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Collapse KCB - Cambridge CityKCB - Cambridge City
Expand 1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation1 - Records of the Unreformed Cambridge Corporation
Collapse 2 - Municipal Corporation 1835-19742 - Municipal Corporation 1835-1974
Expand CD - Civil DefenceCD - Civil Defence
Collapse CL - Town Clerks' recordsCL - Town Clerks' records
Expand 1 - Council and Assembly books1 - Council and Assembly books
Expand 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings 2 - Agenda and committee reports for Council Meetings
Expand 3 - Committee minute and report books3 - Committee minute and report books
Expand 4 - Declarations of office books4 - Declarations of office books
Expand 5 - Yearbooks5 - Yearbooks
Expand 6 - Internal reports 6 - Internal reports
Collapse 7 - Committee papers7 - Committee papers
Expand 1 - Borough Rate Committee: University disputes 1 - Borough Rate Committee: University disputes
Expand 2 - Commons Committee: legal case papers relating to access rights and upkeep of the Commons 2 - Commons Committee: legal case papers relating to access rights and upkeep of the Commons
Expand 3 - Commons Committee: Land at Fen Ditton for new cemetery3 - Commons Committee: Land at Fen Ditton for new cemetery
Expand 4 - Entertainments Committee: 1862 International Exhibition 4 - Entertainments Committee: 1862 International Exhibition
Expand 5 - Entertainments Committee - Royal Agricultural Society show held in Cambridge 18945 - Entertainments Committee - Royal Agricultural Society show held in Cambridge 1894
Expand 6 - Entertainments Committee - Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee festivities 6 - Entertainments Committee - Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee festivities
Expand 7 - Entertainments Committee: Coronation of Edward VII7 - Entertainments Committee: Coronation of Edward VII
Expand 8 - General Purposes Committee - Fire Brigade 8 - General Purposes Committee - Fire Brigade
Expand 9 - General Purposes Committee - Police Force 9 - General Purposes Committee - Police Force
Expand 10 - Guildhall and Building Committee: enlargements to the Guildhall10 - Guildhall and Building Committee: enlargements to the Guildhall
11 - Lease Committee: dilapidation report of RR Rowe on the Nags Head Inn, Albion Row
Expand 12 - Lease Committee: sale of land in Barton Road to Clare College 12 - Lease Committee: sale of land in Barton Road to Clare College
Expand 13 - Lease Committee: Land in the Botanic Gardens13 - Lease Committee: Land in the Botanic Gardens
Expand 14 - Lease Committee: sale of lease on the Chip-Axe public house, Butter Row14 - Lease Committee: sale of lease on the Chip-Axe public house, Butter Row
Expand 15 - Lease Committee: report and specification of repairs for the Arcade, St Andrews Hill15 - Lease Committee: report and specification of repairs for the Arcade, St Andrews Hill
Expand 16 - Lease Committee: properties at Castle End16 - Lease Committee: properties at Castle End
Expand 17 - Lease Committee: property on Castle Street 17 - Lease Committee: property on Castle Street
Expand 18 - Lease Committee: slaughterhouse and other properties in Corn Exchange Street 18 - Lease Committee: slaughterhouse and other properties in Corn Exchange Street
Expand 19 - Lease Committee: Black Swan Public House, Guildhall Street 19 - Lease Committee: Black Swan Public House, Guildhall Street
Expand 20 - Lease Committee: Castle Inn, Guildhall Street20 - Lease Committee: Castle Inn, Guildhall Street
Expand 21 - Lease Committee: Property on Honey Hill21 - Lease Committee: Property on Honey Hill
Expand 22 - Lease Committee: Kings Mill 22 - Lease Committee: Kings Mill
Expand 23 - Lease Committee: property in King Street 23 - Lease Committee: property in King Street
24 - Lease Committee: conditions for letting a house on Market Hill
Expand 25 - Lease Committee: property on Market Street25 - Lease Committee: property on Market Street
Expand 26 - Lease Committee: National School in St Peter's Parish26 - Lease Committee: National School in St Peter's Parish
Expand 27 - Lease Committee: Newnham Wharf27 - Lease Committee: Newnham Wharf
Expand 28 - Lease Committee: The Bell Public House, Peas Hill 28 - Lease Committee: The Bell Public House, Peas Hill
Expand 29 - Lease Committee: property on the Quayside29 - Lease Committee: property on the Quayside
Expand 30 - Lease Committee: Llandaff House, Regent Street30 - Lease Committee: Llandaff House, Regent Street
Expand 31 - Lease Committee: property in Shelly Row 31 - Lease Committee: property in Shelly Row
Expand 32 - Lease Committee: statement and memorandum relating to lease on the Swan's Nest 32 - Lease Committee: statement and memorandum relating to lease on the Swan's Nest
Expand 33 - Lease Committee: The Anchor Public House33 - Lease Committee: The Anchor Public House
Expand 34 - Lease Committee: lease and plan of land in Victoria Road 34 - Lease Committee: lease and plan of land in Victoria Road
35 - Lease Committee: Conditions for letting the Warwick Arms
Expand 36 - Lease Committee: compulsory purchase of 3 messuages in Wheeler Street36 - Lease Committee: compulsory purchase of 3 messuages in Wheeler Street
Expand 37 - Lease Committee: the Woolpack estate 37 - Lease Committee: the Woolpack estate
