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Page 3 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Crabb, cordwainer, of a messuage called the Crow in the parish of St Clements, with cellars shops and appurtenances, on surrender of a lease to William Wendy the elder dated 20 Sept 1698.
Page 5 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Peake, innkeeper, of a tenement with yards, stables etc. appertaining, at the east end of the pease market in the parish of St Edwards, sometime in the occupation of Mr Purgold and Mary Overton, on surrender of a lease to William Gimbart dated 2 Sept 1689.
Page 7 - Alienation by Henry Ellis, baker, of his moiety of the water mill called the Kings Mill to John Anderson.
Page 8 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roda Yarroway, widow, of a tenement of the east on Penny Farthing Lane previously in the occupation of John Haslop, on surrender of a lease of 16 Aug 1699 to William Dickinson, butcher.
Page 10 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Goodall of a piece of waste ground next to John Bendall's, in the parish of St Benedict.
Page 12 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Fisher, waterman, of a lean-to in St Clements parish adjacent stone stairs and in occupation of Nicholas Coventry, on surrender of a lease dated 16 Aug 1692 to the said John.
Page 14 - Loyal address of the Mayor and Corporation to the Queen following the general peace in Europe
Page 15 - Appointment of Thomas Jermyn, Charles Chambers, William Newling, Francis Perry, aldermen, and John Yorke, William Simons, Brian Thornvill, Charles Filkins of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 15 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Quash of Lynn Regis, Norfolk, of a pair of stone stairs adjoining a lean-to in St Clements parish, on surrender of a lease to Alice Coventry, widow, deceased, dated 8 May 1660.
Page 17 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Charles Filkins, cook of Cambridge, of ground on the right hand of Hadstock Way near little moors, on surrender of a lease to Nathaniel Crabb dated 4 Sep 1699.
Page 20 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Wiles, victualler of Cambridge, of a garden and scalding yard at the north end of a garden of John Goldsborow, between Fair Yard Lane and a garden sometime in the occupation of John Chapman, fishmonger, and abutting a stable of William Woolf, on surrender of a lease to John Stagg, cook, and Phillip Reynolds, public notary, dated 23 Jan 1699/1700.
Page 22 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cock and Thomas Cobb, Churchwardens and Stephen Gilbert and Abraham Bartholomew, Overseers, all of the parish of St Peter, of a piece of waste ground at the Castle adjacent tenements of Thomas Gailor and John Miller, on surrender of a lease to James Sanders dated 16 Aug 1676.
Page 24 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Jermin, Roger Thompson sen., Nathaniel Wiltshire, John Yorke, Thomas Stanton and Thomas Nutting, gents, inhabitants of St Clements' parish, of the messuage called Clements Hostle, now with seven tenements intended as almshouses on it, on surrender of a lease to John Cropley B.D. and Anne his wife dated 2 Apr 1696.
Page 28 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Woolf, baker, of two pieces of ground in the butchery now built on, on surrender of a lease of 29 April 1707.
Page 30 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Sarah Norman, widow, of a tenement on the north of Fair Yard Lane, between tenements in the occupation of Charles Cooper and John Craske and an orchard of John Blackley, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Norman, butcher, dated 29 Sep 1699.
Page 32 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, sen., alderman, of a tenement and yard in Fair Yard Lane, lately made into two tenements adjacent tenements of John Blackley and Thomas Buck, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Thornbury, citizen and salter of London, dated 8 Oct 1701.
Page 33 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Christian Townsend, widow, of a piece of waste next the old pinfold near the castle with a house built by Nicholas Thurloe on it.
Page 35 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Susan Skepp, singlewoman, of a piece of waste at Castle End now with a tenement on it previously in occupation or Margaret Teale, then Thomas Webb, on surrender of Susan's lease of 29 Sep 1705.
Page 37 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Westley, of a piece of waste on the west side if the road to Balls Folly, on surrender of a lease to Edward Crispe of 24 Aug 1691.
Page 39 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Grumbold, merchant, of two tenements in St Buttolph's parish, late in occupation of Abraham Wright and abutting land of John Adams, on surrender of a lease to Mary Kirby, widow, deceased.
Page 39a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Abigail Alders, widow, of a booth ground in Stourbridge Fair on the corner leading to Honey Hill, abutting the booth of Cornelius Archer, on surrender of a lease to her late husband John Alders, chandler, dated 24 Aug 1694.
Page 40 - Appointment of Charles Chambers, William Newling, William Rumbold, John Carrington, aldermen, and Robert Dalton, William Wendy, John Willson, Phillip Prigg of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 41 - Loyal address of the Mayor and Corporation to King George deploring the death of Queen Anne and wishing him a glorious reign.
Page 42 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Adams, merchant, of a tenement and land in St Edwards parish adjacent land of John Kent and that of the Augustine Friars, on surrender of his lease of 29 Sep 1698.
Page 43 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ward, merchant, of ground next to the Cardinals Cap, now with a malthouse on it, on surrender of a lease to Richard Adams dated 20 Aug 1701
Page 44 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Clarke of Oakenbury [Alconbury], Hunts., of a messuage and garden in Walls Lane abutting Sidney College, on surrender of a lease to William Hill dated 29 Sep 1700.
Page 46 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Alice Dickinson, widow of Exning in Suffolk, of a piece of ground called the Hermitage near the small bridges in Cambridge with a tenement and workhouse on it, on surrender of a lease of 16 Aug 1699 to Rivers Dickinson of Ware.
Page 47 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Adams, merchant, of three tenements next the Kings Ditch in the parish of St Buttolph, occupied by Mathew Parish, Thomas Billops and Martha Collis, together with adjoining outhouse and stables, on surrender of a lease of 25 Aug 1701 to the said Richard.
Page 49 - Appointment of Thomas Fowle, Francis Perry, Thomas Jermin, James Whiskin, aldermen, and Nicholas Apthorpe, John Wardall, William Simons, Howland Nutting of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 50 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of Magdalen College, of a lane in the parish of St Giles, now built on, adjoining land late in the occupation of Robert Twelves, and adjoining a tenement called the Back Boy in the possession of Margaret Rawlings, widow, on surrender of their lease of 9 Aug 1708.
Page 52 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of the college of St Mary Magdalen, of land in the parish of St Giles abutting the bridge called Cambridge Bridge, late in the occupation of Robert Twelves, and adjoining land of Edward Holmes, on surrender of their lease of 9 Aug 1708.
Page 53 - Lease, for 21 years during the fair, between the Corporation and Thomas Fowles, alderman, of Holgaies Booth in Stourbridge Fair, previously in the occupation of Edward Hind, Kt., with a victualling booth next the hop fair, on surrender of his lease of 16 Aug 1708.
Page 55 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Mathews, merchant, of the Treasury over the almshouses in St Edwards parish between a tenement of Samuell Newton and the fish market, on surrender of his lease of 24 Aug 1708.
Page 57 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Wells, victualler, of a tenement and garden behind Butter Row in the parish of St Mary, on surrender of his lease of 20 Aug 1708.
Page 58 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Wells, victualler, of six stalls abutting his tenement, on surrender of his lease of 20 Aug 1708.
Page 59 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Nevile, blacksmith, of a stable with an outhouse over, sometime in the tenure of Southouse Robson, between land of John Goldsborough and the Shaggery.
Page 60 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Atkinson, spinster, of a tenement and outbuildings and nine stalls in Butter Row in the tenure of Henry Wiles, and adjacent a tenement of John Carrington, on surrender of a lease to Elizabeth Skinner, widow.
Page 62 - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Rawlings to collect the town rents.
Page 63 - Appointment of John Willson, William Newling, John Carrington, Thomas Jermine, aldermen, and Nicholas Apthorpe, John Wardell, Charles Filkins, John Wendy of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 64 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Blith of Everton in Huntingdonshire, clerk, and Elizabeth his wife, of a tenement called the Armitage, now three tenements and a close, in the parish of St Benett, on surrender of his lease of 16 Aug 1699.
Page 66 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Lavender, merchant, and Elizabeth his wife, of a garden ground in the parish of St Buttolph with two tenements now on it, on surrender of a lease to John and Elizabeth Cooke of 24 Aug 1702
Page 68 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Wardell, gunsmith, of the booth grounds called Munsey Booths in Cheese Row, Stourbridge Fair, between the booths of alderman Watson and Sir John Hind Cotton, on surrender of his lease of 11 Jan 1708/09
Page 69 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Wilson, gent, of a slaughterhouse of the east side of Fair Yard Lane, the garden of Thomas Glover east, on surrender of his former lease.
Page 71 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ward, merchant, of a piece of waste ground adjoining the Cardinals Cap in the parish of St Buttolph, on surrender of a lease to John Austin of 6 May 1701.
Page 72 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Charles Cooper, butcher, of a tenement and yard on the west side of fair Yard Lane, on surrender of his lease of 8 May 1700.
Page 74 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Woodburn, yeoman, of the scalding house and yards, on surrender of his previous lease of 29 Mar 1700.
Page 76 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Miller, of the messuage called Michaelhouse Grange with its appurtenances in the parish of St Andrews, together with the tenement and land called New England in Barnwell sometime in the occupation of John Witham, on surrender of his lease of 29 Sep 1698.
Page 79 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Blackwell, sen., miller, of a piece of waste ground with its buildings behind Bishops Mill, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Symons dated 17 Aug 1674.
Page 81 - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Fox, alderman, to receive £104 bequeathed to the town in the will of Thomas White.
Page 83 - Receipt acknowledging payment of £104 by the Master and Wardens of company of Merchant Taylors, due under the will of Sir Thomas White.
Page 84 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Hamond, spinster of Lincoln, James Gardiner, sub-dean of Lincoln with Dinah his wife, and Arabella Hamond, spinster of Cambridge, of a tenement, formerly three tenements, in the parish of St Andrews, together with land previously demised to Nathaniel Harden, on surrender of their lease of 12 Jan 1696/7.
Page 86 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Darrington, butcher, of land by the chapel in Stourbridge on surrender of a lease of 8 Jan 1705/06.
Page 88 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Darrington, butcher, of land at the N.E. of the causey in Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Glover dated 8 Jan 1705/06.
Page 90 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Darrington, butcher, of the Walden Booths called the Cross Keys near Garlic Row in Stourbridge, and three bays of Goldsmiths Ground near the chapel, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Glover dated 8 Jan 1705/06.
Page 92 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Holiday, of a house and grounds on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, and a close called the Tenter Yard formerly demised to Henry Slegg, on surrender of a lease to Hatton Buck dated 16 Aug 1703.
Page 94 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Prior, widow, and John Prior, fellmonger, of land called Walls Land in Cambridge together with land on which the common pound formerly stood, on surrender of a lease to George Prior, fellmonger since deceased, dated 1 Apr 1703.
Page 96 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roger Crisp, tayler, of a messuage and adjoining land near the Grate in the parish of St Andrews, on surrender of a lease to his father Roger Crisp, deceased, of 22 Aug 1710.
Page 98 - Discharge by the Corporation for £104 due from the Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Bristol, gift of Sir Thomas White.
Page 98 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Sarah Chapman, widow of Linton, and Edmund Halfhyde, fellow of Catherine Hall, of a piece of ground in Barnwell with a booth timber house on it, on surrender of a lease to Edward Chapman, woollendraper, dated 24 Aug 1689.
Page 99 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Sarah Chapman, widow of Linton, and Edmund Halfhyde, fellow of Catherine Hall, of rooms in the nether part of the Common Hall in Cambridge, on surrender of a lease to Edward Chapman, woollendraper, and Anne his wife, dated 24 Aug 1689.
Page 100 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Sarah Chapman, widow of Linton, and Edmund Halfhyde, fellow of Catherine Hall, of booths called the Calves Skinns on the east side of Garlic Row, on surrender of a lease to Ann Chapman, widow, dated 30 Sep 1704.
Page 102 - Letter of attorney appointing Charles Filkins, William Newling, John Carrington, William Chambers, aldermen, and John Yorke, William Wiseman, Cornelius Austen, William Scarfe of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 103 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Wilson, alderman and butcher, of two pieces of ground, one ground formerly in the occupation of Mathew Dennys and adjacent to the orchard of Stephen Meare, with the right to plant 40 poles of willows.
Page 105 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Neville Dawney, blacksmith, of a piece of ground behind Butter Row previously demised to William Hurst, on surrender of a lease to Susan Gibbons als Nevile dated 24 Aug 1695.
Page 108 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Carrington, alderman and butcher, of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, adjacent tenements variously in occupation of Oliver Pangborne and Henry Wyles, on surrender of a his previous lease dated 4 Jun 1703.
Page 110 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Wendy, of three stalls on the west side of the shambles, previously in occupation of Samuel Frohock and late granted to Jane Walker, widow now deceased.
