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Expand 1 - Family wills, settlements, etc.1 - Family wills, settlements, etc.
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Collapse 9 - Military Records9 - Military Records
Expand A - The Lieutenancy of Co. Huntingdon. Military MattersA - The Lieutenancy of Co. Huntingdon. Military Matters
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Collapse C - Militia recordsC - Militia records
Expand A - Circular Letters from the Home Secretary to the Lord LieutenantA - Circular Letters from the Home Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant
Expand B - Letters from the Home Office to 7th Earl of SandwichB - Letters from the Home Office to 7th Earl of Sandwich
Collapse C - Circular Letters etc. from the War OfficeC - Circular Letters etc. from the War Office
91 - Duty of and Pay and Allowances to be granted to the officers and Non-Commissioned Officers of the Militia in England and Wales, when detached from Head Quarters upon the service of raising and enrolling volunteers. From W. Bereford, War Office.
92-94 - Circular No. 1126; W. Beresford, War Office, to the Colonel of the Huntingdon Regiment of Militia [7th Earl of Sandwich]
95 - Circular; W. Beresford, War Office, to 7th Earl of Sandwich, Colonel, Huntingdon Regiment of Militia.
96 - Circular No. 1129; W. Beresford, War Office, to the Colonel of the Huntingdon Regiment of Militia [7th Earl of Sandwich].
97 - Dress of Officers of Militia; From W. Beresford, War Office
98 - Dress of Officers of Militia; From W. Beresford, War Office.
99 - Circular; W. Beresford, War Office, to Colonel the 7th Earl of Sandwich, Huntingdon Militia
100 - Circular No. 1132; W. Beresford, War Office, to 7th Earl of Sandwich, Colonel of the Huntingdon Militia.
101 - Circular; B. Hawes, War Office, to the Officer; Commanding Huntingdon Regiment of Militia.
102 - Circular No. 1139; Sidney Herbert, War Secretary, War Office, to 7th Earl of Sandwich. Colonel of the Huntingdon Militia.
103 - Circular Letter; Sidney Herbert, War Office, to Colonel the 7th Earl of Sandwich, Huntingdon Militia.
104-105 - Circular Letter; Sidney Herbert, War Office, to Colonel the 7th Earl of Sandwich. Commanding Huntingdon Regiment of Militia.
106-107 - Circular Letter; Sidney Herbert, War Office, to 7th Earl of Sandwich, Colonel of the Huntingdon Regiment of Militia.
108 - Circular Letter; Sidney Herbert, War Office, to 7th Earl of Sandwich, Colonel of the Huntingdon Regiment of Militia.
109-110 - Circular Letter; Sidney Herbert, War Office, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
111 - Circular Letter; Sidney Herbert, War Office, to Colonel the 7th Earl of Sandwich, Huntingdon, Militia.
112 - Circular Letter; Gathorne Hardy, War Office, to the Lord Lieutenant of co. Huntingdon.
113 - Printed copy of the 'Memorandum showing the Principal Changes in Army Organization etc., intended to take effect from 1st July 1881.
114 - Printed copy of the 'Revised Memorandum showing the Principal Changes in Army Organization, etc., intended to take effect from 1st July 1881'.
115-116 - Circular Letter; Lord Morley, Under Secretary, War Office, to 7th Earl of Sandwich, Lord Lieutenant of co. Huntingdon.
117 - Circular Letter; Major Geo. John Elkington, War Office, to Colonel the 7th Earl of Sandwich.
Expand D - Letters from the War OfficeD - Letters from the War Office
Expand E - Circulars, letters etc. from other government bodies etcE - Circulars, letters etc. from other government bodies etc
Expand F - Local Letters; Commanding Officer, Hunts. Militia, etc., to Lord Lieutenant.F - Local Letters; Commanding Officer, Hunts. Militia, etc., to Lord Lieutenant.
Expand G - Local letters: Adjutant, Huntingdon Militia, etc., to Colonel of the Regiment.G - Local letters: Adjutant, Huntingdon Militia, etc., to Colonel of the Regiment.
Expand H - Miscellaneous papersH - Miscellaneous papers
Expand D - Corps of Gentleman-at-armsD - Corps of Gentleman-at-arms
Expand E - The ArmyE - The Army
Expand 10 - River Ouse flooding and navigation papers10 - River Ouse flooding and navigation papers
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