Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KHAC3KHAC3
3001 - Dickinson's Historical map of Huntingdonshire
3003 - Huntingdon Music Makers Club programme
3010 - St Neots Congregational Sunday School souvenir
3014 - Maddox and Sons memorabilia suitcase
3016 - HCC: smallholdings deeds
3017 - Great and Little Staughton farm deeds (copies)
3020 - Abbots Ripton railway disaster poem
Expand 3023 - Bluntisham-cum-Earith book, papers and photos3023 - Bluntisham-cum-Earith book, papers and photos
3024 - Pedigree of the Field and Cromwell families to 1898
3026 - Freemans Lands case for counsel papers
3028 - Huntingdon business distribution map
3031 - HCC: Uggmere Cote Drove Road land agents records
3034 - Bluntisham poor rate 1848 and Earith highway rate 1854
3039 - St Ives Ladies School handbill
3045 - Somersham deeds
3046 - Kimbolton probate
3047 - Colour photo of Huntingdonshire County Council Honours Board and Shield of Arms
Expand 3048 - Great Paxton and Little Paxton history notes3048 - Great Paxton and Little Paxton history notes
Expand 3050 - Covington and Molesworth probates3050 - Covington and Molesworth probates
3054 - HCC: smallholdings plans and elevations
3057 - Engraving, Huntingdon Literary and Scientific Institute
3061 - Copies of PRO state papers re Valentine Walton
3064 - Womens Institute calendars
3065 - Little Gidding church renovation correspondence
3066 - St Neots poor rate book
3067 - Copy of Spyers Survey, Fenstanton and Hilton Manor, 1777
3068 - St Ives Borough Council byelaws
3070 - “Geographia” map of Northamptonshire and part of Huntingdonshire by Alexander Gross
3074 - Huntingdon mayor inaugural speech
3086 - Godmanchester and Brampton SPs (copies)
3087 - Peterborough Free Library elevations and sections
Expand 3088 - Eighteen miscellaneous articles and illustrations3088 - Eighteen miscellaneous articles and illustrations
Expand 3089 - Copies of Eynesbury Church House deeds3089 - Copies of Eynesbury Church House deeds
3100 - Alconbury Rectory lease
3101 - Photos of Marshall Bros. brewery posters
3102 - Hunts breweries labels (copies) etc
3104 - Peterborough aerodrome electricity contract
3107 - Godmanchester petition to House of Commons
3109 - Papworth St Agnes release of claims 1850
3110 - Hilton Tithe Rents deeds
3122 - Copies of Molesworth pet cemetery records
3123 - Copy Godmanchester freeman's docket
Expand 3124 - Huntingdonshire Map Accession 3124: 21 miscellaneous engravings3124 - Huntingdonshire Map Accession 3124: 21 miscellaneous engravings
3125 - DOE building survey cards and photos
3128 - Monks Hardwick and St Neots copy maps
3132 - Copy of 1918 Admiralty cessation of hostilities telegram
3133 - RAF Wyton open day photos
3137 - Photos [7] of the funeral of George Maddox of Huntingdon
3139 - Copy of Pope Urban III brief re St Ives Priory 1186
3147 - Copy of St Neots manor court roll
3151 - St Neots gravestones photos
3152 - Copy of St Neots Commons 1774 act
3153 - WW2 pilot's log book and related papers
3154 - Copy of PRO Privy Council depopulation return
3155 - Copies of Stow Longa parish records
3160 - Somersham farm SPs
3162 - Colne lease
3164 - Needingworth SPs
3165 - St Neots Day's brewery SPs
3168 - Grafham Water and Ouse plans and sections
3170 - Huntingdon architects' survey plans
Expand 3180 - Illustrated London News items and Hall's County Map3180 - Illustrated London News items and Hall's County Map
3183 - Huntingdon Music Makers Club programmes
Expand 3185 - Watercolours of Brington by Lilian Goodchild, 1930’s3185 - Watercolours of Brington by Lilian Goodchild, 1930’s
3186 - Copies of Huntingdon 1630 charter and 1684 visitation
Expand 3194 - St Ives and St Neots prints (copies)3194 - St Ives and St Neots prints (copies)
3195 - Huntingdonshire Beekeepers Association records
3196 - W.R.V.S. scrapbook
3199 - Copy of Kimbolton Lyminge manor map
3201 - Copy In Memoriam cards
3207 - Hemingford Grey watermill account book
3208 - St Ives Slepe Hall abstract of title
3209 - Great Staughton copy will
3214 - DOE building survey cards and photos
3215 - Godmanchester memoirs
3220 - Boxworth and Offord Darcy marriage settlements
Expand 3221 - Probates of Standley family of Paxton3221 - Probates of Standley family of Paxton
Collapse 3222 - Somersham, Chatteris, Kimbolton, St Neots deeds and SPs3222 - Somersham, Chatteris, Kimbolton, St Neots deeds and SPs
Collapse 1 - Stonely, Kimbolton1 - Stonely, Kimbolton
1 - Lease and release lands in Stonely 1) Beatrice Tubman of Stonely, spinster, executive of the will of Robert Taylor of Barnwell All Saints, Northamptonshire, gentleman 2) Robert Heming junior of St Andrews, Holborne, Middlesex, barrister. Consideration: £500
2 - Mortgage for 500 years on cottages and lands in Stonely and in Pavenham, Bedfordshire 1) Robert Taylor of Stonely, Kimbolton, gentleman, son and heir of William Taylor, gentleman, who was son and heir of William Taylor, yeoman, who was son and heir of Robert Taylor, yeoman (all of Stonely, Kimbolton) 2) John Harding of Kimbolton, apothecary. Consideration: £177
3 - Manor of Kimbolton: copy of Robert Taylor's admissions, etc, from 11 October 1732 to 15 October 1740
4 - Assignment of a mortgage on cottages and lands in Stonely and in Pavenham, Bedfordshire 1) John Harding of Kimbolton, apothecary 2) Robert Taylor of Stonely, Kimbolton, yeoman 3) George Rust of Huntingdon, merchant. Consideration: £240 6s
5 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission of Robert Taylor to a messuage and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, lately held by his father Robert Taylor, decd
6 - Discharge of a mortgage on cottages and lands in Stonely and in Pavenham, Bedfordshire (deed poll) 1) Robert Taylor of Stonely, Kimbolton, yeoman 2) George Rust of Huntingdon, merchant. Consideration: £800 and interest
7 - Bond for £800: parties and premises as in mortgage discharge of 25 March 1753 (Acc3222/1/6)
8 - Probate of the will of Robert Taylor of Hardwick, St Neots, yeoman
9 - Account of lands in Stonely lately belonging to Mr Taylor (nd, 18th century)
10 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission of George Rust of Huntingdon, merchant, to a messuage and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, upon the forfeited conditional surrender of Robert Taylor of Stonely, yeoman, decd
11 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission of George Rust upon his own surrender to messuages and lands in Kimbolton
12 - Manor of Kimbolton: copy from the Stonely inclosure award of the allotments made to Mr George Rust
13 - Agreement relating to copyhold farm and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, previously occupied by Robert Taylor, decd 1) George Rust of Huntingdon, merchant 2) Arthur Billett of Little Stukeley, farmer and Elizabeth his wife
14 - Lease and release of close of land in Stonely, Kimbolton 1) Thomas Taylor of Hatton Street, St Andrew's, Holborn, Middlesex, clerk, and Ann his wife and others 2) Thomas Smith of Cambridge, upholder. Consideration: £48 (A final concord of the 1 November 1779 made between the above parties relating to the same close of land is with these deeds)
15 - Assignment of a mortgage on cottages and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton 1) George Rust of Huntingdon, merchant 2) James Burton of Sawtry, gentleman, and Mary his wife, only daughter and heir of Robert Taylor of Hardwicke, St Neots, decd 3) John Palmer of Kimbolton, gentleman. Consideration: £1400. Endorsed with assignment of a mortgage 6 April 1785 (Acc 3222/1/16)
16 - Manor of Kimbolton: copy conditional surrender of 3 plots of lands lying in Stonely, Kimbolton 1) James Burton, Sawtry, and Mary his wife 2) John Palmer of Kimbolton, gentleman. Consideration: £1,400
17 - Manor of Kimbolton: copy conditional surrender of 3 plots of lands lying in Stonely, Kimbolton 1) James Burton, Sawtry, and Mary his wife 2) John Palmer of Kimbolton, gentleman. Consideration: £200
18 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission to lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, of Mary Burton, heir-at-law, of Robert Taylor, decd
19 - Manor of Kimbolton: absolute surrender of lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, 1) James Burton and Mary his wife 2) George Richards
20 - Lease and release of farmhouse, cottage, and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton 1) James Burton of Sawtry, gentleman, and Mary his wife 2) George Richards of New Inn, Middlesex, gentleman. Consideration: £345 18s 6d
21 - Lease and release of messuage in Stonely, Kimbolton 1) Thomas Smith of Cambridge, auctioneer, and Catherine his wife (formerly Catherine Deverell) 2) George Richards of New Inn, Middlesex, gentleman. Consideration: £1,050
22 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission of George Richards of New Inn, Middlesex, Esq, to property in Stonely, Kimbolton, surrendered by J Rust and James Burton and Mary his wife
23 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission of George Richards of New Inn, Middlesex, Esq, to a messuage and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, surrendered by Thomas Smith of Cambridge, upholdserer
24 - Lease and release of close of land in Stonely, Kimbolton 1) William Gore of Stonely, Kimbolton, thatcher, and Mary his wife (only son of Daniel Gore, ratcatcher) 2) George Richards of Berners Street, Marylebone, Middlesex, gentleman. Consideration: £100
26 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission of the Reverend Harry Welstead to messuages and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, surrendered by George Richards, Esq, decd
27 - Manor of Kimbolton: copy admission of Marion Welstead of Fenstanton to messuages and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, under the will of Daniel Welstead, eldest brother of the Reverend Harry Welstead, decd
28 - Grant of a jointure or rent charge of £200. 1) George Richards Welstead of Stonely Hall, Kimbolton, Esq 2) Sarah Greaves Gibbeson of the City of Bath, Somerset, spinster. Issuing out of the capital messuage known as Stonely Hall, with the pleasure grounds and other lands and six cottages, all in Stonely, Kimbolton, upon the intended marriage of 1) and 2)
29 - Manor of Kimbolton: copy admission of George Richards Welstead to messuages and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton, upon the death of Marion Welstead of Fenstanton, gentleman and under the will of Daniel Welstead of Kimbolton (Marion Welstead was the father of David and George Richards Welstead)
30 - Manor of Kimbolton: award of enfranchisement to George Richards Welstead of No. 38 Clarendon Square, Leamington, Warwickshire, Esq, upon 3 cottages near Park Lane, Stonely, Kimbolton
31 - Manor of Kimbolton: abstract of title of John Thomas Wimperis, Esq, to 3 cottages situated at Park Lane, Stonely, Kimbolton
32 - Manor of Kimbolton: admittance of Sarah Greaves Welstead of 38, Clarendon Square, Leamington, Warwickshire, widow, to messuages and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton
33 - Manor of Kimbolton: admission of Gertrude Amelia Welstead of Buckden, widow, to messuages and lands in Stonely upon the death of Sarah Greaves Welstead of 38, Clarendon Square, Leamington, Warwickshire, and under the will of George Richards Welstead
34 - Schedule of deeds and documents relating to premises in Stonely, Kimbolton, delivered over to Mrs Gertrude A. Welstead as tenant for life under the will of the late George Richards, Esq
35 - Form C-1 issued by the Inland Revenue entitled: An account of property chargeable with estate duty on the death of Sarah Greaves Welstead, of Buckden, widow, upon the death of Sarah Greaves Welstead. Schedules of real property in Kimbolton and Somersham attached (including Stonely Hall)
36 - Manor of Kimbolton: award of enfranchisement of Mrs G.A. Welstead of Stonely, Kimbolton, widow, upon messuages and lands in Stonely, Kimbolton
37 - An account of Stonely lands belonging to Miss Taylor's farm at Stonely previous to the inclosure, nd (late 18th century)
38 - List of payments to various persons (unidentified), nd (18th century)
Expand 2 - Longsands, St Neots2 - Longsands, St Neots
Expand 3 - Somersham and Chatteris3 - Somersham and Chatteris
3229 - Huntingdon Hosiery Mill costing book
Expand 3231 - Ramsey and Wistow deeds3231 - Ramsey and Wistow deeds
Expand 32323232
3233 - 1. Photocopies of Inskip Ladds drawings and plans of Ellington Church. 2. Photocopies of Inskip Ladds drawings of the arms on the Dyer tomb, Great Staughton Church
Expand 3234 - Covington and Catworth Items3234 - Covington and Catworth Items
3235 - Wages book Ashbeach Farm, Ramsey St Mary (copy)
Expand 32363236
3240 - Rennie's report on the South and Middle Levels,
3243 - Wansford papers including Haycock Inn guest book
3244 - Norman Cross RDC appointment of sanitary inspector
3245 - Copies of Catworth Charity records
3246 - Godmanchester Borough freemens dockets etc
3250 - Catworth pub deeds (copies)
Expand 3254 - Paine's Brewery: uncatalogued papers3254 - Paine's Brewery: uncatalogued papers
Expand 3255 - River Nene reports and acts 3255 - River Nene reports and acts
3256 - Hemingford Abbots ex-workhouse conveyance (copy)
Expand 32573257
3260 - Huntingdonshire by Murray
3261 - Hunts Cyclists group photos
Expand 3263 - World War One letters (photocopies only)3263 - World War One letters (photocopies only)
3266 - Womens Institute pictorial calendar
3272 - Huntingdonshire by Archer
3276 - Catworth terrier of Wm Bevell lands
3280 - Conington agreement
3283 - Various St Neots area photos
3285 - Inventory of Eynesbury maltster etc
3289 - Eaton Socon graveyard plan
Expand 3290 - Charity Commissioners statements of accounts3290 - Charity Commissioners statements of accounts
3291 - Copy plans of Great Gransden streets
3293 - Railway plans
3294 - Fenstanton Brewery sale particulars
3295 - Great Paxton deeds
Expand 3296 - Catworth deeds3296 - Catworth deeds
Expand 3297B - Modern prints [6] of JM Heathcote’s photographs3297B - Modern prints [6] of JM Heathcote’s photographs
3299 - Huntingdon Paving Cleansing and Lighting Act
3301 - Murkett Brothers letters (copies) etc
3303 - Kidman family history fiche
3304 - Ekins Dilley brochure etc
3305 - Peterborough Lincoln Road postcard
3306 - Abbotsley Reservoir Ad Hoc Committee records
3308 - Great Stukeley grant of annuity
3311 - St Neots SPs (copies)
Expand 33123312
3314 - Ramsey War Memorial order of service etc
3316 - Two copies of a plan of St Neots Priory
3317 - CCC Architects plan of Cromwell's Barn, St Ives
Expand 3318 - Records of Joseph Abbott shoemaker of Brampton 3318 - Records of Joseph Abbott shoemaker of Brampton
3319 - Buckworth farms SPs
3320 - Copy of Henry Peacham's Complete Gentleman
Expand 3324 - Huntingdonshire Map Accession 33243324 - Huntingdonshire Map Accession 3324
Expand 33263326
Expand 3327 - Aerial photographs3327 - Aerial photographs
3329 - Huntingdon YMCA minutes
3334 - Hand and Hand Friendly Society records
Expand 3336 - Hemingford Abbots Manorial Records and Douglas Estate Records3336 - Hemingford Abbots Manorial Records and Douglas Estate Records
3338 - Papers re Mr FT Allen of Ramsey
3339 - St Ives Temperence Society rules, Cromwell statue etc.
Expand 3340 - Seven photographs3340 - Seven photographs
3342 - Alconbury deeds and manorial documents (Admissions, surrenders etc)
3344 - Hunts County Magazines etc
3348 - Yaxley and District Constitutional Association records
3349 - Photocopies of Tilbrook deeds
3352 - Hilton Park Farm deeds
3353 - Plan of the Three Shires Stone
3354 - Bacons County Map and Guide; St Neots Advertiser
3358 - Wistow cottage deeds
3359 - Hensons Charity records (Holme and Glatton)
3362 - St Neots, Eynesbury area glass plates
3363 - Stamford poll book
3364 - Eaton Socon postcard
Expand 3365 - Diaries of Miss Leppard of Great Stukeley3365 - Diaries of Miss Leppard of Great Stukeley
3366 - Prints of Hunts pubs and other buildings
3368 - Colne, Pidley, Somersham etc deeds
3369 - St Ives and Houghton pub deeds
3370 - Bluntisham, Colne, Somersham, Buckden deeds
3371 - Huntingdon blacksmiths shop etc deeds
3375 - Alconbury manorial custumal (copy only)
3376 - Brampton fish shop account book
Expand 3377 - Measures and Blake family photos3377 - Measures and Blake family photos
3378 - Ecclesiastical pamphlets
3379 - British Transport Commission agreements
Expand 3380 - Hunts photos3380 - Hunts photos
3381 - Bythorn altar design
3382 - Plans of the County Girls School Peterborough
3385 - Hunts and Cambs Assizes: calendars of prisoners
3386 - Hunts Post
3389 - St Ives Garden Allotment Association minute book
3390 - Keyston manor marriage settlement
3391 - Photo of Toseland manor outdoor staff
3393 - Prints of Covington Sunday School
3394 - Photo of Covington Old Rectory
3396 - Hunts Cyclists Battalion football fixture list
3397 - Memo re Aldworth Church (Berks) seating
3399 - Falcon brewery plan, Huntingdon
3404 - Hunts photos and postcards
3405 - Farcet baptism register
3407 - HCC: sewage disposal report
3408 - Plan of Godmanchester station
3409 - Plan of Ramsey St Marys station (photocopy)
3411 - Somersham Crown and Punchbowl pub deeds
3412 - Bluntisham deeds
3416 - Royal Oak Benefit Society pass books
3417 - Warboys churchyard photos
Expand 3419 - Land tax assessments3419 - Land tax assessments
Expand 3424 - Buckden photos3424 - Buckden photos
3425 - Eaton Socon inclosure map (photostat)
3426 - Great Staughton deeds
Expand 3427 - Buckden photos, shop bill heads etc3427 - Buckden photos, shop bill heads etc
3428 - Banks family tree (Hail Weston)
3430 - Yaxley copyhold deed
Expand 3433 - Clearance Area maps3433 - Clearance Area maps
3434 - Plans [3] of British School, Huntingdon
3437 - Ann Izzard biography and Great Paxton document
3438 - Photocopies of three account books kept by William Coles Horsford and Jack (John) Horsford.
3441 - Goodman family tree and notes
3445 - Buckden bill heads etc
3447 - Buckden dressmakers account book
3448 - Tracing of Great Staughton inclosure map
Expand 3451 - Microfilms of the general entry books for the French and Dutch prisoners of war at Norman Cross, plus one register of the description of persons - Dutch prisoners of war at Norman Cross (2 reels)3451 - Microfilms of the general entry books for the French and Dutch prisoners of war at Norman Cross, plus one register of the description of persons - Dutch prisoners of war at Norman Cross (2 reels)
3452 - Hensons Charity records (Holme and Glatton)
3457 - St Neots Cedar House school site deeds
3459 - Kimbolton colour photos and negs
3462 - Computer print-out of Ramsey docs
3463 - Catworth House estate SPs (photocopies)
3470 - GN and GE railway plans
3471 - Copies of Huntingdon deeds
3474 - Photo of Glatton carrier's van
3476 - Photo of Great Gidding Latin word puzzle
3479 - Bushy close swimming pool, Huntingdon – notice of opening times and prices, 1969
Expand 3480 - Huntingdon and Godmanchester deeds3480 - Huntingdon and Godmanchester deeds
3481 - Copy plan of Durobrivae Roman settlement, Chesterton
3483 - Peter Gibson Collection: Houghton Mill print and neg
3485 - Little Stukeley inclosure act
3486 - Rosa Young: Notes and copies of Southoe and Diddington documents
3487 - Photocopy of plan of Standley estate in Southoe
3490 - Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Copy P.C.C. will of Mary Dunham of St Neots
3492 - Great Staughton deeds
3493 - Needingworth deeds
3494 - Charles Prentice Tebbutt: C P Tebbutt account book
3495 - Huntingdonshire County Council: Wyton aerodrome deeds
3497 - Godmanchester watermill photo
3499 - Photo of aircraft from RAF Wyton over Ely, c1955-6
3501 - B Lowe-Pinsford: Brampton barn photos
3505 - County Map 1850s; by Sidney Hall
3506 - Newspaper articles re Horsford murder (copies)
3510 - Stilton postcards
3511 - Transcripts of wills of Rudd family, Hitchin
3512 - Huntingdon, Godmanchester and Brampton postcards
3516 - Arras WW1 postcard book, Great Paxton photos
3517 - Huntly and Dale family photos
3518 - Buckden deeds
3519 - St Neots deeds
3520 - Kimbolton and Tilbrook sale poster
Expand 3521 - US Red Cross vehicles and staff in Huntingdon, photographs3521 - US Red Cross vehicles and staff in Huntingdon, photographs
3522 - Copy of Bishop of Islington will
3523 - N Butler: Kimbolton Ashfield House photo and notes
3524 - Conington history typescript
3526 - Schedules of Lord de Ramsey deeds (copies)
3527 - Hammond Family: Hammond of Fenstanton correspondence (copies)
3528 - Peterborough Crown Court opening programme and plans
3529 - Hunts postcards
3530 - Huntingdon postcards and photo of Rev RE Clark
3531 - R V Hawes: Photos of RV Hawes, his house in Huntingdon etc
3532 - Huntingdon Grammar School records
3533 - Copy of letter from Rev Noble to London
3534 - Godmanchester station photo and War Savings cert.
3535 - Elevations of Huntingdon High Street buildings
3536 - Peterborough Improvement Act 1790; turnpike act 1722
3537 - Eileen Clifford: Hunts churches MIs
3538 - Royal Commission for Historical Monuments: RCHM record cards for Hunts secular monuments (copies)
3539 - Hunts marathon race programme
3540 - Stanground deed (copy)
3541 - Kimbolton estate SPs
3542 - Copy of 1299 Huntingdon patent roll
3543 - Plan of Anglian Water buildings, Huntingdon
3544 - Hunts electoral divisions map
3552 - Ordnance Survey: OS 1-inch map Huntingdon area
3567 - Will of Rev Peckard, Magdalene College
3568 - Cambridge Chronicle re Horsford trial (2)
Expand 3574 - Black and white photographs of schools and county buildings3574 - Black and white photographs of schools and county buildings
3575 - Tilbrook deeds
3579 - Huntingdon Dispensary, Infirmary records (copies)
3580 - Chivers of Histon magazines
3581 - Waresley lease
Expand 3583 - Staughton and Eynesbury manorial records, inclosure etc3583 - Staughton and Eynesbury manorial records, inclosure etc
3584 - Godmanchester terrier (copy)
3585 - Perry Wheatsheaf Inn deeds (copies)
3587 - Domesday Project print-out for Catworth area
3591 - Yaxley deeds, incl. Proby Endowed School
3592 - Papers of Mrs Bulmer
3594 - Notes on the history of Slepe Hall School (copies)
3595 - Drainage records, acts and plans
3596 - Copies of deeds to the Walks East, Huntingdon
3597 - Sawtry copyhold deeds
3598 - Keyston deeds
3599 - St Ives copyhold deeds
3600 - St Neots aerial photos etc
3603 - Air Force 4 July poster
3606 - Ramsey: its People Town and Abbey by HC Barnes
3607 - Buckden deeds
3608 - Quaker birth certificates
3610 - Photograph of Hunts County Councillors
3612 - Earl of Orford
3613 - Arthur Mellows memorial lectures
3614 - Huntingdonshire Society for the Blind records
3615 - Hinchingbrooke Pageant postcards,
3620 - Orton Waterville deeds (copies)
3621 - Copies of papers re Holmewood estate
3622 - Copy statutory order creating new borough
3623 - Poster re murder of Mrs Leeton at Kimbolton
3627 - Holme floating church postcards
3628 - Notices of St Ives temperance day special trains
3630 - Postcard of Market Hill
3632 - Transcripts of Peterborough Advertiser articles
3633 - Letter re St Neots property
Expand 3635 - Keyston estate deeds and plans3635 - Keyston estate deeds and plans
Expand 3636 - Fletton deeds3636 - Fletton deeds
3637 - Huntingdon RDC file re annual grants
3638 - Covington Cricket Club records
3641 - Chesterton church photos and notes
3643 - Brampton deeds
3644 - St Ives butchers shop deeds and wills
3647 - Nene Valley Railway opening lunch menu
3648 - Waresley manor release
3649 - Somersham deeds and letters (copies)
3650 - Survey with photos of inscriptions on Hunts buildings
Expand 3652 - Oral history interview with Arthur Corby of St Neots (born 1885)3652 - Oral history interview with Arthur Corby of St Neots (born 1885)
3653 - Catworth Town Lands Charity schemes (copies)
Expand 36543654
Expand 36553655
3656 - Photocopy of Great North Road map
3661 - Little Stukeley and Alconbury abstract of title
Expand 36673667
3668 - Peterborough drainage court case records (copies)
Expand 3670 - Hunts SPs3670 - Hunts SPs
3673 - Huntingdon Music Makers Club, The Huntingdonian etc
3677 - Kimbolton farm out-letters book .
3678 - Photocopy of Fenstanton Baptist minister will
3679a - Records and photographs relating to Buckden Station and the Kettering-Huntingdon Railway
3685 - Notes and photos of Glatton history
3688 - Copies of Norman Cross Prisoner Of War beer contract etc
Expand 3693 - Washingley, Holme and Glatton SPs3693 - Washingley, Holme and Glatton SPs
3696 - Photo album of Huntingdon's courts and passages,
3698 - Elton Hall postcard
3700 - Hinchingbrooke House cigarette packet
3702 - Brampton Manor House and Eynesbury police house deeds
3707 - Newspaper fragment re Hartford
3713 - Pedley family pedigrees, notes etc (copies)
3714 - Estimate for work to be done at Glatton,
3717 - Ramsey Estate map, 1873 [RB3/67b is the book of reference]
3718 - Maddison and Hinde photo of a lady
3719 - Copy of Fenstanton petition re transportation etc
3721 - Map of the Leman and Newman estates, Warboys
3722 - Whitney prints
3724 - Bluntisham deeds (photocopies)
3725 - Notes on William Oliver of Ramsey
3726 - Quaker marriage certificate
3728 - PRO docs re Stilton, (copies)
3729 - Ledger of John Edwards butcher of St Ives
3730 - Midland Railway records, Kimbolton station
3731 - Waresley and Abbotsley P.C.C. wills (copies)
3733 - Newberry family tree and reminiscences (copy)
3736 - Brampton Hall library catalogue
3740 - Great Gransden estate plan
3741 - Transcript of Thomas Bearde's will
Expand 3742 - Hunts SPs3742 - Hunts SPs
3743 - Notes on the name Twelvetree
3744 - WW1 Upwood soldiers photos (copies)
3753 - Huntingdon and Godmanchester amalgamation order
3754 - Folksworth School trust deed (copy)
3755 - Hunts area postcard views
3756 - Bythorn deeds transcript
3757 - Huntingdon War Memorial order of service (copy)
3758 - Hunts Cyclists Battalion ephemera
3759 - Church of England Mens Society Huntingdon minutes
3760 - Papworth Everard parish registers (copies only)
3761 - Huntingdon Borough development committee report
Expand 3763 - Hockey and Son sales particulars 3763 - Hockey and Son sales particulars
3764 - Earith deeds
3765 - Sawtry copyhold deeds
3768 - Eaton Socon mill photo etc
3769 - Photocopies of Stilton Bell Inn deeds
3770 - Negatives of windmill photos
3773 - Great Gidding Baptist Chapel photos
Expand 3777 - Alconbury Weston deeds and historical notes3777 - Alconbury Weston deeds and historical notes
3778 - Great Paxton cross stump photo
3779 - Great Gransden photos
3780 - Bromide prints from glass plates of St Neots
3782 - Photograph of Anthony Reynolds tomb slab, Little Paxton
3784 - St Ives views
3785 - Plan of Townshend estate in Buckden
3787 - Huntingdon Newtown deeds
3789 - Sawtry garage bills
3791 - Poem by WH Edwards of Ramsey
3792 - Goodwin's reminiscences of Great Paxton
3796 - Notes on Hammond family of Fenstanton
Expand 3798 - Records of AP Wood, Huntingdon printers3798 - Records of AP Wood, Huntingdon printers
3801 - Huntingdon aerial photo
3802 - Ramsey Abbey Grammar School magazine
3803 - Ramsey, Abbotsley, Wistow deeds (copies)
3804 - NALGO Huntingdon branch rules
3806 - MF of Ramsey Abbey psalter
3810 - Notes on the Beville family of Hunts
3812 - Photos of Offord Cluny Crimean War memorial etc.
3815 - Huntingdon Newtown VE Day programme (copy)
3816 - Brampton apprenticeship indentures and wills
3818 - Hunts Cyclists band photo
3819 - Elevation of Huntingdon Old Grammar School
3824 - Photographs Diddington Hall, group in theatrical costume and display of silver/ jewllery.
3825 - Plan of land for sale in the Newtown area by auction
3827 - Keyston photo and postcard
3829 - Hunts area photos
3830 - Plan of US Army depot and Prisoner of War camp, Huntingdon
3831 - Alconbury Rectory manor minutes; sluice order
Expand 3833 - Huntingdon and Godmanchester Civic Society records3833 - Huntingdon and Godmanchester Civic Society records
3834 - Colne SPs
Expand 3836 - Inskip Ladds plans and drawings of churches, church furnishings and memorials3836 - Inskip Ladds plans and drawings of churches, church furnishings and memorials
3837 - National Insurance card
3838 - Half Moon Inn St Neots deeds
3839 - Godmanchester freeman's docket
3840 - Probate of John Cole of Fenton (copy)
3842 - Hunts Regiment notes
3843 - FW Beeby car and carriage notebook
3846 - Extracts from Yaxley Deanery magazines
3847 - Peterborough SPs
3848 - Photostats of county poll books
3849 - Hartford postcard
3851 - Photocopies of Francis Frith collection photographs
3852 - Fenstanton church postcard
3854 - OS plans showing Huntly estates in north Hunts
3856 - Photo of Huntingdon Mayor
3858 - Former Manchester MS and Phillips MS papers
3862 - Hunts postcards
3863 - Old Weston Post Office photo (copy)
3864 - Hunts postcards
3865 - Hilton parish: out-door relief lists 1890-92
3866 - Hunts Local History Society records
3867 - St Ives deeds
3872 - Architects view of Wansford Bridge
3875 - Hunts Cyclist Battalion orders
3876 - British Legion Alconbury branch records
3877 - Ramsey postcards
3878 - Ramsey Carnival programme (copy)
3880 - Photo of Dr Cross of Eynesbury
3881 - Letters to JM Heathcote re Conington Castle etc
3887 - Threlfall and Kelly's notes on Huntingdon County Hospital
3888 - Kimbolton SPs
Expand 3889 - Postcard collection3889 - Postcard collection
3890 - Cambs and Hunts Archaeological Society records
3892 - Liz Munns Collection: Hunts postcard album
Expand 3893 - Diddington Reservoir3893 - Diddington Reservoir
3894 - Godmanchester farm lease
3903 - Hunts Cyclist Battalion orders
3904 - Newscuttings etc re William Speakman of Houghton
3907 - Ramsey postcards
3911 - Brampton the Grange SPs
3912 - Royal maundy letter, order of service etc Peterborough
3914 - Mounted O.S. six-inch maps, Special Emergency Edition 1938 for Huntingdon, Ramsey & Bury, Peterborough & Fletton, St. Ives etc., St. Neots etc.
Expand 3916 - Veasey watercolours and photos of Hunts scenes3916 - Veasey watercolours and photos of Hunts scenes
3917 - Grant of the Manor of Glatton and Holme to Sir Robert Cotton and others.
3918 - Drawing of Huntingdon Grammar School buildings (copy)
3920 - Huntingdon commons management orders (copies)
3922 - Rev Binns's journal of Newfoundland voyage
Expand 3923 - Photos of Hunts public houses3923 - Photos of Hunts public houses
Expand 3924 - Brampton, Godmanchester and Huntingdon postcards3924 - Brampton, Godmanchester and Huntingdon postcards
3925 - Copies of 2 Offord Cluny wills in P.C.C.
3926 - OS archaeological record cards (copies)
3930 - Leighton Bromswold estate plan
Expand 39313931
3932 - Plan of close in Huntingdon (copy)
Expand 39393939
3948 - Manning family of Toseland papers; Toseland parish docs
3951 - OS plans of Brington and Molesworth areas
3952 - Leighton Bromswold overseers voucher (copy)
3953 - Letter card with Peterborough view
Expand 3954 - Colne, Somersham etc deeds3954 - Colne, Somersham etc deeds
3957 - Huntingdonshire Wayfarers Association and HLHS records
Expand 3958 - Earith deeds3958 - Earith deeds
3960 - Draft pubs conveyance
3961 - Heming's Trust deeds, Kimbolton
3963 - Huntingdon deeds to a property on the north-east side of the High Street, fronting Market Hill
3964 - Railway photos
3968 - Photos of VE Day and Coronation street parties
3969 - Instructions for canteen equipment
3972 - Transcript of Great Paxton churchwardens accounts
3973 - Godmanchester deed
Expand 3974 - Hunts District Council Planning Dept rolled plans3974 - Hunts District Council Planning Dept rolled plans
3975 - Ramsey Great Whyte deed
3977 - Stibbington Hall SPs
Expand 3978 - Manchester estate records 3978 - Manchester estate records
3980 - Print of 2nd Earl of Manchester
3982 - Photographs of Edward House Trust open day
3983 - Orton Hall and Peterborough Library SPs
3985 - Stilton postcard
3986 - St Ives deed 1910 and Hartford separation 1920
3987 - St Benedicts Court Huntingdon development plan
3990 - Tenant-right valuations and papers
3991 - Huntingdon Borough records
3992 - Huntingdon pageant script
3994 - Book of verse of Slepe Hall Ladies Academy
3997 - Godmanchester copy inclosure map (town)
Expand 39983998