Page 112 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Cutchey, labourer, of the waters and fishings between Magdalen College and St Johns Bridge and from Kings Mill to Sowches Mill, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Turkey, pikemonger, dated 7 Jan 1698/9
Page 114 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Mathews, corn-chandler, of two messuages called Purgolds, abutting the fish market, with their stables yards etc., on surrender of a lease to Thomas Peake, innkeeper, dated 14 Feb 1712/13.
Page 114 - Letter of attorney appointing John Carrington, William Chambers, John Willson, William Scarfe, aldermen, and John Yorke, Robert Dalton, William Wendey, John Boston of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 116 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Mathews, corn-chandler, of several bays, yards etc. on the east side of the pease and barley market and part of the great house called Purgolds, on surrender of two leases, one to Adam Newling dated 22 May 1712, the other to Joseph Shipp dated 16 Aug 1690.
Page 117 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Adam Newling, clerk, of the inn called the Cross Keys in Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to Adam Newling, deceased carpenter, dated, 29 Sep 1687.
Page 119 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Pyke, William Scarfe, both aldermen, Edward Raut surgeon, Thomas Mathews, cornchandler, John Mortlock, woollendraper and Thomas Roper apothecary, of the almshouses under the treasury in the parish of St Edwards now in the occupation of Thomas Mathews, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Newton, Joseph Pyke, John Carrington, all aldermen, Hugo Martin, beadle of the university and Edmund Halfhide, apothecary, dated 24 Aug 1710.
Page 121 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Dann of Chesterton and Mary his wife, of the landing place at the ferry in Chesterton next to Stourbridge Fair Green, on surrender of a lease to Mary Graves, widow, now wife of the said John Dann, dated 30 Sep 1704.
Page 122 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Watson, linnen-draper, of a timber house at the NE of the causey at Barnwell situated between the houses of John Lowry and Robert Robson, on surrender of his lease dated 1 Oct 1703.
Page 124 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Beeton, yeoman, of a messuage near the castle in St Giles parish formerly demised to Robert Hauchett with land to its west.
Page 125 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Day, vintner, of a piece of empty ground at the back of his tenement between his garden and the Kings Ditch in the parish of St Sepulchre and abutting land demised to Thomas Ventris, on surrender of a lease to Richard Huske, carrier, dated 20 Apr 1699.
Page 126 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Staning, innkeeper, of ground beyond the castle near the Huntingdon Road, with houses now, or about to be, built on it, on surrender of a lease to Richard West, shepherd, dated 16 Aug 1700.
Page 127 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Preston, bricklayer, of three fish bays in the Waterfair at Stourbridge.
Page 128 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Preston, of land on the west side of Great Fair Yard lane with a house, slaughter house etc. on it, abutting the scalding house of Francis Nicholson.
Page 130 - Letter of Attorney appointing William Hinkin and John Keylock to collect the town rents.
Page 130a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Philip Saunders, baker, of a house called the Butchers Shambles on market hill near the common gaol, on surrender of a his lease dated 17 May 1697.
Page 132 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Philip Saunders, baker, of the shops and stalls called Debtors Hall, with a lower room called Tanners Hall under the Great Chamber, between the women's gaol and the corner shop, on surrender of a his lease dated 17 May 1697.
Page 133 - Lease, for 10 years between the Corporation and Joseph Crabb and John Blackwell, jun., both millers, of the Kings Mill and the ozier holt called the Swanns Nest between Coe Fen and the Mill Dam. The usual clause that Newnham and Bishops mills may not grind without Kings Mill's consent.
Page 135 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Sewster, baker, of four booths on the east side of Garlic Row in Stourbridge Fair.
Page 137 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Wendy, butcher, of the slaughterhouse now in the occupation of Thomas Tayler on the east side of fair Yard Lane, between tenements in the occupation of Thomas Tifford and Francis Glover
Page 138 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of Gonville and Caius college, of a holt lately in tenure of Downham Yeomans lying by Coe Fen between lands of John Bishopp and John Jenkinson, on surrender of a lease to John Fairclough, George Jones and Jane his wife and Martha Shute.
Page 139 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Brand, cook, of the Inn called the Dunghill Cock between the almshouses in St Edwards parish and the tenement of John Rant, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Marshall of Wisbech.
Page 141 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Grumbold, cole merchant, of land near the brewhouse of Queens College, on surrender of a lease to Robert Grumbold, stonecutter.
Page 142 - Letter of attorney appointing John Wardale, John Carrington, Charles Filkin, William Chambers, aldermen, and John Yorke sen., William Wendy sen., John Cutchy. John Yorke of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 143 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Chancellor and scholars of the university of Cambridge, of common ground lying outside Trinity College towards Garret Hall Lane.
Page 144 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Paris, gent., of three tenements their outhouses in the parish of St Buttolph, in the occupation of John Rogers, widow Collis and widow Paris, on surrender of leases to Thomas Adams.
Page 146 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Frances Stagg, Esther Stagg and Mary Stagg, spinsters, of a messuage with outbuildings abutting the Shambles, previously in occupation of Anne Arther, and now of William King, adjacent to tenements in occupation of Christopher Adams, cordwinder, and Edward Chapman, on surrender of their previous lease.
Page 147 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Adams, yeoman, of a yard formerly in his occupation but now in that of Thomas Pyke and Thomas Billupps, on surrender of his previous lease.
Page 148 - [In Latin] Indenture for Burgesses of Parliament, giving authority to seven named aldermen and seven burgesses.
Page 149 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Fowle, William Newling, Charles Filkin, William Scarfe aldermen, and Thomas Crabb, William Preston, William Lawrence, Howland Nutting of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 150 - Treasurer's Letter of Attorney appointing John Hale and Thomas Gilbert to collect the town rents.
Page 150a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Davis, gent., of a piece of ground, now built on, in Preachers Street adjacent a close belonging to the church of Ely and Jesus College.
Page 152 - Lease, for 21 years and during the time of the fair, between the Corporation and Thomas Fowle, alderman, of Holgaies Booths in Stourbridge Fair, previously in occupation of Sir Edward Hinde, on surrender of his previous lease.
Page 153 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Houghton, clerk of Emner, with Mary nee Piggott his wife, of a messuage in St Andrews parish between a tenement in occupation of John Brand and an orchard of Dr Green, on surrender of a lease to the said Mary.
Page 155 - [Part in Latin] Obligation of the Corporation and Burgesses to pay Robert Martin £14 interest.
Page 155a - Articles of agreement between the Corporation and the University following the imposition by parliament of a tax of £1423-1s-6d, agreeing how it will be paid.
Page 158 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Squire Cooledge, labourer, of a messuage with outhouses in the parish of St Giles on the west of the castle, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Clarke dated 24 Aug 1708.
Page 160 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Carrington, of a slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, part formerly in occupation of James Wallington, on surrender of his lease of 10 Jun 1708
Page 161 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and Scholars of the College of St Mary Magdalen of a lane in St Giles parish abutting Cambridge bridge, late in occupation of Thomas Jackson and Francis Atkinson and adjoining land late in occupation of Robert Twelves, on surrender of a lease of 24 Aug 1715.
Page 163 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and Scholars of the College of St Mary Magdalen of land in St Giles parish abutting Cambridge bridge, late in occupation of Robert Twelves and adjoining land late in occupation of Edward Holmes, on surrender of a lease of 24 Aug 1715.
Page 164 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roger Thomson, brewer, of a piece of waste ground behind his brewhouse in the parish of St Clement, on surrender of a lease to his father Roger the elder dated 20 May 1697.
Page 166 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roger Thompson, of land now built on in Harlstone Lane in St Clements parish, previously demised to George Johnson, on surrender of a lease to his father Roger dated 20 May 1697
Page 167 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Rev. James Wendy clerk of Barkway, Herts, executor to Lydea Wendy, widow of Cambridge, of a slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease of 25 March 1707 to the said Lydea.
Page 169 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Rev James Wendy executor of Lydea Wendy, widow of Cambridge, of two acres of arable, now enclosed, in West Newham Crofts, Grantchester, between the parsonage and the land of Elizabeth Story, widow, and abutting the land of Robert Robson, on surrender of her lease of 2 Feb 1711/12.
Page 170 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Rev. James Wendy clerk of Barkway, Herts, executor to Lydea Wendy, widow of Cambridge, of three tenements with outhouses etc on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of her lease of 10 Apr 1706
Page 171 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Jeremiah Deere of land called White Cannons Lands, on surrender of a lease to Sir Basil Firebrace of London dated 29 Sep 1693.
Page 173 - Letter of attorney for the regulation Stourbridge Fair. Two copies.
Page 174 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Paterson of land in front of his tenement in St Clements parish between the way to his porch and the river, on surrender of a lease of 10 Jun 1708 to Richard Lodington
Page 175 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Phipps, cutler, of a piece of land on the south side of his house, late of William Millers and previously Moyses Hernes deceased, in Great St Mary parish.
Page 176 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Dorothy Ewin, widow, of four stalls in front of the tenement called the Black Swan in Great St Mary parish, and now in her occupation.
Page 177 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Arabella Hammond, spinster, of land in the parish of St Andrew the Great, abutting the workhouse on the south and east the land late of Samuel Ryx, deceased.
Page 178 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Blunt of Solehull, Warwickshire and Richard Piggott, labourer of Noneaton, Warwickshire, with Mary his wife who was sister and devisee in the will of Edward Wells, victualler of Cambridge, of six stalls in the Butchery in Cambridge abutting the common street and adjoining his house, now in the tenure of John Rumbold, on surrender of a lease dated 17 Apr 1716.
Page 180 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Blunt of Solehull, Warwickshire and Richard Piggott, labourer of Noneaton, Warwickshire, with Mary his wife who was sister and devisee in the will of Edward Wells, victualler of Cambridge, of a tenement called the Castle, in Butter Row, now in the occupation of John Rumbold.
Page 182 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Raymond, carrier, Robert Crowther, saddler, John Pryor, fellmonger, Edward Tunwell cordwainer, John Raynard, barber and John Noble, bricklayer, all of Cambridge of a piece of ground called Dolls Close near Maids Causeway in Barnwell formerly with houses but now a garden in the occupation of Nathaniel Hollyday.
Page 183 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Damaris Shales, widow, of a piece of ground now with tenements at the end of St Andrews parish near the her brewhouse.
Page 185 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of Clare Hall, of seven stalls adjoining their tenement near the market place in the parish of St Mary the Great.
Page 186 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Christopher Green, doctor of physic of Cambridge, of a lane from the inn called Clement Ostle past the inn once called the Horne and then the Antholopp and now converted into tenements on the south west of Bridge Street, with the appurtenances appertaining.
Page 188 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Alice Sewster, widow, and Elias Sewster, baker, executors of the will of John Sewster, baker of a piece of land at the east end of Petty Cury.
Page 189 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Mathews, merchant, of the chamber called the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edwards.
Page 191 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Nevile, blacksmith, of a stable with a chamber over at the corner of Great Fair Yard Lane, sometime in the occupation of Southouse Robson, between land of John Goldsborough jun. and the Shaggery.
Page 192 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of Emanuell College of piece of empty ground on the east of the college, previously in occupation of Edward Miller, brewer of Cambridge, and now of Richard Thurlbourne.
Page 194 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Lavender, colemerchant, and Elizabeth his wife, of a tenement, heretofore in occupation of John Haslop, at the east end of Penny Farthing Lane, together with empty ground between the house and the common ditch, on surrender of a lease to Roda Yarroway.
Page 195 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Warner, widow of Cambridge, of a piece of waste, now enclosed, in front of her house in St Clements parish, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Warner her late husband.
Page 196 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Woolf, baker of Cambridge, of ground at the end of the Butchery, on the east of a tenement sometime in tenure of William Hurst, on surrender of a lease to John Woolf his father.
Page 197 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Dameris Frazier, widow, of the inn called the Crown and Woolpack, with its outbuildings etc., in the parish of St Andrews, on surrender of a lease to William Allot, apothecary.
Page 199 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Aldin, bricklayer, of a messuage and garden in Walls Lane between the common ditch and Sidney College, on surrender of a lease of 1715 to Thomas Clarke of Oakenbery [Alconbury], Hunts.
Page 200 - Letter of Attorney appointing Joseph Pyke, John Carrington, John Wilson, aldermen, John Yorke, William Wendy, John Sennett of the common council, to receive the fees for keeping sheep on Sheeps' Green Cambridge
Page 201 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Newton, colemerchant, of waste ground near the mansion house formerly of John Durrant and late of Stephen Smith cordwainer, with a porch chimney and window frame on it, on surrender of a lease of 1706 to Thomas Selby.
Page 202 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Wilkins, barber, of a messuage between Walls Lane and Corpus Christi college garden, on surrender of a lease of 1693 to William Simons and Frances his late wife.
