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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Expand CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
Collapse CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand 1 - Council and Assembly books1 - Council and Assembly books
Expand 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings
Expand 3 - Committee minute and report books3 - Committee minute and report books
Expand 4 - Declarations of office books4 - Declarations of office books
Expand 5 - Yearbooks5 - Yearbooks
Expand 6 - Internal reports 6 - Internal reports
Collapse 7 - Committee papers7 - Committee papers
Expand 1 - Borough Rate Committee: University disputes 1 - Borough Rate Committee: University disputes
Expand 2 - Commons Committee: legal case papers relating to access rights and upkeep of the Commons 2 - Commons Committee: legal case papers relating to access rights and upkeep of the Commons
Expand 3 - Commons Committee: Land at Fen Ditton for new cemetery3 - Commons Committee: Land at Fen Ditton for new cemetery
Expand 4 - Entertainments Committee: 1862 International Exhibition 4 - Entertainments Committee: 1862 International Exhibition
Expand 5 - Entertainments Committee - Royal Agricultural Society show held in Cambridge 18945 - Entertainments Committee - Royal Agricultural Society show held in Cambridge 1894
Expand 6 - Entertainments Committee - Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee festivities 6 - Entertainments Committee - Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee festivities
Expand 7 - Entertainments Committee: Coronation of Edward VII7 - Entertainments Committee: Coronation of Edward VII
Expand 8 - General Purposes Committee - Fire Brigade 8 - General Purposes Committee - Fire Brigade
Expand 9 - General Purposes Committee - Police Force 9 - General Purposes Committee - Police Force
Expand 10 - Guildhall and Building Committee: enlargements to the Guildhall10 - Guildhall and Building Committee: enlargements to the Guildhall
11 - Lease Committee: dilapidation report of RR Rowe on the Nags Head Inn, Albion Row
Expand 12 - Lease Committee: sale of land in Barton Road to Clare College 12 - Lease Committee: sale of land in Barton Road to Clare College
Expand 13 - Lease Committee: Land in the Botanic Gardens13 - Lease Committee: Land in the Botanic Gardens
Expand 14 - Lease Committee: sale of lease on the Chip-Axe public house, Butter Row14 - Lease Committee: sale of lease on the Chip-Axe public house, Butter Row
Expand 15 - Lease Committee: report and specification of repairs for the Arcade, St Andrews Hill15 - Lease Committee: report and specification of repairs for the Arcade, St Andrews Hill
Expand 16 - Lease Committee: properties at Castle End16 - Lease Committee: properties at Castle End
Expand 17 - Lease Committee: property on Castle Street 17 - Lease Committee: property on Castle Street
Expand 18 - Lease Committee: slaughterhouse and other properties in Corn Exchange Street 18 - Lease Committee: slaughterhouse and other properties in Corn Exchange Street
Expand 19 - Lease Committee: Black Swan Public House, Guildhall Street 19 - Lease Committee: Black Swan Public House, Guildhall Street
Expand 20 - Lease Committee: Castle Inn, Guildhall Street20 - Lease Committee: Castle Inn, Guildhall Street
Expand 21 - Lease Committee: Property on Honey Hill21 - Lease Committee: Property on Honey Hill
Expand 22 - Lease Committee: Kings Mill 22 - Lease Committee: Kings Mill
Expand 23 - Lease Committee: property in King Street 23 - Lease Committee: property in King Street
24 - Lease Committee: conditions for letting a house on Market Hill
Expand 25 - Lease Committee: property on Market Street25 - Lease Committee: property on Market Street
Expand 26 - Lease Committee: National School in St Peter's Parish26 - Lease Committee: National School in St Peter's Parish
Expand 27 - Lease Committee: Newnham Wharf27 - Lease Committee: Newnham Wharf
Expand 28 - Lease Committee: The Bell Public House, Peas Hill 28 - Lease Committee: The Bell Public House, Peas Hill
Expand 29 - Lease Committee: property on the Quayside29 - Lease Committee: property on the Quayside
Expand 30 - Lease Committee: Llandaff House, Regent Street30 - Lease Committee: Llandaff House, Regent Street
Expand 31 - Lease Committee: property in Shelly Row 31 - Lease Committee: property in Shelly Row
Expand 32 - Lease Committee: statement and memorandum relating to lease on the Swan's Nest 32 - Lease Committee: statement and memorandum relating to lease on the Swan's Nest
Expand 33 - Lease Committee: The Anchor Public House33 - Lease Committee: The Anchor Public House
Expand 34 - Lease Committee: lease and plan of land in Victoria Road 34 - Lease Committee: lease and plan of land in Victoria Road
35 - Lease Committee: Conditions for letting the Warwick Arms
Expand 36 - Lease Committee: compulsory purchase of 3 messuages in Wheeler Street36 - Lease Committee: compulsory purchase of 3 messuages in Wheeler Street
Expand 37 - Lease Committee: the Woolpack estate 37 - Lease Committee: the Woolpack estate
Collapse 38 - Market Committee: Enlargement 38 - Market Committee: Enlargement
1 - Brief in support of the Cambridge regulation and improvement markets and fairs bill
2 - Minutes of a meeting of the Market Committee
3 - Joseph Barrell's undertaking as to Green Grocer's stalls
4 - Minutes of a meeting of the Market Committee
5 - Report of the Market Committee
6 - Report of the Market Committee
7 - Market Committee Resolution
8 - Report of the Market Committee containing details of the claim for £109.0.0 from Joseph Barrell for items involved in removal of the cattle market. Agreed payment of guaranteed sum and wait for resolution of rest
9 - Report of the Market Committee containing details of petty thefts committed on Market and agreement that porters wear tickets and testimonials brought before they are employed
10 - Memorial from 17 Market Place residents and report of meeting of Market Committee
11 - Report of the Market Committee containing details of stalls to be moved to leave room for carriage way in front of properties
12 - Report of the Market Committee
13 - Report of the Market Committee
14 - Report by Inspector Thresher clerk to the markets
15 - Draft report of the Market Committee
16 - Reports of the meetings of the Lease and Market Committees regarding tolls
17 - Report of the Market Committee
18 - Report of the Market Committee
19 - Report of the Market Committee including details of the installation of a Green Market
20 - Estimate to Mr Smith, Treasurer, for market stalls for Green Market
21 - Report of the Market Committee
22 - Report of the Market Committee
23 - Report of the Market Committee
24 - Report from Inspector Jaggard regarding improper behaviour of man engaged in getting in Market Stalls
25 - Report of the Market Committee
26 - Report of the Market Committee
27 - Report of the Market Committee
28 - Report of the Market Committee
29 - Report of the Market Committee
30 - Notice of meeting of the Cambridge Improvement Commissioners for executing the acts
31 - A draft letter to Aldermen from Town Clerk requesting a meeting the next day
32 - Resolution of a meeting of the Improvement Commissioners
33 - Cover letter to C. Finch, Mayor, from Frederick Randall enclosing copies of resolutions agreed at a meeting held at Town Hall
34 - Resolutions proposed at meeting on 21 Sep 1849
35 - Resolutions suggesting that Council should take advantage of opportunity afforded by fire to enlarge the Market
36 - Report by C.Finch, Mayor, of meeting to consider resolutions passed by Improvement Committee
37 - A letter from O. Hyde to Town Clerk asking for copies of resolutions intended for Haslop, Edwards, Trinity Hall, Clare Hall
38 - Draft letter to O. Hyde from C.H. Cooper relating to property on or near the Market
39 - Letter from O Hyde to CH Cooper relating to Messrs Geldart's pasture rights on Sturbridge Common
40 - Draft letter from CH Cooper to O Hyde relating to compensation claims against Railway land at Sturbridge Common
41 - Copy correspondence between Mr Fetch and Mr Cooper as to a bill to regulate and improve the Borough of Cambridge
42 - Draft letter from CH Cooper to JR Staff regarding legality of payment for compensation will be met from the Borough Fund
43 - List of Commissioners present at meeting 4 Dec 1849 to discuss Market enlargement
44 - Letter from Pritt and Sherwood to CH Cooper regarding printing of the notices for the draft bill
45 - Draft letter from CH Cooper to Pritt and Co with a list of owners and occupiers requiring notification about the market enlargement
46 - Draft letter from W. Herring Smith and reply by C.H. Cooper relating to the Market Improvement
47 - Draft letter from Messrs Pritt and reply by C.H. Cooper sending duplicate notices to Master, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity Hall and acknowledging receipt
48 - Letter from Messrs Pitt to C.H. Cooper requesting a meeting to discuss the Improvement bill
49 - Letter from Messrs Pritt and Co sending petition about the Cambridge Improvement bill to be engrossed
50 - Draft and fair copies of petition requiring additional clauses to the Cambridge regulation and Improvement markets and fairs bill with printed copy of the clauses
51 - A letter from David King, coroner, to CH Cooper regarding the current jurisdiction of the Coroner at the Court Leet with draft reply
52 - Letter from Messrs Pritt and Co sending a copy of the altered Cambridge Improvement bill after discussion with Mr Cooper
53 - Draft letter from Messrs Pritt and Co discussing plans to pursue a parliamentary bill
54 - Draft letter from Vice-Chancellor to C.H. Cooper and reply requesting copies of the draft improvement bill
55 - Note from Vice-Chancellor requesting a meeting with C.H. Cooper and draft reply
56 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Mr Richard Harwood, surveyor arranging for plan of Market Hill and its vicinity showing properties proposed to be taken with the bill
57 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Pritt and co regarding further copies of the bill
58 - Letter from Henry Rance to CH Cooper regarding the exemption of tolls in the proposed act with copy reply
59 - Letters from Vice-Chancellor arranging an appointment with CH Cooper
60 - Letter from AS Adair to CH Copper regarding presentation of the petition for additional clauses
61 - Draft letter from CH Cooper to Pritt and Co with details of three MPs who have committed their support for the Cambridge market bill
62 - A letter from AS Adair to CH Cooper regarding the second reading of the Cambridge Improvement bill
63 - Letter from Messrs Pritt to Town Clerk arranging a meeting
64 - Letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe confirming meeting on Thursday 14 Feb with Lord Shaftesbury's Counsel
65 - Letter from the Vice-Chancellor and draft reply by C.H. Cooper requesting a meeting with the [Market] Committee
66 - Letter to Town Clerk from Messrs Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe and draft reply from Town Clerk informing him that Cambridge Improvement Bill is unopposed
67 - Copy letter from The General Board of Health, Whitehall, to Messrs Pritt taking exception to certain clauses in Bill and requesting meeting
68 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe rearranging meeting regarding the Board of Health's letter
69 - Notes from Dr Paget to Town Clerk thanking him for a copy of minutes
70 - Letters from O Hyde to CH Cooper regarding the abandonment of a clause in the proposed bill regarding commons and draft reply
71 - Letter from Pritt and Co to CH Cooper recommending a further adjournment in the final reading of the bill
72 - A note from Mr Leapingwell to CH Cooper regarding the passing of the bill
73 - An anonymous note to CH Cooper regarding the proposed removal of the candle factory from the Market Hill
74 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Pritt reporting that proposals for an arrangement between the University and the Town should be delayed
75 - Draft letter from CH Cooper to O Hyde relating to a clause for the bill proposed by the trustees of the late Dr Geldart
76 - Letter from Pritt and Co to CH Cooper regarding the delay to the bills passage
77 - Draft letter from CH Cooper to the Vice Chancellor requesting a meeting with reply
78 - Letter from AS Adair to C.H. Cooper reporting on his meeting with the Board of Health
79 - Letter from Mr Stanley suggesting clause in bill to compel straw and hay sellers to have trusses of given weights to increase income from tolls
80 - Letter from Messrs Pritt and Co to Town Clerk reporting on progress of the Cambridge improvement bill through Parliament
81 - Letter from Wm Cockerell to CH Cooper regarding the colleges position on compensation
82 - Letter from Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe to C.H. Cooper and his draft reply relating to the Board of Health notice
83 - Letter from AS Adair, Wellesbourne, Stratford-on-Avon to Town Clerk suggesting amendments for the Cambridge Improvement bill
84 - Copy letter from CH Cooper to Messrs Pitt and co forwarding the Corporation's brief
85 - Letter from Mr Alderman Ekin relating to Trinity Hall's withdrawal of opposition
86 - Letter from Messrs Pritt to Town Clerk and draft reply arranging a meeting in London
87 - Letter from Messrs Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe to C.H. Cooper arranging a consultation to discuss the parliamentary bill
88 - Letter from O. Hyde to C.H. Cooper saying that with a further amendment Trinity Hall can withdraw opposition to Bill
89 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper to Messrs Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe asking for his account as soon as convenient
90 - Letter from Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe to C.H. Cooper setting out fees
91 - Letter from Pritt, Sherwood, Venables and Grubbe to C.H. Cooper saying the bill has received Royal Assent
92 - Note from the Vice-Chancellor thanking the Town Clerk for copy of Cambridge Corporation Bill
93 - An act for regulating the markets and fairs held within the Borough of Cambridge, and at Reach in the County of Cambridge, and for enlarging the Market Place, and for rebuilding or altering the Guildhall of the said Borough, and for the Improvement of the said Borough, and the better regulation of the police within the same
94 - Draft letter from CH Cooper to Stephen Adcock regrinding land belonging to the Churchwardens of St Mary the Great
95 - Working copy of a brief for defendant (John Titterton) in case between Matthew Clarke and William Parish
96 - Draft for case between Matthew Clark and William Parish (petitioners) and John Titterton
97 - Minutes of Proceedings at meeting of Market Committee
98 - Report of Market Committee: draft copy of rules for regulation of Green Market
99 - Return of bad meat seized in the market
100 - Minutes of Market Committee relating to bad meat
101 - Minutes of Market Committee relating to bad meat
102 - Minutes of meeting of Market Committee relating to bad meat
103 - Minutes of meetings of Market Committee relating to bad meat
104 - Report from F Gunning and TH Naylor
105 - Draft minutes of a meeting regarding the seizure of mad meat
106 - Minutes of evidence regarding seizure of unwholesome meat
107 - Report of Chief Constable into bad meat sold on the market
108 - Report by Constable George Seabrook regarding the seizure of bad meat from market and Public House on 5 Apr
109 - A draft note concerning bad meat exposed in Market Place
110 - Abstract of Title of Parish of St Mary the Great in Cambridge to three several pieces of ground at the east end of the Churchyards of that Parish
111 - Extracts from Common Day Books between 6 Oct 1685 and 29 Sep 1800
112 - Schedule of lands
113 - List of owners with frontages, area in square feet and in sequence of yards
114 - List of claims to be considered
115 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 1
116 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 2
117 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 4
118 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 9
119 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 10
120 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 11
121 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 18
122 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 19
123 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 20
124 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 21
125 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 22
126 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 23
127 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 25
128 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 26
129 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 27
130 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 31
131 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 32
132 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 42
133 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 47
134 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 48
135 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 48
136 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 49
137 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 50
138 - Letter to owners, lessees and occupiers of properties affected by Market and Fair Improvement No 51
139 - Letter from Mr Thrower to Town Clerk about Mrs Bridges' claim and copy letter of reply
140 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to William Thrower
141 - Letter from William Thrower to Town Clerk relating to Mrs Bridges' claim for compensation
142 - Letter from Town Clerk to William Thrower, solicitor, relating to Mrs Bridges' claim for compensation
143 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to William Thrower, solicitor, relating to Mrs Bridges' claim for compensation
144 - Letter from William Thrower enclosing extract from will of the late Mr Bridges
145 - Extract from will of the late Mr Benjamin Bridges of Cambridge
146 - Draft provisional contract between Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge and Mrs Frances Bridges and others
147 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Wm Thrower
148 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to C Francis, Esq., solicitor relating to Mrs Bridges' claim
149 - Draft conveyance of property from Mrs Frances Bridges to the Corporation
150 - Letter from C Francis to Town Clerk asking for a speedy engrossment regarding Bridges property
151 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Mr Clement Francis, Esq., solicitor relating to Mrs Bridges claim
152 - Letter from Hannah Cooke saying she will accept £784 for her property
153 - Sale negotiation between the Corporation and Hannah Cooke and Pate
154 - Letter from E and Foster to Town Clerk making an offer of £600 for Mrs Cook's property
155 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Foster relating to offer on Mrs Cook's property
156 - Draft annotated copy of contract for purchase of heredits and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great
157 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Foster and Foster regretting alterations Foster made to draft contract and commenting on them
158 - Letter from E and E Foster to Town Clerk saying solicitors have signatures ready to exchange in the cases of Cook and Pate
159 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Messrs E and E Foster enclosing draft conveyance
160 - Annotated copy of conveyance of piece of land in Warwick Street and St Mary's Street and receipt for perusing from Nathaniel Lyon between Hannah Cooke and the Corporation
161 - Letter from Hannah Cooke to subcommittee of Cambridge Corporation agreeing to accept £450
162 - Letter from O Hyde to the Town Clerk arranging for a meeting with Miss Edwards and her brother, hoping to conclude contract
163 - Letter from Harris and Co to the Town Clerk setting out Miss Edwards' terms for settling her case with the Corporation
164 - Draft letter from the Town Clerk to O. Hyde Esq. relating to the case of Edwards versus the Corporation
165 - Letter from Mary Edwards to Town Clerk asking for action regarding her claim
166 - Letter from O Hyde to CH Cooper correcting the amount sought for Miss Edwards property
167 - Draft letter from Town clerk to Miss Mary Edwards explaining the reasons for the delay
168 - Copy letter from the Town Clerk to O. Hyde saying that the Council has agreed to the purchase of Miss Edwards property
169 - Report on Mary Edwards' property on Market Hill
170 - Indenture between Corporation and Mary Edwards
171 - Letter from, Mary Edwards to CH. Cooper enquiring why the compensation has not yet been paid
172 - Letter from Mary Edwards to CH. Cooper requesting a meeting
173 - Letter from Harris and Co to Town Clerk returning the draft contract
174 - Conveyance of leasehold hereditaments and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great for the purposes of the Cambridge Corporation Act 1850 from Mary Edwards to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge
175 - Draft Letter to Miss Edwards from Town Clerk
176 - Letter from Mary Edwards
177 - Letter from O. Hyde to Town Clerk with copy of letter from Miss Edwards to O. Hyde Esq. requesting information to settle a query
178 - Letter from Mary Edwards to CH. Cooper requesting payment
179 - Letter from Mary Edwards to CH. Cooper
180 - Draft conveyance between Mrs Mary Edwards and the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge for hereditaments and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great Cambridge for the purposes of the Cambridge Corporation Act 1850
181 - Letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Sumpter and Hyde explaining that payment will be made the next day
182 - Letter from Eliza Mary Turner to Mr Cooper, Town Clerk relating to incorrect information about her claim on Union Street property
183 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper to O. Hyde requesting details of Mrs Turner's claims to property in Union Street
184 - Letter from O. Hyde to Town Clerk suggesting Mrs Turner sells her life interest in return for life rent charge to be granted by the corporation
185 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper to O. Hyde seeking information of parties entitled to this estate in remainder as Corporation wishes to purchase all interests
186 - Letter to C.H. Cooper from O. Hyde on behalf of Dr Griffiths, Mrs Griffiths, Trustees of the late Mr Barker interested in property on death of Mrs Turner
187 - Abstract of title of Mr John Harvey to the site of a freehold messuage and premises lately destroyed by fire, situate on the Market Hill in Cambridge
188 - Letter from J.H. Harvey to Town Clerk and copy of memorandum
189 - Letter from J.H. Harvey to Town Clerk and draft reply
190 - Letter from J.H. Harvey and draft reply from Town Clerk
191 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to John H Harvey changing the day for their meeting
192 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to John H Harvey changing the day for their meeting
193 - Letter from J.H. Harvey to Town Clerk about meeting and draft reply
194 - Letter from J.H. Harvey to C.H. Cooper making an appointment to meet 2 Jul 1850
195 - Draft contract for purchase of hereds and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great for the enlargement of the Market Place, between Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge and Mr John Harvey
196 - Letter from S.A. Harvey (John Harvey's daughter) to Town Clerk and draft reply asking what papers needed and replying that all deeds and papers relating to estate on Market Hill
197 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to John H Harvey
198 - Letter from John Harvey to Town Clerk
199 - Letter from John Harvey to Town Clerk and draft reply
200 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to John H Harvey
201 - Conveyance of a piece of land from John Harvey to Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge
202 - Copy of lease of a messuage or tenement on the Market Hill for 7 years from Lady Day 1846 from Mrs Susannah Harradine and others to Mr Joseph Pearless
203 - Letter to Town Clerk from O. Hyde referring to Mr Haslop and Miss Edwards' properties in connection with market improvement
204 - Note from O. Hyde and sheet of rough calculations attached
205 - Letter to Town Clerk from O. Hyde relating to 3 matters: Crane's Charity, Corporation to Tomson, Mr Haslop and others
206 - Letter from O.Hyde and draft reply from Town Clerk relating to the market improvement and Mr Haslop
207 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde agreeing to pay £2000 as proposed for Mr and Mrs Haslop and Mrs Harraden's premises
208 - Draft provisional contract for the purchase of heredits and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great for the enlargement of the market place between the Corporation and Mr John Haslop, Elizabeth Haslop and Mrs Susan Harraden
209 - Draft provisional contract for the purchase of heredits and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great for the enlargement of the market place between the Corporation and Mr John Haslop, Elizabeth Haslop and Mrs Susan Harraden
210 - Letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde relating to the Corporation compensation to Haslop, Barker and others
211 - Letter from O.Hyde relating to Haslop case concerning Mr Pearless, asking his interests as lessee and occupier be left to arbitration
212 - Letter from O. Hyde to C.H. Cooper relating to Haslop compensation case
213 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde re Haslop
214 - Covering letter from Harris and Co to Town Clerk relating to Haslop contract
215 - Letter to Town Clerk from Harris and Co relating to Haslop contract
216 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde relating to Harraden
217 - Letter from O. Hyde to C.H. Cooper
218 - Conveyance of 25/48th of piece of land on Western side of Market Hill for purposes of Cambridge Corporation Act 1850 from Mrs Elizabeth Haslop to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge
219 - Conveyance of 25/48th of piece of land on Western side of Market Hill for purposes of Cambridge Corporation Act 1850 from Mr John Haslop to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge
220 - Copy conveyance of piece of land on Market Hill from Mr John Haslop to the Corporation
221 - Copy [conveyance] of a piece of land on Market Hill from Mrs Elizabeth Haslop to the Corporation
222 - Letter to C.H. Cooper from O. Hyde relating to Harraden and Corporation
223 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde relating to the Corporation and Harraden
224 - Conveyance of 1/6th of piece of land on Western side of Market Hill for purposes of Cambridge Corporation Act 1850 from Mrs Susannah Harraden to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge
225 - Copy conveyance of parcel of land on Market Hill from Mrs Susannah Harraden to the Mayor
226 - Draft letter from Town Clerk's Office to O. Hyde Esq.. referring to Mr and Mrs Haslop's property in Treasury of Corporation can be produced whenever required
227 - Copy letter from Town Clerk's office to Susannah Harraden' s agent requesting copy of affidavit on which rule or order empowering Susannah Harraden to convey property without concurrence of her husband
228 - Duplicate notice from Town Clerk served on Joseph Bond asking for details of claim on messuage in connection with market improvement
229 - Duplicate notice from Town Clerk served on Richard Johnson asking for details of claim on messuage in connection with market improvement
230 - Richard Johnson, grocer, claims compensation for loss of property on Market Hill but requires special jury to be summoned
231 - Joseph Bond, grocer, claims compensation for loss of property on Market Hill and requires special jury to be summoned
232 - Letter from Stephen Adcock, solicitor, to Mayor
233 - Estimates as to Johnson and Bond's claims
234 - Correspondence relating to arrangements for inquiry to determine the compensation claimed by Mr Richard Johnson and Mr Joseph Bond for damage to their interests incurred in redevelopment and enlargement of Cambridge Market under the Cambridge Corporation Act 1850
235 - Draft notice of intention to issue warrant for summoning Jury to assess compensation in case of Johnson and another
236 - Notice from the Town Clerk offering compensation to Richard Johnson and Joseph Bond
237 - Warrant from Town Clerk to summon special Jury to assess compensation in case of Johnson and Bond
238 - Notice from sheriff of date to nominate and strike special jury sent to Messrs Johnson and Bond
239 - Draft notice of inquiry in the case of Johnson and another
240 - Notification to Richard Johnson and Joseph Bond of warrant for appointment of jury to determine compensation for messuage in parish of Saint Mary the Great
241 - Sherriff notice of day fixed for inquiry
242 - Parties to appear before Sherriff relating to claim for compensation for Richard Johnson and Joseph Bond
243 - List of jury in the Johnson and Bond compensation case
244 - Names of special jury nominated and struck 24 Dec 1852 to settle Johnson and Bond case of disputed compensation
245 - Notice to appoint a [shrewer]
246 - Notice from Stephen Adcock, attorney for Richard Johnson and Joseph Bond in the matter of the inquiry under the provisions of the Cambridge Corporation Act 1850
247 - Claimants to subpoena Duces Tecum; H. H. Harris and C.H. Cooper to appear before Sheriff To provide evidence relating to the claim by Richard Johnson and Joseph Bond
248 - Minutes of Mr Mellands and Mr Wisbey's valuation [of Johnson and Bond's claim]
249 - Notice to the Town Clerk to produce certain documents in the case of Johnson and Bond before the court
250 - Brief for the Corporation in the matter of enquiry relating to the compensation to Richard Johnson and Joseph Bond
251 - Inquisition indented taken pursuant to Cambridge Corporation Act 1850
252 - Letter to Town Clerk from CH Bultre, clerk to Mr James, requesting payment of account
253 - Letter from CH Bultre requesting payment in the compensation case of Johnson and Bond
254 - Letter from CH Bultre requesting payment in the compensation case of Johnson and Bond
255 - Letter from CH Bultre relating to fees in compensation case of Johnson and Bond with draft reply from C.H. Cooper
256 - Letter enquiring about changes from Town Clerk relating to Johnson and Bond
257 - Copy affidavit as to payments to be made in the case of Johnson and claimants
258 - Letter to Town Clerk relating to Johnson and Bond from Stephen Adcock asking for payment of £524.10.0 allowed by Master
259 - Letter on behalf of H. Ravenscroft at Gray's Inn to Town Clerk relating to Mr Adcock's costings and note from Town Clerk
260 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock listing payment to Johnson, Bond and Adcock
261 - Receipt for £1.00 from Richard Johnson
262 - Receipt from Mr Joseph bond for compensation of £1199.00 paid
263 - Conveyance of messuage from Mr Richard Johnson and Mr Joseph Bond to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge
264 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk inquiring about reason for delay in settling payments in case of Johnson and Bond
265 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk asking to settle matters
266 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Mr Medland relating to Johnson
267 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Mr Chas Wisbey asking for his charges
268 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Wm Medland enclosing check for charges
269 - Letter from Wm Medland to Town Clerk acknowledging receipt of cheque
270 - Letter from E and E Foster, solicitors, to Town Clerk re Corporation and Kent with claim for compensation by Henry Kent (hatter) for loss of business premises on the Market Hill
271 - Letter from C. and C. Foster and draft reply from Town Clerk relating to the Corporation and Kent
272 - Letter from E and E Foster, solicitors, to Town Clerk relating to Corporation and Kent
273 - Town Clerk's report as to Mr Kent's claim
274 - Letter from C.H. Cooper to Messrs E and E Foster, solicitors, relating to Corporation and Kent
275 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Foster solicitors relating to the Corporation and Kent
276 - Letter from E. and E. Foster to Town Clerk re Corporation and Kent declining corporation's offer for compensation
277 - Indenture between Henry Kent and Robert Sayle relating to mortgage
278 - Letter from R.H. Sayle to C.H. Cooper, Esq., relating to Mr Kent's claim and draft reply from Town Clerk
279 - Letter from Town Clerk to Mr John Sayle relating to the offer to Henry Kent
280 - Draft conveyance of heredits and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great for the purposes of the Cambridge Corporation Act 1850 from Mr Henry Kent and another to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge
281 - Letter from Joseph Pearless to Mayor thanking him for his help after the fire
282 - Letter from O. Hyde to Town Clerk asking about Pearless' lease and Cambridge Improvement
283 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde regarding Pearless' lease
284 - Letter from O. Hyde threatening action if contract not forwarded
285 - Letter to Town Clerk from O. Hyde requesting draft agreement of reference and naming arbitrator
286 - Letter from O. Hyde to Town Clerk and his draft reply regarding subcommittee waiting for details of Mr Pearless' claim
287 - Note from Town Clerk about Joseph Pearless' wish that his claim, as lessee of house destroyed in fire on 16 Sep 1849, goes to arbitration
288 - Extract from document regarding Pearless' claim
289 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde offering £50 compensation
290 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to O. Hyde regarding Mr Pearless' claim for compensation
291 - Writ issued to attorney by Joseph Pearless
292 - Draft letter from O. Hyde to Town Clerk and his reply with legal writ attached
293 - Extract from Minutes of Council of the Borough of Cambridge with report of the Market Enlargement Committee ordering that Town Clerk proceeds against Mr Pearless
294 - Draft declaration of case in the Exchequer: Pearless versus the Corporation
295 - Instructions for plea in the case of Pearless versus the Corporation
296 - Case for the opinion of Counsel on the case of Pearless versus the Corporation
297 - Draft demurrer Pearless versus the Corporation in the Exchequer of pleas
298 - Letter from R.J. Head, Peterborough requesting information on compensation to be allowed to Mr Pearless
299 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Mr R.J. Head, Peterborough
300 - Letter from O. Hyde to Town Clerk requesting time before legal proceedings instituted
301 - Draft letter from C.H.Cooper to Stephen Adcock, acting on behalf of Mr Emmerson
302 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to C.H. Cooper about William Henry Emmerson, enclosing statement and claim for compensation in respect of his property
303 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock requesting Emmerson to afford corporation time to consider his claim
304 - Particulars of compensation required by Mr William Henry Emmerson in respect of compulsory sale of his freehold messuage
305 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk about William Henry Emmerson's claim
306 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk about William Henry Emmerson's claim
307 - Town Clerk's report on Mr Emmerson's claim
308 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock offering £1800 in payment of Emmerson's claim
309 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk declining original offer made to Emmerson
310 - Contract for purchase of heredits and premises in Warwick Street for enlargement of market place there
311 - Letter from C.H.Cooper to Stephen Adcock, about Emmerson
312 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk relating to Emmerson's contract
313 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock enclosing conveyance
314 - Letter from Mr Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk requesting a meeting about Emmerson's sale
315 - Conveyance of a messuage in Warwick Street (Mr William Henry Emmerson and others and the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge)
316 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk arranging for signing of completely executed conveyance
317 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper, Town Clerk, to Stephen Adcock about Emmerson staying in property until Midsummer
318 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk, Mr Emmerson agrees to payment requested in Town Clerk's letter
319 - Letter from A.J. Brimley to Town Clerk
320 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock, solicitor, relating to required compensation for Mr Brimley's property
321 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk, sending statement of Mr Brimley's claim for compensation
322 - Particulars of compensation required by Mr Brimley
323 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock, relating to Mr Brimley's offer
324 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk and his draft reply regarding Mr Brimley's property
325 - Report of Town Clerk as to Mr Brimley's claim
326 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk regarding Mr Brimley giving notice to his tenant to quit when compensation determines
327 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock with offer of £1800 Mr Brimley's house on the Market Hill
328 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk declining the offer made on Mr Brimley's property
329 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock asking if Mr Brimley would be prepared to go to arbitration as the Corporation can not offer a higher sum for his premises on Market Hill
330 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk saying that Mr Brimley would prefer his claim to be ascertained by open enquiry before a judge
331 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk asking for official written communication as to amount he is offered for purchase of his house and draft reply from Town Clerk (£2100)
332 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk accepting proposal for new offer of £2100
333 - Draft letter from the Town Clerk to Stephen Adcock asking got confirmation notice to be sent to tenant
334 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk requesting a meeting
335 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk informing that Mr Brimley has given notice to his tenants to quit on 24 Jun 1853
336 - Copy of notice to quit to tenants
337 - Annotated draft contract for purchase of hereditaments and premises in the Parish of St Mary the Great in the Borough of Cambridge for the enlargement of the Market Place
338 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk returning contract
339 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to the Town Clerk arranging meeting to exchange documents
340 - Copy letter from Town Clerk to Mr Stephen Hooper, law stationer, enclosing contract and counterpart for signing
341 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Mr PS Knowles as to house purchase of Mr Alderman Brimley declining compensation to tenants but allowing rent free accommodation for 3 months
342 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk
343 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Messrs Mortlock and co confirming they will send sealed copy of order to sell £2100 stock
344 - Letter from Chief Accountant of Bank of England to Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cambridge applying for power of attorney
345 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk and draft reply
346 - Letter from Town Clerk to Borough Treasurer
347 - Letter from Borough Treasurer to Town Clerk requesting details regarding who is to pay land tax due of property
348 - Conveyance of hereditaments in the Parish of St Mary the Great under the powers and for the purposes of the Cambridge Corporation Act of 1850 (annotated).
349 - Letter to the Market Enlargement Committee from Mrs Styles Pointing out she has lived in the house for 32 yrs and asking for compensation for problems she has suffered because of enlargement
350 - Letter to CH Cooper from E Foster in support of Mrs Styles claim for compensation
351 - The Market Enlargement Committee's report to the Council as to Mrs Styles' claim to Compensation
352 - Recommendation from Market Enlargement Committee to the Council to pay Mrs Styles £50
353 - Letter from E and E Foster to Town Clerk relating to property of Messrs Smith and Bowbier and draft reply
354 - Draft letter to E and E Foster from Town Clerk relating to Smith and Bowbier claim for compensation
355 - Extract from document relating to claim of Smith and Bowbier for compensation
356 - Letter to C.H. Cooper from W.H. Bateson, St John's College regarding acquiring property in Union Street
357 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Rev. W.H. Bateson, St John's College asking for details of claim of St John's College in respect of reversion of premises in Union Street
358 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to S. Adcock requesting claim of Churchwardens of Great St Mary's in respect of ground in lease of Mr Johnson
359 - Letter from Stephen Adcock for Corporation of St Mary the Great and draft reply by Town Clerk
360 - Account of sales and investments in 3 percent stocks to fund the Borough of Cambridge Market Improvement
361 - Letter from Stephen Adcock to Town Clerk about lease to Mr Johnson
362 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper, Town Clerk, to Stephen Adcock
363 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper, Town Clerk, to Stephen Adcock accompanying the contract for the purchases in Great St Marys
364 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper, Town Clerk, to Stephen Adcock asking him to expedite draft contract
365 - Letter from C.H. Cooper to Stephen Adcock on behalf of Great St Mary's asking why the contract is delayed
366 - Contract for purchase of land and heredits in the parish of St Mary the Great required for the enlargement of the Market Place
367 - Report of the Market Enlargement Committee to the Council containing copies of correspondence between Jesus College and the Town Clerk about purchasing interest in Mrs Peels house in St Mary's Passage
368 - Report of the Market Enlargement Committee as to the purchase of Mr Edward Argent Keemish's leasehold interest in a house in Warwick Street
369 - Report of Market Enlargement Committee as to purchase of Mr James Sharman's leasehold interest in a house on the Market Hill
370 - Report of the Market Enlargement Committee as to the purchase of Mr Thomas Benwell's leasehold interest in a house on the Market Hill occupied by James Sharman
371 - Minutes of meeting of the Market Enlargement Committee
372 - Report from Market Enlargement Committee as to raising money to carry into effect various contracts
373 - Report from Market Enlargement Committee as to the claims of Master, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity Hall
374 - Report from Market Enlargement Committee as to purchase of reversion of Trinity Hall in messuages on Market Hill and Warwick Street
375 - Minutes of meeting of the Market Enlargement Committee
376 - Draft report from Market Enlargement Committee as to claims of Trinity Hall
377 - Minutes of Meeting of Market Enlargement Committee
378 - Report of Market Enlargement Committee as to the appointment of an auctioneer to sell materials from houses in Warwick Street and on Market Hill
379 - Report of Market Enlargement Committee as to purchase of Mrs Peel's leasehold interests
380 - Resolution of Market Enlargement Committee to offer £625 to Jesus College for their interest in Mrs Peel's leasehold
381 - Minutes of Meeting of Market Enlargement Committee
382 - Draft minutes from Market enlargement Committee reporting letter from Jesus College about transfer of interests in house
383 - Report from Market Enlargement Committee to the Council regarding agreement with Jesus College to sell interest in house in St Mary's Passage
384 - Letter from F. Hill asking for particulars so he can submit a design for the conduit for the market place and reply
385 - Letter from G.M. Hills with plans for design for the conduit head
386 - Notes on plans for conduit
387 - Letter from G.M. Hills clarifying plans for the conduit head
388 - Letter from Improvement Commissioners to C.H. Cooper giving names of commissioners appointed to act with Council committee and feoffees of conduit lands to select designs for new conduit
389 - Meeting of joint committee respecting selection of plans for the conduit head
390 - Letter from G.M. Hills to C.H. Cooper requesting support in the final decision of design for the conduit head
391 - Estimate of Mr G.M. Hills for construction of conduit
392 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to G.M. Hills informing him his plan for erection of conduit is selected and requesting workings, drawings and specification
393 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk relating to plans for conduit
394 - G.M. Hills receipt for papers concerning new conduit
395 - Letter from G.M.Hills to C.H. Cooper will submit drawings on 28 Jun
396 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to G.M. Hills regarding submission of plans
397 - Letter from W.E. Nerfield, Regent's Park requesting return of plans for conduit
398 - Letter from G. M. Hills and draft reply from C.H. Cooper requesting meeting with committee
399 - Letter from Gordon M. Hills, Adelphi, agreeing to attend committee meeting
400 - Letter from G.M. Hills, Adelphi, to attend committee on Friday at 11 o'clock
401 - Minute of Conduit Committee authorising advertisement for conduit construction
402 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to G.M. Hills, Adelphi, London returning his specification
403 - Note accompanying plans from 'Domino dirige nos', London
404 - Note of costs of G.M. Hills' design giving dimensions and estimate for construction in stone
405 - Letter from G. M. Hills giving tender and draft reply from Town Clerk regarding sums given and the orders completion
406 - Letter from Town Clerk to Mayor relating to Mr Hills' tender
407 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk and draft reply asking when committee will meet to consider his tender
408 - Letter from G. M. Hills to Town Clerk saying her will attend committee on 25 Jul
409 - Letter from Mr Finch Hele to C.H. Cooper requesting return of unaccepted design 'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever'
410 - Tender for sculpting of conduit from J.H. Outhwaite, Market Harboro
411 - Tender for conduit from Samuel Cundy, Pimlico
412 - Letter from Joseph Mitchell, Sheffield to C.H. Cooper requesting return of unaccepted design
413 - Estimate for conduit to be erected on the Market Hill, Cambridge from Boulton and Co. London
414 - Conduit Committee and tenders for erection of conduit
415 - Letter from G. M. Hills to Town Clerk relating to his sureties
416 - Conduit Committee minute accepting tender
417 - Proposals to modify construction of conduit in line with Mr Hills' proposals
418 - Tender for sculpture and carving for the conduit of Cambridge from John Chapman, sculptor, Lambeth
419 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to G.M. Hills, architect asking him to expedite execution of contract and bond
420 - Contract between Messrs Boulton and co and the Mayor of Cambridge for erection of Conduit on Market Hill
421 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to G. M. Hills with details of statues proposed
422 - Copy bond for performance of contract for erection of conduit in the Market Place
423 - Bond for performance of contract for erection of conduit (Boulton and Harris and sureties)
424 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk asking for his working drawings to be returned
425 - Letter from Mr Saul Lundy to Town Clerk asking for a reply to his tender and draft reply
426 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk discussing figures for the conduit
427 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk discussing figures for the conduit
428 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk discussing figures for the conduit
429 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper to G.M. Hills requesting a meeting
430 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to G. M. Hills discussing figures to be shown
431 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk and his draft reply relating to granite
432 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk and his draft reply relating to granite
433 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk realign to payment to Boulton and Harris
434 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper to G.M. Hills relating to agreements for paying agreed amounts
435 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk and draft reply regarding arrangements for meeting of the committee to authorise payments
436 - Draft letter from Town clerk to G.M. Hills requesting he attends the committee meeting
437 - Letter from Town Clerk to Charles Finch asking him to attend committee meeting to agree to removal of old conduit
438 - Letter from G. M. Hills to Town Clerk agreeing to attend the committee meeting
439 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk, relating to a request for arms of university and draft reply
440 - Letter from G. M. Hills to Town Clerk acknowledging receipt of note
441 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper to G.M. Hills complaining about fissures in conduit
442 - Letter from G.M. Hills to C.H. Cooper saying the conduit needs pointing because of unfavourable weather during conservation
443 - Draft letter from G.M. Hills and reply from Town Clerk arranging for Conduit Committee to meet G. M. Hills on Thursday 6 May
444 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk re payment of contract to Messrs Boulton and Harris
445 - Letter from G.M. Hills to C.H. Foster relating to the subcommittee to consider tender for work to conduit
446 - Letter from Geo Butterworth p.p. Boulton and Harris, to C.H. Cooper and draft reply requesting balance of account to be paid
447 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk reporting he has given certificate for balance of contracted sum
448 - Letter from G.M. Hills querying amount on contract and Town Clerk's response
449 - Letter from G.M. Hills to Town Clerk discussing figures on conduit
450 - Letter from Geo Butterworth p.p. Boulton and Harris, to C.H. Cooper requesting a quick response
451 - Draft letter from Town Clerk to Mr W. Boulton saying he has forwarded his last letter to the Treasurer
452 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper to G.M. Hills requesting cause of non-completion of conduit head and probable time at which it will be completed
453 - Letter with estimate for executing design
454 - Indenture between Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Town of Cambridge and King Whittred and John Whittred for the lease of the Cambridge tolls for 6 years
455 - Bond for the lease of the tolls between Mr Joseph Barrell and the Corporation
456 - List of losses sustained by Joseph Barrell in consequence of removals and alterations to the markets made by the Corporation
457 - Draft agreement between Ebenz Foster of Trumpington and Cambridge Corporation for the leasehold of a parcel of land in St Giles
458 - Draft lease of the tolls, dues and duties of from the Corporation to [illegible]
459 - Draft lease of the market and fair tolls of the Borough of Cambridge for 2 years from 1 Apr 1847
460 - Article of agreement between the Corporation and Simon Oates for entry charge of Market Stalls for 3 yr ending 31 Mar 1850
461 - An incomplete list of properties, owners, lessees and occupiers on Market Hill, St Mary's Street, Warwick Street
462 - Lease agreement for a public house in Warwick Street
463 - Letter from W. Ekins to Town Clerk, giving notice to quit public house and premises in Warwick Street
464 - Letter from W. Ekins to Town Clerk giving up premises, formerly Pate's
465 - Letter from Clement Francis relating to the sale of interest of St John's College in premises on Market Hill
466 - Letter to C.H. Cooper from Clement Francis asking for payment of purchase money 'if building yielding rent is pulled down'
467 - Letter to C.H. Cooper from Clement Francis saying St John's will be satisfied with the amount of rent payable
468 - Letter to C.H. Cooper from Clement Francis regarding matching compensation to annual rent of £17currently received by St John's
469 - Bill for £17 for rent to St John's College
470 - Letter from Clement Francis to C.H. Cooper relating to rent charges
471 - Draft letter from C.H. Cooper, Town Clerk, to Clement Francis Esq., solicitor, regarding the dispute between the Corporation and St John's College over redemption of rent
472 - Office copy of certificate of investment by Corporation
473 - Sworn affidavit of Mr Orlando Hyde in support of petition regarding Trinity Hall claims for compensation
474 - Petition of Master, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity Hall about property on Market Hill and Warwick Street
475 - Draft to Vice-Chancellor Wood and Mr Davis relating to payments to Trinity Hall
476 - Letter from Ravenscroft and Hills, solicitors, London, ex parte Trinity Hall costs, and draft reply by C.H. Cooper
477 - Letter from W.F. Wilson, surveyor, to G. Foster, Town Clerk, re Land Tax Assessment 1871-72; and Assessment form
478 - Witness costs in case of Brett versus Fishers
479 - Money paid on account to the late Town Clerk for trials
480 - Legal dispute papers in chancery between the Corporation and G.B. White, H. White and C.H. Cooper (Defendants) regarding amounts due for tolls
481 - Annotated case testing questions arising in case of Cambridge market tolls
482 - Case for the opinion of Mr Kelly on the Old market tolls
483 - Extracts from treasurer's rentals as to payment of rents for tolls by the lessees and of receipt of tolls
484 - Extracts from treasurer's rentals
485 - Particulars of the tolls and stallage to be let by auction
486 - Copy lease of the Market Tolls and Stallage
487 - Case for the opinion of Sir F. Pollack regarding the removal of cattle market
488 - Further instructions in case of Barrell versus Lilley including copy of Mr Harris's letter to be introduced to brief for Mr Aspland
489 - Letter from Taylor, Sharpe, Field and Jackson , solicitors, to Messrs Harris and Sumpter relating to the case of Barrell versus Lilley
490 - Objections in the case of Barrell versus Lilley
491 - Notes of a meeting in the case of Barrell versus Lilley
492 - Draft further instructions in the case of Barrell versus Lilley
493 - Statement of Mr Barrell
494 - Aide memoire of points to be addressed in the case of Barrell versus Lilley
495 - Further instructions to Harris and Sumpter to advise on evidence
496 - Memorandum as to proofs in the case
497 - Declaration, statement and copy of opinion
498 - Copy declaration and observation
499 - In the exchequer of pleas Joseph Barrell (plaintiff) and Thomas Lilley and John Cross (defendant)
500 - Declaration in the case of Barrell and Lilley
501 - Lilley and another at the suit of Barrell in the Exchequer of Pleas
502 - Letter from Harris and Sumpter in the case of Lilley and Barrell
503 - Brief for the plaintiff
504 - At the King's Bench: Joseph Brett plaintiff and Thos Fisher, Thos Hall, Fisher and Geo Fisher, defendants
505 - Draft replication in the case of Lilley and Barrell
506 - Letter to Messrs Harris and Sumpter relating to Burbage versus Barber and Barrell versus Lilley detailing the abstract of pleas
507 - Copy for the opinion of Mr Aspland on right to remove market
508 - Replication in the case of Barrell versus Lilley
509 - Notes on a case for disturbance, Sir Oswald Moseley versus Matthew and Barr relating to tolls and the relocation of the market
510 - Report of the Market Committee
511 - Report of the Market Committee
512 - Report of the Market Committee
513 - Printed notice of auction of tolls by Joseph Wentworth
514 - Draft lease of the tolls, dues and duties of the New Cattle Market for one year from the 10 December 1843
515 - Schedule of tolls agreed
516 - Tables of tolls, stallage and groundage payable in this Market
517 - Draft lease of the market and fair tolls of the Borough of Cambridge for 2 years from April 1845 from the Corporation to Mr William Hay
518 - Draft bond for payment of rail and performance of covenants in lease from Mr William Hay and his sureties to the Corporation.
519 - Bond for payment of rail and performance of covenants in lease from Mr William Hay and his sureties to the Corporation.
520 - Letter from Herring Smith to Town Clerk relating to small irrecoverable rents
521 - Letter from Mr Herring Smith relating to lease of tolls
522 - Notice of particulars of the tolls and stallage to be let by auction
523 - Offer for tolls and stallage from Wm Filay
524 - Letter to Mr J. Simpson, Stepney, London from G. Croft asking him to go to Cambridge and buy tolls for him
525 - Letter from Wm Musson, Spalding, offering 660 guineas for the market and fair tolls
526 - Tender for tolls from John Worseldine offering £550 and two sureties
527 - Tender for tolls offering £500
528 - Empty envelope addressed to The Town Clerk of Cambridge, tender for tolls
529 - Tender for tolls from W Bottle
530 - Tender for market and fair tolls
531 - Letter from W. Filay with offer of tollage
532 - Letter to Market Committee from Simon Oaks with a tender for putting up stalls
533 - Tender for fair and market tolls from JS Bottle
534 - Map of market area for tolls
535 - Stourbridge fair tolls
536 - Printed standard form for collection of Cambridge market tolls
537 - Letter to Town Clerk from Arthur J. Ashton, Assistant Commissioner under Royal Commission on Markets Rights and Tolls
538 - Telegraph from Mr Ashton to Town Clerk postponing enquiry
539 - Letter from Town Clerk postponing enquiry for fortnight and saying it must be held on a market day
540 - Letter to Town Clerk (J.E.L. Whitehead) on behalf of Mr Ashton setting date for enquiry
541 - Public notice of Public Enquiry into market tolls
542 - Draft advertisement for Royal Commission on Market Rights Tolls
Expand 39 - Market Committee: relocation of the Cattle Market 39 - Market Committee: relocation of the Cattle Market
Expand 40 - Market Committee: the Corn Exchange40 - Market Committee: the Corn Exchange
Expand 41 - Market Committee: Market Street Improvement41 - Market Committee: Market Street Improvement
Expand 42 - Market Committee: Compulsory purchase of 34 and 35 Union Street 42 - Market Committee: Compulsory purchase of 34 and 35 Union Street
Expand 46 - Parliamentary Committee: disputes between the Corporation and the University 46 - Parliamentary Committee: disputes between the Corporation and the University
47 - Library Committee: correspondence
Expand 48 - Fire Brigade Committee: correspondence files 48 - Fire Brigade Committee: correspondence files
49 - Parliamentary Committee: Correspondence file relating to the Cambridge Water Bill
50 - Parliamentary Committee: Correspondence file relating to Electricity Supply
Expand 51 - Unemployment Committee: correspondence files 51 - Unemployment Committee: correspondence files
Expand 52 - Watch Committee: correspondence files52 - Watch Committee: correspondence files
53 - Watch Committee: Police Reports
Expand 54 - Special Committee: town clerk Memorial Committee papers 54 - Special Committee: town clerk Memorial Committee papers
Expand 8 - Registered correspondence files8 - Registered correspondence files
Expand 9 - Public Office9 - Public Office
Expand 10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills
Expand 11 - Orders in Council11 - Orders in Council
Expand 12 - Byelaws and regulations12 - Byelaws and regulations
Expand 13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions
Expand 14 - Clerks legal papers14 - Clerks legal papers
Expand 15 - Contracts and agreements15 - Contracts and agreements
Expand 16 - Deeds16 - Deeds
Expand 17 - Lease books and leases17 - Lease books and leases
Expand 18 - Clerks property papers18 - Clerks property papers
Expand 19 - Elections19 - Elections
Expand 21 - Town clerks correspondence 21 - Town clerks correspondence
Expand 22 - Memorials and petitions22 - Memorials and petitions
Expand 23 - Public notices and memoranda book23 - Public notices and memoranda book
Expand 24 - Events and Commemorations24 - Events and Commemorations
Expand 25 - Public appeals25 - Public appeals
Expand 26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings
28 - Copies of Council resolution and copies of certificates relating to service as special constables during the Great War
29 - The Great War roll of honour card index
Expand 30 - Political squibs30 - Political squibs
Expand 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors
Expand 32 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 186132 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 1861
Expand 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences
Expand 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein
Expand 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner