Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KED - Ekins Dilley and related companiesKED - Ekins Dilley and related companies
Expand 3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)
Expand 3928 - Accession 3928 records3928 - Accession 3928 records
Collapse 4169 - Accession 4169 records4169 - Accession 4169 records
Collapse 1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon
Expand 1 - Auction sales book1 - Auction sales book
Expand 2 - Auction sales book2 - Auction sales book
Expand 3 - Auction sales book3 - Auction sales book
Expand 4 - Auction sales book4 - Auction sales book
Expand 5 - Auction sales book5 - Auction sales book
Expand 6 - Auction sales book6 - Auction sales book
Expand 7 - Auction sales book7 - Auction sales book
Expand 8 - Auction sales book8 - Auction sales book
Expand 9 - Auction sales book9 - Auction sales book
Expand 10 - Auction sales book10 - Auction sales book
Expand 11 - Auction sales book11 - Auction sales book
Expand 12 - Auction sales book12 - Auction sales book
Expand 13 - Auction sales book13 - Auction sales book
Expand 14 - Auction sales book14 - Auction sales book
Expand 15 - Auction sales book15 - Auction sales book
Expand 16 - Auction sales book16 - Auction sales book
Collapse 17 - Auction sales book17 - Auction sales book
1 - Sale for Mrs C.Foster
2 - Sale for E.A.Rose, Esq.
6 - Sale for Administrators of the late Henry Aughton
7 - Sale for Mr J.Suter
8 - Sale for Mr G.A.Smart
9 - Sale for Messrs Inns and Co Ltd
10 - Sale for Messrs. Inns and Co, Ltd.
11 - Sale for Miss Ball
12 - Sale for Executors of E.G.A. Mann Esq., deceased
15 - Sale for executors of R.Wright deceased
16 - Sale for Executors of Mrs B.Farminer deceased
17 - Sale for executors of J.W.Beck Esq., deceased
20 - Sale for Executors of E.C.Brawn deceased
21 - Sale for Mr S. Pettitt
22 - Sale for Mrs M.A.E.Sanders
24 - Sale for Executors of H.J.Googs Esq., deceased
26 - Sale for Executors of the late Sir John Scott
30 - Sale for Executors of the late J.A.Purser.
35 - Sale for Administratrix of John Ford deceased
36 - Sale for Mr Suter
38 - Sale for Lt. Col. S.D.Hayward
39 - Sale for Lt. Col. S.D.Hayward
40 - Sale for Alfred Fowell, Esq.
41 - Sale for Messrs. Lazenby
42 - Sale for Mr A.C. Machin
43 - Sale for Mr H.S.Mitchell
44 - Sale for Mr F.J.Sharp
45 - Sale for J.W.Hatchett Esq.
46 - Sale for Miss James
47 - Sale for Mrs R.B.Emerton
48 - Sale for Executors of F.A.Kimpton deceased
49 - Sale for Trustees of the late P.E.Tillard
51 - Sale for Mr P.R.Foster
52 - Sale for Executors of T.A.Metcalfe, Esq.
53 - Sale for [unidentified client]
54 - Sale for Executors of Eliza Howgate deceased
58 - Sale for Mrs Sharpe
59 - Sale for Mrs L.Carter
60 - Sale for Mr J.Reedman
61 - Sale for Miss O. Royston
62 - Sale for Mr F.Baker
63 - Sale for Miss Elsa Clark
69 - Sale for Mr H.King
72 - Sale for Mr Bacon
73 - Sale for Executor of the late Mrs Danson
74 - Sale for Estate of Mrs Lucy Clarke deceased
75 - Sale for Executors of Mrs Eliza Jane Howes
76 - Sale for the Lord Bishop of Ely
79 - Sale for Mr W.B.Moody
81 - Sale for Mr F.Sharpe
82 - Sale for Mr Meadows
84 - Sale for Mrs A.J.Rowe
85 - Sale for Messrs. Lowe, Son and Cobbold
87 - Sale for Mr J.G.Warrington
88 - Sale for Mr J.L.Cox
89 - Sale for Mr N.F.Boyes
90 - Sale for Mr N.F.Boyes
92 - Sale for Mr A.Anderson
93 - Sale for Executors of Alfred Fowell deceased
94 - Sale for Messrs. Chivers and Sons Ltd
95 - Sale for Messrs. W. And G.J.Cordell
100 - Sale for Executors of the late Betsy Neal?
101 - Sale for Mr J.L.Green
102 - Sale for Mr J.Norris Towler
103 - Sale for Executors of M.Wilderspin deceased
104 - Sale for Mr Joseph Rosamond
105 - Sale on direction of Messrs. Kimbers, Williams, Sweetland and Stinson.
106 - Sale on the direction of Messrs. Day and Son (Solicitors)
107 - Sale for Executors of the late William Blake, Esq.
108 - Sale by direction of Messrs. Maule, Sons and Winters (Solicitors)
109 - Sale on direction of Dawson and Co.
111 - Sale on the direction of Messrs. Day and Son (Solicitors)
112 - Sale for Miss E.Mallison
113 - Sale for Trustees of F.G.Betts, deceased
117 - Sale for Executors of the late Mrs Astley Williams
120 - Sale for C.Gadsby Esq.
121 - Sale for Mr H.A.Thompson
122 - Sale for Executors of the late Elizabeth Budds
123 - Sale for Mr and Mrs F.G.Sewell
124 - Sale for M.J.Allen, Esq.
127 - Sale for Mrs D.Berridge
130 - Sale for Administratrix of William Peacock deceased.
131 - Sale for Executors of the late Edward Brown
134 - Sale for Mr H.J.Hibbin
135 - Sale on the direction of Messrs. Maule, Son and Winter (Solicitor)
137 - Sale for Mr D.O.Thurston
138 - Sale for Miss E.A.Ivatt
140 - Sale for Mrs Abrahams
141 - Sale for M.J.Allen, Esq.
142 - Sale for Mrs S.Clark.
143 - Sale for L.Coxon Esq.
145 - Sale for the Ely Diocesan Board of Finance.
147 - Sale for Messrs. S.C.and O.Peters.
151 - Sale for Arthur Sansom Esq.
153 - Sale for Mr J.E.Campion
154 - Sale for Mr G.R.Steele
155 - Sale for Mr F.J.Sumerlee
156 - Sale for Executors of Mrs E.Watts
157 - Sale for Mrs E.A.Markham
158 - Sale for Executors of Mrs Annie Murden deceased
159 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr G.J.Rust
166 - Sale for Mrs E.E.Smith
167 - Sale by direction of Executors of Mr F.H.Harcourt, deceased.
169 - Sale by direction of Trustees in Bankruptcy regarding Mr A.E.Norman.
170 - Sale for Mr S.J.Hands.
171 - Sale by direction of Barclays Bank Ltd regarding E.R.Thompson and Co in Bankruptcy.
174 - Administrator of the Estate of the late Mrs K.Read.
175 - Sale for Captain Stanley Prescott M.P.
177 - Sale for Executors of the late Mrs Barber
178 - Sale for Trustees of F.Brown deceased.
179 - Sale for M.J.Allen, Esq.
180 - Sale for Executors of J.Parker deceased
181 - Sale for Trustees of the Hunts. Assn., of Baptist and Congregational Churches.
182 - Sale for Mrs Kirby and Mrs Clark
184 - Sale for Executors of Ethel Mash deceased
185 - Sale for Miss Croot
186 - Sale for Mrs A.Peacock
187 - Sale for Mr E.Spender
188 - Sale for Mrs A.E.Marshall
189 - Sale for executors of A.H.Morley deceased.
192 - Sale for executors of Mrs Sarah Cooper deceased.
196 - Sale for Executors of the late Benjamin Allen
197 - Sale for Executors of the late Mrs M.E.Cartwright.
198 - Sale for executors of Mrs M.M.Oliphant deceased.
199 - Sale for Mr Allen
200 - Sale for Lindsay A.Mason, Esq.
202 - Sale for Mr R.C.Eldridge
203 - Sale for M.J.Allen, Esq.
204 - Sale for Trustees of the late C.R.Hilson
205 - Sale for Administrator of the Estate of the late Sarah Allen
207 - Sale for Mrs G.O.Orfeur
208 - Sale for Mr F.Sharp
209 - Sale for C.Braybrooke, Esq..
210 - Sale for R.F.Hoefkins, Esq..
212 - Sale for Mrs Mitchley
213 - Sale for Mrs Archer
214 - Sale for Mrs Hemming
215 - Sale for Miss A.M.Phipps
216 - Sale for Mrs Rowe
218 - Sale for Miss M.Elliff
219 - Sale for Mr G.L.Green
220 - Sale for H.E.Parnwell Esq.
222 - Sale for H.C.J.Buckland Esq.
226 - Sale for Mr C.Shelton
227 - Sale for Miss J.Dew
228 - Sale for Executors of Mrs Nellie Matthews deceased
230 - Sale for Mrs C.Brown
231 - Sale for Mr H.J.Hibbin
232 - Sale for Executors of Ellen M.Taylor deceased
234 - Sale for Mrs Cook
235 - Sale for H.Gilman
236 - Sale for Mrs D.W.Elphick
237 - Sale for F.D.C.Swan Esq. Receiver for Debenture Holders.
247 - Sale for Sq/Ldr A.McArthy
248 - Sale for executors of Mrs Suter
249 - Sale for Administrator of the estate of the late George Hufford
250 - Sale for Personal Reps of the late Alfred Wildman
251 - Sale for Miss Lycett
252 - Sale for Executors of F.G.Latham, deceased
254 - Sale for Noel Thornhill Esq.
255 - Sale for C.Watcham Esq.
256 - Sale for Executors of the late J.H.Barnard
257 - Sale for Executors of C.R.Tebbutt deceased
260 - Sale for Mr E.J.Cooper.
263 - Sale for J.Collyer Esq.
265 - Sale for Mrs Olive Hill
270 - Sale for the Incumbent of the Benefice of Grafham (The Reverend William Lackey)
274 - Sale for P.R.Pontefract Esq.
Expand 18 - Auction sales book18 - Auction sales book
Expand 19 - Auction sales book19 - Auction sales book
20 - Auction sales book (binder)
21 - Register of estate sales
22 - Sale particulars of Bateman Brown estates
23 - Auctioneer's notice: J.M. Johnson
Expand 24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books
Expand 25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars
26 - Tracing of plan of Hartford Marina, marked for two lots for sale extending to The Grove and Hartford House
Expand 2 - John Looker, auctioneer2 - John Looker, auctioneer
Expand 3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots
Expand 4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives
Expand 5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives
Expand 6 - Plans (additional)6 - Plans (additional)
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)
Expand 4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed
Expand 4321 - Accession 4321 records4321 - Accession 4321 records