Page 203 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Susan Skepp, singlewoman, of a piece of waste ground at Castle End, now with a tenement on it, previously in occupation of Margaret Teale, on surrender of a lease of 1714.
Page 204 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Cross D.D., master of the Hall of St Katherine the virgin, Cambridge, of empty ground on the west side of the college and south of the Bull Inn, on surrender of a lease of 1680.
Page 205 - Letter of attorney appointing John York, John Wilson, Charles Filkins, Thomas Pretlove aldermen, and William Wendy, John Newling, Edward Phipps, Thomas Graves of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 206 - Letter of attorney appointing John Wish, William Wish and Thomas Brown, serjeants at mace, to receive all monies due from the selling of wares in a manner contrary to the customs of the fair.
Page 207 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Caiton, widow, of ground in the parish of great St Mary previously in occupation of William Walker and adjacent land in occupation of Dr Glisson, on surrender of her lease of 1708.
Page 208 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, colemerchant, and Jeremiah Deer and Thomas Stanton churchwardens and John York sen. and Allen Stanton, Howland Nutting and Leonard Haggis overseers of the poor, all of the parish of St Clements, a messuage called Clement Hostle now 7 almshouses with a garden, well and pump, reserving the right of free access to the said pump, on surrender of a lease of 1714.
Page 210 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Peirce Dent, gent., of empty ground at the backside of houses of Peter Dent, formerly of Robert Atkinson, in Pembrookhall Lane, on surrender of a lease of 1691 to Peter Dent, cook.
Page 211 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Goodall, butler, of a piece of waste adjacent to the churchuard of St Michael, behind the tenement in the occupation of [blank] Newton.
Page 212 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, colemerchant, of a pair of stone stairs adjoining a lean-to in St Clements parish previously in occupation of Nicholas Coventry, on surrender of a lease of 20 Oct 1713 to Elizabeth Quash.
Page 213 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Madam Catherine Edwards, widow, of ground in Walls Lane in Trinity parish behind the stable of the said Catherine, on surrender of a lease of 5 May 1674 to Edward Law.
Page 214 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Jane Peel, spinster of Risby in Suffolk, of a booth ground in Stourbridge Fair, on surrender of a lease of 30 Sept 1704 to William Randall, carpenter.
Page 215 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Jane Peel, spinster of Risby in Suffolk, of a booth timber house at the N.E. end of the causey [causeway] to Barnwell, on surrender of a lease of 30 Sept 1704 to William Randall, carpenter.
Page 216 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Barker, brasier, of two tenements with appurtenances in Butter Row between tenements in occupation of William King and of Edward Claxton, on surrender of a lease to Oliver Pangbourne, late Innholder, dated 4 Sept 1711.
Page 217 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roger Crisp, tayler, of a messuage and adjoining shops and land near the Grate in the parish of St Andrews, on surrender of his lease of 14 Jan 1717 [/1718]
Page 219 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Edwards, chandler, of the booth grounds called Munseys Booths in Cheese Row, Stourbridge Fair, between the booths of alderman Watson and Sir John Hind Cotton, on surrender of a lease to John Wardall, deceased, dated 11 Jan 1716.
Page 220 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Finch, ironmonger, of ground at the south end of his garden in Blackswan Lane in the parish of Great St Mary, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Day, apothecary, dated 16 Aug 1679.
Page 220 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Pretlove, mayor elect, John Willson, Charles Filkin, William Chambers, aldermen, and William Wendy, Samuel Belcher, Thomas Graves, John Russell of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 221 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Finch, ironmonger, of a piece of empty gound on the east side of Great fair Yard Lane late in occupation of John Chaplin and formerly a graden in the occupation of James Willington, on surrender of his lease dated 22 Aug 1710.
Page 222 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Howland Nutting, carpenter, of the booths in Stourbridge Fair given by the late alderman Christopher Frank, adjacent booths of Philip Hawkins, John Rust and Francis Hinde, and also Buggs Booths, bequeathed to the town in the will of Robert Lane, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Gaile, carpenter, deceased.
Page 223 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Howland Nutting, carpenter, of five and a half booths in Cheapside in Stourbridge Fair with a booth sometime in occupation of John Lynne, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Gaile, late carpenter.
Page 225 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Howland Nutting, carpenter, of the tenement called Clement Ostle in Bridge Street, with the outbuildings, gardens, etc. in the occupation of Hugh Humphrey, together with almshouses formerly granted to Ann Cropley, widow, and since to John Cropley D.D., reserving the right of access to St Clements churchyard, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Willson of Herts dated 2 Apr 1696.
Page 226 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Sell, baker, of ground formllry waste, now with a tenement on it, near Castle End in the parish of St Peter, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Yorke dated 4 Aug 1708.
Page 227 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Carrington, alderman and butcher, of a booth timber house, formerly two shops, at the N.E. of Barnwell, previously in occupation of Thomas Stevens D.D., on surrender of a lease to Anthony Burgess of the City of London dated 1709.
Page 228 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cork, gent., of tenements built against the castle, adjacent the White Lyon.
Page 229 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Yorke, alderman, of the waters and fishings between Magdalen College and St Johns Bridge and from Kings Mill to Sowches Mill, on surrender of a lease to Richard Cutchey dated 14 April 1719.
Page 231 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rant of Cloathall Herts., of land in the parish of Great St Mary, adjacent land in occupation of Isaac Jackson, on surrender of a lease dated 10 Apr 1726 [sic, recte 1706].
Page 232 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rant, gent. of Cloathall Herts., of land, now built on, in Pump Lane, or Well Lane, in the parish of Great St Mary, late in ocupation of Thomas Nicholson, adjacent the yard of widow West, on surrender of a lease dated 10 Apr 1706.
Page 233 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rant, gent. of Cloathall Herts., of ground on the east of the wheat market in the parish of Great St Mary, on surrender of a lease dated 10 Apr 1706.
Page 233a - Treasurer's Letter of Attorney appointing William Ward to collect the town rents.
Page 234 - Letter of attorney appointing Cornelius Austin mayor elect, John Wilson, Charles Filkin, John York, aldermen, and William Wendy, Samuel Belcher, Edward Phipps, Howland Nutting of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 234a - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Brown, William Wish, William J Sippy and John Covill to receive rents from Stourbridge Fair.
Page 235 - Lease, for 21 years and in the time of the fair, between the Corporation and Sarah Chapman widow of Westminster, of two booths called the Calves Skinns on the east side of Garlic Row, on surrender of her previous lease.
Page 236 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Bowes, miller, of a booth timber house at the N.E. end of the causey to Barnwell.
Page 237 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Peter Carey of Cork, Ireland, of the tenement called the Queens Arms on the east of the highway in Barnwell, with its outhouses etc., previously Cottons.
Page 238 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Searle, carpenter, of a booth timber house at the N.E. end of the causey to Barnwell.
Page 239 - Loyal address of the Mayor and Corporation to King George congratulating him in destroying foreign schemes.
Page 240 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Charles Filkins, cook and alderman, of a piece of ground now enclosed and in his occuption on the right hand of Hadstock Way, on surrender of his previous lease to dated 8 Jan 1712/13.
Page 241 - Loyal address of the Mayor and Corporation to King George II deploring the death of his father and wishing him a long and properous reign.
Page 242 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Finch, gent., and Sarah Chapman widow of London, of a piece of ground near the fish market in the parish of St Edwards between the Almshouses and buildings aclled the Pimfold of William Wellbore and then of John Ellis, both deceased, previously granted to Samuel Newton and Edward Chapman late husband of Ann, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Newton sen and Ann Chapman, widow.
Page 243 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Finch, gent., and Sarah Chapman widow of London, of a piece of ground near the fish market in the parish of St Edwards, previously granted to Samuel Newton and Edward Chapman late husband of Ann, on surrender of a lease to Samuel Newton sen and Ann Chapman, widow.
Page 244 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Barons, cordwainer, of a piece of arable land called Gilden Acre in Middlefield abutting Hinton Way on the south of Cambridge, adjacent lands of William Collis and of William Stukes, on surrender of his previous lease dated 16 Aug 1711.
Page 245 - Letter of attorney appointing John Willson, Charles Filkins, Thomas Nutting, John York sen., aldermen, and John Boston, John Grumbold, John Newling, John York jun. of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 245a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Frohock of Ipswich, of a booth in Pewterers Row in Stourbridge Fair, late in occupation of Richar Barker, brashier.
Page 246 - Letter patent appointing Edward earl of Oxford and Mortimer as High Steward of the town of Cambridge.
Page 247 - Letter of attorney that William Wendy be paid £200 with the interest due.
Page 247a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Gillam, carrier, of a messuage in Barnwell called new England with the outbuildings and 8 acres, previously in occupation of John Witham, now in his occupation.
Page 249 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Gillam, carrier, of a tenement and land in St Edwards parish adjacent land of the Augustine Friars and land late of John Rant, on surrender of a lease to Richard Adams dated 17 May 1715.
Page 250 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cock, gent., of land now in his occupation in the parish of St Peters behind Jesus College brewhouse, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Craske and Charles Apthorp dated 26 Aug 1708.
Page 252 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Baker, gent., of land in Walls Lane in Cambridge, now built on, previously in occupation of Richard Harper, on surrender of a lease to Mary Prior dated 13 Jan 1717/18.
Page 253 - Incomplete letter of attorney for regulating Stourbridge Fair - names of attorneys not entered.
Page 254 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Charles Chambers, gent., of a piece of ground adjoinging the highway at the backside of Emmanel College, together with a triangular piece of land next to Christ College in front of his house.
Page 255 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Grumbold, merchant, of two tenements in the parish of St Buttolph formerly occupied by Abraham Wright and abutting land of John Adams, on surrender of his previous lease.
Page 257 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Methwold and John Enys, both of London, to receive the fines arising from abuses of customs at Stourbridge Fair.
Page 257a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Boyton, widow, of a messuage in the parish of St Andrews, between the inn The Wrestlers and the church yard, on surrender of a lease to William Pearson dated 28 May 1690
Page 258 - Letter of Attorney appointing Robert Winder to collect the town rents.
Page 259 - Indenture between the Corporation and King Whitred, butcher, granting him the right to collect tolls, rents and other dues arising from the Midsummer Fair for one year.
Page 260 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Methwold and John Enys, both of London, to receive the fines arising from abuses of customs at Stourbridge Fair.
Page 261 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Hannah Bartholomew, widow, of a tenement and adjoining ground at Castle End in the parish of St Giles, on surrender of a lease to William Sell, carter and Ann his wife, dated 29 Sep 1682.
Page 262 - Bond from the Corpoartion to Charles Filkin to pay him £100 with interest due one year hence.
Page 262a - Letter of attorney appointing John Newling mayor elect, John Carringhton, John Wilson, Charles Filkins, aldermen, and James Whitlock, William Wendy, John Russell, Thomas Wiseman of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 263 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Bee, tailor, of a piece of land now built on, adjacent the White Lyon.
Page 264 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Sarah Ward, widow, of ground next to the Cardinals Cap, now with a malthouse and other houses on it, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Ward, merchant, dated 7 May 1715
Page 265 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Sarah Ward, of a piece of waste ground adjoining the Cardinals Cap in the parish of St Buttolph, on surrender of a lease dated 21 May 1717
Page 266 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Wilson of land called the Chappell Ground in Stourbridge fair, on surrender of a lease to John Darrington dated 26 Nov 1717.
Page 268 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Wilson of a walden booth called the Cross Keys in Garlic Row in Stourbridge fair next the highway leading to the timber fair, and three bays of Goldsmiths Ground, on surrender of a lease to John Darrington dated 26 Nov 1717.
Page 269 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Willson, of land at the N.E. end of the causey to Barnwell, now with a house on it, on surrender of a lease to John Darrington dated 26 Nov 1717.
Page 271 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, of a tenement called the Castle, in Butter Row in the parish of Great St Mary, late in the occupation of John Rumbold, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Blunt of Solehull, with others, dated 28 Oct 1723.
Page 272 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, of six stalls, now converted to ten, in the butchery in Cambridge abutting the common street adjoining his house late in the tenure of John Rumbold, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Blunt of Solehull, with others, dated 28 Oct 1723.
Page 273 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Fowle, alderman, of Holgaies Booths in Stourbridge Fair, previously in the occupation of Sir Edward Hind, Kt., with a victualling booth and kitchen next the hop fair, on surrender of his previous lease dated 3 Dec 1722.
Page 275 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Wootton, widow, of a piece of common ground, now divided up, lying on the south side of the Kings Ditch at the end of Fair Yard Lane and near the Hogmarket, with a passage from the Hogmarket, and Red Lyon and Stallion Inns to the slaughterhouse, with a piece of adjacent land, on surrender of a lease to Nathaniel Crabb dated 4 Sep 1699.
