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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Expand CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
Collapse CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand 1 - Council and Assembly books1 - Council and Assembly books
Expand 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings
Expand 3 - Committee minute and report books3 - Committee minute and report books
Expand 4 - Declarations of office books4 - Declarations of office books
Expand 5 - Yearbooks5 - Yearbooks
Expand 6 - Internal reports 6 - Internal reports
Expand 7 - Committee papers7 - Committee papers
Expand 8 - Registered correspondence files8 - Registered correspondence files
Expand 9 - Public Office9 - Public Office
Expand 10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills
Expand 11 - Orders in Council11 - Orders in Council
Expand 12 - Byelaws and regulations12 - Byelaws and regulations
Expand 13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions
Expand 14 - Clerks legal papers14 - Clerks legal papers
Expand 15 - Contracts and agreements15 - Contracts and agreements
Expand 16 - Deeds16 - Deeds
Collapse 17 - Lease books and leases17 - Lease books and leases
Expand 1 - Lease book A1 - Lease book A
Expand 2 - Lease book B2 - Lease book B
Expand 3 - Lease book C3 - Lease book C
Expand 4 - Lease book D4 - Lease book D
Expand 5 - Lease book E5 - Lease book E
Expand 6 - Lease book F6 - Lease book F
Expand 7 - Lease book G7 - Lease book G
Expand 8 - Lease book H8 - Lease book H
Expand 9 - Lease book I9 - Lease book I
Expand 10 - Lease book J10 - Lease book J
Expand 11 - Lease book K11 - Lease book K
Expand 12 - Lease book L12 - Lease book L
Expand 13 - Lease book M13 - Lease book M
Expand 14 - Lease book N14 - Lease book N
Expand 15 - Lease book O15 - Lease book O
Expand 16 - Lease book P16 - Lease book P
Expand 17 - Lease book Q17 - Lease book Q
Expand 18 - Lease book R18 - Lease book R
Expand 19 - Lease book S19 - Lease book S
Expand 20 - Lease book T20 - Lease book T
21 - Handwritten copy of Corporation rental book 1842
22 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1848
23 - Draft manuscript copy of corporation rental book 1857
24 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1856
25 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1860
26 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1861
27 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1870
28 - Printed copy of Corporation rental book 1878
29 - Corporation rental book 1890
30 - Corporation rental book 1906
31 - Counterpart lease of the Nags Head and cottages near Albion Row from the Corporation to Jonah Read
32 - Surrender of lease of stalls before the Black Swan from the Executors of Richard Foster to the Corporation
Expand 33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street33 - Lease relating to property on Bridge Street
34 - Agreement for hire of a room in Butter Row for an office for the Town Surveyor between the Corporation and the Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
35 - Counterpart lease of three messuages or tenements at Castle End for term of 40 years from Michaelmas 1841, from the Corporation to Mrs Sarah Nicholls
36 - License to assign premises in Castle Lane to Mr Albine Carter from the Corporation to the executors of John Fortin deceased
37 - Counterpart lease of four messuages and gardens in Castle Row from the Corporation to Albine Carter
Expand 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street 38 - Leases relating to Castle Street
39 - Agreement for the tenancy of the former Corn Market building at the Cattle Market, Cherry Hinton Road
Expand 40 - Lease for land in Chesterton40 - Lease for land in Chesterton
41 - Counterpart licence to use a portion of Coldham's Common for a rifle range
42 - Fire insurance policy for a skating rink on Corn Exchange Hill leased by William Henry Poole from the Corporation
Expand 43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street43 - Leases and accompanying documentation relating to property on Corn Exchange Street
Expand 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street 44 - Leases relating to property on Emmanuel Street
45 - Fire insurance policy for town gaol premises by the Corporation
46 - Counterpart lease of premises on Garlic Fair Lane in Holy Sepulchre from the Corporation to William Crowe
Expand 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall 47 - Leases relating to rental of property in the vicinity of the Guildhall
48 - Lease of Hell Meadow, near Coe Fen and Penniless Lane, from the Corporation to Mr David Hancock
49 - Lease and agreement of land adjoining the line of the Eastern Counties Railway and 4 acres from the Corporation to Michael Foster
Expand 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road 50 - Leases for property on Huntingdon Road
51 - Lease of the Friends Meeting House in Jesus Lane for the purposes of a Free Public Library from William Peckover to the Corporation
Expand 52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill52 - Leases relating to Kings Mill
Expand 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street 53 - Leases relating to property on King Street
Expand 54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill54 - Leases regarding property on Market Hill
Expand 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren 55 - Agreement an counterpart lease of ground in Market Street from the Corporation to William Farren
Expand 56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen56 - Lease and counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Midsummer Common for an abutment of a bridge from the Corporation to James Collen
Expand 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road 57 - Lease and agreement relating to land off Newmarket Road
Expand 58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill58 - Leases relating to an island in the river at Newnham called Newnham Mill
59 - Counterpart lease of premises in Northampton St from the Corporation to William Jardine Purchas
Expand 60 - Leases relating to Park Street 60 - Leases relating to Park Street
61 - Counterpart lease of a piece of waste ground near the Physic Garden in Pembroke Street from the Corporation to Cauis College
Expand 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill 62 - Leases relating to property known as Purgolds [Pergolds] on Peas Hill
Expand 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury 63 - Leases relating to property on Petty Cury
Expand 64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill64 - Leases relating to property on Pound Hill
65 - Counterpart lease of a piece of ground situate on the Quay Side from the Corporation to Richard Headley
Expand 66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace66 - Lease deeds relating to 1-12 Queen Anne Terrace
Expand 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street 67 - Leases relating to Regent Street
Expand 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road 68 - Leases of premises on St Andrew's Hill, and St Andrew's Road
69 - Agreement between the Master, Fellows and scholars of St John's College Cambridge and the Corporation regarding St John's Lane
70 - Counterpart lease of messuage in Saint Mary's passage from Rev'd J Curteis to the Corporation
Expand 71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard71 - Leases relating to property on Scaldinghouse Yard
Expand 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row 72 - Leases relating to property on Shelly Row
Expand 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall 73 - Leases relating to an archway under Shire Hall
74 - Lease of premises and land at 2 Sidney Street
Collapse 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street 75 - Leases relating to property on Silver Street
Expand 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane 76 - Leases relating to property on Slaughterhouse Lane
77 - Counterpart lease of the Bushel and Strike Public House in Sussex Street from the Corporation to Messrs Nash and Co
Expand 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest 78 - Leases relating to property called the Swans Nest
Expand 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street 79 - Leases relating to property on Union Street
Expand 80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road80 - Leases relating to property on Victoria Road
81 - Counterpart lease of premises in Waymans Lane from the Corporation to Messrs J and W Bell
82 - Counterpart lease of premises in the parish of St Edward from the Corporation to John Johnson
83 - Counterpart lease of a piece of land opposite the Beehive Public House from the Corporation to the managing Committee of the Castle End Boys School
84 - Counterpart lease of premises known as the Swan's nest with a messuage near Sheep's Green from the Corporation to Richard Blades
Expand 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls 85 - Leases relating to the Corporation road and cattle market tolls
Expand 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme 86 - Agreements between the Corporation and individual tenants for properties on Baldock Way, Garlic Row, Milton Road, Hills Avenue, Cavendish Avenue, Union Lane, Oak Tree Avenue and Maple Close and agreements with tenants purchasing houses under the rental scheme
Expand 18 - Clerks property papers18 - Clerks property papers
Expand 19 - Elections19 - Elections
Expand 21 - Town clerks correspondence 21 - Town clerks correspondence
Expand 22 - Memorials and petitions22 - Memorials and petitions
Expand 23 - Public notices and memoranda book23 - Public notices and memoranda book
Expand 24 - Events and Commemorations24 - Events and Commemorations
Expand 25 - Public appeals25 - Public appeals
Expand 26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings
28 - Copies of Council resolution and copies of certificates relating to service as special constables during the Great War
29 - The Great War roll of honour card index
Expand 30 - Political squibs30 - Political squibs
Expand 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors
Expand 32 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 186132 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 1861
Expand 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences
Expand 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein
Expand 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner