Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KFE - Feversham CollectionKFE - Feversham Collection
Expand 1 - Manor of Waresley and descent of the Waresley Estate1 - Manor of Waresley and descent of the Waresley Estate
Expand 2 - Manor of Waresley: Purchase by Needham2 - Manor of Waresley: Purchase by Needham
Expand 3 - Manor of Waresley: Purchase of 3a1r17p by Octavius Duncombe, from Allington, 1844.3 - Manor of Waresley: Purchase of 3a1r17p by Octavius Duncombe, from Allington, 1844.
Expand 4 - Waresley Leases4 - Waresley Leases
Expand 5 - Waresley Estate Documents and Miscellaneous5 - Waresley Estate Documents and Miscellaneous
Collapse 6 - Tetworth Estate6 - Tetworth Estate
158 - Papers of the Pedley Estate and regarding purchases by Pedley with one Waresley deed. Conveyance Grant
159 - Quitclaim
160 - Conveyance £1050
161 - Copy-Conveyance £1050
162 - Confirmation of several conveyance
163 - Couterpart of 162 signed and sealed by 1,2,3 and 4 and signed by 6
164-5 - Exemplification of Fine -200 marks (with draft and copy)
166 - Farm with closes including Lawnde Closes
167 - Marriage Settlement?
168 - Conveyance (feoffment) £400
169 - Bond for quiet enjoyment £600
170 - Messuage 7acres and 190acres purchased by Pedley 1652
171 - Lease for a further, consecutive term of 99 years
172 - Assignment of leases
173 - Lease for life and 1 year (see 160 above)
174 - Confirmation of Conveyance £16
175 - Mortgage (Lease for 1000 years) £100
176 - Conveyance (feoffment)
177 - Lease for 20 years or lives
178 - Lease for 100 years (Mortgage)
179 - Assignment of lease £26
180 - Conveyance (feoffment) £165
181 - Surrender
182 - Assignment of lease
183 - Grant of annuity of £20
184 - Conveyance Feoffment £190
185 - Mortgage (lease for 99 years) £150
186 - Mortgage (lease for 99 years) £150
187 - Mortgage (lease for 500 years) £50 (to be paid August 1653)
188 - Assignment of long leases £200
189-90 - Two conveyances in one deed
191 - Fine £240
192 - Messuage, Bunhill, Sand and Peartree Closes and 100acres
193 - Conveyance (feoffment) £150
194 - Appointment of attorney to deliver seisen Musserage appoints Edmund Cooper of Tetworth, husbandman.
195 - Will of Richard Bishops of Tetworth
196 - Conveyance (feoffment) £80
197 - Conveyance (feoffment) £80
198 - Bond
199 - Fine £136
200 - Bond 200 marks
203 - Lease for 21 years
204 - Terrier of arable land of Richard Barrett
205 - Conveyance (feoffment)
206-7 - Marriage Settlement (feoffment to uses)
208 - Settlement (feoffment to uses)
209 - Conveyance (feoffment)
210 - Mortgage (feoffment) £124 (to be repaid May 1643)
210-2 - Fine £40
212 - Conveyance (feoffment) Transfer of mortgage? £100
213 - Receipt for money paid by Nicholas Pedley to Thomas Barrett
214 - Conveyance (feoffment) £550
215 - Receipt for £550 paid by Pedley to Barrett
216 - Lease for 100 years
217 - Quitclaim
218 - Assignment of lease £300
219 - Conveyance (Bargain and Sale) £442
220 - Assignment of Lease £600
221 - Conveyance (feoffment) [in trust] £600
222 - Quitclaim £400
223 - Mortgage (lease for 60 years) £400
224 - Appointment of Attorney of deliver seisen
225 - Receipt for £90 paid by Pedley to Sir J. and Robert Jacob and J. Hayes
226 - Quitclaim
227 - Quitclaim
228 - Conveyance (feoffment) £240
229 - Conveyance (feoffment) £42
230 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £380
231 - Conveyance (feoffment) £300
232 - Covenant for quiet enjoyment (bond)
233 - Appointment of attorney to deliver seisen
234 - Conveyance (feoffment) £80 (Mortgage)
235 - Bond-£100
236-7 - Conveyance (Lease for 3 years and Release) £80
238 - Receipt for £80 paid by Pedley to Cooper
239 - Conveyance (feoffment) £260
240 - Bond £50
241 - Conveyance (feoffment) £47
242 - Bond £100 For performance of covenants in 241
243 - Final Concord £41
244 - Conveyance (feoffment) £900
245 - Bond £1000
246 - Conveyance (feoffment) 43 shillings.
247-8 - Conveyance (feoffment) £30 (2 copies, the first with greater sureties and note of seisen)
249 - Conveyance (Lease for 3 year, for 20/- and 1d rent, and release.) £50
251 - Mortgage (Bargain and Sale) £300 (to be paid April 1657)
252 - 2 Conveyances (Bargain and sale)
253 - Conveyance (feoffment) £100
254 - Receipt for £40 part of purchase money for property in 253.
255-6 - Fine
257 - Quit claim £300
258 - Receipt for £305 5-0
259 - Receipt for full purchase money paid by Pedley to Cooper, except £40 that is to be paid to Thomas Bonest of Everton by Pedley.
260 - Conveyance (feoffment) £40
261 - Lease for 10,000 years
262 - Receipt for £40 paid by Thomas Dod the younger to H. Foster
263 - Bond £100
264 - Condition of bond
265 - Conveyance (Lease and Release sewn together) £53
266 - Exchange
267 - Mortgage (assignment) £40
268 - Receipt for £20
269 - Conveyance (feoffment) £80
270 - Covenant to sell £10
271 - Covenant to save harmless from statute staple
272-3 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £200
274 - Assignment of Lease of 21 years £900
275-6 - Conveyance (feoffment) £62
277 - Mortgage (lease for 500 years) £50 (to be repaid April 1678)
278 - Conveyance (Lease for 1 month, and Release)
280 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £140
282 - Bond for £80 by Bishopp to Phipps for performance of covenants
283 - Assignment of Lease
284 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £155
286 - Grant of fee farm £2-5-10
287 - Quit claim by J. Smith of Everton, yeoman to J. Pedley.
288 - Assignment of lease 5acres
289 - Marriage Settlement (covenant to stand siesed) £1200
290 - Marriage Settlement (grant of annuities)
291 - Marriage Settlement (Conveyance to uses) £300 paid by 2. £1000 to be paid by Ursula Bexwell
292 - Will of Sir Nicholas Pedley, serjeant at law
293 - Recovery
294 - Abstract of Mr. J. Pedley's title to Manor of Wistow and divers other land in Huntingdonshire.
295 - Marriage Settlement £2000
296 - Chancery Decree: Wistow Rectory
297 - Will of J. Pedley of Tetworth, Esq.
298-9 - Deed to lead of a recovery for barring entails (Lease and Release)
300 - Recovery
301 - Mortgage (Lease for 500 years) £3000 at 4 interest
302 - Quit claim, in exchange for mortgage
303-4 - Marriage Settlement (Lease and Release) £4000 and £2000
305 - Quitclaim on settled estates £1500
306-7 - Endorsed receipt for payment
308 - Will of Nicholas Pedley
309 - Enclosures: Note of Interrment: 1778 October 23 Nicholas Pedley, Esq. Interred in St. Mary Lebon church, close to the North will and about to feet from the east wall, being directly under the monument of Long Esq.
310-11 - Deed to make a tenant to the pricipe for a Recovery to bar entails Receipt of costs of probate, 9 November 1778, total £1-19-0.
312 - Lease and Release
313 - Recovery
314 - Sale of fee farm rent of 4 shillings per year on Stanhope Pedley's lands in Tetworth
315 - Will of Catherine Pedley of St. George's Hanover Square (later of St. le Bone) spinster
316-7 - Reconveyance on repayment of mortgage money (Lease and Release)
318 - Will of Stanhope Pedley
319 - Administration of goods of Reverend J. Pedley of Trinity College, Cambridge, granted to his sister Mary Pedley, spinster.
320 - Will of Mary Pedley of Tetworth, Huntingdonshire, and Beaumont Street, St Mary le Bone, Middlesex, spinster.
321 - Conveyance (feoffment) and Reconveyance (Lease and Release endorsed on feoffment)
322 - Mortgage (Lease and Release) £1800
324-5 - Fine £60
326 - Fine £2920
327 - Marriage Settlement (Release, lease missing)
328 - Rough Account for purchase of Tetworth Property
329 - Receipt for plan and valuation of Manor of Tetworth-Metcalfe and Woodhouse, Lincoln's Inn
330 - Agreement for sale £36,000
331 - Conveyance for £16000
332 - Letter regarding payment of purchase money.
333 - Tetworth (and Wistow) leases: Lease for 12 years
334 - Lease for 9 years
335 - Lease for 15years
336-7 - Lease for 15 years (2 counterparts)
338 - Lease for 31 years
339 - Lease for 21 years
340 - Lease for 12 years
341 - Lease for 9 years
342 - Lease for 12 years
343 - Lease for 13 years
344 - Lease for 12 years
345 - Lease for 15 years
346 - Lease for 12 years
347 - Lease for 1 year
348 - Lease for 3 years
349 - Lease for 9 years
350 - Lease for 3 years
351 - Lease for years
352 - Lease for 3 years
353 - Lease for 9 years
354 - Lease for 9 years
355 - Lease for 1 year
356 - Lease for 3 years
357 - Lease for 3 years
358 - Lease for 3 years
359 - Lease for 14 years
360 - Lease for 21 years
361 - Lease for 40 years (copy) For making bricks
367 - Court Roll for Manor of Tetworth with Everton Berry
368 - A Particular and valuation of the manor of Tetworth the estate of Stanhope Pedley Esq, 1793. A booklet of 30 or 40 pages with a summary on page 26.
369 - Grant of rights in Nell's Lane Gamlingay leading from Woodberry Lane to Mr Foley's Paddock, and in the hedge: £15-4-6 to be paid as value of timber-William Wilkinson to H. Foley.
370 - Sun Fire Policy-cost £5-12-3 plus duty £7-11-6 per year
371 - Certificate of marriage of J. Pedley and Judith Stanhope-signed Michael Stanhope.
372-80 - Copies of entries in Parish Registers monumental inscriptions etc. 1660-1841
381 - Affidavit of H. Foley concerning pedigree of Pedley Family and heirship of the daughter of the 3rd Earl of Harborough, a descendant of Nicholas Pedley and heiress at law to mary Pedley at the time of her death-Pedigree annexed.
381A - Part of a plan of the Tetworth Estate on the borders of the parishes of Gamlingay, Tempsford, Little Barford, and Waresley.
Expand 382382
383 - Grant of tithes (Bargain and Sale enrolled)
384 - Will of Alex Brittain of Abbotsley, gent (Probate)
385-6 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £320
387-8 - Mortgage (Lease and Release) £400
389 - Bond regarding FE/6/387-8
390-91 - Fine regarding FE/6/387-9
392 - Further charge £105
393 - Bond regarding FE/6/392
394 - Probate of Will of Alex White of Abbotsley, gent
395 - Probate of will of Margaret Mary White of Abbotsley, widow
396 - Quit claim
397 - Quit claim on receipt of £100 legacy
398 - Conveyance (Lease and release) £1045 (to 1) and £505 (to 3) and £540 (to 4)
400 - Quit claim on receipt of legacy
401 - Mortgage (term of 500 years) £1000 and 4% interest
402 - Assignment of Mortgage and Further Charge (term of 500 years and a new term of 1000 years) £1000 and £600
403 - Deed to declare uses of a fine
404-5 - Fine accordingly ( 2parts)
406 - Probate of will of William Pickard of Abbotsley, farmer
407 - 3 Receipts for legacies
408-9 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £3000 (ie. £1600 to pay off mortgage, £1655 to 1 for freehold, £45 to 1 for copyhold)
410-14 - Surrenders and Admissions to copyhold, Manor of Abbotsley (belonging to Queen's College, Cambridge
415 - Quit claim and Receipt for legacy £500
416 - Quit claim and receipt for legacy £200
417 - Letters of Administration
418 - Copy of will of sarah Mattin, of Great Staughton, spinster
419 - Acts for Abbotsley Inclosure
420 - Extract from Abbotsley Award as to old Inclosures given up as allottable land and awardeed to Mr. William Day.
421 - Conveyance £5092-10-0 (of which £1600 is paid to 3 and the rest to 1)
422 - Mortgage in fee £3000
423 - Abstract of Title of H. Smith
424 - Reconveyance on repayment of mortgage money £3000
425 - Conveyance £6300
426 - Purchase from Norman 1848 by Duncombe. Conveyance (feoffment) £20
427-8 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) Copies made 24 April 1848
429 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £28
431 - Mortgage (feoffment) (Copy made 1848) £500
432 - Abstract of title of J. Willson to above (with other property not specified)
433 - Extract from Inclosure Award
434 - Release of Copyhold from Mortgage
435 - Conveyance £550
436 - Covenant to produce deeds-regarding conveyance as in FE435
437 - Surrender (Manor of Gamlingay Merton) Copy £210
438 - Abstract of title of J.O.Norman to 3a3r freehold and 2a1r copyhold
439 - Abstract of title of J.O.Norman to Copyhold of Manor of Gamlingay Merton
440 - Conveyance Lease and Release £453
440-458 - Gamlingay: Purchases by Duncombe from Woods, 1848:16a29p in Shortwood Field and 1r15p in Green End.
442-3 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £17
444 - Bond
445 - Will of Charlotte Brown of Sarson, Cambridge, widow.
446-7 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £150 and Mortgage (term of 1000 years) £60.
448 - Bond
449 - Assignment of Mortgage
450 - Assignment of Mortgage £100 a further £25 advanced by Cooper to Wells.
451 - Bond
452 - Assignment (deed poll) £125
453-4 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £127-10-0 (of which £125 has gone to Cooper in repayment for mortgage)
455 - Final Concord re above-jointly with another conveyance
456-7 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £56
458 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £200
459 - Gamlingay: Purchases by Duncombe from Woods, 1848:16a29p in Shortwood Field and 1r15p in Green End.
460 - Terrier
460-466 - Gamlingay: Purchases by Duncombe from Woods, 1848:16a29p in Shortwood Field and 1r15p in Green End.
461 - Bond
462-3 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £220
464 - Will of Charles Woods of Tempsford, farmer (Copy made 1848)
465 - Conveyance £1410
466 - Abstract of title of Mary Elizabeth Woods
467 - Conveyance (feoffment) £107
468 - Mortgage Settlement £100 (Hannah B. to Willson)
469 - Deed to lead of uses of a fine
470 - Final Concord
471 - Letters of Admin
472 - Mortgage (term of 500 years) £100
473 - Assignment of Mortgage
474 - Conveyance (feoffment) £22-10-0
475 - Assignment of term to attend inheritance
476 - Assignment of term to attend inheritance
477 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £280
479 - Reverend Enoch Manning's declaration regarding witnesses to will of J. Willson.
480 - Reverend Enoch Manning's declaration of burial of Ruth Williams in the yard of the Baptist Chapel Gamlingay 1816 and of death of her son J. Willson, 16 September 1839
481 - Mortgage (Lease and Release) £300
483 - Further Charge £300
484 - Conveyance £75
485 - Certificate of Commissioners for taking acknowledgement of deeds of married women regarding conveyance of 16 March 1842 by Enoch Manning and Mary his wife.
486 - Abstract of title of Claydon to cottage at Gamlingay
487 - Abstract of Title of Paine to above properties
488 - Mortgage. Abstract of title of Paine to above properties
489-90 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £35
491 - Mortgage (term of 500 years) £30
492 - Bond
493 - Further Charge £20 (total now £60)
494 - Conveyance (Release, Lease missing) £65-5-9 (to Rowlett) and £32-14-3 (to Gay)
495 - Assignment of term
496 - Mortgage (term of 500 years) £100
497-8 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £88-19-0
499 - Mortgage (term of 500 years) £50
500 - Conveyance (feoffment) £6
501-2 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £142 (of which £100 goes to 2 to repay mortgage)
503 - Will of William Cross, the elder of Tetworth, farmer (copy)
504 - Mortgage (term of 500 years) £100
505-6 - Mortgage (Lease and Release) £120-6-0
507 - Conveyance £120
508 - Mortgage (term of 500 years) £200
509 - Abstract of title of Paine to allotments of 2acres
510 - Conveyance £369 to 2, £208 to 4, £153 to 1, Total £1000
511 - Will of James Paine the elder of Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire, yeoman (copy)
512 - Assignment of lease, and release of trustee from all claims under will.
513 - Abstract of title
514 - Accountant General's Certificate
515 - Assignment of Lease £9000
516 - Conveyance
517-8 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £200 Copy made April 23 1849
519 - Abstract of title
520-21 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £22-1-0
522 - Conveyance and £135 (to Phillips) and £85 to Cannon
523 - Covenant for Production of deeds
524-5 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £40
526 - Ticket of Allotment (Gamlingay Enclosure)
527 - Will of William Saunderson of Wootton, farmer (copy)
528 - Abstract of title of Saunderson to 1acre land in Gamlingay
529 - Declaration of William Kitchiner Darrington of Bedford
530 - Conveyance £100
531 - Schedule of title deeds
532-3 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £460
534-5 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) £470
536 - Condition of Sale of Topham Property
537 - Abstract of title of Mr Moses Topham
538 - Schedule of deeds
539 - Conveyance £450
540 - Particular and Conditions of Sale with contract for purchase of lot 16 by Duncombe.
540-3 - Purchase of 5a1r in Shortwood Field of Wilkieson by Duncombe.
541 - Abstract of Title of Wilkieson
542 - Conveyance £450
543 - Schedule of above 3 documents
Expand 544544
544 - Abstract of title Messrs Dew. Conveyance (Lease and Release) £567-4-10
544-8 - Park Close (5a8p) bought of Dew. by Duncombe, 1862.
545 - Conditions of sale of agreement for release
546 - Requisition of Title
547 - Conveyance £170
548 - Schedule of above documents
549 - Mortgage in fee £2300
549-65 - Property belonging in turn to Lenton , Bowyer and Fairey . No Feversham purchase deed.
Expand 550 - Chancery Case-Lenton v. Lenton. 1. Abstract of title550 - Chancery Case-Lenton v. Lenton. 1. Abstract of title
551 - Chancery case, Lenton v Lenton
552 - Court order for sale
553 - Court order for sale
554 - Court order for sale
555 - Cerificate of payment of purchase money
556 - Abstract of transfer of mortgage
557 - Conveyance £2250
558 - Declaration in support of title
559 - Mortgage in fee £1500
560 - Abstract of title of Bowyer as mortgage (incomplete)
561 - Notice of Mortgage
562 - Mortgage in fee £1600
563 - Conveyance £1600
564 - Abstract of title of J.D.Fairly
565 - Schedule of deeds of Fairey's land in mortgage to Bowyer
566 - Lease for 21 years. Rent £338 per year payable quarterly
567-8 - Gransden fee farm purchased by Duncombe of Downing College
569-70 - Copy of receipt
571 - Miscellaneous
574 - Folder of plans etc