Page 277 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elias Sewtser, baker, of four booths and booth ground on the east side of Garlic Row beqeathed to the town in the will of Samuel Newton.
Page 278 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Sennett, butcher, of a tenement and yard on the west of Fair Yard Lane, between tenements in the occupation of Charles Cooper and John Craske and an orchard of John Blackley, on surrender of a lease to Sarah Norman dated 11 May 1714
Page 279 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Eastwood Phipps, widow, of three fish bays in the Waterfair at Stourbridge, on surrender of a lease to William Preston dated 3 May 1720.
Page 280 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, of a tenement and yard in Fair Yard Lane, lately made into two tenements with a Candle house stable and garden, adjacent tenements late of John Blackley and Thomas Buck, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Ewin father of the lessee, dated 25 May 1714.
Page 281 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Jane Bunton, widow, of a piece of waste ground next to John Bendall's in the parish of St Benedict, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Goodall dated 19 May 1713.
Page 282 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Joseph Pyke, Thomas Mathews, cornchandler, Uriah Maythews, churchwarden, William Wendy, churchwarden, both of St Edwards, Daniel Woods, Nathaniel Prime, John Norman, Thomas Hinds overseers of the said parish, of the almshouses under the long chamber called the Treasury in the parish of St Edwards, now in the occupation of Thomas Mathews, and near tenements late of Robert Nutting, William Overton, Edward Chapman, and Richard Pettit, deceased, on surrender of a lease to the parish officers dated 1 Sep 1719.
Page 283 - Lease, between the Corporation and Dameris Shales, widow, of a piece of waste on the west side if the road to Balls Folly and abutting St Thomas Leys, on surrender of a lease to John Westley, collar maker, dated 12 Jun 1714.
Page 284 - Letter of attorney appointing John Carington, John Wilson, Charles Filkins, Thomas Nutting aldermen, and Samuel Belcher, Thomas Wiseman, Thomas Smith, Samuel Peet of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 285 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Newling, of a corner house called the Queens Arms in Barnwell with its outhouses, stables, etc., on a piece of ground previously Cottons., on surrender of a lease to Peter Carew of Cork dated 6 Oct 1726.
Page 287 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Lavender with Elizabeth his wife, of a garden ground with a mud wall in the parish of St Buttolph with two tenements now on it, on surrender of a lease to the said lessees dated 29 Sep 1716.
Page 289 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Lavender with Elizabeth his wife, of a tenement at the east end of Penny Farthing Lane, next that heretofore in occupation of John Haslop, together with empty ground between the house and the common ditch, on surrender of their lease dated 12 Feb 1723.
Page 292 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Whetham of London and Sarah his wife, of a piece of ground called the Armitage [Hermitage] enclosed with ditches, near the small bridges in Cambridge with a tenement and workhouse on it, on surrender of a lease to Alice Dickinson of Exning, Suffolk, dated 6 Jul 1715.
Page 294 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and Scholars of the college of St. Mary Magdalen, of ground in the parish of St Giles parish abutting Cambridge bridge, late in occupation of Robert Twelves and now of the college, on surrender of their lease dated 10 May 1723.
Page 296 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and Scholars of the college of St. Mary Magdalen, of land called a lane in St Giles parish, now built on, late in occupation of Thomas Jackson and Francis Atkinson and now of the college, on surrender of their lease dated 10 May 1723.
Page 298 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Samuel Peet, tanner, of a tenement called the Armitage, now three tenements and a close with all manner of yards and appurtenances (etc.) appertaining, in the parish of St Bennett, on surrender of a lease to John Blith and Elizabeth his wife of Everton cum Tetworth, dated 29 Sep 1716.
Page 300 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Wilson, gent., of a tenement or slaughterhouse of the east side of Fair Yard Lane, abutting land late of Thomas Glover east, now in occupation of the said John, on surrender of a lease to to the said lessee dated 15 May 1717.
Page 303 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, gent., of Whittlesford Bridge with its tolls, etc., except for felons and their goods, and Henry Huddleston on Tuesdays.
Page 304 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Methwold and John Burrell of London to ensure that woollen cloth and apparell shall be sold only in the Duddery in Stourbridge Fair: fine of 5 marks.
Page 305 - Letter of attorney appointing Samuel Seaife and John Eate of Cambridge to ensure that woollen cloth and apparell shall be sold only in the Duddery in Stourbridge Fair: fine of 5 marks.
Page 306 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Mathews, merchant, of the long chamber called the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edwards, on surrender of his lease dated 12 Feb 1723.
Page 307 - Petition of the Corporation to the Lord High Chancellor complaining about the flooding of low-lying lands above Kings Mill caused by blockages in the river Cam, and requesting the appointment of a commissioner of sewers. With 28 signatures
Page 308 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Sennett, butcher, of two corner stalls in the Shambles next Petty Cury.
Page 309 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Staines, cook, of a piece of waste ground with its buildings behind Bishops Mill, on surrender of a lease to John Blackwell dated 25 Jun 1717.
Page 310 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Goward, cordwainer of Thriplow, of various pieces of land lying near Newnham Mill in the fields of Cambridge, on surrender of his previous lease dated 24 Apr 1705.
Page 311 - Letter of attorney appointing Guy Sindrey, mayor elect, John Wilson, Charles Filkins, James Whiskin aldermen, and James Whitlock, Wigmore Whiskin, Thomas Graves, Elias Sewster of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 312 - Letter of Attorney appointing Robert Winders to collect the town rents.
Page 313 - Letter of attorney appointing King Whitred, butcher, to receive tolls, rents, etc., from Stourbridge Fair.
Page 313a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Aldin [or Alden], bricklayer, of a messuage and garden in Walls Lane between the common ditch and Sidney College, on surrender of his lease dated 20 May 1724
Page 315 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Charles Filkin, alderman, of a tenement at Castle End with ground now enclosed and now in the occupation of Thomas Wells and William Gooch, and another piece of ground sometime in occupation of John Penredock, land formerly demised to Thomas May and Thomas Gailer and since in occupation of John Massett, and a tenement in the occupation of Christopher Catchey.
Page 316 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Stone, victualler, of a piece of waste ground at the gable end of the stable of Mr Potto near the Pinfold.
Page 317 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, alderman, of three booth grounds in Stourbridge Fair, between booths of Mr Burgess and late of Madam Howland.
Page 318 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Cock, gent., of ground near the Great Bridge in Cambridge, with liberty to lay a footbridge at the watering-place there.
Page 319 - Lease, for 500 [five hundred] years between the Corporation and Charles Filkin of the watermill called the Kings Mill with adjoining tenements and ozier holt called the Swanns Nest, land at Sheeps Green adjoining, now in the tenure of Joseph Crabb miller.
Page 321 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Dameris Shales, widow, of a tenement, formerly three tenements and a barn, in the parish of St Andrews, together with land previously demised to Nathaniel Harden, now in possesion of herself and Prof. Harris, on surrender of a lease dated 15 Oct 1717.
Page 322 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Whitston, Esq., of a piece of waste ground near the end of Emannuel Lane next Christ Collge piece.
Page 323 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Edwards, chandler, of the booth grounds called Munseys Booths in Cheese Row, Stourbridge Fair, between the booths of alderman Watson and Sir John Hind Cotton, on surrender of his lease dated 16 Aug 1725.
Page 324 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Norman, butcher, of a stall in the Shambles in Petty Cury abutting the Market Place, now in his occupation, late in occupation of John Norman, sen., and then of John Sennett.
Page 325 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rawlins, innkeeper, Robert Tall, fellmonger, Edward Tall, fellmonger, William Bush, fellmonger, Thomas Young, joyner, William Freckleton, gardiner of a piece of ground formerly with three almshouses called Dolls Close near Maids Causeway on the highway to Barnwell but now a garden in the occupation of Edward Hollyday, on surrender of a lease dated 7 Jan 1723.
Page 326 - Letter of Attorney appointing Robert Winder to collect the town rents.
Page 326a - Letter of attorney appointing King Whitred, butcher, to receive tolls, rents, etc., from Stourbridge Fair.
Page 327 - Letter of attorney appointing Samuel Belcher, mayor elect, John Carrington, Charles Filkins, William Chambers aldermen, and Thomas Greaves, Samuel Peet, James King, John Crisp of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 328 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Richard Nevile, blacksmith, of two tenements, a dwelling house and a stable, at the north end of Fair Yrad Lane, abutting south to a tenement of Joseph Scarfe, tenements now in coccupation of Thomas Bowdell and Neville Dawney.
Page 329 - Lease, for 15 years between the Corporation and Joseph Crabb, miller, of the watermill called the Kings Mill with adjoining tenements and ozier holt called the Swanns Nest, land at Sheeps Green adjoining.
Page 332 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Roger Crisp of a messuage and adjoining shops and land near the Grate in the parish of St Andrews, on surrender of a lease to the said Roger dated 14 Aug 1725.
Page 333 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Charles Filkin, alderman, of a messuage called the Crow in the parish of St Clements, with cellars shops and appurtenances, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Crabb, cordwainer, dated 27 Jan 1712/13.
Page 334 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Clare Hall, of seven stalls adjoining their tenement near the market place in the parish of St Mary the Great. on surrender of their lease dated 21 Jan 1723/24.
Page 335 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Cooledge, singleman, of a messuage with outhouses in the parish of St Giles on the west of the castle, on surrender of a lease to squire Cooledge dated 9 May 1723
Page 336 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bee, thatcher, and Sarah his wife, of a piece of waste sometime in the occupation of Margaret Teate, now with a tenement on it, at Castle End, on surrender of a lease to Sarah Bains, widow, dated 1 Jan 1724.
Page 337 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University, of common ground lying outside Trinity College towards Garret Hall Lane, on surrender of their lease dated 29 Sep 1721.
Page 338 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Newling, alderman, of ground in Stourbridge Fair along the road to Sopers Row, on surrender of a lease to John Frohock, dated 29 Sep 1709.
Page 339 - Lease, for 14 years between the Corporation and William Chambers, alderman and woollen-draper, of the waters and fishings from the Kings Mill to St Johns College bridge, on surrender of a lease to [lessee and date unclear]
Page 341 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Mary Dann of Chesterton, of the landing place at the ferry in Chesterton next to Stourbridge Fair Green, on surrender of a lease to John Dann dated 1 Sep 1719.
Page 342 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Sarah Chapman of Lynton and Edmund Halfhyde late fellow of Katherine Hall, of rooms in the nether part of the Common Hall in Cambridge, under the Guildhall, on surrender of their lease dated 16 Aug 1718.
Page 344 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Whitlock, gent., of ground formlerly waste, now with a tenement on it, near Castle End in the parish of St Peter, on surrender of a lease to William Sell dated 2 Dec 1725.
Page 345 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the churchwardens and overseers of St Clements, Thomas York, William Tassell, Richard Reynolds, Richard York, Leonard Haggis and William Hunt, of a messuage called Clement Hostle now 7 almshouses with a garden, well and pump, reserving the right of free access to the said pump, on surrender of a lease to the then churchwardens and overseers dated 20 Aug 1724
Page 347 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Jeremiah Chappell, of the scalding house and yards now with a stye and garden grounds, on surrender of a lease to Richard Woodburn dated 21 May 1717.
Page 348 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Smith, mayor elect, John Carrington, Charles Filkin, William Pretlove aldermen, and Robert Winders, Samuel Peet, John Martin, John Crispe of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 349 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Lancaster, gent., of the inn called the Cross Keys in Barnwell, on surrender of a lease to Adam Newling dated 1 Sep 1719.
Page 350 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and George Short, salesman, of a piece of ground behind Butter Row, adjacent land of Joseph Cramp, John Hinson, Nevill Dawney, on surrender of a lease to Nevill Dawney dated 3 Feb 1718.
Page 352 - Lease, for 5 years between the Corporation and King Whitred of the fines, rents, tolls, revenues etc, due to the Corporation and collected by them in Bridge, Market or High Wards for 35 days a year, namely 14-29 June and 24 August to 14 September.
Page 353 - Lease, for 7 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, merchant and alderman, of the tolls, duties, perquisites, etc. from pontage, stallage and wharfage, suhch as Eleanor Nutting, widow, enjoyed.
Page 355 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and James Richardson, grocer, of a garden and scalding yard, previously of John Goldsborough, between Fair Yard Lane and the garden of John Chapman, abutting the stable of William Woolf (late alderman), on surrender of a lease to Thomas Wilson dated 2 Mar 1713.
Page 357 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Carrington, alderman and gent., of a tenement and yard in Butter Row, adjacent tenements then in occupation of Oliver Pangborne, now of Richard Barker, and another then in occupation of Henry Wyles now Edward Schooling, on surrender of his lease dated 17 Mar 1718.
Page 358 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William King, yeoman, of three acres one rood of land in the West Field, commonly called Clay Pitts, in Chesterton, abutting land sometime of Thomas Hobson in the SW, and adjacent land, once with a windmill, given to the town in the will of Richard Chevin, on surrender of a lease to Richard Cutchey dated 2 Jan 1712.
Page 359 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, merchant, of a slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to James Wendy of Barkway dated 10 Jun 1723
Page 360 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Mathews, cornmerchant, of two messuages called Purgolds togther with a stable with a chamber over, and of several bays, yards etc. on the east side of the pease and barley market and part of the said house, on surrender of his leases dated 1 Sep 1719.
Page 362 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, merchant and alderman, of two acres of arable, now enclosed, in West Newham Crofts, Grantchester, between the parsonage and the land of Elizabeth Story, widow, on surrender of a lease to James Wendy dated 10 Jun 1723.
Page 363 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Woodger of a piece of waste ground at Castle End, now with a tenement on it, on surrender of a lease to Robert Robson, late alderman, dated 12 Jan 1657.
Page 364 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Katherine Townsend, widow, of a piece of waste next to the house called The Old Pinfold at Castle End next to land where Nicholas Thurloe built a house, on surrender of a lease to Christian Townsend dated 13 May 1714.
Page 365 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Katherine Townsend, widow, of a messuage at Castle End lately build on ground called The Old Pinfold, on surrender of a lease to Christian Townsend dated 13 May 1714.
Page 366 - Indenture that William Thomson jun., sheriff of Cambridgeshire, Samuel Gatward, recorder, the aldermen and burgesses [several are named] of the town have elected Sir John Hind Cotton and Thomas Bacon to represent the town at Parliament.
Page 367 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Phillip Saunders, baker, of the shops and stalls at the north end of Debtors Hall, with a lower room called Tanners Hall under the Great Chamber, between the women's gaol and the corner shop, on surrender of his lease dated 17 May 1720.
Page 368 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Phillip Saunders, baker, of a house called the Butchers Shambles on market hill near the common gaol, on surrender his lease dated 17 May 1720.
Page 370 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Greaves, joyner, of eight bays in the Cheese Row at Stourbridge Fair, with land in Garlic Row, Sir John Hind Cotton's booths on the north and Mr Ellis' booths south, on surrender of a lease to Howland Nutting dated 1 Apr 1725.
Page 371 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Barney of land in Walls Lane, lately built on, and already in his occupation.
Page 372 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Lancaster, gent., of a piece of waste ground near Parker's Piece.
Page 373 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Bunyan, whipmaker of St Andrew Holborn in Middlesex, and Eastwood his wife, of land on the west side of Great Fair Yard lane with a house, slaughter house and barn on it, a house in ocupation of James Moulder, another of William Brafitt, on surrender of a lease to William Preston dated 2 May 1720.
Page 374 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, alderman, of a pair of stone stairs adjoining a lean-to in St Clements parish, on surrender of his previous lease dated 2 Mar 1724.
Page 375 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Lancaster, gent., of a lean-to in St Clements parish in occupation of John Fisher and Joseph Lindsay, on surrender of a lease to John Fisher dated 19 May 1713.
Page 376 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and King Whittred, butcher, of land called the Chappell Ground in Stourbridge fair sometime in occupation of the town's treasurers, on surrender of a lease to John Wilson dated 29 Oct 1727.
Page 377 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and King Whittred, of a walden booth called the Cross Keys in Garlic Row in Stourbridge fair next the highway leading to the timber fair, on surrender of a lease to John Wilson dated 31 Oct 1727.
Page 379 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Cobb, widow, of the Inn called the Dunghill Cock between the almshouses in St Edwards parish and the tenement of formerly of John Rant and now of Edwrad Gillam, on surrender of a lease to Thomas Brand dated 16 Aug 1721
Page 380 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Crispe, perukemaker, of a piece of formerly waste ground, now with houses on it, near the pond in Bell Lane and south of the house of Mary Thurlow, on surrender of a lease to William Ginn, baker, dated 12 Jan 1674.
Page 381 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Ogram, of the messuage called Michaelhouse Grange with its appurtenances in the parish of St Andrews, in the occupation of John Gamm, on surrender of a lease to John Miller dated 25 Jun 1717.
Page 382 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Holliday, gardiner, of a house and grounds on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, and a close called the Tenter Yard, on surrender of his lease dated 26 Nov 1717.
Page 384 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Jeremiah Chappell, butcher, of the slaughterhouse on the east side of fair Yard Lane, between tenements north in the occupation formerly of Thomas Tifford and now William Finch, and south of Joseph Cooper, late Willam Wilson, on surrender of a lease to William Wendy dated 24 Jan 1720.
Page 385 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Webb, gent., of four tenements in the parish of Great St Andrew between the workhouse and the brewhouse of John Lancaster.
Page 386 - Letter of attorney appointing James Wendy, Guy Sindrey, Thomas Smith, Thomas Yorke aldermen, and Thomas Wiseman, Charles Sturmer, James King, John Crispe of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 387 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Stagg and Esther Stagg, spinsters, of a messuage with outbuildings in Butter Row, previously in occupation of William King, late of John West, between tenements late in occupation of Christopher Adams, cordwinder, now of Richard Barker, and Edward Chapman, on surrender of their lease dated 20 Nov 1721.
Page 389 - Letter of attorney appointing John Carrington, Charles Filkin, Thomas Nutting, Thomas Smith aldermen, and John Yorke, Thomas Graves, Elias Sewster, Howland Nutting of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 389a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elias Sewster, baker, of a booth ground in Stourbridge Fair at the corner leading to Honey Hill, abutting the booth of Cornelius Archer, on surrender of a lease to Abigale Alders dated 27 Jul 1714.
Page 390 - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Fowle, alderman, to receive £104 bequeathed to the town in the will of Thomas White.
Page 391 - Receipt acknowledging payment of £104 by the Master and Wardens of company of Merchant Taylors, due under the will of Sir Thomas White.
Page 392 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Wells, yeoman, of ground beyond the castle near the Huntingdon Road and south of land called the Sale Piece, with houses now built on it, on surrender of a lease to Robert Stanning dated Michaelmas 1719.
Page 393 - Letter of attorney appointing Charles Filkin, William Chambers, Thomas Preetlove, Samuel Peet aldermen, and John Brumidgeham, John Sparks John Crispe,Thomas Wiseman of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 394 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Baker of Haddenham, Norfolk, of land in Walls Lane in Cambridge, now with barns stables etc., on, previously in occupation of Richard Harper, a washing place at the east end thereof, with other adjacent land, on surrender of his lease dated 26 Jul 1728.
Page 395 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Fowle, alderman, of Holgaies Booths in Stourbridge Fair, previously in the occupation of Sir Edward Hind, Kt., with a victualling booth and kitchen next the hop fair, on surrender of his lease dated 14 Nov 1729.
Page 397 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, victualler, licence to erect six stalls now converted into twelve stalls in the Butchery, on surrender of his lease dated 14 Nov 1729.
Page 398 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, victualler, of a tenement with garden called the Castle, in Butter Row in the parish of Great St Mary near Mr Carrington's garden, on surrender of his lease dated 14 Nov 1729.
Page 399 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Lavender, widow of William Lavender, of a tenement at the east end of Penny Farthing Lane, together with empty ground between the house and the common ditch, on surrender of her lease dated 14 Sep 1730.
Page 401 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Newling, gent., of a corner house called the Queens Arms in Barnwell with its outhouses, stables, etc., on a piece of ground previously Cottons, on surrender of his lease dated 4 Sep 1730.
Page 402 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master and Fellows of Gonville and Caius College, of a holt with messuage an buildings thereon lately in tenure of Downham Yeomans lying by Coe Fen between lands of John Bishopp and John Jenkinson, on surrender of their lease dated 27 Jan 1720.
Page 403 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Eleanor Matthews, widow, of the long chamber called the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edwards, on surrender of her lease dated 19 Feb 1730/31.
Page 404 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Jeremiah Deer, sen., baker, of land called White Cannons Lands, on surrender of his lease dated 4 Jun 1723.
Page 406 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Smith, of a tenement and yard on the west side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to Charles Cooper, butcher, dated 21 May 1717.
Page 408 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Timothy Graves, joiner, of a messuage in St Andrews parish between a tenement of Emmanuel College in occupation of John Brand and an orchard of Dr Green, on surrender of a lease to William Houghton and his wife Mary dated 6 Dec 1722.
Page 409 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Parsons, of a piece of ground, now built on, in Preachers Street between a close belonging to the church of Ely and the highway.
Page 410 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Holliday, of three tenements, with outhouses etc, on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, on surrender of a lease to James Wendy, dated 10 Jun 1723.
Page 411 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Sennet, butcher, of two corner stalls, with their appurtenances, in the Shambles next Petty Cury.
Page 412 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Yorke, Thomas Nutting, John Newling, Thomas Smith aldermen, and Thomas Graves, Howland Nutting, Elias Sewster, Charles Stormer of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 413 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Barrame, labourer, of a messuage in the parish of St Giles, near the castle, formerly demised to Robert Hauchett.
Page 414 - Lease, for 4 years between the Corporation and Richard Bentley DD, Master of Trinity, of land at Garrett Hostel, near the river with liberty of a bridge, on surrender of their lease dated 5 May 1663.
Page 415 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Richard Windsor, undertaker, and Mary his wife, of a messuage, with its stables and barns now built, in the parish of St Andrews, between the inn The Wrestlers and the church yard, on surrender of a lease to Elizabeth Boyton dated 22 Apr 1729.
Page 416 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Paris, gent., of three tenements their outhouses in the parish of St Buttolph, north of the freehold of Richard Adams, in the occupation of Joseph Robertson, widow Collis and Thomas Parker, on surrender of his lease dated 3 Nov 1721.
Page 417 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, merchant, of the tenement called Clement Ostle in Bridge Street, with the outbuildings, gardens, etc. sometime in the occupation of Hugh Humphrey, together with seven almshouses formerly granted to Ann Cropley, widow (now wife of John), and since to John Cropley B.D., reserving the right of access to St Clements churchyard, on surrender of a lease to Howland Nutting dated 1 Apr 1725.
Page 419 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Mould [elsewhere Mowls], carpenter of ground in the parish of Great St Mary, near Cutlers Lane, als Shethers Lane, on surrender of a lease to Elizabeth Caiton dated 1 Aug 1724.
Page 420 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and scholars of Emanuel College ofa piece of empty ground on the east of the college, previously in occupation of Edward Miller, brewer of Cambridge, and then of Richard Thurlbourne, and now of Guy Sindrey, on surrender of their lease dated 12 Feb 1723
Page 422 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Porter, brewer, of a tenement and yard, and adjacent butchers stalls, in Butter Row between tenements in occupation of William King and of alderman Carrington, on surrender of a lease to Richard Barker dated 10 Aug 1725.
Page 423 - Letter of Attorney appointing Thomas Fowle, alderman, to receive £104 bequeathed to the town in the will of Thomas White.
Page 424 - Receipt acknowledging payment of £104 by the Master and Wardens of company of Merchant Taylors, due under the will of Sir Thomas White.
Page 425 - Letter of attorney appointing Samuel Peet, Thomas Fowle, Charles Filkin, Thomas Nutting aldermen, and James Whitelock, John Yorke, Charles Stormer, Elias Sewster of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 425a - Lease, for 21 years and during the fair, between the Corporation and Edward Chapman, ironmonger, of two booths called the Calves Skinns on the east side of Garlic Row, on surrender of a lease to Sarah Chapman, dated 6 Oct 1726
Page 427 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Henry Aldin, bricklayer, of a messuage and garden in Walls Lane between the common ditch and Sidney College, on surrender of his lease dated 29 Sep 1731.
Page 428 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Dameris Frazier, widow, of the inn called the Crown and Woolpack, formerly the Crown, with its outbuildings etc., in the parishes of St Andrews and Holy Trinity, on surrender of her lease dated 20 May 1724.
Page 430 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bowdle, barber, of a dwelling house and a stable with a hay chamber over, at the north end of Fair Yard Lane, with a tenement of Joseph Scarfe to the north and adjacent a tenement of the said John Bowdle.
Page 432 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Mott, gent., Matthew Leach, currier, Henry Slinger, innholder, Samuel Patman, innholder, Anderson Broome, innholder, James Graham, innholder, of a piece of ground formerly with three almshouses called Dolls Close near Maids Causeway on the highway to Barnwell but now a garden in the occupation of Edward Hollyday , on surrender of their lease dated 25 Apr 1732.
Page 433 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Carrington, alderman, of a slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, part formerly in occupation of James Wallington, on surrender of his lease dated 10 May 1723.
Page 434 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Daniel Woods, staymaker, Edward Gilliam, carrier, both churchwardens of St Edward, Sowerby South, William Good, Nathaniel Prime, and John Sheymer, overseers of the said parish, of the almshouses being four low rooms under the long chamber called the Treasury in the parish of St Edwards, now in the occupation of Thomas Mathews, and near tenements late of Robert Nutting, William Overton, on surrender of a lease dated 4 Mar 1729/30.
Page 435 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Wrangle, innholder, of Chesterton of the standing (bay or stable) under the house called Purgolds.
Page 436 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Rev. Gawen Graves of Burnham, Norfolk, of the landing place at the ferry in Chesterton next to Stourbridge Fair Green, on surrender of a lease to Mary Dann dated 25 May 1733.
Page 437 - Letter of attorney appointing Guy Sindrey, mayor elect, Samuel Peet, Charles Filkin, Thomas Pretove, Thomas Smith aldermen, and James Whitlock, John York, Charles Stormer, John Haswell of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 438 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Charles Stormer, cook, of a piece of formerly waste gound at the lower end of Garlick Row towards the water fair, where on the said Charles has built a victualling booth called the Broad Sword, land late in occupation of William Lawrence.
Page 438a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Smith, alderman, of a piece of empty ground at Castle End, sometime in occupation of John Gilbert, jun.
Page 439 - Lease, between the Corporation and King Whitred, butcher, of all the revenues, tolls, etc. due to the corporation in respect of bridgeward, highward and marketward, between the feasts of St Michael Archangel [29 Sep] 1740 and 1741.
Page 441 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Pretove, mayor elect, William Chambers, Thomas Smith, Charles Stormer aldermen, and John Crisp, Joseph Wildman, John Martin, Charles Marshall of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 441a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Wildman, grocer, of land at the east end of Petty Cury with the tenements now on it, on surrender of a lease dated 12 Feb 1723/24 by Alice Sewster, widow, Elias Sewster, executors to John Sewster.
Page 443 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and James King, weaver of Spittlefields, of a piece of ground, now with tenements on it, at the end of St Andrews parish, now in occupation of John Lancaster, and adjoining land with outhouses, on surrender of a lease to Dameris Shales dated 7 Jan 1723.
Page 445 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Finch, ironmonger, of land in the occupation of John Chaplin, on the east side of Great Fair Yard Lane formerly the garden of James Willington, on surrender of a lease to William Finch, sen., deceased, father of the lessee, dated 19 Oct 1725.
Page 446 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Finch, ironmonger, and Sarah Chapman, widow, of a piece of ground next the fish market in the parish of St Edwards between the Almshouses and buildings called the Pinfold sometime of William Wellbore and late of John Ellis, both deceased, on surrender of a lease to William Finch, sen., father of the lessee.
Page 448 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and King Whitred, butcher, of land called the Chappell Ground near the chappell in Stourbridge Fair sometime in occupation of the town's treasurers, on surrender of his lease to dated 20 Feb 1734.
Page 449 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and King Whitred, butcher, of a walden booth and ground called the Cross Keys near Garlic Row in Stourbridge Fair next the road to the timber fair, and three bays of Goldsmiths Ground near the chapel, on surrender of his lease dated 20 Feb 1734.
Page 450 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Katharine Cooper and Mary Cooper, spinsters, of two stall on the east side of the Shambles next Petty Cury and abutting Butter Row.
Page 451 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Yorke, gent., of a piece of ground now enclosed and in his occuption on the right hand of Hadstock Way, near Little Moor, on surrender of a lease to Charles Filkins dated 30 May 1727.
Page 452 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Smith of the forepart of a tenement and land adjoining in St Edwards parish between land late of John Rant and the Pease market, on surrender of a lease to Edward Gillam dated 21 Jun 1728.
Page 454 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Smith, alderman, of land on the bankside of Queens College, near its brewhouse, on surrender of a lease to John Grumbold dated 16 Aug 1721.
Page 455 - Indenture between the Corporation and King Whitred and John Whitred, butchers, granting them the right to collect tolls, rents and other dues arising from the Midsummer Fair for one year.
Page 455 - Letter of attorney appointing Charles Stormer, mayor elect, Thomas Fowle, William Chambers, Samuel Peet, aldermen, and Thomas Wiseman, John Crisp, Joseph Wildman, Elias Sewster of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 457 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Nutting mayor elect, Thomas Pretlove, William Chambers, Thomas Smith, aldermen, and Thomas Wiseman, Elias Sewster, Joseph Wildman, Charles Marshall of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 457a - Letters patent appointing Henry lord Montfort as High Steward of the town of Cambridge.
Page 458 - Letters patent appointing Samuel Henry Pont as Recorder of Cambridge.
Page 458a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master Fellows and scholar of Emmanuel College of a piece of empty ground on the east of the college, previously in occupation of Edward Miller, brewer of Cambridge, and since then of Richard Thurlbourne, and now of Guy SIndrey, on surrender of their lease dated 27 Apr 1739
Page 459 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Sennet, butcher, of a tenement and yard on the west of Fair Yard Lane, between a tenement late in the occupation of Charles Cooper and now of alderman Smith, and one late of John Craske now Thomas Ewin, west of an orchard late of John Blackley and now of his widow, on surrender of his lease dated 23 Dec 1729.
Page 460 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, victualler, of a tenement with garden called the Castle, behind Butter Row in the parish of Great St Mary, near John Rumbold's property, on surrender of his lease dated 1 Nov 1737.
Page 462 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, of six stalls, now converted into twelve stalls, in the Butchery, on surrender of his lease dated 1 Nov 1737.
Page 463 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Anderson Broome, innholder, of a piece of waste ground at the end of Walls Lane
Page 464 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Pont, labourer, of a piece of waste ground at Castle End, near a garden of the parish of St Peter.
Page 465 - Address to his Majesty George II on his safe return from Dettingen
Page 466 - Petition of the Corporation to Parliament, requesting the [restoration of the?] right to nominate commissioners for the draining of the Fens.
Page 467 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nixson, grocer, and Martha his wife, of a messuage at Castle End lately built on land called the The Old Pinfold, on surrender of a lease to Katherine Townsend, widow, dated 19 Mar 1733/34.
Page 468 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Hannah Bartholomew, widow, of a tenement and adjoining ground, and a brick porch, at Castle End in the parish of St Giles, on surrender of her lease dated 19 May 1729.
Page 470 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rant of Clothall, Herts., of land near Pump Lane in the parish of Great St Mary, adjacent land sometime of Isaac Jackson, on surrender of his lease dated 16 Aug 1724.
Page 471 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rant of Clothall, Herts., of land, now part built on, in Pump Lane or Well Lane, in the parish of Great St Mary, late in ocupation of Thomas Nicholson, adjacent the yard of widow West and late in occupation of Mark Butten, on surrender of his lease dated 16 Aug 1724.
Page 472 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rant of Clothall, Herts., of ground on the east of the wheat market in the parish of Great St Mary adjoining his tenement, on surrender of his lease dated 16 Aug 1724.
Page 474 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Burrowes as proctor to sort out the Corporation's seats in the parish church.
Page 474a - Letter of attorney appointing Andrew White mayor elect, John Newling, Thomas York, James Wendy aldermen, and Elias Sewster, Howland Nutting, Wigmore Whiskin, John Crisp of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 475 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Lavender, widow, of a garden ground with a mud wall in the parish of St Buttolph with two small tenements now on it, on surrender of a lease to William Lavender, deceased, dated 4 Sep 1730.
Page 477 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Lavender, widow, of a tenement at the east end of Penny Farthing Lane, sometime in tenure of one Brown a taylor, and now of Jonathan Guest and James Blake, on surrender of her lease dated 1 Nov 1737.
Page 479 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Johnson, upholster, of a piece of common ground lying next to St Michael's churchyard, before a tenement of John Newton.
Page 480 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Whitwham, woollen-draper of London and Sarah his wife, of a piece of ground called the Armitage enclosed with ditches, near the small bridges in Cambridge with a tenement and workhouse on it, on surrender of their lease dated 4 Sep 1730.
Page 483 - Indenture of a burgess, Christopher Jeafferson, to serve in Parliament in place of James Martin, deceased.
Page 484 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Samuel Peet, alderman, of a tenement called the Armitage, now three tenements and a close with all manner of yards and appurtenances (etc.) appertaining, in the parish of St Bennett, on surrender of his lease dated 4 Sep 1730.
Page 486 - Petition of the mayor and Corporation of Cambrodge to bring a bill in Parliament for the impovement of the roads from Godmanchester to the high rubbing house on Newmarket Heath.
Page 486a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, of a tenement and yard in Fair Yard Lane in occupation of George Hopkins, lately made into two tenements with a Candle house stable and garden, on surrender of his lease dated 27 Jan 1729.
Page 488 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin, brewer, of 4 stalls before the tenement called the Black Swann in the parish of Great St Mary.
Page 489 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph York, ropemaker, of a piece of waste ground, next to John Bendall's in the parish of St Benedict, on surrender of a lease to Jane Bunton, widow, dated 19 Jan 1729.
Page 491 - Remonstrance by the Mayor and Corporation to the Duke of Bedford and the Corporation of the Great Levels of the fens, asking that no work be done at Denver Sluice without proposals being published.
Page 492 - Letter of attorney appointing John Carrington mayor elect, Thomas Nutting, Thomas Pretlove, John Newling, aldermen, and Thomas Wiseman, Elias Sewster, Wigmore Whiskin, John Crisp of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 492a - Address to his Majesty George II on the taking of Cape Breton
Page 493 - Lease, for 999 years between the Corporation and Samuel Shepheard and Robert Clarke, and others, of ground on Market Hill for building a new Shire House.
Page 495 - Indenture between the Corporation and Philip Saunders, baker, John Sennett, butcher, Catherine and Mary Cooper, spinsters, and others
Page 498 - Letter of attorney appointing John Newling mayor elect, Thomas Nutting, Thomas Pretlove, Thomas Smith, aldermen, and Thomas Wiseman, Elias Sewster, Howland Nutting, Wigmore Whiskin of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 499 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Andrew White, alderman, of the waters and fishings between Magdalen College and St Johns Bridge and from Kings Mill to Sowches Mill, on surrender of a lease to John Yorke, late alderman, dated 10 Jan 1725.
Page 500 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and James Barry of Hull, Yorkshire, of Whittlesford Bridge with its tolls, etc., except for felons and their goods and John Stevenson of Newton on Tuesdays.
Page 501 - Indenture between Thomas Haughton sherriff of Cambridgeshire and the burgesses of Cambridge (15 named, with others) recording the election of Lord Viscount Duplin as member of Parliament.
Page 502 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Cooledge, labourer, of a messuage with appurtenances in the parish of St Giles on the west of the castle and late in occupation of Thomas Jeaves, on surrender of his lease dated 15 Mar 1732.
Page 504 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Eleanor Matthews, widow, of the long chamber called the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edwards, on surrender of her lease dated 29 Dec 1737.
Page 506 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and King Whtttred, butcher, of the booth grounds called Munseys Booths in Cheese fair or Cheese Row, Stourbridge Fair, between the booths of alderman Watson and Sir John Hind Cotton, on surrender of a lease to John Edwards, chandler, dated 25 Apr 1732
Page 507 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bowdle, barber, of two tenements at the north end of Fair Yard Lane, a dwelling house and a stable with a hay chamber over, abutting a tenement late of Joseph Scarfe.
Page 510 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Smith, alderman, of three acres of land lying dispersedly in the fields of Cambridge, in exchange for land of Trinity Hall near Newnham Mill, on surrender of a lease to Richard Goward of Thriplow dated 18 Aug 1731.
Page 512 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Smith, alderman, of a tenement and yard on the west side of Fair Yard Lane late in occupation of George Hopkins, on surrender of his lease dated 24 Jan 1737.
Page 514 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Christopher Green of Christ College, of a lane between Clement Ostle and the Inn formerly called the Horn, then the Antholopp, but now converted into tenements abutting Bridge Street, and the orchard between the inn and the common ditch, with the right to build a footbridge over the ditch.
Page 516 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Crispe, perukemaker, of a piece of formerly waste ground, now with houses on it, abutting the watering pond in Bell Lane and south of the house of Mary Thurlow, widow, on surrender of his lease dated 6 Mar 1734.
Page 518 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Rowland, brewer, of land in Walls Lane in Cambridge, adjacent the barn previously in occupation of Richard Harper, on surrender of a lease to William Baker of Heddenham, Norfolk, dated 15 Nov 1726.
Page 520 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Wrangle, yeoman of Chesterton, of two pieces of common ground on the east of a tenement sometime of William Hurst at the end of the Butchery.
Page 523 - Lease, for 20 years between the Corporation and Thomas Lord bishop of Norwich, Thomas Simpson, Benjamin Holly of Kings Lynn, and John Carrington alderman, trustees of Cranes Lands, demised in the will of John Crane, the bailiffs of Ipswich, the Chancellor of Cambridge University, the burgesses of Wisbech, the burgesses of the towns of Cambridge and Kings Lynn, Thomas Hather yeoman of Wibberton, Lincs, and his son John Hather of Holbeach, and the said John and Thomas Hather, of two roods of land lying in 16 pieces in Lincolnshire, reserving right of reasonable access.
Page 534 - Lease, for 21 years, in trust for the poor of Holy Trinity parish, between the Corporation and Edward Searle, merchant, Thomas Cotton, grocer, Edward Hall, fishmonger, Eliias Sewster, baker, John Purchace, mercer, and Joseph Ogram, baker, of a piece of ground formerly with three almshouses called Dolls Close near Maids Causeway on the south of the highway to Barnwell, but now a garden in the occupation of Edward Hollyday, on surrender of a dated 26 Feb 1739.
Page 536 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Thomas Ewin and John Sparks, brewers, of two tenements in the parish of St Botolphs, late in occupation of Abraham Wright, abutting ground of John Adams, on surrender of a lease to John Grumbold.
Page 538 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Uriah Matthews sen., baker, of rooms in the nether part of the Common Hall in Cambridge, under the Common Council mens parlour and pantry in the Guildhall, together with granaries, stables etc., abutting the pease market, on surrender of a lease to Sarah Chapman and Edmund Halfhyde dated 25 May 1733.
Page 541 - Lease, for 28 years between the Corporation and Phillipp Saunders, baker, of the shops and stalls at the north end of Debtors Hall, with a lower room called Tanners Hall under the Great Chamber, between the prisioners gaol formerly the women's gaol and the corner shop, on surrender of his lease dated 18 Jun 1734.
Page 544 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Rev. Peter Dent of Northants, of empty ground at the backside of houses of Peter Dent, formerly of Robert Atkinson, in Pembrookhall Lane, on surrender of a lease to Peirce Dent dated 1 Oct 1724.
Page 545 - Indenture between John Godfrey sherriff of Cambridgeshire and the burgesses of Cambridge recording the election of Samuel Shepheard and Lord Viscount Duplin as members of Parliament.
Page 546 - Letter of attorney appointing Samuel Peet mayor elect, Thomas Pretlove, Thomas Nutting, Thomas Smith, aldermen, and Thomas Wiseman, Wigmore Whiskin, Howland Nutting and Charles Marshall of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 547 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Guy Sindrey, alderman, of a piece of waste near Parkers Piece, part now converted into a dog kennel.
Page 549 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Gillam jun., carrier, of a garden or orchard, late a scalding yard, previously of John Goldsborough, between Fair Yard Lane and the garden of John Chapman, fishmonger,and adjacent land of John Bowsier, on surrender of a lease to James Richardson dated 13 Nov 1733.
Page 551 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Porter, of the scalding house and yards, now a stye and garden grounds, on surrender of a lease to Jeremiah Chapell, butcher, dated 7 Jun 1733.
Page 553 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Searle, merchant and common councillor, of a messuage and garden abutting Walls Lane between the common ditch and Sidney College, late Grey Friars, on surrender of a lease to Henry Aldin dated 27 Nov 1739.
Page 555 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Elizabeth Short, widow of George Short, of a piece of ground previously demised to William Hurst, butcher, behind Butter Row, adjacent land late of Joseph Cream, John Hinson, Nevill Dawney, on surrender of her lease dated 30 Oct 1733.
Page 557 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Benjamin Barton, of a piece of waste ground, with the buildings now on it, behind Bishops Mill, on surrender of a lease to Joseph Staines dated 18 Aug 1731.
Page 558 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Atkinson of Chesterton, of a tenement and outbuildings and nine stalls in Butter Row previously in tenure of Henry Wiles, and between tenements of John Carrington and Edward Wells, on surrender of a lease to Elizabeth Atkinson dated 1 May 1716.
Page 560 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Robert Waterfield, carpenter, of a piece of waste at the gable end of Mr Potto's stable, near the Pinfold.
Page 562 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Cotton, carpenter, of land, formerly waste but now enclosed, on the south side of the Kings Ditch and east of fair Yard lane and east of land of Edward Wootton, together with a way from the Hoggmarket to the Red Lyon inn.
Page 564 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Eleanor Matthews, widow of Thomas Matthews, cornmerchant, of two tenements called Purgolds and a stable with a chamber over, together with other adjacent bays, standings etc., on surrender of Thomas' lease dated 4 Dec 1733.
Page 567 - Indenture of a burgess, Christopher Jeafferson, to serve in Parliament in place of Samuel Shepheard, deceased.
Page 567a - Letter of attorney appointing Elias Sewtser mayor elect, Thomas Nutting, John Newling, Thomas Smith, aldermen, and Howland Nutting, Charles Marshall, John Masters, John Hasewell of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 568 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and William Porter, brewer, of the slaughterhouse on the east side of Fair Yard Lane, late in occupation of Robert Taylor, lessees Jeremiah Chappell then William Perry, on surrender of a lease to Jeremiah Chappell dated 31 Jul 1735.
Page 570 - Address to his Majesty George II on his return from war in the British Dominions.
Page 571 - Indenture of a burgess, Charles Sloan Cadogan, to serve in Parliament in place of Christopher Jeafferson, deceased.
Page 572 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roger Thompson of Rickmansworth, Herts., of a piece of ground in Harlestone Lane, lately built on, in the parish of St Clement, on surrender of his lease dated 10 May 1723.
Page 574 - Lease, for 60 years between the Corporation and Roger Thompson of Rickmansworth, Herts., of a piece of land behind his brewhouse near the inn The Ship in Harlestone Lane in the parish of St Clement, on surrender of his lease dated 10 May 1723.
Page 576 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Magdalen[e] College of ground in the parish of St Giles parish abutting the ancient bridge, late in occupation of Robert Twelves and now of the college, adjoining land of Edward Holmes, and another piece of land late in occupation of Thomas Jackson and Francis Atkinson, now of Joseph Pain and widow Jackson, and a tenement called Copy Hall or the Black Boy, late of Margaret Rawlings, widow, on surrender of their lease dated 4 Sep 1703.
Page 578 - Petition of the Mayor and Corporation to Parliament urging the passing of a bill for the improvement of the River Ouse by allowing the lightermen to hale with horses on the banks of the river.
Page 579 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Lancaster, widow, of a piece of waste adjacent Parker's Piece.
Page 580 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Lancaster, widow, of a tenement, formerly three tenements and a barn, in the parish of St Andrews, together with land previously demised to Nathaniel Harden, on surrender of a lease dated 25 Apr 1732.
Page 582 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Lancaster, widow, of a piece of waste on the west side if the road to Balls Folly and abutting St Thomas Leys, on surrender of a lease to Damaris Shales dated 4 Mar 1729.
Page 584 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Robert Waterfield of a messuage and adjoining shop and land near the Grate in the parish of St Andrews, on surrender of a lease to Roger Crisp dated 15 Mar 1732.
Page 586 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Sarah Haselum, of a messuage called the Half Moon in the parish of St Andrews formerly in occupation of Robert Mitchell, now of the said Sarah, and adjacent a tenement of Elizabeth Edwards, widow, on surrender of a lease to Roger Crisp dated 15 Mar 1732.
Page 588 - Lease, for 15 years between the Corporation and Joseph Crabb, miller, of the watermill called Kings Mill with the adjoining Ozier Holt called the Swanns Nest, with other marsh ground, and their windmill in Little St Andrews parish in Barnwell.
Page 592 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Ann Newling, widow, of a corner house called the Queens Arms in Barnwell with its outhouses, stables, etc., on a piece of ground previously Cottons, on surrender of a lease to her husband John Newling dated 13 Dec 1737.
Page 594 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Samuel Patten, whitesmith, and John Johnson, shoemaker, of a lean-to adjoining the stone stairs in St Clements parish, late in occupation of Nicholas Coventry, now of Thomas Nutting, on surrender of a lease to John Lancaster dated 20 Feb 1734.
Page 596 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and King Whitred, butcher, of land called the Chappell Ground near the chapel in Stourbridge Fair sometime in occupation of the town's treasurers, on surrender of his lease dated 22 Dec 1741.
Page 597 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and King Whitred, butcher, of a walden booth and ground called the Cross Keys near Garlic Row in Stourbridge Fair next the road to the timber fair, and three bays of Goldsmiths Ground near the chapel, on surrender of his lease dated 22 Dec 1741.
Page 599 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and George Bannister, hosier of the City of London, of a piece of waste ground in possession of Mathew Dennys, adjacent to the orchard of Stephen Mare, with the right to plant 40 poles of willows, and also land at catle Hills,on surrender of a lease to John Willson dated 16 Aug 1718.
Page 601 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Joseph Ogram, baker, of the messuage called Michaelhouse Grange with its appurtenances in the parish of St Andrews, now in occupation of John Gamm, on surrender of his lease dated 28 Apr 1735.
Page 603 - Alienation to George Bannister, hosier of the City of London, of his ground leased on this date, by the Mayor and Corporation
Page 604 - Lease, for 17 years between the Corporation and Thomas Nutting, alderman, of the waters and fishings on the river from Newnham Mill to St Johns College bridge, and on other streams between Queens College and Queens Green.
Page 606 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Pretlove, mayor elect, Thomas Nutting, Andrew White, Thomas Wiseman, aldermen, and John Masters, John Hasewell, James Gifford, Thomas Collett of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 606a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Elias Sewster, alderman, of three fish bays in the Waterfair, or Fish Fair, at Stourbridge on surrender of a lease to Eastwood Phipps dated 23 Dec 1729.
Page 608 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Gatward, merchant, of waste ground near the mansion house formerly of John Durrant and late of Stephen Dunck, with a porch chimney and window frame on it, on surrender of a lease to John Newton, merchant, dated 1 Jun 1724.
Page 610 - Letter appointing Thomas York and Andrew White, both of Cambridge, and Theodore Johnson and James Backhouse both of Lincolns Inn, to take over the fines due for the green ways.
Page 610a - Alienation to John Whitwham, Wooldendraper of London, by the Mayor and Corporation, of his ground called the Hermitage found in the lease of 6 Nov 1744
Page 611 - Lease, for 24 years between the Corporation and Mary Cooper, spinster, of two stall on the south side of the Shambles abutting Butter Row, on surrender of a lease to Mary and Katharine Cooper dated 18 May 1742.
Page 612 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Wiseman, mayor elect, Thomas Yorke, Andrew White, Charles Marshall, aldermen, and John Masters, James Gifford, Samuel Patten, John Wright of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 612a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Rev. John Reynolds B.D., fellow of Eton College of a messuage and yard, etc. in Butter Row, late in occupation of John West, between tenements late in occupation of Christopher Adams, cordwainer, and of Richard Barker, and one of Uriah Matthews in occupation of Edward Chapman, on surrender of a lease to Mary and Esther Stagg, spinsters, dated 13 Jan 1735.
Page 614 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Rev. John Cock of Debden, Essex, with Ann Cock, widow of Cambridge, of a piece of ground at the foot of the Great bridge in Cambridge, with the liberty to lay a footbridge from the watering place near their tenement there.
Page 615 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Rev. John Cock of Debden, Essex, with Ann Cock, widow of Cambridge, of land late in occupation of Joseph Cock, in the parish of St Peters behind Jesus College brewhouse, together with land from there to the common street, on surrender of a lease to Joseph Cock dated 26 Jul 1728.
Page 617 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Pont, labourer, of a piece of waste at Castle End in the parish of St Peter.
Page 618 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Clayton, cooper of the City of London, of ground in the parish of St Botolph, next to the Cardinals Cap, with the buildings on it, on surrender of a lease to Sarah Ward, widow, dated 14 Oct 1729.
Page 619 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Clayton, cooper of the City of London, of a piece of ground with a malthouse and other buildings on it, on surrender of a lease to Sarah Ward, widow, dated 14 Oct 1729.
Page 621 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, victualler, of six stalls, now converted into twelve stalls, adjoining the tenement late of John Rumbold and abutting the common street to the east, on surrender of his lease dated 5 Dec 1743.
Page 622 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Perry, victualler, of a tenement with garden called the Castle, behind Butter Row in the parish of Great St Mary, late in occupation of John Rumbold, on surrender of his lease dated 5 Dec 1743.
Page 623 - Lease, for 14 years between the Corporation and Elias Sewster, alderman of four victualling booths and grounds, with their tilt and timber, in Stourbridge fair bequeathed to the corporation in the will of Thomas Graves, late alderman
Page 625 - Letter of attorney appointing John Haswell, mayor elect, Thomas Yorke, Andrew White, Elias Sewster aldermen, and John Masters, Samuel Patten, James Gifford, Thomas Eald of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 625a - Lease, for 3 years between the Corporation and Marmaduke Whitred, joyner, of the tolls, duties etc., collected by the toller at Reach, Midsummer and Stourbridge Fairs.
Page 627 - The answer of the Mayor and bailiffs to a bill of complaint of Mary Cooper and Catherine Cooper. The complaint is about a move of the market following the decision to build a hall for the corporation on Market Square, and the consequent disruption to the Coopers' trade.
Page 630 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Door, surgeon of Barkhampstead [Berkhamsted], of land called White Cannons Lands, on surrender of a lease to Jeremiah Deer dated 9 Dec 1737.
Page 632 - A further answer of the Mayor and bailiffs to a bill of complaint of Mary Cooper and Catherine Cooper.
Page 634 - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Nutting, Thomas Yorke, James Wendy, Andrew White aldermen, and Howland Nutting, Wigmore Whiskin, John Masters, Thomas Eald of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 634a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and King Whitred, butcher, of land on the west side of Great Fair Yard lane with a house, slaughter house and yard, a house in occupation of James Moulder, another of [William] Braffitt, on surrender of a lease to John Bunyan dated 6 Feb 1734.
Page 636 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Mary Paris and Bridgett Davis, of three tenements, with their outhouses, in the parish of St Buttolph, north of the freehold of Richard Adams, late in the occupation of Joseph Robertson, widow Collis and Thomas Parker on surrender of a lease to Thomas Paris dated 9 Jan 1738.
Page 637 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and William Tassell and James Salmon, churchwardens of St Clements parish, and Robert Ellis, Mathew Benson, James Burleigh, William Anderson, overseers of the poor of the parish, of a messuage called Clement Hostle now 7 almshouses with a garden, well and pump, reserving the right of free access to the said pump, on surrender of a previous lease dated 7 Jun 1733.
Page 639 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and John Bowdle, barber, of a dwelling house and a stable at the north end of fair Yard Lane, adjacent a tenement of Joseph Scarfe.
Page 641 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Ann Graves, widow of Gawen Graves of Burham, Norfolk, of the landing place at Chesterton ferry next to Stourbridge Fair Green, on surrender of a lease dated 29 Jul 1740.
Page 642 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Searle, executor of Elizabeth Lavender, widow, of a tenement at the east end of Penny Farthing Lane, sometime in tenure of one Brown a taylor, and then of Jonathan Guest and James Blake, on surrender of a lease dated 6 Nov 1744.
Page 644 - Letter of attorney appointing George Riste, mayor elect, Thomas Smith, James Wendy, Andrew White aldermen, and Howland Nutting, Wigmore Whiskin, John Masters, James Gifford, John Robinson of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 645 - Bond for £300 of the Mayor and Corporation to Thomas York.
Page 645a - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Eleanor Matthews, widow, of the long chamber called the Treasury over the almshouses in the parish of St Edwards on surrender of her lease dated 9 Dec 1746.
Page 647 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and John Spark, brewer, of a piece of waste between the Kings Ditch and the end of Dent's garden and adjacent land of Thomas Stevens and land of St Johns College in occupation of Lazarus Betts, on surrender of a lease to Peirce Dent, apothecary, deceased, dated 20 May 1709.
Page 648 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Thomas Smith, alderman, of a tenement and yard on the west side of Fair Yard Lane late in occupation of George Hopkins, on surrender of his lease dated 27 Jan 1746.
Page 650 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Gillam, jun., carrier, of the forepart of a tenement, between the Dunghill Cock and the Talbot, in the parish of St Edward, sometime in occupation of Richard Pettit, then of John Miller and now of the said Edward Gilliam, on surrender of a lease to Owen Mayfield, alderman dated 6 Aug 1673
Page 651 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and Edward Gillam, jun., carrier, of a messuage in Barnwell called new England, with 8 acres of arable in the fields of Trumpington, Barnwell etc.
Page 654 - Indenture between Henry Southwell, sheriff of Cambridge, and the burgesses of the borough of Cambridge to Parliament.
Page 654a - Letter of attorney appointing Thomas Smith, mayor elect, Thomas Nutting, Thomas Wiseman, John Haswell aldermen, and Wigmore Whiskin, King Whitred, Samuel Patten, Thomas Eate of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 655 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Searle, merchant, John Augier, cordwainer, John Purchase, mercer, Thomas Higgins, gent, Thomas Cotton, grocer, John Egerton, joiner of a piece of ground formerly with three almshouses called Dolls Close near Maids Causeway on the south of the highway to Barnwell, now in the occupation of Edward Hollyday, in trust for the benefit of the poor of Holy trinity parish, on surrender of a lease dated 29 May 1747.
Page 656 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and Edward Searle of a tenement and garden abutting Walls Lane between the common ditch and Sidney College, late Grey Friars on surrender of his lease dated 31 Aug 1747.
Page 658 - Letter of attorney appointing Philip Burton of Lincolns Inn, London and Thomas York of Cambridge to take payments due to the Corporation.
Page 659 - Indenture of a Burgess to Parliament, between Henry Southwell, sheriff of Cambridge, and the burgesses of the borough of Cambridge to Parliament appointing Charles Sloan Cadogan in place of Thomas Bromley, now Lord Montfort.
Page 660 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and the Master and fellows of Gonville and Caius College, of a holt formerly in tenure of Downham yeoman, between the river running to the mills and Coe Fen, near the tenement of John Jenkinson, on surrender of their lease dated 29 Dec 1737.
Page 661 - Letters patent appointing Thomas Lord Montford High Steward of Cambridge
Page 662 - Lease, for 21 years between the Corporation and the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge of common ground lying outside Trinity College towards Garret Hostle Bridge, on surrender of their lease dated 15 Mar 1732.
Page 663 - Letter of attorney appointing Andrew White, mayor elect, Thomas Pretlove, Thomas Wiseman, John Haswell aldermen, and James Gifford, John Robinson, Thomas Eale, William Weales of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 664 - A letter of alienation to John Stephenton of the lease dated 6 Jun 1749, following death of previous lessee .
Page 665 - Indenture of a burgess to Parliament: appointment of Thomas Hay, Lord Viscount Dupplin, now also Paymaster General, for Cambridge.
Page 666 - Address by the Mayor and Corporation to the king praising the acts taken to curb the insolent attacks of our perfidious neighbours.
Page 666a - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and James Burleigh, of a slaughterhouse on the east side of Great Fair Yard Lane, part formerly in occupation of James Wallington, on surrender of a lease to John Carrington, late alderman, dated 17 Jun 1740.
Page 668 - Lease, for 40 years between the Corporation and James Burleigh, of a tenement, buildings and yard in Butter Row, adjacent tenements then in occupation of Oliver Pangborne, since of Richard Barker, now of Elizabeth Bullen, and another then in occupation of Henry Wyles now Edward Schooling, now of Edward Atkinson, on surrender of a lease to John Carrington, alderman, deceased, dated 13 Nov 1733.
Page 669 - Letter of attorney appointing Wigmore Whiskin, mayor elect, Thomas Nutting, Elias Sewster, Thomas Wiseman, aldermen, and John Masters, John Martin, John J+B56onson[?], William Porter of the Common Council, to regulate Stourbridge Fair.
Page 670 - Letter of attorney appointing Edward Day attorney to demand of Edward Atkinson of Chesterton, victualler, goods of George Skinner, deceased removed from the latter's tenement at Stourbridge Fair.
Page 670a - Assignment of a bond: Guy Sindrey, Samuel Lyon, labourer, John Day sen., yeoman, of the first part, the mayor and corporation of the second part and William Whitred, cook, of the third part, against. Howland Nutting, for non payment of a bond of £140, according to an obligation of 8 Aug 1732.
Expand 4 - Lease book D4 - Lease book D
Expand 5 - Lease book E5 - Lease book E
Expand 6 - Lease book F6 - Lease book F
Expand 7 - Lease book G7 - Lease book G
Expand 8 - Lease book H8 - Lease book H
Expand 9 - Lease book I9 - Lease book I
Expand 10 - Lease book J10 - Lease book J
Expand 11 - Lease book K11 - Lease book K
Expand 12 - Lease book L12 - Lease book L
Expand 13 - Lease book M13 - Lease book M
Expand 14 - Lease book N14 - Lease book N
Expand 15 - Lease book O15 - Lease book O
Expand 16 - Lease book P16 - Lease book P
Expand 17 - Lease book Q17 - Lease book Q
Expand 18 - Lease book R18 - Lease book R
Expand 19 - Lease book S19 - Lease book S
Expand 20 - Lease book T20 - Lease book T
21 - Handwritten copy of Corporation rental book 1842
22 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1848
23 - Draft manuscript copy of corporation rental book 1857
24 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1856
25 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1860
26 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1861
27 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1870
28 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1878
29 - Corporation rental book 1890
30 - Corporation rental book 1906
31 - Counterpart lease of the Nags Head and cottages near Albion Row from the Corporation to Jonah Read
32 - Surrender of lease of stalls before the Black Swan from the Executors of Richard Foster to the Corporation
Expand 33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street
34 - Agreement for hire of a room in Butter Row for an office for the Town Surveyor between the Corporation and the Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
35 - Counterpart lease of three messuages or tenements at Castle End for term of 40 years from Michaelmas 1841, from the Corporation to Mrs Sarah Nicholls
36 - License to assign premises in Castle Lane to Mr Albine Carter from the Corporation to the executors of John Fortin deceased
37 - Counterpart lease of four messuages and gardens in Castle Row from the Corporation to Albine Carter
Expand 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street
39 - Agreement for the tenancy of the former Corn Market building at the Cattle Market, Cherry Hinton Road
Expand 40 - Lease for land in Chesterton40 - Lease for land in Chesterton
41 - Counterpart licence to use a portion of Coldham's Common for a rifle range
42 - Fire insurance policy for a skating rink on Corn Exchange Hill leased by William Henry Poole from the Corporation
Expand 43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street
Expand 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street
45 - Fire insurance policy for town gaol premises by the Corporation
46 - Counterpart lease of premises on Garlic Fair Lane in Holy Sepulchre from the Corporation to William Crowe
Expand 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall
48 - Lease of Hell Meadow, near Coe Fen and Penniless Lane, from the Corporation to Mr David Hancock
49 - Lease and agreement of land adjoining the line of the Eastern Counties Railway and 4 acres from the Corporation to Michael Foster
Expand 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road
51 - Lease of the Friends Meeting House in Jesus Lane for the purposes of a Free Public Library from William Peckover to the Corporation
Expand 52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill
Expand 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street
Expand 54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill
Expand 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren
Expand 56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen
Expand 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road
Expand 58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill
59 - Counterpart lease of premises in Northampton St from the Corporation to William Jardine Purchas
Expand 60 - Leases relating to Park Street 60 - Leases relating to Park Street
61 - Counterpart lease of a piece of waste ground near the Physic Garden in Pembroke Street from the Corporation to Cauis College
Expand 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill
Expand 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury
Expand 64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill
65 - Counterpart lease of a piece of ground situate on the Quay Side from the Corporation to Richard Headley
Expand 66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace
Expand 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street
Expand 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road
69 - Agreement between the Master, Fellows and scholars of St John's College Cambridge and the Corporation regarding St John's Lane
70 - Counterpart lease of messuage in Saint Mary's passage from Rev'd J Curteis to the Corporation
Expand 71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard
Expand 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row
Expand 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall
74 - Lease of premises and land at 2 Sidney Street
Expand 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street
Expand 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane
77 - Counterpart lease of the Bushel and Strike Public House in Sussex Street from the Corporation to Messrs Nash and Co
Expand 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest
Expand 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street
Expand 80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road
81 - Counterpart lease of premises in Waymans Lane from the Corporation to Messrs J and W Bell
82 - Counterpart lease of premises in the parish of St Edward from the Corporation to John Johnson
83 - Counterpart lease of a piece of land opposite the Beehive Public House from the Corporation to the managing Committee of the Castle End Boys School
84 - Counterpart lease of premises known as the Swan's nest with a messuage near Sheep's Green from the Corporation to Richard Blades
Expand 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls
Expand 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme
Expand 18 - Clerks property papers18 - Clerks property papers
Expand 19 - Elections19 - Elections
Expand 21 - Town clerks correspondence 21 - Town clerks correspondence
Expand 22 - Memorials and petitions22 - Memorials and petitions
Expand 23 - Public notices and memoranda book23 - Public notices and memoranda book
Expand 24 - Events and Commemorations24 - Events and Commemorations
Expand 25 - Public appeals25 - Public appeals
Expand 26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings
28 - Copies of Council resolution and copies of certificates relating to service as special constables during the Great War
29 - The Great War roll of honour card index
Expand 30 - Political squibs30 - Political squibs
Expand 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors
Expand 32 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 186132 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 1861
Expand 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences
Expand 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein
Expand 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner