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Collapse 6 - Fee Farm Rents6 - Fee Farm Rents
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113 - George Capron, Savile Place, London, to the 7th Earl of Sandwich.
114 - Copy of Sir Frederick Pollock's Opinion
115 - Copy of B. Peacock's Opinion on the Evidence for the perusal of Sir F, Pollock.
116-118 - Brief for Defendants. Marked on the outside "Judgement for Defendants."
119 - 2 Letters; John Lawrence, St. Ives, to David Veasey Esq., and the 7th Earl of Sandwich.
120 - Covent Letters concerning the business
121 - Case for the opinion of Sir John Karslake QC.
122 - Case and Opinion of Joseph Brown QC, one of which is printed)
123 - Case and Opinion of Joseph Brown Q.C.
124 - Receipt for £6.7.5d paid to Messrs. Peacock and Goddard, Grays Inn, by Edward Maule Esq.
125 - Authority to distrain for two years fee farm rents due at Michaelmas, 1874, from the Manor of Sutton Courtney.
126 - Agreement; on behalf of the Earl of Sandwich
127 - Writ commanding the appearance of the Earl of Sandwich or his representative in the Court of Queens Bench at Westminster in an Action of Replevin at the suit of Priscilla Adnam.
128 - Retainers to Mr. J.O.Griffith and Mr. G.M. Dowdeswell Q.C. on behalf of the Earl of Sandwich.
129-135 - Instructions to Counsel to settle draft Pleas and to advise whether the Proposal to state a Special Case should be assented to by Lord Sandwich or if he should carry the Action down to Trial and the Opinion of Mr J.O. Griffits.
136 - Case for the Opinion of Mr. Attorney General (draft copy)
137 - Case and Opinion of Mr. Henry Cotton Q.C.
138 - Notes from the Sutton Courtney and Sutton Wick Inclosure Award.
139-141 - Instruction to Mr. J.O. Griffith Q.C. to peruse and settle the Special Case prepared by the Plaintiff and to advise the Earl of Sandwich thereon.
142-144 - Mr. J.O. Griffiths notes as to settling the case and the replies of Messrs Maule and Burton thereto.
145 - Request of Mr. J.O. Griffith for Extract of the Letters Patent of 4 Charles I
146 - Abstract of the Patent Roll, 4 Charles I, part 34
147 - Receipt for £5.5.0d. paid to Stuart Moore & Kirk, Record Agents, Chancery Lane, by Messrs. Peacock and Goddard
148 - Special Case
149 - Special Case
150 - John Tomlinson, Staple Inn, to Mr Copeman, Agent for Col. Stubbard, and a letter from W. Pickin, Whitemoor.
151 - Printed copy of An Act for dividing, alloting, laying in severalty, and inclosing, the open and common fields, common meadows, common pastures, commonable lands, and waste grounds, within the p. of Sutton Courtney, and the hamlet of Sutton Wick in the same parish, in the co. of Berkshire. 41 Geo III
152 - Copy of Plaintiff's Counsel's Opinion
153 - Notice that Thomas Graham of 1 Mitre Court Chambers, Temple, Agent for Graham & Sons, solicitors, Abingdon, has set down the Special Case for Hearing.
154 - Copy of the Correspondence referred to in the Special Case.
155 - Draft of Affidavit of Charles Goddard, gent, of the firm of Messrs. Peacock and Goddard, Solicitors to the Earl of Sandwich, for Order for leave to issue a subpoena to produce a court roll.
156 - Court Order; The defendant to be at liberty to issue a Subpeona duces Tecum, directed to the Keeper of the Records.
157 - Supeona Duces Tecum; To William Hardy to appear in Court with the Inclosure Award Roll of Easter Term 45 George III
158-159 - Brief for the Defendant; (Also a draft copy of the same); Enclosed: Print of the Special Case.
160 - 2 sheets of rough notes on the case.
161 - Court Order; That Judgement be entered on the Special Case for the Defendant, the Earl of Sandwich.
162 - Judgement of the Court. (Also a Close copy of the Judgement)
163 - Judgement as to the Defendant's Costs
164 - Draft copy of the Defendant's Costs in the Action of Replevin, afterwards turned into Special Case by consent of the parties.
165 - Certificate of a Master of the Queen's Bench Division that the costs of the Defendant has been taxed and allowed at £85.12.0d.
166 - Receipt for £465.4. 7d paid to Edward Maule, Receiver, by Messrs Graham & Son
167 - Draft Account of Messrs. Maule and Burton's charges and costs in the proceedings concerning the Fee Farm Rents payable from the Manor of Sutton Courtney, 1874-1877.
168 - Receipt for £111.8.8d., the balance due to Messrs. Maule and Burton from the Earl of Sandwich for costs in the case Adnam v Sandwich.
169 - Copy of the Case exparte Lady Cowper and Mr. William Wyndham and the Opinion of Edward R.J. Howe on the same.
170 - A rough and a neat copy of Lord Sandwich's Case.
171 - Authority to distrain (rough and neat copies); for a year's fee farm rents due at Michaelmas, 1874
172 - Duplicate Inventory and Notice of Distress
173 - Statement of facts; Outlines events from 1872 to 1875
174 - Rough extracts from the Clophill Inclosure Award of 31st May, 1826.
175 - Copy of the Land Tax Assessment for the parish of Clophill for the year 1874/5
176 - Extract from the Letters Patent of 15 Charles II granting the Fee Farm Rents from the Manor of Clophill or Caynoe, the Manor of Caynhoe otherwise Cainoe and the Watermill in Clophill, co. Bedford, to 1st Earl of Sandwich.
177 - Rough list of the letters exchanged on this matter between 17th October and 17th December, 1874 and details of the events of 3rd February, 1875
178 - Bundle of 16 letters
179 - Copy of Land Tax Assessment for the p. of Mundon, co. Essex.
180 - Extract from the Opinion of John Welch, the Temple.
181 - Copy of Case, and Opinion of John Whitehead. Lincolns Inn, on the same.
Expand 7 - Family Papers7 - Family Papers
Expand 8 - Political Papers8 - Political Papers
Expand 9 - Military Records9 - Military Records
Expand 10 - River Ouse flooding and navigation papers10 - River Ouse flooding and navigation papers
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