Expand 38 - Market Committee: Enlargement 38 - Market Committee: Enlargement
Expand 39 - Market Committee: relocation of the Cattle Market 39 - Market Committee: relocation of the Cattle Market
Expand 40 - Market Committee: the Corn Exchange40 - Market Committee: the Corn Exchange
Collapse 41 - Market Committee: Market Street Improvement41 - Market Committee: Market Street Improvement
1 - A letter from Henry Eaden to the town clerk requesting terms for hiring cellarage
2 - A memorandum from Alexr Macintosh to the Lease Committee requesting terms for hiring cellarage
3 - A letter from Frederick Grain to E Foster regarding conditions of sale of the property of the late Justinian Adcock
4 - A letter from Frederick Grain to E Foster
5 - A letter from WH Hattersley to F Gran regarding terms for the sale of Mrs Adcock's premises on Market Street
6 - A letter from Frederick Grain to E Foster regarding the sale of Mrs Adcock's premises on Market Street
7 - A memorandum from Alexr Macintosh withdrawing his offer to hire premises in Market Street
8 - A letter from Alex Macintosh returning the key to the yard of the late Twiss now owned by the Corporation
9 - A letter from Alex Macintosh to the Market and Lease Committee regarding a reply from his father and Mr Ingle regarding the sale of the frontage of their properties on Market Street
10 - Committee recommendation to divide the premises of the late Twiss into two premises offered as building leases at auction
11 - A plan of Market Street by GJ Smith, surveyor in 1873
12 - A letter from Frederick Grain to Edmond Foster regarding an offer from Mrs Adcock for premises on Market Street
13 - A note from Frederick Grain to Edmond Foster accepting the offer made to Mrs Adcock for her premises on Market Street
14 - A letter from Frederick Grain to Edmond Foster regarding the tenancy of Mr Bryant
15 - A note from Frederick Grain to Edmond Foster regarding the contract with Mrs Adcock
16 - A note from Frederick Grain to Edmond Foster regarding the tenancy of Mr Bryant
17 - Correspondence from George Wm Fitch to Edmond Foster regarding the sale of the property of John Ingle on Market Street
18 - A plan of property in Market Street belonging to Mr Ingle
19 - A plan of property in Market Street belonging to The Martyn Memorial Trustees
20 - Correspondence from Josiah Chater, representing his client Mr A Macintish, to Edmond Foster regarding the terms on which Mr A Macintosh will sell the land required by the Corporation for widening Market Street
21 - A letter from Mr Alex Macintosh to Edmond Foster regarding confusion surrounding his proposition to rebuild the front of his premises
22 - A letter from Henry Tomlinson to Messrs Foster and Lawrence regarding measurements of the land required of Mr Macintosh
23 - A letter from Wm Peed to Edmond Foster opening negotiations for the sale of a portion of the property formerly owned by John Ingle.
24 - Correspondence from Wm Peed regarding the sale of land for the widening of Market Street
25 - Case for the opinion of Mr Lumley Smith on the dilapidated condition of Crane Yard and the rights of Mr Miller and the Martyn Memorial Trustees to use of these yards as access to their premises on Market Street
26 - Copy release of two rooms on the second floor of a property on Market Hill from Mr George Hartwell Roe to Mr Richard Miller dated 14 Mar 1845
27 - Attested copy of conveyance of 4 Aug 1836 for a property in Crane Yard and an attested copy of a year's lease from Robert Headly to Richard Miller
28 - Copy Conveyance of stable and premises in the Crane Yard in Market Street from Mr William Papworth to Mr Richard Miller dated 21 Aug 1849
29 - A report by Geo Smith to the Lease Committee regarding the condition of premises on Market Street
30 - Resolution of a special meeting as to the Market Street Improvement that notice be given to Martyns Hall Trustees not to continue trespassing on the premises of the late Macintosh
31 - Notice from Edmond Foster for the removal of casks, barrows and other articles deposited in Crane's Yard
32 - Notice to Mr Langford to cease trespassing of land in the possession of the Corporation
33 - Notice to the Trustees of the Martyn Memorial Hall to cease trespassing of land in the possession of the Corporation
34 - Correspondence from Rev J Barton, secretary of the Martyn Hall Committee, to Edmond Foster regarding their claim for compensation for purchase of their frontage on Market Street and response to the episodes of trespass
35 - Notice from Edmond Foster to tenants William Eaden Lilley, Jabez James Lintott, Charlotte Scrafield, Joseph Beaumont Bryant, of Market Street to quit and deliver the rooms and premises now in their occupation
36 - A letter from E Wayman to Edmond Foster regarding the demolition by workmen working for the Corporation of a portion of the property of the Trustees of the later Richard Miller
37 - A letter from Joseph B Bryant to the Lease Committee requesting an extension in his notice to quit premises on Market Street
38 - A letter from Walter Edw Pain, churchwarden, to the town clerk agreeing to the terms of the exchange of land in Trinity Church Yard
39 - A letter from Wm Peed to E Foster regarding the Corporation's delay in signing the agreement with the Martyn Memorial Trustees
40 - A letter from JH Clements regarding access rights through Crane's Yard
41 - A report of the recollections of JH Clements on the rights of access to Crane's Yard
42 - Correspondence with plan from Wisbey, son and Moyes to Edmond Foster
43 - A letter from E Wayman to Edmond Foster regarding the position of Mr Jones
44 - An illustration of building on Market Street adjoining Trinity Church
45 - An invitation to tender for building leases for properties in Market Street with a plan of properties by Wisbey, son and Moyes
46 - Tender for the lease of property on Market Street by Mr W Eaden Lilley
47 - A letter from Wm Fawcett to Messrs Eaden Lilley regarding plans for the latter's property on Market Street
48 - Extracted map from a sales particular marking lots fronting onto Market Street
49 - Plan of elevations of proposed new premises of Eaden Lilley and Co
50 - Floor plans of proposed new premises of Eaden Lilley and Co
51 - Front elevation of the proposed new premises for Eaden Lilley and Co
Expand 42 - Market Committee: Compulsory purchase of 34 and 35 Union Street 42 - Market Committee: Compulsory purchase of 34 and 35 Union Street
Expand 46 - Parliamentary Committee: disputes between the Corporation and the University 46 - Parliamentary Committee: disputes between the Corporation and the University
47 - Library Committee: correspondence
Expand 48 - Fire Brigade Committee: correspondence files 48 - Fire Brigade Committee: correspondence files
49 - Parliamentary Committee: Correspondence file relating to the Cambridge Water Bill
50 - Parliamentary Committee: Correspondence file relating to Electricity Supply
Expand 51 - Unemployment Committee: correspondence files 51 - Unemployment Committee: correspondence files
Expand 52 - Watch Committee: correspondence files52 - Watch Committee: correspondence files
53 - Watch Committee: Police Reports
Expand 54 - Special Committee: town clerk Memorial Committee papers 54 - Special Committee: town clerk Memorial Committee papers
Expand 8 - Registered correspondence files8 - Registered correspondence files
Expand 9 - Public Office9 - Public Office
Expand 10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills10 - Parliamentary Acts and Bills
Expand 11 - Orders in Council11 - Orders in Council
Expand 12 - Byelaws and regulations12 - Byelaws and regulations
Expand 13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions13 - Local Government Board consents for loan sanctions
Expand 14 - Clerks legal papers14 - Clerks legal papers
Expand 15 - Contracts and agreements15 - Contracts and agreements
Expand 16 - Deeds16 - Deeds
Expand 17 - Lease books and leases17 - Lease books and leases
Expand 18 - Clerks property papers18 - Clerks property papers
Expand 19 - Elections19 - Elections
Expand 21 - Town clerks correspondence 21 - Town clerks correspondence
Expand 22 - Memorials and petitions22 - Memorials and petitions
Expand 23 - Public notices and memoranda book23 - Public notices and memoranda book
Expand 24 - Events and Commemorations24 - Events and Commemorations
Expand 25 - Public appeals25 - Public appeals
Expand 26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings26 - Volumes of newspaper clippings
28 - Copies of Council resolution and copies of certificates relating to service as special constables during the Great War
29 - The Great War roll of honour card index
Expand 30 - Political squibs30 - Political squibs
Expand 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors 31 - Propaganda leaflets, notices and articles written by the Imperial Fascist League sent to City Councillors
Expand 32 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 186132 - Naturalization papers, Maskie 1859, Groote, 1861
Expand 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences 33 - Answers to government enquiry regarding Hawkers Licences
Expand 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein 34 - The English parentage of the wives of Gustave and Adolphe Heberlein
Expand 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey 35 - Correspondence, a statement of dates and facts, and draft copy of the deed of disclaimers relating to a gift to the Corporation executed by Mr F Bailey
Expand H - Housing departmentH - Housing department
Expand PH - Public Health Department PH - Public Health Department
Expand SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)SE - Records of the City Surveyor (Borough Surveyor)
Expand TR - Treasurers' recordsTR - Treasurers' records
Expand W - Weights and Measures DepartmentW - Weights and Measures Department
Expand 4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners4 - Cambridge Improvement Commissioners
Expand 5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge5 - Overseers of the Poor for the 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without 6 - Overseers of the Poor for Cambridge and Cambridge Without
Expand 8 - Trumpington Parish Council8 - Trumpington Parish Council
Expand 9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council9 - Cherryhinton Parish Council
Expand 10 - Cambridge City Charities10 - Cambridge City Charities
Expand 12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas12 - Cambridge Town Court of Pleas
Expand 13 - Court Leet13 - Court Leet
Expand 14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court14 - Cambridge[shire] County Court
Expand Co - Cambridge Borough CoronerCo - Cambridge Borough Coroner