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Collapse KHCP - Huntingdonshire Quarter Sessions CourtKHCP - Huntingdonshire Quarter Sessions Court
Collapse 1 - The Court in Session: bundles1 - The Court in Session: bundles
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1 - Bastardy: Robert Elger, Parson Drove, Isle of Ely, reputed father of the child of Susannah Canwell, Stanground
2 - Bastardy: Henry Bates, labourer of Stilton, reputed father of the child of Mary Lunniss
3 - Bastardy: Thomas Beeton, reputed father of the child of Sarah Melbourne, Ramsey
4 - Bastardy: Samuel Middleton, Buckden, reputed father of the child of Rebecca Robinson
5 - Bastardy: Samuel Watson, servant to the Reverend James Saunders at Sawtry All Saints, is the reputed father of the child of Sarah Maynard
6 - Bastardy: Thomas Clark, King's Ripton, reputed father of the child of Ann Garner
7 - Bastardy: William Owell, labourer, Elton, reputed father of the child of Susannah Stimpson
8 - Bastardy: Edward Arnold, Gt. Catworth, reputed father of the child of Letitia Maycock
9 - Bastardy: James Okins, St. Ives, reputed father of the child of Ann Papworth
10 - Bastardy: Thomas Orlibar, Bury, reputed father of the child of Mary Whitney
11 - Bastardy: William Lawson, reputed father of the child of Susannah Upchurch of Woodhurst
12 - Bastardy: Richard Greaves, St. Ives, reputed father of the child of Elizabeth Ellard
13 - Bastardy: John Cook, Hilton (Cook's recognisances were discharged because Susannah Marshall had a husband living, therefore Cook pleaded he was not the reputed father). - Susannah Marshall
14 - True Bill against Samuel Harley Parker, yeoman, Midloe, for assaulting Hannah Smith.
15 - True Bill against Robert Berridge, yeoman, Ramsey, for assaulting Edward Stevens.
16 - True Bill against William Marshall, late of Bluntisham, for assaulting Hannah Bright
17 - True Bill against John Pasheller, farmer, late of Molesworth, assaulting William Blott Whitney, constable of Brington in the execution of his duty (Traverse). Another documents records the conviction of Pasheller (Tanner) sentenced to 3 months' imprisonment and to give sureties, himself £200, two others £100, to keep the peace for 18 months
18 - True Bill against Charles Hart, ratcatcher, of Hemingford Abbots for refusing to find surety of the peace in connection with Thomas Collet, victualler, of Hemingford Grey
19 - Deposition of Elizabeth Bellamy, Stanground, a witness to the alleged assault on a boy Benjamin Slote by Ann Ward. Complainant Mary Brewster.
20 - True Bill against Crofts Childerley of Great Gransden, Labourer, stealing one iron spade (8d) from James Spring and Simon Safford, Churchwardens
21 - True Bill George Papworth, Hartford labourer, stealing 6 bundles of white thorn quick (12/-) from John and James Wood (Guilty)
22 - True Bill against Thomas Annis, yeoman of Pidley cum Fenton, stealing one truss of hay (2/-) from Thomas Hennesey. With deposition of William Hennesy of Pidley cum Fenton, son of Thomas Hennesy.
23a - True Bill against Clement Adams late of Chesterton, labourer, for theft of a shirt (1/3) from Thomas Sheffield. Detailed account of arrest by Henry Peach, the Constable
23b - Examination of Clement Adams of Chesterton, for theft of a shirt (1/3) from Thomas Sheffield.
23c - Information of Mary Sheffield, wife of Thomas, of Chesterton and Henry Peach, ostler to Mr John Watts of Chesterton and Wade Stretton, labourer of Chesterton
24a - Information of Martha Lant in the larceny case against Ann Hook of Kimbolton
24b - True Bill against Ann Hook of Kimbolton, for theft of one pair of stays from Martha Lant
24c - Information by John Quick, the constable in the case against Ann Hook of Kimbolton
25 - True Bill against Susanna Payne, Ramsey, labourer's wife, for theft of a piece of pickled pork (11d) from James Edwards.
26a - True Bill against Nathanial Dewcane, Alconbury, labourer for theft of one cambric handkerchief from Alice Rawlings
26b - Information of Alice Rawlings in the larceny case against Nathaniel Dewcane at Alconbury
26c - True Bill against Nathaniel Dewcane for theft of twoc alico shirts and three cotton stockings from Henry Powney at Alconbury
26d - Information of Mary Powney, wife of Henry Powney, in the case against Nathaniel Dewcane at ALconbury
27 - Larceny: True Bill against Robert Squires, Godmanchester, theft of 5 hen's eggs (2d) from John Martin.
