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Collapse KHP52 - Kimbolton St. Andrew's Parish ChurchKHP52 - Kimbolton St. Andrew's Parish Church
Expand 1 - Incumbent: the service of the church1 - Incumbent: the service of the church
Expand 2 - Incumbent: records of the individual clergy2 - Incumbent: records of the individual clergy
Expand 3 - Incumbent: The benefice3 - Incumbent: The benefice
Expand 4 - Churchwardens: The church rate4 - Churchwardens: The church rate
Expand 5 - Churchwardens: Financial records5 - Churchwardens: Financial records
Expand 6 - Churchwardens: Records of church property6 - Churchwardens: Records of church property
Expand 7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers7 - Churchwardens: Correspondence and papers
Expand 8 - Records of the vestry and PCC8 - Records of the vestry and PCC
Expand 10 - Constable: General records10 - Constable: General records
Expand 11 - Overseers: Rates11 - Overseers: Rates
Expand 12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records12 - Overseers: Accounts and related financial records
Expand 13 - Overseers: Settlement13 - Overseers: Settlement
Expand 14 - Overseers: Parish Apprenticeship14 - Overseers: Parish Apprenticeship
Expand 15 - Overseers: Bastardy15 - Overseers: Bastardy
Collapse 18 - Overseers: General Correspondence and Papers18 - Overseers: General Correspondence and Papers
Expand 1 - Indemnification Bonds1 - Indemnification Bonds
Expand 2 - Circulars and instructions from the Poor Law Commissioners2 - Circulars and instructions from the Poor Law Commissioners
Collapse 3 - Other Papers3 - Other Papers
1 - Release by John Gimber of Newtown, Kimbolton to the Kimbolton Overseers, of a legacy given to his wife Mary by her father, the late William Clifton of Newtown.
2 - Bundle of five inventories of deceased pauper's effects (?) with the Overseers Account for 1690 See also HP52/12.
3 - Instructions for Overseers of the Poor.
4 - Bond of the Churchwardens and Overseer of Kimbolton to pay £1.10sh. every year to John Cannon, carpenter of Stonely during his natural life on condition that he surrender the copyhold estate he is at present living in to the parish
5 - Lease for 21 years by the Churchwardens and Overseers of Kimbolton to John Negus the younger, butcher of Kimbolton.
6 - Quitclaim by Thomas Cantillow of St. John's parish, Hertford and his wife Elizabeth, to the churchwardens and overseers of Kimbolton.
7 - Vouchers and account concerning payment to the heirs of the late John Varren of a sum representing the value of two thirds of his personal estate.
8 - Two orders to the Kimbolton Overseers to pay relief to Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Kirby and her child [ren], while her husband is serving in the militia.
9 - Summonses to the Overseers by Quarter Sessions to explain refusal to pay poor relief in specified cases.
10 - Order to the Churchwardens and Overseers of Kimbolton to pay to John Wittington of Kimbolton £15; a substitute for militia service, Richard Beeby, having been provided by him.
11 - Copy of population returns for Kimbolton, including numbers of families in different kinds of employment and breakdown of age groups for males and females. (Mounted on card).
12 - Copy of population return as HP52/18/10
13 - Notice by Elizabeth Hall (?) to the Overseers of Kimbolton to quit the tenancy of a cottage at Kimbolton.
14 - Formulae 1 and 2 for the Population Enquiry.
15 - Bill for the amendment and better administration of the laws relating to the poor in England and Wales.
16 - Order from High Constable to the Churchwarden and Overseers of Kimbolton for the Compilation of a list of those qualifying for jury service.
17 - Notice of ratepayers meeting to consent to sale of a freehold cottage in the Churchyard occupied by George Plowman and a thatched cottage adjoining the Turnpike Road, occupied by widow Apethorp, together with a site of ground occupied by Samuel Wilson, by the Guardians. Consent obtained, 25 Aug 1842.
18 - Two letters from William Mattock, for George Day, concerning the whereabouts of a stock receipt.
19 - Circular from the Poor Law Board concerning the rating of tithe rent charges. With a newspaper cutting and memorandum re the same.
Expand 23 - Papers received for information23 - Papers received for information
Expand 25 - Records of schools and parochial charities25 - Records of schools and parochial charities
Expand 26 - Records received on public deposit: Enclosure records26 - Records received on public deposit: Enclosure records
Expand 27 - Records received on public deposit: Tithe and other records27 - Records received on public deposit: Tithe and other records
Expand 28 - Records received for safekeeping28 - Records received for safekeeping
Expand 29 - Items published by the parish29 - Items published by the parish
Expand 30 - Items collected for reference30 - Items collected for reference
Expand 31 - Stanground Burial Board31 - Stanground Burial Board