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Collapse KHCP - Huntingdonshire Quarter Sessions CourtKHCP - Huntingdonshire Quarter Sessions Court
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1 - List of Convictions made at Hurstingstone Petty Sessions, August and September, 1820, for using defective weights on St. Ives stalls
2 - Presentments: Joseph Frisby of Orton Longueville assaulting Mary Frisby Thomas Johnson, Stanground, vagrant, assaulting James Smith, constable of Stanground.
2a - Presentments: Thomas Johnson, Stanground, vagrant, assaulting James Smith, constable of Stanground.
3 - Presentments: Oliver Freeman and Thomas Chambers of St. Ives assaulting Elizabeth Selby at Hartford. True Bill.
4 - Presentments: Robert Woods, Stilton, assaulting Ann Sellars. True Bill.
5 - Presentments: Thomas Godfrey, Stilton, butcher, assaulting John Drage. True Bill.
6 - Presentments: Stephen Newell, baker, Godmanchester assaulting John Deighton, the younger. No True Bill.
7 - Presentments: William James, Godmanchester, assaulting John Deighton, the younger. No true Bill.
8 - Presentments: John Topham, Warboys, Labourer assault on William Hills. No true bill. Document cancelled.
9 - Presentments: Larceny: Sarah Ashbolt, Fenstanton spinster, one pair sheets (10d) from the workhouse. Pleads guilty. True Bill.
10 - Presentments: Larcency: Thomas Wade, Stilton, labourer, 2 quarts ale (3d) from Thomas Mason. No true bill.
11 - Presentments: Larcency: Ann Paget, Bluntisham with Earith, one linen cloth (6d) from John Upsher. True Bill.
12 - Bastardy: James Carter, alleged father of the child of Hannah Barwick, Bluntisham with Earith.
13 - Bastardy: Joseph Sawford, postboy, alleged father of the illegitimate child of Ann Wyatt, widow, Sibson cum Stibbington.
14 - Bastardy: Thomas Newton, alleged father of the child of Sarah Hodson, Ramsey.
15 - Bastardy: Jonathan Baines, waterman, alleged father of the illegitimate child of Mary Storey, Stanground
16 - Bastardy: William Allen, alleged father of the illegitimate child of Ann Lock, Gt. Gransden.
17 - Bastardy: William Bowland, Jnr., ostler of St. John Baptist parish, Peterborough, the alleged father of the child of Jane Browett, Glatton.
18 - Bastardy: Thomas Reynolds, alleged father of the illegitimate child of Ann Johnson of St. Ives
19 - Removal order - Yaxley to Ellington - Fraces Housden alias Frances Langford, widow and her daughter Elizabeth, aged twenty
20 - On prosecution of Denzil Onslow Esq. Gt. Staughton, William Thodey of Gt. Staughton was convicted for snaring a hare. £20 fine commuted to £10.
21 - Record of putting Mr. William Alexander Peppercorn into possession of a garden ground at St. Neots, the tenant, William Ibbett being two years in arrears with rent and having left the ground uncultivated so that the arrear could not be countervailed by distress on the premises.
22 - Presentments of the Constable for the Hundreds.
23 - Oath of disinterestedness sworn by Samuel Wells, Gentleman on making return at election of two Knights of the Shire.
24 - John Trustum of Bassingbourn, Cambridge, convicted and fined £20 (reduced to £10) for snaring hares in the fields of Henry Peter Standley Esq. (Prayhouse fields Little Paxton). Prosecutor Rev. Robert Pointer of Southoe. Witnesses Daniel Herrick, yeoman, Little Paxton, Francis Ibbott, Southoe, carpenter, John Hart, labourer, William Huckler labourer.
25 - Conviction, Leightonstone Petty Sessions, of Robert Gale, Leighton, for game law offence. Fined £10.
26 - Presentment: Assault: John Whittlesey, Warboys, turfman, assaulting William Elmer, constable of Warboys. True bill.
27 - Presentment: Assault: Henry Wells, St. Ives, Coachman, assaulting Thomas Powell. True bill.
28 - Presentment: Assault: Charles Newham, St. Neots, labourer, assaulting John Swanhell. True bill.
29 - Presentment: Assault: Richard Eagle, Stanground, labourer, assaulting his wife Martha Eagle
30 - Presentment: Assault: Elizabeth Childs assaulting Elizabeth Green at Godmanchester.
31 - Presentment: Assault: John Bebey, assaulting David Ground at Farcet.
32 - Presentment: Assault: Francis Beard, St. Ives, turnpike gate-keeper assaulting Charlotte Butts. No true bill. Document cancelled.
33 - Presentment: Assault: For indecency - John Whittlesey, Warboys, turfman.
34 - Presentment: Larceny: James Rolls and William Stephens, Fenstanton, labourer, stealing 2 ducks (2s) from Thomas Brown Clerk. Pleads guilty. True bill.
35 - Presentment: Larceny: Mary, wife of Richard Seaton, Stilton, stealing 4 fowls (2s) from William Ward the younger at Glatton. True bill.
36 - Presentment: Larceny: Richard Seaton, Stilton, labourer, 3 cocks (3s) and 15 hens (15s) from William Ward the younger at Glatton. True bill.
37 - Presentment: Larceny: Henry Emery, St. Ives, painter and glazier, 15lbs of lead (1/8) from Robert Hunt. True bill.
38 - Presentment: Larceny: John Setchell, Somersham, gardener, 4lbs. hay (ld) from Robert Daintree. Pleads guilty. True bill.
39 - Presentment: Larceny: John Billings, St. Neots, sack carrier, stealing 1 bushel oats (1s) from William Foster. True bill.
40 - Presentment: Larceny: Edward Garner, Godmanchester, labourer, one woman's shift (1s) and 4 towels (4d each) from Richard Gaunt. True bill.
41 - Presentment: Larceny: William Apethorpe, labourer, of Offord Darcey, John Ward and John Shepperson, labourers of Gt. Paxton, stealing one silver watch (10d) from George Bimson. True bill.
42 - Presentment: Larceny: Samuel Littlechild, Alconbury, labourer, stealing one peck of oats (10d) from James Clark.
43 - Presentment: Larceny: William Ruff the younger, labourer, Somersham, stealing 8 bushels of coals, 2 gallons of white currant wine, one gallon of brandy, and one gallon of rum (12d) from William Faux. No true bill. Document cancelled
44 - Presentment: Larceny: That William Wheaton, Somersham, Yeoman, had broken open a pound and rescued a horse lawfully impounded by Edward Geeson. True bill.
45 - Presentment: Larceny: That William Wheaton, Somersham, butcher, had rescued two cures and two lambs belonging to John Leeds, Yeoman, lawfully impounded as a distress for damage done by wrongful grazing. True bill.
46 - Presentment: Larceny: That Joseph Clark sentenced to one month's hard labour for leaving his family chargeable to the parish of Gt. Staughton, had broken out of prison. True bill.
47 - Depositions: David Ground, Whittlesea, Cambs. accused John Anderson, alias Norfolk Jack and John Beeby of Whittlesea of assaulting him at Farcet.
48 - Depositions: James Smith, Stanground, Overseer of the Poor, accused James Smith of Stanground, labourer, of having left his family for 5 years chargeable to the parish.
49 - Warrants: James Edwards, Ramsey labourer, to be apprehended for coming to the parish meeting drunk, obstructing the Overseer of the Poor and assaulting the constable Charles Robinson
50 - Warrants: Joseph Clark committed to Huntingdon House of Correction for leaving his family chargeable to Gt. Staughton Parish.
51 - Warrants: Joseph Clark committed on the oath of David Bowker, Governor of Huntingdon House of Correction, for having broken out of jail.
52 - In connection with the Petition of Edward Fullard, imprisoned in Huntingdon Jail for debt, seeking the benefit of the 1820 Act for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, the hearing of the Petition was suspended until May 10th
53 - Complaint by David Bowker, Keeper of the House of Correction in Huntingdon that Joseph Clark, committed for leaving family chargeable to parish, had broken out of prison
54 - Complaint of Martha Eagle, wife of Richard Eagle, Stanground, of assault by her husband
55 - Warrants and depositions in the case of James Carter and John Leech, accused of stealing turkeys and geese belonging to John Pasheller at Godmanchester.
56 - Presentments of Petty Constables for the Hundreds and Jury Lists
57 - Affiliation orders
58 - Woodstone Corn Rent Schedule - description of every parcel of ancient enclosure, name of owner, exact measure, yearly tithes or corn rents and quantity of wheat, which is to govern each of the yearly tithe rents in future
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88 - Boxed Papers: Box no. 88
89 - Boxed Papers: Box no. 89
90 - Boxed Papers: Box no. 90
Expand 2 - The Court in Session: other records2 - The Court in Session: other records
Expand 3 - County Treasurer3 - County Treasurer
Expand 4 - Elections4 - Elections
Expand 5 - Buildings5 - Buildings
Expand 6 - Inclosure6 - Inclosure
Expand 7 - Drainage7 - Drainage
Expand 8 - Railway Plans (Hunts Clerk of the Peace)8 - Railway Plans (Hunts Clerk of the Peace)
Expand 9 - Committees9 - Committees
Expand 10 - Registration10 - Registration
Expand 11 - Officers11 - Officers
Expand 15 - Class 1515 - Class 15
Expand 16 - Class 1616 - Class 16
Expand ADDL - Additional recordsADDL - Additional records
Expand UNCAT - Uncatalogued records: includes some Huntingdon and Peterborough Quarter Sessions recordsUNCAT - Uncatalogued records: includes some Huntingdon and Peterborough Quarter Sessions records