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Collapse KHP52 - Kimbolton St. Andrew's Parish ChurchKHP52 - Kimbolton St. Andrew's Parish Church
Collapse 1 - Incumbent: the service of the church1 - Incumbent: the service of the church
Expand 1 - Composite registers1 - Composite registers
Expand 2 - Registers of baptisms2 - Registers of baptisms
Expand 3 - Registers of marriages3 - Registers of marriages
Expand 4 - Registers of burials4 - Registers of burials
Expand 5 - Registers of banns of marriages5 - Registers of banns of marriages
Collapse 6 - Licences6 - Licences
1 - Richard Webster, bach., surgeon in the Royal Navy & Sarah Ridley, sp., of Kimbolton.
2 - Nathaniel Wright, bach, & Elizabeth Mason, sp., both of Kimbolton.
3 - Certificate of marriage by licence, John Richardson of Great Gidding & Mary Greene of Kimbolton.
4 - Joseph Fairy, bach & Mary Blott, wid, both of Kimbolton.
5 - Charles Beesly, bach, & Mary Mee, sp., both of Kimbolton.
6 - James Room, bach, & Ann Maria Eary, both of Kimbolton.
7 - William Hardwick, bach Elizabeth Pierson, both of Kimbolton.
8 - Joseph Kilpin of St. Mary's, Bedford, bach, & Elizabeth Peck of Kimbolton, sp.
9 - James Abbott, bach, gamekeeper, & Susan Beedham, sp, both of Kimbolton.
10 - Affadavit of William Hatfield of Kimbolton, bach, of his intentions to marry Elizabeth Fox, daughter of James Fox of Sudborough, Leics.
11 - Thomas Harking, clerk, of Rempston, Notts, bach, & Ann Blount of Kimbolton, sp.
12 - Joseph Willson, bach, & Martha Goodgames, sp, both of Kimbolton.
13 - John Costlin of Kimbolton, bach, & Mary Bray of Tilbrook, Beds, sp.
14 - William Perkins, bach, & Maria Eady, sp, both of Kimbolton.
15 - John Wimpress, bach, & Mary Beetles, sp both of Kimbolton.
16 - Thomas Smith of Lutterworth, Leics, bach & Elizabeth Blount of Kimbolton, sp.
17 - James North of Watford, Herts, bach & Mary Ann Beedham of Kimbolton, sp.
18 - John Gotch of Kettering, Northants, widr. & Mary Ann Fever of Kimbolton, sp.
19 - John Moreley of Thorley, Herts, bach, & Jane Pierson of Kimbolton, sp.
20 - Giles Loakes, widr., & Harriet Henson, sp, both of Stonely, Kimbolton.
21 - Henry Buik, bach., & Caroline Pierson, sp. both of Kimbolton.
22 - Thomas Berrill of Olney, Bucks, widr., & Jane Fever of Kimbolton, sp.
23 - Thomas Sutton widr. & Sarah Swepson, wid, both of Kimbolton.
24 - Thomas Brown of Stow, widr., & Elizabeth Smith of Kimbolton, sp.
25 - William Smith, widr., Phoebe Margaret Fever, sp, both of Kimbolton.
26 - Makcham Brown Tapp of Stonely, Kimbolton, bach, Mary Willson of Newtown, Kimbolton, sp.
27 - Henry Larratt Stafford of St. Benedict's, Huntingdon, bach, & Emily Pye of Kimbolton, sp.
28 - Samuel Peacock, widr., & Mary Fowler, wid. both of Kimbolton.
29 - James Haliday Wimpress, bach., & Sarah Beesley Doppenschmitt sp, both of Kimbolton.
30 - Robert Holmes of Great Catworth, widr., Martha Hook of Kimbolton. sp.
31 - Henry Field of Riseley, Beds., & Jane Beesly of Kimbolton, sp.
32 - James Parish of Little Paxton, widr., Sarah Berry of Kimbolton, sp.
33 - John Rayment, bach, & Mary Beesley; sp, both of Kimbolton.
34 - Daniel Dunham of Stonely, Kimbolton, bach, & Ann Tapp of Kimbolton, sp.
Expand 7 - Registers of services7 - Registers of services
Expand 9 - Correspondence and papers about the service of the church9 - Correspondence and papers about the service of the church
Expand 2 - Incumbent: records of the individual clergy2 - Incumbent: records of the individual clergy
Expand 3 - Incumbent: The benefice3 - Incumbent: The benefice
Expand 4 - Churchwardens: The church rate4 - Churchwardens: The church rate
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: Financial records5 - Churchwardens: Financial records
Expand 6 - Churchwardens: Records of church property6 - Churchwardens: Records of church property
Expand 7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers
Expand 8 - Records of the vestry and PCC8 - Records of the vestry and PCC
Expand 10 - Constable: General records10 - Constable: General records
Expand 11 - Overseers: Rates11 - Overseers: Rates
Expand 12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records
Expand 13 - Overseers: Settlement13 - Overseers: Settlement
Expand 14 - Overseers: Parish Apprenticeship14 - Overseers: Parish Apprenticeship
Expand 15 - Overseers: Bastardy15 - Overseers: Bastardy
Expand 18 - Overseers: General Correspondence and Papers18 - Overseers: General Correspondence and Papers
Expand 23 - Papers received for information23 - Papers received for information
Expand 25 - Records of schools and parochial charities25 - Records of schools and parochial charities
Expand 26 - Records received on public deposit: Enclosure records26 - Records received on public deposit: Enclosure records
Expand 27 - Records received on public deposit: Tithe and other records27 - Records received on public deposit: Tithe and other records
Expand 28 - Records received for safekeeping28 - Records received for safekeeping
Expand 29 - Items published by the parish29 - Items published by the parish
Expand 30 - Items collected for reference30 - Items collected for reference
Expand 31 - Stanground Burial Board31 - Stanground Burial Board