Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KED - Ekins Dilley and related companiesKED - Ekins Dilley and related companies
Expand 3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)
Expand 3928 - Accession 3928 records3928 - Accession 3928 records
Collapse 4169 - Accession 4169 records4169 - Accession 4169 records
Collapse 1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon
Collapse 1 - Auction sales book1 - Auction sales book
1 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of the late Mr. William Bramton
3 - Sale for Mr Henry Smith
4 - Sale for Mr Strangward
6 - Sale for Assigns of Mr Jeffrey Smith
8 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of the late Mr Henry Clayton
11 - Sale for the late Abells (Solicitors Messrs. Margetts and Son)
12 - Sale for Assigns of Mr Jeffrey Smith
15 - Sale for Mr Edis
16 - Sale for Mr Edis
17 - Sale for Mr William Ringrow the Elder
19 - Sale for Mr Edward Maule
28 - Sale for Mr Thomas Woodridge
29 - Sale for Trustees of Huntingdonshire Savings Bank House
30 - Sale for Mr Edis
32 - Sale for the Poor Law Board
33 - Sale for D. Habah, Esq.
36 - Sale for Mr T.H. Bush
37 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of the late Mr Henry Clayton
40 - Sale for Mr E.H. Fisher
43 - Sale for the Charity commissioners
44 - Sale for Mr...Irish
46 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of the late Reverend William Pearce?
48 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of the late Reverend William Pearce?
49 - Sale for the London and County Bank
50 - Sale for Mr Watson
53 - Sale for M I. Bull
54 - Sale for the Poor Law Board
55 - Sale for Mrs Morton
56 - Sale by order of Margetts and Son, Solicitors, Huntingdon
57 - Sale for Mrs Abell
60 - Sale for Mr Henry Gifford
63 - Sale for Mr Lewis Fortescue
65 - Sale for Trustees of Mr Robert Saunders (deceased)
66 - Sale for Trustees of Mr Thomas Matthews deceased
67 - Sale for Mrs Snitch
69 - Sale for E. Maule Esq.
70 - Sale for Spendlow
71 - Sale for Charity Commissioners for England,
72 - Sale for Reverend George Johnson
74 - Sale for Reverend C.W.J.Johnson (Sproxton)
76 - Sale for the London County Bank
77 - Sale for Mr Warsop
78 - Sale for Trustees of the late Dr Maltby, Bishop of Durham
80 - Sale for Trustees of the late Dr Maltby, Bishop of Durham
82 - Sale for Trustees of the late Dr Maltby, Bishop of Durham
90 - Sale for Mr George Green
91 - Sale for Trustees of the Will of the late Mr E.Rawley
92 - Sale for Mr Burton
94 - Sale for Mr Sinclair
95 - Sale for Mr Hutchinson
101 - Sale for - Codd Esq.
102 - Sale for Mr C.R.Maile
103 - Sale for Mr Rastin?
104 - Sale for Mr Rastin
105 - Sale for Mr Josh Sisman
106 - Sale for Mr Joseph Sisman
107 - Sale for the Reverend H.A.Maule
112 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Charles Jacob
116 - Sale for the Reverend John Thornhill and others
128 - Sale for the Reverend John Thornhill and others
132 - Sale for Mr Newman
136 - Sale for Trustees of Sayer's Charity
143 - Sale for Mr Edward Burton
144 - Sale for Messrs. Maule and Burton (Solicitors)
145 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mrs William Holness deceased
146 - Sale Between John Greenwell the Younger and others, Plaintiffs James Garner and others Defendants
153 - Sale for Trustees of the Will of the late Mrs Jane Arbell
155 - Sale for Mr Roosh
156 - Sale for the Trustees of the late Mr Bidwell
157 - Sale for Mr Charles Twelvetree
158 - Sale for Mr Rignall
160 - Sale for Mr Boxall
162 - Sale for Mr Ingram
168 - Sale for E.Maule Esq.
171 - Sale for Mortgagees under powers of sale
177 - Sale for Mortgagees under powers of sale
182 - Sale for Mortgagees
187 - Sale for Mortgagees of Mr Thomas White
189 - Sale for Mrs Eloley
190 - Sale by direction of Solicitors Messers. Maule and Burton
191 - Sale for E. Maule Esq.
192 - Sale for Pearse Esq.
193 - Sale for Mr Parkins
195 - Sale for Mr Charles Bodger
196 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of the late Mr Ephriam Dixie deceased.
199 - Sale for the Reverend H.Thornhill and others
205 - Sale for Mr Hempsted
206 - Sale for Mr Thompson
208 - Sale for Miss Negus
209 - Sale for Messrs. Park and W.B.Nelson
210 - Sale for Miss White
211 - Sale for Mortgagees
245 - Sale for Mortgagee of the late Mr John Richardson
247 - Sale for Mr Hutchinson
248 - Sale for Charity Commissioners of England and Wales
249 - Sale by direction of Mr Hunnybun (Solicitor)
250 - Sale for Mr Ingram
255 - Sale for Trustee of the late Mr F. Last
256 - Sale for Trustees of the late Jonthon Sweeting Esq.
258 - Sale for Mr Molecey
259 - Sale for Trustee of the late S.E.Cooch Esq.
267 - Sale for Mr John Orbell
268 - Sale for E.Maule Esq.
273 - Sale for Mrs Fordham
275 - Sale for Mr D Allen
277 - Sale for Mr D. Allen
278 - Sale for Mr Whitaker
279 - Sale for Trustees of late Mr William Garka deceased
283 - Sale for C.Margetts, Esq.
287 - Sale for Messrs. Margetts and Son. Solicitors
289 - Sale for Mrs Freeman
293 - Sale for Trustees of Mr Samuel Benesford?
295 - Sale for Canon Vesey
297 - Sale for Reps. Of the late Miss Fenner
298 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr John Rolt?
299 - Sale for Diversees [Devisees] of the estate of the late Jame Balfour Esq.
302 - Sale for Diversees of the estate of the late Jame Balfour Esq.
303 - Sale for Mr John Cooper (China Dealer)
305 - Sale for Mrs Freeman
311 - Sale for the Reverend Augustus Parsons
317 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Jonathon Achwich
321 - Sale for Mr Charles Lord
323 - Sale for Devisees of the Real Estate of the late James Balfour Esquire
328 - Sale for Devisees of the Real Estate of the late James Balfour Esq.
331 - Sale for Messrs. Maule and Burton (Solicitors)
332 - Sale for Mr Jonathon Jacob
333 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of late Mr Richard Wilmer
334 - Sale for Mr John Bright
335 - Sale for Mr John Bright
336 - Sale for Mr Edward Wells
337 - Sale for Mr T. Richardson
339 - Sale for Mortgagees-Solicitors Margetts and Son
340 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr William Dorrington
341 - Sale for Mr John Giddins
343 - Sale for Mrs Ashman
344 - Sale for Mr Thomas Mills
345 - Sale for Mortgagees of the Estate of the late Henry Bell
355 - Sale for Mr C.R.Maile
356 - Sale for Mrs Hall and Mr William Halls
364 - Sale for the Trustees of the late William Ward Esquire (Solicitors Messrs. Margetts and Son)
366 - Sale for the Trustees of the late William Ward Esquire
368 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr John Maddison
370 - Sale for Mr Bester
371 - Sale for the Commissioners of the Godmanchester and Hartford Turnpike Road
374 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr William Garka?
375 - Sale for Mrs Croft
376 - Sale for Trustees of the late Thomas Williamson
378 - Sale for Mr Thomas Crawley Smith
379 - Sale for Mr Thomas Crawley Smith
384 - Sale for Trustees of the late Jonathon Sweeting, Esq.
385 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr John Reynolds
Expand 2 - Auction sales book2 - Auction sales book
Expand 3 - Auction sales book3 - Auction sales book
Expand 4 - Auction sales book4 - Auction sales book
Expand 5 - Auction sales book5 - Auction sales book
Expand 6 - Auction sales book6 - Auction sales book
Expand 7 - Auction sales book7 - Auction sales book
Expand 8 - Auction sales book8 - Auction sales book
Expand 9 - Auction sales book9 - Auction sales book
Expand 10 - Auction sales book10 - Auction sales book
Expand 11 - Auction sales book11 - Auction sales book
Expand 12 - Auction sales book12 - Auction sales book
Expand 13 - Auction sales book13 - Auction sales book
Expand 14 - Auction sales book14 - Auction sales book
Expand 15 - Auction sales book15 - Auction sales book
Expand 16 - Auction sales book16 - Auction sales book
Expand 17 - Auction sales book17 - Auction sales book
Expand 18 - Auction sales book18 - Auction sales book
Expand 19 - Auction sales book19 - Auction sales book
20 - Auction sales book (binder)
21 - Register of estate sales
22 - Sale particulars of Bateman Brown estates
23 - Auctioneer's notice: J.M. Johnson
Expand 24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books
Expand 25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars
26 - Tracing of plan of Hartford Marina, marked for two lots for sale extending to The Grove and Hartford House
Expand 2 - John Looker, auctioneer2 - John Looker, auctioneer
Expand 3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots
Expand 4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives
Expand 5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives
Expand 6 - Plans (additional)6 - Plans (additional)
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)
Expand 4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed
Expand 4321 - Accession 4321 records4321 - Accession 4321 records