilson
Page 361 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 362 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cooper, butcher, of two stalls of the east side of the Shambles next to Perry Cury
Page 363 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Susanna Hamond of Lambeth, widow, of a garden ground in St Andrews parish, abutting the workhouse on the south and land called St Thomas Leyes together with the porch before the tenement called The Castle, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Rix, brewer
Page 363a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Phillipp Hawkins, of those booths and booth grounds in Stourbridge given to the town by John Bury, and booths in Cheapside and Stockfish Row given by Henry Keale, and booths in Soaper Lane one next that of Robert Chapman
Page 364 - Lease, for 21years between the Corporation and Richard Berry of Chesterton, gent. and burgess, of two booths in Stourbridge Fair, one called the Blew Bell, the other the White Lion
Page 365 - Bond by the Corporation undertaking to pay Robert Baron £51-10s on 27 March next
Page 365a - Bond by the Corporation undertaking to pay Owen Mayfeild £103 on 27 March next
Page 366 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Susanna Hamond of Lambeth, widow, of three tenements with outhouses in the parish of St Andrew, formerly demised to Nathaniell Harding and John Entwesell [Entwhistle], and adjoining empty ground, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Rix, brewer
Page 367 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Walker, butcher, of two stalls on the west side of the Shables next the Petty Cury, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 368 - Letter of Attorney appointing [blank] Symons and John Hampson to collect the town rents
Page 369 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joan Norman, widow, of a messuage and yard adjoining on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, sometime in the tenure of John Durrant and in the occupation of Richard Norman
Page 370 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Nickles, innkeeper, of a tenement with land on its south in the parish of St Andrew late in occupation of Frances Nicholson, blacksmith, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Kidman
Page 370a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joan Norman, of two corner stalls in the Shambles next to Petty Cury, on surrender of a lease to the late occupier Richard Norman sen., burgess and butcher
Page 372 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Awstin, of a piece of ground, now with stables built, belonging to the Cardinals Capp in St Buttolph parish, abutting land of John Adams on the east, on surrender of a lease to the said Cornelius Awstin
Page 372a - Lease, for 30 years between the Corporation and Henry Fisher, of two tenements in the parish of St Buttolph in the occupation of Abraham Wright abutting land of John Adams, on surrender of a lease to the said Abraham Wright
Page 373 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Grace Thomazine, widow, of land in Preachers Street on the south corner of the wall late Fryers Preachers Street, with a tenement lately built, on surrender of a lease to George Bayly
Page 374 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Hampson, of a piece of waste now part of the house of John Durrant whereon a porch and chimney were built, on surrender of a lease to William Gatwood, burgess and cord[wa]iner
Page 374a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Adams, carpenter, of two pieces of common ground, now built on, on the east of a tenement of William Hurst, on surrender of a lease to John Adams dated 24 Aug 19 Chas 2 [1667]
Page 375 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Adams, carpenter, of a bay or standing under the house called Purgolds in parish of St Edwards and now a stable, on surrender of a lease to the said John Adams
Page 378 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Stafford and Elizabeth his wife, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row adjacent a tenement in the tenure Gilbert Coot, on surrender of a lease to the said William and Elizabeth. Also an adjoining Butcher Stall in Butter Row between tenements in occupation previously of George Taylor, east, and west of Henry Archer
Page 380 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Peddar, gent., of three acres of arable land, which came to the town by way of exchange with Trinity Hall, on surrender of a lease to William Peddar sen., gent., deceased, father of the said William
Page 380a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Peddar, gent., of a piece of ground in front of the house of William Peddar sen., in parish of St Clement, with other pieces of land, on surrender of a lease to William Peddar sen., gent., deceased, father of the said William
Page 382 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gayler, baker, of a tenement at Castle End lately demised to John Pendruddock and late in occupation of John Musset and sometime demised to Edward Veere, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Haddenham of Ely
Page 383 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gayler, baker, of ground demised to Jonas Scott belonging to a tenement at Castle End, between lands of in occupation of John Musset and Christopher Cutchley, on surrender of a lease to Thomas May
Page 383a - Licence of alienation by the Corporation to John Truebridge and wife Susanna in respect of a tenement in the parish of St Clement called the Queens Arms in Barnwell, with its outbuildings, demised to Susanna Heckle of Sampford, Somerset
Page 384 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Susanna Ellis of Amersden Oxfordshire widow of John and her sons Welbore and Charles Ellis, of waste ground next the Pinfold at the gable end of the stable sometime in the occupation of Mr Potto
Page 385 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Tifford, butcher, of a piece of ground called the slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane sometime in the occupation of Nicholas Tison, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Tifford
Page 386 - Letter of Attorney appointing William Wiseman and Robert Crabb to collect the town rents
Page 387 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Foulkes, esq., of Walden, Essex, of three stalls he is granted licence to erect in the parish of Great St Mary near the inn called the Black Swan
Page 387a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Gilbert, cooper, of a piece of ground at the Castle End abutting the highway to Huntingdon, sometime in the occupation of John Parker, on surrender of a lease to Ann Clarke
Page 388 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Richardson, brewer, of a piece of waste ground before his dwelling house in Walls Lane
Page 389 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Newton, gent and alderman, and Edward Chapman, woollendraper, of a piece of empty ground next the fishmarket in parish of St Edward, previously granted to Thomas Spicer
Page 390 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cooper, burgess and butcher, of a tenement and yard of the west side of Fair Yard Lane between a tenements in occupation of Roger Wilson, north, south of Thomas Cobb, and west the orchard of Thomas Burk
Page 391 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Israel Malden, glazier, of his tenement in St Andrews lately divided into three cottages, adjacent a tenement of Samuel Rix, on surrender of a lease to Alice Malden
Page 392 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Sarah Sanders, widow, of a piece of ground near the castle and adjacent to the White Lyon, now built on, on surrender of a lease to Richard Sanders, deceased
Page 393 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elias Woodward, glazier, of a tenement at the east end of Petty Cury, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 394 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Charles Day the elder, of a cornerhouse called the Queens Arms in Barnwell with its outhouses etc., on surrender of a lease to Susanna Heckle spinster of Sampford Brett, Somerset
Page 395 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Atkinson, burgess, of the scalding house and leads in scalding house yard, with their easements
Page 396 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Bedle of Wilmington, Kent, of a tenement with its gardens in Butter Row in the parish of the Blessed Virgin next to the market, on surrender of a lease to John Bedle
Page 397 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Bedle of Wilmington, Kent, of six stalls abutting the common street of the town on the east adjacent to the tenement of John Bedle, on surrender of a lease to the said John
Page 398 - Lease, for 30 years between the Corporation and George Kirby, of two tenements in the parish of St Buttolph in the occupation of Abraham Wright abutting land of John Adams, on surrender of a lease to Henry Fisher
Page 399 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Adams, of the forepart of a messuage in St Edwards parish, between a messuage previously in occupation of John Bensbone, east the kings highway, west, and abutting the pease market, on surrender of a lease to William Woulfe
Page 400 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Archer of Chesterton, of a booth timber house in Barnwell at the east end and north side of the Causey at the further end of Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to the said Cornelius
Page 401 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Cornelius Archer, of a booth in the water-fair at Stourbridge, heretofore belonging to the bailiff of Bridge Ward, on surrender of a lease to the said Cornelius
Page 402 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of Magdalen College, of a parcel of ground called a lane in the parish of St Giles formerly in the occupation of Edward Holmes, now built on, abutting the Cambridge bridge and with the tenement called the Black Boy of Margaret Rawlings, widow, to the south, and adjoining lane of Robert Twelves
Page 403 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Master, Fellows and scholars of St Mary Magdalen College, of a piece of ground in the parish of St Giles previously in the occupation of Robert Twelves, and now of the said Fellows, and abutting land of Edward Holmes and the ancient Cambridge bridge
Page 404 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Warner, yeoman, of a piece of waste lying in front of his tenement in the parish of St Clement, now enclosed
Page 405 - Surrender, by the Corporation to King Charles, of the right to choose a mayor
Page 405a - Obligation (in Latin) to pay £150 to Mary Bolton of Market Bosworth Leicestershire
Page 405b - Obligation (in Latin) to pay £150 to John Bacon of Trumpinton
Page 406 - Obligation (in Latin) to pay £150 to Thomas Fox of Cambridge
Page 407 - Lease, for 99 years between the Corporation and Robert Grimbold, freeman, of a piece of waste next to his house in Trumpington Street
Page 407a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Fidlin, innkeeper, of the tenement and outbuildings called the Crown with all Souls in St Andrews parish, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 408 - Latin address to Robert Wright of Cambridge
Page 408a - Obligation (in Latin) to pay £150 to William Baron of Cambridge
Page 409 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Stukes, widow of Wivelingham, of waste ground at the backside of her tenement in Holy Sepulchre parish between the Kings Ditch and the garden of the said Mary
Page 409 - Loyal address to King James II on his accession
Page 410 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and William Sell, carter, and Ann his wife, of a tenement with brich porch and land adjoining, at the Castle
Page 410a - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and John Hignell, burgess and woolcomber, of the boothgrounds called Mansey Booths in Cheese Row, during the time of the Fair
Page 411 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nicholson, haberdasher, of a piece of ground near Pump Lane in the parish of Great St Mary, adjacent to the yard of Samuell Marshall, haberdasher, a house where Nicolas Spillman lives, and the tenement where French Taylor previously dwelt and now used by Ellianor Guyon
Page 412 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nicholson, of a piece of ground in Pump Lane, or Well Lane, in Great St Mary parish near the yard of widow West in the occupation of William Fuller, plateworker
Page 412a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nicholson, haberdasher, of a piece of ground adjoining his messuage in the parish of Great St Mary
Page 413 - Presentation of the freedom of the town to Henry Lord Dover
Page 413a - Lease, for 32 years between the Corporation and Edward and Richard Miller, clerks, of a piece of empty ground beyond the castle between land called the Salepeece and the Huntingdon road, together with the houses now on it, following the decease of Edward Miller, gent
Page 414 - Lease, for 80 years between the Corporation and Andrew Craske, baker, of a piece of ground at the end of Walls Lane where the old pound stood, abutting the road to Emmanuel College on the east and the road to Barnwell
Page 415 - Lease, for 28 years between the Corporation and Richard Reynolds, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, of a messuage called the Cross Keys in Barnwell with its associated outbuildings, between tenements on either side in tenure of William Wendy, Kt.
Page 416 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Frances Essex, widow of John, of a piece of ground now with a slaughter-house on it, on the east of Great Fair Yard Lane, previously in the tenure of James Millington and on the east of his garden
Page 417 - Letter of Attorney appointing John Woollard and Thomas Norman to collect the town rents
Page 418r - Proclamation of receipt from Elizabeth Heath, widow of Mansfield, Notts., of £100 bequeathed to the town in the will of George Griffith
Page 418v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Essex, burgess and butcher, of a messuage with appurtenances in Butter Row previously in the occupation of Ann Archer, between tenements in tenures of Christopher Addams, cordwayner, and Edward Chapman, on surrender of a lease to the said John
Page 419r - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and George Nelson, burgess and carpenter, of a messuage with garden in Walls Lane between the common ditch and Sydney College, on surrender of a lease to Bridget Gray
Page 419v - Workhouse bond [in Latin] for payment of £102-10s William Iboorte, John Perne, Nathaniel Crabb and Edward Story, by 13 Oct for setting the poor on work
Page 420r - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Craske, burgess and chandler, of a tenement and yard in Fair Yard Lane already in his occupation now made into two tenements, adjacent a tenement of John Blackley to the south, on surrender of a lease to John Essex and Margaret Sheldrake
Page 420v - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Bittany, of a piece of waste ground at the castle adjacent Thomas Gailers tenement
Page 421 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Drake, gent., of a garden ground previously on the occupation of John Haselope, chandler, in the parish of St Buttolph, with two tenements built on it one now occupied by John Purvey, bricklayer, the other by [blank] Holcroft, pype-maker
Page 422 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Drake, gent., of two acres of arable in Newnham Crofte previously in the tenure of Robert Robson and now of Robert Ridgwell, on surrender of a lease to the said Robert Drake
Page 423 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Watson, of a booth timber house at the north end of the causey in Barnwell between booths late of John Lowrey, gent, and Robert Robson
Page 425 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Adam Newling, of a messuage called the Cross Keys in Barnwell with its associated outbuildings, between tenements on either side in tenure of William Wendy, Kt., on surrender of a lease to Richard Reynolds
Page 426 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Walsh of London, tobacconist, of a piece of ground in the parish of Great St Mary, in Cutlers Lane als Sheathers Lane, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Moody, milliner
Page 427 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Walsh of London, tobacconist, of land on the west of his tenement, in Great St Mary's, where a porch was newly built and on the west of the tenement of William Walker, apothecary, on surrender of a lease to Peter Scarlet, apothecary, deceased
Page 428 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Adams, merchant, of three tenements abutting Trumpington Street in St Buttolph parish near the Cardinals Capp, together with a yard now with stables and a malt house on it, on surrender of a lease to John Adams
Page 430 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Fox, gent., and John Baron of Trumpington, gent., of the mills called the Kings Mill with the marsh ground and osier holt called the Swans Nest, and the revenues therefrom accruing
Page 433 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Morton of St Ives, Hunts, currier, of booths in Curriers Row in Stribirdge [Stourbridge] Fair
Page 433a - Letter of Attorney appointing Charles Bumpstead and Hugh Grogan to collect the town rents
Page 434 - Loyal address to King James II
Page 435 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Greaves, bookseller, of the landing place at Chesterton Ferry next to Stourbridge Fair Green, on surrender of a lease to Anthony Slowman, deceased
Page 436 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 437 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Jane Stevens of the City of London, widow, of a booth timber house, formerly two shops, at the north east of Barnwell
Page 438 - Loyal address to His Majesty abhorring the threat of invasion
Page 438a - Confirmation of lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Fox, gent., and John Baron of Trumpington, gent., of the mills called the Kings Mill with the marsh ground and osier holt called the Swans Nest, and the revenues therefrom accruing
Page 440 - Receipt for money left in the bequest to the Corporation by Thomas White in 1592
Page 440a - Appointment of Rt Hon Thomas Chichely and John Cotton, Esq. to attend at Westminster
Page 442 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, gent. and alderman, of four slaughterhouses in Fair Yard Lane, with the yards behind them, on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas
Page 443 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Walker, gent. and alderman and Jane his wife, of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury, late in the occupation of Henry Welsh
Page 444 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Disbrow, goldsmith, of three acres one rood of pasture in Westfeild in a place called Claypitts in Chesterton, part of it adjacent land sometime Thomas Hobson's, bequeathed in the will of Richard Chevin, alderman, deceased
Page 445 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Chapman, woollen-draper, and Ann his wife, of a piece of empty ground lately with a booth timber house on it on the left hand side of the way from Barnwell to the paper mills, between houses of Dr Gascoigne and William Watson
Page 446 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Chapman, woollen-draper, and Ann his wife, of the nether rooms in the under part of the Guildhall three rooms under the pantry, kitchen and buttery, on surrender of a lease to Edward Chapman, gent., deceased
Page 447 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Clarke, of ground, now built on, in the parish of St Giles, late in tenure of Charles Day
Page 448 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Nickles, of a tenement and shop with land on its south in the parish of St Andrew, on surrender of a lease to the said John
Page 449 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Townsend, and Henry Ellis, both bakers, of the water mill called the Kings Mill, adjoining tenement, marsh ground and osier holt called the Swans Nest
Page 452 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 453 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and James Mayfeild, burgess and fishmonger, of a standing under Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley market, and an adjacent tenement formerly occupied by Edward Bainard, tobacco-pipe-maker, now by the said James and Robert Wilson, on surrender of a lease given to James' wife Emma by Emma Waterson, widow, deceased
Page 454 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Gimbart, cook, of a tenement with its outbuildings etc., sometime in the occupation of Mr Purgold and later of Mary Overton, abutting the yard of William Hurst, on surrender of a lease to William Waterson
Page 455 - Lease, for 7 years between the Corporation and Robert Smith, of Wittlesford Bridge with its tolls etc.
Page 456 - Obligation (in Latin) to pay £100-5s. to Thomas Fox of Cambridge
Page 457 - Bond [in Latin] grant to William [Russell] of Bedford
Page 457a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Thompson, distiller, of booths called Buggs Booths and Ivy Bush in Stourbridge Fair given to the town by Christopher Franke and Robert Lane, and variously adjacent booths of Roger Sleggs, Francis Hind, Robert Lane, late alderman, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Cole
Page 458 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Thompson, distiller, of booths on the south of Cheapside in Stourbridge Fair adjacent booths of John Lynne and William Munsey
Page 460 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Fox of Cambridge, gent., and John Baron of Trumpington, gent., of the mills called the Kings Mill with the marsh ground and osier holt called the Swans Nest, and the revenues therefrom accruing
Page 462 - Lease, for 21 years during the fair, between the Corporation and Edward Chapman and Anne his wife, of booths called the Calve Skins in Garlic Row, Stourbridge Fair between booths of Richard Burgess and John Ruste
Page 462 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Pearson, of a tenement with stables and outbuildings in the parish of St Andrew, on surrender of a lease to James Potter
Page 464 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Shipp, of Wetherffeild, Essex, clerk and administrator of the will of William Waterson, jun., deceased, of a shop in the parish of St Edwards
Page 465 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Preston, bricklayer, of ground with slaughterhouses, yard and barn now built west of Great Fair Yard, abutting slaughterhouse of Francis Nicholson, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Clarke, bricklayer, deceased
Page 466 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Mayfeild, fishmonger, of the long chamber called the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edward, on the east side of the Cock
Page 467 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anne Kempe, widow of Chelmsford, Essex, of ground in Garlic Row opening towards Sopers Row, and adjacent to her booth
Page 468 - Lease, for 50 years, during the fair, years between the Corporation and Anne Kempe, widow of Chelmsford, Essex, of ground lying on the backside of her 13 booths in Stourbridge
Page 469 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Townsend, tobacconist, and Christian his wife, of a piece of ground near the Castle, next to the old Pinfold and adjacent land on which Nicholas Thurlow has built a house, on surrender their previous lease
Page 470 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Townsend, tobacconist, and Christian his wife, of a messuage in Castle End where the old pound or Pinfold stood, on surrender of a lease to Mary Thurlow
Page 471 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Daniel Love, jun., brewer, of a piece of ground at the NE corner of the causey in Barnwell, next to the house of John Lowery, on surrender of a lease to John Squire
Page 472 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Gascoigne of Enfield, Middx, Doctor of Divinity, of ground on the east side of Great Fair Yard Lane with three tenements on it, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 473 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Gascoigne of Enfield, Middx, Doctor of Divinity, of waste ground at the NE end of the causey near Barnwell, with a booth timber house now built, between houses occupied by Robert Robson and Edward Chapman and another late of Cornelius Archer, deceased, and his son John
Page 474 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and George Prior, fellmonger, of a piece of ground in Walles Lane with barns and stables now built, adjacent land in occupation of Richard Harper, and land where the common pound once stood, on surrender of a lease to Jonathan Fuller
Page 475 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Miles Barnes D.D. and Susanna his wife, of a garden ground in St Andrews parish, abutting the workhouse on the south and land called St Thomas Leyes together with the porch before the tenement of Samuel Rix called The Castle, on surrender of a lease to the said Susanna
Page 476 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Hauchett, cordwainer, of a tenement in the parish of St Giles formerly demised to Thomas Gerrard
Page 477 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Peter Dent, cook, of a piece of empty ground at the backside of his houses in Pembroke Hall Lane, houses late of Robert Atkinson
Page 478 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Fullmer, gent., of the scalding house and leads in scalding house yard, with their easements
Page 479 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Crisp, labourer, of a piece of waste ground on the west of the road leading towards Balls Folly
Page 480 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Walker, burgess and butcher, of a slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane between tenements one late in the occupation of Thomas Tifford, the other of Joseph Cooper, on surrender of a lease to Richard Pettit
Page 481 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Yorke and Elizabeth his wife, of a piece of formerly waste ground at Castle End, now with a tenement on it
Page 482 - Licence of alienation by the Corporation to John Townsend and Henry Ellis, bakers, in respect of the Kings Mill and adjacent osier holt
Page 483 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, gent., of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles, late in occupation of Samuel Frohock, abutting north on a stall of Thomas Norman
Page 484 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Fairclough, rector of Kennet, with others, of a holt lying between the river and Coe Farm, abutting a holt in the occupation of John Bishop to the south, and the way leading to John Jenkinson's tenement to the north
Page 485 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Nathaniel Crabb, gent. and alderman, of a close on the east side of Great Fair Yard Lane with three tenements on it, on surrender of a lease to Joseph Gascoigne
Page 486 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Lamming, of a piece of waste at Castle End, now with a tenement on it sometime in tenure of Samuel Webb, on surrender of a lease to Abraham Jurden
Page 487 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Fisher, waterman, of a lean-to in the parish of St Clement, adjoining stone stairs sometime in occupation of Nicholas Coventry
Page 488 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 489 - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and Susanna Ellis, widow of John, clerk, of waste ground next the Pinfold at the gable end of the stable sometime in the occupation of Mr Potto, and two houses now erected thereon and in the occupation of Robert Warne cloth maker and Arthur Bonns, carpenter, on surrender of a lease to the said Susanna and her sons
Page 490 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Presson, bricklayer, of a piece of waste ground lying near the bridge , lately used by Mr Grumbold
Page 491 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Norman, butcher, of a stall in the Shambles between a stall late of Richard Norman, sen., and one of Thomas Ewin
Page 492 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Peter Betson, cook, of a piece of waste ground late on the east side of Great Fair Yard lane late in occupation John Chaplin, formerly part of a garden in occupation of James Willington
Page 493 - Lease, for 21 years, during the fair, between the Corporation and Peter Betson, cook, of three booths in Cooks Row in Stourbridge Fair, on surrender of a lease to Edward Jennings
Page 494 - Lease, for 41 years between the Corporation and John Fullmer, of ground in St Andrews parish, now built on, adjoining a brewhouse in the occupation of Miles Barnes D.D., on surrender of a lease to William Algate
Page 495 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Susan Gibbons als Nevill, widow, of a stable with a chamber over at the north end of Great Fair Yard Lane, between ground in the tenure of John Goldsborough jun., and the Shraggery, sometime in occupation of Southouse Robson
Page 496 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Simons, miller, and Frances his wife, of a messuage in Walls Lane abutting the Kings Ditch
Page 497 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Charles Cooper, burgess and butcher, of a slaughterhouse on east side of Fair Yard Lane between tenements variously in occupation of Richard Pettit and John Ponnsaby and the garden of Robert Daye, apothecary, on surrender of a lease to the said Charles
Page 498 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Stagg, cook, of a messuage with appurtenances in Butter Row previously in occupation of Anne Archer, between tenements in tenures of Christopher Addams, cordwinder, and Edward Chapman, gent., on surrender of a lease to John Essex
Page 499 - Lease, for 55 years between the Corporation and Sir Basil Firebrace of the City of London, of land called White Canons and land called Bullen Close, both in Stourbridge Field next Ditton Common
Page 500 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Thompson, distiller, of seven stalls in the market next Great St Mary, near the inn the Half Moon
Page 501 - Entry in Latin which mentions John Pyke
Page 502 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Priors and Sarah his wife, of land near the Castle, on surrender of a lease to the said Sarah
Page 503 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Alders, of a booth ground in the corner of Honey Hill in Stourbridge Fair, adjacent one of Cornelius Archer, on surrender of a lease to his father James Alders
Page 503 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Frohock, of eight stalls near the Half Moon in the parish of Great St Mary, previously in occupation of John Bird, merchant taylor
Page 504 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 504a - Incomplete entry: Charles Cooper's lease
Page 506 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Stagg, cook, and Philip Reynolds, public notary, executors of the will of Sarah Harrison, widow, of a piece of land late part of the scalding yard, on the north of John Goldsborough's orchard, between Fair Yard Lane and the garden of John Chapman, fishmonger, and abutting lands of John Bowsier and William Woolfe, on surrender of a lease to John Harrison
Page 507 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cordwinder, of land behind the chapel in Stourbridge Fair, on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas
Page 508 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cordwinder, of ground at the north east of the causey in Barnewell, now with a house on it, on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas
Page 509 - Letter of Attorney appointing Richard Pyke, John Pyke and Wiborow Pyke, gents, to collect money due to Queen Mary
Page 509a - Lease, for 21 years, and during the fair, between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cordwinder, of the Walden booth and booth ground, with hostelry and kitchen, called the Cross Keys near Garlic Row in Stourbridge Fair, with other ground in the fair
Page 510 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Susan Gibbons als Nevile, widow, of ground, now built on, behind the Butter Row previously demised to William Hurst, butcher
Page 510a - Letter of Attorney appointing Sell Craske and Richard Packer to collect the town rents
Page 511 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 512 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gayler, baker, of a tenement at Castle End lately previously granted to Jonas Scot lying between properties of Christopher Crutchy and of John Penruddock occupied by John Musset, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 512a - Indenture [in Latin] between Arthur Joscelyn and Samuel Howton, Thomas Ewing, Thomas Fox
Page 513 - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Munns and Edward Stevenson to collect the town rents
Page 513a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gayler, baker, of a tenement at Castle End lately demised to Thomas May sometime in occupation of John Musset and late in occupation of Wate Ivers, together with land demised to Edward Veer
Page 514 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Nicholas Caiton, cord[wa]iner, of a piece of ground in the parish of Great St Mary, in Cutlers Lane als Sheathers Lane, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Walsh
Page 515 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Willson of Royston, gent, of the tenement, with its outbuildings and orchards etc., called Clement Ostle in Bridge Street, parish of St Clement, sometime in the occupation of Hugh Humphrey, on surrender of a lease to John Moor
Page 516 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and six gentlemen, of the tenement called Clement Hostle, previously granted to John Cropley
Page 517 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Day, brewer, of a cornerhouse called the Queens Arms in Barnwell with its outhouses etc., on surrender of a lease of to the late Charles Day, father of Robert
Page 518 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 519 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Butler, cook, of the inn called the Crown in St Andrews parish, with outbuildings, on surrender of a lease to John Fidlin
Page 519a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roger Crisp, taylor, of a messuage with shop in the parish of St Andrew, now divided into two, on surrender of a lease to the said Roger
Page 521 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and four Hamond sisters, of three tenements, barn and bathhouse in parish of St Andrew, with other land on the south, on surrender of a lease to Susanna Hamond
Page 521a - Indenture [in Latin] between Sir Granado Pigot and several named burgesses
Page 522 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Timbs Maxey of Wellingborough, Northants, linen-draper, of the tenement and orchard called the Ram[?] in the parish of St Sepulchre
Page 523 - Letter of Attorney appointing Stephen Perry and Charles Filkin to collect the town rents
Page 523a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Oliver Pangbourn, innholder, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, between tenements in the occupation of William King and alderman Walker, and also an adjoining stall in Butter Row
Page 525 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roger Thompson, brewer, of a piece of ground behind Roger's brewhouse, next to the river in St Clements parish by the inn called The Ship, on surrender of a previous lease
Page 526 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roger Thompson, brewer, of a piece of ground, now built on with its porches and pales, in Harleston Lane in St Clements parish, on surrender of a lease to the said Roger
Page 527 - Lease, for 50 years between the Corporation and Philip Saunders, baker, of the house called the Butchers Shambles in Market Hill near the common gaol
Page 527a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Philip Saunders, baker, of chambers, shops and stalls at the north end of the debtors hall, also Tanners Hall under the great chamber, lying between the women's gaol and the corner shop, on surrender of a lease to Philip Williams
Page 528 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 529 - Letter of Attorney appointing Charles Inman and John Wickes to collect the town rents
Page 529a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Ellis and Richard Yorke, bakers, of the water mill called the Kings Mill, with adjoining tenement and osier holt called the Swans nest
Page 532 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Miller, taylor, of a mansion house called Michaellhouse grange in St Andrews parish with its barns etc., and also a messuage called New England near Barnwell late in occupation of Andrew Hart and John Clark, with eight acres of arable late in occupation of John Witham
Page 532a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 534 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Wendy the elder, butcher, of a piece of ground called the slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane sometime in the occupation of Robert Tifford, now of the said James
Page 535 - Lease, for 41 years between the Corporation and William Wendy the elder, butcher, of a messuage called the Crow with its solars, cellars etc., in St Clements parish, given to the town by in the will of Lambert Damp late burgess, on surrender of a lease to Francis Jermin
Page 536 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Adams, gent., of the forepart of a messuage in St Edwards parish, between a messuage in occupation of Richard Pyke and the kings highway, on surrender of a lease to John Adams
Page 537 - Letters patent from the Corporation appointing Edward earl of Oxford as High Steward of the town
Page 538 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Sewster, baker, of a tenement at the east end of Petty Cury, on surrender of a lease to Elias Woodward
Page 538a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Husk, of a piece of empty ground in Holy Sepulchre parish, on the backside of the house of the said Richard, with land of Thomas Ventris to the north, on surrender of a lease to Mary Stewkes
Page 539 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Turkey, pikemonger, of waters and fishings from the outward corner of Magdalen College to St Johns Bridge and from the Kings Mill to Souches Mill, on surrender of a lease to John Turkey his brother
Page 541 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Wardell, gunsmith, of booths known as Munseys Booths in the Cheese Row at Stourbridge Fair late in occupation of John Hignell, between booths of alderman Watson and John Cotton Kt.
Page 542 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Nathanael Crabb, gent. and alderman, of a piece of former waste now enclosed and abutting a garden of Thomas Wooton, on surrender of a lease to the said Nathanael
Page 542a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 543 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Nathanael Crabb, gent. and alderman, of a piece of ground, now enclosed with a tenement, on the right of Hadstock Way near Littlemore, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 546 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Hills, burgess and chairmaker, of a messuage with garden in Walls Lane between the common ditch on the east and west the late Grey Friars now Sydney College, on surrender of a lease to George Nelson
Page 546a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Norman, burgess and butcher, of a tenement and yard on the west of Fair Yard Lane, with a tenement in the occupation of Charles Cooper north, a tenement in occupation of John Craske south, and an orchard of John Blackley west
Page 548 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Rivers Dickinson, malster of Ware, Herts, of a tenement called the Armitage, now enclosed with ditches, on surrender of a lease to his father Richard
Page 549 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Blith clerk of Everton-cum-Tetworth, Hunts and Elizabeth his wife, of a tenement called the Armitage, now three tenements with a close adjoining in the parish of St Bennet, on surrender of a lease to William Dickinson, father of Elizabeth
Page 550 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Adams, clerk, of two pieces of land, one, now built on with a well, on the east of a tenement in the butchery of William Hurst, the other adjoining, on surrender of a lease to his father John Adams
Page 551 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Adams, clerk, of a bay or standing under the house called Purgolds in parish of St Edwards and now a stable in the occupation of Henry Cole, on surrender of lease to his father John
Page 552 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Dickinson [elsewhere Dickenson], butcher, of a tenement of the east side of Penny Fathing Lane next to the tenement of John Haslop, and empty ground adjoining
Page 553 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Stagg, cook and Philip Reynolds, public notary, executors of the will of Sarah Harrison, of grounds now in the occupation of James May and George Barber, namely a garden late part of the scalding yard, between Fair Yard Lane and the garden of John Chapman, fishmonger, and abutting the stables of William Woolfe late alderman, on surrender of their previous lease
Page 555 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Grumbold, stonecutter, of ground at the back of Queens College between the highway over the brick bridge and the ditch of the common stream under the back gate near the college brewhouse
Page 556 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Kirby, widow and executrix of George Kirby, of two tenements in the parish of St Buttolph late in the occupation of Abraham Wright abutting land of John Adams
Page 557 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Skinner, widow, of a messuage with its outbuildings in Butter Row, now in tenure of Henry Wickes, and between tenements in occupation of Thomas Walker and Lancelot Hooper; and also of nine stalls adjoining his tenement also in occupation of Henry Wickes
Page 558 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Woodburn, yeoman, of the scalding house and leads in scalding house yard, with their easements, on surrender of a lease to John Fullmer
Page 560 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Gilbert, jun., cooper, of a piece of ground at the Castle End, sometime in the occupation of John Parker, on surrender of a lease to John Gilbert, sen.
Page 560a - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, gent. and alderman, of four slaughterhouses in Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 561 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Charles Cooper, butcher, of a messuage and yard adjoining on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, in the occupation of Samuel Foster and Jeremiah Lambert, on surrender of a lease to Joan Cooper, late wife of Charles
Page 562 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Charles Cooper, butcher, of two corner stalls in the Shambles next to Petty Cury and abutting north on Market Hill, on surrender of a lease to Joan Norman, widow
Page 563 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Thornbury, citizen and salter of London, of a tenement and yard in Fair Yard Lane now made into two tenements with a cawdle house and stables, adjacent a tenement of John Blackley to the south, on surrender of a lease to John Crask
Page 564 - Lease, for 21 years, during the fair, between the Corporation and Thomas Fowler, alderman and gent., of Helgaies Booths in Stourbridge Fair, late in occupation of Edward Hind Kt.
Page 565 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard West, of a piece of empty ground beyond the castle south of land called the Salepeece and next the Huntingdon road, together with the houses now on it, on surrender of a lease to Edward Miller
Page 565a - Recorder's Patent appointing Robert [Drake]
Page 565b - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 567 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Symons, of ground at the NE end of the causey near Barnwell with a booth timber house, between houses of Mrs Chapman and of John Archer, on surrender of a lease to Joseph Gascoign
Page 567a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Daniel Love brewer, of a piece of ground whereon a booth timber house is now erected, at the NE corner of the causey in Barnwell, next to the house of John Lowry, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 568 - Letter of Attorney appointing Jeremiah Lamberts and Thomas Balle to collect the town rents
Page 569 - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and John Awstin [Austin], of a piece of ground adjacent to the Cardinals Capp in St Buttolph parish, abutting land of John Adams on the east, on surrender of a lease to the said Cornelius Awstin
Page 569a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Mayfeild, fishmonger, of the long chamber known as the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edward, between grounds of Samuel Newton and the fishmarket
Page 570 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Adams, of three tenements abutting Trumpington Street in St Buttolph parish near the Cardinals Capp, together with a yard other outhouses on it, a garden formerly Higneys, together with a yard formerly Rutters and other ground by the Kings ditch, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 572 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 572a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Pern, of his tenement in parish of St Andrew lately divided into three cottages, adjacent a tenement of Thomas Leyes on the west, the workhouse on the north, on surrender of a lease to Israel Malden
Page 573 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Newling, alderman and gent., of two booths and booth grounds, known by the name of the Blew Bell and White Lion, in Stourbridge Fair, previously in occupation of Robert Wrangle and Mary Jennings
Page 574 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anne Bedle, widow, of a tenement and garden in Butter Row, in the occupation of Christian Hooper, widow, on surrender of a lease to Robert Bedle
Page 575 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anne Bedle, widow, of six stalls adjoining the tenement in occupation of Christian Hooper, on surrender of a lease to Robert Bedle
Page 576 - Loyal address to Queen Anne on her accession
Page 576a - Bond to Bartholomew Young of Bradfeild, Suffolk [in Latin]
Page 577 - Address to Prince George of Denmark concerning interruption of seacoal supplies by river from Lynn due to pirates
Page 577a - Indenture [in Latin] mentions Edward Nightingale, and Charles Chambers and others
Page 578 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Samuel Newton sen., gent. and alderman, and Ann Chapman, widow, of a piece of ground in the parish of St Edward, next the fishmarket between the almshouses and buildings of William Welbore and of John Ellis, both deceased, called the Pinfold, previously granted to Samuel Newton and Edward Chapman late husband of Ann
Page 579 - Letter of Attorney appointing William Cole to collect the town rents
Page 579a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 581 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Carrington, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, between that in occupation of Oliver Pangborn west, and east that of Henry Wickes
Page 581a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Wilson, burgess and butcher, of a tenement and slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane between tenements in occupation of John Taylor and John Carrington and adjacent the yard of Thomas Glover now in occupation of the said John WIlson, on surrender of a lease to Charles Cooper
Page 583 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Hatton Buck of Westwick, Cambs, of a house and ground on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, and a close called the Tenter Yard formerly demised to Henry Slegg between the orchard late of Martin Peirse, now Robert Holiday, on surrender of a lease to his father Thomas Buck
Page 583a - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and George Prior, fellmonger, of two pieces of ground in Walles Lane, one with barns and stables now built previously in occupation of Richard Harper, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 584 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Charles Chambers, gent. and alderman, Richard Peason, cord[wa]iner, John Purchas taylor, John Wardell, locksmith, William Rayment currier, and Jarvis Bryan confectioner, of a piece of ground with houses now on it, near Jesus Green on the south side of the highway to Barnwell
Page 585 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Wendy jun., butcher, of two stalls, late in tenure of Samuel Frohock, in the Shambles next Petty Cury abutting a stall of Thomas Norman
Page 586 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Wendy sen., of two acres of arable in Newnham Crofte in Grancester now enclosed, near the parsonage, between land of Edward Story on the west and on the east of Robert Robson, on surrender a lease to Robert Drake
Page 586a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Nevile [Neville], blacksmith, of a stable with chamber above, at a corner of the north end of Great Fair Yard Lane between land of John Goldsborough jun. and the Shraggery, previously in tenure of Southhouse Robson
Page 587 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Cooper, spinster, of two stalls on the east side of the Shambles next Petty Cury abutting Butter Row
Page 588 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 588a - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and William Watson, of a booth timber house on the east side at the north end of the causey in Barnwell between booths late of John Lowrey, gent, and Robert Robson
Page 589 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roger Crisp, tayler, of a messuage with shop in the parish of St Andrew, with empty ground on its south side, on surrender of a lease to the said Roger
Page 590 - Letter of Attorney appointing Charles Peircy and Richard Saunders to collect the town rents
Page 590a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Jane Walker, widow, of two stalls and a corner stall late of Henry Welsh, all on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury abutting Butter Row
Page 591 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 592 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Norman, burgess and butcher, of a stall in the Shambles in the Petty Cury between stalls late of Richard Norman sen. and of Thomas Ewin
Page 592a - Loyal address to Queen Anne celebrating the Duke of Marlborough
Page 593 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Presson, bricklayer, of ground with tenement, slaughterhouse, stable and barn now built west of Great Fair Yard Lane, abutting slaughterhouse of Francis Nicholson, on surrender his previous lease
Page 594 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Graves, widow, of a landing place at Chesterton Ferry next to Stourbridge Fair Green, on surrender of a lease to her late husband William
Page 594a - Lease, for 21 years, during the fair, between the Corporation and Ann Chapman, widow, of two booths called the Calve Skins on the east side of Garlic Row in Stourbridge Fair between booths formerly of Richard Burgess and John Ruste, on surrender of a lease to her and her husband Edward
Page 595 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Frohock, alderman, of a booth in Pewterers Row in Stourbridge Fair
Page 596 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Randall, carpenter, of a booth timber house in Barnwell at the east end and north side of the Causey at the further end of Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to Cornelius Archer
Page 597 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Randall, carpenter, of a booth in the waterfair at Stourbridge, on surrender of a lease to Cornelius Archer
Page 598 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Goward, of three acres of arable land which came to the town by way of exchange with Trinity Hall, and land near Newnham Mill, on surrender of a lease to William Peddar
Page 600 - Bond to pay Thomas Staunton £106 by 16 Apr next
Page 600a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 600b - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas York, labourer, of a piece of waste, now with a tenement on it, at castle End sometime in the tenure of Margaret Teale and after of Thomas Webb
Page 601 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Samuel Marshal of Wisbech, of the forepart of a messuage called the Dunghill Cocke, and its backyard, in St Edwards parish, between the almshouse and a messuage in occupation of John Raul[?]
Page 602 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cordwinder, of land behind the chapel in Stourbridge Fair, on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas
Page 603 - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, burgess and cordwinder, of ground at the north east of the causey in Barnewell, now with a house on it, on surrender of a lease to the said Thomas
Page 604 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Glover, cordwinder, of the Walden Booth and booth ground called the Cross Keys near Garlick Row in Stourbridge Fair, next the highway leading to the Timber Fair, and also three bays of goldsmiths ground next the Chapel, with other grounds in Cheapside
Page 605 - Licence of alienation to John Stagg and Philip Reynolds in respect of a lease on property of Sarah Harrison
Page 606 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gailes, carpenter, of various booths and booth grounds, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Thompson
Page 608 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gailes, carpenter, of three booths in Stourbridge Fair, some called Buggs Booths and Ivy Bush in Stourbridge Fair, given to the town by Christopher Franke, late alderman, between booths of the said Thomas and Philip Hawkinson, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Thompson
Page 609 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Selby, merchant, of a piece of waste adjoining the house formerly of John Durrant and late of Stephen Dunch whereon a porch, chimney, window pane and pale were built, on surrender of a lease to Elizabeth Hampson
Page 609a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Lydia Wendy, widow, of a close on the east side of Great Fair Yard Lane with three tenements on it, on surrender of a lease to Nathaniel Crabb
Page 700 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Rant, of a piece of ground near the pump in the parish of Great St. Mary, adjacent land in occupation of Isaac Jackson and the house of William Richards
Page 701 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Rant, of a piece of ground in Pump Lane, or Well Lane, in Great St Mary parish late in occupation of Thomas Nicholson, near the yard of widow West in the occupation of Mark Bullen
Page 702 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Rant, esq., of a piece of ground adjoining his tenement in the parish of St Mary the Great
Page 703 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Pigot, spinster, of a tenement in St Andrews parish, between a tenement of Emmanuel College in the occupation of John Brand, and a stable in occupation of Dictor Green, on surrender of a lease to Nathaniel Crabb, gent. and alderman
Page 704 - Loyal address to Queen Anne on the victories by Duke of Marlborough and Earl of Peterborough
Page 705 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Daniel Love, brewer, of a booth timber house on the east side at the north end of the causey in Barnwell near a booth late of John Lowry
Page 705a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 706 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Smith, clerk of Brampton, Hunts, of a slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane between the tenements occupied by Thomas Tifford and Joseph Cooper, on surrender of a lease to William Walker
Page 707 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Woolfe, baker, of two pieces of land, one, now built on with a well, on the east of a tenement in the tenure of William Hurst at the end of the butchery, on surrender of a lease to Edward Adams
Page 708 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Margaret Ellis, spinster, of waste ground next the Pinfold at the gable end of the stable sometime in the occupation of Mr Potto, and two houses now erected thereon and in the occupation of Thomas Wilson, butcher, on surrender of a lease to Susanna Ellis
Page 709 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Lydea [elsewhere Lydia] Wendy widow and executrix of James Wendy, of a piece of ground called the slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane sometime in the occupation of the said James
Page 800 - Address to Queen Anne on the Act of Union
Page 800a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 801 - Letter of Attorney appointing Charles Roper, butcher and Thomas Oliver, taylor, to collect the town rents
Page 802 - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and Mary Stagg, Frances Stagg and Easter [Esther] Stagg, all spinsters, of a messuage with appurtenances in Butter Row previously in occupation of Ann Archer, between tenements in tenures of Christopher Addams, cordwinder, and Edward Chapman, gent., on surrender of a lease to John Stagg
Page 803 - Loyal address to Queen Anne celebrating victory over the pretender
Page 804 - Letters patent, in Latin, from the Corporation appointing Thomas Fox
Page 805 - Loyal address to Queen Anne on the victory by Duke of Marlborough at Andernarde
Page 806 - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and John Carrington, butcher, of a piece of ground now with a slaughter-house on it, on the east of Great Fair Yard Lane, previously in the tenure of James Wallington, on surrender of a lease to Frances Essex
Page 807 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Lodington of Hameringham Lincolnshire, of a piece of ground in front of his house in parish of St Clement, with other pieces of land, on surrender of a lease to William Peddar
Page 808 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of Magdalen College, of a parcel of ground called a lane in the parish of St Giles in the occupation of Thomas Jackson and Francis Atkinson, and adjacent land formerly of Robert Twelves and between the Copped Hall and tenement of Margaret Rawlings, widow, on surrender of their previous lease
Page 810 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of Magdalen College, of a parcel of ground called a lane in the parish of St Giles formerly in the occupation of Robert Twelves, and now of the said Fellows, abutting the Cambridge bridge, and adjoining lane of Edward Holmes, on surrender of their previous lease
Page 811 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Fowler jun., gent. and alderman, of Helgaies Booths in Stourbridge Fair with the kitchen and victualling ground adjacent, late in occupation of Sir Edward Hind, on surrender of a previous lease
Page 812 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 813 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Preston, bricklayer, of three Fish Bays in the water fair at Stourbridge Fair
Page 814 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Woodcock, bricklayer, of land called Allwayns Lane, now built on, on the north side of The Kings Head in Preachers Street, or Conduitt Street, and another piece adjacent to The Bear
Page 815 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Wells, victualler, of a tenement and yard behind Butter Row in the parish of St. Mary, on surrender of a lease to Ann Beedle
Page 816 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Wells, victualler, of six stalls adjoining his tenement, on surrender of a lease to Ann Beedle
Page 817 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Clarke, labourer, of ground, now with a tenement on it, on the west side of the castle in the parish of St. Giles, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 818 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Caiton, widow, of a piece of ground in the parish of Great St Mary, in Cutlers Lane als Sheathers Lane, adjacent ground of Dr Glisson
Page 819 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Craske, doctor of physick, and Charles Apethorp, merchant, of waste ground and the lane leading to it in parish of St Peters, behind the brewhouse of a tenement of St John's College, late in occupation of Edmund Arthur gent
Page 820 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Mathews, merchant, of the long chamber known as the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edward, between grounds of Samuel Newton, south, and the fishmarket, north, and adjacent The Cock
Page 821 - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and Thomas Gailer, baker, of ground belonging to a tenement at East End lately previously leased to Thomas May and heretofore Jonas Scott lying between properties of Christopher Crutchy and of John Penruddock occupied by John Musset, on surrender of a previous lease
Page 822 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Gailer, baker, of a tenement at Castle End late in occupation of Wate Ivers, together with land demised to Edward Veer
Page 823 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Yorke, laborer, of a piece of formerly waste ground at Castle End in the parish of St. Peter, now with a tenement on it, and an adjacent yard, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 824 - Lease, for 41 years between the Corporation and Thomas Yorke, laborer, of ground in St Andrews parish, now built on, adjoining a brewhouse in the occupation of Miles Barnes D.D., on surrender of a lease to John Fulmer
Page 825 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Abraham Silke, carpenter, of three booth grounds in Stourbridge Fair, one in the Duddery between those of Madam Howland and Mr. Birgess, and two in Cheapside next that of Thomas Gaile
Page 826 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Wardell, gunsmith, of booths known as Munseys Booths in Cheese Row at Stourbridge Fair between booths of alderman Watson and John Cotton Kt.
Page 827 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master Fellows and scholars of Emanuel College, of a piece of ground on the east of the college, formerly in occupation of Edward Miller, brewer
Page 829 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anthony Burgess of the City of London, of a booth timber house, formerly two shops, at the north east of Barnwell, previously in occupation of Thomas Stevens D.D., on surrender of a lease to Jane Stevens
Page 830 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Peirce Dent, apothecary, of a piece of ground between the Kings Ditch and the end of his garden in the parish of St. Sepulchre, and abutting land of Thomas Strokes, clarke, and also land to its north in occupation of Lazarus Betts, on surrender of a lease to Peter Dent
Page 832 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Martha Love, widow of Daniel Love, of a house called the Queens Arms in Barnwell, together with its outhouses, stables, etc.,
Page 833 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 834 - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Fox, jun. and Joseph Pyke, to pay to the Queen those monies due to her from the town
Page 834a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Frohock, of ground by the roundabout in Garlic Row opening towards Sopers Row, on surrender of a lease to Anne Kemp
Page 835 - Loyal address to Queen Anne
Page 836 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Allot, apothecary, of the inn called the Crown in St Andrews parish, with outbuildings, on surrender of a lease to John Butler
Page 838 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Newton, Joseph Pyke and John Carington, aldermen, Hugh Martin, university beadle, and Edmond Halfehyde, apothecary, of almshouses under the treasury in the parish of St. Edward abutting tenements of Robert Nutting, William Overton, Richard Pettit and William Chapman
Page 840 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 841 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roger Crisp, tayler, of a messuage with shop in the parish of St Andrew, with empty ground on its south side, on surrender of a lease to the said Roger
Page 843 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Finch, of a piece of empty ground late on the east side of Great Fair Yard lane late in occupation John Chaplin, formerly part of a garden in occupation of James Willington, on surrender of a lease to Peter Betson
Page 845 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Warren of Burwell, of two corner stalls in the Shambles next to Petty Cury and abutting north on Market Hill, on surrender of a lease to Charles Cooper
Page 847 - Lease, for [unstated] years between the Corporation and William Simons, miller, of ground at the NE end of the causey near Barnwell with a booth timber house, between houses of Mrs Chapman and of John Archer, on surrender of a lease to the said William
Page 849 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Barons, cord[wa]iner, of Gilden Acre (arable land) in Midlefeild on the south of Cambridge, between land of William Collis, north, and William Stukes, south
Page 851 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Betson, cook, of three booths in Cooks Row in Stourbridge Fair, on surrender of his previous lease
Page 852 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 853 - Letter of Attorney appointing John Baron Pell and James Hindes to collect the town rents
Page 854 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Oliver Pangbourn, innholder, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, between tenements in the occupation of William King and Edward Clapton, and also an adjoining butcher's stall in Butter Row
Page 857 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Francis Walker of Grantchester, gent, of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury abutting Butter Row on surrender of a lease to Jane Walker, his mother, deceased
Page 860 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Francis Walker of Grantchester, gent, of two stalls on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury abutting Butter Row on surrender of a lease to Jane Walker, his mother, deceased
Page 863 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Lidea Wendy, executrix of the will of the late husband James Wendy sen., butcher, of two acres of arable land in West, east of land of Elizabeth Storey and south of land late of Robert Robson, on surrender of a lease to the said James Wendy
Page 865 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Wendy, butcher, of two stalls, late in tenure of Samuel Frohock, on the west side of the Shambles next Petty Cury abutting a stall of Thomas Norman, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Frohcok
Page 868 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Sarah Norman, widow and executrix of Thomas Norman, butcher, deceased, of two stalls on the east side of the Shambles next Petty Cury abutting the Market Place, between stalls of Richard Norman sen. and Thomas Ewin, on surrender of a lease to her late husband
Page 871 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Adam Newling, son of alderman Newling, of a bay or standing under Purgolds on the east side of the pease and barley hill near the pillory, and a tenement in St Edward's parish formerly occupied by Edward Bainard, tobacco-pipe-maker, near the corner fish shop, all late in the occupation of James Mayfeild or Robert WIlson
Page 874 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Cutcheye, yeoman, of 3 acres 1 rood of pasture in the west field of Chesterton in a place called Clay pitts, part adjacent to land of Thomas Hobson and abutting Landbeach Way, and part adjacent land of Merton College Oxford
Page 877 - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 877a - Letter of Attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair
Page 878 - Letter of Attorney appointing Samuell Sheapheard, jun., of London, to administer the bequest of £100 given under the will of Thomas White, late alderman and Lord Mayor of London, dated St. Bartholomew the Apostle (24 Aug) 1592
Page 880 - Acquittance by the Corporation acknowledging receipt of £104, part of Thomas White's gift
Expand 3 - Lease book C3 - Lease book C
Expand 4 - Lease book D4 - Lease book D
Expand 5 - Lease book E5 - Lease book E
Expand 6 - Lease book F6 - Lease book F
Expand 7 - Lease book G7 - Lease book G
Expand 8 - Lease book H8 - Lease book H
Expand 9 - Lease book I9 - Lease book I
Expand 10 - Lease book J10 - Lease book J
Expand 11 - Lease book K11 - Lease book K
Expand 12 - Lease book L12 - Lease book L
Expand 13 - Lease book M13 - Lease book M
Expand 14 - Lease book N14 - Lease book N
Expand 15 - Lease book O15 - Lease book O
Expand 16 - Lease book P16 - Lease book P
Expand 17 - Lease book Q17 - Lease book Q
Expand 18 - Lease book R18 - Lease book R
Expand 19 - Lease book S19 - Lease book S
Expand 20 - Lease book T20 - Lease book T
21 - Handwritten copy of Corporation rental book 1842
22 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1848
23 - Draft manuscript copy of corporation rental book 1857
24 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1856
25 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1860
26 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1861
27 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1870
28 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1878
29 - Corporation rental book 1890
30 - Corporation rental book 1906
31 - Counterpart lease of the Nags Head and cottages near Albion Row from the Corporation to Jonah Read
32 - Surrender of lease of stalls before the Black Swan from the Executors of Richard Foster to the Corporation
Expand 33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street
34 - Agreement for hire of a room in Butter Row for an office for the Town Surveyor between the Corporation and the Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
35 - Counterpart lease of three messuages or tenements at Castle End for term of 40 years from Michaelmas 1841, from the Corporation to Mrs Sarah Nicholls
36 - License to assign premises in Castle Lane to Mr Albine Carter from the Corporation to the executors of John Fortin deceased
37 - Counterpart lease of four messuages and gardens in Castle Row from the Corporation to Albine Carter
Expand 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street
39 - Agreement for the tenancy of the former Corn Market building at the Cattle Market, Cherry Hinton Road
Expand 40 - Lease for land in Chesterton40 - Lease for land in Chesterton
41 - Counterpart licence to use a portion of Coldham's Common for a rifle range
42 - Fire insurance policy for a skating rink on Corn Exchange Hill leased by William Henry Poole from the Corporation
Expand 43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street
Expand 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street
45 - Fire insurance policy for town gaol premises by the Corporation
46 - Counterpart lease of premises on Garlic Fair Lane in Holy Sepulchre from the Corporation to William Crowe
Expand 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall
48 - Lease of Hell Meadow, near Coe Fen and Penniless Lane, from the Corporation to Mr David Hancock
49 - Lease and agreement of land adjoining the line of the Eastern Counties Railway and 4 acres from the Corporation to Michael Foster
Expand 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road
51 - Lease of the Friends Meeting House in Jesus Lane for the purposes of a Free Public Library from William Peckover to the Corporation
Expand 52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill
Expand 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street
Expand 54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill
Expand 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren
Expand 56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen
Expand 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road
Expand 58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill
59 - Counterpart lease of premises in Northampton St from the Corporation to William Jardine Purchas
Expand 60 - Leases relating to Park Street 60 - Leases relating to Park Street
61 - Counterpart lease of a piece of waste ground near the Physic Garden in Pembroke Street from the Corporation to Cauis College
Expand 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill
Expand 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury
Expand 64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill
65 - Counterpart lease of a piece of ground situate on the Quay Side from the Corporation to Richard Headley
Expand 66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace
Expand 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street
Expand 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road
69 - Agreement between the Master, Fellows and scholars of St John's College Cambridge and the Corporation regarding St John's Lane
70 - Counterpart lease of messuage in Saint Mary's passage from Rev'd J Curteis to the Corporation
Expand 71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard
Expand 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row
Expand 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall
74 - Lease of premises and land at 2 Sidney Street
Expand 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street
Expand 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane
77 - Counterpart lease of the Bushel and Strike Public House in Sussex Street from the Corporation to Messrs Nash and Co
Expand 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest
Expand 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street
Expand 80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road
81 - Counterpart lease of premises in Waymans Lane from the Corporation to Messrs J and W Bell
82 - Counterpart lease of premises in the parish of St Edward from the Corporation to John Johnson
83 - Counterpart lease of a piece of land opposite the Beehive Public House from the Corporation to the managing Committee of the Castle End Boys School
84 - Counterpart lease of premises known as the Swan's nest with a messuage near Sheep's Green from the Corporation to Richard Blades
Expand 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls
Expand 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme
Expand 18 - Clerks property papers18 - Clerks property papers
Expand 19 - Elections19 - Elections
Expand 21 - Town clerks correspondence 21 - Town clerks correspondence
Expand 22 - Memorials and petitions22 - Memorials and petitions
Expand 23 - Public notices and memoranda book23 - Public notices and memoranda book
Expand 24 - Events and Commemorations24 - Events and Commemorations
Expand 25 - Public appeals25 - Public appeals
Expand 26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings
28 - Copies of Council resolution and copies of certificates relating to service as special constables during the Great War
29 - The Great War roll of honour card index
Expand 30 - Political squibs30 - Political squibs
Expand 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors
Expand 32 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 186132 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 1861
Expand 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences
Expand 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein
Expand 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner