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Collapse KHP46 - Huntingdon All Saints with St John Parish ChurchKHP46 - Huntingdon All Saints with St John Parish Church
Expand 1 - Incumbent : The service of the Church1 - Incumbent : The service of the Church
Expand 2 - Incumbent: Records of individual clergy2 - Incumbent: Records of individual clergy
Expand 3 - Incumbent: The Benefice3 - Incumbent: The Benefice
Expand 4 - Churchwardens : The Church rate4 - Churchwardens : The Church rate
Expand 5 - Churchwardens : Financial records5 - Churchwardens : Financial records
Expand 6 - Churchwardens : Records of the church and churchyard6 - Churchwardens : Records of the church and churchyard
Expand 7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers
Expand 8 - Records of the Vestry and PCC8 - Records of the Vestry and PCC
Expand 11 - Overseers: Rates11 - Overseers: Rates
Expand 12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records
Expand 13 - Overseers: Settlement13 - Overseers: Settlement
Expand 14 - Overseers: Apprenticeship14 - Overseers: Apprenticeship
Expand 15 - Overseers: Bastardy15 - Overseers: Bastardy
Expand 18 - Overseers: General correspondence and papers18 - Overseers: General correspondence and papers
Expand 20 - Surveyor: Highway rates20 - Surveyor: Highway rates
Expand 21 - Surveyor: Financial records21 - Surveyor: Financial records
Expand 23 - Papers received for information23 - Papers received for information
Expand 24 - Records of committees and church organisations24 - Records of committees and church organisations
Expand 25 - Records of schools and charities25 - Records of schools and charities
Expand 27 - Records received on public deposit : Tithe records27 - Records received on public deposit : Tithe records
Expand 28 - Records received for safekeeping28 - Records received for safekeeping
Expand 29 - Items published by the parish29 - Items published by the parish
Collapse 30 - Items collected for reference30 - Items collected for reference
Expand 1 - Parliamentary and inclosure papers1 - Parliamentary and inclosure papers
Expand 2 - Historical publications, notes, and extracts2 - Historical publications, notes, and extracts
Expand 3 - Newspapers and magazines3 - Newspapers and magazines
Expand 4 - Local guides4 - Local guides
Expand 5 - Miscellaneous printed material5 - Miscellaneous printed material
Expand 6 - Engravings and etchings6 - Engravings and etchings
Expand 7 - Prints7 - Prints
Expand 8 - Maps and plans8 - Maps and plans
Collapse 9 - Photographs9 - Photographs
1 - Outside view of the northeast corner of the church, before the vestry was built.
2 - Two photographs of the Ouse Floods by A. Maddison, Huntingdon, one of which is endorsed taken in Godmanchester Avenue looking towards the Grandstand in Portholme. Mounted.
3 - The Church School pupils with Archdeacon Vesey and Miss Briggs. Mounted.
4 - The Church School pupils. Mounted. (Lower portion slightly faded.)
5 - The Church School pupils. Mounted.
6 - Photograph of the Reverend George James Bayley, Rector of All Saints & St John 1927-1935, in a garden
6 - The Church School pupils. By Bedwell and Brown, Bedford. Mounted.
7 - Jubilee fancy dress cycle parade, Huntingdon
8 - Huntingdon Market Place and a view of Rye
9 - Church football team with 10 boys and the curate, Mr. Skeke.
10 - The May Queen, Great Stukeley.
11 - View of All Saints from Walden's Road.
12 - Colour photograph of window portraying the Nativity.
13 - A Church pageant, by Farlow Photographs, Huntingdon.
14 - All Saints from the High Street, by Maddison & Hinde, Huntingdon.
15 - Two views looking down the nave towards the High Altar, by Lawrence, Huntingdon.
16 - The interior of St. John's Chapel. Mounted.
17 - Two photographs (one mounted) of the New Altar, by Ernest Whitney.
18 - Peterborough Citizen and Advertiser: photograph of two early parish registers, lying open
19 - Peterborough Citizen and Advertiser: photograph of damage in the floor of the church
20 - Aerial view of Ely Cathedral
21 - Photographs of Ely Cathedral, Huntingdon High Street, and All Saints, pasted on to a board
22 - Postcard showing a crib, with a Christmas poem entitled 'Kings Ripton', from H. A. Tomlin
23 - Photograph of the exterior of All Saints Church
24 - Photograph of the exterior of All Saints Church
25 - Photograph of the exterior of All Saints Church
26 - Photograph of the exterior of All Saints Church
27 - Postcard depicting All Saints Church and the Country Club [Wykham House]
28 - Postcard depicting All Saints Church in the snow
29 - Coloured postcard depicting All Saints Church and the Country Club [Wykham House]
30 - Coloured panoramic postcard of Market Hill, Huntingdon
31 - Postcard of All Saints Church, Huntingdon
32 - Photograph of All Saints Church in the snow
33 - Coloured postcard of All Saints Church, Huntingdon
34 - Photograph of the porch and south side of All Saints Church
35 - Photographic enlargement of the exterior of All Saints Church
36 - Photographic enlargement of the exterior of All Saints Church
37 - Photograph of the monument to Thomas Jetherell on the outside of the east wall of All Saints Church
38 - Postcard of the interior of All Saints Church looking towards the east end of the church
39 - Postcard of the interior of All Saints Church looking towards the east end of the church
40 - Photograph of the altar and east window of All Saints Church, by Ernest Whitney
41 - Four photographs of All Saints Church being inspected for damage
42 - Two photographs of flowers in All Saints Church. Photographs by Peterborough Citizen and Advertiser
43 - Six photographs of the interior of All Saints Church
44 - Photograph of the interior of All Saints Church decorated for Harvest Festival
45 - Photograph of the members of All Saints Church Sunday School
46 - Photograph of the George H. Brown, the organist
47 - Photograph of All Saints church choir
48 - Three photographs of the public procession during the Lambeth Conference Bishops' visit.
49 - Photograph of a presentation being made to Stan Gilbert
50 - Photograph of the children of All Saints church dressed to perform a Catechism Pageant on All Saints Day
51 - Photograph of the Vicar and choir on Market Hill during the Armistice Day service
52 - Photograph of the procession of the Assize Judge returning to court after a service in All Saints Church
53 - Seven photographs of a quilting exhibition and musicians in All Saints church
54 - Fifteen photographs of parishioners at a barbecue
55 - Photograph of the Reverend Arthur Crean, Curate of All Saints & St John 1891-1900
56 - Two photographs of the Reverend Hedley Vicars with a tame robin redbreast
57 - Photograph [with 3 copies] of the Reverend Hedley Vicars with an unidentified boys' football team
58 - Photograph of the Reverend Walter Richard Gardner, Rector of All Saints & St John 1910-1916
59 - Photograph of the Reverend Walter Richard Gardner and the Reverend John Pycock
60 - Photograph of the Reverend George James Bayley, Rector of All Saints & St John 1927-1935
62 - Photograph of the Reverend Thomas Powell Symonds
63 - Photograph of Canon Stanley Addleshaw and his wife, who was Rector of All Saints & St John 1935-1945
64 - Photograph of Canon John Marmaduke Erskine Bagley who was Rector of All Saints & St John 1946-1963
65 - Photograph of the Reverend Harry Theodore Williams baptising an unidentified baby.
66 - Photograph of the Reverend Harry Theodore Williams with a group of parishioners, including Mr. W.H. Clayton
67 - Photograph of the Reverend Harry Theodore Williams during a church service
68 - Photograph of the Reverend Harry Theodore Williams during a church service
69 - Photograph of the proclamation of the accession King Edward VII on Market Hill, Huntingdon
70 - Photograph of the windmills on the high ground on Mill Common, Huntingdon, overlooking Portholme. The mills were known as the White Mill and the Black Mill. The photograph was taken by Alfred Hendrey of Godmanchester
71 - Postcard of Huntingdon High Street, looking towards Trinity Church
72 - Three postcards of the visit of King Edward VII to Huntingdon
73 - Postcard of the united service held on Market Hill, Huntingdon to celebrate the coronation of George V.
74 - Postcard of Montagu House, Huntingdon.
75 - Postcard of Cromwell House, Huntingdon.
76 - Postcard of the Post Office, Huntingdon.
77 - Postcard of a snow covered Brampton Road, Huntingdon
78 - Coloured postcard of the Grammar School, Huntingdon (now the Cromwell Museum)
79 - Coloured postcard of the George Hotel courtyard
80 - Postcard of the George Hotel courtyard
81 - Postcard of the River Great Ouse in flood
82 - Postcard of a train crossing the trestle bridge over the River Great Ouse
83 - Coloured postcard of the East side of Hinchingbrooke House
84 - Coloured postcard of Nun's Bridge
85 - Postcard of a drawing by W.D. Storey depicting The Waits, Huntingdon, in the 17th century, and the Falcon Inn archway
86 - Christmas card with a view of St Mary's Church and the High Street
87 - View letter card with views of the High Street, All Saints church, the old Grammar School, the George Hotel courtyard and the river bridge
88 - Postcard of the front of Brampton Park House
89 - Coloured postcard of the rear of Brampton Park House
90 - Two postcards showing the remains of Brampton Park House after the fire of 1907