Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KED - Ekins Dilley and related companiesKED - Ekins Dilley and related companies
Expand 3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)
Expand 3928 - Accession 3928 records3928 - Accession 3928 records
Collapse 4169 - Accession 4169 records4169 - Accession 4169 records
Collapse 1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon
Expand 1 - Auction sales book1 - Auction sales book
Expand 2 - Auction sales book2 - Auction sales book
Expand 3 - Auction sales book3 - Auction sales book
Expand 4 - Auction sales book4 - Auction sales book
Expand 5 - Auction sales book5 - Auction sales book
Collapse 6 - Auction sales book6 - Auction sales book
1 - Sale for Trustees of the late B.Prior Esquire
3 - Sale by direction of Cranfield and Wheeler (Solicitor)
7 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Frank Toseland
9 - Sale for executors of Mr R.Smart
10 - Sale for Pain and Company
14 - Sale for Miss Jane Farey
16 - Sale for Trustees of Mr Thomas Renton
21 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mrs Rampley
26 - Sale for Mr J.O.Wilson
28 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr C.Smith
30 - Sale for Mr J.V.Jones
32 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Samuel Warrington
33 - Sale for Mrs Whiteman
34 - Sale for Mrs Whiteman
35 - Sale for Jenkins and Jones Ltd
38 - Sale for W.Grist
43 - Sale by direction of Hawley and Jackson (Solicitor)
44 - Sale by direction of Butler and Wilkinson (Solicitors)
45 - Sale by direction of Maules and Sons (solicitors)
46 - Sale by direction of Wheeler and Spencer (Solicitors)
50 - Sale for Mr Samuel Fyson
56 - Sale for E.P.Elsworth Esquire
57 - Sale for Mr A.J.C.Rose
59 - Sale for ? Ford senior
60 - Sale for Messrs. Bardy and Company
62 - Sale for (no name given) Solicitors Wade-Gery and Brackenbury
63 - Sale for (no name given) Solicitors Hunnybun and Sons
64 - Sale for Mrs E.M.Hone
65 - Sale for Trustee of the late Mr Stephen Dawson
66 - Sale for Mr Henry Kisby
68 - Sale for Trustee of the late Mr Denis Saunders
69 - Sale for Mr E.Page
71 - Sale for (no name given) Solicitors Conquest and Claire
72 - Sale for Mr F.Murphy
73 - Sale for Mr W.Tysoe
75 - Sale for Trustee of the late B.Prior, Esquire J.P.
78 - Sale for Creditors of Mr Y.Holmes
80 - Sale for Mrs Whitnum
81 - Sale for Mrs Mary Disborough and Company
85 - Sale for Mr North's Trustees
86 - Sale for (no name or particulars given)
87 - Sale for Trustee of the Will of the late George Thackray Esquire, J.P.
114 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Thomas Ashton
118 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Thomas Ashton
119 - Sale for Mrs Markham
122 - Sale for Mrs Wagstaff
123 - Sale for Trustees of Mrs Denton
125 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr William Prentice
128 - Sale for Trustees of the late George Thackray J.P.
138 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Samuel Beresford
141 - Sale for Trustees of the will of the late Mr Barnes
142 - Sale for Mr Redfern
145 - Sale for Mrs Goodes
146 - Sale for Mr A.E.Ward
148 - Sale for Executors of the Will of Miss Priestley
150 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr William Scotney
151 - Sale for Mr Hewitt
152 - Sale for Mr Samuel Goodes
153 - Sale for Trustees of the Will of Mr Martin Markham
155 - Sale for Mrs Frances Wright
157 - Sale for Mr Percy Thackray
158 - Sale for Messrs Barclay and Co
159 - Sale for Executors of Mrs Butler
160 - Sale for Mr William Ashton
162 - Sale for Mr Samuel Armstrong
163 - Sale for Trustees of Mr William Prentice
165 - Sale for Trustees of Miss Ekins
166 - Sale for Trustees of John Hill Day, Esquire
172 - Sale for Mrs Arthur Paine
173 - Sale for Trustee of John Hill Day, Esquire
174 - Sale for Trustees of Major Curtis
175 - Sale for Liquidators of Somersham Gas
176 - Sale for Mrs Elliston
177 - Sale for Mr Arthur Chew
179 - Sale for Trustees of Mrs Spawton
180 - Sale for Trustee of Mr George Sharpe
181 - Sale for Mr John J.Rowe
183 - Sale for the High Court of Justice
184 - Sale for Trustee of the late Mr Thomas Herring
189 - Sale for The Earl of Sandwich
191 - Sale for Mr W.H.Ball
193 - Sale for Mr Maxwell Chamberlain
194 - Sale for H.Gilleat Esquire
195 - Sale for Trustees and Executors of the late Mrs M.A.Bailey
196 - Sale for The Earl of Sandwich
198 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Josiah Cole
199 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr John Bidwell
204 - Sale for Mr S.Bull
205 - Sale for Trustees under the Will of the late Mr Henry Gale Esquire
206 - Sale for Mr Frank Ridgley
207 - Sale for Mr Augustus Thackray
209 - Sale for The Earl of Sandwich
211 - Sale for Mr J.Pottle
212 - Sale for the Trustee under Will of the late Henry Gale Esquire
214 - Sale for Trustees under will of the late Henry Gale, Esquire
215 - Sale for F.G.Lomax, Esquire
217 - Sale for Miss Shepperson
218 - Sale for Trustees of Thomas Coote, Esquire
227 - Sale for Trustees of Mr Shepperson
229 - Sale for Kenneth Gay Esquire
230 - Sale for the Star Brewery, Cambridge Limited
232 - Sale for Trustees of Thomas Coote, Esquire
234 - Sale for Trustees of Mr William Baxter
235 - Sale for Trustees of Mr Thomas Criswell
236 - Sale for the Reverend G.T.Johnston
246 - Sale for Mortgagees of Mr A.C.Turnill
247 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr William Peacock
248 - Sale for The Earl of Sandwich
250 - Sale for Mrs Clarke
253 - Sale for Mrs Bernard
255 - Sale for Mrs Linton
256 - Sale for Messrs. Charles S.Windover and So
257 - Sale for Mr James Gee
258 - Sale by direction of Messrs. Ginn, Goodman and Ginn
259 - Sale for Trustees of Mrs Smethurst?
260 - sale for Mr Amos Childs
263 - Sale for Mrs Wilson
264 - Sale for Trustees of the late Miss Cawvutt
265 - Sale for Mr William Pryor's Trustees
267 - Sale for Mrs Pople
270 - Sale by direction of Messrs. Hunnybun and Sons (Solicitors)
271 - Sale for Trustees of Mr Geeson
272 - Sale by direction of A.H.Battock Esquire
273 - Sale by direction of Hunnybun and Sons, Solicitors
274 - Sale by direction of Hunnybun and Sons, Solicitors
276 - Sale for Henry Goodmanly
290 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Thomas Flowers
Expand 7 - Auction sales book7 - Auction sales book
Expand 8 - Auction sales book8 - Auction sales book
Expand 9 - Auction sales book9 - Auction sales book
Expand 10 - Auction sales book10 - Auction sales book
Expand 11 - Auction sales book11 - Auction sales book
Expand 12 - Auction sales book12 - Auction sales book
Expand 13 - Auction sales book13 - Auction sales book
Expand 14 - Auction sales book14 - Auction sales book
Expand 15 - Auction sales book15 - Auction sales book
Expand 16 - Auction sales book16 - Auction sales book
Expand 17 - Auction sales book17 - Auction sales book
Expand 18 - Auction sales book18 - Auction sales book
Expand 19 - Auction sales book19 - Auction sales book
20 - Auction sales book (binder)
21 - Register of estate sales
22 - Sale particulars of Bateman Brown estates
23 - Auctioneer's notice: J.M. Johnson
Expand 24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books
Expand 25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars
26 - Tracing of plan of Hartford Marina, marked for two lots for sale extending to The Grove and Hartford House
Expand 2 - John Looker, auctioneer2 - John Looker, auctioneer
Expand 3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots
Expand 4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives
Expand 5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives
Expand 6 - Plans (additional)6 - Plans (additional)
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)
Expand 4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed
Expand 4321 - Accession 4321 records4321 - Accession 4321 records