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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Expand CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
Collapse CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand 1 - Council and Assembly books1 - Council and Assembly books
Expand 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings
Expand 3 - Committee minute and report books3 - Committee minute and report books
Expand 4 - Declarations of office books4 - Declarations of office books
Expand 5 - Yearbooks5 - Yearbooks
Expand 6 - Internal reports 6 - Internal reports
Expand 7 - Committee papers7 - Committee papers
Expand 8 - Registered correspondence files8 - Registered correspondence files
Expand 9 - Public Office9 - Public Office
Expand 10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills
Expand 11 - Orders in Council11 - Orders in Council
Expand 12 - Byelaws and regulations12 - Byelaws and regulations
Expand 13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions
Expand 14 - Clerks legal papers14 - Clerks legal papers
Expand 15 - Contracts and agreements15 - Contracts and agreements
Expand 16 - Deeds16 - Deeds
Expand 17 - Lease books and leases17 - Lease books and leases
Expand 18 - Clerks property papers18 - Clerks property papers
Expand 19 - Elections19 - Elections
Expand 21 - Town clerks correspondence 21 - Town clerks correspondence
Collapse 22 - Memorials and petitions22 - Memorials and petitions
1 - A Copy of a memorial from the Mayor to Commissioners of Treasury for permission to raise £1000 by way of Mortgage
2 - Copy memorial requesting additional justices of the Peace for Cambridge
Expand 3 - Memorial regarding Sunday labour in the Post Office 3 - Memorial regarding Sunday labour in the Post Office
Expand 4 - A petition and public notice relating to allowing a holiday on the day following Christmas Day4 - A petition and public notice relating to allowing a holiday on the day following Christmas Day
Expand 5 - A petition and draft notice regarding the formation of a rifle club5 - A petition and draft notice regarding the formation of a rifle club
Expand 6 - Petition relating to improvement needed on the commons 6 - Petition relating to improvement needed on the commons
7 - A petition against byelaws to prevent exercising quiet horses on the commons
8 - A petition from the Mayor and Borough of Cambridge to Parliament requesting the standing orders to be upheld in relation to 1867 Gas Bill
Expand 9 - Protest against the Gas Company's proposed new mains in the market9 - Protest against the Gas Company's proposed new mains in the market
Expand 10 - A letter and cover for a petition relating to a footway from Coe Fen Lane to Johnny Cook's corner10 - A letter and cover for a petition relating to a footway from Coe Fen Lane to Johnny Cook's corner
11 - Petition from businessmen to the Mayor requesting holiday for their workers on the Monday after Christmas with the Mayor's agreement
Expand 12 - Petition against Mr Bruce's Licensing Bill12 - Petition against Mr Bruce's Licensing Bill
13 - Requisition to Mayor as to early closing on Thursdays from 15 June to 21 Sept and Mayor's response
14 - Requisition to Mayor for observance of 26 Dec as general holiday and Mayor's recommendation
15 - Memorial to the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of the Borough of Cambridge requesting support against Clause 23 in the proposed scheme of endowed School Commissioners
16 - Requisition for a council meeting to consider a report about the new Corn Exchange
17 - Requisition for a council meeting
18 - Draft requisition for a council meeting
19 - Draft requisition for a council meeting
20 - Requisition to the Mayor as to a holiday on the 26th December
21 - Requisition to Mayor to call a Public Meeting as to the Great Eastern Railway Bill
22 - Requisition to the Mayor to convene a special meeting
23 - Printed notice for a public meeting to protest against building a Bridge over the River and making a carriage road across the common
24 - A requisition to the Mayor for meeting of the Town Council to consider fresh plans by Mr William Farren to build next to Market Street
Expand 25 - Memorial of inhabitants of St Clements against re-letting the Spotted Leopard as a public house25 - Memorial of inhabitants of St Clements against re-letting the Spotted Leopard as a public house
26 - Memorial of four Sergeants-at Mace for an increase in salary
27 - Memorial of musicians at the Skating Rink on St Andrews Hill
28 - Memorial of booth keepers at Midsummer Fair
Expand 29 - Memorial relating to the atrocities in Bulgaria 29 - Memorial relating to the atrocities in Bulgaria
Expand 30 - Improvement of Parker's Piece30 - Improvement of Parker's Piece
31 - Petition for a tramway
32 - A letter to the Town Clerk from the Mayor asking for a public meeting
Expand 33 - A letter, flyer and memorial about letting the Cattle Market and Castle End 33 - A letter, flyer and memorial about letting the Cattle Market and Castle End
34 - Memorial to the Market Committee from 13 inhabitants of Corn Exchange Street complaining about the urinal next to the Corn Exchange
35 - A memorial to the Commons Committee from cow keepers
36 - Memorial by 7 stock owners as to registering stock to be put on Commons during the year 1883
37 - Memorial of inhabitants of Sun Street as to Cabs placed in the roadway in front of their houses
38 - Petition for removal of a cabstand adjacent to residences in Jesus Lane
39 - Memorial to allow one lamp to remain in summer months in Short Street, New Street, East Road for safety of public
Expand 40 - A letter and resolutions from a public meeting promoting a bridge over the Cam connecting Cambridge with Chesterton40 - A letter and resolutions from a public meeting promoting a bridge over the Cam connecting Cambridge with Chesterton
41 - Memorial of Serjeants-at-Mace asking for an increase in salary
42 - Memorial and covering letter asking for 1 or 2 extra lamps on Thoday Street, Romsey Town
43 - Petition from Selwyn College asking Council to discontinue proceedings to obtain a Provisional Order for making a Road and blocking up a pavement
44 - Memorial from owners and occupiers in Parishes of Cherry Hinton and Fen Ditton about drainage
45 - Memorial to Lighting and Paving Committee from inhabitants of Burleigh Street area
46 - Memorial from cattle dealers frequenting Cambridge Market
47 - Memorial from inhabitants of Peas Hill and adjoining parts objecting to conduct of fishermen
48 - Petition for Ladies' Bathing Place
49 - Memorial for erection of footbridges over the Cam to connect Coe Fen with sheeps-green and across midstream
50 - Memorial to Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors for establishment of Branch of Free Library and Reading Room
51 - Memorial for repeal of cap68 of 6th and 7th Victoria relating to dramatic and other exhibitions in the Borough
52 - Memorial from inhabitants of Market Street to Market Committee
53 - Petition from inhabitants of Gwydir Street about state of paths
54 - Petition to the Trustees of March's Charity
55 - A memorial to the Major and Aldermen of Cambridge regarding the widening of the road leading from Park side to Regent Street
56 - Cambridge General Market petition
Expand 23 - Public notices and memoranda book23 - Public notices and memoranda book
Expand 24 - Events and Commemorations24 - Events and Commemorations
Expand 25 - Public appeals25 - Public appeals
Expand 26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings
28 - Copies of Council resolution and copies of certificates relating to service as special constables during the Great War
29 - The Great War roll of honour card index
Expand 30 - Political squibs30 - Political squibs
Expand 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors
Expand 32 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 186132 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 1861
Expand 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences
Expand 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein
Expand 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner