Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KED - Ekins Dilley and related companiesKED - Ekins Dilley and related companies
Expand 3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)3468 - Valuation Files (Acc 3468)
Expand 3928 - Accession 3928 records3928 - Accession 3928 records
Collapse 4169 - Accession 4169 records4169 - Accession 4169 records
Collapse 1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon1 - James Dilley, auctioneer of Huntingdon
Expand 1 - Auction sales book1 - Auction sales book
Expand 2 - Auction sales book2 - Auction sales book
Expand 3 - Auction sales book3 - Auction sales book
Expand 4 - Auction sales book4 - Auction sales book
Expand 5 - Auction sales book5 - Auction sales book
Expand 6 - Auction sales book6 - Auction sales book
Expand 7 - Auction sales book7 - Auction sales book
Expand 8 - Auction sales book8 - Auction sales book
Collapse 9 - Auction sales book9 - Auction sales book
1 - Sale for Mrs Wilkinson
3 - Sale for Mr Silas Bullimore
6 - Sale for the Executors of Hamer Towgood Esquire
10 - Sale for the Reverend A.G.Cane
11 - Sale for Executrix of the late Mrs Woolstenholmes.
14 - Sale for C.A.Moult Esquire Mortgagee
15 - Sale for Mr Hornsford's Trustees
16 - Sale for Messrs. Edwards Brothers.
31 - Sale for the Executors of the late Mr Thomas Daintree.
34 - Sale for Hamer Towgood Esquire
38 - Sale for Thomas Bowyer Esquire
42 - Sale for Mr E.B.Thurston
43 - Sale for Mr Thomas Plum
44 - Sale for Mr Henry Broughton
46 - Sale for Trustee of the late Frederic Robinson, Esquire
49 - Sale for Mrs Guyton and Miss Ireson
50 - Sale by direction of Mr Robert Purvis and the Executors of the late Mr John Purvis
52 - Sale for [unidentified client]
53 - Sale by direction of Cranfield and Wheeler (Solicitor)
54 - Sale for Executors of the late Mrs Rebecca Hubbard
55 - Sale by direction of Mr Scard
56 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr John Mann
57 - Sale for Mr H.F.Corbett
58 - Sale by direction of Messrs. Maule and Sons (Solicitors)
60 - Sale for the Star Brewery, Cambridge Limited
61 - Sale for Mrs Brown
62 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Isaac Herbert
64 - Sale for Mr George Richardson
66 - Sale for Mr Charles McNess
67 - Sale by direction of Messrs. Hunnybun and Sons (Solicitors)
68 - Sale for the late Lord Kinross Trust
69 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mrs Halls
70 - Sale for Executors of Mrs Mary Ann Armstrong
71 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr John Bedford
72 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Thomas Longland
73 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mrs S.A.King
74 - Sale by direction of Messrs. Hunnybun and Sons (Solicitors)
77 - Sale for Executors of the late Mrs Selina Ann Hinson
78 - Sale for Trustees of Mrs Selina Ann Hinson
80 - Sale for A.Crussell's Mortgagee
81 - Sale for Trustees of T.F.Fowler, Esquire
82 - Sale for Trustee of Mr John Barritt
83 - Sale for Trustees of the Reverend H.S.Budge
85 - Sale for Mrs John Crick
86 - Sale for Mr George Course
87 - Sale by direction of Taylor and Taylor (Solicitors)
88 - Sale for Mrs Thompson and Mrs Bellamy
91 - Sale for Miss Helen Ashton
92 - Sale for Mr J.Eyre
94 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Matthew Warrington
97 - Sale for Bebee's Mortgagee
98 - Sale for Trustees of Mr W.Dring
100 - Sale for Trustees of the late Miss Freeman
101 - Sale by direction of Savory, Pryer and Blagden (Solicitors)
102 - Sale for Mr Smith Parsons senior
103 - Sale for Trustees of the late Miss Emily North
104 - Sale for the Trustees of John Hampton deceased
106 - Sale for Mr J.W.Brigstock
107 - Sale for Mrs Nix
111 - Sale for Executors of L.Medland, Esquire
113 - Sale for Huntingdonshire Clergy Charity
129 - Sale for Trustees of Bateman Brown J.P.
133 - Sale for Trustees of Bateman Brown J.P.
139 - Sale for Executors of L.Medland Esquire
140 - Sale by direction of the Trustees of the late Bateman Brown.
144 - Sale for Mr J.L.Murphy
146 - Sale by direction of the Heir at law of the late Mr Hendry.
147A - Sale for Mortgagees
147B - Sale for Mr F.G.Ekins
148 - Sale for Miss Pentelow.
149 - Sale by direction of Mr G.D.Day
150 - Sale by direction of Mr G.D.Day (Solicitor)
151 - Sale for the Trustees of the late Mr John Purvis
153 - Sale by direction of Messrs. Andrew Wood, Purves and Sutton and Mr T.H.Veasey (Solicitors)
154 - Sale for G.Douglas Newton Esquire
156 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr J.D.Rowell
157 - Sale for the Rector of Bury
158 - Sale for the Rector of Sawtry
169 - Sale for the Rector of Little Stukeley
171 - Sale by direction of the Trustees of the late J.Medland Esquire
180 - Sale for Trustees of the late L.Hedland Esquire
181 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Thomas Payne
182 - Sale for Mr A.G.Bywater
183 - Sale for Mrs Clifton
184 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr Joseph Afford
186 - Sale for The Rector of Upton
188 - Sale for Mr George Newberry
189 - Sale by direction of the Warboys Oddfellows club
191 - Sale for Trustees of Mr G.J.Mehew
192 - Sale for Mr Howard Carter
194 - Sale by direction of Mr G.T.Page
197 - Sale for the Vicar of Buckden
201 - Sale for Trustees of Mrs Martha Burton
202A - Sale for Trustees of Mr Samuel Achurch
202B - Sale for Trustees of Mrs Martha Burton
203 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mrs Burton
204 - Sale for Trustees of Mrs Burton
205 - Sale by direction of Bloxham, Ellison and Co. Solicitors
206 - Sale for Mr F.B.Thackray
207 - Sale for Mr John Hutton
208 - Sale for Captain F.B.H.Margetts
209 - Sale for Trustees of the Will of the late D.H.Hodgkinson Esquire.
222 - Sale for J.S.Green Esquire
223 - Sale for E.W.Hunnybun Esquire
224 - Sale for Trustees of the Ancient Order of Forresters.
225 - Sale for the Vicar of Little Raveley
226 - Sale for Messrs. Marshall Brothers (Huntingdon) Ltd
228 - Sale for the Vicar of Godmanchester
232 - Sale for Messrs. Clayton
233 - Sale for Mr F.W.Brighty
234 - Sale for Mr C.J.Desborough
235 - Sale for Trustees of the Ancient Order of Forresters.
236 - Sale for Huntingdon Urban District Council
237 - Sale for Executors of the late Mr Bull
238 - Sale for the late Mrs East (Solicitors Maule and Son)
242 - Sale for Messrs. Marshall Brothers (Huntingdon) Ltd
245 - Sale for the Vicar of Great Staughton
246 - Sale for Trustees of the late Reverend Edward Horley.
252 - Sale for the Reverend T.R.Horby
253 - Sale for Trustees of the late Mr W.Stoneham
254 - Sale for J.N.Heathcote Esquire
268 - Sale for Marshall Brothers (Huntingdon) Ltd.
270 - Sale for the Rector of Brington
274 - Sale for Messrs. Clayton
275 - Sale for the Trustees of Sayers Charity
276 - Sale for the Rector of Yelling
277 - Sale for Mr George Lenton
279 - Sale for Mr W.H.Riddiford
281 - Sale for the Rector of Elsworth
286 - Sale for B.Brown's Trustees
290 - Sale by direction of Cranfield and Wheeler (Solicitor)
291 - Sale for the Rector of All Saints, Huntingdon
292 - Sale by direction of Hunnybun and Sons, Solicitors
294 - Sale for Executors of J.T.Daintree, Esquire
295 - Sale for Mrs Walkin's Trustees.
Expand 10 - Auction sales book10 - Auction sales book
Expand 11 - Auction sales book11 - Auction sales book
Expand 12 - Auction sales book12 - Auction sales book
Expand 13 - Auction sales book13 - Auction sales book
Expand 14 - Auction sales book14 - Auction sales book
Expand 15 - Auction sales book15 - Auction sales book
Expand 16 - Auction sales book16 - Auction sales book
Expand 17 - Auction sales book17 - Auction sales book
Expand 18 - Auction sales book18 - Auction sales book
Expand 19 - Auction sales book19 - Auction sales book
20 - Auction sales book (binder)
21 - Register of estate sales
22 - Sale particulars of Bateman Brown estates
23 - Auctioneer's notice: J.M. Johnson
Expand 24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books24 - Sale particulars mostly formerly loose in sale books
Expand 25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars25 - Plans for auction sales without accompanying particulars
26 - Tracing of plan of Hartford Marina, marked for two lots for sale extending to The Grove and Hartford House
Expand 2 - John Looker, auctioneer2 - John Looker, auctioneer
Expand 3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots3 - S.V. Ekins, auctioneer of St. Neots
Expand 4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives4 - Ekins and Co., auctioneers of St. Ives
Expand 5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives5 - Cyril Watts, auctioneer of St. Ives
Expand 6 - Plans (additional)6 - Plans (additional)
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)7 - Miscellaneous papers (additional)
Expand 4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed4170A - Accession 4170 records: listed
Expand 4321 - Accession 4321 records4321 - Accession 4321 records