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Collapse KHINCH - Hinchingbrooke CollectionKHINCH - Hinchingbrooke Collection
Expand 1 - Family wills, settlements, etc.1 - Family wills, settlements, etc.
Expand 2 - Property and  financial deeds2 - Property and financial deeds
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Collapse 10 - River Ouse flooding and navigation papers10 - River Ouse flooding and navigation papers
1 - Copy of Petition; The Duke of Manchester, the 4th Earl of Sandwich and 14 others to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain and to the Chief Justices of the Court of Kings Bench and Common Please.
2 - Copy of Letters Patent; Appointing a Commission of Sewers for the river Ouse, from Tempsford Bridge, co. Bedford to Danvers Sluice, co. Norfolk.
3 - Draft Indenture of Covenants; 1. Henry Dobson of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon Miller, and now the tenant and occupier of Brampton Water Corn Mills. 2. John 4th Earl of Sandwich, the owner of the above Mills. 3. The Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Huntingdon, the owners of Huntingdon Water Corn Mills.
4 - Two copies of the Award of the Majority of the Arbitrators in the case of Henry Dobson v The Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Huntingdon.
5-6 - 2 Letter; John Perkins to 4th Earl of Sandwich
7 - Letter; W. Pyewell to 4th Earl of Sandwich.
10 - Proposals; Concerning Overfalls at Brampton and Huntingdon Mills.
11 - Ouse Floods Committee; Memorandum for James Abernethy Esq., and a copy of a letter from Thomas Coote, St. Ives, to Mr. Abernethy.
12 - Petition; 32 tenants to 7th Earl of Sanwich
13 - Resolutions of a Public Meeting at the Shire Hall, Bedford.
14 - Report by a Select Committee of the House of Lords.
15 - Newspaper cuttings
16 - Newspaper cutting
17 - Letter; The Duke of Richmond and Gordon, Goodward, Chichester, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
18-19 - Statement of the Case of the Drainage Authorities have jurisdiction over the lower parts of the rivers Nene & Ouse, or cover the banks thereof, and of the owners of the lands charged with the cost of the maintenance of the works of the said Authorities, with reference to the Rivers Conservancy Bill of 1879.
20 - Observations on the River Conservancy Bill. Notes by C.P. Tebbutt of Bluntisham.
21 - Newspaper cutting; 1) Describing the introduction into the House of Lords by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon of a bill on the subject of the conservancy of rivers. 2 Newspaper cutting Noting the proposition to be put by the Earl of Redesdale before the committee on the Rivers Conservancy Bill.
22 - Letter; The Duke of Bedford, Woburn Abbey, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
23 - Circular Letter; From H.C. Geldart, Chairman of the Committee appointed at a public meeting of those whose lands and homes within the Boroughs of Huntingdon and Godmanchester are subject to floods.
24 - Letter; Edward Maule, Huntingdon, to 7th Earl of Sandwich Concerning the floods.
25 - Letter; Edward Maule, Huntingdon, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
26 - Letter; Thomas Coote, St.Ives, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
27 - Letter; Thomas Coote, St. Ives, to 7th Earl of Sandwich
28 - Letter; Ph. Edward Tillard, Godmanchester, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
29 - Letter; H.C. Geldart, Huntingdon, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
30 - Letter; Thomas Coote, St. Ives, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
31 - Letter; Thomas Coote, St. Ives, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
32 - Letter; Thomas Coote, St. Ives, to 7th Earl of Sandwich
33-34 - Letter; Hunnybun and Sons, Huntingdon, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
35 - Letter; Duke of Bedford to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
36 - Letter; J.N. Stanley, Mayor of the Borough of Wisbech, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
37 - Letter; Charles P. Rowley, Priory Hill, St. Neots, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
38 - Letter; Thomas Coote, Lisle House, Bournemouth, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
39 - Transcript of the Deputation to Rt. Hon J.G. Dodson, Mr. Arthur Peel M.P., Sir John Lambert K.C.B. and Mr. J.T. Hibbert M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Local Government Board.
40 - Newspaper cuttings
41 - Letter; Thomas Coote, Bournemouth, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
42 - Letter; B.L.?, Lullingstone Castle, Dartford, Kent, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
43 - Letter; Thomas Coote, St. Ives, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
44 - A Bill intitled "An Act to make provision for the Conservancy of Rivers, Prevention of Floods, and other matters" (Rivers Conservancy Bill).
45 - List of tenants of the 7th Earl of Sandwich in Huntingdon, Hartford, Godmanchester and Brampton, who suffered from last year's flood.
46 - A Bill to make provision for the Conservancy of Rivers. Prevention of Floods, and other matters relating thereto.
47 - Accounts of Philip Edward Tillard, Treasurer of the Godmanchester (Ouse) Floods Committee. Marked "Passed in Committee, 5th January 1884"
48 - Resolution of Huntingdonshire Quarter Sessions. 6 JP's be requested to communicate with the Commissioners of Sewers, to urge then to keep the Hundred River up to the full carrying capacity, and to remove any obstruction to the free course of the water.
49 - Statement of the Inland Transit Navigation Syndicate, Ltd.
50 - Preliminary Report of W.H. Wheeler, M.Inst. C.E., Boston.
51 - Copy of a Resolution of the County Council "That the County Council for Huntingdonshire draw the attention of the Board of Trade to the condition of the River Ouse
52 - Report of the Committees appointed by the County Councils
53 - Report of Major F.A. Marindin, R.E.
54 - Application form for shares in the Syndicate. (Not filled in).
55 - Our Waterways. A paper given by Mr. Howard Coote of St. Ives at a meeting of The Farmers' Club at the Salisbury Square Hotel, London.
56 - Circular of Particulars
57 - Letter; Ford, Rhodes & Fore, Chartered Accountants London, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
58 - Letter; F.D. Veasey, Mayor of Huntingdon, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
59 - Letter; Limbrey Higgs & Moore, Solicitors, London, to 8th Earl of Sandwich
60 - Letter; Limbrey Higgs and Moore, Solicitors, London to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
61 - Letter; Limbrey Higgs & Moore, Solicitors, London to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
62-63 - Letter; F.D. Veasey, Huntingdon, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
64 - Letter; Russell, Bedford Row, London, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
65 - Letter; Russell, Bedford Row, London, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
66 - Letter; F.D. Veasey, Huntingdon, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
67 - Prospectus for The Ouse River, Canal and Steam Navigation, Limited. (for private circulation only).
68 - Draft Prospectus for The Ouse River, Canal and Steam Navigation, Ltd. (private and confidential).
69 - Letter; Board of Trade (Railway Department), London, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
70 - Report of Major F.A. Marindin, R.E.
71 - Report, with plan, of James Abernethy, C.E. London.
72 - Sale Particulars; Property known as The River Ouse Navigation comprising all the rights of levying tolls authorised by Acts of Parliament; about 31 miles in length, from its mouth at Earith to the town of Bedford.
73 - Draft of a Bill to make further provision for the Prevention of Floods and other damage arising from rivers or watercourses. (Floods Prevention).
74 - Letter; J.G. Powers, Victoria Street, Westminster, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
75 - Letter; J.G. Powers, Victoria Street, Westminster, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
76 - Printed copy of "An Act to confirm a Provisional Order
77 - Printed copy of the Revised Classification of Merchandize Traffic and Revised Schedule of Maximum Tolls and Charges applicable thereto, proposed to be charged by the Ouse Navigation.
78 - Letter; J. Percy Maule, Deputy Clerk, Huntingdonshire County Council Offices, to 8th Earl of Sandwich [Chairman of County Council]
79 - Copy of An Act of Parliament intitled "An Act for preserving and improving the Navigation of the River Ouze in the County of Huntingdon". 6 George I [1719-1720]
80 - Notes on the Act of Parliament (1664-1860) dealing with the river Ouse.
81 - Letter; Leonard T. Simpson, Tonbridge, Kent, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
82 - Letter; F.R. Beart, Godmanchester, to 8th Earl of Sandwich.
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