28 - Commitment of John Nightingale and William Bull, Yaxley for leaving families chargeable to the Parish
29 - Conviction of William Simpson (Fletton) for selling earthenware without a licence (information laid by Thomas Rewman, Oxford St., St. Ann's Parish, Soho, watchmaker). £10 fine
30 - Conviction of James Cooper of Fletton - similar offence and fine. Information laid by John Biere, St. Sepulchre Parish, Middlesex, Inspector of Hawkers
31 - Conviction of Joseph Storer of St. Neots for keeping a snare to kill and destroy game. Accused by William Tallent, Yeoman. Fined £5, half to go to Tallent, half to poor of parish
32a - Information and complaint of Isaac Ward, matmaker of Great Paxton, against John Garner, Alexander Garner and William Rose, all labourers of Godmanchester, for damaging a stile and a hedge over a drain leading to the River Ouse at Little Paxton
32b - Written confession of Alexander Garner, John Garner and John Rose that they are guilty of destroying part of a gate in Little Paxton and part of a style at Great Paxton and they beg for the leniency of the court
32c - Instructions for preparation of an indictment to be drawn by the Rev. Robert Pointer against ALexander Garner, John Garner and William Rose. Submitted bill for costs to be paid by the father of two of the accused.
32d - Warrant for the arrest of Alexander Garner, John Garner and William Rose, all of Godmanchester and delivery to the House of Correction
33 - Information against Daniel Griffin, servant to Mrs. Fowler of St Neots, and John Mewhew, servant to Mr Carrington of St Neots, for disturbing a dissenting congragation led by Rev. Thomas Morell, by driving into the congregation a black dog with a tin saucepan tied to it tail
34 - Information of two Elton constables, John Bale and Thomas Giddings against Charles Chalbourne for making a disturbance in The Crown public house (kept by John Godwin) and threatening the informants with a gun. Settled
35 - Three rating appeals by Robert B. Warwick, Luke Griffin and H. Y. Smythies against Land Measurement in Farcet
36 - Magistrate's qualification - Thomas George Apreece
37 - Letter to Mr. Margetts, Huntingdon from William Morley about an un-named pauper's removal appeal
38 - Miscellaneous: Copy of burial certificate (1790) in Northik, Beds. of Elizabeth wife of John Dickenson, labourer
39 - Assault: John Poulter the younger, Ramsey, labourer, for assaulting William Nix. True Bill
40 - Assault: Thomas Smith and John Inglett, Somersham, labourers, assaulting Robert Gardner. True Bill
41 - Assault: John Strangward, St. Mary's Huntingdon, assaulting James Adams
42 - Assault: James Cunnington the younger, Sibson cum stibbington, Gentleman, for assaulting Elizabeth wife of James Cunnington the Elder. True Bill.
43 - Assault: Mary, wife of Edward Crowe, Somersham, assaulting on Jan. 10th her step-daughter Lydia Crowe (did best wound end evil-intreat and then and there to her other enormous things did) True Bill
44 - Assault: John Harvey the younger, Warboys, assaulting John Chapman. True Bill
45 - Assault: George Cunnington of Sibson cum Stibbington, labourer, for assaulting James Cunnington. No true bill
46 - Assault: Taylor White late of St. Ives, Gentleman, for assaulting John Conquest one of the special constables at St. Ives in the execution of his office. True Bill
47 - Assault: Mary wife of Edward Crowe, Somersham, labourer, for assaulting on 29th Jan. Susan, her step-daughter
48 - Assault: John Bedford the younger, John Harvey the younger, John Whittlesey, and William How, all late of Warboys, for assaulting Thomas Ashley a constable of Warboys (document cancelled)
49 - Information by Edward Stevens, thatcher, Ramsey about an alleged assault on him by Robert Berridge, farmer, (Stevens signs the document) Stevens bound as prosecution £10. Wm. Campion and Robert Berridge £10 each for the appearance of the latter.
50 - Information taken from John Ingram, Robert Hales, Jonathan Hales, Mark Goods and John Drage, about the charge laid against John Drage of stealing a scythe (3/-) belonging to Robert Hales, labourer, Leighton (Robert Hales signs; his son makes his mark). True Bill against John Drage of Leighton for stealing the scythe
51 - Information by Susan daughter of Edward Crowe, Somersham, labourer alleging cruely by her stepmother Mary (nee Cannam) (stripping her naked then forcing her to sit in a bed of nettles, keeping her for hours hanging head-downwards, etc.)
52 - Information by Martha Ibbott of Southoe that she had travelled by the 'Paul Jones' stage coach from Alconbury to Southoe. They had come across a driver of a waggon, William Molan, badly injured and had taken him to Creamer's Hut, Brampton, where the innkeeper, Mrs. Travell, refused to admit him. He died before the next public house was reached. Corroborative evidence by Nolan's employer, John Nixon. Warrant granted
53 - Information by William Judson, Hilton, Carpenter, charging Isaac Quick with housebreaking and the theft of bread and butter and 4/- True Bill against Isaac Quick, labourer (bread and butter 3d. butter 2d)
54 - Information by William Atkinson, St. Neots, Gentleman, alleging that deal wood had been stolen from Messrs. Palmer and Franklyn, owners of the Ouse Navigation timber yard at Eynesbury, by William Cook of Eaton Socon and received by Rawlings Stocker Barnes
55 - Corroborative information from Thomas Odell, Eaton Socon, blacksmith, James Brown, Eynesbury, carpenter, and William Flanders, Eaton Socon, blacksmith regarding theft of deal wood from Messrs Palmer and Franklyn, owners of the Ouse Navigation timber yard at Eynesbury, by William Cook. The wood was sold to Rawlings Stocker Barnes (see other depositions for this case)
56 - Presentment that William Cook late of Eaton Socon labourer, and James Pettifer late of St. Neots, labourer had stolen at Eynesbury four deal boards (4/-) belonging to Susanna Palmer widow and John Franklyn Esq. and that Rawlings Stocker Barnes of Eaton Socon had received them, knowing them to be stolen
57 - Information signed by Elizabeth Cunnington Snr. and Thomas Ireson of Yarwell, Northampton, mason, alleging that James Cunnington Junr. had violently assaulted Mrs. Cunnington who had been rescued by her son George Cunnington
58 - Information laid by Joseph Hall, constable of St. Ives, that he had been called to suppress a riot in the house of Samuel Cox, a licensed victualler of St. Ives and had been violently assaulted by John Tall waterman who had had struck him with his (constable's) staff.
59 - Presentments. William Bailey, Somersham, labourer, breaking into the butcher's shop of John Asplan with intent to steal. True Bill
60 - Presentment: Mary wife of John Hemmant, St. Neots, labourer, theft of one shift (6d) one silk handerchief (2d) calico nightgown(2d) from William Willis, Toseland
61 - Bastardy: affiliation oaths, warrants, recognizances, orders, certificates etc
62 - Information lodged by Robert Hanslip of Kimbolton against John Cole, baker - charging him with breaking open the pound of Stonely and rescuing a mare impounded by the informant, as damage feasant in his close
63 - Removal Order - Thomas Eltisley, his wife Elizabeth Eltisley and their son Thomas to be removed from Grafham to Elsworth, Cambs
64 - Sureties given by John Richardson to keep the peace towards his wife Sarah
65a - An extract from the Sessions minutes - Thomas a Beckett Sessions holden by adjournment on Saturday the 27th of July 1816 - concerning the payment of Militia Men's Fines which had not passed through the hands of the late Mr. Reynolds, County Treasurer
65b - Notice from the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor at Little Saint Mary in Cambridge to the St Ives Churchwardens that they intend to appeal against a recent order to remove Henry Richards and Elizabeth his wife to Little Saint Mary
66a - Presentment for assault: John Dent of Brampton, assault on Robert Dixon. True Bill. Martin Ashbolt of arboys, master of the workhouse, assault on Thomas Wallison. True Bill.
66b - Presentment for assault: Martin Ashbolt of Warboys, master of the workhouse, assault on Thomas Mallison. True Bill.
67 - Presentment for assault: Henry Parker, Ramsey, yeoman, assault on Elizabeth Ingerson. True Bill.
68 - Presentment for assault: Thomas Burton, Yaxley, assault on William Fountain.
69 - Presentment for assault: Thomas Thompson, Stanground, fisherman, on Sophia Thompson his wife.
70 - Presentment for assault: Elajah Marlow, Elton, Bricklayer, on Henry Crofts. True Bill.
71 - Presentment for assault: Adam Bedford, Somersham, dealer in fuel, assaulting Ann Carter. True Bill.
72 - Presentment for assault: John Lenton, St. Ives, butcher, on Mary Watson, True Bill.
73 - Presentment for assault: John Bree, Bluntisham, basket maker, on Martha Bullard aged 4
74 - Presentment for assault: John Bree, Somersham, apprentice, on Martha Bullard with intent to commit rape. True Bill.
75 - Presentment for assault: Henry Snarey, of Little Stukeley, labourer, an assault on W illiam Ashton. True Bill.
76 - Presentment for assault: Ann, wife of Henry Snarey, labourer, Little Stukeley on Jane, wife of Joseph Snarey, True Bill.
77 - Presentment for assault: William Atkins, St. Neots, cooper, assault on Mary Atkins.
78 - Presentment for assault: William Atkins, St. Neots, cooper, on Mary, wife of John Atkins. True Bill.
79 - Presentment for assault: Richard Vaughan, late of Bluntisham, beating and attempted rape of Ann Asplin, aged six. True Bill.
80 - Presentment for assault: George Ashley, Ellington, indecent assault on Mary Putterell. True Bill
81 - Presentment for larceny: Ruth Buck, widow of Stibbington, stealing one calico apron (8d) and one china cup (4d) from Anthony Percival. True Bill.
82 - Presentment for larceny: Henry Marks, labourer of Hemingford Grey, theft of one cloth cloak (6d) from Benjamin Goodwin. True Bill.
83 - Presentment for larceny: John Hunt, Eaton Socon, labourer, theft of two bushels of wheat (20/-) from William Foster at St. Neots. True Bill.
84 - Presentment for larceny: John Curtis, labourer, Gt. Stukeley, theft of a quantity of flour (8ds) from Joseph Woods at Little Stukeley. True Bill.
85 - Presentment for larceny: James May, labourer of St Neots, theft of nine pigeons (9d) from James Day.
86 - Presentment for larceny: James May, labourer of St Neots, theft of nine pigeons (9d) from James Day.
87 - Presentment for larceny: Elizabeth, wife of John Abbott, labourer, Buckden, theft of a quantity of barley (6d) Henry Clark. True Bill.
88 - Presentment for larceny: Thomas Smith, of Great Staughton, labourer, stealing one sack (1a) and 5 stone of flour (9s) from John Marshall. On the name indictment Elizabeth Seaman, widow, of Gt. Staughton was charged with receiving the sack and flour knowing it to be stolen. No true bill.
89 - Presentment for larceny: Elizabeth, wife of Cornelius Clark, labourer, Bucken, theft of a quantity of barley (5d) from Henry Clark. True Bill.
90 - Presentment for larceny: Richard Dilly, James Brimley and William Barley of Eynesbury, labourers, theft of three ducks (10d) from William Alexander Pepperoorn. No true bill (document cancelled)
91 - Presentment for larceny: Ann wife of William Perry, victualler, Ramsey, theft of two aprons (2d) one cap (2d) one woman's pocket (2d) from Elizabeth Belby. No true bill (document cancelled)
92 - Presentment for larceny: Thomas Kilby, Ramsey, theft of a fore quarter of mutton (10s) from James Thompson. True Bill.
93a - Presentment for larceny: Thomas Hirst, labourer of St Neots, theft of one cloth great coat, one hat, one silk handkercheif, one linen handkercheif and one oilskin belonging to Susanna Small and Fanny Small at St Neots. Also for a similar theft from William Hunt Esq.
93b - Presentment for larceny: John Lock, Waresley, labourer, stealing four sows (13) and 9 score hogs (£9) from Francis Needham sq. True Bill.
94 - Bastardy. Goodes Woodward, alleged father of the child of Martha Baker, Hilton.
95 - Bastardy. William Spendlove of Little Laxton, alleged father of the child of Lydia Seymour
96 - Bastardy. Francis Atwood of Eaton Socon, cordwainer, alleged father of the child of Sarah Dennis of Hailweston.
97 - Bastardy. Richard Greaves, alleged father of the child of Elizabeth Ellard of St. Ives.
98 - Bastardy. William Whittome of Stoney[?] in the parish of March, alleged father of the child of Susannah Canwell of Stanground (Whittome to pay £2.10s. lying-in expenses, and 2/6 weakly maintenance to Stanground overseers. Sussenah Canwell to pay 1/3 weekly unless she cares for the child herself).
99 - Removal order of Agnes Noyce, Harriet Royce and Mary Noyce from Yaxley to Littleton, Hants.
100 - Removal order for Diana Laxton, single woman, from Old Weston to Oundle, Northants
101 - Presentment that Richard and Elizabeth Wright, John Bateman, John Ladds, William Cave (all yeomen of Upton) and Thomas Pavell, publican, Upton, conspired to relieve the parish of Upton from the charge of Elizabeth Haynes, a poor single woman, and to burden therewith the parish of Alconbury by bringing about a marriage between Elizabeth and Joseph Peacock, a poor single man of Alconbury unable to maintain himself and any poor woman he should take to wife - following which marriage Alconbury had been put to great charges (£50) to maintain the woman. (The document gives details of the inducement to Joseph - 5s. and a shoulder of mutton for the wedding dinner and a pound note and two shillings of lawful money and some plums and a pound flour and two gallons of ale on the morning of the solemnisation - also £5 or £6 or a bed and other furniture to furnish a room when they set led in Alconbury. No true bill.
102 - Conviction of James Wiles, yeoman, late of the parish of Colmeworth, Bedford for selling three hares and one partridge snared in great Staughton fined £20 to be divided equally between the informer samuel Goodman, yeoman of Gt. Staughten and the St. Kouts poor. Lois Steward of Gt. Staughton deposed that - [ ] had given him six snares, instructed him in the use thereof, bidden him met them at St. Staughton, that he, Steward had sold 3 hares (3e each) and one partridge (1/6) to one Crowe at at. Neots and after spending 5s had given the rest to Willes (who freely forgave the 5a) that lies subsisted his family by the sale of game which be carried every week to Crowes.
103 - Apology from John Bedford, John Whittlesey, John Harvey and W. How for an assault (after drinking a little too much at a wedding) on Thomas Ashby, constable of Warboys. Ashby has consented to withdrawing the prosecution on their paying all expenses.
104 - Presentment. Robert Norman the younger, Vincent Page and Henry Strickson, all yeomen of Elton, with ten other ill-disposed people, riotously assembled and assaulted William Elleby. No true Bill. Document cancelled.
105 - Affidavit of Edward Greene of St Ives, attorney for Taylor White who is living near Shrewsbury, regarding the charges brought by John Conquest and Lewis Sisson. Two pleas of 'not guilty' by Taylor White.
106 - William Webb, labourer of Bluntisham with Earith, indecently exposing himself to Elizabeth Marshall, wife of James Marshall of Bluntisham with Earith. True bill.
107 - Circular from Whitehall asking for a return of lunatic asylums in the county.
108 - Letter from Hunts. Clerk to Clerks of Bedford, Bucks and Rutland requesting information on the county allowance and the pre-requisites received by the keepers of the Bridewells in those counties. Also on the nature of the prisonors' employment.
109 - Replies from Bedford and Buckinghamshire Clerks of the Peace in response to requests for information on gaoler's salaries and prisoner employment.
110 - Jury lists for 1817.
111 - Presentment for assault: Robert Brawn, labourer of Alconbury, for assaulting John Hall at Little Stukeley. True Bill.
112 - Presentment for assault: Robert Whetham Allpress of St. Ives, Gentleman, for assaulting John Peters at St. Ives. True Bill. Traverse.
113 - Presentment for assault: John Whittlesey, labourer of Warboys, assaulting Thomas Longland at Warboys.
114 - Presentment for assault: Thomas Longland, farmer of Warboys, assaulting John Whittlesey at Warboys.
115 - Presentment for assault: John Atterbury, surgeon of Eynesbury, assaulting William Palmer, clerk, at St. Neots. True Bill. Pleads guilty.
116 - Presentment for assault: John Atterbury, surgeon of Eynesbury, assaulting James Pratt at St. Neots. True Bill. Pleads guilty.
117 - Presentment for assault: John Atterbury, surgeon of Eynesbury, assaulting John Turner at St. Neots, True Bill. Pleads guilty.
118 - Presentment for assault: John Tilley of Fenstanton, for assaulting Francis Mann at Fenstanton and also at Hemingford Grey.
119 - Presentment for assault: John Whittlesey, labourer of Warboys, for assaulting David Darwood, a Warboys Constable, in the execution of his duty. True bill.
120 - Presentment for assault: William Chamberlaine, labourer of Eynesbury, assaulting John Robinson, a St. Neots constable in the execution of his office. True bill.
121 - George Osborne, John Dixie, William Bartlett, Edward Slowfield, all labourers of St Neots, charged with obstinately and contemptuously refusing aid to the constable John Robinson in arresting William Chamberlain who was breaking the peace. True bill.
122 - Joseph Flanders, ragman of Brampton, attempted rape of Eleanor Cottingham. True Bill.
123 - Joseph Flanders, ragman of Brampton, attempted rape of Mary Ann Artis. True bill.
124 - Presentment for larceny: William Feary, labourer of Earith, theft of one ploughshare (2s) from John Charter at Bluntisham. True Bill.
125 - Presentment for larceny: William Cook, Joseph Mole and Joseph Quimby, labourers of Fenstanton, theft of 2 baskets (6d) 2 cheese cloths (3d) from James Herbert. True Bill.
126 - Presentment for larceny: John Jacobs and John Favell, shoemakers of Alconbury-cum-Weston, theft of wheat in the straw (2d) from John Bradley. True Bill.
127 - Presentment for larceny: Sarah, wife of John Jolly, labourer of Ramsey, theft of 4 ducks (4s) from Edward Fountain at Ramsey. True bill.
128 - Presentment for larceny: Edwin Harwood, labourer of Godmanchester, theft of oats, barley, peas in the straw (1s) from Henry Hide.
129 - Presentment for larceny: John Nicholls, labourer of Somersham, two silk handkerchiefs (4s) from Bartholemew Cox. True Bill.
130 - Presentment for larceny: William Thompson, horsebreaker of Somersham, theft of a donkey milking pad (3s) from John Hobson.
131 - Presentment for larceny: Ann, wife of John Garter, bricklayer of Eaton Socon, theft of rags (10d) from Matthew Towgood Snr and Mathew Towgood Jnr at St Neots. True Bill
132 - Presentment for larceny: John Gery, labourer of Offord Darcy, theft of a quantity of straw (6d) from James Morton - Not guilty.
133 - Presentment for larceny: John Marrington, gardener of Somersham, theft of 16 hogs (£12) from Thomas Longland at Warboys. True bill.
134 - Presentment for larceny: Edward Butterworth, boatwright of St. Ives, theft of a silver gilt smelling box (5a) from Joseph Child. Not guilty.
135 - Presentment for larceny: William Johnson, labourer of Chatteris in the Isle of Ely, for theft of 32 pennies and 56 halfpennies from Thomas Margetts of Hemingford Grey. Also 3 pounds of copper, value 4s, from Thomas Margetts. True bill.
136 - Presentment for larceny: Richard Maclelind, labourer of Hartford, theft of one pair of shoes (2s) from Thomas Lutt/Luff? at Houghton.
137 - Conviction before Justices of Thomas Whittenhall, otherwise withnall, Hilton, farmer, for forcibly preventing Thomas Neale, William Holben and William Pratt from collecting and carrying away gravel in and through a certain several land and ground of the Rev. Charles Brown, Hilton (for which Richard Perkes, surveyor of the turnpike road from Royston, Herts to [ ] Bridge, Hunts, had received licence under the 1773 Act for the Preservation of the Highways). Fine £10.
138 - Conviction before Justices of William Long, keeper of the Turnpike Gate at Fenstanton for taking from James Nicholls, driver of the stage coach running from Cambridge to Huntington (owner George Giddings, St. Clement, Cambridge) more than he was entitled to demand (4 convictions for November 19, 20, 21, 23, 40s. fine for each offence).
139 - George Barrett of Barking, Essex, ropemaker, accused before Justices by John Leach, Constable of St. Ives of using a subtil craft to deceive and impose on his Majesty's subjects to wit on John Pope, John Smith and John Blinkhorn and also then and there playing or betting at an unlawful game with cups and balls contrary to the form of the statute... Committed to Hunts. House of Correction to await next Q.S.
140 - John Joyce and William Mansfield, Gt. Staughton, labourers convicted before J. P. 's (under 1766 act) of having cut and taken away underwood and green stubbs from a wood in Gt. Staughton belonging to Sir James Duberly. James Day yeoman of Great Staughton the complainant. Confession, 40s fine, a month's hard labour and a whipping in lieu.
141 - J. P. s conviction of John Quenby, Overton Longueville otherwise Long Orton, gardener, for having stolen from the estate of the Earl of Aboyne in Overton Longville several ash plants. Complainant Samuel Roberts, the Earl's agent. First offence, fined 28s. and 12s. costs.
142 - Bastardy affiliation certificate: George Nicholls, alleged father of the child of Ann Buridge of Hemingford Abbotts.
143 - Bastardy affiliation certificate: Thomas Kilby, alleged father fo the child of Mary Brown of Broughton
144 - Bastardy affiliation certificate: Goodes Woodward, alleged father of the child of Martha Baker of Hilton.
145 - Bastardy affiliation certificate: William Ball, alleged father of the child of Jane Stokes of Fenstanton.
146 - Bastardy affiliation certificate: John Munns Jnr of Fenstanton, alleged father of the child of Mary Kirby of Fenstanton.
147 - Bastardy affiliation certificate: John Massey, alleged father of the child of Ann James of Kings Kipton.
148 - J. P.'s judgement for plaintiff's claim of £1.19.9d. and costs in a case brought by William Barley of Eynesbury against Richard Brown yeoman. Barley alleged that he had bargained with Brown to thatch wheat cocks for 1/6 the square of one hundred feet and that the work should be measured and calculated by measuring once round the Eaves and right up. Brown argued that the measurement should be ascertained by multiplying the circumference of the Eaves into the Heighth of the cone and dividing the product by two. Jaxes Moore of St. Neots, gentleman, appeared on behalf of Brown, George Lawson of Eynesbury for Barley.
149 - Certificate by James Osborne of St. Ives, testifying to the honesty and reliability of William Fearey of Earith, now confined in Huntingdon Gaol, but employed by Osrborne for several years on his farm at Bluntiaham (Fearey was acoused of stealing a plough share)
150 - High Court Order to two J. P.s (H. Y. Smythies and H. Freeman) to have the appeal of William Whittome against a bastardy order in the case of Susanna Canwell
151 - The Grand Jury of Hunts, assembled at the Summer Assizes, 1818, condamned the revival of the practice of dealing in corn at the markets inand adjacent to the county by a measure larger than the standard Minchester bushel. The practice was injurious since by giving an additional but false value to the Bushel of Grain, at raises the price of Bread against the whole Community (the working classes being particularly affected) and by enhancing the returns of the averagee of corn in the Gazette, opens the ports in favor of the foreign Grower of Corn. It was illegal, being prohibited by divers statutes. The Foreman requested that the co-operation of the magistrates of this and adjacent counties be invited to enforce the law.
152 - A Whitehall circular requesting an account of Huntingdonshire Savings Banks registered under 1817 Act. Reply Established September 28th 1816. Invested in Government Debentures up to March 17th, 1818, £3500. Th. Lovell, Clerk.
153 - Bond for Mr. Alexander Peterkins faithfully performing the office of Collector of Taxes.
154 - Jury Lists
155 - Presentment for assault: George Fairey the younger, farmer of Warboys, assaulting David Darwood, a constable of Warboys in the execution of his duty. True Bill. Pleads guilty.
156 - Presentment for assault: John Whittlesey, labourer of Warboys, David Darwood, constable. True Bill.
157 - Presentment for assault: Simon Marrington, gardener of Somersham, assaulting Edward Geeson. True bill
158 - Presentment for assault: William Thorley, John West, William Wiles William Neale, all labourers of St. Neots, and Henry Sawyer, labourer of Eynesbury, assaulting James Barnes at Eynesbury, a constable in the execution of his office. True Bill.
159 - Presentment for assault: Thomas Rimes of Farcet, for assaulting his wife Mary.
160a - Presentment for assault: Hosea Bradford and Ralph Bradford, labourers of Ramsey, assaulting Sarah Bellamy. No true bill. Cancelled.
160b - Presentment for assault: George Williams, labourer of Fenstanton, for an assault on Thomas Gee, a constable in the execution of his duty, at Fenstanton. No true bill. Document cancelled.
161 - Presentment for larceny: James Warley, tailor of Alconbury with Weston, stealing 11 doz. pearl buttons (14s), 12 doz. metal buttons (20s), 12 yds silk ferret (3s), 8 waistcoat pieces (£3), 1 pair breeches (18s), 10 yds fustian (15s), one neck handkerchief (1/6), 6 ozs silk thread (20s), and 1 pair scissors (6d) from William Hunter. True Bill. Pleads guilty.
162 - Presentment for larceny: Ann Wells, wife of Isaac Wells of Little Paxton, theft of one piece of silver (6d) from Joseph Norman at St Neots]. No true bill.
163 - Presentment for larceny: Thomas Speechley, labourer of Yaxley, theft of one bed sheet (1s) and one pillow case (6d) from Philip Speechley.
164 - Presentment for larceny: Francis Titman, labourer of Kings Ripton, theft of 4 pints of milk (value 2d) from Caleb Porter. True Bill.
165 - Presentment for larceny: David Bellamy, yeoman of Ramsey, theft of 26 lbs. of hay (2s) from William Green. True Bill.
166 - Presentment for larceny: John Williams, labourer of Offord Cluny, theft of one smock frock (6s) and one great coat (8s) from John Lantaff. True Bill.
167 - Presentment for larceny: James Cole, labourer of Buckden, theft of one pair of shoes (10d) from Henry Gravestock. True Bill.
168 - Presentment for larceny: Thomas Hockley, labourer of St Neots, theft of 2 pecks of grains (2d) an done fowl (6d) from John Inkersole. True Bill. Pleads not guilty.
169 - Presentment for larceny: Edward Bentley the younger, labourer of Old Hurst, stealing one pound of leather from James Clifton at Warboys. True Bill. Pleads not guilty.
170 - Presentment for larceny: John Marriott of Bluntisham with Earith, theft of one deal board (2s) from Thomas Leigh. True Bill. Pleads not guilty.
171 - Presentment for larceny: George Papworth, gardener of Hartford, theft of 2 bushels of wheat (15s) from William Gale. True Bill. Pleads not guilty.
172 - Presentment for larceny: Ann wife of John Carter, labourer of Woodhurst, theft of 18 yds of black ribbon (10d) from John Ashton and Joseph Upshire at St. Ives. True Bill. Pleads not guilty.
173 - Presentment for larceny: William Hospital, labourer of Great Gidding, stealing one waggon cover containing 4 yds of woollen cloth (2s) from William Stokes at Steeple Gidding. True Bill. Pleads not guilty.
174 - Presentment for larceny: John Allen, wheelwright of Orton Waterville, theft of one pair of naves or hubbs for wheels (10s), one piece of oak scantling (2s), 2 elm boards (1s), and 2 pieces of elm plank (1s), from John Traylen. True bill.
175 - Presentment for larceny: William Watson of Hemingford Abbots, theft of a hedger's bill (10d) from Thomas Story. True Bill.
176 - Presentment for larceny: Thomas Moore, labourer of Stilton, theft of one sack (2s) and one bushel of wheat meal (10s) from William Nicholls at Yaxley. True Bill.
177a - Presentment for larceny: Sarah Allabone, spinster of Somersham, theft of one peck of apples (3d) from Daniel Watson and John Miller. No true bill. Document cancelled.
177b - Commitment order, William Cook of Eaton Socon and James Pettifer of St. Neots, labourers, charged with stealing four deals from the navigation yard at Eynesbury, the property of Mrs. Susanna Palmer and John Franclyn Esq. Rawlings Stocker Barnes charged with receiving two of the deals.
178 - Bastardy: George James, butcher of Fenstanton, alleged father of the child of Elizabeth Baxter, St. Ives.
179 - Bastardy: William Taburn of Stilton, alleged father of the child of Jane Key [Rey?] of Stilton
180 - Bastardy: William Giddins, alleged father of the child of Elizabeth Bull, widow of Fenstanton
181 - Bastardy: Benjamin Foyson (Toyson? Fyson?) of Yaxley, alleged father for the child of Elizabeth Robinett of Yaxley.
182 - Bastardy: William Bowland the younger, an ostler of Peterborough, alleged father of the child of Jane Browett of Glatton.
183 - Bastardy: Charles Douse of St. John Baptist in Peterborough, alleged father of the child of Mary Meadows of Overton Longville otherwise Long Orton.
184 - Bastardy: William Tabor, postboy of Stilton, alleged father of Jane Key [Rey?] of Stilton.
185 - Bastardy: Joseph Smith, alleged father of the child of Mary Wheeler of Brampton.
186 - Bastardy: George Bartlett, labourer of St. Neots, alleged father of the child of Sarah Swales of Eynesbury
187 - Petition from the Grand Jury appealing for mercy for John Williams condemned to be flogged but whose friendless and distressed condition calls for mercy.
188 - Presentments of the Petty Constables in the four Hundreds for 1819.
189 - Clerk of the Peace's fees allowing county bills - A query is appended concerning the advisability of a contract, for conveyance of vagrants, with a carrier who will combine the smallest sum with security for his good and humane treatment.
190 - Annual Criminal Return for Secretary of State
191 - Jury Lists
192 - Oaths of the Justices of the Peace: Denzil Onslow, John Pasheller, John Linton and Thomas Wright Vaughan
193a - In the case of Rex (prosecution of Samuel Harley Parker) against the inhabitants of Southoe, the Revd. Robert Pointer and William Wiles appealed against the indictment.
193b - Information of John Bradley and Sophia his wife of Alconbury, regarding the theft of silver spoons and sugar tongs from their home by Elizabeth Percible[Percivle?], servant. With a short statement by Adam York, constable.
194 - Information and complaint of Samuel Hadley of the parish of St. Johns, Peterborough but late of Fletton, regarding an assault by Matilda, wife of William Blunt
195 - Conviction of Daniel Gale, labourer of St Neots, for using a snare to catch game at St Neots
196 - Presentment: John Elwig the younger, labourer late of St Ives for an assault on Robert Allen, one of the Constables of the parish of Fenstanton
197 - Certificate for printing press: Hamnett Hale of St Ives
198 - Presentment: William Garside, miller of Ramsey, for an assault on Samuel Lay at Ramsey
199 - Presentment: James Carter, labourer of Godmanchester, for theft of thirteen turkeys and two geese belonging to John Pasheller at Godmanchester
200 - Presentment: Henry Harpur, William Williams and James Rogers of Molesworth, for theft of one pair of stockings from Jane Ealam at Molesworth
201 - Presentment: Edward Butterworth and Thomas Garner, both labourers of St Ives, for theft of two coats, two waistcoats and one pair of trousers from William Andrews at St Ives
202 - Presentment: Elizabeth Percible, singlewoman of ALconbury Weston, for theft of a silver teaspoon and the handle of a silver pass spoon from John Bradley at Alconbury with Weston
203 - Presentment: John Cook and William Thompson, both labourers of Somersham, for theft of one beehive containing two pounds of honey from John Ingle at Somersham
204 - Presentment: John Cook, John Staughton and William Rugg the younger, all labourers of Somersham, for theft of one beehive containing two pounds of honey from John Reeve of Somersham
205 - Presentment: Henry Harpur, William Williams and James Rogers, all late of Molesworth, for theft of three shirts from Isaac Young at Molesworth
206 - An Assesment or Rate of the Huntingdonshire Hundreds
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Expand 2 - The Court in Session: other records2 - The Court in Session: other records
Expand 3 - County Treasurer3 - County Treasurer
Expand 4 - Elections4 - Elections
Expand 5 - Buildings5 - Buildings
Expand 6 - Inclosure6 - Inclosure
Expand 7 - Drainage7 - Drainage
Expand 8 - Railway Plans (Hunts Clerk of the Peace)8 - Railway Plans (Hunts Clerk of the Peace)
Expand 9 - Committees9 - Committees
Expand 10 - Registration10 - Registration
Expand 11 - Officers11 - Officers
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Expand UNCAT - Uncatalogued records: includes some Huntingdon and Peterborough Quarter Sessions recordsUNCAT - Uncatalogued records: includes some Huntingdon and Peterborough Quarter Sessions records